The harm and benefits of walkers for children: are they needed at all? What is a baby walker? Does the child need them? Why can't you use a walker?

And making the work of parents easier. Jumpers, reins, swings, playpen, chaise lounge - and this is not a complete list of gadgets. Let's talk about a popular device - baby walkers. There are still ongoing debates about the advisability of using walkers. Does a child need walkers, are they useful for development or are they harmful? Let's try to figure out why walkers are needed.

What is a walker

A baby walker is a device that allows a child who cannot walk yet to move independently around the house. They consist of a chair with fastening belts, a tabletop and a structure on wheels.

A growing child is bored of sitting in a crib or playpen all the time; he wants to explore the surrounding space. Walkers help with this task.

Place your baby in them so that their feet reach the floor. They push the baby off the floor surface and roll in the walker in the direction he needs. Thus, the child receives safe freedom of movement and broadens his horizons.

Choosing baby walkers: a matter of safety

When buying walkers for children, take the choice of model seriously; the design must be strong and reliable. Give preference to the option with a braking system, it prevents accidental falls. Locking the wheels quickly transforms the walker into a children's table. It is better if the model is equipped with 6-8 pairs of wheels.

The height of the walker must be adjusted, because the child is growing, so height adjustment is necessary. It is necessary to have safety belts to ensure the safety of the baby.

The base should be wider than the tabletop, this increases the stability of the model. Read the instructions, they indicate the maximum values ​​​​for the child's height and weight. To avoid injury, do not exceed these parameters.

An additional pleasant bonus is a panel with light and sound effects. In addition, an arc with educational bright toys is attached to the panel. By pressing buttons, the child turns on music, lighting or imitation of the voices of birds and animals. These features are for entertainment and educational purposes.

Choose a model with a removable cover. The fabric armchair can be easily unfastened and washed in a washing machine. A seat made of high-quality and durable material can withstand the weight of a child, but not rub his legs.

The benefits and harms of walkers. What do the doctors say?

The doctors never came to a consensus. Some doctors are categorically against the use of this device, while other doctors are not so categorical and allow its use, but only after the baby’s back gets stronger. Children who have health problems (high or low tone) must consult a doctor. Fix the problem first, and only then purchase a walker (if you really need one).

The popular doctor Komarovsky believes that walkers help make life easier for parents, but they should not be abused. The child must develop comprehensively: lie, sit, stand, crawl. Staying in a walker for a long time, according to this doctor, will do more harm than good. But the baby can run around the apartment in a walker for 30-40 minutes. At this time, the mother will free her hands for important matters, and the child will carefully examine the surrounding space.

Doctors agree on the age at which a baby should be placed in a walker. Until your child’s spine becomes stronger, you should refrain from purchasing this “transport.” Let the baby first learn to sit confidently and stand on his own legs in the crib, holding on to the sides.

The age for “walker races” is 8-9 months. However, keep in mind that children develop differently, so consult your pediatrician before purchasing a walker. When placing your baby in a walker, make sure that the legs reach the floor and the foot rests firmly on the surface.

Pros and cons of walkers


  1. Walkers bring joy to the child. The kid is delighted with the opportunities that have opened up to him. He can now move independently and be close to his mother, even if she is busy with household chores.
  2. The child’s horizons broaden dramatically; walkers help him actively explore the world. If previously the baby spent most of his life in a crib or playpen, now “the whole world is open to him.” He can look around each room, examine the furnishings and learn (and even touch) a lot of new things.
  3. Another advantage of walkers is that they make life easier for parents. Now you don’t need to constantly run to another room and check how the baby is feeling there. Children grow quickly, and carrying them in your arms for a long time becomes heavier and heavier. And thanks to the walker, parents will have their hands free, and mom and dad will go about their business or relax.
  4. In a walker, the child turns, looks around and makes movements that were previously inaccessible to him, which helps strengthen the muscles.


  1. If you choose a low-quality model, this will lead to childhood injuries.
  2. To fully and safely “walk” in a walker you need free space. In a cramped apartment, even with the best walkers, a child will simply not be able to turn around.
  3. Having a baby in a walker is not a reason to completely relax; safety comes first. Put things that are dangerous for the child away. Check the thresholds in the rooms; walkers will get caught on thresholds that are too high and turn over, and the child will be injured.
  4. You should not leave your baby in a walker for a long time. Two or three visits a day for 20-30 minutes is enough.

Conclusion: Taking into account all the pros and cons of baby walkers and after consulting with a doctor, parents should independently decide whether their child needs such transport. Don’t get scared in advance and over-dramatize the situation. Secure the surrounding area for the young explorer, follow the rules for using walkers and calmly master a new means of transportation.

Comment on the article "Why does a child need a walker"

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Does a child need a walker? The opinions of specialists, recommendations of doctors and reviews of parents regarding the benefits and harms of walkers for children are divided. When baby walkers can cause harm (contraindications).

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Recommend a gurney or walker. Pros and cons of baby walkers. Walkers are inexpensive and comfortable. Walkers and gurneys are a good option for children who have already learned to stand on their own, stand confidently and do...

Active walkers.. Toys. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Are they needed? The orthopedist forbade us regular ones. And these? They seem to be completely different in how they are used.

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. And if there are no contraindications, you can buy a walker for your child, although each parent decides for himself when to buy a walker for his child. The optimal age for purchasing this baby accessory is considered to be 6-9 months.

Advantages of baby walkers. One of the main advantages of walkers is the mobility of the child. Walkers for children: benefits and harm. At what age can you put a child in a walker?

Walkers, jumpers.. Cribs, high chairs and other furniture. A child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illnesses Now I set out to read information on Inete about the dangers of walkers and jumpers. Well, as always, everyone says different things. Some people really like...

Girls, please tell me if a child needs a walker. Or rather, is there a need for them? The question is not about money, but about the benefits for the child. If necessary, which ones are better to buy - the best ones - but for a small apartment...

A child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illnesses My relatives fitted us with a walker to make my life easier. Moreover, they assured us that we need a walker for a child. Jumpers, reins, swings, playpen, chaise lounge - and this is far from...

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. about jumping walkers, part 2. Pros and cons of baby walkers. The orthopedist told us that he considers walkers harmful, but if you want to send him on a “trip” around the apartment, then my advice from personal experience: you can use a walker...

Walkers specifically relax the gluteal muscles, and lead to unwanted tension in the trapezius and pectoral muscles. The website runs thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools are maintained, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Recommend a gurney or walker. Pros and cons of baby walkers. Walkers are inexpensive and comfortable. How to choose the right baby walker. Walkers and gurneys are a good option for children who have already learned to get up on their own...

Why does a child need a walker? I sat down two or three times a day for 10 minutes when I started sitting, but was not yet crawling (then Does a child need a walker? Or is this a device for parents? Printable version. Tell me, at what age can a child be put in a walker?

Why does a child need a walker? What is a walker? Baby walkers are a device with the help of which a child who does not yet know how to walk can. Locking the wheels quickly transforms the walker into a children's table.

Why does a child need a walker? I sat down two or three times a day for 10 minutes, when I started sitting, but was not crawling yet (then you won’t be able to sit down, I didn’t want to). It took him longer to get tired, but it’s very nice - you can drink tea, you don’t have to hold him in your arms.

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Does a child need a walker? Experts' opinions, doctors' recommendations and parents' reviews about the benefits and harms of walkers for children. Do children need walkers? When baby walkers can cause harm (contraindications).

walkers :). Age standards. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. It’s obvious from the child that if it’s hard for him, he won’t sit in the walker for long. At first we sat for 15 minutes, then for an hour, and more.

Walkers. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. walkers - you can’t guess, one child sleeps and eats in them, and uses them from 6 months to almost a year, but my elders and I bought a separate one, hooked it on...

Why does a child need a walker? Staying in a walker for a long time, according to this doctor, will do more harm than good. Does a child need a walker? Experts' opinions, doctors' recommendations and reviews Wean you off the pacifier - seize the moment!

And in a walker, the child moves very little. In general, my opinion is that walkers are needed for weakened, developmentally delayed children - in this case they can help the child, but there is no point in pushing healthy children there. 03/22/2000 13:23:52, Mila.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Instead of a walker, you can use a diaper or sheet under your armpits. It is very convenient for mom to walk and useful for the baby: tired...

Until the child is able to move independently in space, mother’s hands remain one of the main ways to move him. Baby walkers come to the aid of many parents at a time when the time is approaching for the baby to stand on his own legs. But are these devices so necessary for a child’s development? Are they so useful and necessary? Let's consider these points in our article.

Types of walkers

  1. The design of classic models involves the presence of a base - a frame and wheels attached to it . In the center of the structure there is a saddle designed to hold the baby. The entire structure is driven by the child’s legs. The baby pushes off from the floor, the wheels rotate in any direction as the little rider moves. Due to the fact that the wheels are capable of rotating around their axis, the walker can be given any direction of movement (forward, backward, to the sides). More expensive models can be equipped with tabletops or panels on which toys are placed that serve as educational elements - they squeak, flash in different colors, are removed and secured, etc.
  2. There are transforming models . On walkers of this type, the wheels are removable. This allows you to transform the moving structure into a stationary feeding table.
  3. And finally, jumping models . In them, the saddle is attached to the frame with springs, this allows the child to jump, pushing off the floor with both legs. The springs “throw” the baby to a small height and smoothly return to its original position. Such models are intended only to teach the baby to stand on his own legs.

Walkers: pros and cons

Many pediatricians, orthopedists and pediatric surgeons categorically do not recommend using walkers. .

American neurophysiologist Glen Doman, in his book for children with disabilities, “The Path to Health,” writes: “You cannot place a baby in a walker—this is dangerous for the child’s development.”

Some doctors are not so categorical. But, nevertheless, it is advised not to be zealous in using them. So, for example, Dr. Komarovsky generally does not recommend planting babies under 9 months. But some children at this age already know how to walk on their own, so for such children these devices remain a completely irrelevant device.

In all other cases, it is recommended to use them in very measured doses and with great caution.

And there are reasons for this...

Arguments against"

1. Walkers do not teach a child to walk. . Inside the structure, the baby is in a “sitting” position. Movement in this device in most cases is carried out by pushing off the floor with the legs, as a result of which the structure begins to move and rolls in a given direction. But physiologically, the process of walking is significantly different from the process of pushing off - different muscles are involved. With regular and prolonged use, the natural processes of physiological development of the child’s musculoskeletal system slow down.

2. Speaking about the development of the musculoskeletal system, it should be noted that the result of constant and prolonged use of walkers can be curvature of the spine, disorders in the development of the lower extremities.

3. Unfortunately, walkers can often pose a danger on their own. . This is especially true for inexpensive, “budget” models - many of them turn over when colliding with obstacles, or tip over when they hit thresholds. And walkers with wide frames can get stuck in narrow passages, which are quite sufficient in average apartments. In addition, not all models are equipped with anti-slip wheels or braking systems. Such models are dangerous because they are capable of developing quite high speeds on slippery surfaces such as parquet, ceramic tiles or laminate. And this is fraught with additional collisions with various obstacles and possible injuries, because at that age children do not yet know how.

4. Constantly moving around the house in this device, the baby does not learn to maintain balance. , does not receive the skills to fall correctly, and is deprived of the opportunity to receive lessons in caution.

5. Among other things, the use of walkers also has a number of medical contraindications. What falls into this category?

  • The presence of disturbances in the development of the baby’s musculoskeletal system.
  • Low or, on the contrary, high muscle tone.
  • Various skin lesions that appear in a child in places of contact with the saddle.
  • If the baby has not yet learned to sit independently for a long time.
  • The child has rickets.
  • Other contraindications noted by the treating pediatrician.

Olga Demina, Irisha’s mother: “We inherited the walkers from our cousins. At first we liked everything. My daughter began to move around the apartment without difficulty, and my hands really rested. But then a traumatic incident occurred, and we abandoned this device forever. Irishka accelerated in her walker on the laminate floor and crashed into the chest of drawers. When bottles, tubes and other things fell on top of her, she was very scared, and it took a long time to calm the child down. After that, we decided to put the walkers on the balcony and never take them out again.”

Arguments for"

  1. Child mobility is one of the main arguments in support of walkers . Moving around the room in this device, the baby takes a more active part in the life of the family, receives more positive emotions, and learns more dynamically about the world around him.
  2. Another powerful argument in defense of these products is that the mother, having transferred the child to the mobile device, gets more free time to do household chores, without losing sight of the child and constantly watching him.
  3. Walkers provide additional safety for the child . The frame, in addition to its main function, also acts as a kind of bumper, preventing the child from hitting corners and protrusions, preventing him from reaching dangerous objects, and preventing him from entering narrow places where, without a walker, the baby could get stuck.
  4. If the child really wants to walk independently , but he can’t keep his balance and he’s very worried about this, so a walker will come to the rescue.

In the book “Your Baby,” American pediatrician William and his wife Martha Serz write the following: “Walkers, like many similar devices, if used in moderation and only under parental supervision, can be useful for a baby who has not yet learned to walk, but sometimes even standing, but wants to move around the room. This is a good solution for a capricious baby whose mood is something like this: “I don’t want to be held in my arms, but I want to stand next to my mother.” A few minutes in a walker, or a few steps that the baby has walked in them, will not bring trouble, but spending a lot of time in this first “machine” is not only unsafe for children, but also harmful.”

This is probably where all the positive aspects of actively using walkers end.

  1. One of the most important recommendations is that the baby's stay in the walker should not exceed one hour a day in total . That is, it is allowed to plant several times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  2. It is not allowed to use a walker until the child learns to sit down independently and sit for a long period of time.. An option that is close to the ideal is when the baby begins to stand on his own legs, holding onto a support.
  3. When the baby is in this device, his legs should touch the floor with his entire foot , and not just with your fingers.
  4. When placing your little one in a walker, you must not let him out of sight even for a few minutes. . The baby must be in the adult's field of vision at all times while in the walker.

Summarizing all of the above, we can only say unequivocally that the child does not need a walker. After all, a healthy baby will learn to walk without them. Moreover, without a walker he will do this much faster than with them.

But if it just so happens that the parents’ desire to give their child absolutely everything, including walkers, is stronger than common sense, then if certain recommendations are followed, their use will not cause any harm to the baby, and will even give certain positive emotions. Which, of course, cannot but please loving parents.

Doctor Komarovsky about the benefits and harms of walkers on video

Baby walkers are the subject of many questions and debates. Some argue that walkers are undoubtedly necessary, others consider them to be useless and even harmful. We will look into this issue together.

Walkers are a special device for children who cannot walk yet. With the help of a walker, the child can move independently. The device is a frame with a seat for the baby, mounted on wheels.

Many people believe that walkers are a relatively new invention that greatly simplifies the lives of modern parents. It is worth saying that walkers were invented a long time ago, but at some period of time parents had to abandon this invention.

Back in Soviet times in the 70s, walkers were discontinued. The reason for this was the opinion of doctors that walkers interfere with the normal development of a child’s foot and reduce muscle tone. In Canada, they not only discontinued the production of walkers, but even banned imports, considering this device dangerous to the health of children.

Now walkers are again on sale, and only parents can decide whether their child needs them or not. It is difficult to say definitively whether walkers are harmful. Opinions were divided into two camps.

Baby walkers

Pros of walkers:

  1. Walkers transfer the child from a horizontal position to a vertical one. New opportunities for learning about the world open up for the baby.
  2. They are not only a device for movement, but also a toy. On the frame of the walker there are rattles, beepers, and music. This allows the child to develop finger motor skills.
  3. They teach the child to move independently and teach him to walk.
  4. They release my mother for a while. This is important, since it is difficult for a woman to carry a child in her arms all day and devote all her time to him. Walkers can keep the baby occupied for a while, while the mother gets on with her business.

Some people refute the benefits of walkers, their facts seem very convincing.

Harm from walkers:

  1. They squeeze the baby's perineum.
    2. The child cannot learn to coordinate his actions, since the walker protects him from freedom of movement.
    3. The child has only his hands free; he cannot sit, lie down, or crawl. This has a bad effect on his psyche.
    4. The process of independent walking slows down. The baby gets used to being supported by a frame, and therefore it is difficult for him to learn to walk independently.
    5. One of the main reasons is improper formation of the arch of the foot.

Important: If a child has neurological problems or problems with the formation of the foot, consultation with supervising doctors is necessary. There are children for whom it is undesirable and even contraindicated to walk in walkers.

Walkers: harm or benefit

If you decide to purchase a walker for your baby, take care of the following:

  • Walkers must be of good quality and safe for the baby.
  • You cannot leave the child for a long time, 30-40 minutes a day in several approaches.
  • You should not put a child in a walker if there is diaper rash or irritation on the skin in the places in contact with the seat.

How to choose a walker for a child on Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

Push walkers

This model is compact. The walkers can be folded and take up very little space.

Walkers folded

The next walker model will protect mom's back from pain. Constantly walking hand-in-hand with a child puts strain on an adult's back. It is much more convenient to hold the child in a walker while maintaining a straight back position. Convenient to take similar ones walkers for a walk, the child will explore the world, and the mother will help him.

Jumping Walkers

For those who want a no-frills walker, there is classic model without rattles on the frame.

Simple walker model

How to find and order good baby walkers in the Aliexpress online store | Aliexpress?

You can type the word “walker” in the search bar. Another way: go to the “Everything for Children” tab, then “Children’s Products”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 1
How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 2

Here you can sort products according to the criteria you need. Filtered search makes selection easier.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 3

Once you have decided on the model, start purchasing. Select the color of the product, click "Buy Now".

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 4

The next step is to clarify the address.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 5

Check the details of your order - color, quantity, cost. If everything is correct, click “Place an order”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 6

Choose any convenient payment method and pay for your order.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 7

Video: How to choose a walker?

At what age can walkers be used?

  • Every month the baby masters more and more skills and strives to study the objects around him. The child’s desire to explore the world gives an impetus to parents to quickly put him in a walker, thereby opening up new opportunities.
  • There are cases when babies are placed in walkers at 4-5 months of age. This is, of course, wrong. Parents should not forget that development must be timely, only then will it be beneficial.

Important: The optimal age for using a walker is 7-8 months, when the child learns to sit and stand on his own. Premature use of walkers can lead to improper development of the musculoskeletal system.

What time can boys be put in walkers?

Parents of boys are worried whether walkers will affect the development of the reproductive system. Pediatricians recommend avoiding boys staying in walkers for long periods of time, but this rule also applies to girls.

Boys can be placed in walkers from 7-8 months; the child should be there for no more than 40 minutes a day.

What time can you put boys in walkers?

At what age can girls be put in walkers?

According to statistics, girls are more susceptible to hip dysplasia than boys. Before placing your baby in a walker, you should consult with your pediatrician and surgeon.

As for age, girls, like boys, are not recommended to be placed in walkers before 7-8 months.

What time can girls be put in walkers?

How to teach a child to walk in a walker?

Most children calmly accept the introduction to walkers. But some are still afraid of these new sensations. The task of parents is to help the child get used to the new device and teach how to use it.

  • First, you can bring the child in your arms to the walker, show the toys, let the baby touch them with his hands and carefully examine everything.
  • After this, you can sit the child down, but do not leave him alone.
  • Hold the walker with your hand and pull it slightly. The baby will understand that he needs to move his legs.
  • You can teach your child to walk in a walker by setting a goal for him. For example, take a few steps away and show him his favorite toy. The child will begin to automatically take steps towards his goal.
  • That's right, when the child's foot rests completely on the floor, the baby should not only touch the surface with his fingers. To do this, you should adjust the walker according to the child’s height.
  • Wear shoes on your feet, even if you are indoors. The right shoes will shape the correct position of the child's feet.

Important: The first steps in a walker are usually spontaneous; a little time will pass and the child will understand that he is securely held in the seat. Then his steps will become more confident.


Komarovsky walkers: pros and cons

Popular children's doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky expresses his opinion unequivocally - walkers at an early age are harmful.

To summarize, walkers free parents, but still, a child’s long stay in them is extremely undesirable. If you decide to use a walker, adjust it according to the child’s height, consult an orthopedist if necessary, and monitor the time the baby spends in the walker.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on walkers

Very often, at an appointment with a pediatric orthopedist, parents ask us the question: “Can I use a walker?” And although in medicine in general, and in orthopedics in particular, there are many topics for debate between doctors, but as for the use of walkers, jumpers, etc. devices, orthopedists around the world have long come to a clear answer - walkers do much more harm than good.

Learning and starting to walk is a very important stage for any child, and parents understand this very well - after all, one of the most significant milestones in a child’s development, along with the first word, the first smile, the first “hoot”, are also the first steps, which they rejoice at. which they remember and try to capture in photos and videos. However, in order for a child to begin to walk steadily, a huge transformation must occur in his body from a lying person to an upright person. And this transformation involves a whole range of organs and systems - from the brain and vestibular apparatus, to bones and muscles. Moreover, this entire process should take place naturally, one might say “naturally” and gradually - it is then that all the organs and systems of the little man will be able to properly prepare, develop and “mature” for the transition to the walking stage.

So why can't you use a walker at this stage? After all, it would seem that by placing the baby in this device we help him get on his feet. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite.

Baby walkers cannot be used because:

  • The natural development of the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for the sense of balance and position in space, is significantly inhibited. The child is secured in the walker and will not fall, which is harmful. For the natural and harmonious development of the baby, the formation of a sense of balance is very important. To do this, the baby first learns to sit, then crawl, then stand with support, and finally takes its first independent steps. Using a walker deprives the body of the opportunity to learn on its own, as if skipping important stages.
  • The child does not learn the instinct of self-preservation, because... the walker prevents him from falling and creates a false sense of security. At the same time, a baby falling is a natural process of learning to walk, a kind of “tuning” of the vestibular apparatus, and parents should not worry about watching their baby get up and fall “on his butt.” The musculoskeletal system of children is very “soft” and “flexible”; nature has already provided mechanisms for protecting against injury. Therefore, children in the process of learning to walk can and should fall - this is a natural process, very important for the formation of the vestibular apparatus and the development of a sense of self-preservation.
  • The high risk of injury is a continuation of the previous point. The child is secured in the walker; the presence of wheels allows him to develop greater speed and crash into obstacles without consequences. This is also very bad. Firstly, a child in a walker is completely devoid of a sense of fear - he simply does not have such experience, while babies who develop without devices know what walls, a door frame, and corners are. They have already “cut their teeth” and have experience, which in the future can significantly reduce the risk of injury in natural life. For example, we have repeatedly observed at receptions how children at full speed crashed into a table, into a door frame - in the vast majority of cases, these kids were in walkers for a long time. And, secondly, walkers still do not provide sufficient stability, and the presence of wheels and a child’s lack of fear of injury can lead to dire consequences. Accelerating to a speed of 8-9 km/h (if there is room to accelerate), children can receive more serious injuries than in a natural fall.
  • Stimulation to go earlier than necessary. Let's explain. In order to avoid serious back problems at the age of 20-40, it is necessary to correctly and progressively go through all stages of development of the musculoskeletal system in infancy. In fact, the later the child starts walking, the better (of course, we are talking about the norm here, and we do not mean the presence of any pathologies), since the child later begins to receive vertical loads on the spine, which at this age is not yet has fully formed natural shock-absorbing curves. Thus, first the child learns to sit - the muscles and ligaments are strengthened, then to crawl - the muscles and ligaments are strengthened, then slowly walk with support - again the muscles and ligaments are strengthened. Those. By the time the musculoskeletal system is READY to accept vertical loads, the child begins to walk, which in the future minimizes the occurrence of any radiculitis and other back problems. The use of jumpers, walkers and other similar devices encourages the child to start walking earlier, “jumping” over the necessary period of natural strengthening of muscles and ligaments. And, as a result, parents are happy that their baby began to walk earlier than his peers, but the child has potential back problems in the future that have been inherent since childhood.

We have tried to explain in sufficient detail why baby walkers do much more harm than good. In principle, they have only one benefit - the child “frees the hands” of the mother, and they cope with this role very well. Of course, we cannot talk about a complete and unconditional ban on walkers. If the baby stays in them for no more than 15 minutes, no more than two or three times a day, for example, when the mother wants to drink tea or go to the toilet, then they will not cause harm. If you abuse it, there will be problems.

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