How to deal with the heat at home. How to cope with the heat

The abnormal summer has forced many to think about how to deal with the heat if it is not possible to purchase air conditioning.
Unfortunately, there is no method as effective as air conditioning a room and it is impossible to create comfortable coolness using improvised means, but you can at least lower the temperature a little. We will look at several ways to do this below:

During lunch hours, when the sun is most active, the room must be protected from its exposure. To do this you can:

Cover the windows with reflective foil, which will significantly reduce the heating of the rooms, as well as the window glass. Foil can be used for technical or culinary purposes. There are a lot of ways to glue it, the easiest one is to use adhesive tape.

In apartments with open balconies, you can make improvised curtains by securing a sheet or blanket to the balcony railings and to the wall where the windows are located. This method will save you from the scorching sun, but will limit the entry of fresh air into the room, which will contribute to the formation of stuffiness. In order not to suffocate at all, the curtains need to be removed as soon as the evening coolness sets in and the sun stops heating so intensely.
The curtains can also be soaked in ice water, then they will create a pleasant coolness if the wind blows.

Instead of foil and curtains, you can use blinds, which will also prevent sunlight from penetrating into the room.
Light-colored ones are the most effective, as they reflect the sun's heat better than others.

From the scorching sun, the walls and floor on the balcony become very hot, after which they transfer the heat to the apartment. You can avoid this by using a garden sprinkler or a regular plastic bottle with a hole in the lid, generously dousing the surface with ice water from the refrigerator or from the tap several times a day.

How to deal with heat in an apartment

If sealing windows with foil and other methods of protecting yourself from the sun's heat do not help bring the room temperature to normal, you can try the following:

1. Increase humidity.
Using a plastic bottle with a hole perforated with a knife or awl, wet the outside of the carpeting or floor. You need to apply a little water so that the carpets have time to dry within 2-4 hours, otherwise they may begin to deteriorate (mold or rot).
Using a house flower sprayer, spray cold water into the air around the room every few hours.
Hang wet towels or sheets on radiators and chairs.
Place containers of cold water, or preferably ice, on the table, windowsill or floor.

2. Create a draft.
In two, three, four and five-room apartments, as well as in private houses, you can create through air circulation. To do this, it is enough to open the windows located in opposite parts of the apartment.
To create a draft in one-room apartments, it is usually necessary to open the front door (not the stairs).

How to sleep in the heat

Many people ask the question “how to deal with the heat” because they cannot sleep until almost the morning, when it becomes much cooler. The following can help improve sleep:

1. Fan.
A fan, unlike an air conditioner, simply moves air around the room, practically without cooling it. Therefore, it does not help fight the heat very well, but falling asleep under a stream of a little cool air will still be much easier. However, it is worth remembering that a fan directed at a person at night can provoke the occurrence of colds, including inflammation of the lungs and kidneys.

2. Cold bed.
A cold bed will provide a short respite from the heat and the opportunity to sleep. Before going to bed, you can place the sheets in the freezer, or soak them in cold water and then squeeze them thoroughly.
The freezing option takes less time, but is much safer. Wet sheets, as well as a fan, can be harmful to your health.

3. Sleeping in non-standard conditions.
If you can’t sleep on the sofa or bed, you can move to the floor, laying several warm blankets on it for softness and so as not to catch a cold.
If you can’t sleep on the floor, you can move it to the veranda or open balcony, where it’s cooler and not so stuffy. When lying down on the balcony, you need to remember about the concrete floors, where you can only sleep on several thick blankets or a mattress. Don't forget about insects, which can ruin even the deepest sleep.

4. Shower.
Taking a cold shower before bed will not help you fall asleep, as it will make the room feel even hotter.
The same goes for a hot shower - it will only warm up the body.
A short swim (5-10 minutes) in slightly warm water is optimal. After such a bath, you will have from 20 minutes to an hour to fall asleep. Accordingly, you should take a shower immediately before bed.

5. Nutrition.
It will be easier to deal with heat and insomnia if you follow basic rules of proper nutrition. There is no need to eat at night, eat heavy food in the evening and drink alcoholic beverages. Light food will reduce the load on the body and give it more strength, and accordingly will help you feel much better.

We looked at the main ways to deal with the heat; using them in combination will help you survive this summer without any special problems. If you know other cooling methods, write in the comments!

You can find material using the following search queries: how to deal with the heat; how to sleep in the heat; It's hot at home, what should I do? hot in the apartment in summer; It’s hot in the apartment, what should I do? how to cope with the heat.

This year, summer spoils us like a king: heat, rare thunderstorms and little rain. By the sea, such weather would be ideal, but the city is melting due to the extreme temperatures. Let's figure out how to use simple methods to turn your apartment into an oasis of coolness.

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This year's summer was a success, and there's no way to jinx it. Heat up to +35, rare thunderstorms. In general, the weather is practically resort, seaside. Only there is no sea in central Russia, and the cool breeze does not blow over our bodies exhausted by the heat. The dusty, gas-polluted city is melting from high temperatures, and we are suffocating in dust and soot. One salvation is to take refuge at home, under a roof and behind thick walls. Wow, and here, it turns out, is a real bathhouse. Whatever you touch, everything gives off heat. Do you really have to sit in a cool bathroom? No way - let's invent a home air conditioner.

We began collecting folk ways to save an apartment from the summer heat just at the time when unbearable heat came to Ryazan. First, we removed all the carpets. Walking on a bare floor barefoot is more pleasant than walking on wool pile - you immediately feel cool. Well, at the same time we got rid of piles of vases, figurines, lace napkins and other cute nonsense that so warms the soul in the cold season and incredibly quickly gathers dust in the summer, when all the windows are wide open. How painful it is to wash and wash all this every week - it’s time to take a break.

Method one. Under deep siege

My apartment is corner on the sunny side. In winter we are visited by winds and cold, and in summer there is unbearable stuffiness. I also don’t really want to hang sun curtains on the windows, otherwise it will completely block the air supply to the apartment. But it is entirely within our power to isolate ourselves from the sun. I borrowed this method from the mother of one of my friends - every summer when it gets hot, she covers the windows with foil and feels great. We didn't have much food foil, but it was enough for one room. Glue doesn't stick to foil, so we used tape. It is very inconvenient to work with foil - it is thin, slides on the glass and constantly breaks, especially when children pull it on top of each other. Due to our inexperience, we made a huge mistake - we glued some of the foil onto the glass. Traces of tape, alas, cannot be erased by anything. It is better, of course, to mount it on the frame.

When we finished, the polar night fell in the room. How good it was for the first half hour, when the sun finally stopped mercilessly frying me from all sides, hitting the monitor and heating up all objects within a radius of three meters from the window. I immediately felt drawn to sleep. But then one wanted to read, the other decided to do puzzles on the floor. I had to turn on the light. And this is at noon. No, I am still firmly convinced that the deficit of sunlight accumulated over the winter must be replenished at all costs. And if you live with artificial lighting in the summer, your body simply cannot stand it.

Method two. Carlson to himself

Overboard +34. It's time to invent a home air conditioner according to Aunt Sveta's instructions from the second entrance. While chatting on a bench, a neighbor said that she had been fighting the heat this way for three years now.

To build this device, we used the most complex, super-technological equipment: an old fan and three or four plastic bottles. Neighbors helped with empty bottles. We filled all the bottles with cold water and put them in the freezer. The car is a beast! Within 40 minutes I have four 1.5-liter ice creams in my hands. Strictly following Aunt Sveta’s recommendations, I place the fan in the corner of the room and direct it in the direction opposite to the window. In front of him on a stand are all four frozen bottles.

At night, Aunt Sveta’s development had to be improved a little. First, I turned the fan away from the bed - it smelled so cold that I began to miss the cotton blanket. Secondly, she placed a large tray under the bottles - the thawed water flowed from them onto the floor.

Method three or Chjort pobieri!

Don't even think about it! - my mother protested when the children and I pulled out an old thick hose from the depths of the pantry.

Calm down, grandma! Now we will do one small experiment, and we will return everything as it was,” the eldest son said authoritatively, putting one end of the hose on the kitchen faucet.

I discovered this method on a women’s forum and, to be honest, I didn’t believe in its effectiveness. Well, since you’ve decided to try everything, there’s nowhere to go.

The main character of the experiment is a long hose; many people have these in their dachas. But it’s better, of course, to buy another one - don’t let watering of your dacha plot take its course (excuse the pun)? We completed the task quickly - we connected one end to the cold water tap in the kitchen, and dragged the other end around the apartment and threw it into the bathtub. Knowledgeable forum visitors promised that the circulation of cold water would create a comfortable temperature. I’ll say right away: during the day it’s better to immediately abandon this method of cooling. Firstly, by turning off the water, you actually paralyze work in the kitchen. Secondly, the hose lying on the floor makes walking very difficult. Everyone in the household tripped over it, and more than once. With the words “damn it!”, “I saw your experiment...” and other free variations on this theme, every now and then someone would stretch out on the floor. We had to stop the experiment early.

During two hours of operation of the ingenious air conditioner, the air temperature in the rooms that lay in the path of the hose dropped by 3 degrees. What cannot be said about the performance of another, no less important measuring device - the water meter has fulfilled its weekly requirement.

Method four. I'll kill everyone!

No fancy devices - just a regular flower spray and cold water. The spray bottle was found on the windowsill among numerous flower pots - I didn’t even think that we had so many flowers. You fill up with water and spray around the perimeter of the room.

It took no more than two minutes to spray one room. But then there is a curtain of water in the air for about half an hour. It's +35 outside, and the apartment is pleasantly cool. Beauty!

Needless to say, the children embraced the opportunity to “legally” splash water? They, of course, swore that they would shoot only in the air... But after five minutes they began to shoot each other with joyful squeals.

And only the grandmother walked around all day with a gloomy look. Well, first of all, solving a crossword puzzle (as well as watching TV, relaxing...) on a sofa that won’t dry out is not very pleasant. Secondly, to be fair, it must be said that not only the sofa was wet, but also the wallpaper, wardrobe, glass doors in the sideboard and all the clothes carelessly left on the surface. It’s good that the carpet was rolled up at the very beginning of the experiment.

I found only two disadvantages to this method. First, the procedure must be repeated every 40 minutes, and this, if you are not a housewife, is almost impossible. And secondly, on average, about four liters of water are spent per room per day (at the rate of half a liter per room about eight times a day from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.). For owners of water meters there is a noticeable increase in utility bills.

Method five. Bath for a cat

I’ll tell you a secret, I learned this method from our cat Timofey. When the air temperature in the apartment becomes incompatible with the cat’s comfortable existence, he moves to the bathroom. He will sit under the sink or in the bathtub itself and feel blissful. And if cold water comes out of the tap, Timka’s happiness knows no bounds. Why are we worse than cats? Let me run a full bath of ice water, I decided. But you won’t sit next to the bathroom all day - she opened the door to let the coolness flow through the rooms, and went to the store.

Did I feel like I was in an oasis of paradise when I returned? No. The air was filled with moisture only in the hallway, where, in fact, the bathroom door opened. The temperature dropped from 28 to 25. The freshness did not reach the living room - the nearest room. In the kitchen, as before, there is a steam room - direct sunlight and pudding in the oven.

And only one member of our family seemed to be truly well. Timofey, like an Antarctic penguin, flopped around in the icy water, making blissful sounds. Well, now let him just try to protest the next time it’s time to wash.

Well, to sum it up: by wasting water from 200 to 400 liters (depending on the volume of the bath), we get a cooled bathroom and, at best, a corridor. So if you don’t have a cat and weren’t planning on moving into the bathroom for the summer, it’s better to look for another way.

Method six. Hello neighbors

Another method of saving with water is probably the most harmless for owners of water meters. My labor costs were minimal: I filled a large bucket to the brim with cold water and placed it by the bed overnight. When we went to bed, it was +24 in the room, three hours later, when I got up it was already 21. But I would not attribute this to my homemade air conditioner - after all, the temperature outside also dropped. But how good it is - without getting out of bed, put your hands in a bucket, wet your face and neck with cold water. In general, some advantages. If not for one minus. Waking up in the morning, I completely forgot about the bucket of water and... for the next thirty minutes I crawled and collected almost 10 liters of water from the floor.

Method seven. Ghost: wild but cute

This is the only method out of all of the above that I have used before. I humidified the air in the bedroom when my asthmatic child had an exacerbation. The preparatory work took only ten minutes - there was not enough space in the room for two sheets. I replaced one with a large terry towel. I soaked both the sheet and the towel in cold water. The main thing here is to squeeze things out thoroughly, otherwise you will turn the room into a pond. True, it was not possible to hang them up right away - the boys immediately snatched them up and began playing with ghosts. Well, we cooled down at the same time.

During the day, in the heat of the day, wet sheets were of little use - the temperature in the room did not drop at all, and breathing became only a little easier. But at night, when the children were suffering from stuffiness and could not sleep, wet linens hanging next to the beds really helped. The boys passed out literally after five minutes.

Instead of an afterword

Well, we honestly tried all the methods. Decide for yourself how to escape the heat. But in any case, do not forget about a few simple rules that will help you keep your apartment cool:

If possible, ventilate the apartment only during the day - in the morning and evening you risk letting not only coolness into the house, but also all the dirt from the street;

Do not dry clothes in the apartment or on the balcony;

Do not use a humidifier in hot weather.

And may the weather be good in your home!


According to nutritionists, you can cool yourself down with spicy foods. Spices, such as hot chili peppers, speed up blood circulation - you sweat and lose heat. Foods that improve blood circulation also include: onions and garlic, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, olive oil, nuts and seeds.


My home is my bathhouse?

Comfortable temperature in the house largely depends on the building material. Residents of brick houses were the luckiest. Brick has high thermal inertia, that is, it gains heat rather slowly. But concrete, on the contrary, has low heat resistance. It warms up quickly, but does not give off heat back. Therefore, if you do not take measures to cool such a home, you will end up with a home steam room.

In new monolithic houses, the summer is also difficult, and here a modern home ventilation system comes to the aid of residents. True, it can also present an unpleasant surprise. For example, during extreme heat it can begin to pull in the opposite direction, that is, at 23 degrees in the apartment and 38 outside, hot air will be drawn into the house. According to the laws of nature, air moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.

Well, it’s no secret to anyone that the size and orientation of the windows affects the atmosphere in the apartment. A spacious apartment with high ceilings and windows facing east will be much cooler than a cramped one-room apartment with low ceilings and windows facing south.

Ah, red summer: how to cope with the heat

“Oh, summer is red! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.

You, destroying all our spiritual abilities, torment us; like fields, we suffer from drought” (A.S. Pushkin)

Summer is a wonderful time. Trips to nature, mushrooms, berries, forest, sea, relaxation, fresh air, a million positive emotions. But, as Alexander Sergeevich rightly noted, in extreme heat, summer can be painful, and the heat can be unbearable. This article presents tips for the hot summer, taking into account the opinions of specialists in different fields: doctors, designers, cosmetologists. These simple tips will help so that the heat does not debilitate you, and your stay in the sun is safe.

In outline

In very hot summers, there is a risk of getting heatstroke, since due to overheating of the body, the regulation of heat exchange occurs. This is very dangerous and can lead to loss of consciousness. How to survive the heat and avoid heatstroke? Experts offer the following tips for dealing with the heat:

  • drink more water
  • put on a hat
  • if possible, stay out of the sun as little as possible
  • move less
  • wear minimal clothing
  • reduce the number of smoking breaks or give up cigarettes altogether
  • Avoid drinking drinks that cause dehydration, such as coffee.

The head is what matters

Firstly, something as simple as a hat will help you cope with the heat in the summer. Fortunately, today there are a lot of types of headwear: hats, scarves, baseball caps and bandanas. You can choose to suit every taste and style, and thus complement your unique image.

Relax: you can eat and drink

Secondly, tips for dealing with the heat also include recommendations for drinking drinks. As a rule, in the heat you want to drink a lot. But it’s important to think about what and how? With sweat, salts and fluid leave the body.

To replenish the water balance in very hot summers, when temperatures can go beyond thirty, the body needs about 3 liters of water per day. But drinking ice water is not advisable.

Cold drinks increase sweating. It is better to drink water at room temperature. In addition to water, you can consume various fruit drinks, compotes from fresh berries or dried fruits, green juices. It is better to add pieces of fruit cut into cubes, slices or circles into the water. This will enrich it with minerals and vitamins. In addition, water can be replaced by fruits and vegetables that contain a sufficient amount of liquid, for example, cucumbers. But sweet carbonated drinks increase thirst, so it is better to abstain from them.

Thirdly, the lighter the food, the better. The body requires nutrition even at high ambient temperatures, but the metabolism is slower overall by 5-10%. This means that during the hot season it is better not to eat foods that are too high in calories.

  • porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit salads with natural yogurt dressing;
  • cold soups, okroshka, green borscht;
  • vegetables;
  • seafood.

But it is better to postpone everything fatty, smoked and fried for a colder period. However, meat products are not taboo. Acceptable meat is rabbit, poultry, veal and fish. Among the seasonings, experts recommend marjoram, onions and garlic, tarragon, suneli hops, and of course, herbs: dill, parsley, celery, cilantro.

Lemon juice and mustard are suggested for the perfect salad dressing. And don’t forget about products that are a little astringent, because it’s better to survive the heat with them than without them. Here you can add all vegetables and fruits with a green or white color scheme. Such products enable the body to adapt during the heat period.

Beauty and convenience of summer style

Tips for hot summers also include recommendations regarding clothing. During this period of time, you should give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics: linen, silk, cotton, viscose. Dark colors heat up faster, while light colors reflect the sun's rays. Make a conclusion: wear light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics, loose-fitting, light and comfortable.

Another portion of secrets

Here are a few more secrets on how to survive the heat:

  1. In the summer, you can encounter such an unpleasant moment as prickly heat. It can be avoided easily and in a fairly simple way: frequent showering and dry, clean clothes.
  2. When taking a shower, do not forget: the temperature of the water in the shower is directly proportional to the air temperature outside the window. If the mercury exceeds 30, do not douse yourself with cold water, take a hot shower. And even better - contrast, gradually moving from warm to cold water. Moreover, in the morning you need to direct the contrast from hot water to cool. And in the evening it’s the other way around.
  3. It will be easier to bear the heat inside the car if you protect it from the sun's rays with special sun blinds and install a “mirror” screen on the outside of the windshield.
  4. Sweating is a peculiar reaction of the body to an increase in ambient temperature. There is no point in fighting it, but take care of a good cosmetic product that eliminates the unpleasant odor and does not allow the salt released with sweat to irritate the skin.

Sunscreens will also help you cope with the heat: creams, gels, etc. Let them always be at hand, even if they are not needed at the moment. Experts also recommend always keeping thermal or at least plain water with you.

2. Make yourself a list of public places that have good air conditioning (cinemas, museums) - that’s your reason to go there.

3. Reduce physical activity outside. If you like to run, it is better to temporarily move this entertainment from the street to an air-conditioned fitness club.


4. If the apartment does not have air conditioning, but has a balcony, wet a sheet with cold water and hang it in front of the balcony door. The air entering the room will become cooled and humid - it will be easier to breathe. Also, if you don’t mind, you can wet window curtains or mosquito nets.

5. Place the sheet in a bag and stick it in the freezer for five minutes. Take it out, make the bed and lie down. You'll have time to fall asleep.

6. Remember that your pets are suffering just as much as you are: add ice cubes to their water bowls regularly.

7. An ancient method used by the British who were dying from the heat in India. Buy a few bags of ice or make your own: just pour water into a pan and put it in the freezer. When ready, remove and place a piece of ice in front of the running fan. Of course, it won’t last long, but at least you’ll have time to fall asleep in a cool room.

8. Take a heating pad filled with ice water to bed with you. Place it under your knees.

9. Check at what temperature the medications in the house should be stored. Many of them deteriorate from high temperatures, and it is better to transfer them from the medicine cabinet to the refrigerator.

Food and drink

10. Don't drink alcoholic beverages. Although if you are still able to drink alcohol in this heat, you are probably not that hot.

11. Do not limit your consumption of water and juices. No matter how much you drink, it will all come out through sweat.

12. If you want to cut down on ice cream, make yourself other frozen snacks. For example, you can put banana halves on sticks and put them in the freezer. Get healthy ice cream.

13. If you are not afraid for your teeth, crush ice into a glass and fill it with freshly squeezed orange juice. Eat with a spoon.

14. Reduce your intake of protein foods and sugar. The process of assimilation of such food is associated with the release of heat.

15. Malays believe that spicy food helps them cope with the heat. The spicier the dish, the more you sweat, the faster you cool.



16. Don’t wear tight clothes or clothes made from unnatural fabrics - don’t make it harder on your body.

17. Sunglasses won’t save you from the heat, but they will protect the sensitive pupils of your eyes.



18. Stop using cosmetics or, if you can’t, at least reduce the amount. Don't clog your pores - they have a lot to do with thermoregulation. In addition, in such heat, bacteria multiply faster - keep your face clean.

19. Shower several times a day. If you can't move because of the heat, take a cool bath.

20. For men who do not usually do this, it is recommended to shave their chest and back.

21. To quickly cool down, place an ice cube or cold water bottle on the inside of your elbows or neck. In these places, the veins come closest to the skin, the blood will begin to cool and spread this cold throughout the body.

22. In 10-15 days, the body adapts, and the heat is tolerated more easily. In Moscow, as a rule, it lasts exactly that long, but if you still want to try to acclimatize in time, you need to do the following:

- spend it outside under the sun at least two hours a day;

- when you're under the sun, drink water every 15 minutes, and increase the amount each time (one sip, after 15 minutes two sips, after another 15 minutes three sips, etc.).

Summer has been coming to us for a long time, but here it is. And we, who longed for warmth, are now trying to get rid of the heat. How can this be done? Let's consider all the most effective ones: from handy materials to installing an air conditioner.

How to deal with the heat: “Grandma’s” ways

Let's remember how we got rid of the heat in those days when technological progress had not yet given us air conditioners and even fans. The first method is simple: thick, drawn curtains in light shades. They protect from direct sunlight, so the air warms up less. Curtains can be replaced with blinds or reflective film on glass.

The second way: do not open the windows during the day. Try to ventilate rooms at night when the air is coolest. With the windows and curtains closed, it will remain that way. Of course, the downside is that during the day you will breathe stagnant air and live in twilight. But it will be cool!

The third method is not aimed at protecting against heat, but at combating it: soak a sheet, duvet cover or other large piece of fabric in cold water and hang it in the room. As the water evaporates, it will refresh the room. Instead of using sheets, you can spray the curtains with a spray bottle.

The same principle of evaporation will work if you have an open aquarium at home or a lot of plants that are carefully watered in the morning.

Open containers of cold water, or even better, ice, placed in corners can reduce the room temperature by several degrees. And if you also direct a flow of air from a fan onto them, you get almost an air conditioner.

Modern technologies

The technology specially designed to combat heat is very effective. The simplest and most common mechanism is a fan. A standard fan can be a table fan, a floor fan, or a ceiling fan. To keep the entire room cool, it is better to install ceiling fans; they increase air circulation and make life easier.

A floor fan is usually quite large and can also cool down the entire room. It is better to place it in the middle of the room or near an open window so that the hot air is immediately cooled.

For personal cooling, a desktop version is used. As we have already written, an ice container near the fan will enhance its effect.

Recent developments have brought us small, portable fans powered by USB. Very convenient if you work on a laptop and, especially, not in one place.

The most beautiful and, very importantly, safest are bladeless fans. They operate using the laws of physics, a diffuser and a high-speed turbine, are silent and do not create excessive vibration. The absence of blades eliminates the risk of accidental injury to you, children and pets.

Humidifiers use evaporative cooling. In addition, they restore a beneficial fluid balance in the surrounding atmosphere. However, only classic and ultrasonic humidifiers provide cooling. “Steam” models first boil water and the steam comes out hot.

And, of course, the leader among technological coolers is air conditioning. If circumstances and means allow, then installing an air conditioner will once and for all solve the problem of indoor heat. To ensure that the cooled air remains safe for your health, do not forget to clean the air conditioner at least once a year, and preferably twice - at the beginning and end of the season.

How to cool yourself down?

Above we discussed how to refresh the room you are in. Here are some tips on how to cool yourself:

  • Drink more cool regular and mineral water. Often, but in small portions to reduce the load on the kidneys.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, less fat and alcohol.
  • Eat peppery foods: increased sweating from such foods will regulate body temperature.
  • Use creams with mint or menthol.
  • As much as you might want to take an ice-cold shower, take a warm or hot one. This will balance body and environmental temperatures.
  • If you can't take a shower, soak your hands in cold water or wipe yourself with a dampened handkerchief.
  • Drink hot green tea, it contains elements that lower your temperature.
  • Wet your clothes with cool water.

And don't forget a hat when you go out in the sun!


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