What fate has in store for the twins. ✓ Family: pleasant chores

For a Gemini woman, the horoscope for 2017 promises many events and pleasant acquaintances. All year you will be trying to diversify your life and find yourself. A great time to learn something new, for example, go to training or advanced training. This will definitely help you climb the career ladder.

For a woman born under the sign of Gemini, family will come first all year. Try to help your husband solve his problems. Together you can find the answer. Become a true support and support for your family.

For women who dream of finding love, 2017 promises to be full of romance.
Your horoscope for 2017 guarantees that long-forgotten unresolved matters will be resolved on their own, thanks to life circumstances.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for Gemini for 2017 advises being more restrained, and then everything will go incredibly smoothly. Calmness and mutual understanding will prevail in the family. Relationships will be filled with romanticism. In the second half of the year, you will be drawn to adventures on the side, but the stars warn that in the future you will regret what you have done.

For those who have not yet met their hero, the horoscope promises that such an opportunity will present itself. But you need to pay attention to strong-willed men who stand firmly on their feet. Only with this can you live a happy life and never regret your choice. Perhaps this will happen in the spring - this is the most favorable time for the Gemini woman.

Family horoscope

Your children will require a lot of attention from you. You may have to solve some problems that have arisen, but you should take any situation calmly. And, above all, listen to your child with trust and try to help in a calm atmosphere, with a cool mind. This attitude will bring you closer and you will understand each other better.

There will be a great desire to make major repairs, literally change everything. Do not suppress this desire, many ideas will come to life and become truly useful for your family and home.

Financial horoscope

Financially, the year of the Rooster will not be very successful for Gemini. Large financial receipts are not expected. But don't despair. Evaluate your expenses, be more economical and thrifty. The money put aside for a rainy day will still have to be spent this year. Large investments in the child or children are expected. But it is worth remembering that this is an investment in the future.

In connection with this whole situation, you will have thoughts and plans on how to improve your well-being; do not drive them away, but try to develop them. In the future, they may develop into real projects.

By the end of the year, your financial situation will begin to improve, and you may receive a bonus for work done in good faith.


The career of Gemini, the fair sex, will not play a major role in 2017; you will most likely be drawn into family matters. Everything at work will be stable, without any major changes.
The year is very favorable for training and advanced training. You don’t have to worry, your studies won’t be in vain, everything will be compensated for in the future. Perhaps your passion or hobby will begin to generate income, but this will only be at the end of the year.


Health can be a concern at the beginning of the year. Chronic diseases will manifest themselves, you should not delay their treatment, you need to consult a doctor in time. Astrologers advise that in order to prevent the manifestation of the disease, it is worth taking preventive measures: hardening, sports, gymnastics.

Pay attention to your diet, add more vegetables and fruits to your diet. This will benefit not only you, but your entire family. Pay attention to folk recipes for skin and hair care. Don't forget about the bathhouse.

Horoscope by month

So, the year of the Rooster is quite successful for the Gemini woman:

January- It's time to think over a plan for the year.

February dedicate to health.

March- a favorable time for studying.

IN April There will be a great desire to equip your home.

May dedicate to your beauty and health. Go to the salon, change your hairstyle, get a massage and beauty treatments.

June and July rich in travel and new acquaintances.

September and the beginning October will go to solve children's problems.

IN November strength and desire to bring something new into life will appear.

IN December wait for a gift of fate in monetary terms.

Dates of birth: 21.05 - 21.06

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.

Gemini element: Air.

Gemini symbols: twins, mask, hand, star.

Happy days for Gemini: Wednesday, Sunday.

Bad day for Gemini: Thursday.

Gemini Metal: mercury, gold, amalgam, silver.

Gemini gemstone: aquamarine.

Gemini plant: fern.

Gemini Numerology: number 7.

Gemini's most inspiring color: bright yellow.

Opposite sign of Gemini: Sagittarius

The stars are in a hurry to please Gemini in the coming 2017 with a real gift of fate. Representatives of the sign during this period will be able to achieve almost any goals that they set for themselves. But you shouldn’t count on a miracle; only through effort and hard work can you achieve what you want.

The most important area in the year of the Fire Rooster will be family matters, relationships with loved ones will come to the fore. Moreover, family will require more attention than career, studies or hobbies. “Twins” are also waiting for adventures on the love front, even among those representatives of the sign who are already tired of waiting for any changes in this area of ​​life.

There is one more important point, it will be the solution to old questions and problems; many Geminis will have to return to them in order to find a way out. Moreover, these matters will make themselves known completely unexpectedly; representatives of the sign will have to pay attention to them even to the detriment of current affairs, in which order has not yet been completely restored. New cases will remain in some kind of “suspense” state, and there is a risk that this situation will haunt Gemini all year. The sooner past doubts and problems are resolved, the sooner it will be possible to successfully resolve current issues.

In order to get out of this situation, it would be best for Gemini to calmly accept the state of things; there is no need to worry and be nervous, trying to urgently change or break anything. The stars advise solving pressing matters when there is time and energy for it; this opportunity will present itself to representatives of the sign in the second half of the year. It is at this time that all problems can be solved without haste, thoroughly and competently. Geminis have enough intelligence and strength to think everything through, to take into account all the nuances and little things, as it may seem at first glance.

A significant advantage in many areas of life for representatives of this sign will be the ability to listen, this applies not only to people close to them, but also to opponents. Do not rush to put all your trump cards on the table in an effort to quickly realize your full potential. The beginning of the year is not the best period to try to prove yourself; in the secondary roles, Gemini will feel more confident for now. Many situations will not tolerate haste; it is important to think through everything carefully and calculate several steps ahead.

Work for Gemini in 2017

Despite the fact that professional activities for representatives of the sign will not be of paramount importance in 2017, the horoscope will be quite optimistic. The stars will align in such a way that Gemini will gain confidence in their abilities and discover their breakthrough abilities. They will be able to bring creativity to any work and show ingenuity and creativity. Gemini will become generators of new ideas and plans; some of the innovative ideas proposed by representatives of the sign will turn out to be truly relevant and valuable. Thanks to this, the work will progress and things will go uphill.

The optimistic situation in the professional sphere for Gemini can be overshadowed by one nuance. Energetic representatives of the sign may suddenly feel that, compared to their background, their colleagues do not show their zeal at work. This situation can cause conflict, and sudden outbursts of irritability are likely. The stars recommend at such moments to restrain yourself, not to go too far, and try to be more loyal and diplomatic. Demandingness should be in moderation, you should also moderate the commanding tone in your voice, this way you can earn a reputation as a bore.

In 2017, they may well count on outside financial help, and this help will come at a time when representatives of the sign will not even expect it. There is a possibility that Gemini will be offered to engage in an interesting and promising project.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

The financial situation of the representatives of the zodiac constellation will be far from ideal. At the beginning of the year, no particularly large cash receipts are expected. In this situation, Gemini should not try to play with Fortune, try to make money by gambling, or hope to win the lottery. Fate will not give them a chance to quickly and easily hit the jackpot; moreover, in trying to deceive it, representatives of the sign may experience great disappointment by losing their existing funds. The most optimal behavioral tactic at the beginning of the year will be to spend money economically and wisely. Excellent material and mental support will be provided by the “airbag” that was prudently created in the recent past.

This beginning of the year is not at all a reason for despondency; the period of unstable financial situation will not last long; most representatives of the sign will survive this stage without any special problems or losses. Improvement in financial terms is expected in the second half of the year; after a lull, it will be especially pleasant to receive a bonus at work, a reward for a creative initiative, a non-standard idea or solution; long-thought-out and planned schemes will also bring profit. Even the most fantastic ideas that seem impossible can bring good results in the future. Therefore, Geminis should be attentive to the thoughts that arise in their heads and make efforts to implement plans in order to achieve material well-being in 2017. To bring your ideas to life, you should improve them as much as possible, think and weigh everything, take your time and do everything gradually.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Gemini

The personal life of Gemini in 2017 will be interesting, stormy and successful. Representatives of the sign will have emotional relationships, and romantic surprises are possible. The danger will be fraught with situations associated with too frequent changes in Gemini’s mood with their unstable emotional background. Even those who are in long-term relationships can expect explosive situations that lead to major quarrels or, conversely, stormy reconciliations.

The romantic infatuation of representatives of the sign can become the first step in a serious relationship, when everything is done to win the favor of the object of passion and desire. For Geminis who have already found their soulmate, a new stage in the relationship is likely, perhaps this will be a decision to get married or move to a new place of residence.

If in the first half of the year love adventures are not the object of primary attention, then the second half of the Year of the Rooster will become rich in both romantic acquaintances and serious relationships. This period will be a favorable time for representatives of the sign because they will finally find a middle ground and stop being torn between work and feelings. Most Geminis will make their choice, and this choice will not be in favor of a career.

Astrologers assure that the end of 2017 will be the best time for love for representatives of the zodiac constellation Gemini, because a real romantic fairy tale awaits them.

Throughout 2017, Gemini will have many opportunities to express themselves. The number of them can be so large that there will be a huge temptation to do everything at once, but in pursuit of two birds with one stone, there is a high probability that neither will fall into the trap. In order not to waste their energy, the stars advise Gemini to focus on one goal that is close and understandable to them. Those who manage to subjugate their thoughts and feelings and show miracles of energy and perseverance will be able to achieve great success in the future.

The coming 2017, especially the first half, will be very successful for Gemini. A wonderful opportunity will arise to strengthen your financial situation. New necessary and useful acquaintances will appear. This year will also be very favorable for communicating with the opposite sex. Thanks to their sociability and self-confidence, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to secure the support of others and their favor.

Geminis are used to making decisions on their own and then implementing them, but in the new year it is worth paying attention to the opinions of others. At the beginning of the year, work will be very beneficial, but closer to autumn, all this may give way to apathy, as the body will get tired and will need rest. You need to think about this and rest for a couple of weeks in order to actively start working again with fresh energy.

Career for Gemini 2017

Career for those born under this zodiac sign will take a secondary place. You should not expect any success in the professional field. Also, Gemini will not see career growth in 2017, but this will not be a reason for frustration. It will be very favorable for preparing for a career leap next year. During this year in the professional field, you need to consolidate your position in your career and gain even more experience.

Old contacts and many connections that have already been developed over the entire period of work will come to help. If suddenly during the year a conflict situation arises at work, then sudden help will come from the necessary person, he will be able to solve this problem. It is quite possible that even your relatives will help you with your career problems. These can be not only close people, but also distant relatives who are far from your professional activities.

For those Geminis who are engaged in business, monetary support may come from relatives. Also, loved ones can suggest interesting common projects. The first half of the year will be very successful; both colleagues and superiors will listen to your point of view. This will have a positive effect on your advancement up the professional ladder and improve your financial situation.

This year will also be favorable for those Geminis who wanted, but were afraid to open their own business. The year will be successful for realizing your plans, but you must remember to be careful. You need to strictly adhere to the developed business plan. In the second part of the year, it is not recommended to take on large projects. During this period, it is necessary to strengthen the peaks already achieved.

Gemini and love

For Gemini, love relationships will be very stormy and dynamic. Intimate life will become more interesting and very rich. This year will be emotionally unstable for those born under this zodiac sign. The mood will be changeable, emotional outbursts are very possible, even for those who are on excellent terms with their other half. Such mood swings can lead to very big quarrels or, conversely, to good evenings with your loved one.

For Gemini, 2017 promises a large number of romantic surprises. It is likely that your significant other will spoil you with sudden and sweet gifts, even if she was not inclined to things of this kind. Be more relaxed about attention from a loved one. Accept all gifts from your loved ones with gratitude. This year will bring changes even for those Geminis who have been in family relationships for a long time.

Many people born under this zodiac sign may be drawn to adventures away from home, but think about it, do you need this? It is very possible that after a couple of days you may regret your short-term hobbies. This especially applies to men. For women of this zodiac sign there will also be a great temptation to stay away from their hearth. In this situation, women need to put care of home comfort first. This year in love will be nervous for Gemini. There will be a period of quarrels, which will gradually change to a peaceful lull.

In 2017, Gemini should pay attention to children, although they will not demand your participation in their affairs, but it is worth giving them your attention. There is a very high probability that children will be concerned about various issues, help them with this. Perhaps the child will hide his problems, and this will require intervention from the parents. If you yourself discover any problems, or your child tells you about them, accept this with understanding. Support your child, this will improve your relationship with him.

Many people will want to make repairs or make their home more comfortable in the second half of the year. This time will be favorable for business affairs, and all undertakings will be successful. During this period, you can get down to business without fear, all the results will be good. This year will also be good for home shopping. You will be able to find not only the things you need for your home, but also purchase very good quality goods for a minimal amount.


In 2017, Geminis should attend less noisy parties where there will be a lot of alcohol, as there is a high risk of poisoning. There will also be stomach problems. All Geminis, young and old, need to carefully monitor the foods they eat. It is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods: fast foods, fatty meats, alcohol, flour. Treat your body with fresh fruits and vegetables. Take care of proper nutrition, it will help keep you healthy for many years.

Geminis should also refrain from visiting exotic countries, as there is a high probability of contracting an unknown infectious disease, which may be harmful to health. Also, all representatives of this zodiac sign need to pay attention to all chronic illnesses, they can worsen. The best option is to prevent the disease. If it does not help, you should urgently consult a doctor. This year will also be positive for cleansing the body; healthy diets will be useful. If you are planning any cosmetic procedures, then this year will be successful for them.

Since this year will be very emotional for Gemini, it is worth taking care of your health. Various phytoprocedures are suitable for this. Choose those herbs that will tone your entire body. A hot bath with essential oils will also be beneficial for your health. For example, a bath with lavender oil will help you calm down and relax after a working day.

For Gemini men

For many men of this zodiac sign, changes will begin to occur from the very first months. There will be an opportunity to go to seek happiness abroad, and creative Geminis will be able to realize themselves. But in relationships with the female sex, everything will not go so smoothly, because for Gemini men, their career comes first, and feelings are put off until later.

For Gemini women

For women, 2017 will be a year of decision-making. They need to sort out their feelings and decide who they feel for. Lonely Geminis in 2017 will be able to be alone and find inner harmony in order to enter into a new relationship with a clear consciousness.

Gemini women need to be firm in their work. This will be required to move up the professional ladder. In the second half of the year, it is necessary to restrain anger and watch your words, without throwing them to the wind.

Eastern horoscope

Gemini Rat(born 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Throughout the year, Gemini Rats will accumulate funds, since in the fall there will be an opportunity to purchase living space. It is also worth noting that large loans must be avoided for this eastern sign.

Gemini Ox(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

It is advisable for Oxen to go south with their significant other to spend time alone. Since it is possible that misunderstandings and scandals will arise with your loved one at home, which can affect your health.

Tiger Gemini(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Geminis born in the year of the Tiger should pay attention to their health. They may need surgery, which should preferably be done in the spring. The second half of the year will be favorable for those who decide to open their own business.

Rabbit Gemini(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Many Geminis will discover their creative talents in 2017. Moreover, there will be an opportunity to earn good money from this. Creative inspiration will come to such people if they fall in love.

Dragon Gemini(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

This will be the most favorable and unusually lucky year in business. It will be possible to earn money even from gambling, but you should not enrich yourself through fraud - this can lead to legal proceedings.

Snake Gemini (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

This year, Snakes need to put everything on the backburner and start starting a family. This time will also be favorable for the birth of a baby. Many Geminis who find themselves facing divorce will be able to save their marriage.

Gemini Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

These individuals will be in the very center of attention, they will be able to gather brave and radical people around them and lead them along. In the second half of the year they will be able to take management positions.

Goat Gemini(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

These people will not have enough patience to be happy. Because of impatience, you may not catch luck by the tail, and it will also be an obstacle in your relationship with your lover.

Monkey Gemini(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Gemini Monkeys will be supportive of the opposite sex, which can subsequently lead to the fact that everyone around them will know about this, including their significant other, who will not leave a single chance for justification.

Rooster-Gemini(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Roosters should think about their health in 2017. When doing hard work, it is possible to end up in the hospital at the end of the year with overwork or pathology. Such people need to think about their health or change their specialty.

Gemini Dogs(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

These Geminis will be able to handle every task they take on. Everything they do will work out. But there is no need to overwork so as not to harm your health.

Gemini Pig(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Don't look down on colleagues who are below you on the career ladder. Since in the second half of the year everything can change, and you will very much regret your behavior.

Today, more and more attention is paid to information and information and various astrological forecasts and predictions. That is why the horoscope for 2017 for Gemini woman will intrigue and interest representatives of the fair sex born under this sign. I would like to say right away that women will find a lot of new and interesting things this year, even old things will turn out to be quite exciting and unusual. But, everything is in order.

What awaits Gemini women?

From the very first days, all events for this sign can be safely classified and divided into two groups. Each of which is characterized and has its own characteristics. These are events in the first and second half of the year. The events of the first half of the year will be quite successful and prosperous, as women will expect financial success and strengthening of love relationships, which is sorely lacking and lacking for many. But starting from the second half, priorities change completely, since all efforts and efforts should be directed to intensifying contacts and partnerships, business relationships, which will be very useful to you in the future. If you strictly follow all these directions, then the year will turn out well.

Love horoscope.

As has already been said, in the first half of the year, you need to try to pay more attention to your other half, and if it is not there, then engage in an active search that will definitely become successful. Ask why at this time? Everything is simple, since the sign is under the protection of Mars, and, therefore, passion, love, sensual and sexual attraction come first. It is in winter that you can not only meet your love, but also make sure whether you are really suitable for each other, and whether it is worth starting some kind of serious relationship, or whether it is just a fleeting romance.

Don’t worry if you didn’t have time to find your other half in winter, since March is exactly the month when your circle of friends and acquaintances should be replenished. If you manage to find your love, then all the remaining months will be the most romantic and tender, your feelings will overwhelm you, you will feel a new surge of strength, and you will want to conquer new heights and achieve something. If you have a husband, then you shouldn’t be as upset as in the summer he will largely surprise and delight you with his attention and expensive gifts, so you should be patient a little.

Money horoscope for Gemini women.

During the year, women will have to work hard, of course, if they want to achieve any success and make their career more successful. That is why you should develop such qualities as sociability and charm, as they will be very useful to you. But, despite all this, you should be extremely careful, since financial fraud on the part of your friends and business partners is possible, so you shouldn’t trust anyone, it’s better to check everything yourself several times. If you have extra money, then you should not show off, spend it on entertainment and shopping, it is best to invest it in some business, or put it aside just in case.

Career horoscope.

As for work, it always comes first for a woman. But you should sometimes rest, so try to realize all your strengths and potential in some interesting and tempting creative process that will bring a lot of positive and vibrant emotions. Remember that in no case should you refuse those who really need your help or advice, as they will later repay you with kindness, perhaps introducing you to necessary and important people. The hottest working months will be June and July. It is at this time that you need to show yourself in all your glory, show all your talent, knowledge and skills, and believe me, your efforts will not go unnoticed by management.

Health horoscope for Gemini women.

A healthy lifestyle is the basic rule for this, and many other signs. Perhaps during the year you will not be worried or disturbed by significant diseases, but it is best to undergo an examination and gradually accustom your body to hardening, since this will be very useful to you in the future. In other words, you should take care of yourself, therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to review your entire regimen, analyze your diet and, possibly, consult a doctor to find the right diet.

Gemini women must remember that they should not put everything on their shoulders, they need to take care of themselves and their strength.

The 2018 horoscope promises a successful year for Gemini, filled with positive events and meeting significant people.

The Year of the Dog will bring freedom, optimism and readiness to start a new and profitable business into the life of Gemini. Events will push representatives of this zodiac sign to commit rash acts that may lead to unpleasant consequences, but they need to remember responsibility and go towards achieving their goals.

2018 for Gemini will allow you to take a fresh look at your surroundings. Perhaps those whom you considered close to you will find themselves on the other side of the barricades from you. But this is not a reason to be upset. Open your eyes! Maybe your new subordinate or acquaintance is the one you should trust? It's time to take off your rose-colored glasses and live according to the laws of real life.

  • will be light, inspired and loving for Gemini. You will follow the intended path and overcome all obstacles. Luck is on your side.
  • Representatives of the air element will be more popular than ever. At times you will even get tired of it. But don't get arrogant, popularity has a habit of disappearing. Therefore, appreciate it and do not deny yourself the spotlight.
  • March will bring financial profit. It is in the first month of spring 2018 that Gemini will blossom financially. Try to use your budget wisely and, just as important, learn to enjoy the process of earning money.
  • April for Gemini is a time of reassessment of guidelines. Perhaps this month you want changes in life, work, relationships. Go for it! The month is conducive to new opportunities.
  • – spring in nature, but not always spring in the soul. A dangerous month for those who have not yet decided on plans for the future. Look at your problems from the other side, and you will see that the solution lies on the surface. But don’t delay this – there is a risk that your depressed psychological state can lead to harmful consequences. Try to talk about this with your loved ones, they are the best advisers.

  • The first month of summer will be optimistic. You will finally pull yourself together and instantly fly up the career ladder. Everyone around you will envy your cheerfulness and be amazed at how easily you cope with everything.
  • can give Gemini the opportunity to meet a “soul mate” or plunge headlong into a new passionate romance. Don't rush things, let your feelings open up. Don’t be afraid to do romantic things for the sake of love, because at heart you are a true romantic.
  • August is the flowering of the chakra of love, care and understanding.
  • But in September, Gemini should pay close attention to their health. Taking a course of vitamins will come in handy this month more than ever.
  • You will be traveling in October. Therefore, prepare your suitcase, camera and the desire to work long and hard. Travel will provide you with financial stability and unforgettable experiences in new places.
  • November will be a family month. You will be enveloped in care, attention, comfort and warmth.
  • December will bring awareness of security. It is worth stopping the search for something better and new. Everything you ever wanted, you will have: wealth, love, comfort and, most importantly, happiness.

Horoscope for Gemini men

According to the love horoscope 2018, Gemini will have a pleasant but short-lived relationship. Passion will flare up and burn out very quickly, but by the end of the year a girl will appear in your life with whom you will want to share your deepest feelings and find with her something airy, light, mutual and real.

In general, the Year of the Dog will allow you to achieve your goals and not deviate from your intended path. In addition, 2018 will bring only thoughtful and correct decisions to Gemini. Even if you lose, don't panic. These are just minor “holes” in your road. In general, the year is rich in successful events.

Horoscope for Gemini women

In the spring season, the Gemini horoscope promises you profit; the main thing is to pay attention to the additional opportunities you have. Are you good at drawing? Or maybe you knit well? Try to show your creations to the general public. This will certainly bring success and add a pretty penny to your budget.

And perhaps the Gemini woman will gain material success through marriage. Many will begin to prepare for this event from the end of summer 2018.


In love affairs, Geminis are guided by the ideal. It is important for this zodiac sign to find an open, sincere person with a pure soul who can listen and support in any situation. The main thing is to listen to the voice of your heart and not miss your “soul mate”.

The love horoscope for 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina confirms that Geminis who want to break off their dead-end relationship will think seriously about the future. Here you will need to choose: either try to change the critical situation in a love relationship, or break the union forever. Try to come to this mutually and make the right choice.

By the end of the year, free Geminis will have good luck in the form of meetings with interesting people. There may be flirting, passion and falling in love, which will later develop into a serious relationship.

Married couples should treat each other more attentively, give care and attention, which their “other half” clearly lacks. Take your relationship to another level. Bring more romance, warmth and affection into them. This will give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at your union.


The financial horoscope for the year promises Gemini a cash gift in the middle of the year. However, you should not accept dubious gifts. Think things through and spend your finances wisely.

In the Year of the Dog 2018, beware of money scams that will constantly revolve around you. You should choose your partners with special care and not let dubious people get close to you. Try to save money - by the end of the year you will need a fairly large amount.

If you are thinking about buying something large, then hold off. There is a possibility of regretting wasted money, which will be difficult to return. The best option is to only buy what you really need and don't waste money on unnecessary things.

At work, many Geminis can expect a promotion and, accordingly, an improvement in their financial condition. The Gemini horoscope 2018 recommends not entering into conflicts with colleagues at work and maintaining good relations with your superiors.

In the second half of the year, success awaits those who are looking for a source of income. Your professional qualities and determination will be a serious reason to hire you. Try to prepare well for the interview and remember to have a positive attitude during it. Luck is on your side.


The horoscope for 2018 for Gemini from Tamara Globa recommends being more attentive to your health. Particular attention should be paid to what you eat. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract will be the most sensitive during this period.

There is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is worth undergoing a medical examination and keeping your blood sugar levels and blood pressure under control and not ignoring existing pain.

However, already in May, the earth Dog will give you emotional release and improved physical health, which will need to be maintained with moderate physical activity. Introduce more activity into your life and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Be careful on the roads in winter. This time of year is accompanied by dangerous situations, so check the weather forecast every day and wear comfortable and safe shoes.

Careful health care, attention to diet and physical activity will help avoid unpleasant situations. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

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