Conspiracy to work: consequences. Spells and prayers to find a job

A selection of materials on the rules for reading conspiracies.
(the sources are different, so the rules differ from each other, but the general
You can get a picture of what you can do and what you can’t do when reading conspiracies).

Maria Bazhenova “Conspiracies of the Ural healer against damage and the evil eye.”

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“At the request of Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya, I begin the book with a warning. If someone engages in conspiracies without thinking or out of curiosity, they can harm themselves and others. Always think carefully before using them. Because by influencing life with the help of conspiracies, you are rebuilding the existing world. And everything in the world is interconnected. And if one thing changes, it will cause an inevitable chain reaction of change.

Are you ready to take responsibility for any changes that will occur after your action?

Are you ready to give up on people dear to you and get closer to those with whom getting close to you was not in your plans (this can happen even after an action that seems completely innocent to you; in principle, anything can happen, the chain reaction is always unpredictable)?

Are you really unable to achieve what you crave through conventional means?

Is it really necessary to use the incomprehensible and unpredictable energy of conspiracies and rituals?

Never experiment with conspiracies, take them very seriously, and resort to them only in special situations. Do not neglect personal protection - be sure to take measures so that your action does not turn against you.”


In this book you will find tips on how to attract money to yourself and become a successful person. The rituals and conspiracies that you can use were created at different times. Some came to us from ancient times, others appeared, perhaps, already in the twentieth century. But they are all workers. Just remember this:

1. Think again about what you are taking on and how it might turn out. If you’re not sure you need it, don’t do anything so you don’t end up biting your elbows later.

2. Never do anything out of curiosity. Only when necessary.

3. Do only what you believe will help you. Do only to help yourself or others, never do to harm or harm anyone.

4. Do everything alone, unless you need another person for the ritual. Banish all extraneous thoughts. You should only think about what you want. It’s better not to think, but just to know.

5. Everything must be carried out exactly as described! If a replacement is possible, this will be stated. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item described in the ritual, it is better to choose another ritual.

6. All words of conspiracies, love spells, spells, etc. must be repeated exactly as written.

7. Your clothes should be plain (or it is better to conduct rituals without clothes at all, in a long shirt of unbleached linen). Everything is done barefoot; take off not only your shoes or slippers, but also your stockings. There should be no jewelry on the hands or ears. In general, take off any jewelry. The cross must also be removed if you wear it. You need to let your hair down and not comb it in the morning.

8. No cosmetics on the face are allowed.

9. If you are speaking to the spirits of the deceased, the windows should be tightly closed.

10. If you call for luck, open the windows.

11. Rituals aimed at forgetting the past (or aimed at making another person forget the past) must be done at sunrise (or before sunrise). And if your goal is to influence your future, conspiracies should be read at sunset.

12. On the day you are going to do the ritual, sit on bread and water in the morning.

13. You can’t do the ritual during your period.

14. Any ritual can be performed only once. If you feel like you did something wrong or said the wrong words, don’t even think about starting over! An error means that you do not need to do this particular ritual.

15. Be sure to put up “protection” when performing any ritual. The best methods of protection are: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after performing the ritual and burn it on a church candle; before performing the ritual, go outside, hug the tree that grows closest to your door, and after the ritual, pierce the ring finger on your left hand with a steel pin, return to the same tree and squeeze seven drops of blood under its roots; immediately after performing the ritual, go for a minor poop and pour it into the snow behind the house (this protection only works in winter, when there is snow). Be sure to read the “Our Father” nine times after each ritual.

16. Never tell anyone about what you did and what you achieved with it.

17. Seal any conspiracy with the words “key, lock, tongue”, “key in the sky, castle in the sea”, etc.

18. It is mandatory to have several icons in the house: Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Kazan Mother of God, saints in whose honor all family members are named or baptized, St. Panteleimon (healer), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Spiridonius of Trimifunt (helps with all matters , associated with the house), all saints.

19. There should always be red, yellow and brown church candles, holy water, and silver objects in the house.

20. You need to memorize the prayers: “Our Father”, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary”, “Jesus Prayer”.

21. Have a lunar calendar at hand, because some spells need to be done on certain lunar days.

22. If you make a conspiracy to someone, then be sure to take something from him in payment.

“How do you know which time is money time? And the one in which something begins. The most profitable time is New Year. Just not January 1 - but January 14 - according to the old style. The first five days of the waxing moon are also money days; but on the waning moon it is better not to make money spells. The beginning of every day, dawn is a very strong time for conspiracies for “working” money. But the beginning of the night and sunset are good for conspiracies to preserve wealth. Big sunny holidays - Solstice- days when money magic works in full force.

Instructions for reading conspiracies.
Read the spell in the evening or morning (especially effective and quick action - at the moment the sun appears on the horizon or at the moment when the sun begins to set beyond the horizon).
. Read the plot in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening, but not earlier than three hours after eating.
. Be sure to read with an open window or window, facing east.
. First, breathe in and out calmly. Read in such a way that with the last word (“amen”) you push the air out of yourself. If the plot is long, then take a breath and exhale and read the plot to the end.
. Buy the candle that you light to read the plot from the church.
. Before reading the conspiracy, light a candle, cross yourself three times in front of the icon, then read the “Our Father” prayer, and then the conspiracy.
. If the spell needs to be read on water, then take about half a glass or a glass of water (the volume of water does not matter) and drink it in small sips for 5 minutes.
. Read the plot with attention, sincere interest, with a desire to help yourself or the patient. I advise you to do this without ridicule and not to do it out of curiosity.
. The spell can be repeated to enhance the effect 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are spells that must be recited 40 times.
. Please note that the main condition for reading a conspiracy to cure diseases, alcoholism, etc. is the waning moon (the first ten days are especially important). If you worked with the plot on the last day of the waning moon, then nothing may work out or the result will be insignificant.
. There are conspiracies that are supposed to help women. They should be read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday); if the plot is to help a man, then choose men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
. You cannot read conspiracies on Sunday, on major religious holidays and fasts.
. If you have the opportunity, read the spells in front of an ancient icon, as it contains very great energy (the icon of the forty saints is especially recommended).

Rules for reading the plot.

1. When reading a conspiracy, all words must be read exactly as written. Adding or removing words is not recommended.
2. It is necessary to observe the sonority of the word. If you somehow pronounce a word incorrectly, you need to re-read the plot. To do this, it is recommended that you first read each conspiracy to yourself.
3. If the conspiracy is directed at you, then before reading it you need to fast for three days. At the same time, you cannot swear, get angry, or quarrel.
4. Conspiracies cannot be read by pregnant women and women with menstruation.
5. If you are sick, then the plot also cannot be read.
6. If another person makes a spell for you, be sure to thank him. Money is not allowed, but some kind of gift is better (alcohol is not allowed).
7. The one against whom the conspiracy is being made must also fast for three days beforehand.

How and when can you make a conspiracy?

1. When reading the plot, you need to take off all your jewelry: rings, earrings, chains, etc. You can only leave the pectoral cross.
2. A man must have his head uncovered. A woman needs to loosen and comb her hair well, smoothing the crown.
3. Clothes should be clean and light colors.
4. The plot is read in complete privacy. It’s better to close all the windows and doors, draw the curtains: not a single person should even get a glimpse of what you’re doing.
5. You cannot tell anyone about the conspiracy you have made.
6. Conspiracies are made in the morning, before sunrise, or at sunset. Before the conspiracy, you cannot eat for three hours, you can only drink clean water.
7. If there are no special instructions, then the spell can be done on any day except Wednesday and Friday.
8. Conspiracies are not made on Easter and the twelfth church holidays:
o Nativity of the Virgin Mary,
o Exaltation of the Cross,
o Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple,
o Nativity of Christ,
o Epiphany (except for a special baptismal conspiracy),
o Meeting,
o Annunciation,
o Transfiguration,
o Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
o Palm Sunday,
o Ascension,
o Trinity.
o Also, conspiracies are not done during Holy Week, on Forgiveness Sunday.


2. The conspiracy can be recited by heart, but it can also be read from a sheet of paper, this does not reduce the power of the conspiracy.

4. The spell can be repeated to enhance the effect 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are spells that must be recited 40 times. There must be a reference to the number of repetitions of the text, otherwise the text is read once or three times. After each repetition, it is customary to spit over your left shoulder three times, as is done “from the evil eye” or if a black cat crosses the road. But you don’t need to count the number of repetitions out loud, fix it in your mind.

5. If the plot is intended for a woman, it should be read on women’s days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the plot is to help a man - only on men’s days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

6. Conspiracies to cure diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, remove damage, and the evil eye should be read on the waning moon (best in the first ten days). The last lunar day will not bring results, or it will be insignificant.

8. The best time to read the plot is the evening or morning dawn, at the moment the sun appears on the horizon or goes below the horizon. If necessary, you can read during the day (most often these are healing spells at the patient’s bedside).

10. Before reading the conspiracy, light a candle bought in the church, cross yourself three times, read the “Our Father” prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Take a calm breath and exhale, then read the plot in such a way that with the last word of the plot you push the air out of yourself.

11. The water for which the spell was read (the volume of water does not matter) should be drunk in small sips for 5 minutes.

12. Not a single word should be deleted from the conspiracy. Nothing can be added, not a word, not half a word, not a letter. Each word has its own meaning, and if the conspirator somehow misses it or says an extra word, then the conspiracy will not work.

13. All words of conspiracies, prayers, spells must be spoken as written.
If you make a conspiracy for yourself, then you need to be in good health, with a calm head, so that you don’t quarrel with anyone ahead of time, so that your stomach doesn’t swell.

14. Three days before, do not drink intoxicating drinks. On the night before the conspiracy, do not make love with anyone - do not have mercy. If a woman, then there should be no menstruation on the day when the conspiracy is made.

15. It is considered useful on the eve of the conspiracy to follow a vegetarian diet for three days, excluding sugar, which can be replaced with honey or fruit. During the entire time indicated above, give up tobacco, discos or passion for rock music, and also eliminate rude words from your speech. Do not swear or vilify anyone under any circumstances, even using words from Dahl’s dictionary. Strive for privacy, avoiding quarrels, conflicts, gossip, gossip and watching action movies on TV.

17. Before performing a conspiracy, you must wash your hands and put on clean clothes, preferably white or light-colored ones.

18. If a conspirator does this to you, then you definitely have to pay off or give back. The price is not directly asked. Either find out from outsiders, or give yourself what you don’t mind for your efforts.

19. A man makes a spell with his head uncovered, a woman with bare hair. Both of them take off all rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry. Only the pectoral cross is left.

Your clothes should be plain. Conspiracies can only be done barefoot; take off not only your shoes, but also your socks (tights) - if you work at home or outdoors in the summer. Women, both those who speak and those who are spoken, need to let their hair down and not comb their hair in the morning.

20. No cosmetics on the face are allowed.

21. Conspiracies are not read in front of strangers.

22. You cannot tell anyone about your conspiracy. If you go to church, don’t mention it at confession.

23. Conspiracies can be “personal” and “absentee”, that is, you can conspirate someone in person or in his absence.

24. If you charm water, or food, or drink, then it is better anyway that the spell is personal. And if a person cannot come, then it will be in absentia.

25. If you charm water for healing, then treat with that water until it runs out. And when it’s over, you speak again and heal again. But there are times when you need to take a break. This is especially written about.

26. Do not perform rituals to check whether the spell will work or not. If you trust the ritual, then use conspiracies in accordance with real problems to solve these problems.

27. You need to have a clear understanding, focus on what you have undertaken to plot for.

28. When carrying out a conspiracy, you cannot joke, laugh, or have fun; both the speaker and the person being spoken must be neutral-serious.

29. If you are doing work using white magic, then before carrying out the conspiracy, light a church candle, cross yourself three times and say: “I call on God’s army to help, I release Satan’s army. I accept help only from God and His saints, I renounce the devil and his angels in every way.” day and hour and I do not accept his help. Amen.

30. Make conspiracies only to solve your problems; never do it to someone unless they ask you to.

31. When carrying out conspiracies, there should be nothing distracting; you need to focus on working with the problem that worries you.

When you make a spell, focus on it. Do everything as written in the ritual.

32. Conspiracies affect all people, however, skeptics and people of little faith - to the least extent. In addition, there are many techniques that include oppositely directed spells that neutralize the conspiracy or reverse its effect. All this should be remembered.

33. When using a spell, the caster himself must be in good mental and physical shape, and also be confident in the effectiveness of the spell.

34. If you fail, which quite often happens to beginners in magic, you should not despair and lose heart, but be patient and repeat the spell as many times as you have the strength and time to do.

35. Before you start a conspiracy, you need to calm down. To do this, it is better to meditate using yoga or modern methods, and if your religious affiliation allows you, then say a prayer.

36. Remember that a conspiracy worked best by the centuries-old experience of your ancestors. Some ancient conspiracies contain archaic, outdated and incomprehensible words. Other words, although preserved, received a completely different meaning for a contemporary. Some of the expressions may simply be unpleasant to you. Of course, you can pronounce the text even in a foreign language if you completely trust it and know its translation. However, if you have personal doubts, then it is better for you to create your own spell formula. It is traditionally believed that this kind of text is best composed on the waning moon.

37. Take care of your body for better effectiveness of the spell. For this purpose, never perform a spell when you are depressed, confused, or have any illness.

38. In the process of casting a conspiracy, no one should interfere with you or even watch you at this moment.

39. In no case use the wording of a conspiracy aimed at harming any person, since the result may be unexpected and disastrous for you. You should always remember the law of feedback or the law of karma, which exists in magic, according to which sooner or later you will get back everything that you sent to others.

40. The master himself must want to help the patient! If you act as a spell reader, you must be completely focused on solving the problem.
Always remember that the moment you work with a person, he is completely dependent on you!

41. There is no need to look for logic in conspiracies: many of them carry a magical, energetic secret that is not always clear.

42. Only those who feel the need for it and want to read conspiracies should read them. It's bad when the Master forces himself. I will say that you should refuse to work with a person for whom you feel antipathy (here we mean healing and reunification spells).

43. Usually a conspiracy has final words: “so be it,” “amen,” “my word is strong,” “truly.” I do not recommend using the Greek “amen” (in translation it means “truly”) in Russian-language conspiracies, since I have long been convinced that the vibrations and energy of foreign words can become harmful.

44. When you dictate a spell text to someone out loud, be sure to close all windows and doors. This is an ancient rule, designed to ensure that when teaching novice sorcerers, spells do not “dissipate,” that is, they do not lose power.

45. When performing any magical actions, including reading conspiracies, you often get the feeling that someone is watching you, but under no circumstances should you turn around! You won’t see anyone anyway, and your actions will lose their power.

46. ​​If you read the plot outside the house, do not turn around the whole time while you are walking home and do not talk to anyone on the way. Don't even say hello to your neighbors.

47. As for the opening prayers, you need to carefully read the explanatory text accompanying the incantation part. In some cases, it is necessary to first read some prayer(s) a certain number of times, in others there is no such need. There should also be a link to the number of repetitions of the main spell text. If there are no comments on the conspiracy at all, it means that the author, most likely, simply thoughtlessly “torn” the text from somewhere, and then you’d better find some other, more serious source for describing conspiracy therapy.

48. Now about witchcraft procedures performed on blood relatives. Danger may await you if you practice medical procedures in relation to your blood relatives, since in this case you can take on the disease yourself or, at least, significantly weaken your health and immunity.

49. Treatment of blood relatives using witchcraft techniques can only be used in exceptional cases. Within limited limits, the practice of reading healing spells by mothers for their children is acceptable. With witchcraft manipulations of this type, the mother does not risk her health too much. The opposite is strictly prohibited; children should not use witchcraft and energy techniques to treat their parents!

50. And you can read conspiracies that attract good luck, security, etc. for any of your blood relatives without any fear. Well, just in case, let me remind you that the damage done to one of the blood relatives, especially in a parent-child relationship, upon returning to the aggressor is so intensified that it can even physically destroy him (the aggressor).

51. Everything said above also applies to people with whom you had traditional sexual contact without protection (I won’t specify, but I hope you understood me correctly, especially with regard to the concept of “traditional”). Therefore, spouses should not get carried away with reading healing spells over each other.

52. The same applies to removing the evil eye, fear, damage. Household and family conspiracies are quite acceptable. And yet, keep in mind that “if something happens” (for example, when wives bewitch their husbands), witchcraft can hit very hard if it returns along the path called blood ties. There are cases when, when a mother’s curse is lifted, the mother quickly goes to another world.

53. It is not always possible for a non-professional to “reset” negative energy, and in the case of treating blood relatives, the disease can firmly cling to the healer. The general recommendation for non-professionals is this: after pronouncing each spell, be sure to spit over your left shoulder three times, after the healing session, hold your hands in a stream of running water and dry them over the fire.


Today we’ll talk about conspiracies, their history of origin and nature, how to perform the ritual correctly and why conspiracies have the right to live on a par with prayers. How to make a conspiracy correctly so that your wish comes true.

What is a conspiracy and how does it differ from prayer?

Conspiracies- these are not just ordinary words, often sacred texts that have powerful power. They can be classified as canonical prayers directed to the highest Divine or otherworldly forces that our distant ancestors developed and used. They contain in their seemingly simple words, at first glance, a deep meaning, key symbolic codes that can influence energy spaces, and therefore the events of our lives: for example, the course of biological processes inside a sick person, his consciousness and even areas of the brain. . The power of words here is immeasurable! Read The same can be attributed to the words of conspiracies.

If prayers were given to us by the Bible, the Gospel, and propagated by the church, then conspiracies were handed down by our ancestors the ancient Slavs - a pagan who believed in the forces of nature, heaven, the Universe - all this is God!

There are spells for damage, curses, illnesses, “drying”, lapels and love spells. All this is from the category of black magic and witchcraft, by appealing to evil otherworldly forces. We will not deal with this and consider such things here.

Conspiracies, changing life for the better, to improve the side of life, from the dark forces listed above, so that others do not harm you - the task of the conspiracies that I post here on my website.

In ancient times, rituals were carried out by special people who used their knowledge only for good purposes and passed on their experience from generation to generation. They were called healers.

I myself have never done love spells and I don’t recommend it to anyone. I'll explain why.

Everything that comes from you against the will of another person, aimed at violence, is evil and a great sin.

  • Today, for example, you want to harm a person, but after a while you may look at the insult differently, something will change in your views and you yourself will regret what you did
  • Imagine you want to return a loved one who was taken from you by your rival. Think carefully about whether you need a man who so easily succumbed to the charms of a seductress. Maybe it’s better to survive now, to suffer through it, because there is no guarantee that when he returns to you according to the conspiracy, he will again not look the other way.
  • And finally, most importantly, it may happen that years later, you will want to part with this person, having met a new love, or you will stop loving the one for whom your heart suffers today, but now the bonds of that old conspiracy will hold you back and you will regret about what happened once.

That is why here are only conspiracies for good, healing, transforming a person’s life for the better, turning only to God, to the saints and to the bright sides of the Universe.

Do not harm even those who deserve it. Everything comes back like a boomerang. Remember the basic laws of the Universe.

How to read conspiracies correctly

  • Treat conspiracies responsibly, avoiding curiosity and not doing “will it help or not” experiments. You need a serious attitude, filling your whole body with energy. Visualize exactly what you want and create an intention.
  • There must be a firm belief in what you want to change, otherwise, if you doubt the power of conspiracies, you should not even try to perform the ritual.
  • Conspiracies are committed on all days of the week except Sunday, in some cases Mondays and church holidays, unless otherwise provided for in the conspiracy.

- for a man on men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday;

- for women Wednesday, Friday, Saturday;

  • For healing, removal of bad things, for decline - the plot is made in the waning phases of the Moon, if you want growth and expect profit - growing days from the new moon to the full moon. Often a specific day is indicated in the plot, for example they do it on Thursday and Friday.
  • Most often, it is important to keep the secret, not to tell your loved ones and even the person you are plotting against until your wish has come true.
  • When conducting conspiracies it is important to concentrate, there should be nothing distracting, the prayer-words of the spell must be written out on a piece of paper; if you fail to memorize them, you cannot read them from the monitor.
  • Before the ceremony begins, read the general prayers in front of the icons:
  • You can take a church candle, unless another one is specified, holy water from the church, all other attributes are fulfilled.
  • It is better to stand facing east, unless otherwise indicated.
  • If a woman is on her period, it is better to postpone the ceremony until another day. It is good to fast, to be clean and neatly dressed.

Don't expect a miracle immediately after the conspiracy. The patient cannot cancel the treatment prescribed by the doctor. All rituals are just an addition to the accomplishment of the plan. Do not believe those who say that only a master is able to perform spell rituals and achieve results. After all, in prayers we all ourselves ask for higher powers; we can turn to God. Here, especially, we are all endowed with great power, it is only important to be able and want to use it.

If you didn’t achieve what you wanted, repeat again. Likewise, the words of conspiracies may not be heard by the upper powers. So everything depends on you, on your aura-energy, on your life path, how correct and bright it has been so far.

I sincerely wish your life to be fulfilling and successful. You will not know dark days and difficult events.

Magical ceremonies require a responsible attitude. Even the most powerful spells and spells will not work properly if mistakes are made during their execution. Any negligence can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Serious rituals are recommended to be carried out only when there is an urgent need for it. Never perform magical ceremonies out of curiosity or for entertainment purposes! This article provides general guidelines that should be followed unless otherwise specified in the ritual description.

On what day should I read the plot?

There are so-called “female” and “male” days of the week. For women, rituals are performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday; for men - on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. On Sunday, spells are read very rarely; it is better to devote this day to meditation, prayers and good deeds.

The next important aspect is the lunar cycle. The caster chooses the phase of the moon based on the characteristics of the upcoming ritual:

  • Growing moon - for increasing wealth, for love
  • New moon and full moon - suitable for causing damage
  • Waning moon - for healing diseases

There are several “strong” days in the year that can multiply the effect of the magical action being performed. For example, on Easter you can read white prayers for healing from illnesses. Rituals are also performed on Ivan Kupala to restore youth.

Halloween (originally a Celtic holiday with pagan roots) is suitable for any “dirty” affairs. However, a magician who decides to cause damage or create other evil on the night of October 31 to November 1 should be careful. At this time, evil spirits acquire special power and can harm the caster.

Magic is a sacrament

If you want to learn how to read conspiracies correctly, then the first thing you should understand is that there should be no strangers near you during the ritual. No one should see you or hear the words of the spell being spoken. This is dangerous, both for a bystander and for the magician himself.

An assistant may be present to perform the ritual together. You must instruct the assistant in detail regarding the rules to be followed during the ceremony. The assistant should not talk to the magician or distract him from the ritual. If the ceremony involves making a mark on the floor or on the ground, then the assistant is forbidden to leave this circle.

Possible consequences

Magic neophytes often wonder whether it is possible to read conspiracies and what consequences might occur? Let's consider possible threats:

  • Making talismans - no danger
  • Treatment of a patient - there is a risk of “pulling” the disease onto yourself
  • Inducing damage, the evil eye - the magician can be overtaken by a backlash
  • Removing damage - there is a risk of conflict with the magician who caused it
  • Spells for luck, for love - there is no danger

To “buy off” the disease (or “buy off” their client from it), spell casters make a lining. This could be a spoken valuable item or a wallet with money. The lining is left where a random passerby can pick it up. Together with material values, a person will “pull” illness, damage or bad luck onto himself. Therefore, you should think carefully before accepting such “gifts”.

To avoid a backlash when causing damage, magicians use a kind of “lightning rod” - they throw the “backlash” onto an animal or a person. However, it will not be possible to completely avoid negative consequences (details in the article).

Preparations for the ceremony

How to read conspiracies correctly at home? If you intend to perform a black magic ritual, then you should first curtain all the mirrors and reflective surfaces in the house. Otherwise, evil spirits may “transition” into the mirror and then begin to ruin the owners’ lives.

At the time of the ceremony, the caster must be absolutely sober and healthy! This is very important because the magician cannot afford to show weakness. People who are going to seriously engage in practical magic are advised to completely abandon the use of tobacco, alcohol and substances that can alter consciousness.

Today, many resort to the power of conspiracies and all kinds of magical rituals. But it is important not only to pronounce the appropriate spell, it is necessary to do it correctly. Only in this case can you count on the desired result. So, how to read conspiracies correctly? If everything is done correctly, then magical actions will help cure illnesses, improve financial conditions, improve relationships, and get rid of psychological difficulties. So, you need to know the rules of how and when to read conspiracies.

The power of conspiracies

What is the power of a conspiracy?

Where does strength come from?

The hidden meaning of the spoken words, the special order of combining sounds, the correct intonation, the emphasis of key and symbolic words in the voice, the desired mood - all this has a certain significance when reading conspiracies.

Healers are sure: certain combinations of sounds act on the brain and body and contribute to the health of the body.

And, most importantly, they are programmed to fulfill a specific goal, for the sake of which the conspiracy is read.

Faith is also of great importance. The person who pronounces the conspiracy and the one in relation to whom the magic words are pronounced must be sure that the result will be achieved.

Without faith in your own strength, there is no point in casting conspiracies.

Correct pronunciation of the spell

How to pronounce

The volume of pronunciation does not matter: both whispering and loud reading can have the same power. But it is very important to pronounce all words clearly. In cases where a conspiracy is read against another person, his presence is desirable - the person needs to hear all the words of the conspiracy.
But reading the plot should not be directed towards the patient. You need to turn to the Higher powers, and not to the person in need of help. In fact, the person will be like a guide and will be tuned in to achieving the desired result.

And regardless of whether a person is present when reading the conspiracy or not, his name in the conspiracy must be pronounced.

When the plot has been fully read and all the required magical actions have been completed, you should definitely thank the Higher Powers that can help in carrying out your plans.

Conditions for correct reading of the plot

The necessary conditions

Healers who know how to read conspiracies always emphasize: it is important not only to pronounce the words of the conspiracy correctly, but also to carry out certain actions that will help fulfill your plans. So, before reading any conspiracy, you should say the “Our Father” prayer three times.

It also does not hurt to turn to the saints - the holy martyrs Samoy, Aviv, Guria, the holy martyr Tryphon, the holy healer Panteleimon, the holy great martyr Barbara and others. You should pray to the saints for your sins to be forgiven, to pray for healing, for loved ones, for yourself. However, you shouldn’t be overly verbose – you should still focus on reading the plot.

We follow the rules

  1. A very important rule for successfully reading a plot is a clear idea of ​​the desired result. Regardless of what needs to be achieved, it is important to visualize figuratively and as realistically as possible what should happen.
  2. Many people are interested in when is the best time to read conspiracies. Experienced healers are confident that it is most effective to cast spells during the morning or evening dawn.
  3. There is also a rule that it is better to read the plot with your back turned to the west.
  4. Before reading the plot, you need to take a calm and deep breath. Ideally: the last word of the conspiracy should sound at the end of the exhalation. Then it is advisable to hold your breath for a while.
  5. When reading the plot, your thoughts must be pure. A healer must want to help a person from the bottom of his heart. If he pursues some selfish motives, then the conspiracy will not have the necessary power.
  6. It is best to pronounce the spell in this position: stand straight, with a straight back, while your head should be slightly lowered.
  7. During many magical rituals, water is enchanted. You should drink the enchanted water little by little, stopping for about five minutes every few sips. Every four sips, the charmed water should be poured onto the right hand to wipe the skin of the face and neck.
  8. If a plot is read on a sore spot, then after reading it you should blow on the sore spot.
  9. You can strengthen the plot if you read it repeatedly. Moreover, the plot should be repeated an odd number of times.

In a word, following these rules when reading the conspiracy, you can achieve your goals. And let us repeat: the most important rules are the clear and uniform pronunciation of all the words of the spell in the required sequence, as well as visualization of the desired result. In this case, conspiracies will be as effective as possible.

In the modern world, magical spells are used very often. With the help of magic, people strive to solve problems in various areas of life. Therefore, it is important to know how to read conspiracies correctly?

The strength of any conspiracy depends on many factors. But, first of all, you should understand that magic can be used only in emergency cases, when the problem cannot be solved by any means.

Any conspiracy is pronounced alone. Moreover, you cannot even tell anyone about the plans for the ceremony.

On what days should rituals be held?

It is very important to know not only how to read conspiracies correctly, but also on what days magical rituals should be performed.

In magic, days are divided into women's and men's. That is, a woman should read magic spells on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and a man should do this on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Sunday is not considered a suitable day for performing magical rituals. But on the other hand, this day is optimal for preparing for a future ritual. It can be dedicated to meditation and prayer.

Some types of rituals are especially effective on religious holidays. Thus, effects aimed at healing carried out on Easter are considered effective. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, rituals aimed at restoring youth and beauty are popular.

The most powerful black rituals are held on Halloween. But before reading such conspiracies, you should definitely weigh the pros and cons. After all, black magic always does more harm than good.

Creating the conditions for a conspiracy

For the conspiracy to be effective, it is necessary to create the right conditions in the room where the ceremony is performed. First of all, absolute silence should be created in the room in order to concentrate as much as possible on the purpose of the ritual. It is equally important to exclude all possible extraneous factors that may distract during the magical performance.

It is very important to provide proper lighting, which is always emphasized in the description of rituals. As a rule, night rituals are performed by candlelight. And if a daytime ritual is carried out, then to enhance its effectiveness it is necessary to provide maximum sunlight.

The most effective are conspiracies spoken at night or at sunrise. It has been proven that moonlight enhances magical words and this should definitely be used. If it is recommended to carry out the ceremony in nature, then this should be done as far as possible from residential buildings.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to visualize the purpose of the ritual. The importance of this cannot be overestimated. If you can clearly imagine your goal, this will increase the effectiveness of the ritual.

You should begin pronouncing magic words after a calm breath. Phrases must be distributed in such a way that the last word is pronounced while exhaling. The effect of the conspiracy can be enhanced by repeated reading of the text of the conspiracy.

Conspiracies should not be spoken loudly, but each word must be pronounced clearly, without hesitating.

Strong white ritual for a man's love

To attract the love of a man, you need to perform a magical ritual that uses a water spell. This ritual belongs to the means of white magic, so it cannot harm. As a rule, this ritual is used by women who cannot meet a loved one in their lives.

It is necessary to speak water for washing in the late evening. Only spring water or water collected from a well should be used in the ritual. If this is not possible, then you can use water from the tap, but it must first be left in a dark place for three days.

Water should be poured into a wide bowl and the following magic words should be spoken:

“Water-voditsa - drink the blood of the Great Mother Earth, and you, Mother Earth - fill the water-voditsa with blood. And I, the Servant of God (proper name), turn to the Almighty Lord, bless the natural water with your power. Let beauty come to me, and when a good fellow looks at me, he will become mine forever, and will never look at others again. As said, so it will be. Amen".

After this, you should take a bath with enchanted water and immediately go to bed.

If you believe in success and magic, then any conspiracy, no matter what its focus, will be effective. Don't believe those who claim that only professionals can use magic. The main thing when performing it on your own is faith in your own strengths and no doubts in your soul about the correctness of the decision made regarding the performance of the ritual.

Women's portal - Bonterry