Kolobok follows the trail of Uspenskiy to look. Uspensky Edward - the bun follows the trail

In the depths of the central park, where the asphalt ends and the construction of the multi-story garage of Gorgartranskhoz begins, there is a one-story mysterious house with a sign “NPDD”. This is an Urgent Point of Good Deeds, and the main thing in it is Kolobok. His faithful friend and comrade, Bulochkin, helps him in everything. They are engaged in solving minor crimes and violations. (They accept orders from the public). What is too complicated for the vigilantes, and too simple for the police, is just right for Kolobok. As a child, he lived in the village with his grandmother. She was a housewife. And grandfather was guarding the haystacks in the field with a huge hunting husky. And to live - he would live well, but he cannot sit at home. And so he left his grandmother for the city and began working in the police. For twenty-five years he kept order, prevented anyone from committing a crime. He brought out those who did not allow the population to live. Now he works in the children's park. Even though he is many years old, But still Now he is passionate about raising children, Teenagers and youth. And the little one loves and appreciates Him, And all the uncles and aunts know: - Are you in trouble? - Call me. Kolobok is always at work. Kolobok was an owl, and Bulochkin was a finch. But Kolobok was the boss, and so they worked more in the evenings. Just don’t think that they didn’t work during the day. They worked during the day, in the evening, and in the morning... They just loved working in the evening most of all. Tonight was languid and warm. The phone rarely rang - once an hour. So it rang again with a sluggish, uninitiative call. Bu-lochkin immediately grabbed the receiver. - Hello! “Kolobok is at the machine!” he said cheerfully, trying to breathe life into the sluggish flow of events. But nothing came of it. The receiver said in a sluggish female voice: “Is this NPDD?” -Yes sir! - NPDD, NPDD, in our attic a cat meows Sha-insky’s music, and my granddaughter and I are learning Beethoven. Help! - Order is accepted! - said Bulochkin. “We’ll catch the cat and retrain him to Beethoven.” Please provide your address. He wrote down the address in the order book and asked Kolobok: “Chief, can we go?” - Wait, Bulochkin, it’s not evening yet! - said Kolobok, although it was already evening. - I think that today there will be more interesting things to do. And sure enough: the phone rang more proactively. “Kolobok, Kolobok,” said a male voice, “our dog is missing.” Kolobok moved the typewriter towards him: “Let’s take a verbal portrait.” - Whose? - Dogs, of course. - Shepherd dog, the voice began. - Tall, medium shaggy. The coloration is brunette-brown-haired. Increased toothiness. Has six medals. She guarded the building along with the watchman. Nickname Rex. The watchman also disappeared. Kolobok quickly typed all this out. - Let's give a verbal portrait. “Whose?” asked the voice. - Watchman. - Tall, with a hint of baldness. Name is Uncle Kolya. The character is Ryazan, flexible. Has a ten year old son. The son also disappeared. Give a verbal portrait? “That’s enough,” Kolobok said to the voice. “Everything is clear to me.” And who do you relate to him? - Who? - son or watchman? - To Rex! - I am the director of the institution. Give a verbal portrait? - No, thanks. I got it. Comrade director, take your wife and children and come to our park. Today there is an exhibition of service and guard dogs, you will find both your guard and your Rex. The man on the phone was terribly happy and repeated for a long time: “Thank you, Comrade Kolobok.” Thank you, Comrade Kolobok. “Please, comrade warehouse director,” Kolobok said and hung up. But the phone immediately rang again: - How did you guess that I was the director of the warehouse? And not the director of a museum or theater? - Very simple. Our theaters and museums are not guarded by dogs with excessive toothiness. Hello to your Uncle Kolya. Bulochkin, as always, was shocked by Kolobok’s iron logic. He took the order book and wrote down how this mysterious disappearance was solved, how the guard dog was found literally in the presence of the customer. And even more than that - literally without the presence of the customer. But Kolobok was dissatisfied: - These are all seeds! Nothing interesting. But my heart senses that somewhere a serious crime is brewing. And it matured. It was ripe and filling. At this time, at the other end of the city... At this time, at the other end of the park, an ice cream man was walking along the alley. There are many of them. An ordinary cart worker. But he walked without a cart and shouted loudly: “Guard!” Crime of the century! Passers-by looked at him with curiosity. And he shouted further: “A hundred packs of ice cream have been stolen!” Robbery of a pensioner. The police are powerless. - Why? - asked passers-by. - They don't really like ice cream. If the dumplings had disappeared... And he proudly walked further in the direction of the NPDD, informing everyone about what had happened. The man spoke to people as if using newspaper headlines: “There is an organization in the city!” - Today - ice cream, tomorrow - "Toy House". - The Planet asks: “Who will answer?” The screams and screams were getting closer and closer to the NPDD, where Kolobok was nervously walking around in anticipation of a big deal. He was wearing a sleeveless vest, soft custom-made felt boots, and a warm cap, because autumn was approaching. And then an ice cream man appeared on the threshold. - I speak on behalf of the workers of planet Earth! There will be no more ice cream! - And what? - asked Kolobok. - Have you closed your cold storage plant? - There is a gang operating in the city! The police are powerless. - We will arm the population! - Bulochkin answered calmly and with dignity, showing the ice cream man that there is... there is a way out, that all is not lost. - Surname? - Kolobok asked sternly. - I am a worker of planet Earth. “Last name,” Kolobok repeated. - Korzhikov. “Tell everything in order, Comrade Korzhikov,” ordered Kolobok. “And pay attention to suspicious details,” Bulochkin added. “Okay,” said the ice cream man. - Here is how it was. Sun was shining. I went and sold ice cream. Shoppers were walking around, a whole street of shoppers. I sang a song: Masha, Dasha and Olezhka are invited to the cart. Why was the world created? In order to eat ice cream. Hurry up to the car and take two packs. A glass for you and a glass for you, So the plan has been fulfilled! The Stakhanovite himself, Stakhanov, once took five glasses, treated his friends, and they went to the museum. Know, adults and children, There is a kilometer of pasta and ten tons of ice cream in a space rocket. Talk to strong men, After all, they do not strengthen the strength of their arms with rolls, but with ice cream, my friend. Hurry up to the car and take three packs. A glass for you and a glass for you, So we fulfilled the plan. This, my friend, is not so stupid - eat popsicle instead of soup. Once and twice - and the whole dinner, And there are no dirty dishes. Ice cream, ice cream costs very little, Ice cream, ice cream will open doors for you. - What about suspicious details? - Bulochkin recalled. “Okay,” the ice cream man understood. - The sun was shining suspiciously. A suspicious wind was blowing. Suspicious characters were walking around. A whole street of types. - Were there any foreign aliens? “We were,” the ice cream man immediately agreed. - There were suspicious aliens disguised as our unsuspicious passers-by. - So what is next? - asked Kolobok. - Suddenly a suspicious kitten meowed. I followed him suspiciously. And someone stole my suspicious cart. Kolobok listened to all this and said: “Once again, please tell me everything.” Just more details, please. “Okay,” agreed the ice cream maker Korzhikov. - Such a detailed sun was shining. Such a detailed wind was blowing. Such detailed passers-by walked around in detail. Then such a detailed kitten meowed. I followed him in detail. And someone stole my detail cart. - Not much! - said Kolobok. - Exactly! - the ice cream man agreed. - The sun was shining so sparsely. The wind was blowing lightly and suspiciously. Such sparse passers-by were walking around sparsely. Then such a thin kitten meowed. I followed him loosely, and someone stole my thin cart. - Well? - Kolobok asked Bulochkin. - It's foggy, boss! - he said. The ice cream maker immediately agreed: “The sun was shining so foggy.” There was such a foggy wind blowing. Passers-by were walking around in the fog. Then such a foggy kitten meowed. I followed him blearily. And someone in the fog stole my cart. What will happen now? “Everything will be all right,” said Kolobok. We entrust the case to the best specialist. Bulochkin, go out! - Eat! - answered Bulochkin. - Let's synchronize watches. - We'll check. Everyone started checking their watches. Kolobok's and Bulochkin's watches beat second by second, but the ice cream man's watch remained lying in the cart, in the money drawer. -Where should I give the kitten? - asked the ice cream man. - Which kitten? - asked Kolobok. “Which I found at the crime scene,” said Korzhikov. He took out a wonderful red kitten from his apron pocket. Kolobok looked at the kitten through a magnifying glass. - Siberian! - he said. - Maybe criminals from Siberia? - Bulochkin suggested. - And we need to leave him in business. - Take him with you! - Kolobok ordered. - Maybe he will lead you on the trail. Bulochkin and the ice cream man left. The sun setting behind the park bathed everything in gold. A ray of sunlight hitting the back of Kolobok’s head filled him with a yellow glow. The bun looked like a wheel of cheese illuminated from the inside and felt awkward. He closed the curtains, picked up the balalaika and began to play. Everyone who knew Kolobok for a long time understood: Kolobok thinks. And everything around the NPDD fell silent. Meanwhile, Bulochkin and Korzhikov approached the place of the disappearance. Bulochkin’s last words were spinning in his head: “He can put you on the trail.” So he asked the ice cream man for a kitten, lowered it to the ground and ordered: “Trace!” The kitten immediately ran a hundred meters to the nearest trash can, sat down next to it and began to chew the herring tail. “You misunderstood us,” said Bulochkin. - We don't need herring. We need a cart. The kitten did not move from its place and intensively crunched its herring tail. Suddenly the ice cream man grabbed Bulochkin by the hand: - Look! A janitor was walking along the alley with a broom and pushing a cart with ice cream in front of her. - This is my cart! - said Korzhikov. Bulochkin turned on the walkie-talkie: “Kolobok, Kolobok, we found the criminal.” We'll take it. “Take it,” Kolobok said in a whisper. - But be careful, make sure they don’t take you. - The criminal is armed! - Korzhikov said to Bulochkin in a quiet slogan. -What are you armed with? - Bulochkin asked. “He’s armed with a broom,” answered the ice cream man. - We'll take it with the broom! - Bulochkin said decisively. - I'm using a distraction technique. He came close to the janitor with a cart and said, pointing to the sky: “Look: the shovels are flying!” - What shovels? Why are they flying? - the janitor was surprised and began to carefully study the sky. At that second, Bulochkin fastened it with a chain with a zip lock to the handle of the cart. Rural cyclists use chains like these to chain their bikes to shop handrails. - Kolobok, Kolobok! - he immediately reported into the radiotelephone. - A dangerous criminal has been detained... Your game is lost! - He turned to the janitor. - We will hand you over to the police. - What game? - the janitor was surprised. - I myself went to hand over this cart to the police. - Bulochkin, Bulochkin, immediately release this blonde with glasses and apologize to her. Bulochkin was dumbfounded. Wow! At such a distance, Kolobok learned that the janitor was blonde. He unfastened the janitor and said into the microphone: “We continue the investigation.” - Oh! - the woman suddenly said to Bulochkin and Korzhikov. Look: the shovels have turned and are flying back. - What shovels? - the victim and the investigator were surprised. -Why did you turn around? - To teach someone a lesson! - the janitor answered and waved her broom at the legs of the two men. They both collapsed as if they had been knocked down. “We continue to work,” said the cheerful Bulochkin. - Work continues! - the ice cream maker Korzhikov formalized his thought into a slogan. - Despite everything! They got to their feet, and Bulochkin began examining the cart and drawing up theories. - We begin preliminary inspection. Is the cart intact? Are the wheels in place? “On the spot,” answered the ice cream maker Korzhikov. -Where should they be? Who needs them, so bow-legged? “Don’t ask me questions,” Bulochkin reprimanded him. -Answer clearly, in a military manner: “That’s right.” I repeat: Is the cart intact? Are the wheels in place? - Yes, exactly, in a military way. Who needs them, so bow-legged? - Do you have any versions? - Yes sir. None. - I have. It is immediately obvious that you are not working in our system. Most likely it was a gang. I wonder how many there were. How many ice creams have disappeared? - Fifty packs. The rest are here,” answered the ice cream man. -And here is also a triangular button with two holes, a metal ruble, my watch and a knitted hat with a pompom. Bulochkin turned on the radio and reported everything to Kolobok. “Continue your search,” said Kolobok. - I will develop my own version. The suspicious sun was sinking lower and lower towards sunset. The park became quiet, and the noise of the city became increasingly audible. Suspicious passersby left the park along with suspicious children. Bu-lochkin thought. Then he asked: “The cart was gone for half an hour.” How many packs of ice cream can one human criminal eat in this time? - Exactly, I don’t know! - said the ice cream man. - Necessary to find out. Having found out this, we will find out how many human criminals there were. Let's conduct an investigative experiment. - Can I take part in the experiment? - asked Korzhikov. -Have you thought of everything? - All. - Then I allow it. Let's set our watches. Bulochkin's watch showed seven o'clock, Korzhikov's watch froze and showed nothing because of the frost. Nevertheless, the experiment began. It was necessary to find out how many people there were who stole state ice cream. They were eating ice cream, and a song was playing in their heads. Even if danger threatens us at times, And enemies shoot every moment, We work and bring clarity to this complex, confusing world. If they ask, we will answer that we wish happiness to children, Carousels and animals And unlocked doors. We don’t eat and don’t get enough sleep, We can break firewood without any difficulty. We'll run half of Moscow behind a tram, if we need to catch someone. If they ask, we will answer That we wish happiness to children, Carousels and animals And unlocked doors. There are millions of people with us, And none of them are alone, Beware, enemies and spies, - Kolobok is conducting a difficult search. If they ask, we will answer that we wish happiness to children, Carousels and animals And unlocked doors. Illuminated by a suspicious sun, Bulochkin and Korzhikov finished their ice cream. And Kolobok played the balalaika in the cozy NPDD. - The hat is in the cart, what does that mean? Mosquitoes danced on the bright window to the cheerful melody. The phone was silent. Obviously, the dog with excessive toothiness was found together with its brunette-brown-haired guard. And then it dawned on Kolobok. He turned on the intercom. - Bulochkin, Bulochkin, what’s on your head? - Cap, chief. Forage type. - Very good. Try to get this knitted hat out of the cart. - Yes, boss. The crack of the door being opened was heard, then the voice of Bun-na: “Done, boss.” - So. What's on your head now? - Knitted hat, boss. - Why? - Because the cap fell into the cart. - Great, Bulochkin. What about your buttons? Everything is in place? - No, boss, one came off and also fell. - Thank you, Bulochkin. - Can we continue the experiment? - Yes, continue. And Bulochkin and Korzhikov boldly delved into the ice cream. - I've already eaten three packs. - said Bulochkin. “And I’m four,” said Korzhikov. - I have more experience. - It’s starting to get colder! - said Bulochkin. - Something started to heat up! - said Korzhikov. - I have a fever! - And I have chills! - We're sick. Death at work! - the ice cream man began to shout. He returned to his newspaper-headline state. -They won't come back! There were two of them! People sacrifice themselves! Bulochkin turned on the radio: - Kolobok, can you hear us? “Attention,” answers Kolobok. - I'm calling an ambulance for you. Hang in there. Bulochkin and Korzhikov took on each other. Bulochkin was sternly silent, and Korzhikov shouted: “The experiment was a failure!” The hospital is waiting for them! The planet is crying! He even shouted one slogan, clearly ahead of events: “Medicine is powerless.” Only a miracle will help them! An ambulance with a red cross on the top headlight drove into the park, and our patients were taken away. And now it’s a quiet hospital room. Not completely quiet, because Korzhikov constantly shouts: “Kolobok forgot about us!” Criminals on the loose! Ice cream makers around the world are protesting! We die in hospitals, and some people don’t even think about us. And then the door to the room opened and Kolobok entered. He was in a white robe and slippers on his bare feet, with a pipe. - Kolobok does not forget about anyone. He knows everything. - Yes? - shouted the irrepressible Korzhikov. -Where are the criminals? “Criminals are around us,” answered Kolobok. - Look who's lying on the neighboring beds. And immediately the boys stood up in all the neighboring beds. - We won't do it again! - they said in hoarse voices. - Gotcha! - the ice cream man shouted. - Aren’t you ashamed to take government ice cream for free? “We’re not free,” the boys said. - We put a ruble. - And a kitten! - Ha-ha-ha! - said Korzhikov. - This planet is laughing. But the bank doesn’t accept kittens yet! Live currency - do we need it?! - Are we going to be arrested now? - the boys asked. - Never! - said the ice cream maker Korzhikov. - Since you confessed, I will pay for you. But I won't give you the kitten. I have grown attached to him. Sellers are leaving hospitals! The plan leads us on our way! He quickly recovered and got dressed. And left. Kolobok and Bulochkin looked after him affectionately and thought: “It’s so good that he feels good. So, it’s not in vain that we are keeping a hard watch. May there always be sunshine.” The reformed boys sat on their beds and looked enthusiastically at the famous Kolobok. “Chief,” asked Bulochkin, “how did you guess that the janitor was a blonde with glasses?” “Very simple,” said Kolobok, “my method is attention plus memory.” She has been working in our park for six years. Her photograph hangs on the Honor Board at the entrance. Next to mine, by the way, is Comrade Bulochkin.

Uspensky Eduard

Kolobok follows the trail

In the depths of the central park, where the asphalt ends and the construction of the multi-story garage of Gorgartranskhoz begins, there is a one-story mysterious house with a sign “NPDD”.

This is an Urgent Point of Good Deeds, and the main thing in it is Kolobok. His faithful friend and comrade, Bulochkin, helps him in everything. They are engaged in solving minor crimes and violations. (They accept orders from the public).

What is too complicated for the vigilantes, and too simple for the police, is just right for Kolobok.

As a child, he lived in the village with his grandmother. She was a housewife. And grandfather was guarding the haystacks in the field with a huge hunting husky. And to live - he would live well, but he cannot sit at home. And so he left his grandmother for the city and began working in the police. For twenty-five years he kept order, prevented anyone from committing a crime. He brought to light those who did not allow the population to live. Now he works in the children's park. Even though he is many years old, But still Now he is passionate about raising children, Teenagers and youth. And the little one loves and appreciates Him, And all the uncles and aunts know: - Are you in trouble? - Call me. Kolobok is always at work.

Kolobok was an owl, and Bulochkin was a finch. But Kolobok was the boss, and so they worked more in the evenings. Just don't think that they didn't work during the day. They worked during the day, and in the evening, and in the morning... They just liked to work most of all in the evening.

Tonight was languid and warm. The phone rarely rang - once an hour.

So it rang again with a sluggish, uninitiative call. Bulochkin immediately grabbed the phone.

Hello! The Kolobok apparatus is at the apparatus! - he said cheerfully, trying to breathe life into the sluggish flow of events.

But nothing came of it. The receiver said in a languid female voice:

Is this NPDD? - Yes sir!

NPDD, NPDD, in our attic the cat meows the music of Shainsky, and my granddaughter and I are learning Beethoven. Help!

Order is accepted! - said Bulochkin. - We'll catch the cat and retrain it to Beethoven. Please provide your address.

He wrote down the address in the order book and asked Kolobok:

Chief, can we go?

Wait, Bulochkin, it’s not evening yet! - said Kolobok, although it was already evening.

I think there will be more interesting things to do today.

And sure enough: the phone rang more proactively.

Kolobok moved the typewriter towards him:

Let's take a verbal portrait.

Dogs of course.

Kolobok quickly typed all this out.

Let's take a verbal portrait.


Tall, with a hint of baldness. Name is Uncle Kolya. The character is Ryazan, flexible. Has a ten year old son. The son also disappeared. Give a verbal portrait?

For whom - the son or the watchman?

I am the director of the institution. Give a verbal portrait?

No, thanks. I got it. Comrade director, take your wife and children and come to our park. Today there is an exhibition of service and guard dogs, you will find both your guard and your Rex.

The man on the phone was terribly happy and repeated for a long time:

Thank you, Comrade Kolobok. Thank you, Comrade Kolobok.

Please, comrade warehouse director,” Kolobok said and hung up.

But the phone immediately rang again:

How did you guess that I am a warehouse director? And not the director of a museum or theater?

Very simple. Our theaters and museums are not guarded by dogs with excessive toothiness. Hello to your

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In the depths of the central park, where the asphalt ends and the construction of the multi-story garage of Gorgartranskhoz begins, there is a one-story mysterious house with a sign “NPDD”.

This is an Urgent Point of Good Deeds, and the main thing in it is Kolobok. His faithful friend and comrade, Bulochkin, helps him in everything. They are engaged in solving minor crimes and violations. (They accept orders from the public).

What is too complicated for the vigilantes, and too simple for the police, is just right for Kolobok.

He was in the village as a child

Lived with my grandmother.

She was a housewife.

And grandfather is in the field

He guarded the haystacks

With a huge hunting husky.

And to live - to live

He feels good

He can't sit at home.

And here it is from grandma

He went to the city

He started working in the police.

He is twenty five years old

I kept order,

Anyone interfered with crime.

To clean water

He brought them out

Who did not allow the population to live.

Now in the children's park

It works.

Although he is many years old,

But still

Now I'm passionate about raising children,

Teenagers and youth.

And loves and appreciates

His baby

And all uncles and aunts know:

Are you in trouble?

Call me.

Kolobok is always at work.

Kolobok was an owl, and Bulochkin was a finch. But Kolobok was the boss, and so they worked more in the evenings. Just don't think that they didn't work during the day. They worked during the day, and in the evening, and in the morning... They just liked to work most of all in the evening.

Tonight was languid and warm. The phone rarely rang - once an hour.

So it rang again with a sluggish, uninitiative call. Bulochkin immediately grabbed the phone.

Hello! The Kolobok apparatus is at the apparatus! - he said cheerfully, trying to breathe life into the sluggish flow of events.

But nothing came of it. The receiver said in a languid female voice:

Is this NPDD? - Yes sir!

NPDD, NPDD, in our attic the cat meows the music of Shainsky, and my granddaughter and I are learning Beethoven. Help!

Order is accepted! - said Bulochkin. - We'll catch the cat and retrain it to Beethoven. Please provide your address.

He wrote down the address in the order book and asked Kolobok:

Chief, can we go?

Wait, Bulochkin, it’s not evening yet! - said Kolobok, although it was already evening.

I think there will be more interesting things to do today.

And sure enough: the phone rang more proactively.

Kolobok moved the typewriter towards him:

Let's take a verbal portrait.

Dogs of course.

Kolobok quickly typed all this out.

Let's take a verbal portrait.


Tall, with a hint of baldness. Name is Uncle Kolya. The character is Ryazan, flexible. Has a ten year old son. The son also disappeared. Give a verbal portrait?

For whom - the son or the watchman?

I am the director of the institution. Give a verbal portrait?

No, thanks. I got it. Comrade director, take your wife and children and come to our park. Today there is an exhibition of service and guard dogs, you will find both your guard and your Rex.

The man on the phone was terribly happy and repeated for a long time:

Thank you, Comrade Kolobok. Thank you, Comrade Kolobok.

Please, comrade warehouse director,” Kolobok said and hung up.

But the phone immediately rang again:

How did you guess that I am a warehouse director? And not the director of a museum or theater?

Very simple. Our theaters and museums are not guarded by dogs with excessive toothiness. Hello to your Uncle Kolya.

Bulochkin, as always, was shocked by Kolobok’s iron logic. He took the order book and wrote down how this mysterious disappearance was solved, how the guard dog was found literally in the presence of the customer. And even more than that - literally without the presence of the customer.

But Kolobok was dissatisfied:

These are all seeds! Nothing interesting. But my heart senses that somewhere a serious crime is brewing.

And it matured. It was ripe and filling. At this time, at the other end of the city...

At this time, at the other end of the park, an ice cream man was walking along the alley. There are many of them. An ordinary cart worker. But he walked without a cart and shouted loudly:

Guard! Crime of the century!

Passers-by looked at him with curiosity. And he shouted further:

A hundred packs of ice cream were stolen! Robbery of a pensioner. The police are powerless.

Why? - asked passers-by.

They don't really like ice cream. If the dumplings disappeared...

There is an organization in the city!

Today - ice cream, tomorrow - “Toy House”.

The planet asks: “Who will answer?”

The screams and screams were getting closer and closer to the NPDD, where Kolobok was nervously walking around in anticipation of a big deal. He was wearing a sleeveless vest, soft felt boots, made to order, and a warm cap, because autumn was approaching.

And then an ice cream man appeared on the threshold.

I speak on behalf of the workers of planet Earth! There will be no more ice cream!

And what? - asked Kolobok. - Have you closed your cold storage plant?

There's a gang in town! The police are powerless.

We will arm the population! - Bulochkin answered calmly and with dignity, showing the ice cream man that there is... there is a way out, that all is not lost.

Surname? - Kolobok asked sternly.

I am a worker of planet Earth.

Last name,” Kolobok repeated.


“Tell everything in order, Comrade Korzhikov,” Kolobok ordered.

And pay attention to suspicious details,” Bulochkin added.

“Okay,” said the ice cream man. - Here is how it was. Sun was shining.

I went and sold ice cream. Shoppers were walking around, a whole street of shoppers. I sang a song:

Masha, Dasha and Olezhka

You are invited to the cart.

Why was the world created?

In order to eat ice cream.

Hurry up to the car

And take two packs.

A glass for you and a glass for you,

So we completed the plan!

The Stakhanovite himself Stakhanov

I once took five glasses,

Treated my friends

And they went to the museum.

Know, adults and children,

Is in a space rocket

A kilometer of pasta

And ten tons of ice cream.

Talk to the strongmen

After all, they are not rolls

Strengthen hand strength

And ice cream, my friend.

Hurry up to the car

And take three packs.

A glass for you and a glass for you,

So we carried out the plan.

It's a friend, it's not that stupid

Eat popsicle instead of soup.

Once and twice - and the whole lunch,

And there are no dirty dishes.

Ice cream, ice cream

It costs very little

Ice cream, ice cream

Everything will open doors for you.

What about suspicious details? - Bulochkin recalled.

“Okay,” the ice cream man understood. - The sun was shining suspiciously. A suspicious wind was blowing. Suspicious characters were walking around. A whole street of types.

Were there no foreign aliens?

There were,” the ice cream man immediately agreed. - There were suspicious aliens disguised as our unsuspicious passers-by.

Suddenly a suspicious kitten meowed. I followed him suspiciously. And someone stole my suspicious cart.

Kolobok listened to all this and said:

Once again, please tell me everything. Just more details, please.

“Okay,” agreed the ice cream maker Korzhikov. - Such a detailed sun was shining. Such a detailed wind was blowing. Such detailed passers-by walked around in detail. Then such a detailed kitten meowed. I followed him in detail. And someone stole my detail cart.

Not much! - said Kolobok.

Exactly! - the ice cream man agreed. - The sun was shining so sparsely. The wind was blowing lightly and suspiciously. Such sparse passers-by were walking around sparsely. Then such a thin kitten meowed. I followed him loosely, and someone stole my thin cart.

Well? - Kolobok asked Bulochkin.

It's foggy, boss! - he said.

The ice cream maker immediately agreed:

The sun was shining so misty. There was such a foggy wind blowing. Passers-by were walking around in the fog. Then such a foggy kitten meowed. I followed him blearily. And someone in the fog stole my cart. What will happen now?

“Everything will be all right,” said Kolobok. We entrust the case to the best specialist. Bulochkin, go out!

Eat! - answered Bulochkin. - Let's set the watches.

Everyone started checking their watches. Kolobok's and Bulochkin's watches beat second by second, but the ice cream man's watch remained lying in the cart, in the money drawer.

Where can I hand over a kitten? - asked the ice cream man.

What kitten? - asked Kolobok.

Which I found at the crime scene,” said Korzhikov.

He took out a wonderful red kitten from his apron pocket. Kolobok looked at the kitten through a magnifying glass.

Siberian! - he said.

Maybe the criminals are from Siberia? - Bulochkin suggested. - And we need to leave him in business.

Fairy tale Kolobok follows the trail of Uspensky read

In the depths of the central park, where the asphalt ends and the construction of the multi-story garage of Gorgartranskhoz begins, there is a one-story mysterious house with a sign “NPDD”.

This is an Urgent Point of Good Deeds, and the main thing in it is Kolobok. His faithful friend and comrade, Bulochkin, helps him in everything. They are engaged in solving minor crimes and violations. (They accept orders from the public).

What is too complicated for the vigilantes, and too simple for the police, is just right for Kolobok.

He was in the village as a child

Lived with my grandmother.

She was a housewife.

And grandfather is in the field

He guarded the haystacks

With a huge hunting husky.

And to live - to live

He feels good

He can't sit at home.

And here it is from grandma

He went to the city

He started working in the police.

He is twenty five years old

I kept order,

Anyone interfered with crime.

To clean water

He brought them out

Who did not allow the population to live.

Now in the children's park

It works.

Although he is many years old,

But still

Now I'm passionate about raising children,

Teenagers and youth.

And loves and appreciates

His baby

And all uncles and aunts know:

-Are you in trouble?

- Call me.

Kolobok was an owl, and Bulochkin was a finch. But Kolobok was the boss, and so they worked more in the evenings. Just don't think that they didn't work during the day. They worked during the day, and in the evening, and in the morning... They just liked to work most of all in the evening.

Tonight was languid and warm. The phone rarely rang - once an hour.

So it rang again with a sluggish, uninitiative call. Bulochkin immediately grabbed the phone.

- Hello! The Kolobok apparatus is at the apparatus! - he said cheerfully, trying to breathe life into the sluggish flow of events.

But nothing came of it. The receiver said in a languid female voice:

- Is this NPDD? - Yes sir!

— NPDD, NPDD, in our attic a cat meows Shainsky’s music, and my granddaughter and I are learning Beethoven. Help!

- Order is accepted! - said Bulochkin. “We’ll catch the cat and retrain it to Beethoven.” Please provide your address.

He wrote down the address in the order book and asked Kolobok: Kolobok is following the trail (story)

- Chief, can we go?

- Wait, Bulochkin, it’s not evening yet! - said Kolobok, although it was already evening.

“I think there will be more interesting things to do today.”

And sure enough: the phone rang more proactively.

“Kolobok, Kolobok,” said a male voice, “our dog is missing.”

Kolobok moved the typewriter towards him:

- Let's give a verbal portrait.

- Whose?

- Dogs, of course.

Kolobok quickly typed all this out.

- Let's give a verbal portrait.

- Watchman.

- Tall, with a hint of baldness. Name is Uncle Kolya. The character is Ryazan, flexible. Has a ten year old son. The son also disappeared. Give a verbal portrait?

- For whom - the son or the watchman?

- To Rex!

— I am the director of the institution. Give a verbal portrait?

- No, thanks. I got it. Comrade director, take your wife and children and come to our park. Today there is an exhibition of service and guard dogs, you will find both your guard and your Rex.

The man on the phone was terribly happy and repeated for a long time:

- Thank you, Comrade Kolobok. Thank you, Comrade Kolobok.

“Please, comrade warehouse director,” said Kolobok and hung up.

But the phone immediately rang again:

— How did you guess that I was the warehouse director? And not the director of a museum or theater?

- Very simple. Our theaters and museums are not guarded by dogs with excessive toothiness. Hello to your Uncle Kolya.

Bulochkin, as always, was shocked by Kolobok’s iron logic. He took the order book and wrote down how this mysterious disappearance was solved, how the guard dog was found literally in the presence of the customer. And even more than that - literally without the presence of the customer.

But Kolobok was dissatisfied:

- These are all seeds! Nothing interesting. But my heart senses that a serious crime is brewing somewhere.

And it matured. It was ripe and filling. At this time, at the other end of the city...

At this time, at the other end of the park, an ice cream man was walking along the alley. There are many of them. An ordinary cart worker. But he walked without a cart and shouted loudly:

- Guard! Crime of the century!

Passers-by looked at him with curiosity. And he shouted further:

— A hundred packs of ice cream were stolen! Robbery of a pensioner. The police are powerless.

- Why? - asked passers-by.

— They don't really like ice cream. If the dumplings disappeared...

— There is an organization in the city!

- Today - ice cream, tomorrow - “House of Toys”. Kolobok follows the trail

— The Planet asks: “Who will answer?”

The screams and screams were getting closer and closer to the NPDD, where Kolobok was nervously walking around in anticipation of a big deal. He was wearing a sleeveless vest, soft felt boots, made to order, and a warm cap, because autumn was approaching.

And then an ice cream man appeared on the threshold.

— I speak on behalf of the workers of planet Earth! There will be no more ice cream!

- And what? - asked Kolobok. — Have you closed your cold storage plant?

“There’s a gang operating in the city!” The police are powerless.

- We will arm the population! - Bulochkin answered calmly and with dignity, showing the ice cream man that there is... there is a way out, that all is not lost.

- Surname? - Kolobok asked sternly.

— I am a worker of planet Earth.

“Last name,” repeated Kolobok.

- Korzhikov.

“Tell everything in order, Comrade Korzhikov,” ordered Kolobok.

“And pay attention to suspicious details,” Bulochkin added.

“Okay,” said the ice cream man. - Here is how it was. Sun was shining.

I went and sold ice cream. Shoppers were walking around, a whole street of shoppers. I sang a song:

Masha, Dasha and Olezhka

You are invited to the cart.

Why was the world created?

In order to eat ice cream.

Hurry up to the car

And take two packs.

A glass for you and a glass for you,

So we completed the plan!

The Stakhanovite himself Stakhanov

I once took five glasses,

Treated my friends

And they went to the museum.

Know, adults and children,

Is in a space rocket

A kilometer of pasta

And ten tons of ice cream.

Talk to the strongmen

After all, they are not rolls

Strengthen hand strength

And ice cream, my friend.

Hurry up to the car

And take three packs.

A glass for you and a glass for you,

So we carried out the plan.

It's a friend, it's not that stupid

Eat popsicle instead of soup.

Once and twice - and the whole lunch,

And there are no dirty dishes.

Ice cream, ice cream

It costs very little

Ice cream, ice cream

Everything will open doors for you.

— What about suspicious details? - Bulochkin recalled.

“Okay,” the ice cream man understood. — The sun was shining suspiciously. A suspicious wind was blowing. Suspicious characters were walking around. A whole street of types.

— Were there any foreign aliens?

“We were,” the ice cream man immediately agreed. — There were suspicious aliens disguised as our unsuspicious passers-by.

— Suddenly a suspicious kitten meowed. I followed him suspiciously. And someone stole my suspicious cart.

Kolobok listened to all this and said:

- Once again, please tell me everything. Just more details, please.

“Okay,” agreed the ice cream maker Korzhikov. — The sun was shining in such detail. Such a detailed wind was blowing. Such detailed passers-by walked around in detail. Then such a detailed kitten meowed. I followed him in detail. And someone stole my detail cart.

- Not much! - said Kolobok.

- Exactly! - the ice cream man agreed. — The sun was shining so sparsely. The wind was blowing lightly and suspiciously. Such sparse passers-by were walking around sparsely. Then such a thin kitten meowed. I followed him loosely, and someone stole my thin cart.

- Well? - Kolobok asked Bulochkin.

- It's foggy, boss! - he said.

The ice cream maker immediately agreed:

— The sun was shining so foggy. There was such a foggy wind blowing. Passers-by were walking around in the fog. Then such a foggy kitten meowed. I followed him blearily. And someone in the fog stole my cart. What will happen now?

“Everything will be all right,” said Kolobok. We entrust the case to the best specialist. Bulochkin, go out!

- Eat! - answered Bulochkin. - Let's set the watches.

- We'll check.

Everyone started checking their watches. Kolobok's and Bulochkin's watches beat second by second, but the ice cream man's watch remained lying in the cart, in the money drawer.

—Where should I give the kitten? - asked the ice cream man.

- Which kitten? - asked Kolobok.

“Which I found at the crime scene,” said Korzhikov.

He took out a wonderful red kitten from his apron pocket. Kolobok looked at the kitten through a magnifying glass.

- Siberian! - he said.

- Maybe criminals from Siberia? - Bulochkin suggested. - And we need to leave him in business.

Uspensky Eduard

Kolobok follows the trail

In the depths of the central park, where the asphalt ends and the construction of the multi-story garage of Gorgartranskhoz begins, there is a one-story mysterious house with a sign “NPDD”.

This is an Urgent Point of Good Deeds, and the main thing in it is Kolobok. His faithful friend and comrade, Bulochkin, helps him in everything. They are engaged in solving minor crimes and violations. (They accept orders from the public).

What is too complicated for the vigilantes, and too simple for the police, is just right for Kolobok.

He was in the village as a child
Lived with my grandmother.
She was a housewife.
And grandfather is in the field
He guarded the haystacks
With a huge hunting husky.

And to live - to live
He feels good
He can't sit at home.
And here it is from grandma
He went to the city
He started working in the police.

He is twenty five years old
I kept order,
Anyone interfered with crime.
To clean water
He brought them out
Who did not allow the population to live.

Now in the children's park
It works.
Although he is many years old,
But still
Now I'm passionate about raising children,
Teenagers and youth.

And loves and appreciates
His baby
And all uncles and aunts know:
- Are you in trouble?
- Call me.
Kolobok is always at work.

Kolobok was an owl, and Bulochkin was a finch. But Kolobok was the boss, and so they worked more in the evenings. Just don't think that they didn't work during the day. They worked during the day, and in the evening, and in the morning... They just liked to work most of all in the evening.

Tonight was languid and warm. The phone rarely rang - once an hour.

So it rang again with a sluggish, uninitiative call. Bulochkin immediately grabbed the phone.

Hello! The Kolobok apparatus is at the apparatus! - he said cheerfully, trying to breathe life into the sluggish flow of events.

But nothing came of it. The receiver said in a languid female voice:

Is this NPDD? - Yes sir!

NPDD, NPDD, in our attic the cat meows the music of Shainsky, and my granddaughter and I are learning Beethoven. Help!

Order is accepted! - said Bulochkin. - We'll catch the cat and retrain it to Beethoven. Please provide your address.

He wrote down the address in the order book and asked Kolobok:

Chief, can we go?

Wait, Bulochkin, it’s not evening yet! - said Kolobok, although it was already evening.

I think there will be more interesting things to do today.

And sure enough: the phone rang more proactively.

Kolobok moved the typewriter towards him:

Let's take a verbal portrait.

Dogs of course.

Kolobok quickly typed all this out.

Let's take a verbal portrait.


Tall, with a hint of baldness. Name is Uncle Kolya. The character is Ryazan, flexible. Has a ten year old son. The son also disappeared. Give a verbal portrait?

For whom - the son or the watchman?

I am the director of the institution. Give a verbal portrait?

No, thanks. I got it. Comrade director, take your wife and children and come to our park. Today there is an exhibition of service and guard dogs, you will find both your guard and your Rex.

The man on the phone was terribly happy and repeated for a long time:

Thank you, Comrade Kolobok. Thank you, Comrade Kolobok.

Please, comrade warehouse director,” Kolobok said and hung up.

But the phone immediately rang again:

How did you guess that I am a warehouse director? And not the director of a museum or theater?

Very simple. Our theaters and museums are not guarded by dogs with excessive toothiness. Hello to your Uncle Kolya.

Bulochkin, as always, was shocked by Kolobok’s iron logic. He took the order book and wrote down how this mysterious disappearance was solved, how the guard dog was found literally in the presence of the customer. And even more than that - literally without the presence of the customer.

But Kolobok was dissatisfied:

These are all seeds! Nothing interesting. But my heart senses that somewhere a serious crime is brewing.

And it matured. It was ripe and filling. At this time, at the other end of the city...

At this time, at the other end of the park, an ice cream man was walking along the alley. There are many of them. An ordinary cart worker. But he walked without a cart and shouted loudly:

Guard! Crime of the century!

Passers-by looked at him with curiosity. And he shouted further:

A hundred packs of ice cream were stolen! Robbery of a pensioner. The police are powerless.

Why? - asked passers-by.

They don't really like ice cream. If the dumplings disappeared...

There is an organization in the city!

Today - ice cream, tomorrow - “Toy House”.

The planet asks: “Who will answer?”

The screams and screams were getting closer and closer to the NPDD, where Kolobok was nervously walking around in anticipation of a big deal. He was wearing a sleeveless vest, soft felt boots, made to order, and a warm cap, because autumn was approaching.

And then an ice cream man appeared on the threshold.

I speak on behalf of the workers of planet Earth! There will be no more ice cream!

And what? - asked Kolobok. - Have you closed your cold storage plant?

There's a gang in town! The police are powerless.

We will arm the population! - Bulochkin answered calmly and with dignity, showing the ice cream man that there is... there is a way out, that all is not lost.

Surname? - Kolobok asked sternly.

I am a worker of planet Earth.

Last name,” Kolobok repeated.


“Tell everything in order, Comrade Korzhikov,” Kolobok ordered.

And pay attention to suspicious details,” Bulochkin added.

“Okay,” said the ice cream man. - Here is how it was. Sun was shining. I went and sold ice cream. Shoppers were walking around, a whole street of shoppers. I sang a song:

Masha, Dasha and Olezhka
You are invited to the cart.
Why was the world created?
In order to eat ice cream.

Hurry up to the car
And take two packs.
A glass for you and a glass for you,
So we completed the plan!

The Stakhanovite himself Stakhanov
I once took five glasses,
Treated my friends
And they went to the museum.

Know, adults and children,
Is in a space rocket
A kilometer of pasta
And ten tons of ice cream.

Talk to the strongmen
After all, they are not rolls
Strengthen hand strength
And ice cream, my friend.

Hurry up to the car
And take three packs.
A glass for you and a glass for you,
So we carried out the plan.

Ice cream, ice cream
It costs very little
Ice cream, ice cream
Everything will open doors for you.

What about suspicious details? - Bulochkin recalled.

“Okay,” the ice cream man understood. - The sun was shining suspiciously. A suspicious wind was blowing. Suspicious characters were walking around. A whole street of types.

Were there no foreign aliens?

There were,” the ice cream man immediately agreed. - There were suspicious aliens disguised as our unsuspicious passers-by.

Suddenly a suspicious kitten meowed. I followed him suspiciously. And someone stole my suspicious cart.

Kolobok listened to all this and said:

Once again, please tell me everything. Just more details, please.

“Okay,” agreed the ice cream maker Korzhikov. - Such a detailed sun was shining. Such a detailed wind was blowing. Such detailed passers-by walked around in detail. Then such a detailed kitten meowed. I followed him in detail. And someone stole my detail cart.

Not much! - said Kolobok.

Exactly! - the ice cream man agreed. - The sun was shining so sparsely. The wind was blowing lightly and suspiciously. Such sparse passers-by were walking around sparsely. Then such a thin kitten meowed. I followed him loosely, and someone stole my thin cart.

Well? - Kolobok asked Bulochkin.

It's foggy, boss! - he said.

The ice cream maker immediately agreed:

The sun was shining so misty. There was such a foggy wind blowing. Passers-by were walking around in the fog. Then such a foggy kitten meowed. I followed him blearily. And someone in the fog stole my cart. What will happen now?

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