Review of cosmetic procedures for facial care at different age periods. How to maintain youth and beauty of facial skin after thirty years? Cosmetic procedures for the face after 30

We found out which 5 popular procedures are best postponed as long as possible!

Surgical lifting

“Of course, surgical face lifting can be postponed until 40 years, since this type of intervention corrects quite pronounced changes in soft tissues that cannot be corrected by injection and hardware methods,” says cosmetologist Natalia Imaeva, head of the Lantan clinic.

So, if the salon offers to resort to this type of wrinkle correction, and you are not yet 35 years old, feel free to change your cosmetologist!


Some girls mistakenly believe that a Botox injection is such nonsense, done and forgotten, even at the age of 20! You shouldn't take yourself so lightly.


Firstly, you risk losing part of your facial expressions, since after Botox injection the fibers of the muscles that form wrinkles relax. Just remember Nicole Kidman with her mask face! This, of course, is the most extreme example, but it is worth considering all possible consequences.

Secondly, Botox is like a drug. Having injected the drug once, you will definitely repeat it again - simply because after a few months the wrinkles will return and, perhaps, will be even more noticeable than before the procedure. It is for this reason that experienced cosmetologists advise postponing Botox injections until they are truly necessary. And this, as a rule, happens only after 35 years.


Mesotherapy is an injection into the middle layers of the epidermis of an individually composed cocktail of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and nutrients. After this procedure, noticeable dots remain on the skin for several days, which disappear over time.

Some cosmetologists advise doing mesotherapy after about 28-30, but in reality you can postpone the procedure for several more years. The fact is that with proper care, regular scrubbing and moisturizing, the skin itself generates all the “building material” for elasticity and firmness. As soon as you start “treating” it with such active cocktails, the skin will begin to “be lazy”. Indeed, why support yourself if food already comes from outside?

Mesotherapy before 35 years of age is possible only in case of premature aging of the skin - and this is the exception rather than the rule.


This procedure with a complex name means injections of the familiar hyaluronic acid. As a rule, the effect of biorevitalization is visible after the first time - the skin becomes more elastic, small wrinkles become invisible. The only question is when to start the procedures?

A competent cosmetologist will say that skin dehydration and the first wrinkles at the age of 30 are not a reason to start doing injections. Your skin is still capable of producing collagen (it is to stimulate it that hyaluronic acid is injected) - this is the same story as with mesotherapy. You will simply “overfeed” your skin ahead of time, slow down the natural production of collagen, and you will have to deal with much more serious problems than barely noticeable wrinkles. By the way, are you sure they exist?

The best solution for you under 35 is to use anti-age creams, serums and oils, and also ensure proper cleansing.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

No matter what is written on the websites of cosmetology clinics, fractional rejuvenation (using the Fraxel device) is a really serious effect on the skin, and it should be done only if obvious signs of aging appear. This usually occurs no earlier than 40 years of age.

Fractional laser is still sometimes used to remove scars and post-acne, but in the case of rejuvenation, it can also significantly reduce wrinkles. True, young girls do not need such a procedure - you only risk damaging the skin, which does not need such active influence.

Girls, let's talk about the most intimate? What do we not admit to our friends, loved ones, relatives and colleagues? What scares each of us? Let's talk quietly, almost in a whisper... about old age. About small wrinkles under the eyes, about those nasty circles under the eyes, about dullness of facial skin, in general, about what we all struggle with every day.

What is facial rejuvenation after 30 years? This is a set of simple and safe procedures, the main condition of which is regularity and appropriateness. I remember with a smile my twenty-five years, when after a stormy night in a nightclub, having slept only a couple of hours, I washed my face, applied mascara and powder and calmly went to work.

My young body did all the hard work for me. What now? I’m thirty-five and the slightest stress, lack of sleep, and any holiday immediately shows up on my skin. The primary signs of aging can and should be fought. And age 30+ is a good period to start this fight!

At home or your own director

What can we do at home? Almost everything! The fight against wrinkles begins not in a beauty salon, but at home. Using ordinary products, means, desire and your own hands. I suggest ten main ways:


Each of us is unique, just like our skin, but absolutely everyone needs cleansing. Without effective cleansing, all subsequent procedures (creams, masks, serums) bring absolutely no effect. The most important thing is to do it correctly. For those with oily skin, I advise you to wash your face twice – morning and evening. In this case, you need to use gels containing salicylic acid(until 3%).

They will remove oily shine, muffle inflammation, prevent acne and prepare you for the use of anti-aging products. For girls with normal skin type, one wash is enough - in the evening. Herbal gels and foams are suitable. In the morning, you can wipe your face with cubes of frozen herbal infusions. I advise girls with dry skin to use light foams and mousses for washing. It is advisable that they include vitamin E, shea butter and herbal extracts.

Do not rub your face after washing - this will damage the thin top layer of the epidermis. It is enough to blot your face with a napkin or towel.

And remember that cold water blocks skin nutrition and impairs blood circulation. Hot water expands the walls of our blood vessels, but at the same time dries out the face, depriving it of elasticity. The optimal water temperature for washing is 36-39°C.

Deep cleansing

Facial peeling is the key to healthy skin. Every day we expose it to hundreds of negative influences: dust, poor ecology of large cities, unfavorable weather conditions, bacteria, etc. In this case, daily washing is about maintaining the cleanliness of the upper layer of the dermis, while peeling is about keeping the skin clean from the inside.

I'm afraid to disappoint you, but when you are over thirty, an ordinary scrub no longer works. It is necessary to introduce stronger agents little by little.

I have been using all known pharmaceutical products for many years now - badyaga. I dilute the powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply it to the face for 10-15 minutes. I wash it off with warm water. Another great remedy is calcium chloride and baby soap. Using a cotton swab, apply a 5% chloride solution to your face. We are waiting for it to dry completely. We repeat three times. After this, using baby soap, roll the solution off your face with your finger and wash with warm water.

A drug " polysorb"has a wide range of applications - from hangover prevention to cleansing the body. Its unique absorbent properties will help cleanse our skin. To do this, dilute the powder with water and apply to the skin for 10 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
All of the above types of peelings will cleanse pores, tighten the skin, and give you a feeling of freshness and youth.

But I do not recommend deep cleansing for girls with thin, inflamed and very dry skin. When applying the preparations to the face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area - after all, they are also susceptible to aging and the formation of wrinkles.


After each wash and deep cleansing, it is necessary to moisturize the skin, because dryness and dullness are the first signs of aging. To do this, we select a complex of creams and serums.

Main conditions when purchasing creams:

At the age of 30+, we need two types of hydration - light, non-clogging pores in the morning and deep, most effective at night. We buy two creams – day and night.
The composition of the cream must be tailored to our skin type and age.

Read product labels carefully. The cream should contain as many natural ingredients as possible and as few preservatives as possible.

The issue of saving should be in last place. Face cream is not something you can skimp on in the fight for youth.


Anti-aging face masks are the most popular cosmetic products in Europe. But we don’t chase trends, we just want to avoid wrinkles. Therefore we do effective masks at home.

Procedures based on yolks, honey and oils are recognized as the best in the fight for youth. I use this: I grind three quail yolks with a spoonful of peach or almond oil, add a couple of drops of honey and apply it to my face for twenty minutes.

Another simple recipe is warm milk and rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Ten minutes is enough. For oily skin, an express method is suitable: oatmeal flour and one chicken egg - half an hour and the skin glows with health.


You can help your body fight aging not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In autumn and spring, introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into your diet. Buy mono vitamins in winter and summer. Beneficial for our skin:

Vitamin E(promotes tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nourishes the skin)
Vitamin C(helps collagen production)
Omega-3(prevents wrinkles)
Vitamin A(keratin prevents skin from sagging)

Now let's move on to salon rejuvenation methods:

Mesotherapy - a cocktail of youth

You can start the fight against wrinkles in the salon with a more or less safe method - mesotherapy. It is based on the introduction of special drugs deep under the skin. This technique is quite effective, has few contraindications and gives good long-term results.

Botox is a radical method

There are probably no women left who have not heard about Botox injections, which can smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead in a matter of hours. After reading a lot of literature, I came to the conclusion that Botox is a truly effective remedy, but I still recommend using it for those who are approaching the age of forty.

Elos - let's cool our wrinkles

I mean the ELOS system for combating age-related skin changes. Perhaps one of the most comfortable and gentle techniques. Cooling gel promotes cell renewal and regeneration. Suitable for all skin types.

Laser - nanotechnology

With the help of laser rejuvenation, you can “awaken” our cells and force them to fight wrinkles on their own.

Lifting - for dessert

Last on the list, but definitely not in terms of effectiveness! With its help, you can tighten the oval of the face and restore the muscle frame. 100% guarantee of youth for a long time.

Read my other blog articles, stay young and attractive! Smiles and gifts to everyone!

With love Galina Baksheeva

By the age of 30, any lady reaches the peak of her beauty, femininity and sexuality. But it is at this time that the first signs of skin aging appear. It becomes less elastic, drier and not as elastic as before, and pigment spots appear. Even a very well-groomed and beautiful woman, looking at her reflection in the mirror, begins to see drooping corners of her mouth, nasolabial folds and a network of fine wrinkles, which greatly bother her.

This is due to the fact that just at this time a number of age-related processes occur in the body:

The skin begins to lose moisture;
blood flow in tissues worsens;
metabolism slows down;
muscle tone decreases.

Of course, there is no need to panic in this case - this is a natural physiological process that no one can stop. But any woman can slow down the intensity of this process and try to look younger than her age. And for this, skin care after 30 years should become more thorough, systematic and competent. Ideally, this is a comprehensive approach that includes regular moisturizing of the skin, its nutrition, cleansing, and protection. Salon aesthetic procedures in the clinic have also shown their high effectiveness, which today are affordable to almost everyone and are considered safe.

Skin rejuvenation methods

There are several modern popular methods of facial rejuvenation and beauty maintenance:

1. Facial cleansing and peeling

These procedures effectively tighten the skin, provide it with “breathing” and gentle care, and rid the epidermis of sebaceous plugs and dead cells. Thanks to peeling, you can effectively smooth out the first wrinkles.

The procedure can be done no more than 2 times a month.

2. Mesotherapy

A procedure that involves introducing a small amount of active substances – antioxidants – directly into the so-called “problem area”. It strengthens the skin well and allows you to get effective results in a short time. In combination with other cosmetic procedures, facial mesotherapy gives one hundred percent the expected effect: it slows down the aging process of the skin, eliminates pigmentation, removes scars and stretch marks.

3. Biorevitalization

An injection procedure reminiscent of mesotherapy. The difference is that hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin into those places where there are “problem areas” - the corners of the lips, eyes and nasolabial folds. It does not penetrate inside, but is embedded in the structure of the skin, forming a film on the surface that prevents the evaporation of moisture - the skin remains moisturized and elastic. Thanks to this procedure, you can effectively remove facial wrinkles and improve complexion, increasing the ability of cells to renew. Hyaluronic acid injections have become a real sensation in aesthetic medicine.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a year. Course: 3-4 sessions depending on the patient’s age and skin condition.

4. Redermalization

An effective procedure that combats existing signs of aging and fading of the skin: fine and deep wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of definition of contours and stretch marks. Hyalual, which is injected under the skin and contains hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate, penetrates deep into the lower layers of tissue and eliminates the causes of skin aging at the cellular level.

After 30 years, the course consists of 4 sessions with an interval of 3 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

5. Laser carbon peeling

A modern procedure that starts the process of regeneration and renewal of skin cells. Effectively eliminates wrinkles and age spots, promotes collagen production. Carbon laser peeling is performed using a neodymium laser and carbon nanogel. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the ability of the gel to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and remove dead cells. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed, its color improves, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

To achieve results, 3-5 procedures are enough. If necessary, they can be increased to 7-8.

Should you take care of your skin yourself or go to a salon? Every woman asks herself this question sooner or later. And she herself finds the answer to it when she realizes that even with a thick layer of cosmetics she is no longer able to hide deep wrinkles and aging skin. Just the age after 30 years is the ideal time when you should seek qualified help from professional cosmetologists.

Our new blogger Ksenia Vedishcheva, a dermatocosmetologist, an independent expert in the field of hardware, age-related cosmetology and dermatology, talks about the intricacies of facial care after 30 years.

My dears, I hasten to congratulate you. You have entered the age of blossoming female beauty. Your youth has gained its juice, and your inquisitive youth with tattoos and purple hair is left behind. Many have already decided on a profession, got married, and had children. Each of you has an idea of ​​how you would like to look - hair, makeup, clothing style. The age of “a little over 30” is the time to start taking care of yourself competently and systematically.

123RF/Alena Ozerova

What does this mean? A girl comes to me for a consultation. I will advise her to start with the simplest thing if she has not done anything before.

People often tell me: “I did this, but it doesn’t help me anymore.” In this case, it is necessary to create an accurate picture of what the client likes, what she has already tried, and what suits her. After this, the main thing is to act exactly according to plan, on time, and then a wonderful result will not keep you waiting.

Secrets from a professional

As a rule, a woman aged 30+ already understands what her skin is prone to. Knows her skin type - oily, prone to dryness or the formation of age spots. If a girl has naturally powerful muscles, and her cheeks are blood and milk, then with age, gravitational sagging of the skin will probably appear. With an asthenic physique, the face is thin, the skin is thin and quickly loses moisture. In the future, this is fraught with a large number of small wrinkles.

These two 30-year-old girls are shown a strictly individual approach to self-care! In the first case, facial massage and cryotherapy will help. In the future we will connect hardware techniques. All this gives deep penetration, stimulates and strengthens the muscles, so the shape of the face is perfectly maintained. In the second case, I would not recommend doing a massage! Special care procedures are needed.

After 30 years, the set of skin-needed treatments includes:

  • Mesotherapy. This includes both papular and papular techniques.
  • Biorevitalization. This is the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which also uses papules, but denser compared to mesotherapy.

123RF/Ivan Reka

  • Devices. Which? This is a big separate topic, and I will definitely touch on it in the blog. I’ll just note that after 30 you need devices. Remove post-acne or spider veins, age spots, etc.
  • Serums and ampoules. You are no longer 20, your skin is thinning. It is better at this age to start using serums or ampoules: collagen, coenzyme, hyaluronic acid to support the skin and prevent age-related changes. These substances penetrate the skin perfectly when used in conjunction with a microcurrent machine for home use. I personally always take it with me on the road. With its help, you can always quickly relieve swelling, administer the necessary medications and refresh the skin.

What to do at home?

I recommend everyone pay special attention to self-care at home. You are luckier than your mothers. Today, many procedures have “gone” from salons to home. This is definitely ampoule products which I mentioned above. They can be bought for reasonable money. For example, drugs from the Russian company Sismetika. Pharmacies also sell vitamin E, Omega-3-6-9, and Aevit. All these products will nourish your skin.

Fabric and ready-made masks, impregnated with collagen and various nutritional compounds. As well as ready-made clay-based masks with activated carbon, silicon and other active ingredients. Now there is a colossal choice!

We always apply masks in a thin layer and secure the fabric mask to the face.

123RF/Piotr Marcinski

If you can lie down with a mask for 15-20 minutes, that’s ideal, as the lifting effect will be better. I also recommend doing paraffin treatments at home once a week. When, for example, you are doing household chores and have an hour of free time, you can use eye patches (gel pads that help get rid of puffiness and dark circles).

It is better to remove masks with warm water, but you can also use tonic. Then pat dry with a towel and then apply your skincare products in layers: serum, day or night cream. Always apply the cream in small doses using patting movements with your fingertips. Do not stretch the collagen mesh! This method allows the skin to breathe and absorb all the beneficial substances.

These rules, which you definitely need to get used to at the age of 30+, are the basis of self-care. They will serve you even at 40-50 years old, you just need to add professional procedures to them.

Of course, in addition to home care, you are free to use salon hardware techniques from the age of 30. There are no general recommendations; I determine a plan of action only after a thorough examination during a consultation.

How about drastic measures?

After 30 years, in addition to mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid, Botox may be required. I'll tell you about my experience. I injected my first Botox at the age of 33 to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles on my forehead. Each case is unique, and it is possible to say exactly who needs what only after a personal consultation. But the main rule is that at this age all drugs are administered in microdoses.

I definitely recommend Botox at the age of 30+ to girls who suffer from hyperhidrosis. It helps you forget about increased sweating in the armpit area for 8-12 months and not be ashamed of unsightly wet spots on silk and cashmere items.

The question about lips that has set my teeth on edge. I will tell girls of any age that they are hypertrophied Pumped lips are unfashionable, ugly, and not a sign of style or wealth.


At 30 years old, to create true beauty, you can and should play with halftones and nuances.

If you don’t have clinical indications, then having plastic surgery at the age of “a little over 30” is complete madness! Even at 45 years old, I will not recommend it to everyone. Nowadays, many problems of premature skin aging, gravity, skin wrinkles, and so on can be solved using contour plastic surgery and hardware techniques. But again - everything is very individual!

Save youth for the future

I want to talk about absolutely incredible technology that will allow you to take care of yourself in the future. This is the cultivation of fibroblasts from your own skin. In professional language it is called SPRS.

The procedure is expensive, but it works wonders! A microscopic piece of tissue is taken from the patient behind the ear, from which skin fibroblasts are grown. Then they are frozen and stored in a special medical jar in order to be administered to the same patient at the age of 40-50-60. As a result, it happens regeneration of other cells and structures, the skin becomes younger, age wrinkles disappear. I understand that at 30 you don’t want to think about the problems that will come at 60. But if you find the time and financial opportunity to freeze cells, then believe me, time will pass, and in 20-30 years you will remember my words.

Cosmetics are good and different

As for brands, the Japanese have excellent cosmetics. I especially love ANDS. Ampoules, serums, masks, creams - I can confidently recommend the Sismetika brand to you. Their cosmetics are made on the basis of silicon and show noticeable results in normal home care. I also like BRUNO VASSARI ampoule cosmetics; they have proven themselves to be excellent lately. I can also recommend using organic cosmetics from different companies at home: Weleda, Dr.Houshka, Natura Siberica, Dr.Scheller, Acure Organics, Andalou Naturals, Melvita. In any case, you must definitely look at the composition of the cream; you need to buy products that do not contain mineral oils and silicones (silicone, dimethicone, cuclomethicone and others).

Summarize. What is the main thing in taking care of yourself at home, starting from the age of 30? This is systematic. Daily simple care procedures, careful careful application of correctly selected products. Which ones exactly are decided individually. The main secret is a high level of self-respect and the desire to be happy, young and beautiful at any age!

There are many secrets and subtleties that make up facial skin care after 30 years, and most of them require very little effort and time. It is difficult to meet a lady who, in adulthood, would not dream of looking like an eighteen-year-old girl. Many of them forget that desire alone is not enough - constant procedures are needed, which can be carried out even at home. Just a few minutes a day not to watch your favorite TV series, but to pay attention to yourself - and your face will definitely shine with freshness, youth and health.

For sagging skin, age is not a barrier, and the moment when it inevitably begins to become covered with wrinkles and lose elasticity cannot be avoided. Don’t panic in advance - you can push it back significantly and remain beautiful for a long time. You can take care of your facial skin after 30 years at home without the help of a specialist, just with a little patience. And we will tell you about all the nuances of working with skin that shows the first signs of age-related changes!

Usually, with good nutrition and health, skin at 30 years old does not yet have clear signs of aging. Most often, small facial wrinkles and a slight drooping of the oval are visible on it. It is quite possible to combat such changes by going to a cosmetologist 1-2 times every six months and using high-quality cosmetics.

What happens to a woman’s facial skin after 30 years?

To understand what exactly needs to be paid more attention to, you should understand what processes occur deep in the layers of the epidermis:

  • the sebaceous glands work unstably, slowing down the secretion;
  • muscle tone decreases (crow's feet appear, numerous small wrinkles near the lips and nose, sagging is noticeable on the cheeks);
  • the skin becomes dry and loses moisture;
  • blood flow is disrupted, as a result of which the face loses its color;
  • elastin and collagen fibers are practically not produced, which further reduces elasticity.

This is quite enough to understand that you cannot do without comprehensive care, and the struggle ahead is serious. You should not hope that decorative cosmetics will save the situation - if at first you can “cover up” the defects quite successfully, after a while even tons of products will not be able to hide wrinkles or sagging. The only way out here is to carry out procedures that can fill the skin tissue with nutrients, moisturize, and tone.

Before you begin the procedures, you should understand what proper facial skin care after 30 consists of. There are many subtleties and nuances here, because each skin is individual and requires special treatment.

The first stage in carrying out home treatments is to find out what type of skin to choose products for:

  • Normal. Without any special defects - spider veins, stains, greasy shine. Caring for it will not be difficult, but if you neglect it, the sebaceous glands will instantly react and begin to produce fat much more intensely.
  • Combined. The T-zone is usually oilier than other areas, and it also ages much faster. It is these places that the greatest attention should be paid during procedures.
  • Dry. It is characterized by increased dryness and blood vessels visible through a thin layer of skin. Without proper care, it quickly becomes covered with wrinkles.
  • Fat. The active work of the sebaceous glands is noticeable at first glance - a fatty layer is constantly visible on the face. There is no need to worry too much about this after the age of 30 - usually it becomes combined and requires normal care.

Care for normal skin type

The procedure for caring for healthy facial skin at 30 should begin with washing with cool water and a light massage (acupressure or simple patting). This will increase blood circulation, improve tone, and allow nutrients to penetrate the layers of the epidermis.

Be sure to use moisturizers (masks, creams). It is better not to use nutritional preparations - they stimulate the appearance of wrinkles. In the evening, cleanse the skin with a special milk, gel or mask.

Dry skin care

What is the care for dry skin after 30 and how to prolong youth? In the morning, be sure to wipe your face with a cleansing tonic, massage, and apply any high-fat product (kefir, yogurt, sour cream). You can make your own homemade mask. Be sure to apply moisturizer every day.

In the evening, repeat the manipulations with the cleansing tonic. Be sure to apply a moisturizer (you can alternate it with a nourishing cream).

4 fatal mistakes in caring for oily skin – how to really take care of it

Unhappy owners of oily skin often make mistakes that are immediately reflected on the face in the form of wrinkles, a scattering of pimples and blackheads. What are their mistakes and how to take care of oily skin after 30 years without mistakes?

Main errors and their corrections:

  1. Using hot water for washing. This stimulates the sebaceous glands and causes oily shine. The liquid should be cool or lukewarm.
  2. Using oily cosmetics (store-bought or homemade). Thanks to this, pimples appear that do not decorate the face at all. The composition should be low-fat, plant-based.
  3. Washing with hard water. The results of the procedure are the appearance of irritation. It is better to use decoctions of sage or mint for washing - this will not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but will also give an even, healthy shade.
  4. Applying fatty face powder. The effect after the procedure is amazing - the skin looks like a mask with layers of cosmetic product. It's easy to correct the mistake - use loose powder, it will draw out sebum.

Care for combination skin types

Caring for combination skin after 30 is not difficult, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists:

  • select cosmetic preparations intended only for this type;
  • if homemade formulations are used, preference should be given to products for oily and dry types, applying them to the corresponding areas of the face;
  • Be sure to do deep cleaning weekly;
  • make masks based on plant materials (St. John's wort, birch, yarrow, cucumbers, citrus fruits).

In the evening, apply cream for combination skin or make a special mask.

There are many tricks that turn facial care at 30 at home into pleasure. You don’t need to go to a salon for this, you can do everything yourself and look well-groomed and always young.

Step-by-step care:

  1. start the day with proper washing, using tonic or milk, but in no case soap;
  2. have breakfast only with healthy dishes, include fruits, herbs, vegetables in your diet, give up sweets;
  3. drink plenty of fluids – green tea, plain water, vitamin fruit drinks and juices;
  4. use special anti-aging products (cream, mask, tonic, lotion);
  5. regularly cleanse and nourish the skin with masks;
  6. Be sure to remove any remaining makeup before going to bed.

Alcohol and cigarettes also leave their mark on the face, so it is better to sacrifice a few minutes of pleasure and get glowing youthful skin in return.

Hydration and nutrition

You can combine two skin care processes at home. The easiest option for moisturizing and nourishing is to purchase special products labeled “after 30.” You can use them at 32 or 45 - the effect will not change.

The creams should contain the following ingredients:

  • any essential oil;
  • nutrients;
  • vitamins;
  • moisturizing components;
  • UV filters.

A little trick - in summer it is better to give preference to light formulations, but in winter choose richer products that will protect the skin from the harmful effects of frosty air.

Cleansing and toning

The necessary steps in skin care should be toning and cleansing, which will get rid of excess fat. Tips from a cosmetologist for facial care:

  • use special products (milk, gel for washing);
  • regularly remove dust and dirt using scrubs;
  • The entire face should be cleaned;
  • Be sure to use homemade or store-bought masks.

The skin must constantly breathe, so it is better not to overuse cosmetics.

Proper makeup removal

Grooming rules include removing makeup, which is where women make fatal mistakes. Few requirements:

  • do not leave makeup on overnight;
  • remove decorative cosmetics with special compounds;
  • Do not use force or vigorously rub your eyes or skin;
  • do “fasting” days, allowing your face to rest.

If you feel a little discomfort on your face after removing makeup, it is better to experiment with another milk or foam - there is a possibility that the product was chosen incorrectly.

Folk remedies

Regardless of when ladies over 30 undergo facial care, in the fall, spring, or winter, it needs to be done regularly and carefully. Folk remedies that are as effective as expensive drugs will come to the rescue here.

The most commonly used plant materials here are leaves, roots, inflorescences. You can add products from the refrigerator - cottage cheese, sour cream and honey have no less effective effects and perfectly nourish the epidermal cells.

An open mind about skin care around the eyes from age 30

We should not forget that daily facial care should also include procedures in the areas around the eyes. There are no special requirements here, but masks against crow’s feet should become a necessary habit after 30.

You can use purchased drugs or homemade formulations for the procedures - there is no significant difference between them. The only requirement is to carry them out constantly; it is much easier to prevent wrinkles than to deal with them later.

Neck care

Body care is not only a procedure for the face, the neck also needs to be given due attention. There is no need to experiment or invent special formulations - the skin of the face and neck is practically the same, so you can use the same products. The use of nourishing and moisturizing compositions on the neck is simply necessary, because it also quickly becomes flabby and loses its elasticity.

Day and night facial care after 30 years

Regular skin care includes not only daytime, but also evening treatments:

  1. washing;
  2. toning;
  3. applying a cream intended for ladies over 30 years old;
  4. deep cleansing;
  5. makeup removal;
  6. applying a night product (cream for 30 years).

Each of these points must be followed strictly - only this guarantees a successful result.

After 30, procedures carried out in the salon are simply necessary, because homemade compositions are unlikely to penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis. For ladies over 30, there are many salon procedures:

  • peeling (heals and rejuvenates, cleansing of dead skin particles);
  • injections (Botox, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy) that nourish cells and restore elasticity and a beautiful shade;
  • special massage (improves blood microcirculation, refreshes, smoothes wrinkles).

The procedures necessary in a particular case are prescribed only by a specialist, paying more attention to problem areas.

Carrying out this stage of facial skin care after 30 is especially important. Homemade compositions can preserve youth, but subject to regular use.

There are many tricks in using home remedies, one of them is to first clean and steam the skin - this will allow the nutrients to penetrate to the maximum depth.

Anti-wrinkle mask for forehead

Some women begin care only after 30, which is absolutely not allowed - procedures should be carried out earlier. It is recommended to use masks against wrinkles on the forehead from the age of 25, this will allow creeping old age not to take you by surprise.

  • 45 ml of honey (preference is given to a liquid product);
  • 45 ml of juice squeezed from grapes.

Mix the ingredients and apply an even layer on a gauze cloth. Place the mask on the forehead area for a quarter of an hour.

Rejuvenating mask with yeast

Every woman who has taken care of her face regularly is well aware of the invaluable benefits of yeast. A mask based on this product not only rejuvenates, but also smoothes out wrinkles.

  • 25 gr. yeast (pressed);
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • peach seed oil.

Mix the ingredients and wait a quarter of an hour. Apply the composition to the face, wait half an hour, rinse.

Whitening mask

At 33 years old, the third condition of care is the use of a whitening mask.

  • 30 ml of juice squeezed from citrus fruits (lemon, lime);
  • egg;
  • 2-4 ml vegetable oil.

Mix the two ingredients - white with juice, yolk with butter. Apply the protein mixture in several layers, the last layer is the yolk mixture. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Carrot refreshing anti-wrinkle mask

In your thirty-fourth year, you can use carrot masks, which perfectly refresh your face.

  • 120 gr. carrots (turn into pulp with a grater);
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • protein.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the face for half an hour, not leaving the décolleté area unattended.

Green vitamin mask

Mask composition:

  • 50 gr. chopped greens (parsley, spinach, lettuce);
  • 15 gr. oatmeal (can be replaced with starch).

Combine the ingredients and spread in an even layer over your face for a quarter of an hour.

Cleansing and softening clay-honey mask

  • 25 gr. clay (preference is given to white);
  • 10-12 ml honey;
  • 10 ml concentrated green tea.

Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous paste for 20 minutes. Apply to the face, not forgetting the neck and décolleté.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask

It is imperative to complete the procedure by applying a nutrient.

  • 90 ml vegetable oil;
  • 15 gr. chamomile inflorescences;
  • 20 ml honey;
  • 25 ml of juice from rowan fruits.

Mix the components, heat until smooth in a steam bath, apply to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour.

Magic ice cubes

Facial skin after 30 responds well to vitamin cubes, which you can prepare yourself. To do this you will need juicy parsley and mineral water.

Squeeze the juice from parsley leaves and mix with mineral water (1:5). Fill special ice molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your skin daily (before going to bed and after waking up).

Banana-based softening mask

The product not only softens, but also nourishes the epidermal cells with beneficial substances.

  • 130 gr. banana;
  • 15-18 ml cream (take heavy cream);
  • 7-9 gr. starch.

Mash the banana with a fork and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply for 15 minutes.

Caring for problem skin at 30 consists not only of using all kinds of masks, but also requires regular cleaning, which allows you to get rid of dust particles, dead cells, and dirt.

You can make your own coffee and cottage cheese scrub that works just as well as professional products. Take equal parts of ground coffee and good cottage cheese, apply to the skin with massaging movements, leave for 10 minutes.

Soft Indian hammage

The components of the product are able to penetrate to a great depth of the epidermis, carefully cleansing the skin of dead cells.

  • 10 gr. cinnamon powder;
  • 15 gr. banana pulp;
  • 30 ml fat kefir;
  • 20 ml citrus juice (lime, lemon).

Mix the components and simultaneously apply a light massage. Leave for 20 minutes.

Deep peeling

  • 10 ml of ammonia;
  • 10 ml boric acid;
  • 15 gr. tar soap;
  • 15 ml glycerin;
  • 1 table hydroperite.

Grate the soap and add the remaining ingredients. Apply for just 10 minutes. Remove with calcium chloride by soaking a napkin generously in the solution.

If you need to get your face in order in just a week, you don’t need to give up - it’s quite possible. Facial care after 30 years, advice from a cosmetologist for quick results:

  1. every other day, use a mask for your skin type;
  2. dry skin must be pampered with moisturizing preparations;
  3. carry out manipulations not only with the face, but also with the neck;
  4. cream intended for evening application should be used only before 22.00 - this will remove puffiness;
  5. Introduce green tea into your diet, or even better, replace coffee with it;
  6. drink freshly squeezed juices daily - cabbage, parsley or celery;
  7. Perform acupressure before bed.

Usually these simple steps are enough to prepare for the holiday in just a week and shine with health and freshness.

After 30, you shouldn’t start preparing for the rapidly approaching old age - life goes on! Daily witchcraft with home remedies on your face will certainly lead to amazing results.

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