Proper nutrition regimen by the hour. Proper nutrition by the clock for weight loss menu


Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle lead to weight gain. To get slim again, you need to stick to the “Eat Every Two Hours” diet.

This is a unique technique: it is suitable for those who do not like the feeling of hunger and eat often. According to the program, food is taken up to 8 times a day, and this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body.

From our article you will learn the basic principles of the six-day “Eat Every 2 Hours” diet, what you can and cannot eat while following it, and how to create a healthy menu for every day.

Basic principles of proper (fractional) nutrition

To get rid of fat and achieve results, take into account diet principles:

  • You need to eat every two hours, starting from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. It turns out 8 techniques.
  • You need to give up fatty, high-calorie foods. Only healthy food is allowed.
  • The calorie content of one serving should not exceed 250 kcal.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are prohibited; you need to drink plenty of water. Freshly squeezed juices and green tea are also acceptable.
  • Overeating is prohibited, portions should be small.

According to nutritionists, frequent snacking will help avoid hunger or overeating. Small portions will shrink your stomach and normalize your metabolism.

Such nutrition has a beneficial effect on the psychological state: it does not cause stress or irritability. The person feels great.

However, if a person has already followed this method before, you can use it for 10 days and get rid of even more extra pounds.

You cannot follow the diet for more than 10 days: it is an unbalanced diet, so if you use it for a long time, your well-being and the functioning of your digestive organs may worsen.

Its effect on the body

The technique helps to get rid of extra pounds, significantly reduces body fat. Thanks to small portions, the stomach becomes much smaller.

The person no longer feels a strong appetite and does not overeat. Frequent doses normalize metabolism and relieve abdominal discomfort and bloating.

The menu includes a lot of fruits and vegetables. They fill the body with vitamins and increase immunity. Such nutrition heals the entire body and improves well-being.

Pros and cons of the method for losing weight

Nutritionists highlight several benefits of the diet:

  • The ability to eat frequently, avoiding hunger strikes and stress.
  • The foundations of a healthy diet are formed.
  • Extra pounds disappear.
  • A varied menu that won’t get boring will make it easy to stick to your diet.

Disadvantages - the need to adapt to a new diet, refusal of usual dishes. You need to reduce portions and train yourself not to overeat. The first days of the diet may seem difficult.

Contraindications to this technique include: pregnancy, lactation, presence of chronic diseases.

If you have digestive diseases, you should first consult your doctor. He can make amendments to the menu.

Approximate diet for 6 days

Experts have compiled a menu that includes 8 techniques:

Diet day First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
7:00 OatmealRice porrigeBuckwheatCottage cheese with berriesFruit saladOatmeal with berries
9:00 PlumsHandful of cherriesGreen appleApricotPearGrapefruit
11:00 Green tea with a slice of cheeseDried fruits compoteKefirCabbage saladYogurtDried fruits compote
13:00 Vegetable brothChicken soupStewed cabbage with a piece of fishBroccoli with chicken piecesVegetable brothBuckwheat with turkey breast
15:00 Skim cheeseTwo boiled eggsKiwiApplesauceRyazhenkaCabbage salad
17:00 Salad of tomatoes and cucumbersBeet saladCarrot saladFruit saladBoiled egg with chicken breastCottage cheese casserole
19:00 Handful of dried fruitsNutsOrangeGreen tea with a spoon of honeyPeach pureeGreen apple
21:00 KefirYogurtDried fruits compoteYogurtKefirGreen tea

For breakfast, you should definitely prepare porridge, or cottage cheese or fruit salad to fill up and energize your body.

During the day you need to eat meat, fish with a side dish or vegetable broth. Boiled eggs, vegetable salads, and dairy products are great for dinner.

Porridge should be cooked in water. To make them tasty, fruits or berries are added to them. Salt and sugar are used in minimal quantities. The only sweets allowed are dried fruits and honey.

To become slim and lose excess weight, you need to remember important recommendations:

  • You should drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins.
  • It is better to consume vegetables fresh, as they contain more vitamins and are more healthy.
  • Protein foods give you satiety, so you don’t need to give up meat and fish. At least once a day, such food is consumed along with a side dish.
  • Before going to bed, it is useful to drink kefir and fermented baked milk. They will saturate the body with useful substances and help you fall asleep.

The technique allows you to play sports, play, walk outdoors with friends. If a person is active during this period, he will be able to lose more kilograms.

The diet should be as varied as possible, alternate fruits, cereals, vegetables. This will increase the effectiveness of your weight loss program.

How to save your results

In 6 days you can lose 2-4 kg, in 10 days 3-7 kg. As a result, the fat layer will decrease, beautiful curves and slimness will appear.

If you visit the gym at the same time, your body will look even more toned and your skin will become elastic.

To maintain results you need to continue to eat right, avoid fried and fatty foods, semi-finished products, smoked foods.

A healthy diet will not only keep you slim and beautiful, but also make you feel great.

You can't give up sports, you need to exercise 2-3 times a week. This could be a visit to the gym, swimming pool, or yoga or aerobics classes.

The main thing is that training brings joy. Then an excellent result will not take long to arrive.

The clock diet has proven its effectiveness in practice. It allows you to eat a varied diet, without having to deal with hunger strikes and stress.

In just 6 days you can significantly reduce the amount of body fat, become healthier and more attractive.

  1. First breakfast – 7:00.
  2. Second breakfast – 10:00.
  3. Lunch – 13:00.
  4. Afternoon snack – 16:00.
  5. Dinner – 19:00.
  • Breakfast – from 7 to 9 am.
  • Lunch – from 11 to 12 noon.
  • Lunch – from 13 to 15 pm.
  • Snack – from 16 to 17 days.
  • Dinner - from 18 to 20 pm.

  • 10:00 – apple.
  • 12:00 – low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 16:00 – low-fat yogurt.
  • 18:00 – salad.
  • 20:00 – dried fruits.
  • 22:00 – kefir.

  • 16 -17 hours – sports.
  • 6 p.m. – light dinner
  • 20 -22 hours - rest.

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9.00 – glass of water

10.00 – breakfast

11.00 – a couple of sips of water

12.00 – light snack

13.00 – lunch

14.00 – glass of water

15.00 – light snack

16.00 – a couple of sips of water

17.00 – light snack

18.00 – glass of water

19.00 – light dinner

20.00 – snack

21.00 – glass of kefir

22.00 – glass of water

  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Afternoon snack
  • Dinner

Week #1 Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    • Dairy products:
    • Vegetables:
    • Fruits and berries:
  • Meat and fish:
  • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet.
  • Nuts:
  • Any sweets:
  • Bakery:
  • Grocery:
  • Semi-finished products:
  • Sausage products:


Snack Dinner Afternoon snack


Monday 1 glass of kefir, 1 apple
Tuesday A glass of kefir 5 pieces. almonds
Wednesday Drinking yogurt A glass of kefir and 1 orange
Thursday Apple 1 pomegranate and 4 almonds
Friday Yogurt and apple
Saturday Drinking yogurt 1 orange
Resurrection Ryazhenka with muesli Apple Baked apple with cottage cheese

We present the weekly diet table:


Snack Dinner Afternoon snack


Monday Yogurt, porridge, 2 eggs Apple, drinking yogurt
Tuesday 3 egg omelette, cup of coffee Apple
Wednesday 1 apple and 1 pear Drinking yogurt
Thursday Yogurt
Friday Handful of dried fruits Baked apple with cottage cheese
Saturday A portion of low-fat cottage cheese Handful of dried fruits with nuts
Resurrection Apple

  • body weight deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the central nervous system;
  • mental disorders;

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Do you know that you don't need to diet at all to lose weight?

To do this, you just need to make it a habit to eat food at the right time throughout the day and eat different foods that will not make you feel hungry and will help burn fat. This diet for weight loss is designed taking into account the biological rhythms of the human body, regardless of whether he is a night owl or a lark. By following this daily routine, you will not only be able to lose weight and keep it off, but also avoid diseases from poor nutrition.

It is best to have breakfast from 7 to 9 am.

This is the best time to eat well. But you don’t need to put too much strain on your stomach, and if you want to have a hearty breakfast, it’s better to divide the portion into 2 meals. The ideal breakfast is: porridge without sugar, fresh vegetables (salads with vegetable oil), omelet. The best drinks for breakfast are tea, fresh juice, and kefir. It is important to understand that morning is the ideal time for burning fat, that is, the body is full of strength and energy to perform various activities. Therefore, if you are training, then go to training in the first half of the day.

Lunch is ideal between 11 and 12 noon.

It is best to eat first courses (soup, borscht) at this time, but replace white bread with gray, black or bran bread. If you can’t eat the first course, it’s better to have a snack with fruit or yogurt.

Lunch time from 13:00 to 15:00

It is at this time that our body is ready to digest the most complex food. Your future desire to have dinner depends on how correctly and comprehensively you have lunch. Lunch should include protein foods, vegetables and complex carbohydrates (bread, porridge, whole grain pasta, vegetables). But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that if you do not plan physical activity for the second half of the day, then it is better to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates at lunch to a minimum, and put the emphasis on protein foods and vegetables.

It is better to have a snack before dinner from 16 to 17 days

If you have had a heavy lunch, then you can skip this meal, but if you feel like you have a desire to snack, then an apple, orange, berries or a glass of drink (juice, yogurt tea, mineral water) are best suited for this purpose.

The ideal time for dinner is from 18 to 20 pm

For dinner, it is best to eat protein foods and vegetables (fish with vegetables or chicken with vegetables) or, as an alternative, a complex fermented milk dish (fruit salad dressed with yogurt or cottage cheese casserole). At the same time, if you want to lose weight, then under no circumstances should you eat carbohydrate foods in the evening, and these include potatoes, cereals, pasta, bread, and sweets. Moreover, the fewer calories the dinner contains, the greater the likelihood that the body will spend more calories digesting it than it receives from it.

But if you didn’t have time to have dinner at this time, don’t worry, you definitely need to have dinner, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

To make it easy to follow this diet for weight loss, it is best to plan every evening what you will eat the next day. If force majeure happens to you and you do not fit into these time frames, then it is important to remember the basic rules: you need to have breakfast within an hour after waking up, but not earlier than 20 minutes after waking up. It is important to wait at least 2-3 hours between meals if you have snacks, or 4-5 hours without snacks, but with larger portions.

Losing weight largely depends not on the intensity of training in a fitness club or gym, but on the menu. A diet plan for weight loss should include a specific schedule indicating at what time each meal is taken. Properly selected ratio of BZHU, i.e. proteins, fats and carbohydrates, allows someone losing weight, for example, an overweight athlete, to achieve the necessary results by drying the body.

Before you schedule your meals by the clock for weight loss and derive the optimal formula for nutritional supplements, you need to find out what is meant by proper nutrition. To lose weight, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, while not forgetting that the body needs proteins and vitamins. With proper nutrition, food intake should be regular at certain time intervals.

According to research by physiologists, when eating food at the same time, the human body begins to develop conditioned reflex connections. Automatically, approximately 30-60 minutes before a meal, preparatory work begins in the body, which plays an important role in the digestion process. This will help you lose weight, so don't forget about it!

When you decide to create an individual diet plan for weight loss, keep in mind that the main criterion that determines the time of eating is the feeling of hunger. It can be identified by the following sign: when thinking about unattractive food, saliva begins to secrete - in this case, it is not the stomach that needs food more, but the tongue. The surest impulse to eat is hunger. Otherwise, if you succumb to the deception of appetite, you can easily gain excess weight.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be rich in protein. Second breakfast is a light and low-carb meal, during which you can limit yourself to a glass of juice or kefir. As for lunch, it should be a balanced meal consisting of sources of protein (for example, fish, chicken) and a small amount of healthy carbohydrates. You need to have an afternoon snack with carbohydrates in the form of porridge and fruit. And dinner, like lunch, should be well balanced.

To lose weight and make your menu complete, it is best to use fractional 5 meals a day. This includes main meals and a couple of snacks. In general, to determine the frequency of meals, you need to take into account your age, work activity, workday routine and the state of your body. An adult should eat 2.5-3.5 kg of food per day, but one should not eat too much. Overeating is indicated by drowsiness, shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the pancreas. An approximate hourly regimen of proper nutrition for weight loss:

  1. First breakfast – 7:00.
  2. Second breakfast – 10:00.
  3. Lunch – 13:00.
  4. Afternoon snack – 16:00.
  5. Dinner – 19:00.

The correct diet for weight loss for 7 days should be developed taking into account the biological rhythm of a person, regardless of whether he is a “lark” or a “night owl”. To do this, you can consult with a knowledgeable nutritionist who will help you create the optimal program and calculate the required number of calories for your healthy diet. This will speed up metabolism, i.e. metabolism. Meals by time for weight loss:

  • Breakfast – from 7 to 9 am.
  • Lunch – from 11 to 12 noon.
  • Lunch – from 13 to 15 pm.
  • Snack – from 16 to 17 days.
  • Dinner - from 18 to 20 pm.

If you are looking for a monthly diet plan, then use the list above, which will also work well for a 30-day schedule. In this case, it is very important to calculate the calorie content of dishes and products - use a special calculator or calorie table. In addition, you need to calculate your caloric intake in kcal using the formula: 0.65 (0.655 for women) + weight (kg) x 13.7 (9.6) x height (cm) x 5 (1.8) + age x 6.8 (4.7). If you are physically active, multiply the resulting number by 1.3.

Portions for this diet should be relatively small. The menu should include cereals, grains, vegetable fats (instead of animal fats), fish, meat, dairy products and other components that can be easily combined with each other. Meal schedule for weight loss by the hour, which must be strictly adhered to to achieve results:

  • 8:00 – rice/buckwheat/oatmeal porridge with water.
  • 10:00 – apple.
  • 12:00 – low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 14:00 – boiled chicken breast with cabbage.
  • 16:00 – low-fat yogurt.
  • 18:00 – salad.
  • 20:00 – dried fruits.
  • 22:00 – kefir.

When thinking about your diet, keep in mind that fats should make up no more than 20 percent of your daily calorie intake, and carbohydrates should be about 50 percent. As for proteins, their amount is calculated according to the principle: 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Often, protein is used for weight loss, which is low-calorie and very nutritious, but it will only work in conjunction with training. The daily routine should include:

  • Rise and fall. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time.
  • Do exercises - physical activity should be about 15 minutes.
  • You should not skip your morning meal.
  • Include 3 main meals and 2 snacks in your menu.
  • Make time for other physical activities, for example, going to the gym or swimming pool.

A nutritional schedule for quick weight loss should be combined with physical activity. After waking up, for example, at 6:30, do a light exercise and take water procedures. Next, around 7:30, have breakfast, after which you can go to school/work. If there is nothing to do, then the time from 9:00 to 10:00 is the best time to exercise. The second breakfast should be at 10:00, after which you can devote time to work and study until 12:00. The rest of the daily routine:

  • 12:30-13:00 – slow walk.
  • 13-15 hours – study/work, followed by a fruit snack.
  • 16 -17 hours – sports.
  • 6 p.m. – light dinner
  • 19-20 hours – walk, household chores.
  • 20 -22 hours - rest.
  • 22 - 22:30 - getting ready for bed.

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To adhere to the correct daily regimen for losing weight, it is recommended to create a special table in your personal diary. The format of the records can be any, the main thing is to systematically enter the necessary data and subject it to analysis, determining the effectiveness of the activities carried out.

The data that needs to be recorded in the diary is:

  • meal times;
  • type of products consumed;
  • calorie content of food;
  • weight and volumes (hips, waist, chest).

It is recommended to weigh yourself and take measurements twice a week, and other data must be entered daily. It would also be appropriate to record feelings before eating (hunger, irritability, headache) and after eating (fullness, fullness, lightness). Keeping a table will allow you to control snacking and excess calories, and will also allow you to track the foods that give the greatest results for weight loss.

A weight loss menu for men and women should be balanced, regardless of age and the number of kilograms you want to lose. The balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats should vary within this ratio - 50:30:20, respectively. A deficiency of any of these elements leads to negative consequences in the form of various serious diseases.

The principle of a diet for weight loss involves proper distribution of foods (carbohydrates - in the morning, fats - lunch, protein - evening) and avoidance of overeating. It is also necessary to choose the right products.

So, the source of carbohydrates can be a sweet bun or whole grain pasta. The first option will provide the body with energy only for a short time, and the remaining calories will “go” into the folds on the hips. In addition, the bun increases insulin and provokes the desire to visit the refrigerator.

At the same time, pasta, being complex carbohydrates, will supply you with energy for a long period and will not give you a chance to gain excess weight. Therefore, in order to achieve victory in the war with extra pounds, it is necessary to give preference to slow carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain products, vegetables), and reduce fast carbohydrates (sugar, white wheat flour) to a minimum.

Full functionality of the body is impossible without fats. To maintain health and lose weight, it is recommended to consume approximately 80% vegetable fats (vegetable oil, nuts) and 20% animal fats (fish and high-fat dairy products).

Proteins can be of plant (legumes, vegetables) or animal origin (meat, fish, eggs). Both the first and second contain essential amino acids, so they must be consumed in equal proportions.

You should use various food additives (flavors, taste enhancers) with caution, as their presence indicates minimal benefit of the product. In addition, these supplements do not allow you to control the feeling of fullness, as they stimulate the appetite. You should definitely minimize the amount of salt, as it slows down the weight loss process by retaining water.

Products that should be included in the diet are:

  • Lean meat (turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit);
  • Fatty fish varieties (tuna, salmon, salmon);
  • Dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese);
  • Eggs (chicken, quail);
  • Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds);
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive);
  • Cereals (buckwheat, wheat, corn);
  • Whole grain products (pasta, bread);
  • Vegetables (cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, pumpkin);
  • Fruits and berries (apples, pears, raspberries).

Products that a healthy diet system requires avoiding are:

  • Fast food products (pizza, hamburgers);
  • Butter pastries (buns, cheesecakes);
  • Confectionery (cakes, pastries);
  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • Sausages;
  • Salty snacks (chips, crackers);
  • Lard, lard, margarine;
  • Industrial canned food.

The diet for weight loss for women should differ from men's in the smaller amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. So, a 30-40 year old man needs about 120 grams of fat per day, while a woman of the same age needs only 100 grams of fat.

With the same height and body mass index (a value obtained by dividing height in centimeters by weight in kilograms squared), a man needs 20% more protein than a woman. The amount of carbohydrates in the male diet is also 20% higher.

This difference is explained by some characteristics of the male body. Thus, in a man’s body, the percentage of fat to total weight varies from 12 to 20%, and in women this figure is between 20 and 30%. Women's fat metabolism is much slower than men's. This happens because nature keeps the fair sex in a state of readiness for a possible pregnancy.

The diet for weight loss takes into account that the daily energy requirement of men is much higher than that of the fairer sex. In addition, women are more susceptible to stress, which provokes the synthesis of the hormone cortisol. This substance stimulates appetite, making it much more difficult for women to lose weight.


Breakfast – oatmeal with milk, seasoned with honey and nuts, baked apple;

Breakfast II – kefir, banana;

Lunch – borscht in meat broth, minced chicken cutlet with baked vegetable side dish;

Afternoon snack – muesli with yogurt;

Dinner – boiled fish fillet, fruit with yogurt dressing.


Breakfast – buckwheat seasoned with milk and honey, cucumber and celery smoothie;

Breakfast II – marmalade, kefir with dietary supplements;

Lunch – soup in lean broth with vegetables, veal with cabbage side dish;

Afternoon snack – oatmeal cookies;

Dinner – cottage cheese with sour cream, apple.


Breakfast – egg white omelet, sauerkraut;

Breakfast II – cottage cheese with a mixture of dried fruits;

Lunch – fish soup, fish stew with rice, vegetable salad or vinaigrette;

Afternoon snack – vegetable smoothie;

Dinner – baked or steamed chicken fillet, garnished with broccoli.


Breakfast – muesli with yogurt dressing, sauerkraut;

Breakfast II – marshmallows, sandwich with ham and bran bread;

Lunch – soup based on chicken broth, beef stewed or baked with buckwheat;

Afternoon snack – fruit cocktail with yoghurt;

Dinner – hard pasta with cheese.


Breakfast – rice porridge with milk and nuts;

Breakfast II – muesli bar;

Lunch – lean borscht, beef with buckwheat;

Afternoon snack – yogurt with dried fruits;

Dinner – fish steak.


Breakfast - oat bran with kefir, apple and carrot salad;

Breakfast II – spinach, celery, cucumber smoothie;

Lunch – fish broth soup, baked fish with broccoli;

Afternoon snack – banana with yogurt;

Dinner – grilled veal with tomato salad.


Breakfast – cottage cheese casserole with nuts;

Breakfast II – fruit or berry salad;

Lunch – mushroom soup, boiled chicken with rice;

Afternoon snack – thick tomato juice or zero-fat kefir, sandwich with cheese;

Dinner – sauerkraut with baked veal.

In addition to food, it is also necessary to maintain a drinking regime. To remove toxic substances and have a good metabolism, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. You can replenish the recommended amount of water with green or ginger tea, and various herbal decoctions. A step-by-step recipe for preparing ginger drink is presented in this video.

By taking the time to create a daily menu, you will ensure adequate nutrition and at the same time begin to get rid of those interfering pounds. In addition, a balanced diet is an effective measure to strengthen immune function and protect against various diseases.

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The most important aspect in losing weight is a properly structured diet. Even regardless of the chosen diet, strict adherence to the regimen will give maximum weight loss results. The main thing is to correctly select the desired type of regime for yourself and arrange its necessary components.

In order for your weight loss diet to be effective, read its basic rules:

  • 60% of all food should be vegetables and fruits. A large amount of fiber will help reduce the absorption of fats, and the beneficial microelements of vegetables and fruits will strengthen the body.
  • For breakfast, always eat porridge with water. It will give you strength for the whole day and will have less impact on your figure.
  • Completely give up bad habits (alcohol and smoking). These substances can significantly increase your weight. Even if you are on a strict diet.
  • The last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • No stress. Protect yourself from everything negative, learn to cope with a bad mood. If you feel emotional stress, then a strong appetite may open at any moment, or the process of “active accumulation of fats” will start at the physiological level.
  • Eat food without being distracted by conversations or TV. Otherwise, you may not notice how much you eat.
  • Breathe fresh air. Saturating the body with oxygen promotes active burning of calories. Plus, any regime necessarily includes daily walks in the fresh air.
  • The correct diet for weight loss never includes hunger strikes and exhausting diets. This regime is being compiled not with the goal of simply and effectively losing excess weight, but in order not to cause great harm to your body during weight loss.

Everyone who is losing weight should have an idea of ​​the existing diets for effective and safe weight loss. After familiarizing yourself with them, you can choose the right option for yourself or use them in combination.

It is the most important regimen when losing weight. Control over your water balance should be mandatory, because if you drink too little or too much, you can get serious weight problems.

Water speeds up metabolism, relieves constipation, removes waste and toxins, normalizes digestion and, in some cases, dulls appetite.

How much water should you drink per day during weight loss?

You should not “drink yourself” with water in order to stimulate the rapid process of losing weight. Excess fluid will only provoke the appearance of edema, which will ultimately “freeze” the weight loss process.

Detailed daily drinking regimen:

  • drink a glass of water immediately after sleep;
  • Drink a glass of water during breakfast;
  • closer to lunch you can drink 150 ml of clean water;
  • after lunch, carry 0.5 liters of water with you and drink it all within 2 hours;
  • after any physical activity, you must drink at least 1 glass of fresh, cool water;
  • before going to bed, you can drink 150 ml of clean water (instead of kefir).

This type of regime is suitable for very organized people who are used to scheduling every hour of their life. With nutrition, things are exactly the same. But if you eat every hour, you are unlikely to lose weight. Therefore, the hourly diet is combined with drinking.

Let's take the classic daily routine as a basis: get up at 8.00, go to bed at 22.00. Then:

9.00 – glass of water

10.00 – breakfast

11.00 – a couple of sips of water

12.00 – light snack

13.00 – lunch

14.00 – glass of water

15.00 – light snack

16.00 – a couple of sips of water

17.00 – light snack

18.00 – glass of water

19.00 – light dinner

20.00 – snack

21.00 – glass of kefir

22.00 – glass of water

The presented hourly regimen is designed according to the “classic” type and is suitable for anyone losing weight, regardless of their build. Allows you to effectively lose weight by controlling every hour of your nutrition.

A daily diet for weight loss involves strict selection of times for eating (usually 4-6 meals a day). Moreover, you can choose any time for yourself. The classic version involves 4 types:

  • Breakfast– Must always contain whole grains.
  • Dinner– it is preferable to eat two types of dishes: soup and main course.
  • Afternoon snack– considered a snack and satisfying hunger. Fruit, kefir or yogurt are ideal.
  • Dinner– should be the lowest calorie. You can eat salads, boiled fish or poultry.

In addition to a clear allocation of time for meals, you need to plan your menu daily:

  • One meal should not exceed 350-450 kcal (if you have four meals a day). If we consider the daily calorie intake for weight loss, then you need to eat no more than 1800 kcal per day.
  • Do not try to reduce your eating time. To fully feel full, it is advisable to spend at least 15 minutes on one meal.
  • To make it more convenient to adhere to your daily diet, you can keep a diary in which you will clearly write down all your meals, calculate the calorie content of dishes and plan a new menu.

This type of diet is designed for a long period, which involves smooth (gradual) weight loss. The weekly regimen is based on a balanced, healthy diet. Usually prepared for at least 1 month (4 weeks in advance).

It details the menu for 7 days (Monday to Sunday). Depending on how long you plan to follow this regimen, the weekly menu can alternate its components.

In the diary, the weekly regime will look like this:

Week #1 Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner

An individually compiled weight loss menu fits into the empty cells.

You have already become familiar with the types of weight loss regimens and how to put them together correctly; now you can move on to the full creation of your individual regimen.

Before you learn how to create a diet and then stick to it, you must first strictly follow the daily routine. To do this, we will start a special diary in which you will write down your every day in detail. If you are an organized person, then you won't need to keep a diary.

  • Clearly define the time of getting up, eating and going to bed.
  • Schedule your sports activities strictly according to time. When losing weight, they will help you lose extra pounds faster.
  • Schedule a time for drinking water: after sleep, during training, etc.

Once you have prepared this “base” for your diet, you can then move on to developing a menu.

To ensure that losing weight does not bring a constant feeling of hunger, it is important to choose the most varied diet that will not have a big impact on weight gain.

Allowed foods during weight loss include:

    • Dairy products: yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, tan, whey. The main thing is to monitor the fat content of the product; it should not exceed 1.5%.
    • Vegetables: cabbage, carrots, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, sorrel, rhubarb, herbs.
    • Fruits and berries: citruses, apples, pineapple, dried fruits, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, kiwi, pomegranate, blueberries.
  • Meat and fish: chicken, turkey, beef, lean minced meat, perch, pollock, pike.
  • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet.
  • Nuts: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts. The main thing is not to eat more than 1 handful per day, since nuts contain a large amount of fat and calories. But in small quantities they can satisfy hunger for a long time, so they are ideal as snacks.

Prohibited foods include:

  • Any sweets: cookies, sweets, halva, chocolates, condensed milk.
  • Bakery: bread, buns, pies, pastries, cakes, bagels.
  • Grocery: pasta, spaghetti, canned food.
  • Semi-finished products: dumplings, manti, dumplings, cutlets.
  • Sausage products: sausages, cervelat, smoked meats, sausages, bacon.

Read useful tips on how to stop eating sweets and starchy foods forever here.

Now let’s create the diet itself. It would be better to present a weekly regimen. But, since women and men are structured differently, and they need a unique nutritional system, we will analyze nutrition separately for each representative of the sex.

In order not to harm your health, a weight loss system based on proper nutrition is recommended. The only restrictions are on harmful foods and serving sizes. The daily calorie intake will not exceed 1800. This is quite enough for a gradual reduction in body weight without causing serious consequences to the body.

We present the weekly diet table:


Snack Dinner Afternoon snack


Monday Oatmeal with water, 1 glass of kefir 3 prunes, 1 dried apricots and 5 pcs. almonds Chicken soup, steamed vegetables, 1 piece of boiled pollock 1 glass of kefir, 1 apple Homemade stuffed peppers (with lean minced meat).
Tuesday Buckwheat porridge, 1 cup natural yogurt without additives A glass of kefir Vegetable soup, 2 steamed meatballs, cucumber salad 5 pieces. almonds Boiled pike with soy sauce, a glass of tomato juice
Wednesday 2 boiled eggs, a glass of kefir, 2 bread Drinking yogurt Beef broth with boiled tongue, vegetable stew, glass of natural pineapple juice A glass of kefir and 1 orange Steamed zucchini with boiled chicken heart, a glass of fermented baked milk
Thursday Glass of fruit smoothie, oatmeal muesli with yogurt Apple Stewed cabbage and boiled chicken breast, rice soup 1 pomegranate and 4 almonds Steamed chicken cutlets, baked eggplant with garlic
Friday 1 boiled egg, a glass of kefir, half a serving of oatmeal 3 dried apricots, 2 prunes, a glass of fermented baked milk Borscht, baked apple with cottage cheese Yogurt and apple Boiled beef, vegetable salad
Saturday Buckwheat porridge and a glass of fermented baked milk Drinking yogurt Fish soup on perch, vegetable salad, glass of fruit smoothie 1 orange Baked zucchini with herbs, a glass of kefir
Resurrection Ryazhenka with muesli Apple Cabbage soup in beef broth, steamed piece of crucian carp Baked apple with cottage cheese Vegetables stewed in the oven: peppers, zucchini, eggplant and cabbage. A glass of pomegranate juice

Men spend much more calories than women, so meals when losing weight should be a little more satisfying. You need to eat no more than 2000 kcal per day. This is subject to the condition that the daily routine will not be “sedentary”.

We present the weekly diet table:


Snack Dinner Afternoon snack


Monday Yogurt, porridge, 2 eggs Apple, drinking yogurt Cabbage soup with beef broth, vegetable salad, tomato juice Fruit salad seasoned with kefir Steamed chicken cutlets with baked eggplant and natural garlic sauce, a glass of kefir
Tuesday 3 egg omelette, cup of coffee Fruit smoothie and a handful of nuts Pike perch fish soup, vegetable stew, glass of pomegranate juice Apple White fish baked in the oven, vegetable salad, glass of orange juice
Wednesday Oatmeal with water, a glass of kefir, an apple 1 apple and 1 pear Beef stew (in the oven), vegetable soup, a glass of black tea with lemon Drinking yogurt 3 pike fish cutlets, stewed zucchini and kefir
Thursday Oatmeal pancakes, 2 boiled eggs, a glass of yogurt Yogurt Tomato soup, steamed meatballs, glass of apple jelly A glass of fermented baked milk with the addition of ground nuts Homemade cabbage rolls with minced chicken, a glass of kefir
Friday Omelet with mushrooms and onions from 3 eggs, a glass of fermented baked milk Handful of dried fruits Baked perch in sour cream, beef pickle, orange juice Baked apple with cottage cheese Stewed cabbage with chicken drumsticks, a glass of fermented baked milk
Saturday Muesli with dried fruits, a glass of kefir A portion of low-fat cottage cheese Fish soufflé and rice soup, tea with lemon Handful of dried fruits with nuts Zucchini stuffed with chicken, a glass of plum juice
Resurrection Cheesecakes in the oven (4 pcs.), 1 egg and a glass of milk Apple Cabbage soup on chicken breast, cutlets on lean minced meat Fruit salad with a pinch of cinnamon Boiled broccoli with shrimp, a glass of kefir

The diet helps the body adapt to a convenient schedule, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Moreover, such a schedule helps you lose weight evenly without resorting to strict diets.

The only disadvantages can be called a restriction in junk food (which is very often tasty) and adherence to meals strictly according to the clock. Otherwise, the regime has only one plus.

In this video, a specialist talks about the need to follow a proper diet for weight loss. A woman explains the benefits of this weight loss technique.

Not all people are allowed to follow a diet for weight loss. Any weight loss process has its own contraindications, these include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (if the child is less than a year old);
  • body weight deficiency;
  • age less than 17 and more than 55 years;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the central nervous system;
  • mental disorders;

If a person does not have the above contraindications, any type of diet can be used without any problems.

Following a diet during weight loss is an important component of weight loss. But an illiterate approach can lead to the opposite process. That is why it is so important to know the specifics of creating a regimen in order to effectively lose weight in the future and not harm your health.

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Every woman strives to be slim, graceful, beautiful. In order to achieve these goals, there are a great variety of diets. The clock diet is ideally balanced and is suitable for people with strong willpower and excellent memory, because it is quite difficult to constantly keep the clock menu in mind for the whole day.

You must have good organizational skills. This is another advantage of the diet, thanks to it you can develop good habits and balance your metabolism. You choose the set of products yourself, so the diet allows you to take into account the individual tastes of everyone following it. The diet is unique - you can follow it for a long time, as long as you want. The most important condition is compliance with the regime and avoiding overeating

The basic principle is alternating days of diet and normal nutrition. Alternation must be followed for 1-1.5 months. During this time you will lose 7 kilograms of weight at once.

Every five days, about 3-4 kg of weight will be lost, and on days of normal nutrition, 1-2 kg will return. Therefore, in the end, in a month of diet you will be able to lose about 6-8 kg.

You need to start with a five-day diet, during which you need to eat a little every two hours. Then, for the next ten days, eat as usual. The only thing to change is to exclude flour and sweets, and do not overeat. Regular sugar should be replaced with fruit sugar, and only dietary bread should be consumed.

In this method, the first meal is taken at 7 am, and eating is prohibited after nine pm. Therefore, this system is suitable for larks, but owls will have to find a night diet for themselves.

The main disadvantage of the clock diet is not the restriction of food or caloric content of foods, but the frequency of meals. They are all scheduled by the hour, and if you miss or mix something up, the result may be disappointing.

The diet takes a long time, but helps you lose quite a lot of weight and improve your metabolism.

There are many options for diet menus by the hour, but each of them combines a complete rejection of foods such as all types of sweet and baked goods, 3-in-1 coffee-based drinks, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, and dessert drinks like cocoa with cream. Chips, nuts and other snacks should also be excluded. There are also diet options by the hour that limit the consumption of carbohydrates, excluding millet, buckwheat, and legumes from the diet.

08.00 - rice, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge with water - 100 g

10.00 - choice of orange, pear or apple

12.00 - low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g

14.00 - boiled chicken breast or fish with stewed or boiled cabbage - 100 g

16.00 - low-fat yogurt

18.00 - salad or stewed vegetables

7.00 - unsweetened tea or natural coffee

9.00 - grated fresh carrots, seasoned with lemon juice

11.00 - orange (optional: apple, kiwi, pear, peach)

13.00 - a sandwich made from a slice of grain bread with a thin layer of butter and a small piece of lean ham or boiled chicken fillet (optional - with a slice of river fish)

15:00 - 100 g of low-calorie cheese or low-fat cottage cheese or a couple of boiled eggs

17.00 - cabbage salad with carrots, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil

19:00 - some dried fruits soaked in boiling water

21:00 - 200 ml of low-fat kefir, drinking yoghurt or fermented baked milk

The one-hour diet will allow you to correct your figure without harm to your health. Lose weight correctly and be healthy!

On rest days, do not forget to limit your intake of junk food. The optimal number of meals is 5.

Breakfast - omelet, scrambled eggs or porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) to choose from. Drinks include coffee, tea, juice.

Second breakfast - fruit of your choice, preferably citrus fruits, but you can have a banana, peach or apple.

Lunch - soup with meat, a slice of rye bread, a hot drink (tea, coffee). - Afternoon snack - fruit of your choice, preferably citrus fruits, as they are excellent fat burners.

Dinner (no later than 3 hours before bedtime) - cabbage, mashed potatoes, vegetables with lean fish or poultry, fruit or vegetable salad. - - Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or fermented baked milk, eat cottage cheese.

If the daily routine is not for you, you should not use a diet by the hour. Some people simply cannot remember what to eat and when. It is even more difficult to remember at the right time that it is time to have a snack. It is also not suitable for those who are very busy at work. As a rule, fuss makes it difficult to maintain a routine in nutrition. And sometimes being busy simply doesn’t allow you to stop for food.

Many people are upset by the fact that this diet works very slowly. After all, we want to see results immediately. And to wait one and a half to two months, you need very good motivation.

A diet by the clock is not suitable for people who are very overweight. It is quite difficult to get rid of a large number of extra pounds. However, if you follow all the rules and combine such nutrition with physical activity, you can achieve good results, albeit not very quickly.

The clockwise diet allows you to be creative in choosing foods - this is an undeniable advantage of the diet. In addition, split meals in small portions gradually become a habit. This eating behavior leads to improved metabolic processes and gradual stabilization of weight. The one-hour diet allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry, so breakdowns are completely excluded.

The correct diet of a modern person

Physiological diet

Diet in old age

Organizing a proper diet

Children need a strict diet

Diet of industrial workers

Welcome to everyone losing weight! Are you looking for the perfect diet that will save you from extra pounds, without being burdened by complex calorie counting and searching for exclusive products? Then a time-by-hour diet plan for weight loss may be right for you, with the help of which you will finally say “bye!” hated kilogram!

Nutritionists like to blame unsystematic nutrition for all ills and advise switching to an hourly diet. The body, adjusted to the schedule, eventually begins to work like a clock, and no longer gives you unexpected troubles, such as bloating or metabolic disorders.

To fully appreciate all the benefits of this method, you should understand your eating habits. So, if you can give yourself a plus sign next to each of these points, it’s time for you to change something in your habits:

  • Do you like to snack on the go on the way to or from work;
  • Several times a week you attend parties and cafes where you indulge in nothing;
  • Sometimes you are so busy that you can eat nothing all day, and in the evening you attack the refrigerator in order to empty it;
  • At night, your feet lead you into the kitchen, and when you come to your senses, you find a chicken leg in your hand;
  • Coffee without sugar and a slice of cracker is your ideal breakfast;
  • If you really want something sweet, you can eat half the cake and then fast for two days.

If you saw yourself in at least three points, we have bad news: you won’t be able to lose weight without switching to the right diet. The timing of food consumption is as important as its quality. If we haven’t convinced you with this, check out the list of consequences that you have probably already encountered:

  • Metabolic disorders - you eat much less, but your weight stays the same, and sometimes even increases;
  • Constant stomach problems - at the most inopportune moment you may vomit, bloat, or have to go to the toilet;
  • Poor appetite - hunger wakes up at the most inopportune moment (most often at night);
  • Gluttony - to satisfy your hunger, you eat several times more than usual;
  • Weakness and irritability - during working hours you resemble a sleepy snail, and at night you cannot find a place for yourself and return to bed until the morning.

The diet is divided into several stages. The first stage involves a strong reboot of the body - for five days you must strictly follow a certain diet. Next comes the consolidation stage. The regime is not as strict, and you are allowed to eat some “non-diet foods”. During this period, you consolidate the previously obtained result, and your body is completely rebuilt (scientists have proven that this time is enough to get used to the new regime). As you can see, your main difficulty is to endure these ill-fated five days, and then you will feel relief and a surge of strength.

The results promise stunning: in the first stage, up to 3 kg are lost, then we strengthen the result. Then we repeat the five-day period again and consolidate the result! Example: if you have 10 extra pounds, the course can be repeated three times.

What is the difference from other diets? Firstly, you will not encounter the so-called “yo-yo effect” (girls who are always losing weight know what they are talking about). This is when everything previously lost comes back with extra weight, and you have to go through all the circles of weight loss hell again.

This happens due to the fact that after finishing the diet we “have a blast” and pounce on unhealthy high-calorie foods. A smooth transition to prohibited foods will give your body time to adapt and your hunger to subside.

Another trick is the roller coaster principle. The fact is that our body is quite cunning, and if we torture it with diets and hunger strikes for a very long time, sooner or later it will begin to store fat in reserve and the weight loss process will slow down significantly. Constant changes in eating habits will throw surprises at us, thanks to which our metabolism will speed up every day.

An undeniable advantage will be the versatility of the diet - thanks to its high protein and vegetable content, it is suitable for both women and men.

So, if you are still interested in this very original way of losing weight, we explain to you how to calculate your food portions throughout the day.

Don't be afraid of complex diagrams and long calculations; all you need to know are three basic rules:

  • At the first stage, we eat every 2 hours (time after eight in the evening, of course, does not count);
  • Next comes the best part: two days of complete sloppiness, when you can afford anything;
  • Then for 10 days food is taken every three hours.

Always carry a watch with you and follow this program. Unfortunately, if you are an absent-minded person, eating by the hour at first will be real torture for you. For self-control, set an alarm on your phone to notify you when it is time to eat.

No matter how much we praise this diet and call it easy, there will still be food restrictions. First, remember the names of these products so that you can avoid them by the tenth side:

  • Everything sweet and floury;
  • Carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • Store-bought snacks: salted nuts, chips, popcorn, crackers and other delights;
  • High-calorie coffee with cream, sugar, milk and sweet syrups.

That's all, but if you have a persistent spirit and nerves of steel, you can make life even more difficult for yourself and remove all carbohydrate-containing products from the grocery shelves. Especially porridges, even healthy ones: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice and corn.


A step-by-step guide to changing your diet to a fat-burning diet

Healing and detoxification of the body

Launching the natural process of fat breakdown in the body within the first 24 hours

The ideal way to learn to distinguish truly healthy foods and completely get rid of excess subcutaneous fat!

Fast, affordable, effective!

Surely, if you have read up to this point, you are serious about losing weight. Let’s not bore you and let’s start with the diet schedule.

The first option is without carbohydrates

8.00 – drink of your choice (not cola or sprite, of course);

10.00 – carrot salad;

14.00 – chicken breast and a piece of black bread;

16.00 – hard-boiled egg and cottage cheese;

18.00 – a handful of dried fruits;

20.00 – 200 gr. yogurt or kefir.

We do not deny that this option is quite harsh, and few people can voluntarily submit to such torture. If you feel that such a test will lead to a breakdown at night, choose this menu:

8.00 – oatmeal with apple and skim milk;

12.00 – borscht or soup without fat and potatoes;

14.00 – salad with a slice of bread and yogurt;

16.00 – compote or juice;

18.00 – vegetables with fish;

20.00 - apple, pear or peach.

Naturally, the table shows approximate hours - you can change them at your discretion and adapt them to your lifestyle. The main thing is to keep the interval.

That's all for today. We wish you easy and enjoyable weight loss, see you soon!

Many people have excess fat deposits that they would like to get rid of. But in order to do this correctly and without harm to health, you need to know the basic rules. In this article you will learn what the correct one should be in order to get maximum results.

The key to losing weight is creating a calorie deficit (when you consume less food than you burn during the day). This is the basis of any fashionable diet that you can find on the Internet. The problem with these diets is that this deficit is created too large and too quickly, which ultimately leads to rapid weight loss in the first couple of weeks (up to 7 - 10 kg), then a “plateau” effect occurs (you stop losing weight) and after another small Over time, the weight comes back.

Such sudden changes in weight do not have the best effect on your health, which can ultimately lead to negative consequences. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to build correct diet for weight loss by the hour (menu). If you learn to properly manipulate your diet and choose the right physical activity, you can easily and without harm to your health lose excess weight.

Step #1. Start eating only healthy and healthy foods.

This is the first step towards developing good healthy eating habits. At the moment, you do not need to count calories and select the right ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All you need is to give up unhealthy foods and switch to healthy foods that are rich in all essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro and microelements).

Bad foods: white bread, cheap pasta, sugar, waffles, cakes, casseroles, cookies, candy, rolls, chips, fast food, soda, sausages, margarine, pizza, alcohol and others of the same kind.

Good foods: cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.), fish (and other seafood), chicken, meat (veal, beef, etc.), honey, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fruits, berries, nuts, brown bread, durum wheat pasta, vegetables, chicken eggs, avocados, flaxseed oil, olive oil, hard cheese, dried fruits and others of the same kind.

If, for example, your menu previously looked like this:

Breakfast: piece of cake + coffee with sugar

Dinner: pizza + beer

Now it should consist of the right products:

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk + banana + nuts + sandwiches (bread + butter + hard cheese) + coffee with milk

Lunch: durum wheat pasta + beef + vegetables

Dinner: fish + rice + vegetables

As soon as you switch to the right foods, your body will immediately begin to change for the better. In addition, the portions will be larger, and therefore you will not feel hungry.

Step #2. Gradually begin to reduce calories to create the necessary deficit for burning fat.

As a rule, the first step can last from 3 to 6 weeks. You switched to the right foods and started losing weight (even without counting your weight loss). But, after a certain time, the process of losing weight will stop and then you need to make an important amendment to your meal plan for weight loss, namely, calculate the required daily calorie intake to start the fat burning process.

It's very easy to do. All you need to do is write down everything you eat (in exact portions) in a notebook for 7 days. Then, on the 8th day, take all the products, open the calorie content table and write down its calorie content next to each product eaten. After that, sum up all the calories received and divide by 7. As a result, you get the average daily calorie content. For example, you added up all the foods and got 17,345 calories. This means you need 17,345 / 7 = 2477 calories per day.

At this stage, the body has adapted to this calorie content, and now this is your balance point (so as not to lose weight or gain weight). To start the fat burning process again, you need to subtract 10% from the total calorie content (2477 - 10% = 2229) and adjust the correct ratio of dietary fat from the right foods to this new calorie content.

Step #3. We calculate the correct ratio of BZHU in the menu.

Your menu must include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each of these nutrients plays an important role in the life of the body (and in particular in the process of losing weight).

Protein is the main component for your muscle mass. In addition, protein deficiency causes: poor skin condition, a constant feeling of hunger, a possible increase in the level of bad cholesterol, etc. For normal functioning, men need to consume 2g * 1kg body weight, and girls 1.5g * 1kg body weight. Main sources: chicken, meat, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, fish and seafood.

Fats also play an important role in the body, but they must be handled with care, since these nutrients are very high in calories (1g of fat = 9 calories, while 1g of protein and carbohydrates = 4 calories). For normal functioning, it is necessary to consume 0.5 – 0.7g * 1kg of body weight. Main sources: fatty fish, flaxseed oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body and in particular for the brain. In order not to harm your health, I do not recommend completely excluding this nutrient from your menu. The very minimum is 50g of carbohydrates per day (I really don’t recommend anything less). First, using formulas, you calculate proteins and fats, and then add carbohydrates using the remaining calories. Main sources: cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.), durum wheat pasta, brown bread, crispbread, potatoes (minimum), fruits (minimum).

Step #4. We correctly distribute nutrients by the hour.

After you have written for yourself meal plan for weight loss from the right foods, the correct calorie content and the correct calculation of BZHU, you need to understand how many meals there should be and at what time you can eat certain foods.

How many meals should there be?

We immediately give up small snacks and divide the entire menu into approximately equal portions based on calories. You should have from 4 to 6 - 7 meals per day. It has already been proven that the frequency of meals does not affect metabolism (that is, it does not matter whether it is 4 meals or 7 - the speed will remain the same). But, I still do not recommend going below 4 meals, because split meals have their advantages:

  • no hunger (constant meals prevent you from getting hungry)
  • the body constantly receives resources (every 2 – 4 hours a certain amount of food enters the body, which allows your body to function normally)
  • The gastrointestinal tract works well (the stomach is not overloaded with food, which ultimately has a positive effect on its functioning)

When and what to eat?

If possible, protein products should be present in every meal (sometimes more, sometimes less). It is advisable to exclude carbohydrates about 6 hours before bedtime.

If you have 4 meals a day, then the scheme may be something like this:

1 meal: proteins (50%) + carbohydrates (50%)

Meal 4: proteins (75%) + fats (25%)

If you have 6 meals a day, then it might look like this:

1 meal: proteins (25%) + carbohydrates (75%)

Meal 2: proteins (50%) + carbohydrates (25%) + fats (25%)

Meal 3: proteins (50%) + carbohydrates (50%)

Meal 4: proteins (50 - 70%) + carbohydrates (30 - 50%)

Meal 5: proteins (75%) + fats (25%)

Meal 6: proteins (100%)

It is also necessary to drink enough water per day. On average, this is 30 ml * 1 kg of body weight (that is, if your weight is 80 kg, then you need 30 * 80 = 2.4 liters of water per day).

This is a sample menu that shows you how to choose the right foods. I will not calculate proteins, fats and carbohydrates by gram, since each person is individual and each person needs their own approach.

08:00 – shrimp + bread + fruit

10:30 – chicken egg omelet + black bread + vegetables + flaxseed oil

13:00 – chicken fillet + durum wheat pasta + vegetables

15:00 – 16:30 TRAINING

17:00 – fish + rice + vegetables

19:30 – lean beef + vegetables + flaxseed oil

IMPORTANT: If you are unable to independently choose a menu with the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your own body weight, then I can help you with this. If you want me to select an individual menu for you (calculate everything by grams and time), then contact me through this page -> INDIVIDUALLY

This is how the right one should be built, step by step diet plan for weight loss for girls and men. In the future, you will need to take control measurements every week on an empty stomach (weight, waist, chest, arms, etc.) and use this data to track your progress. If the volume of your problem areas (waist, hips) decreases by 0.5 - 1 cm every week, then continue to eat. When the “plateau” effect occurs and you stop losing weight, you will need to cut your diet again by 10%, etc. In addition to diet, I highly recommend training in the gym. Strength training will speed up the fat burning process and make your body toned.

A diet for weight loss is a series of rules regarding the quantity, quality and system of food intake. By adhering to the recommendations given in this article, the path to the desired number on the scales will be faster and will not cause harm to the body.

The key mistake of people trying to achieve a slim silhouette without additional folds is to sharply limit calories and the amount of food consumed. Such actions lead to a slowdown in metabolism. As a result, all body systems slow down and function in a similar mode to expend a minimum amount of energy.

As a result, the process of losing kilograms either stops, or the reverse process occurs and the kilograms return. The correct diet for weight loss includes 3 mandatory meals - morning in the form of breakfast, lunch, and evening in the form of dinner. In the intervals between main meals, snacks (second breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks) are recommended.

Meal timing has a big impact on diet results. The correct diet for weight loss should take into account the biological rhythms of the human body. This will allow the food consumed to be absorbed faster, and calories will be converted into energy resources, rather than the accumulation of fatty tissue.

In order for food to be better absorbed and the body to extract the necessary resources, it is recommended to have breakfast in a temporary corridor between 7 and 9 am. When starting to have breakfast, try to allow at least an hour to pass from the moment you wake up. The best option for the first meal is complex carbohydrates (cereal porridge, toast). For drinks, it is recommended to give preference to kefir, yogurt, freshly squeezed juices, tea (green or hibiscus).

Second breakfast (lunch) can be served between 10 and 11 o'clock. The most preferred food for this time is the first course. If this is not possible, you can have a snack with vegetable or fruit salad or yogurt.

The proper nutrition regimen for men and women involves lunch between 12 and 14 hours. In this time corridor, all body systems function in accelerated mode. The menu should include protein foods, complex carbohydrates and fats. If physical activity is not planned for the second half of the day, it is better to avoid foods with large amounts of carbohydrates.

A mandatory element that should be included in diets for weight loss for women and men is fiber. It has minimal calorie content, but improves intestinal motility and speeds up metabolism. Fiber is found in bran, fibrous vegetables and fruits.

Afternoon snack, which is recommended from 15 to 16 hours is optional. Eating at this time is most important for those who play sports or are engaged in heavy physical work. The best option would be fermented milk products combined with vegetables or fruits. Also for an afternoon snack you can enjoy a light but low-calorie dessert (fruits, dried fruits, marmalade, berry or fruit jelly, yogurt).

An important point in proper nutrition and weight loss is dinner. It should be carried out between 18 and 19 hours, making sure that you go to bed after at least 3 hours. The evening diet should include a small amount of food so that the body has time to spend resources on digesting it.

At the same time, food should not be rich in calories, since the body does not need energy, and they turn into hated folds. Those who want to lose weight should stop eating carbohydrates for dinner and focus on protein foods.

Losing weight largely depends not on the intensity of training in a fitness club or gym, but on the menu. A diet plan for weight loss should include a specific schedule indicating at what time each meal is taken. Properly selected ratio of BZHU, i.e. proteins, fats and carbohydrates, allows someone losing weight, for example, an overweight athlete, to achieve the necessary results by drying the body.

What is the correct diet

Before you schedule your meals by the clock for weight loss and derive the optimal formula for nutritional supplements, you need to find out what is meant by proper nutrition. To lose weight, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, while not forgetting that the body needs proteins and vitamins. With proper nutrition, food intake should be regular at certain time intervals.

According to research by physiologists, when eating food at the same time, the human body begins to develop conditioned reflex connections. Automatically, approximately 30-60 minutes before a meal, preparatory work begins in the body, which plays an important role in the digestion process. This will help you lose weight, so don't forget about it!

Meal time

When you decide to create an individual diet plan for weight loss, keep in mind that the main criterion that determines the time of eating is the feeling of hunger. It can be identified by the following sign: when thinking about unattractive food, saliva begins to secrete - in this case, it is not the stomach that needs food more, but the tongue. The surest impulse to eat is hunger. Otherwise, if you succumb to the deception of appetite, you can easily gain excess weight.

Diet for weight loss

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be rich in protein. Second breakfast is a light and low-carb meal, during which you can limit yourself to a glass of juice or kefir. As for lunch, it should be a balanced meal consisting of sources of protein (for example, fish, chicken) and a small amount of healthy carbohydrates. You need to have an afternoon snack with carbohydrates in the form of porridge and fruit. And dinner, like lunch, should be well balanced.

Meals by hour

To lose weight and make your menu complete, it is best to use fractional 5 meals a day. This includes main meals and a couple of snacks. In general, to determine the frequency of meals, you need to take into account your age, work activity, workday routine and the state of your body. An adult should eat 2.5-3.5 kg of food per day, but one should not eat too much. Overeating is indicated by drowsiness, shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the pancreas. An approximate hourly regimen of proper nutrition for weight loss:

  1. First breakfast – 7:00.
  2. Second breakfast – 10:00.
  3. Lunch – 13:00.
  4. Afternoon snack – 16:00.
  5. Dinner – 19:00.

Week schedule

The correct diet for weight loss for 7 days should be developed taking into account the biological rhythm of a person, regardless of whether he is a “lark” or a “night owl”. To do this, you can consult with a knowledgeable nutritionist who will help you create the optimal program and calculate the required number of calories for your healthy diet. This will speed up metabolism, i.e. metabolism. Meals by time for weight loss:

  • Breakfast – from 7 to 9 am.
  • Lunch – from 11 to 12 noon.
  • Lunch – from 13 to 15 pm.
  • Snack – from 16 to 17 days.
  • Dinner - from 18 to 20 pm.

Monthly schedule

If you are looking for a monthly diet plan, then use the list above, which will also work well for a 30-day schedule. In this case, it is very important to calculate the calorie content of dishes and products - use a special calculator or calorie table. In addition, you need to calculate your caloric intake in kcal using the formula: 0.65 (0.655 for women) + weight (kg) x 13.7 (9.6) x height (cm) x 5 (1.8) + age x 6.8 (4.7). If you are physically active, multiply the resulting number by 1.3.

Timed diet for weight loss

Portions for this diet should be relatively small. The menu should include cereals, grains, vegetable fats (instead of animal fats), fish, meat, dairy products and other components that can be easily combined with each other. Meal schedule for weight loss by the hour, which must be strictly adhered to to achieve results:

  • 8:00 – rice/buckwheat/oatmeal porridge with water.
  • 10:00 – apple.
  • 12:00 – low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 14:00 – boiled chicken breast with cabbage.
  • 16:00 – low-fat yogurt.
  • 18:00 – salad.
  • 20:00 – dried fruits.
  • 22:00 – kefir.

Daily routine for losing weight for a woman

When thinking about your diet, keep in mind that fats should make up no more than 20 percent of your daily calorie intake, and carbohydrates should be about 50 percent. As for proteins, their amount is calculated according to the principle: 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Often, protein is used for weight loss, which is low-calorie and very nutritious, but it will only work in conjunction with training. The daily routine should include:

  • Rise and fall. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time.
  • Do exercises - physical activity should be about 15 minutes.
  • You should not skip your morning meal.
  • Include 3 main meals and 2 snacks in your menu.
  • Make time for other physical activities, for example, going to the gym or swimming pool.

Nutritionists assure that one of the most important conditions for proper weight loss is a well-designed diet. If you consume food at certain periods of time, the fight against extra pounds will be most effective, regardless of what diet plan is chosen.

The most effective way is to choose an individual diet over time for weight loss, which should become part of your lifestyle.

How controlling your diet helps you lose weight

Many people do not understand how the correct diet for weight loss by the hour helps eliminate extra pounds. Numerous clinical studies have shown that the body's functioning is partially dependent on eating and sleeping patterns.

If you stick to the right regimen, you simply won’t gain excess weight. Diets often do not bring results because:

  • a person eats at night. If you limit yourself in nutrition throughout the day, by the evening you will awaken a strong appetite. A person with weak willpower simply will not be able to curb hunger, as a result of which he will eat before going to bed and have a full stomach. Everything eaten will not have time to be digested and will go into increasing the fat layer. If you eat according to the clock and do not eat enough in the evening, closer to bedtime all the food eaten will be processed;
  • slow metabolism. If you eat at the wrong time and constantly snack, there is an increased likelihood of a slowdown in metabolic processes. Doctors assure that a timed diet for weight loss is guaranteed to help normalize metabolic processes, as a result of which, with a calorie deficit, the volume of the thighs will begin to decrease, and the “orange peel” will level out;
  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. Drawing up an individual schedule of proper nutrition by the hour for weight loss requires adherence to a daily routine. The minimum that you will need to do is exercise in the morning. Experts also strongly recommend taking long walks at least 3 times a week. This will help not only increase muscle tone, but also saturate the cells with oxygen, which is one of the strongest fat burners.

On a note! Losing weight while following a daily routine is achieved due to the fact that a competent routine regulates the functioning of internal organs and systems, stabilizes the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

How to control yourself

Unlike most diets, a healthy eating regimen requires some preparation. A person will definitely have to take care of himself and try to eradicate bad habits. In addition, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to first study the information on creating a proper diet;
  • you need to write down your standard daily routine on a piece of paper and cross off from the list everything that interferes with the weight loss process;
  • It is necessary to keep a list of planned tasks and write a period of time next to each of them. This applies not only to exercise, going to the gym and walking, but also to eating;
  • You definitely need to calculate how much time it takes to complete a particular event.

Only after all this can you begin to create an individual daily routine. The recorded plan must be recorded on paper or electronic media. At first, every action must be checked against it.

How much food can you eat?

If you just reconsider your daily routine, but continue to eat as before, you shouldn’t count on results. A healthy diet also requires adherence to the following recommendations:

  • with proper nutrition, there is no need to adhere to any strict diet, since a hunger strike can only contribute to the deposition of fat;
  • You need to consume food at least 6 times a day. In this case, it is desirable that the portions do not exceed 200 g;
  • Food should be eaten slowly and chewed thoroughly. This will help avoid overeating. In the compiled menu, it is necessary to indicate the serving size;
  • You should not skip any meals described in the schedule;
  • it is desirable that the daily calorie content does not exceed 1400 kcal;
  • Proper nutrition involves avoiding unhealthy foods. First of all, fatty and fried foods, sweets, fast food and soda are prohibited. It is also recommended to minimize consumption of sugar and sauces.

It is very important not to forget to create separate meal plans for weekends and holidays. These days you can allow yourself a little more, but it is advisable that the basis of your diet should also be low-calorie dishes.

Nutrition chart for weight loss by hour

Each person's daily routine may vary slightly depending on their job. But in order to properly create a meal regimen, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. The first meal is taken between 8 and 10 am. In this case, you need to eat no earlier than 30 minutes after waking up. Breakfast should be the most satisfying; in the morning you can eat not only protein foods, but also carbohydrates.
  2. Proper nutrition requires a second breakfast. This snack is taken 2-3 hours after the main meal. For lunch, it is recommended to eat a light salad, your favorite or dessert.
  3. The best time for lunch is between 13.00 and 14.00. Lunch should also be quite filling.
  4. It is recommended to have an afternoon snack between 3 and 4 p.m. At this time, it is better to eat any dietary product.
  5. You should have dinner between 17.00 and 19.00.

A table of hours of proper nutrition for weight loss will help you figure out a sample menu:


In the process of losing weight, maintaining a daily routine plays a vital role. Eating at the most appropriate times will help not only achieve your goal, but also improve your body and streamline your life.

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What is the hourly diet? List of permitted and prohibited products, important rules, sample menu. What results can this diet achieve?

The content of the article:

The hourly diet is a special diet that involves eating in small portions and strictly observing the established time frame. It is worth noting that this is not a newfangled technology, but a method that has already been proven over the years to lose weight - not only its adherents speak about the effectiveness of this diet, but also many studies and experiments by leading nutritionists. It is noteworthy that the hourly diet is not only an excellent way to gain weight without fasting, but also to improve health, mainly to normalize metabolism and remove accumulated toxins.

What is an hourly diet for weight loss?

The clockwise diet is based on natural human biorhythms. This, in fact, makes this diet unique. At a time when most diets, due to severe restrictions, have a negative impact on health - both physical and psycho-emotional, an hourly regime is an opportunity not only to lose weight without stress, but also to improve the functioning of the body.

Many experts, when describing this diet, recommend it not so much for losing hated pounds, but for “accelerating metabolism,” that is, to improve the functioning of the digestive system and increase the efficiency of digestion. As a result, the intestines begin to work better - it is not only cleansed of accumulated waste and toxins, but also removes new ones faster and easier, while useful substances are absorbed better. In view of this fact, it is not difficult to guess that the effect of the diet is long-term, because to some extent it is akin to “fixing” the digestive system. By the way, according to research results, an hourly diet also has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Pros of the hourly diet However, they apply not only to physical health; psychologically it is also easier to bear than most others. Of course, this is still a restriction and prohibition of a number of products, but the main rule of the diet - eating is allowed every 2-3 hours - cannot but rejoice. If you follow the correct menu, there will be no feeling of hunger at all, which means no breakdowns, and constant stress due to the desire to “chew” something.

The only obvious negative diet is that it is not so easy for people whose work requires a busy schedule to stick to it. Every day you have to prepare a bunch of plastic containers at home, and wind the clock at the office so as not to overwork yourself and not miss the next meal. However, the result definitely justifies the efforts, although we note that it does not appear immediately - the first noticeable changes can be seen after 1-2 months. However, in justification, it is worth saying that any diet that allows you to suddenly lose weight is, firstly, stressful, and secondly, it never gives long-term results.

Allowed foods on the hourly diet

Of course, eating by the hour is, although basic, but not the only condition of the hourly diet. You will have to properly clean up your diet and reduce your overall caloric intake to get really good results.

If you want to get slim and improve your health, you need to build your diet around the following foods:

  1. Lean meats include beef and veal, as well as rabbit;
  2. Poultry - chicken and turkey, you can eat different parts, but always without skin;
  3. Any fish, including fatty varieties of sea fish, and seafood;
  4. Cereals and cereals - oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, rice;
  5. Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  6. Eggs - chicken, quail;
  7. Any greens and vegetables, with the exception of starchy ones, including potatoes;
  8. Not very sweet fruits - kiwi, apples, oranges, etc., but it is better to exclude bananas and grapes;
  9. All berries;
  10. Any mushrooms;
  11. Nuts and dried fruits;
  12. Vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, coconut, etc.;
  13. Bread made only from wholemeal flour: rye, whole grain, bran, etc.

As for drinks, preference should be given to herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and/or fruits. You also need to drink a lot of water - 1.5-2 liters per day. Water, by the way, is an ideal addition to this diet, since when it enters the body in the proper quantity, it has a very good effect on accelerating metabolism.

Thus, main meals should be built around grains, vegetables and lean meats and/or fish. They need to be supplemented with berries, vegetables, and fruits. For example, for breakfast it’s good to eat oatmeal in water with berries, for lunch you can have soup (without potatoes!) in low-fat broth, and the ideal dinner would be a piece of meat, poultry or fish with vegetable salad. You can snack on dried fruits, fruits, nuts and the right sandwiches - for example, whole grain bread with vegetables, a piece of chicken breast or wheat bran bread with honey, etc. In general, as you can see, the diet turns out to be very appetizing and not at all boring.

Prohibited foods on the hourly diet menu

Now let's see what we have to give up. Well, firstly, from all the obvious harmful things, of course, chips, carbonated drinks, packaged juices, fast food, processed foods, alcohol, etc. We must remember that in this diet we are working to normalize intestinal function and we do not need preservatives, flavors and other chemicals, which are present in large quantities in the above products.

However, it is better not to return to all these harmful things even after finishing the diet, since they will not give your body anything good, except perhaps momentary emotional pleasure.

In addition, you will have to refuse:

  • Fatty meat - primarily pork and lamb;
  • Fatty poultry - this includes duck and goose;
  • Legumes - peas, beans, etc., as they contain a lot of starch;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with high fat content;
  • All smoked meats, including sausages and sausages - however, they should not be consumed in any form at all; it is better to prepare homemade ham from chicken or turkey if you really want to pamper yourself;
  • Any pasta;
  • Bread and pastries made from refined wheat flour;
  • Confectionery products.

As for coffee and strong tea, both black and green, it is also better to avoid these drinks during the diet.

In addition, you need to keep salt and sugar to a minimum. The latter can be replaced with honey and natural syrups - agave, stevia, etc., and seasonings and spices can be used instead of salt, but it is also undesirable to overdo them, especially with unnatural ones that contain chemical flavor enhancers.

Allowed and prohibited foods on the hourly diet are shown in the table:

CanIt is forbidden
Beef, veal, rabbitPork, lamb
Chicken, turkeyGoose, duck
Homemade ham, pastramiReady-made sausages, sausages, semi-finished products and fast food
Any fish and seafoodCrab sticks, store-bought fish pates, rietas, etc.
Cereals and cerealsLegumes, pasta
Low fat dairy and fermented milk productsHigh fat dairy and fermented milk products
Vegetables without or with reduced starch contentHigh starch vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, corn
Apples, citrus fruits, pears, plums, peachesBanana, grapes
Any berries and mushroomsSugar preserves, pickles
Nuts and dried fruitsConfectionery
Bread made from rye, whole grain, bran flourBread made from refined wheat flour, pastries, cakes
Vegetable oilsButter
Water, freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions, sugar-free compotesCarbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, packaged juices

As you can see, the hourly diet is not so much a diet as a transition to a healthy diet, which excludes excessively fatty foods, unhealthy foods, as well as foods that can be eaten without harm to the body only in small quantities.

Nutrition rules for an hourly diet for weight loss

Well, now let's move on to the most interesting part - the nutritional rules of the hourly diet, which ensure its high effectiveness. And the main thing is this: it is very important not to delay your meal and, moreover, skip it altogether. Therefore, before switching to eating by the hour, think about whether you can fulfill this condition and whether a busy schedule will interfere with you.

The diet offers three meal options to choose from - every hour, every 2 hours and every 3 hours.

The first option is practiced very rarely, since it requires too careful control, and if a person leads an active life, it is extremely difficult to adhere to such a scheme. Therefore, we recommend immediately choosing from the options - every 2 hours and every 3 hours.

Here are the rules that apply to these diets:

  1. 2 hours. In this case, each next meal should occur no later than 2 hours after the end of the previous one. Serving size should not exceed 100 grams. The diet is well suited for those who have a relatively free schedule, since you need to eat about 6-8 times a day, depending on your sleep and wakefulness patterns.
  2. 3 hours. Here you are supposed to eat every 3 hours, the limit on serving size doubles and is 200 grams. This diet will be more convenient for busy people. It involves 5-6 meals a day, depending on your sleep and wakefulness patterns.
In both cases, the menu is compiled based on personal preferences, but, of course, with reference to the list of permitted and prohibited products. Also, in both cases, you need to stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Please note that you must also adhere to the rule of gentle heat treatment. Frying and smoking should be excluded, but boiling, stewing, baking in the oven or grilling is allowed.

Don't forget about the water level. It is calculated simply - 30 ml per kilogram of weight. This means that if you weigh 70 kg, you need to drink 2.1 liters of clean water. It is very important to start the day with a couple of glasses of water at room temperature - ideally, drink it slowly before breakfast. If you don’t like pure water, add a slice of lemon, a cucumber, a sprig of mint - any ingredient that will make the drink tasty.

Finally, it is worth considering another very important point regarding the main rule of the diet - you cannot skip meals. Some adherents of this diet, and even weight loss experts, question this postulate: what if you don’t want to eat, do you still need to eat? And here we must remember the secret of the success of the diet - it lies in accelerating metabolism, and for this task it is very important to eat at the same time and constantly “throw wood into the firebox.” To get rid of the lack of hunger for the next meal, you can simply reduce the volume of the previous one or its calorie content.

Limiting portions to 100 and 200 grams only works in one direction: you cannot exceed the limit, but, of course, you can eat less.

There are a number of modern studies that dispute the effectiveness of the hourly diet. They appeal that this kind of nutrition leads to a constant load on the digestive system, which in itself is not very good, and also causes a constantly high level of insulin, due to which the body simply cannot begin to burn fat, and the diet cannot be effective. Perhaps these studies have a logical basis, however, firstly, along with them there are also studies that claim the opposite, and secondly, what is much more important, the diet has been tested over years of practice, it has a huge number of grateful followers who do not Not only did they put their body in order, but they also improved their health.

Hourly diet menu for a week

In general, the list of products allowed on an hourly diet is not small, and therefore creating a personal menu, guided by individual preferences, is not so difficult. However, we will still give an example of a diet to make it easier for you to navigate the first couple of times.

We will schedule meals for meals every 2 hours; if you choose a 3-hour diet, you can simply transfer some of the snacks to increase the portion of the main meals.

So, let's look at the menu of an hourly diet for weight loss for every day:


  • 7:00 - oatmeal porridge with water and berries;
  • 9:00 - orange;
  • 11:00 - chicken fillet and cucumber slices on whole grain bread;
  • 13:00 - mushroom soup;
  • 15:00 - steam omelette;
  • 17:00 - vegetable salad;
  • 19:00 - dried fruits;
  • 21:00 - kefir.
  • 7:00 - buckwheat porridge with mushrooms;
  • 9:00 - kiwi;
  • 11:00 - baked turkey fillet with sliced ​​vegetables;
  • 13:00 - vegetable cream soup;
  • 15:00 - toast with lean ham, preferably homemade;
  • 17:00 - vinaigrette;
  • 19:00 - walnuts;
  • 21:00 - fermented baked milk.
  • 7:00 - rice porridge;
  • 9:00 - pear;
  • 11:00 - boiled fish with broccoli;
  • 13:00 - cabbage soup with chicken breast broth;
  • 15:00 - toast with low-fat cheese and tomato slices;
  • 17:00 - Greek salad;
  • 19:00 - almonds;
  • 21:00 - yogurt.
  • 7:00 - steam omelette with chopped vegetables;
  • 9:00 - apple;
  • 11:00 - steamed chicken cutlet, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • 13:00 - fish soup without potatoes;
  • 15:00 - natural yogurt with fruit;
  • 17:00 - vegetable salad;
  • 19:00 - cashews;
  • 21:00 - kefir.
  • 7:00 - homemade honey granola with kefir or natural low-fat yogurt;
  • 9:00 - peach;
  • 11:00 - toast with homemade fish pate and cucumber;
  • 13:00 - mushroom soup without potatoes;
  • 15:00 - boiled egg;
  • 17:00 - salad of beets, carrots and cabbage;
  • 19:00 - dried fruits;
  • 21:00 - natural yogurt.
  • 7:00 - low-fat cottage cheese with berries;
  • 9:00 - grapefruit;
  • 11:00 - chicken fillet stewed with vegetables;
  • 13:00 - broccoli soup;
  • 15:00 - rye bread toast with chicken breast and tomato;
  • 17:00 - vegetable salad;
  • 19:00 - pistachios;
  • 21:00 - yogurt.
  • 7:00 - oatmeal with water and berries;
  • 9:00 - kiwi;
  • 11:00 - vegetable and seafood salad;
  • 13:00 - beetroot soup without potatoes;
  • 15:00 - steam omelette;
  • 17:00 - Greek salad;
  • 19:00 - dried fruits;
  • 21:00 - kefir.
As you can see, the diet is quite varied, but it is not at all necessary to strictly follow it. You can replace foods with similar calorie content and nutritional value, add various permitted drinks and increase your total daily calorie intake as you need it. However, the rules for portion sizes and meal times cannot be violated!

Also keep in mind that if you snack on nuts and/or dried fruits, you need to go far from the upper portion limit - eating 100 grams of nuts is clearly not worth it, they are very filling and high-calorie, 20-30 grams will be enough.

The result of an hourly diet for a week

As we already said at the beginning of the article, the hourly diet gives noticeable results when followed for a long time. With a reasonable diet that does not involve an extreme reduction in calories, you will lose weight at a rate of 1.5-2 kilograms per week, which means that in a month the result will already be noticeable.

The weight will come off faster if you combine a diet with physical activity - and you don’t have to sign up for a gym; in the first few days, it’s enough to exercise responsibly at home and run in the morning and/or evening.

It is also worth noting that the more excess weight you have, the faster it will go away. However, once a certain limit is reached, progress will slow down. You shouldn’t reduce your caloric intake at the same time, have patience, and progress will continue.

Finally, it is necessary to say about such an important feature of the diet as the habit of eating in small portions - this, by the way, is one of the key points in maintaining a long-term effect. With constant overeating, the stomach stretches, and with a long-term diet of 100-200 grams, it returns to normal size again, as a result, satiety comes earlier and the likelihood of overeating, and therefore stretching the stomach again, is significantly reduced.

How to eat on an hourly diet - watch the video:

The hourly diet is a diet that has been proven over the years. It allows you not only to lose weight, but also improve your health, primarily the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the diet does not involve hunger strikes and too strict restrictions - you can eat every 2-3 hours, any healthy and not too fatty foods. An hourly diet gives good results without stress, both physiologically and psychologically.
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