Vlad Listyev was “ordered” by the owner. The case of the murder of Vlad Listyev: traces leading to nowhere Vlad Listyev biography of who killed him

On March 1, 1995, in the entrance of his own house on Novokuznetskaya Street, he was killed by a bullet to the head. Vladislav Listyev. General Director ORT and perhaps the most popular television journalist of those times. A person whose influence on minds is comparable to Sakharov and general Swan. On March 2, mourning was declared in the country; all day long a portrait of the journalist and the words: “Vladislav Listyev was killed” appeared on television. He made a sad statement Yeltsin, tens of thousands of people came to Vlad’s funeral...

On March 1, 2010, the statute of limitations in the Listyev murder case expires and it will be closed. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, it can be resumed only “in the event of newly discovered circumstances.” Specifically: if in any other case his defendant gives evidence with an extremely strong “investigative perspective” - he names the killer and the “customer”, and presents evidence that they are the ones guilty. The second option is the confession of the “customer” or the murderer. There is no third. But there is no hope for the first and second.

The killers have not been found - what remains?

Hypotheses remain. Nominated both by fresh leads and during the course of the investigation. Let's remind them.

The first and most discussed version in the media: Vlad was killed because of money. The only difference was their size - they were killed because: a) they were very large; b) just big; c) relatively considerable.

Option “c” concerned bribes for participation in broadcasts ORTPublic Russian television", which arose on the basis VGTRK « Ostankino"). In those years, “paid broadcasts” were not uncommon - a VIP person gave money (from 50 to 100 thousand $), she was invited to the studio, where she appeared throughout the country. Sometimes - to satisfy vanity, to confirm VIP status. But it happened, for a more serious reason - speeches on ORT were the “highlight” of election campaigns, the speeches of a candidate for mayor or governor were addressed to his electorate, and more than once decided the outcome of the elections. And among the candidates there were scumbags. They usually gave money for PR on ORT to intermediaries - and waited for the result. The intermediaries took upon themselves the work with television people (from program creators to their Ostankino bosses), organizing “slides” and “kickbacks”. This system did not always work - a ready-made PR broadcast could fly out of the broadcast network, not shoot at the right moment... and who is to blame? Mediator? Or the one who changed the grid? The scumbag customer didn’t care – the main thing was that the culprit of the scam was punished.

15 years ago “Channel One” was called “Public Russian Television”

Leaves could be such a culprit. As the general director of ORT, he could easily change the broadcast schedule - and ruin the plans of thugs, without knowing it. It is clear that the mediators in such cases tried their best to “turn the tables” on Vlad. It is possible that someone once succeeded. At the same time, add that Vlad goes everywhere without security (Listyev had such a fad - it may have ruined him). What happens next is the will of the scumbag and a matter of technique for the killer.
The version is understandable, but not very promising. There were dozens, or even hundreds, of intermediaries, thugs - no less, go and prove their hostility towards Listyev, its connection with Vlad’s actions. The investigation delved into the technology of on-air “cuts” and “kickbacks,” floundered, and then gave up. I'm tired of pulling out "pacifiers".

Option “b” (they killed for a lot of money) arose solely due to the fact that on the day of the murder Leaves was a rich man. Dollar millionaire.

And not only in assets (shares of shares), but also in “cash”, in “cash”. “Nalik” in those years was valued much more than “non-cash”, and “large cash” solved almost any problem. Therefore, this is the right place to remember for the first time Berezovsky. Immediately after Vlad’s murder, a rumor circulated on television that Boris Abramovich took a very large sum of foreign currency from Listyev without a receipt - and in cash. And that a few days before his death, Vladislav asked Berezovsky to urgently return the money. But I received a refusal: urgently - not urgently, but there are no available funds in such a volume now. Listyev allegedly insisted, Berezovsky allegedly promised to come up with something... and allegedly came up with it: no creditor - no problem. Moreover, according to the same rumors, Listyev did not give up on collecting the debt and argued about it with BAB several hours before his death. The dispute was interrupted by Berezovsky's flight to London - very similar to the creation of an alibi...

Boris Abramovich Berezovsky (BAB) - the most influential media person of those times

It is still unknown whether the investigation asked Boris Abramovich about this debt. Most likely no. Berezovsky, if you remember, together with Irena Lesnevskaya made a televised appeal to Yeltsin: they say that the president’s enemies are using the murder of Vladislav in order to remove people loyal to him, to leave Boris Nikolayevich defenseless, all around guilty - etc. The appeal helped.

Its intricacies are mind-boggling, but the basic facts are as follows.

After the privatization of ORT, its newly appointed general director, Vlad Listyev, decided to change the rules for selling the channel’s advertising time. Before that, she was controlled by " Advertising-holding» Sergei Lisovsky. He received the main money - and was constantly in debt to ORT.

Listyev decided to put an end to this, to which Lisovsky offered ORT compensation for the right to continue managing advertising. He promised 100 million dollars for this. Listyev was counting on 170, negotiations dragged on. And then - namely on February 20, 1995 - Listyev announced a temporary moratorium on advertising on ORT. For all its types on all broadcasts - until the channel develops new “ethical standards”. The advertising market is frozen in paralysis...

According to another version, it was Lisovsky who demanded compensation - $100,000,000 for leaving ORT. By that time, Listyev had found a company in Europe that was ready to give twice as much for the advertising monopoly as Lisovsky’s compensation - as much as $ 200 million. He persuaded Berezovsky (the main financier of ORT) to transfer Lisa his 100 million... BAB transferred them - to the account of one of his companies. Vlad asked Berezovsky to unblock the money. He promised to do this only in three months. Lisovsky, of course, abandoned the idea of ​​compensation and demanded that everything remain as it was. So that the gigantic money for advertising goes to him, and not to ORT.

Let us note that the name of Lisovsky, as the orderer of Listyev’s murder, was the most circulated in the media. But, like Berezovsky’s name, it was not included in the indictment. Although both had motives: not so much monetary, but political. It was because of them that the “version of murder for political reasons” was born.

The reform conceived by Listyev ultimately led to state supremacy in the television advertising market. Control over it would pass from the media magnates to ORT. And the main shareholder of ORT was... the state. It would control the cash flow from advertising.

Plan Listyeva, was essentially the plan Putin. Only times were not the same. There was no one to attack the oligarchs.

From monetary and political motives to personal motives. The following were also discussed.

Vlad could be a victim of jealousy. He had more than enough admirers, and due to his character, he did not shy away from women. The version was being worked out, the jealous husband was not identified.

Vlad's wives were also under suspicion.

First, Elena Esina, received alimony from her husband, and, according to rumors, her “appetite” increased over the years. But the version of her involvement in the murder was not confirmed - why was she deprived of her main income? In addition, after the death of Vlad, their common daughter Valeria inherited 3/8 of the inheritance, consisting of three cars (Volvo, Mazda and VAZ-21093), a plot of land in the Moscow region, 121-meter and 69-meter apartments in Moscow. Before this, the girl had only seen her father on TV - Vlad left his wife when she was pregnant: the child, he believed, was not conceived from him.

Tatiana, Vlad’s second wife, was practically bypassed by the investigation - she had already suffered enough from life. Her son from Listyev Vladik died at the age of 6 (and at the age of one he became blind and deaf due to complications from the flu). After his death, Listyev started drinking and ignored his soon-to-be-born son. Sasha, tried to open the veins - they barely pumped them out. And in 1989, he was almost fired from Vzglyad for drunkenness and absenteeism. This is how Vlad experienced the collapse of his second family...

And then a 25-year-old restoration artist appeared in his life Albina Nazimova.

Albina Nazimova, Listyev's last wife

They met in Albina’s workshop on Maslovka, where Vlad dropped in with company, and subsequently became a frequent visitor. The novel did him good - he quit drinking, went into code, opened a new project - “Field of Miracles”, and became the general producer of the ViD television company. But he was in no hurry to get married - he lived with Albina in a civil marriage.

...After Vlad's death Albina Nazimova inherited both a considerable part of Listyev’s property and his stake in ViDa. And three years later she married Andrey Razbash- then the director of a television company, a friend of Vlad and Albina. Razbash also had a considerable percentage of shares in ViD; after the “merger of capital,” the newlyweds became the largest owners of the company. And it’s clear what rumors began to spread. They remembered that Albina had a reason - jealousy. A year before his death, Vlad had a girlfriend who was a nurse - she was last seen at Listyev’s funeral...

But this version did not affect the conclusions of the investigation - even though it was in the works.

Friends of Vlad and Razbash, an influential part of the TV crowd, stood up against Nazimova’s involvement. No one wanted to quarrel with her.

And there was no evidence, and this is the main thing. There was an investigation - so what? The case did not go to court, period, and was closed due to the statute of limitations.

We can repeat the versions that have been expressed more than once, but there were no perpetrators of Vlad’s murder. Because “no one can be found guilty of committing a crime and subjected to criminal punishment except by a court verdict...” (Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 8, paragraph 2).

You can recall other quotes as much as you like: “there is God’s court”, “there is a supreme judge” (Pushkin). You can dream about what our TV would be like if Leaves had not died.

Or you can simply quote Vlad’s friends and colleagues.

Anatoly Lysenko:
“We will never know the names of Vlad’s killers.” The performers have long been rolled into asphalt. And the prosecutor's office is too tough for customers. As for TV, if we, the Vzglyadovites, had been told in 1987 that the result of the work on updating it would be like this, we would have answered: thank you, no need!

Dmitry Zakharov:
“I would like to hope that at least our grandchildren will know the names of the killers.” And speaking about today’s TV, we have to admit that there are no personalities like Vlad on it. Such people, who combine ease with the highest professionalism and are able to treat what they do with humor, are rarely born.

Alexander Lyubimov:
– I would not like to raise the question of Vladislav’s killers. There is no need to wonder when we will be told names. This hurts Listyev’s family and friends. Vlad continues in his son Alexander. I worked with Sasha on “The Last Hero” - in his eyes there is a devilishness that Vlad had. And if so, the television that Vlad dreamed of lives on.

Alexander Politkovsky:
– Vlad’s killers will not be found. Unless, of course, the customers, due to the statute of limitations, do not want to admit to what they did. And TV today is exactly what Vlad dreamed of. His principle is that TV should make a profit. That's where it earns all its money.

... On the 15th anniversary of Vlad’s death on “ First"A documentary will be shown at 10:30 p.m. “Vladislav Listyev. We remember"- “about what happened on TV in the critical 80-90 years, about the role of Vlad Listyev in the formation of new television, about the dramatic turns of fate of the TV presenter.”

P.S. Facts on the topic

1. In the 15 years since the murder, six investigators have changed the case.
He was the first to be accepted into the investigation. Boris Uvarov.
In August 1995 he was replaced by Vladimir Startsev.
After another two years - Petr Triboi.
Since 2000, he led the investigation Alexander Gorbunov.
In 2005 the case was transferred Vyacheslav Mityaev. In April 2009, Mityaev suspended the investigation.
In October 2009, the investigation was resumed, the case was accepted Lema Tamaev– head of the operational investigation team for the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

Vlad's grave at the Vagankovskaya cemetery

2. Vladimir Korotaev, a former investigator for particularly important cases of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, due to his duties he came into contact with the “Listyev case”:
– There was an interesting person involved in the case. He himself called the department and said that he had information on one “high-profile case.” An operative went to the meeting. The caller turned out to be a surgeon of one of the criminal gangs (!) and, according to him, a friend of the participant in Listyev’s murder. He came to the doctor late at night with a shot in his leg and said: “They set me up. I killed Vlad Listyev." He and his partner were going to kill, but they didn’t know who. There is a scheme: one of the criminals remains in the entrance, the other guards on the street. When the ordered victim comes into his field of vision, he transmits a signal via radio, and the killer kills the first person he meets, he doesn’t even need to know who. So it was this time. After the shots were fired, the killer got into the car and said to the driver: “Do you know who I killed? Listyeva! In a state of shock, both went to a planned meeting with other bandits...
How the investigation disposed of the information from the surgeon is unknown to me.

3. Alexander Litvinenko in the book "I'm calling myself in for questioning."described such an episode. A man who worked in a security company Stealth“, Litvinenko told the source that the company’s management instructed him to establish the addresses of various objects: to study the entrance, the apartment, its location in the entrance, approaches to the house. After examining the object, the employee drew up a diagram and reported to management. He made such an installation at Listyev’s place of residence. When the journalist was killed, television showed the crime scene, and a Stealth employee recognized him. Then he looked at all the places where he had made installations and was horrified: murders had been committed everywhere.
In those years, Stell's had a reputation as an agency for "final resolution of complex financial issues."

4. In the same book Litvinenko told about the episode with the Kurgan criminal group. Allegedly, one of its two members who were sitting in “Matrosskaya Tishina” intended to tell the investigation about Listyev’s murder. He expressed this intention in a conversation with his lawyer. The room where the conversation took place was bugged. Soon both “Kurgan residents” were killed in their cells within one night.

5. According to hostile media Berezovsky, there was a rumor that at the beginning of 1995, the Moscow police interrogated an authority figure who was in prison. He stated that Berezovsky’s assistant approached him, Badri Patarkatsishvili, and “ordered” Listyev. The “order” could not be fulfilled; the thief was arrested during the cleansing of crime from Moscow. But the day before Listyev's murder, Berezovsky allegedly met with another thief in law and gave him $100,000 in cash.

International intelligence services have solved the most notorious crime.

One of the most notorious murders committed in Russia in the 90s was the shooting of the famous television journalist, ORT general director Vladislav Listyev. On March 1, 1995, he left home for the Ostankino television center. In the evening I called my wife and said that he was going home. As investigators later established, a car with several bandits was following the journalist from the television center. As soon as the journalist arrived at his house on Novokuznetskaya Street, they radioed to their accomplices that “the object had arrived.”

Listyev entered the entrance and began to go upstairs. Two people came down to meet him and pulled out weapons - a pistol and a submachine gun. One bullet hit Listyev in the shoulder, the second in the head. The criminals fled in a waiting car.

March 2017 will mark 22 years since the murder. The crime has not been officially solved. However, this is only official.

Rucriminal.com has obtained a closed Interpol report on the activities of the Solntsevo organized crime group. It was compiled in 2000, five years after Listyev’s death. International police officers combined in their work numerous reports from Interpol bureaus in different countries. The documents received from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation indicated that the operatives knew very well who organized and committed the crime. Rucriminal.com publishes excerpts from this report:

“According to the Interpol National Bureau of Investigation in Washington, the Solntsevo criminal group took part in a large number of murders.

The most famous of them was the murder on March 1, 1995 of Russian television personality Vladimir LISTYEV, who worked in Ostankino. This murder was ordered by Sergei MIKHAILOV and Viktor AVERIN after a dispute over advertising revenue. Igor DROZDOMIROV/DROZDOMIROV ensured the execution of the contract killing. The two main suspects (customers) identified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were Sergei LISOVSKY and Boris ZOSIMOV. In ZOSIMOV's application for a visa, he indicated the following place of work: president of Polygram Business Enterprises, a company producing audio-video products. Lisovsky’s visa application states that he is the president of the Premier SV advertising agency.

MIKHAILOV boasted of his business connections with Moscow television with unlimited control over advertising thanks to “sales” to American advertisers. LISTYEV opposed the efforts of the Solntsevo group to gain control over advertising revenues and was reportedly killed by members of Igor DAZDOMIROV's brigade.

The murder of the Russian journalist LISTYEV was, according to available information, committed by the brigade of Mikhail KUDIN.176

KVAKIN Mikhail, also known as KUDIN Mikhail (“Kvakin”), was born on 23...195... and, according to the Interpol National Bureau of Investigation in Washington, he was the leader of one of the most active brigades of the Solntsevo group and was considered a “golden boy” and a “rising star” ” of this organization.

KUDIN was arrested by Greek authorities at Athens Airport on July 6, 1995 for possession of 0.025 kg. heroin. During his arrest, $25,000 was confiscated from KUDIN. KUDIN was imprisoned in the Korydallos prison in Piraeus, Greece, but was subsequently released and returned to Moscow to lead his brigade. 178 Like others, he was detained by the Czech police in Prague in May 1995 in the restaurant “V Holubu”.179

According to available information, Kudin is currently in Prague with Peter GARABATY. He is involved in the trafficking of heroin from Afghanistan to Russia through Europe and the smuggling of Chinese immigrants.180

DAZDAMIROV Igor, 21 .... 196…. year of birth, aka Igor DADZHDAMIROV or DAZDOMIROV, nickname Dazhdamir, Dajdamir, Dushman, owner of Russian passport 43 No. 496...... MIKHAILOV mentioned Igor DACHDAMIROV as the person who controls television advertising in Moscow. This confirms the assertion of the Interpol NCB in Washington that he was the leader of a brigade controlling the media in Moscow. DACHDAMIROV is considered the head of a group of killers called "Dashdamirova", controlled by the Solntsevskaya group. His name is mentioned in connection with several murders committed in Moscow. The Interpol NCB in Washington reports that it is believed to be behind the murder of the famous television personality LISTYEV, committed in 1995. It is believed that the Solntsevskaya group wanted to gain control of the advertising profits received by Moscow television. LISTYEV resisted these attempts and was eliminated. It is reported that on August 23, 1996, DADJDAMIROV was placed in a Moscow prison on charges of participation in the murder of LISTYEV, but was released. He was also detained by the Czech police in May 1995 in Prague at the restaurant "In Golubu".

LISOVSKY (born 25...196..) Sergei Fedorovich, aka “Liss”, manager of “SV Premier” (1), regularly made trips to Switzerland. He was also the president of Premier Film in Moscow. Was associated with the organization. He was active in the re-election campaign of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, organizing rock concerts and an advertising campaign. The US Embassy in Moscow reported that LISOVSKY applied for a multiple-entry business visa on October 8, 1996, based on a letter from Miramax Films (10013 New York, 99 Hudson Street), signed by co-chairman Robert WEINSTEIN. According to available information, LISOVSKY was a very important contact for the Solntsevo group. Alexander AVERIN, financial director of SV Premier, was responsible for financial control of this company, since the Solntsevo group provided “protection” for LISOVSKY.

Boris ZOSIMOV - contact MIKHAILOV, president of “Biz Enterprises” and the magazine “Imperial”. He was also associated with the Polygram Record Company. He traveled and periodically lived in Los Angeles (California). His wife, Polina TASHEVA, was in the United States for some time on an H-1 visa, working as a professional model at Metropolitan Modeling Agency in New York. Known for his eloquence and liveliness.

For 10 years he has been a significant presence in the music industry. With the advent of perestroika, he tried to create an industry for the production of musical recordings. With the financial support of one of the ZIFF brothers, the heir to the publishing house ZIFF-Davis, ZOSIMOV became a partner in the joint venture Polygram Records. "Polygram" owned the right to distribute the works of the most popular Western musicians in the CIS, as well as the right to distribute the works of many Russian musicians around the world.

Through Biz Enterprises, Boris ZOSIMOV also operated other businesses, including live music entertainment and commercial television. He had a contract with the American media giant Viacom, and his acquaintances include Bob Guccione (Time/Warner and Penthouse Publications). Previously, ZOSIMOV was the holder of a multiple three-year B1/B2 visa.”

To this, Rucriminal.com can add that during the investigation, a direct connection was established between Lisovsky and the Solntsevo “authority” Dashdamirov (this is how his last name is correctly spelled). A notebook containing the gangster’s phone number was confiscated from Lisovsky. It is known that Sergei Mikhailov introduced Dashdamirov and Lisovsky. Before the murder of Listyev, Lisovsky met with Dashdamirov several times. Along the way, the head of LIS, S discussed all these negotiations with Boris Zosimov. After close communication with Lisovsky, Dashdamirov gave the go-ahead to one of the Solntsevo brigades to kill Listyev. The perpetrators were the killer brothers Alexander and Andrey Ageikin. After the crime, they fled to Israel. As soon as investigators established this fact and sent a corresponding request to Israel, Alexander Ageikin was found dead in a hotel in Tel Aviv. According to the official version, he died from a drug overdose.

However, this was not an obstacle to sending the customers, organizers and the surviving performer to jail. One person prevented this - Tatyana Dyachenko, the daughter of President Boris Yeltsin. Lisovsky took an active part in Yeltsin’s election campaign and his daughter felt that Liss’s arrest could hit her father. Having great influence on Yeltsin, she ensured that the investigation was blocked at the very top. What is preventing Listyev’s murder from being solved now remains a mystery.

The famous television journalist, the first general director of Public Russian Television OJSC Vladislav Listyev was shot dead on March 1, 1995 at the entrance of his house on Novokuznetskaya Street in Moscow. As the journalist was climbing the stairs, two criminals opened fire with a pistol and a submachine gun. Listyev died on the spot from a wound to the head. This crime became one of the most notorious contract killings of the 1990s.

Vladislav Listyev: personality phenomenonVladislav (Vlad) Listyev was a talented TV presenter, a good companion and a brave person, his colleagues say. Monday, March 1, marks the 15th anniversary of the death of the journalist, who became a symbol of the era of the birth of new Russian television.

According to the conclusion of forensic doctors, Listyev “suffered a through gunshot wound to the right forearm and a blind gunshot wound to the head, which was the cause of death.”

The Moscow City Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case under Article 103 of the Criminal Code of Russia (premeditated murder). The next day (March 2), an operational headquarters was formed to investigate the murder of Vladislav Listyev.

Speaking to employees of the Ostankino television company, Russian President Boris Yeltsin announced the resignation of Moscow Prosecutor Gennady Ponomarev and the head of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate Vladimir Pankratov.

Having abandoned Chelyshev's trace in the "Listyev case", investigators came to the conclusion that five people carried out the murder of the journalist, including former military men who were selected by the "authoritative" organizer of the crime. The attackers followed Listyev for some time and followed him on March 1. When the journalist approached the entrance, they informed two accomplices, who were already in the building at that moment. After the murder, the criminals, according to investigators, went abroad, including to the Czech Republic, and the two direct perpetrators fled to Israel. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs negotiated with the Israeli authorities about the possibility of joint action against the suspects, but there was a “leak” of information. As a result, one of the alleged killers, Alexander Ageikin, was found dead in Tel Aviv. According to the official version, he died from a drug overdose. The Prosecutor General's Office did not put any of the suspects on the wanted list, including Ageikin.

In 2001, the investigation was “in full swing.” As stated in the Prosecutor General's Office, operational investigative actions continued, the case was still under the personal control of the president and the prosecutor general. As the media wrote, criminal authorities nicknamed Skryl and Kvakin could have been involved in Listyev’s murder.

One of the most probable versions of the crime was considered to be murder due to Listyev’s activities in the position of general director of ORT during the development of the concept of this company’s activities.

In February 2002, the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs made statements about the imminent capture of the killers. They stated that they have information about the perpetrators of the murder of Vlad Listyev, who are currently abroad and are on the international and federal wanted list.

As noted in the Prosecutor General's Office, over the years the investigation has carried out a huge number of investigative and search activities. The volume of case materials by this time amounted to more than 100 volumes.

The most notorious deaths of journalists in Russia. ReferenceThe body of TV journalist Dmitry Okkert with traces of multiple stab wounds was found in his apartment in the south of Moscow, a representative of the information department of the capital's police department told RIA Novosti.

By 2002, during the investigation into Listyev’s murder, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office, more than 2 thousand witnesses were questioned, several serious crimes were uncovered, including the so-called “Kemerovo gang”, which was responsible for dozens of murders.
As Yuri Korolev, Deputy Head of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, told reporters, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has information about the perpetrators of Listyev’s murder.

On March 1, 2004, 9 years after the murder of Vladislav Listyev, a message from the Information and Public Relations Department of the Prosecutor General's Office appeared on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation that the investigation into the murder of television journalist Vladislav Listyev was ongoing. The investigation into this criminal case did not stop. The entire range of necessary investigative and operational measures is being carried out in the case.

In February 2005, a message from the Department of Information and Public Relations was posted on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, which stated that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was continuing to investigate the criminal case into the murder of Vladislav Listyev, that the investigation of this crime did not stop for a minute. Experienced law enforcement officers continue to work on the case.

In 2006, the Prosecutor General's Office also announced that the investigation was ongoing. As Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov said in 2005: “Unfortunately, not all crimes are solved. They must be solved without delay.” I know that the investigators are working, and they are working conscientiously, but I cannot say whether this case will be solved or not. Can".

Throughout the entire time the case was ongoing, investigators changed more than once. From March 1995 to August 1995, the investigative team (about 25 investigators and operational support) was headed by Boris Uvarov, investigator for particularly important cases of the Prosecutor General’s Office. From August 1995 to October 1997, the investigative team was headed by the investigator for particularly important cases of the State Prosecutor's Office, Vladimir Startsev.

From October 1997 to September 2000, the investigation team was headed by the investigator for particularly important cases of the State Prosecutor Petr Triboi. He worked as part of the brigade since August 1995.

From September 2000 to the beginning of 2006, the investigative team was headed by the investigator for especially important cases of the State Prosecutor General, Alexander Gorbunov.

On April 3, 2009, the investigation into the murder of Vladislav Listyev, which lasted 14 years, was suspended by the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor General's Office with the wording “due to the impossibility of identifying the person subject to criminal liability.”

In October 2009, the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) announced that the case of Listyev's murder was assigned to investigator Lemma Tamaev.

On October 19, 2009, it became known that law enforcement agencies do not yet plan to resume the criminal case for the murder of Vladislav Listyev. At the same time, it was reported that the investigation continues to search for the criminals.

The volume of case materials is already more than 200 volumes.

The statute of limitations for the murder of Vladislav Listyev expires in 2010.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources.

Nikolay Osipov

New data may appear in the murder of Vlad Listyev. According to unofficial information, one of the members of the once influential Tambov group gave testimony that was of interest to the investigation. According to him, St. Petersburg crime bosses and the well-known businessman Boris Berezovsky were behind the murder of the television journalist.

According to some publications, the owner of the information has already been taken to Moscow for a more detailed study of his testimony. And lawyers clarify that, despite the 15-year period that has passed since the murder, the statute of limitations on it has not expired. Details are in the material of Vesti FM correspondent Nikolai Osipov.

A murder with no hope of ever being solved. 15 years after the death of Vlad Listyev, many have already become accustomed to the idea that the names of the perpetrators will remain a secret in the unfinished investigation. But unexpectedly the case was replenished with new details. Several publications immediately reported on the interrogation protocol of the already convicted member of the so-called “Tambov group” Yuri Kolchin. No one has officially confirmed the existence of the protocol, but Yevgeny Vyshenkov, deputy director of the Agency for Investigative Journalism, assures that his source is not deceiving. A representative of the Tambov gang knows how they ordered the murder of Vlad Listyev.

“In 1995, their group, and these are quite famous guys - Mikhail Glushchenko, who was arrested, Vasily Vladykovsky, who is wanted - none other than Konstantin Yakovlev, nicknamed Mogila, approached them. He asked to eliminate Listyev. Despite the fact that Yakovlev was not one of the Tambovites, they decided to go for it,” explains Vyshenkov.

Yuri Kolchin has been in St. Petersburg in recent months. Previously, he was convicted of another high-profile murder - deputy Galina Starovoitova. Then he allegedly made a deal with justice, promised to name the names of those who ordered it, and, probably, talking about the group’s connections with other representatives of the criminal world of the 90s, gave out information about the preparation of the murder of Vlad Listyev. St. Petersburg media sources explain that the order for this crime came from Konstantin Yakovlev, nicknamed Mogila, then State Duma deputy Mikhail Glushchenko and Vasily Vladykovsky. All of them communicated quite closely with each other, as well as with the influential businessman Boris Berezovsky in those years, who, according to Kolchin’s testimony, paid for the order to eliminate Listyev. The TV journalist was just trying to sort out advertising revenues and bring them out of the shadow sector, recalls Evgeniy Vyshenkov. This was unprofitable for crime; Berezovsky wanted to control the money himself, and the Tambov gang at that time was often involved in solving problems by force.

"It's logical because we remember that it came in 1995 year, when the advertising business was chaotic and everyone paid with some kind of photocopier boxes that were far from empty. He tried to bring order to this chaos, this madness. And between Moscow and St. Petersburg, of course, there were cash flows, and it’s no secret that Yakovlev had his finger on the pulse, so it’s all quite logical,” comments Vyshenkov.

According to one version, the participants in those events decided to talk about Listyev’s murder, counting on the statute of limitations. 15 years have passed since then, and in some cases criminals can escape punishment if the crime was committed long enough ago. True, Vladimir Yurasov, a lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association “Knyazev and Partners,” explained to Vesti FM that this is not the case. The investigation was suspended last year. But it can just as easily be renewed.

“The fact is that there is such a term - the statute of limitations. The meaning is very simple - a person can be prosecuted, no matter how long the case has been under investigation. The fact is that if neither the customer nor the contractor is found, then the statute of limitations for the investigation is not limited in time. Until the crime is solved and the persons involved in it are not found, the statute of limitations simply does not apply,” explains Yurasov.

The problem with the investigation is that it is no longer possible to find all the people involved in this story. Those involved in the testimony were either killed in criminal wars or went missing. It is unknown whether we managed to escape or whether their accomplices dealt with them. Of those convicted, Kolchin Mikhail Glushchenko was still alive, but he once called himself a Turkish spy, and what he will come up with this time and how much truth there will be in his words is difficult to predict.

In addition, everything that is attributed to the testimony of Yuri Kolchin is in fact not such a revelation. Berezovsky's name has previously been associated with the murder of Vlad Listyev. Until the protocol is examined, it is difficult to judge whether it contains accurate facts and evidence. Interest in this protocol is fueled by the fact that, according to St. Petersburg media, Kolchin was taken from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Most likely, for a more detailed interrogation, which means that he has not yet told everything, otherwise he would have been sent to serve his sentence in a colony.


Vladislav (Vlad) Nikolaevich Listyev(May 10, 1956, Moscow - March 1, 1995, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian TV presenter and TV journalist, first general director of ORT, entrepreneur, whose murder caused a wide public outcry. The crime has not yet been solved.


He graduated from a sports boarding school (candidate for master of sports in athletics). He was the USSR champion in 1000 meters running among juniors. Then he worked as a physical education instructor for the Spartak sports society. He served in military service near Moscow in the Taman Guards Division. After the workers' faculty, he graduated from the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Since 1982, he worked as the editor of radio broadcasts to foreign countries of the Main Editorial Office of Propaganda of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In 1987, he went to work at the Youth Editorial Office of Central Television as one of the hosts of the “Vzglyad” program. Inspired by the success of the “Vzglyad” program, Listyev and his colleagues founded the television company VID (an abbreviation for “Vzglyad And Others”), which produced television programs for the First Channel of Central Television.

Even 10 years later, Ogonyok positioned its presenters as “folk heroes”:

Who remembers how many of them there were, presenters of “Vzglyad”, appearing in the most free studio “Ostankino” on Fridays? Listyev, Lyubimov, Zakharov, Politkovsky, Mukusev. Who else - Lomakin, Dodolev, Borovik... They became folk heroes, personifying changes within the country, just as Gorbachev was a symbol of perestroika abroad. Because together with them, becoming bolder from Friday to Friday, we learned to speak not in a kitchen whisper, but out loud: there is still sex in the USSR, capitalism also has a human face, rock and roll is alive, Chernobyl is not an accident, but a tragedy ... But when we went through almost the entire democratic primer together and learned to speak loudly, it almost didn’t matter who was talking to us from the Vzglyad studio. For that, a big thank you to everyone who has ever done this.

Since 1991, Listyev has been the general producer of the television company, and since 1993 - its president. During his activities at the VID television company, Listyev was the creator and presenter of the following television projects: “Field of Miracles”, “Theme” and “Rush Hour”. Listyev’s last project, released after his death, was the television game “Guess the Melody.” To be fair, none of his projects were 100% original (all of these projects have prototypes on American television). Invited to the jury of the KVN Major League. In 1995, Listyev moved from the VID television company to the ORT channel and became the general director of ORT.

Politkovsky recalls his colleague as a professional:

From the point of view of the profession itself, he was quite weak. He very quickly mastered the job of a presenter. Here one big theoretical dispute arises over the fact that journalism is, after all, creativity or a craft. We argue about this weekly with the students I teach. This was also then. Vlad has become an absolutely amazing, cool, effective producer with a craft in mind. We always reach the point that modern television is so diverse, so many-sided, that it must have both. There should be both craft and creativity. So his contribution is enormous precisely as the founder of effective and technological television, and then creativity came from there.


On the evening of March 1, 1995, returning from filming the Rush Hour program, Vladislav Listyev was killed in the entrance of his own house on Novokuznetskaya Street. The first bullet hit the hand, the second - the head. Valuables and a large amount of cash in his possession remained untouched, leading investigators in the case to believe the murder was related to the TV presenter's business or political activities. Despite numerous statements by law enforcement agencies that the case is close to being solved, neither the killers nor the masterminds have yet been found.

On television, Mikhail Osokin was the first to report Listyev’s murder.

Listyev's death and funeral were accompanied by wide public outcry. Tens of thousands of people attended the funeral, television broadcasts were stopped, March 2 was declared a Day of Mourning, throughout the entire day a portrait of the journalist and the words were shown on Ostankino Channel 1, as well as in prime time on other channels: “Vladislav Listyev was killed " On March 2, “Rush Hour” was released without Vlad Listyev. It showed excerpts from Vlad’s life and his programs. A statement regarding Listyev's murder was made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.


According to investigator Boris Uvarov, who was assigned to investigate the murder of Listyev in 1995, when he reported to... O. Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko that the case was practically solved, and asked to sign a number of sanctions for arrests and searches of suspects, and was immediately forcibly sent on leave.

After Listyev’s murder, a number of criminals confessed to his murder, but then retracted their testimony. For example, the suspect in the murder of deputy Yuri Polyakov confessed to the murder of Listyev, but then he refused to testify.

Version about Boris Berezovsky

It was suggested that Boris Berezovsky could have been involved in the murder (in particular, he could have been the customer). In 1996, an article “The Godfather of the Kremlin” appeared in Forbes magazine, in which Paul Klebnikov expressed the opinion that Boris Berezovsky was the mastermind of the murder. Berezovsky said it was a "blatant lie" and sued the magazine's British office. In 2003, Berezovsky withdrew his libel suit after a court forced Forbes to remove a claim from an article that Berezovsky ordered Listyev's murder because the magazine failed to provide enough evidence to support it. However, the court did not require the magazine to remove the rest of the article (the materials on the murder of Vlad Listyev occupied only a small part of it), despite the fact that Berezovsky insisted on this. Also, the court did not award Berezovsky monetary compensation, as he demanded. Therefore, it can be noted that Berezovsky turned out to be the loser in this trial. One way or another, in 2000, Khlebnikov published the book “Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky, or the History of the Plunder of Russia,” which significantly expanded the description of Berezovsky’s activities, including the murder of Vlad Listyev. Berezovsky did not sue the book. Paul Klebnikov himself was killed in Moscow by unknown assailants on July 9, 2004; the crime has still not been solved.

Initially, the idea of ​​privatizing Channel One did not belong to Boris Berezovsky, but to Vlad Listyev, the most popular TV presenter in Russia and the most successful TV producer. As the leading producer of the channel and the author of the idea of ​​privatization, Listyev was considered a natural candidate for the post of head of the new company. But as privatization approached, Listyev saw: Berezovsky wanted to completely subjugate the channel to himself. Information has emerged that Berezovsky wants to see another person as general director. Someone from the LogoVAZ management pushed Berezovsky’s ally, producer Irena Lesnevskaya, into this position. But Vlad Listyev was nevertheless appointed general director, and Berezovsky was appointed deputy chairman of the board of directors.

“The privatization of Channel One took place in the winter of 1995,” General Alexander Korzhakov later recalled. - No competitions - neither open nor closed - were held for the sale of 49 percent of the shares. Berezovsky himself decided who and how much interest he would give.” In some cases, the choice of shareholders was a piece of cake. Berezovsky announced to some private banks: they are shareholders of ORT. The new owners of the channel were chosen secretly, based on personal agreement. Since, according to Russian law, privatization must be carried out through a public auction, ORT was, from a formal point of view, privatized illegally. Private shareholders included such influential organizations as the banks Menatep, Stolichny, Alfa and National Credit, as well as Gazprom and the National Sports Fund. Obviously, the choice of co-owners was determined not by the financial capabilities of the investors, but by their connections with Berezovsky himself - such Russian heavyweights as Lukoil, Onexim Bank and Inkombank were not included in the register of ORT shareholders.

The total share capital of ORT was two million dollars. Berezovsky's companies bought 16 percent of the shares. Berezovsky controlled another 20 percent. Thus, by investing only 320 thousand dollars, he acquired control of the most important Russian television channel. Did this mean that he would finance ORT's operating expenses from his own pocket? Not at all. It was assumed that the state, having 51 percent of the shares, would continue to make massive injections into the budget of the television company.

Immediately after the privatization of ORT, General Director Vlad Listyev decided to focus on activities due to which the channel was losing millions of dollars: selling advertising time. He began negotiating with the head of Advertising Holding, Sergei Lisovsky. The advertising tycoon apparently offered to pay ORT compensation for the right to manage advertising on the channel and thereby retain sole control. But the negotiations dragged on.

On February 20, 1995, Listyev announced that he was breaking the monopoly of Lisovsky and Berezovsky on advertising and introducing a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT develops new “ethical standards.” “The cancellation of advertising (on ORT) meant for Lisovsky and Berezovsky personally the loss of millions in profits,” noted Korzhakov.

Listyev knew that he was playing with fire. In one of the reports, an employee of the capital's RUOP noted: Listyev knows that he is being watched and, perhaps, he will not live until the summer. From the same report it follows that at the end of February Listyev explained to his closest friends why he would be killed. When he decided to end the advertising monopoly, Lisovsky came to him and demanded damages in the amount of one hundred million dollars, threatening him with violence. Listyev said that he had found a European company that was willing to pay even more - $200 million - for the right to manage advertising time on ORT. Listyev turned to the main financier of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, with a request to carry out an operation to pay $100 million to the dissatisfied Lisovsky. The money was transferred to the account of one of Berezovsky's companies. But when Listyev asked Berezovsky to release the money, the automobile tycoon refused. Berezovsky vaguely promised to release the funds in three months.

There were other versions of what happened on ORT then. According to the analytical service of Onexim Bank, Listyev’s ban on advertising on ORT had a simple explanation: he was trying to inflate the price. He sought more favorable offers for the right to manage advertising on ORT. Lisovsky offered ORT 100 million dollars, but Listyev was counting on 170.

As Berezovsky later admitted, at that time he and his assistants were indeed conducting unusual negotiations with several criminal groups. There is information that at the beginning of 1995, the capital’s police interrogated a gangster boss who was in prison. He stated that Berezovsky’s assistant, Badri, contacted him and ordered Listyev’s removal. The mafioso failed to fulfill the order - he was arrested during a large-scale cleansing of Moscow from criminal elements and thrown into prison. The police received information about how Berezovsky negotiated with another well-known bandit. On February 28, the day before Listyev's murder, Berezovsky met with a thief in law named "Nikolai" and gave him one hundred thousand dollars in cash.

The day before the murder, Berezovsky went to Great Britain in the retinue of Prime Minister Chernomyrdin. When Berezovsky was informed of the murder, he immediately ordered a private jet and flew to Moscow. There he attended a civil funeral service in Ostankino. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when Berezovsky returned from the funeral service to the LogoVAZ building, it was full of detectives from the RUOP, riot policemen with machine guns. They presented a search warrant and permission to interrogate Berezovsky as a witness in the Listyev case.

Berezovsky forbade searching the building. He demanded an explanation, and his security (including FSK employee Alexander Litvinenko) did not let the police officers through. The confrontation continued until midnight. In the end, the Ruopovites asked Berezovsky and his assistant Badri to go to the police station for questioning. Berezovsky knew that if he went, he might well be arrested, in which case it would be extremely difficult to influence the investigation. He called acting Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko. Russia's chief kingpin told his deputy to order the Ruopovites to take statements from Berezovsky and Badri at the Logovaz office, and not at the police station. They followed the order and left.

But the troubles for Berezovsky were by no means over. He knew that he could be arrested at any moment. With the amount of evidence that the police had, there was only one way to avoid arrest - to convince President Yeltsin that everything that was happening was part of a large-scale conspiracy against him. Yeltsin was not in Moscow, so Berezovsky went to Korzhakov’s reception room in the Kremlin and asked to record a live video message to the president. He asked Irena Lesnevskaya, one of the main producers of Channel One, to perform with him; Lesnevskaya was an indirect shareholder of ORT and a close friend of President Yeltsin’s wife.

Lesnevskaya accused Vladimir Gusinsky, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the KGB of the murder of Vlad Listyev.

There were other suspects in the Listyev case - on the day when an attempt was made to search the LogoVAZ building, the police also raided the work of advertising magnate Sergei Lisovsky - but the most serious evidence pointed to Berezovsky. How to explain why he gave the famous thief in law one hundred thousand dollars two days before Listyev’s murder? Berezovsky did not deny this fact, but claimed that he gave the money in order to find those responsible for the explosion of his car near the Logovaz building last summer. Moreover, he met with the thief in law in the presence of two police officers and ordered two of his security agents to record the meeting on videotape “to prove that I was being blackmailed.”

Berezovsky played on Yeltsin's fear of his political opponents (such as Luzhkov); but, in addition, Boris Abramovich smartly enlisted the support of those people whom the Russian president knew well and trusted, for example, Valentin Yumashev, the presidential biographer, who was present at Logovaz during the search attempt. Berezovsky even played on Yeltsin's unhealthy preoccupation with his image in America, casually mentioning that during a conflict with the police he received "representatives of Radio Liberty" who recorded "all this disgrace." But the most compelling argument was simply Berezovsky’s assertion: he was framed in the Listyev case.

The appeal brought results. The leaders of the investigation - Moscow Prosecutor Gennady Ponomarev and his deputy - were immediately fired. The police were ordered to leave Logovaz and Berezovsky alone. “He openly used his political connections to avoid interrogation required by law,” Korzhakov noted some time later. In addition, during the investigation, Berezovsky repeatedly hid important facts from investigators, for example, that he met with Listyev at the LogoVAZ reception house on the eve of the murder.

Perhaps Berezovsky was telling the truth - he was framed in the Listyev murder case, but was his rival, Vladimir Gusinsky, really behind it? Law enforcement never questioned Gusinsky in connection with the murder; and the accusations themselves brought against the head of NTV in Berezovsky-Lesnevskaya’s video message seem unconvincing. Why would Gusinsky want Listyev dead? Although Listyev was the most popular TV presenter in Russia, his death would hardly have led to a revolution, as Lesnevskaya hinted at in her address to Yeltsin. Maybe Gusinsky just wanted to prevent the creation of a competing channel - ORT? But in this sense, too, the murder of Listyev gave little. Maybe the murder had one goal - to frame Berezovsky? Unlikely, since Gusinsky had already been hiding in Western Europe for several months, ever since Korzhakov's SBP raided the security service of the Most group in December 1994. And finally, if Gusinsky actually organized the murder and framed Berezovsky as part of a conspiracy against Yeltsin, the special services personally loyal to the president - the SBP and the FSB - would have every reason to put pressure on this tycoon. But they did nothing, and after a few months Gusinsky calmly returned to Moscow.

Other versions

The investigation into the murder of TV journalist Vladislav Listyev has been entrusted to investigator Lema Tamaev, Rosbalt reports, citing a source in the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor's Office (Tamaev currently heads the headquarters for the investigation of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station; L. Tamaev is also the brother of the famous investigator Ruslan Tamaev , which investigated the so-called “Mabetex case”, among the defendants of which were former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and the head of the presidential administration Pavel Borodin).

The investigation into Listyev’s case was suspended on April 21, 2009, 14 years after the murder of the journalist, but a new investigator may decide to resume it, the agency’s source in the Investigative Committee noted. However, the Investigative Committee believes that the prospects for the Listyev murder case “look vague”, since many of the defendants in this case are already dead.

The statute of limitations in the Listyev murder case expired in 2010.

Alexander Litvinenko, a former lieutenant colonel of the FSB, in his book “Lubyansk Criminal Group” indirectly accuses Alexander Korzhakov of organizing the murder of Listyev.

On 10/24/2010, the Fontanka.ru portal reported the emergence of new information on the case, allowing us to talk about solving Listyev’s murder. Boris Berezovsky and Konstantin Yakovlev are named as possible participants in the crime.


  • Channel One and the Russian Academy of Television decided to establish an award for services to the development of Russian television named after Vlad Listyev. It will be awarded once a year. It was opened on March 1, 2010, in memory of the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Vlad Listyev.
  • An asteroid is named after Vlad Listyev.

Documentary films about Listyev

Several documentaries were made in memory of Vlad Listyev:

  • “Seven smiles of Vlad Listyev” (TV6-Moscow, 2000)
  • “My silver ball. Vlad Listyev" (Russia, September 15, 2003)
  • “Vladislav Listyev. Remember everything” (Channel One, March 1, 2005 (repeat - May 10, 2006))
  • “Murder of Listyev” (Top Secret, May 9, 2007)
  • "Russian sensations. Albina and Vlad: Love and Death Live" (NTV, February 28, 2009)
  • “Vlad Listyev. We remember" (Channel One, March 1, 2010) (Project of LLC "Red Square")

Books about Listyev

Several books were also written in memory of Vlad Listyev:

  • "Peak hour. Who killed Vlad Listyev? (V. Ivanov, M. Lernik, 1995)
  • “Who killed Vlad Listyev?...” (Vladimir Belousov, 1995)
  • “The Murder of Listyev” (“The Listyev Murderers”) (Viktor Kulikov, 1995)
  • “Vladislav Listyev. Afterword..." (Dmitry Shcheglov, 2001--2002)
  • "Who killed Vlad?" (Yuri Skuratov, 2003)
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