Everything we know about Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend. Novels, girls, lovers of Cristiano Ronaldo Ronaldo Cristiano's girlfriend at the moment

The most discussed news of the last week is Ronaldo's hidden coming out in the match against Atletico Madrid. We decided to remember those who resolutely refutes speculation that Cristiano is gay.

We present to you a photo selection of beauties with whom, one way or another, Cristiano was associated in the media. This rich collection will take your breath away! So, all Ronaldo girls, meet and admire.

Karina Ferro

Cristiano's very first love during Sporting Lisbon.

Jordana Jardel

This girl is not just anyone, but the sister of the famous ex-porto striker Mario Jardela.

Merche Romero

Another spectacular Portuguese model from the “collection” of Ronaldo’s girlfriends.

Gemma Atkinson

And this is an English model whom the footballer met while playing for Manchester United.

Tice Cunningham

And this is the girl because of whom Ronaldo broke up with Atkinson. Still would! With Cunningham, Cristiano and his two teammates from Manchester United (Nani and Anderson) threw a spicy country party with all the ensuing consequences.

Karina Bakki

The Italian actress with Brazilian roots, who starred for Playboy, also did not go unnoticed by our hero.

Nereida Gallardo

And this Spanish beauty was the first to seduce Ronaldo after moving to Real Madrid.

Irina Shayk

The Russian beauty whom Ronaldo dated for almost three years and who, apparently, broke his heart. After all, after his affair with Sheik, Ronaldo began to change girls like gloves!

Lucia Villalon

Presenter of the Real Madrid club channel and Ronaldo's first passion "after Shake".

Daniella Chavez

Chilean Playboy star, who herself admitted that she had an affair with a Real Madrid football player. Perhaps, of course, the girl decided to promote herself, but there is no smoke without fire, right?

Marisa Mendes

Daughter of Ronaldo's famous agent Jorge Mendes. It is not a fact that there was a romantic relationship between Marisa and Cristiano, but they were repeatedly seen together at various parties.

Maya Darwing

A young Danish model with whom Ronaldo spent several weeks in Madrid and even invited her to his Champions League match against Swedish Malmö.

Alessia Tedeschi

A famous Italian model who lives in Miami, where Ronaldo often likes to fly to visit. Rumor has it that he loves this business precisely because of Alessia.

Natalie Rincon

However, Tedeschi is not the only one with whom Ronaldo hung out in the States. Hot Colombian beauty Natalie was also spotted in the company of Cristiano.

Alejandra Manriquez

And this is a girl pilot working for Mexican airlines. We also talk about this story. It is noteworthy that Manriques is a big Barcelona fan.

Desiree Cordero

Ronaldo's latest love at the moment. Desiree, no less, is Miss Spain 2015!

February 26, 2017, 11:57 pm

Georgina Rodriguez, 23 years old. It has already been discussed here that she is neither a model nor an actress, but a simple saleswoman in a Prada boutique.

Or not so simple. The yellow press writes that Cristiano has planned a wedding with her for the summer of 2018. Jo and her buns:

She personally reminds me very much of Nereid - one such broken girl Ronaldo long before Sheik. First there was some kind of cloud of girls (or not only girls, dude), whom I couldn’t distinguish, then Nereid and rumors about a wedding soon, then another cloud, and then Sheik. Nereid:

There was such love with Nereid, such love...

He was 24, she was 26. They say he gave diamonds and even a Mercedes for 40 grand. He introduced me to his family and seemed to be introduced to her relatives. But someone didn't go well. It was not possible to remain friends. Here's the proof below - drunken Nene is rushing to Cristiano, and he was just passing by, and finally doesn't know who it is.

In general, Nene was offended and began giving interviews to all the journalists in a row. And we learned that a) Cristiano is a mama’s boy and his mother rules everything b) Cristiano plays video games all day long c) Cristiano loves underwear with an “elephant on the front” (???), but he can’t always lift his trunk.

But, apparently, the trunk was still working, because then Nene also said that everything was only because of sex, hot and passionate from the very first date.

Here is Nene now:

As I understand it, she got married and gave birth. My husband is also a football player.

Now let's jump past the cloud of girls after Nene, the era of Ira, the cloud of girls after Ira and get to Joe. By the way, the competition for the place of Ron’s girlfriend after Ira was nothing like that. Here's a short selection:

But he chose it:

They were first seen together at Disneyland. Although I personally find Ronaldo in a wig more funny.

It wasn't exactly romantic in Paris - they went in a big group, with friends and girlfriends of friends, gypsies and bears. Okay, no bears or gypsies. Then friends and their girlfriends posted photos on Instagram, tagging Georgina at the same time. In short, we got along and liked each other.

Well, we're counting down: two in front - Ricky Reguf, friend and assistant, and his girlfriend, blogger and all-around fashionable Claudia Dinis. The bearded dude is Miguel's friend, they used to play together in Sporting, now Miguel is actively promoting the CR7 brand. Next to Miguel is his lady love Nana. According to Instagram, it is not clear what she does, but it is clear that she has a son. Next up are Joe and Ron.

True, a month after Paris, Cristiano blurted out that he was gay without financial problems. Photos from Paris were quickly published and then Georgina begins to join the media space in this way. Moreover, she quit the Gucci boutique, and, judging by Instagram, Joe doesn’t particularly bother working at Prada.

Here Jo is leaving the restaurant where she met Ronaldo’s mother and Ronaldo’s son. Rumor has it that Joe's mom really liked it.

Here she is at the game with her son Cristiano Ronaldo:

Joe and the bearded guy are not impressed with Sergio Ramos' goal, but Ron, Ron's mom, Ron's son and Ron's other people really like it.

yes, yes, it was more fun with Ira:

Even Ricardo had more fun with Ira.

Here they are leaving the restaurant:

Here they went to Bieber’s concert:

They are still going somewhere. You can see from Ron how hot Georgina is.

Joe at Ronaldo's not very successful match. Nearby is Ricardo's assistant. They say that after the match, someone saw Jo text Cristiano: "Gray days are beautiful too. I love you." No other way than Ricardo leaked it. Son of a bitch.

We flew to Madeira to celebrate the New Year. The man in the baseball cap is Ronaldo's brother Uh-huh. You recognized the little one in the coat as Ricardo, the girl in white is his Claudia. Just in the background, the sad unshaven guy is Miguel. Well, logically, Miguel’s girlfriend is somewhere nearby.

They go to the hotel named after Cristiano. Here he drags his own suitcase. You'll soon understand why I'm paying attention to this.

Party hard. From left to right: Miguel, Nana, Claudia, Ricardo, Joe's butt, Joe, Ronaldo, Ugu, Ugu's wife, their daughter Alicia.


Here is the FIFA award.

Well, how can you avoid comparisons?

The whole family is assembled - sisters Katya (in black) and Elma, mother Dolores.

Photo from Senora Dolores.

Here they are going to celebrate or have already celebrated Joe's birthday. Ronaldo is wearing Chanel beads.

The last time they were seen together was on February 23, when Ron took the whole family to Segovia. Joe carefully carries Cristiano's bag. Well, okay, he seems to have had a wrist injury recently. Again - the breadwinner. Let him not overwork himself.

I haven't found much about Jo herself. Judging by her instagram, she loves sports, dancing, fashion, friends and beauty:)

This is with an ex.

For a long time, Joe had his Instagram closed and only had a little over a thousand subscribers. Then she opened it, but - as especially keen-eyed fans saw - she had first deleted many photos and unfollowed some.

She deleted the following photos, for example:

Joe currently has 169 thousand subscribers. Her friends actively comment on Ron's photos, asking her to say hi to Joe - IMHO, which is strange. You're Joe's friend - so tell her yourself. Cristiano himself likes his beloved and is even a little jealous.

Joe's friend films Joe, Ronaldo writes: "Be careful." But with emoticons. Well, or this is for the one who wrote “Nice Beach” at the top. Maybe Ron, like me, didn't understand where a good beach was.

Jo also promptly started a Twitter account, to which 2 thousand people subscribed within 24 hours. Now there are almost 4 thousand. The first recordings were dedicated to Ron and the FIFA Award. Well, what else?

Fans write different things about Joe. From enthusiastic mimes “what a couple” to ultimatums “come back to Shayk, she will forgive everything.” They even write to Ronaldo’s mom on Instagram - like, are you crazy, how will this waxwing be a mother to little Cristiano??

From the not so good rumors about Joe - she worked as an escort and had a bunch of plastic surgery. She reshaped her nose, plumped up her lips, enlarged her breasts and didn’t “squat” her butt.

However, Ronaldo and Joe have something else in common. She both like Shake.

But still, the main love for Cristiano is... him

ok, just kidding - he is.

Good night everybody!

At the end of 2016. They met in the VIP area of ​​a party organized by the Dolce&Gabbana brand. However, news of their relationship began to spread after the couple was photographed holding hands and hugging at Disneyland Paris. Even his disguise of a wig and cap couldn’t save Ronaldo from the paparazzi.

Before becoming an Instagram model, Rodriguez worked as a waitress and moved to Bristol, England to work as an au pair. After that, she studied dance and English in London - she, however, maintains her social networks in Spanish. Shortly before becoming the sports superstar's girlfriend, Georgina worked at a Gucci boutique in Madrid.

Now she shoots for the covers of glossy magazines and advertises products on her Instagram, which currently has 5.5 million subscribers.

In the spring of 2017, after several weeks of speculation about the girl’s pregnancy in the media, Ronaldo officially confirmed the rumors in an interview with the Spanish news portal El Mundo. When the football player was asked if he was happy about the future appearance of his fourth child, he answered joyfully, but briefly: “Yes, very much.” He previously said that he wants to have seven children in total - for luck, and it matches the number on his shirt.

Ronaldo has not yet revealed the identity of the surrogate mother of his previous three children. The eldest son, Cristiano Jr., is now eight years old, and the twins Mateo and Eva are one year old. In 2015, Ronaldo Sr. said on a British talk show that his son does not know about his real mother. He promised that he would tell the younger only the truth, but would reveal this secret to him only when it was appropriate. In April, the boy received his first football award, so far on a primary school scale - he was named the team's top scorer. Just like dad.

On November 12, 2017, Georgina gave birth to a daughter, who was named Alana Martina. Now the young mother attends all the important matches of the Real Madrid team and the Portuguese national football team. Yesterday at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium, Portugal beat Morocco 1-0 thanks to Ronaldo's goal, but the joy of football fans was drowned out by the delight of the media. Representatives of the press photographed Georgina in the uniform of the Portuguese national team with a diamond ring on her ring finger, which fans noticed back in the spring. And they decided that it was worn as a sign of engagement.

The piece of jewelry was identified as the brainchild of the house of Cartier, worth £615,000 - almost 52 million in ruble equivalent.

For the first time, the Spaniard accidentally showed the ring on her Instagram stories in April 2018. Right before the World Cup, Cristiano's mother Maria Dolores called Georgina her future daughter-in-law and also described her as a “very calm person.”

In addition to rumors of a secret engagement to one of the world's most elusive bachelors, Rodriguez also sparked speculation about her second pregnancy. Seven months after giving birth to her daughter, the young mother wore a fitted lime-colored pencil skirt to a fashion show on the Canary island of Gran Canaria just days before the Portugal-Morocco match.

After questions arose from fans, Georgina denied bold assumptions, saying that she was definitely not pregnant. “Although in the future we would be happy to have more children,” the girl concluded. The rounded tummy turned out to be the result of constant air travel and a deviation from the diet: “I looked a little bigger than usual because I was changing from one plane to another, eating pasta for four days in a row and ...

I am human. I have fluid in me, hormones, and I’m still getting into shape after giving birth.”

At different times, Ronaldo was credited with having affairs with many models and actresses: among them were,. The longest-lasting relationship turned out to be with - they lasted in a very precarious position for five whole years.

But in December 2015, information appeared on the Internet that Ronaldo was gay and was in a relationship with his best friend, kickboxer Badr Hari from Morocco. There was no evidence of the footballer's homosexuality - a wave of suspicion was provoked by the assumption of one French television channel.

Previously, the Spanish press wrote that after training, the Portuguese forward regularly flies to North Africa on his personal £14 million jet to see a friend. French TV presenter Daniel Riolo shared his thoughts on air: “Ronaldo flies to Morocco three to four times a week to hug his friend.” In 2017, Badr Harry was jailed for two years for attacking two people in Amsterdam.

Jordana is the younger sister of a Brazilian football player Mario Jardela, former Sporting Lisbon player. It is curious that it was he who introduced Cristiano to his relative. Jordana worked as a model in Lisbon and dreamed of becoming the second Victoria Beckham.

Gemma Atkinson

The relationship between the English actress and model Gemma Atkinson and, according to rumors, was not easy - they broke up, then made up, then broke up again and made up again. According to Gemma, in order not to lose interest in Cristiano, she arranged a striptease for him. When Gemma was asked in an interview what she would do if Cristiano deceived her, she replied that she would immediately throw him out.

Nereida Gallardo

One of Cristiano's most famous girls. Nereida tried to become a model for a long time, but all her attempts ended in failure. At the time of her meeting with Cristiano, Nereida was working part-time in one of the state shelters, earning a little more than the subsistence minimum. Nereid is also a biker and a regular visitor to nightclubs.

Imogen Thomas

The Welsh model and actress at one time brought discord into the family life of Ryan Giggs, and previously dated. She became famous after winning the Miss Wales 2003 competition, and three years later she took part in the Big Brother show.

Letizia Filippi

Ronaldo and Italian model Letizia Filippi, who is seven years older than the football player, met on vacation. As The Sun reported then, it was Letizia who became the reason for Cristiano’s separation from Gallardo. In 1994, Filippi took third place in the Miss Italy competition.

Raffaella Ficho

Raffaella's famous achievement was an auction on the Internet, where the model sold her virginity for a million euros. When a suitable buyer was found, the girl refused this deal. However, relatives called Rafaella pious and modest, assuring that she was truly pure and innocent and spent every evening in prayer.

Paris Hilton

This also happened - in 2009, American tabloids captured Ronaldo in company with Paris Hilton, who is considered the first socialite on the planet. Judging by the photographs, the football player and the model-designer-singer-actress quickly managed to find a common language. But, apparently, not for long.

Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk, née Shaykhlislamova, in a few years went from winning the Chelyabinsk beauty contest to the covers of various magazines and many advertising contracts. Shayk met Ronaldo in 2010 on the set of Armani, after which everything started to happen. Five years together is a record for Cristiano.

Irina and Cristiano's relationship deteriorated earlier this year when the girl did not come to Ronaldo's mother's birthday. Soon, Shayk was not present at the Ballon d'Or ceremony, which the Portuguese won. And after the breakup, the girl, unlike Ronaldo,...

Lucia Villalon

Photos of Ronaldo with this girl appeared on the Internet almost immediately after the player broke up with Irina Shayk - such coincidences rarely happen. Lucia is 26 years old. She has two higher educations – law and journalism. She is actively involved in sports and often posts her photos on social networks. Someone hastened to say that Lucia was simply interviewing Ronaldo - she is the host of the Real Madrid club TV channel. But it seems that this is not the only issue here...

Yara Khmidan

Other sources began to trumpet Ronaldo’s affair with the Ukrainian girl Yara Khmidan. Yara is a rising star of the modeling business from Odessa and currently lives in New York, America - filming for the best European and American publications. Curious, who really is the footballer’s new chosen one?

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