Hairstyle options for different forehead shapes. Options for hairstyles, cuts and coloring for girls with high foreheads. What hairstyle to do on an angled head

Long hair and a large figure

If the woman is quite large with a large face and short stature, it is better to choose medium-length hairstyles. There should be at least a minimal gap between the shoulder line and the hair. Do you want to grow your hair to your lower back? Just imagine how long flowing hair falls on a large, wide back. There is a feeling that in front of you is a “mountain woman”!

Long hair goes tall and thin. Sometimes this length is suitable for large ladies, but only tall and with ideal proportions, when the waist, hips, and chest are clearly defined.

As for the volume of the hairstyle, it is better to lower it to the shoulders rather than raise it to the top. This is one of the most common mistakes. Thus, you visually elongate your head in height, narrow it, and against this background the massive body looks even larger than it actually is!

Big cheeks

Many girls who have large cheeks try to hide them with their hair, directing the strands towards their face. I call these hairstyles “moon in the bushes.” You didn’t remove your cheeks, on the contrary, you paid more attention to them! If you have large cheeks, you need to pull your hair away from your face, and it should definitely peek out from behind your ears. Then the gap between the neck and ears will be visually filled, the jawline will be extended, and the cheeks will look smaller.

Back of the head

Almost 90% of women believe that they have problems with the back of their head: that it is angled or not round enough, and therefore the hair at the back does not lie correctly. In fact, most people don’t have any such problems at all! It doesn't have an ideal shape, but this is a sore point for everyone. In such cases, I try to explain that if the back of your head is enlarged by at least a centimeter, you will get an egg head. In order to emphasize the convexity of the back of the head, try to throw more hair back and not raise the volume of the hairstyle too much in the area of ​​​​the crown and bangs.

Sharp facial features and curls

Curly hair doesn't suit everyone. Remember the singer Cher, with straight hair she looks much more stylish than with curls. If you have sharp facial features, a long straight nose, and pronounced eyes, this type of face looks more elegant with long straight hair. Curls in this case simplify the image.

Age and short haircuts

In our country, many ladies of Balzac’s age are switching to short haircuts “like a boy.” They expose the back of their heads and temples, thinking that this makes them look younger. Such hairstyles suit only young, inch-sized girls who wear sneakers and T-shirts. If you are an adult woman, and also with large figures, you should not expose the back of your head! But if you want a short haircut, it must have feminine details: elongated temples or some strands that emphasize the cheekbones or oval of the face.

Long thin neck

If you have a long thin neck, it is better to choose hairstyles with a length up to the middle of the neck or below. You need to be careful with short hair. Most likely, a short bob will not suit you. You can bare the back of your head, but in this case, the bangs should be below the hairline at the back. Try to follow a simple rule - one third of your neck should be covered, otherwise you will look like a dinosaur.

Short neck

This feature of the figure is corrected with the help of a neckline. If you have a short neck, it is not recommended to have short haircuts. The optimal length is to the middle of the neck or longer. I very often come across the fact that women mistakenly think their neck is short. Take an adequate look at your appearance.

Prominent ears

The easiest way to hide this flaw is with a voluminous and curly haircut. If your hair is long and straight, it is better to make a more cascading version near your face. The main task is to use the volume of hair to fill the space between the skull and the tips of the ears. If the haircut is short, then the length of the hair should end at the edge of the ears. If you try to partially cover them with hair, they will still come out, and the protruding ears will be even more noticeable! If you wear your hair in a ponytail, don't forget to let a couple of strands out near your face.

Big nose and bangs

Many people mistakenly believe that bangs always hide a big nose. But what matters is what kind of bangs! A short one, lying on the forehead, like Anna Akhmatova’s, on the contrary, emphasizes the nose. To smooth out a long and large nose, choose voluminous bangs that cover your eyebrows. Another option is when the bangs consist of several layers, short and long strands alternate, layered on top of each other. It would seem that in this case there are no bangs at all, but this creates the feeling of a small “visor” that perfectly hides the nose.

Deep-set eyes and bangs

For those with deep-set eyes, I recommend choosing light bangs that will cover the eyebrows but not cover the eyelashes. With bangs you can also hide drooping upper eyelids, your eyes will look more expressive and open. In this case, it is very important to regularly adjust the length.

Those with a round face always look younger than their peers. A round face with cute cheeks resembles the image of an angel or an innocent child; it’s a pity that chubby girls are often worried about their appearance. Most of them try to hide their curves with hairstyles. However, it is quite difficult to choose the right option the first time, and besides, no girl will allow herself to wear the same look all the time.

Properly chosen bangs will help refresh your appearance and give your face the desired shape. Various styling options will help diversify your hairstyle, hide possible imperfections and highlight your advantages. Tips from stylists will help you navigate the variety of bangs and choose the right one. type of bangs according to face shape for myself.

By the way! I recommend it on my friend’s blog as much as possible get rid of hair on the body FOREVER?! Her daughter brought her some kind of cunning depilator from abroad that works on the principle of tweezers, she literally used it once, and her hair NO MORE GROWING!!!

The easiest way to determine that a face is round is to take a photo, picking up hair from the forehead and ears. Then, using a ruler, measure the height and width of your face; if the numbers match or are close in value, then your face shape is round. If the width of the cheekbones matches the cheeks, and the jawline is soft and rounded, such a face can also be called round. They will look most harmonious types of bangs which will help elongate and narrow the shape of the face.

Straight bangs

It is difficult to correct a round face with straight bangs; one centimeter is enough for the proportions to go wrong and the effect will not be achieved. Too long bangs will make the face even shorter, the emphasis will shift from the eyes to the cheeks. Best fit straight bangs length to the middle of the forehead or to the eyebrows in combination with long straight hair. These bangs look great with well-groomed, well-shaped eyebrows and attractive eye makeup.

Side bangs

Slightly flirty side bangs hides part of the cheek, which visually elongates the face. The bangs processed with thinning scissors at the ends will look more airy. The best length for such bangs does not reach the chin; in this case, the emphasis will smoothly move from the eyes to the lips.

Asymmetrical bangs

Unlike side bangs, asymmetrical bangs It is not just combed to the side, but cut along an inclined line. In this case, the upper corner of the bangs should be at the level of the middle of the forehead or just above the eyebrows, and its lower edge should not reach the chin. These bangs can be styled perfectly straight or left slightly tousled, which will add lightness to the look. These bangs look fashionable and fresh, and different styles will add variety.

Short bangs

If you want to open your forehead, you can get a haircut with short bangs. It is important to choose the right hairstyle shape and the length of the bangs itself. It will look most advantageous short bangs in a short asymmetrical hairstyle, abruptly turning into elongated strands that will cover the temples, part of the cheekbones and cheeks. The combination of straight short bangs and long hair will not look very good.

Oval bangs

Symmetrical oval-shaped bangs will help soften pointed facial features. However, thick hair is not suitable for chubby girls. oval bangs in retro style, it will further emphasize the roundness of the face. It is better to opt for lightweight bangs, through which the forehead, up to the eyebrows, will be visible. Looks ideal in combination with long, slightly wavy hair, but poorly with hair collected at the back of the head.

Which bangs are contraindicated for a round face?

Any bangs that can emphasize and enhance the effect of a round face are not suitable:

  • short symmetrical;
  • oval in combination with a pageboy haircut;
  • thick straight bangs below the eyebrows.

What to do if your hair falls out? To begin with, we recommend the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This article reveals a method by which you can fight hair loss. FOR FREE, without harm to the body.

Bangs and forehead height

When choosing bangs, you should consider not only the shape of your face, but also the height of your forehead. Because both a too high protruding forehead and a narrow one look inharmonious and also need to be disguised.

Good for high forehead:

  • light thinned bangs to the eyebrows;
  • oblique bangs;
  • asymmetrical bangs.

Bad for a high forehead:

  • short bangs;
  • straight bangs above the eyebrows.

Good for narrow forehead:

  • thick bangs from the crown;
  • oblique bangs from the top of the parting;
  • elongated flowing bangs on both sides of the parting.

Bad for a narrow forehead:

  • short bangs;
  • asymmetrical bangs;
  • oval bangs.

Choosing bangs and hair type

For those with thin and not too thick hair, we can recommend thick bangs that start from the crown. This technique creates the impression of thicker hair.

For girls with curly or curly hair, sparse side bangs are suitable.

If your hair is coarse and unruly, it is better to avoid thick bangs, as they will be very difficult to style. Medium length sparse bangs are best.

Stars with round faces and their bangs

Chubby girls look young and fresh at any age; examples of movie and pop stars can serve as proof of this. They can see what it looks like perfect bangs for a round face.

Young singer Selena Gomez captivates at first sight with her childishly sweet face. She has thick dark hair, an uneven hairline and a fairly narrow forehead. Most often she can be seen with long hair and long oblique bangs. In this case, the most harmonious look is the hairstyle with root volume on the top of the head and oblique bangs from the top of the parting.

Sassy young singer Miley Cyrus I tried many different looks from long delicate curls to a short boyish haircut. However, a medium length bob with side bangs and ombre coloring looks most successful. The color transition line emphasizes the eyes and also distracts attention from the round shape of the face.

One of Hollywood's most accomplished young actresses Kirsten Dunst started her career as a little girl. Her hair has gone through many stylists, but she still prefers natural blonde hair colors and side-swept bangs. A bob hairstyle with slightly curly hair looks very good.

Cameron Diaz She has been considered the hottest thing in Hollywood for many years, landing successful roles and first-class men. However, her face is far from ideal: a wide forehead, a large nose, a large mouth and a round face. Perhaps her secret is that the best stylists work with her, who have chosen her a light, romantic look. Blonde slightly curly hair and side bangs. A classic bob with asymmetrical parted bangs looks great.

By the way! I advise you to read 5 tips on how to smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate skin for 147 rubles. from Cosmopolitan magazine based on an interview with Moscow cosmetologist Anna Dovgan.

Complete collection of materials: "best haircuts for low foreheads" for you and your friends.

Magic haircuts for a narrow face (54 photos). Great options for skinny people!

A narrow face, as a rule, approaches the shape of an elongated rectangle. This is a reward for men, but women who get this shape usually want to look more gentle. Correcting the situation is quite simple; you need to properly cut and style your hair, which will hide the extra elongation of your face.

From this article you will learn:

Narrow rectangular face: distinctive features

The problems of a rectangular, elongated face are similar to the problems of a square-type face: in both cases, we have an angular chin, from which we need to divert the gaze of others. But a rectangular, thin face has one more point - an elongated shape, which you want to visually shorten a little, bringing it closer to a beautiful oval.

So, an elongated face has a length-to-width ratio of approximately 1 to 6, while the side lines are straight and do not have soft curves from the temples to the chin. Due to this, “angles” are formed that burden the female chin. By the way, some women are impressed by their strong-willed, courageous appearance. To maintain this image, they should take our advice “on the contrary.” Well, for those who do not want to focus on the elongation and angularity of a thin face, it is better to use them directly.

Among the stars that nature has awarded with a narrow rectangle, we note such beauties as: Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler, Andie MacDowell, Julia Roberts, Hoolli Marie Combs.

Haircuts for a narrow face that will visually bring you closer to an oval

Together with your personal hairdresser, you need to solve two problems at once: slightly narrow the chin and width of the forehead, and also visually reduce the height of an elongated face. The best way to eliminate this problem is to cut hair of medium length.- with its help the face is corrected to an almost ideal oval.

The distance from your chin to your shoulders is a length that you can play with without worrying that it will somehow weigh down your features. A flirtatious strand of elongated bangs that falls slightly below the chin is the winning feature that will make your face look closer to oval.

For long and medium hair

Suitable haircuts for rectangular face on long hair are cascade and ladder, especially in combination with natural waves. Try to have the most “voluminous” place mid-neck level. At the same time, do not allow unshakable straightness: let light curls fall on your shoulders, even if you naturally have straight hair, use a curling iron once again.

A particularly pressing question is how to pull long hair back beautifully, for example, tie it in a ponytail. In order not to completely open the rectangle you don’t like, leave small strands on the sides; you can separate them along the side parting, and also curl them a little.

When you need not just styling, but a hairstyle that will remove hair from your face, try models with side partings and asymmetry. We need smooth curves and round outlines - fancy braid hairstyles perfect for this situation.

Short haircuts for narrow-faced beauties

Haircuts that can correct the shape are torn options such as pixie and garcon. This haircut will be complemented by thick, oblique bangs that cover part of the forehead and create volume on top. Against the background of this “hat,” the chin immediately becomes visually more graceful.

Can you simulate an image? no bangs at all, placing hair away from the face, opening it up and creating volume on the sides.

It’s a good idea to combine the practicality of a short haircut and the camouflage functions of long hair, - get a bob or bob haircut. By leaving long strands in the front, you will correct the features of the lower part of your face, and short curls on top will create volume and will not interfere with your daily work.

You will find even more options for haircuts for narrow faces of different lengths here:

Features of bangs

Haircuts for rectangular faces with bangs - this is a real find, they slightly hide the high forehead, visually hiding part of the elongated face, which is only beneficial in this case. Therefore, almost all fashionable haircuts designed to decorate a woman with a rectangular face type have bangs.

This small curl is above the forehead can be of different shapes: Thick, even bangs, an elegant semicircle above the eyebrows, and oblique elongated options are also suitable. Each type of bangs individually complements different haircuts, removing them or vice versa, concentrating attention on themselves. The only thing you should avoid is multi-short bangs. They will place great emphasis on the elongated shape of the face, presenting it even more elongated.

Secrets for a very thin face

Thin women with a rectangular face should be more careful when choosing a hairstyle, since the face looks even more elongated and narrow. It is better for them not to try on very slanted bangs and Direct partings should be avoided.

  • An ideal haircut for a thin, long face, it creates a voluminous, lush head of hair. Of course, nothing will work without waves or curls, but they will bring the face shape closer to round, creating ideal proportions.
  • Short haircuts for a narrow face may turn out to be unsuccessful; photos of too minimized hairstyles especially highlight a sharp chin and an elongated nose.
  • If you decide to go for a short haircut, then a layered pixie with different lengths of curls is the best short haircut. Giving the face a strict elegance and at the same time a feminine playfulness, the pixie is becoming increasingly popular.
  • A narrow face requires thinning of the ends to create additional volume. Hairstyles for medium-length hair are varied, but those that create additional volume at ear level look especially good: an asymmetrical bob, a voluminous bob. In combination with straight bangs that cover the eyebrows, such hairstyles hide almost all facial imperfections, rounding the cheekbones.
  • Cut long hair in layers, different levels will create additional volume, and careless curls will hide the narrowness of the cheekbones and the sharpness of the nose. In this case, it is better not to let your hair go much lower than your shoulders; the maximum length is one palm below. And use bright or large hairpins and jewelry, they will distract attention from your face.
  • The most successful haircuts for a thin face in photos of stars are: Milla Jovovich, who hides her high forehead behind thick long bangs, Liv Tyler, who prefers airy curls, and Emma Watson, who replaced her chestnut curls with a strict pixie.

If you have already decided on a haircut, do not forget to take into account moon calendar!

Hairstyles for a high forehead: how to turn flaws into advantages

Women often consider too high a forehead to be a flaw that reveals other defects in appearance, so to speak, in the head, and try to visually reduce it with haircuts and styling. What hairstyles for a high forehead should girls wear to look impeccable?

Rules for choosing a hairstyle for

A large number of hairstyles are suitable for a high forehead

massive forehead

Modern hairdressers offer a huge number of hairstyles and haircuts with which you can correct a high forehead, but what is important is not so much its shape as its combination with other facial features and oval shape.

  • With a small chin, the volume of hair should be concentrated on the line of the earlobes.
  • A high forehead on an elongated face will visually appear wider with a full haircut - a graduated bob or cascade. A ladder with drops that create volume will look gorgeous on long hair.
  • A straight parting is not a good idea; it is better to do it with a deep oblique or side parting.
  • Feminine curls and ringlets will soften the look and distract attention from an overly high forehead.
  • Complicated hairstyles are not an option for the owner of a large forehead, so you should avoid piling up details, it will not look aesthetically pleasing and even ridiculous.
  • A short boyish haircut will also not add attractiveness to the image.
  • Taboo - smoothly combed back hair, a ponytail or a voluminous bouffant on the top of the head, as visually this pulls the face up even more.

Is it possible to wear bangs?

Classic straight bangs look feminine and draw attention to the eyes, as long as they are not too short. Straight, short bangs on a wide forehead look simply terrible.

It is better to give preference to thick straight bangs, reaching the length of the eyebrows and below. It will harmonize perfectly with bob, page and bob haircuts.

Classic straight bangs combined with straight long curls look very stylish. For variety, you can divide it into two equal parts. An excellent alternative to thick bangs is elongated, profiled bangs; they correct the shape of the face well.

The popularity of side bangs benefits girls with high foreheads.

Thanks to its interesting shape, neat oblique bangs will make the image harmonious and complete. By highlighting individual strands and creating an artistic asymmetrical mess on the head, you can get a very cute option that transforms and distracts attention from a high forehead.

With such haircuts as bob, ladder, bob, long oblique bangs go perfectly. One caveat: the hair must be thinned.

If your hair is not thick, then it is better not to use this method, as it will make thin hair visually thinner.

Fashionable haircuts

According to stylists, the optimal hair length for girls with a large forehead is medium, that is, from the jawline to the shoulders. These can be bob, bob, cascade, textured haircuts. They balance the upper and lower parts of the face.

A bob haircut is suitable for girls with a high forehead

This haircut has many options; the girl just has to choose the one that suits her face structure, hair type and overall style.

The advantage of this hairstyle is its versatility; it suits almost all women.

An excellent option is an elongated bob, which will create additional volume in the ear area, which will visually correct the shape of the face.

A haircut with long strands will help hide a wide forehead, and bangs will visually reduce its height. If your hair is thick, straight or oblique bangs with graduated ends will look great. The latter is suitable even for those with thin blond hair.


Asymmetrical haircut is a very practical styling option

Haircuts with asymmetry are a very practical option. Styling does not take much time, but the girl whose head sports such a stylish hairstyle is guaranteed admiring glances.

If necessary, a haircut will help correct some appearance flaws, including a high forehead.

However, if the hair is too thin, asymmetry with side bangs will not help disguise it.

Short locks in the frontal and occipital areas provide additional root volume and visually reduce a wide forehead.

The “Aurora” haircut is especially suitable for girls who want to constantly wear long hair, since the curls located at the temples and back of the head can be of any length.

Multi-level cascade

This haircut is ideal for long hair. Clearly executed levels make the image harmonious, while it looks modern and very expressive. The cascade makes your hair look fuller. Stylists recommend wearing it in combination with long oblique bangs.

You will learn about the correct selection of hairstyles from the thematic video:

Graduated bob

A haircut will make the face visually a little wider and restore proportions. The bob is especially suitable for girls growing their hair.

Short haircut

Oddly enough, an excellent hairstyle option that suits a wide or high forehead is a short haircut.

The main requirement is that the strands on the top of the head must be long so that they fall freely on the cheekbones and forehead.

The half-bob haircut is popular, reminiscent of a man's haircut, with the only difference being that at the back at the base of the neck, the hair is cut, and at the back of the head the length of the strands increases. In the frontal and temporal areas, curls should be no shorter than 15-20 centimeters.

Hair Styling

Elegant hairstyles and various weaves go well with a high forehead

How to style hair for someone with a high forehead?

Girls with long hair are the luckiest in this regard - they have a huge selection of ways to style their hair beautifully and stylishly and at the same time disguise their lack of appearance. It can be a variety of weaving, braids, elegant hairstyles in retro style.

If a woman likes to wear her hair loose, then when styling her bangs, she should not use a small round brush, curling iron or curlers. This will create a roller effect, which is not in fashion now.

It is better to use a straight comb or a large brush (at least 10 centimeters in diameter), and to create root volume, use mousse or foam. It is not recommended to distribute the styling product over the entire length of the hair, as it will look unnatural and heavy.

Long hair is, of course, beautiful, but completely inconvenient. To prevent the strands from getting in the way and falling on the face, they are styled in various hairstyles. Here are several options for fashionable hairstyles for a high forehead, with which you can visually lower your hairline:

  1. The trendy boho style can also be used in hairstyles. Braids around the head, varying in density and direction of weaving, will decorate any girl. Looks impressive both with fully collected hair and with loose curls.
  2. The bangs can be removed with a spectacular headband or woven into a braid along with the strands located above.
  3. Retro styling looks fresh and stylish. Strands laid on the face will add charm to the image and allow you to hide imperfections in appearance.
  4. Hairstyles with bundles of flagella, the ends of which are disheveled in a chaotic manner, are very suitable for owners of a high forehead.
  5. A horizontal braid in the form of a braided headband made from side strands of hair, secured on the opposite side at the temple with an original hairpin, will distract attention from a large forehead and restore proportions.

Other ways to correct a high forehead

For girls with a high forehead, light warm hair colors are suitable.

A very common problem with a high forehead is receding hairline. You can hide them using a variety of styling and experiments with bangs, but not only.

If a girl decides to take drastic measures in order to hide her receding hairline for a long time, she will need a hair extension procedure.

A professional hairdresser will extend strands in the desired areas, matching them to the shade of your natural hair.

Another way to visually disguise receding hairline is to dye your scalp with dye matched to your hair color. This trick will help hide the defect as much as possible.

There are other ways to correct your appearance:

  • With the help of a properly used pencil or a well-performed tattoo, you can visually raise the eyebrow line, thereby reducing the forehead. It is very important to pay attention to the shape of the eyebrows. They should be of medium thickness, the most natural shade possible, and in no case too dark or wide, as this will make the forehead even wider and higher. The same applies to threaded or uncolored eyebrows.
  • A dark beige foundation or blush will help lower your hairline.
  • A combination of light and dark correctors also helps to even out the proportions of the face.
  • If the forehead is not only high, but also convex, powder a shade darker than the natural skin tone will help hide the defect. It is applied to the middle of the forehead, and then carefully shaded towards the temples.
  • The right shade of hair is also important. Women with large foreheads should not choose black and dark colors; light, warm colors will look much more advantageous.
  • Highlighting would be an excellent option; it will not only make your hair more voluminous, but also refresh your look.
  • Highlighter applied to the upper area of ​​the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and the center of the chin will give the face additional volume, emphasize the advantages and hide the imperfections of the appearance.
  • Feel free to use accessories - headbands, scarves, ribbons, scarves, beautiful hairpins, headbands, bows, hats. Just remember that a narrow bandage will visually divide your forehead into parts, while a wide bandage will completely hide it. The headband can be worn in different ways: one slightly pulled down on the forehead will fit perfectly into the boho style, while one located in the center is more typical for a hippie.

It is necessary to take into account that each woman is individual, and what suits one does not suit another at all.

You need to look for your own image, however, if you doubt your abilities, you should consult with a stylist, this will help you avoid mistakes - repainting a bad hair color or changing your haircut.

Now that you know which hairstyles to wear for a high forehead, you can always look stunning!

Many girls consider a high forehead to be a defect in appearance. There are many ways to make it less bulky. Stylists recommend not only hairstyles and styling, but also some makeup tricks.

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High forehead without bangs (36 photos) - how to balance it

Many girls consider too high a forehead to be a flaw in their appearance and try to hide it under their bangs. But there are many other ways to hide a large forehead without bangs and visually balance the proportions of the face, if this is really necessary.

In fact, this is not the worst option - it is much more difficult for people with a narrow forehead and uneven hairline. But this is a topic for another article.

With or without bangs – it’s up to you

Winning haircuts and hairstyles

In our case, it is not just the shape of the forehead that is important, but its combination with the rest of the facial features and its oval. You need to evaluate the image as a whole in order to understand how to turn flaws into advantages that are obvious to everyone. It is best if this is done by a professional: stylist, hairdresser, makeup artist. His instructions for choosing a hairstyle will be the most correct.

How to cut hair for girls with large foreheads

It is believed that medium hair length is optimal, approximately to the chin line. There are many haircuts of this length: bob, bob, cascade, etc. Visually, they add “weight” to the lower part of the face, balancing the upper part.

But when choosing this haircut, consider the following tips:

  • if you have a small chin, the main volume of the hairstyle should be at the level of the earlobe;
  • an elongated face with a high forehead will become visually wider if you choose a voluminous hairstyle, for example, a smooth cascade with changes that create volume. It will also suit those with long hair;

Cascade for long hair

  • Don't part your hair in the center. In your case, it is better to go with a side or deep side parting;

The photo shows a medium-length bob with a side parting.

  • Asymmetrical haircuts without bangs with different lengths of strands and thinned ends perfectly distract attention from a high forehead.

Advice. If you still decide to have bangs, do them at least to the middle of the forehead. A bob with short bangs under the forehead will make the upper part of the face very massive.

How to style your hair correctly

All the rules described above also apply to owners of long hair. They will suit hairstyles, the main volume of which falls on the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin, side partings and asymmetrical haircuts.

But long hair is rarely worn loose; more often it has to be tied up so as not to get in the way, or put into hairstyles for a high forehead without bangs to look stylish and elegant.

We offer you several examples of successful hairstyles that allow you to hide and visually lower your hairline:

  • Boho braid braided over the face. There can be many options for weaving it, both in direction and in weaving density.

The bulk of your hair can also be braided or left loose.

  • Retro style hairstyles with strands placed on the forehead. Today they look very fresh and not hackneyed, which will add charm to you.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to style your hair this way the first time, but with time, experience will come.

  • Another option using weaving is a braided headband., braided from a side strand and secured on the opposite side at the temple.

A horizontal braid below the hairline visually restores the proportions of the forehead

Advice. But what you shouldn’t do at all is comb your hair smoothly back or backcomb it on the top of your head, visually pulling your face up.

There are other ways to reduce your forehead without bangs, using various feminine tricks. Here are just a few examples with illustrations.

Sometimes another need arises: how to remove bangs - if you have a high forehead and they bother you, but still look irresistible? It’s very simple: you can weave it into a boho braid along with the strands located above, or put on a narrow headband and wrap it under it.

Other methods of visual correction

In addition to proper haircut or styling, you can use well-known methods such as makeup and proper hair coloring:

  • if you use a pencil or tattoo to raise the eyebrow line, the forehead will no longer seem so high;
  • the same effect can be achieved by darkening it below the hairline with dark beige blush or foundation;

Using a dark and light corrector helps equalize facial proportions

  • dark hair color contrasts with the skin, drawing attention to the border of the forehead. Try changing their shade to a lighter one and you will immediately see the difference;
  • if you don’t want to radically change the color, use highlighting - the effect will be the same.

And now in action:

Of course, it is advisable to conduct such experiments under the guidance of a stylist, since it is difficult to predict the result on your own. The price of his services may be considerable, but you won’t have to dye your hair again or get rid of permanent makeup.


Each woman is individual, and what suits one does not suit another at all. Therefore, you will have to independently search for exactly the method that will allow you to bring your image to the ideal. We hope that the tips above and the video in this article will help you find such a way.

And we will be happy to answer any remaining questions you have about the article in the comments.

To choose the right hairstyle, you need to accurately determine your face type. The correct shape of the face is rare; basically, the face has some deviations from the norm. A correctly chosen hairstyle should hide flaws and give originality to the head, in addition to the face. For example, a hairstyle can “divert” the focus from a large nose, a wide chin, correct the back of the head, etc. To understand how it is done face correction with hairstyle, the available face types should be considered.

Correction of the face with a hairstyle according to its shape

Hairstyles for oval faces

This is the ideal type of face, it has the right features. This type is suitable for all types of installation.

It is distinguished by widened cheekbones, a wide smooth chin, a low and wide forehead.

  • Women are advised to choose hairstyles that extend upward from the ears, side-swept bangs and side partings.
  • Men are recommended to wear side partings, small side bangs, small sideburns, mustaches and goatees. By the way, the beard can be in the shape of a horseshoe.
  • You should not wear partings on straight or combed hair.

This face is distinguished by a wide forehead and jaw.

  • Women are advised to have asymmetrical hairstyles with a side parting and sparse bangs.
  • For men, it is better to choose a parting on one side, long bangs, sideburns, mustaches and goatees.
  • You should not have thick bangs, comb your hair smoothly, straight partings, etc.

The difference between such a face is a high forehead and an elongated chin.

  • Facial hairstyle correction for women is done using lush curls on the sides, asymmetrical or straight bangs up to the eyebrows, and cap haircuts.
  • Avoid straight parting and high ponytails.

The type has an expanded forehead and cheekbones, as well as a narrowed chin.

  • For women, those hairstyles are suitable that have the widest part located on the line of the middle of the earlobes, straight, long, oblique bangs.
  • Men are advised to have side partings, a small bob, a “cap” in all sorts of variations, a medium beard and mustache.
  • You should not do hairstyles with hair longer than the chin, short bangs, hairstyles that widen at the top, etc.

Face Shaping with Diamond Shape Hairstyles

He is distinguished by a narrowed forehead, chin and wide cheekbones.

  • It is appropriate to correct the face with a hairstyle for women with semi-long hair, so that the neck line is covered, partings on one side, bangs with asymmetry, long individual strands covering the cheeks.
  • Men can have side partings, asymmetrical bangs, classic haircuts, goatees, sideburns, and mustaches.
  • It is not recommended to cut your hair very short.

Hairstyles for long noses

  • They recommend voluminous hairstyles that gently fit the face, various bangs, and long temporal strands.
  • Avoid high and sleek hairstyles.

Hairstyles for small noses

  • Cascade haircuts, small curls, bangs with asymmetry, hairstyles where the ears and forehead are exposed.
  • There is no need to practice big curls, thick bangs, smoothed hairstyles.

Hairstyle for thick and short necks

  • Here, facial hairstyle correction should be done through short haircuts with the presence of a beautiful edging; taller hairstyles are also possible.
  • Sesun, bob, and men's long haircuts are not recommended.

Hairstyles for large faces

Wavy, calm hairstyles that reveal the face are recommended. Small curls should not be done.

Hairstyles for flat heads

  • It is recommended to use backcombing.
  • If you have a wide nape, you need to cut your hair short and trim it.
  • For a narrow nape, hairstyles with horizontal edging are appropriate.

Face correction using hairstyle photo


How to choose the right hairstyle and haircut

A properly chosen haircut can work wonders; it can be used to disguise imperfections and highlight the advantages of your appearance. To solve this problem, you can contact a stylist or do it yourself.

Which haircut suits your face shape

Analysis of the anatomical features and shape of the face will help you choose the right hairstyle. The main task is to correct the shape of the face and bring it closer to an oval.

Standing in front of a mirror, put your hair in a bun or ponytail and outline your face with a lip or eyebrow pencil. Determine which geometric figure it resembles most.


An oval face shape has approximately the same parameters for the forehead and chin. Its widest part is at the eye line. The oval is the standard: this type of face goes well with almost all hairstyles and bangs.

But there are features that you should consider:

  • Hairstyles with volume on the top of the head are not suitable for you: it visually elongates the face;
  • Avoid long thick bangs: they visually reduce the proportions of the face.


The width and height of a round face are almost the same, the forehead is low, the chin is small, and the cheekbones are wide. The main task when choosing a hairstyle is to visually stretch the face. Long haircuts and asymmetry will suit you:

  • side parting;
  • oblique or asymmetrical bangs covering most of the forehead, or elongated and combed to the side. And also, multi-layered bangs are suitable, which will add volume to the forehead;
  • asymmetrical haircuts - cascade, Italian, lengthening bob on one side;
  • concentrate the volume in the area of ​​the crown.

Not suitable for round faces:

  • smooth hairstyles;
  • thick arched bangs (length to the eyebrow line), short torn or absent;
  • straight parting;
  • perm;
  • haircuts with a round shape (for example, sessun) look bad;
  • curls at the level of the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • chin length hair.


A square face is characterized by equal height and width, a heavy lower jaw and a wide forehead. Choose a haircut so as to visually reduce the width of your face and soften its angularity.

Suitable for you:

  • side parting;
  • oblique elongated bangs laid on one side;
  • light thinning of bangs;
  • hair below the chin;
  • layered asymmetrical hairstyles with volume at the crown;
  • easy coloring: you can slightly change the color of the hair framing the face.


  • straight parting;
  • smooth hair combed back or to the sides;
  • haircuts up to the lower jaw line;
  • styling with an open forehead;
  • smooth long bangs made with a straight cut;
  • curls at chin level.


This type of face has a narrow forehead and a small, pointed chin. The greatest width occurs at the cheekbones. When choosing a haircut, they solve the following problem: to balance the narrowest and widest zones, to give the face softness.

Suitable for you:

  • light curls or waves in the chin area;
  • long bangs (to the chin);
  • milled voluminous bangs slightly below the eyebrows;
  • Asymmetrical haircuts of different lengths and thinning at the ends look good. Suitable options would be bob, A-bob, ladder and cascade.
  • haircuts without bangs;
  • short torn bangs;
  • slicked hair;
  • central parting;
  • an even cut of hair, without thinning at the ends;
  • very short haircuts (garcon, pixie);
  • additional volume in the cheekbone area


The triangular face shape is similar to the diamond shape, but unlike it has a wide forehead. You immediately need to decide what goal you are pursuing: you want to balance the proportions of your face or emphasize the atypical architecture of your cheekbones.

If the goal is to balance the proportions of the face, then the following will suit you:

  • oblique or side bangs, which hide most of the forehead, or long, milled ones that reach the eyebrows;
  • trapezoidal haircut options, in which the greatest volume falls on the line of the earlobe or 2-3 cm below (waves, curls, bobs with ends curled outward);
  • layered cascade haircuts;
  • A hairstyle with a side parting will look good.

Want to highlight your cheekbones? Then take a closer look at short and medium-length haircuts (for example, an A-bob with side strands just below the chin).

What is better to avoid:

  • parting in the center;
  • no bangs and hair combed smoothly on both sides;
  • flat bangs, made with a straight cut or shortened torn;
  • volume in the crown area;
  • long straight hair, the lower edge of which is cut off at the same level.


The width of the face is less than its length. The forehead, cheekbones and chin are approximately the same. It will look good:

  • arched (to the eyebrows), side or oblique bangs;
  • asymmetry with milled ends and a length just below the chin (bob-bob, cascade and ladder);
  • the ends of the hair covering the corners of the chin, visually softening them;
  • additional volume in the cheekbones;
  • waves and curls;
  • side parting

Not suitable for you:

  • open forehead hairstyles;
  • styling with smoothly combed temples;
  • straight parting;
  • straight bangs, cut at chin level;
  • slicked long hair;
  • volumetric styling in the crown area;
  • very short haircuts.


The difference between the length and width of the face is more than 1:6, which makes it appear thin. The following will work for this:

  • lush hair of medium length, with additional volume on the side (cascade, aurora, cap);
  • arched or long oblique bangs;
  • layered graduation of strands;
  • side parting

A long face does not go well with:

  • straight strands hanging along the face;
  • lack of bangs;
  • excessively short haircuts;
  • central parting;
  • hair combed smoothly up or to the sides;
  • backcombing in the crown area;
  • styling in the form of a mohawk.

How to hide imperfections in appearance with hairstyles

In addition to the shape of the face, when choosing a haircut or bangs, it is important to consider the presence of other parameters:

  • A person with a large or long nose looks good with medium-length layered haircuts, side-parted bangs and side parting. You can also do a little backcombing at the back of the head. It is better to avoid smoothly combed straight hair, parting in the middle, high and short hairstyles.

  • Snub-nosed girls Long and well-profiled bangs are suitable. Avoid perfectly straight hair and smooth styling, small waves and curls. The best option is large curls and waves.
  • Hide a high or low forehead bangs help: long bangs are suitable for a low forehead, short ones are suitable for a high forehead. Smoothly combed hair is contraindicated.
  • Visually extend the short neck You can use short haircuts, the back edging of which is made in the shape of an elongated cape. A good option would be an A-bob haircut: its side strands visually lengthen a short neck. If a woman has long hair, updos will also help to visually lengthen her neck. It is advisable to avoid buns, braids and ponytails located at the back of the head.

  • Long thin neck It looks more proportional if you add it with a shoulder-length cascade. Styles that expose the neck are contraindicated. But some women prefer to show off their swan neck, so they go for short hairstyles.
  • Small sloping chin balanced with an A-bob or long straight hair that lengthens the face.
  • Brighten up a heavy chin Any type of bangs helps, except for a perfectly straight one that follows the line of the lower jaw. The haircut should have soft, rounded lines (a cascade works well), with a length just below the chin. It is not recommended to wear your hair in a ponytail.
  • Small head with a flat back will look more proportional with short and medium hairstyles that have volume at the back of the head.
  • For those with large heads It is not recommended to wear short, voluminous hairstyles, perm, small curls, straight or slicked strands. Instead, look for layered haircuts that are shoulder length or just below.

  • Drooping (“bulldog”) cheeks emphasize ultra-short hairstyles, small curls, straight strands along the face. Disguise them with structured haircuts, such as bobs.
  • If there are bald patches on the sides of the forehead, forming the so-called “widow’s peak”, you can hide them with bangs from the crown.

Choosing a haircut based on hair structure

To choose the right hairstyle, pay attention to the structure of your hair:

  • For thin and sparse hair Haircuts of the same length are suitable. Because due to their density, volume can be created. For ease of installation, small graduations are possible.
  • Since caring for long thick hair is not easy, you can make it a pixie or a page. But if you want a medium or long hairstyle, you can profile your hair and make a cascading haircut.
  • Soft fluffy hair does not hold its shape and style well, therefore, haircuts with a strict architecture (for example, sessun) are not suitable for them. Instead, make a square or cascade.
  • Add volume to straight hair You can use a ladder and a bob. Smooth and straight hair is also suitable - for example, in the form of a bob.
  • Curly and curly hair They don’t look good with short hairstyles, as they make the head look like a dandelion. It is better to pay attention to graduated haircuts and long oblique bangs.

Haircut selection services

There are many online resources that allow you to choose the optimal women's hairstyle online. You need to take a suitable photo with your hair combed back and your face as open as possible and upload it to the site. Such programs allow you not only to choose a hairstyle based on your facial shape and features, but also to choose a new hair color.

Whatever your face is - ideally oval or having a non-standard shape - you will definitely be able to choose the right haircut for it if you follow the tips!

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