How eyelid tattoos heal: stages of rehabilitation and care. How to properly care for interciliary tattooing of the eyelids; Tattooing of the eyes; arrows; how to care for them after the procedure.

What woman doesn't want to look beautiful in any situation? So that her eyes are expressive and attractive even early in the morning even before going to the bathroom and washing her face. Of course, everyone, but how to do it? Some do not wash off their makeup, which is very harmful for both the skin and eyelashes, and some resort to modern technologies and use tattooing, which is much safer and more beautiful (no shadows or mascara falling on the pillow). In the pursuit of beauty, all means are good, but you also need to be aware of the risks. After all, permanent makeup looks beautiful only if it is done by a professional, observing all the subtleties of the technique. And, of course, care after tattooing the arrow is also important. After all, after the procedure, a crust forms on the delicate eyelid, which cannot be damaged or torn off. If you decide to do it, you should be quite thorough. This way it will be possible to preserve both the color and shape of the arrows for a long time, and remove swelling even faster. Moscow will offer a huge selection of masters, but when you come to my office, you will find excellent quality and care here! I am an experienced specialist, so the procedure itself will cause a minimum of unpleasant sensations, and after it it will be possible to acquire an improved appearance in the shortest possible time thanks to the care method I have chosen after all the manipulations. But it is worth noting that the “arrow” eye tattoo has a characteristic feature - for the first three days you need to take care of the entire eyelid, then only the crust.

Strictly prohibited!

There is a clear list of what not to do after the procedure of applying permanent makeup. Of course, you will need to give up your usual life for a very short time, but the effect is worth it, especially since all of Moscow has long submitted to new fashion trends:

  • arrows that do not fade even in the morning;
  • eyes full of health even after several hours spent at the computer;
  • juicy lips without a hint of lipstick.

Isn’t this what all women in the world dream about?! But to get results you will have to make an effort. After all, care after the arrow tattoo procedure must be carried out exactly as prescribed.

Swelling can last from one to three days, which is determined by the body’s personal reaction, and not at all by the choice of the permanent makeup artist.

Care after arrow tattoo consists of:

  • limiting washing for five to seven days;
  • stopping visiting the solarium for up to fourteen days;
  • refusal of saunas and baths for up to fourteen days;
  • avoiding eye cosmetics for a week.

Features of the healing process

After tattooing an arrow, eye care consists of using several mandatory products. Firstly, it is chlorhexidine, which acts as an antiseptic. Its advantage lies not only in its affordable price, but also in its excellent effect without unnecessary burns or irritations that appear after using alcohol. The product must be applied to a cotton swab or disk, which should be used to lubricate the crusts no more than three times a day. This is a mandatory disinfecting procedure for all healing days.

Particularly careful care after the procedure (tattoo - arrows on the eyes) lasts the first seven days, then you just need to follow preventive measures to preserve the color and pay attention to solar activity.

Tattooing “arrows” (care after the procedure) on the third day involves replacing Hydrocortisone eye ointment with Bepanten for moisturizing and faster healing of the crust.

Having tattooed arrows on your eyes, care after the procedure requires attention, so do not forget about all the instructions of the master to obtain the desired effect and prolong the life of permanent makeup.

Is it worth getting an eyelid tattoo? Many girls have asked themselves this question at least once. But any person immediately begins to have doubts, because of which most people refuse tattooing.

First of all, these doubts concern the safety of the procedure. In fact, if everything is done correctly and the required care is provided, tattooing is absolutely safe.

The healing process usually takes no more than two weeks

It is best to go for the procedure before the weekend or at a time when you can spend most of your time at home, because after tattooing your eyes will need several days to recover.

How the procedure itself goes:

  1. First, it is mandatory to cleanse the eyelids of cosmetics and sebum.
  2. Next, apply an anesthetic. In the tattooing procedure, cream is used for this. It should be applied as close to the eyelash line as possible, but should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membrane.
  3. A film is placed on top of the cream.
  4. The cream must be removed with a napkin. You can't do this with water.
  5. Then the master performs the procedure itself, applying the dye under the skin. at the same time it is stretched to fill all the folds.
  6. Once completed, the eyelids are wiped with an anesthetic.
  7. At the end, a healing cream is applied.

In most cases, correction will be required within a month. It is needed for minor corrections. Sometimes girls also want to change their tattoo: make an arrow or increase the width of an existing one.

The duration of the procedure depends on the type of tattoo. For example, applying a regular eyeliner will take about an hour.

Types of eyelid tattooing

According to the technique of execution, there are 3 types of eye tattooing:

  1. Interciliary. In this case, the space between the eyelashes is filled without going beyond their growth line. Can be done only on the upper eyelid or on both. But tattooing on the lower eyelid is not for everyone. Individual characteristics must be taken into account. As a result, you will no longer need to worry about the expressiveness of your eyes. Makeup can be applied without restrictions. Interlash tattooing also creates the effect of lush eyelashes.
  2. Tattoo "arrow". When choosing this option, a tattoo in the form of an arrow is applied. Waking up with drawn arrows is the dream of almost every girl. Also in the evening you won’t have to think about washing off your long-lasting eyeliner.
  3. Tattoo with shading. This tattoo option gives the effect of painted eyes. The application technique is almost no different from the previous one. Only in this case the lines are made fuzzy.

These types of techniques can be combined as desired.

Eye care after tattooing

The first day after makeup, do not allow water to get on your eyelids.

What to do during healing:

  • When washing your face, you need to choose products that do not dry out your skin.
  • Wash only with cool water.
  • Do not wipe your eyes, but wait until they dry.
  • After washing, apply a special care cream.

The recovery process may take several days. Usually the skin heals no longer than 2 weeks. At first, the color of the tattoo will be bright. But a little later a small crust will begin to form.

Under no circumstances should you separate the crust yourself. Otherwise, gaps may appear on the tattoo.

This happens because the skin first rejects the pigment. But after healing, he begins to take it back.

Cold compresses can be applied to reduce discomfort and swelling. You can make it by putting ice in a tight bag and wrapping it in a towel. Then apply to the eyelids. But you should not overuse this, as you can get colds in your eyes.

During the recovery period, you must constantly apply the ointment that the specialist will recommend. At first this will need to be done every 3-4 hours. Over time, use is reduced to 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to keep the eyelid area dry, but do not allow it to dry out so that the skin does not crack.

Preparations for healing eyelids

Any ointments to speed up healing should be used with caution. They need to be applied with gentle, light movements, always in a thin layer.

Several variants:

  • Etonium, price: 50–100 rubles
  • Hydrocortisone ointment, price: 25–57 rubles.
  • Tetracycline ointment, price: 20–40 rubles.

Under no circumstances should you use ointments and creams that contain alcohol.

Contraindications to the eyelid tattoo procedure

Choose a high-quality tattoo parlor with positive reviews that will perform the procedure according to all the rules

Before you decide to undergo a tattoo procedure, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Absolute contraindications:

  1. HIV infection;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. diabetes;
  4. poor blood clotting;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. mental illness;
  7. moles, inflammatory processes in the intended tattoo site.

If you neglect these points, complications may arise.

What not to do before the eyelids heal

After the tattoo procedure you will have to give up several things:

  • Day 1: Do not wet your eyes.
  • Do not apply cosmetics to your eyelids.
  • Avoid sports and heavy physical activity.
  • Do not visit saunas and swimming pools.
  • Sunbathing or staying in the sun for a long time is contraindicated.
  • Do not use creams and ointments with alcohol.

During the recovery process, the skin will itch and possibly peel.

If the procedure is performed correctly and all care conditions are met, you will be able to admire the beautiful eyes for 2-3 years.

The expert talks about permanent makeup, its types, gives recommendations and advice on the procedure:

For women who do not like to spend a lot of time drawing wings and applying shadows, tattoo specialists offer permanent eyelid makeup.

Its peculiarity is that a decorative eyeliner applied to the skin using a special device retains its contour and color brightness for 2-3 years. All these years, women will not have to worry about how their makeup looks, whether it has smeared, as happens when using conventional cosmetics (pencils, liquid eyeliner, eye shadow).

Permanent eye makeup should only be done by a specialist with extensive experience in order to avoid mistakes that a woman will have to endure for several years.

How is it done?

To do permanent makeup for the upper eyelids and lower eyeliner, a special device with a manipulator handle is used, into which needles are inserted, through which the coloring pigment is injected into the skin. The artist “knocks out” eyeliner on the woman’s eyelid, creating the appearance of applying it on it.

Creation stages:

  1. Choice of application technique. Depending on the client’s wishes, the master can fill the space between eyelashes or apply arrows. If you plan to make eyeliner, the specialist offers several types of arrows, from which the woman chooses the most suitable option.
  2. Drawing the contour on the eyelids along which the tattoo will be made.
  3. Local anesthesia. Eyelid tattooing is a rather painful procedure, so it is done with preliminary anesthesia. A gel containing lidocaine is applied to the eyelids. It will reduce skin sensitivity.
  4. After anesthesia, the specialist begins applying permanent eyeliner.
  5. Disinfection. The specialist removes the remaining pigment from the skin and wipes the eyelids with an antiseptic.
  6. Applying an emollient cream to the skin of the eyes.


Women can choose several permanent makeup options:

- eyeliner on the lower or upper eyelid;
— permanent eyelid makeup with shading;
- color tattoo;
- filling the space between eyelashes;
— creating the effect of applying shadows.

Let's look at the features of each of them.

  • Eyeliner

It can be thin, wide, elongated. The look depends on which arrows suit the woman best. But you need to remember that the eyeliner cannot be changed. Therefore, makeup artists advise making it thin and graceful so that it does not look vulgar during the day.

If you want to make the eyeliner more intense, then you can fill a wide line on the upper eyelid. Permanent makeup for the lower eyelid should be subtle. Otherwise, the woman will get a hard look.

  • With shading

With the help of permanent makeup it is easy to create the “” effect. Tattoo artists know how to do shading, which creates the appearance of a slight haze around the eyes; this option is suitable for active girls who always want to look impressive.

But it is worth remembering that when creating eye makeup with shading, it is advisable to choose light coloring pigments so that it does not look aggressive and inappropriate during the daytime.

  • Color

Women can choose any colors. Popular options are black, gray, green, brown, blue shades. You can make both arrows and shading in color.

Advice. If you decide to do colored permanent makeup, you should not choose pink or gray-blue tones. After a few years, the colors will fade, which may give the impression that the woman has bruises on her eyes.

  • Interlash filling

If you want to create the effect of luxurious eyelashes, you should choose inter-lash permanent makeup. Its plus is that it looks as natural as possible.

In addition, this option allows a woman not to change her usual makeup. She will be able to do eyeliner and apply shadows. And even if he doesn’t draw arrows on his eyes, the look will still be expressive.

  • Shadow effect

This makeup allows you to always be on top and significantly reduce the time getting ready for work or school in the morning. But preference should be given to natural, discreet shades. Depending on your desire, you can create the appearance of a rich application of shadows on the eyelids or create the effect of smoky eyes.

Permanent eyebrow makeup can complement the expressiveness of your face, more about that in.

When to make the correction?

Even before the procedure, women have a question about how long permanent eyelid makeup lasts. The maximum period during which it will look good is 3 years.

Also, its durability is influenced by factors such as:

  • pigment color;
  • skin condition.

If the procedure is done in the summer, then when going outside you need to wear a hat or panama with a wide brim to protect your eyes from the bright sun. It is also prohibited to visit the pool, sauna, or swim in open water.

This procedure has the following restrictions. It cannot be done when:

  • oncological diseases;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • eye diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart diseases;
  • HIV, hepatitis, STDs;
  • tendency to form colloidal scars on the skin.

Contraindications should not be ignored under any circumstances. This can lead to deterioration of health, non-healing of skin lesions, and the development of serious inflammatory processes in the body.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers can undergo the procedure only if the attending physician gives permission for it.

If you have no contraindications, do yourself stylish permanent makeup on your eyelids, then you won’t have to waste time in the morning putting on makeup before going to work or school. You will forget about makeup that runs in the sun or in the rain, because permanent makeup is not afraid of any climatic conditions.


Eye tattooing creates the impression of permanently applied makeup on a girl’s face, which is why it is popular. But care after eyelid tattooing is important, because without it the result will not look neat and natural.

Basic Rules

Caring for eyelid tattooing requires attention, since with the help of proper care, a female representative will achieve the effect she wants.

After tattooing the eyes and applying permanent makeup to the eyelids, the dye may look too bright and aggressive. This effect will disappear at the end of the epidermis recovery period.

During the entire rehabilitation of the skin, the following rules of cosmetologists should be observed:

  1. Sudden changes in temperature are dangerous for the skin, so you should not expose it to them. This is especially dangerous in frosty weather (you will have to make sure that the crust does not get caught on the wool of a warm hat).
  2. You cannot sunbathe with an unhealed eyelid tattoo; it is important to use sunscreen before going out into the sun. Especially in the first days after the session, you need to be careful with your eyelids.
  3. Eye care after permanent eyelid makeup is similar to recovery after applying pigment to other areas of the face, so it also includes limiting baths, saunas, and swimming pools for the first month after a cosmetology visit.
  4. The use of decorative and grooming cosmetics is prohibited because it disrupts the bond between the dye and human tissue.
  5. Peels and scrubs will worsen the condition of damaged skin. This is due to the fact that during its restoration you cannot rub or scratch the thin layer of the epidermis, and these products have a similar aggressive effect on eyelid tattooing.
  6. The crusts should not be peeled off, scratched or handled carelessly, as this will cause them to peel off prematurely.

The cosmetologist will prescribe more accurate readings at the end of the eyelid tattooing session, so his instructions regarding regeneration must be followed.

Eyelid care after eyelid tattooing

Care after eyelash makeup or eyelashes is similar. When leaving cosmetology, the pigmented pattern may seem bright; this brightness will subside after tissue regeneration is complete, when they acquire a normal, healthy appearance.

It is not necessary to use standard medications to heal the eyelids. The cells themselves will restore the tissue, and the girl needs to ensure that the epidermis does not dry out.

On the first day, you should carefully wet the eyelid tattoo area with a cotton pad every 30 minutes, then you can wash it, but you shouldn’t rub it with a towel, you just need to soak the damaged area.

During the first week of care after eyelid tattooing, a protective layer will appear on your eyes. You need to be careful with it, because tearing it off will lead to negative consequences that will affect the effect of permanent makeup and the client’s health.

The crust will fall off on its own within a few days. Its peeling may be accompanied by itching, which must be endured. If this is difficult to do, you can place a damp cotton pad on your eyelids and apply a little pressure through it. The itching will decrease, and you won’t have to resort to scratching the damaged skin.

All this time you should make sure that the crust does not dry out. To do this, you need to use chlorhexidine, and during the first two weeks after eyelid tattooing, it is important to use a healing ointment that helps restore the skin.

If you accidentally tear off the protective layer prematurely, it is important to use an antiseptic (so that infection does not enter the body through the microcrack) and a healing ointment applied in a thick layer (so that the protective layer reappears).

Restoration of the epidermis

Restoring the skin is an important part of eyelid tattoo care. To do this, you should follow the rules written by a specialist, but they do not always indicate important points.

Washing with running water can introduce infection into the body, so it is worth buying special water for washing. However, the composition of such water should not contain aggressive components; it should be gentle.

The epidermis will recover on its own after the protective crust peels off, for this it should be provided with the following conditions: avoid stress, do not go out into the open rays of the sun without protection, do not honor your eyes, do not use cosmetics for makeup or care.

Protective cream should be applied to the fabric in the following order: before a crust forms - 6 times a day, after it forms - 3 or 4 times a day.


Care for permanent eye makeup lasts about 10 days, then the skin heals itself for another 20 days. It is not difficult to provide the required care, the main thing is to treat it carefully in order to get a well-groomed result and the appearance of a female representative.

If you want permanent makeup to delight you with expressive and rich shades for as long as possible, you just need to know how to properly care for your skin after tattooing.

Care after tattooing eyebrows, eyelids, lips. What are the rules of care after eye tattooing? How to care for your skin after lip tattoo? What should be the proper care after eyebrow and eyelid tattooing? How should you care for your wings after tattooing? What kind of care will your skin need after laser tattoo removal? How to speed up skin healing after tattooing, what ointments and creams to use? How long does it take for skin to heal after permanent makeup, all stages. You will learn about all this from our article.

It is believed that the quality and duration of the effect of permanent makeup depends on the quality of pigments and the experience and qualifications of the artist. This is all correct. But it is also important how the skin rehabilitation process goes after tattooing. After all, no matter how you look at it, tattooing injures the delicate skin of the face, and this can lead to various unpleasant consequences. All this can be avoided if you properly care for your skin during the recovery period and follow simple rules and restrictions.

While the healing process continues, the skin should be treated as carefully as possible: avoid infection, mechanical damage and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

This means that the following recommendations should be followed for 2-3 weeks:

  • Do not sunbathe on the beach, do not go to the solarium and minimize exposure to direct sunlight on your facial skin (this can destroy the pigment and then the tone carefully selected by the master will change).
  • Limit water treatments to a shower. Do not take a bath, refuse to visit the pool, sauna and bathhouse, and especially do not swim in open water.
  • Do not under any circumstances use adhesive tape to cover your tattoo!
  • For the first two or three days it is better not to wash your face at all. Cleanse your face with cosmetic milk. Apply it not with your fingers, but with cotton swabs. ü When the crust appears, do not peel it off or soak it. It should peel off on its own. Otherwise, light “unpainted” areas will open under the crust and permanent makeup will be ruined.
  • You cannot peel or use hormone-containing ointments or antibiotics for 3 weeks.
  • Until the crusts completely fall off, do not use decorative cosmetics in the tattoo area.
  • Do not wipe the tattooed area with alcohol-containing tonics and lotions.

Care after eyebrow tattoo

What to do after eyebrow tattooing? The answer to this question is very simple. As a rule, there is no swelling or pronounced redness after this type of permanent makeup, and the healing process lasts only a week. At this time, you will only need to apply Etonium ointment (or DexPanthenol, or Bepanten) to the injured skin 2-3 times a day. This will help prevent drying and cracking of the skin.

It is strictly prohibited to cauterize wounds with any means that contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

The second question that matters is what creams can be used after eyebrow tattooing. Experts recommend protective creams with a high SPF factor (at least 30-40). This measure will help preserve the tattoo for as long as possible.

It should be remembered that in the first days the eyebrows will be somewhat brighter than you wanted. But after a week the shade will fade, and after two weeks it will acquire the desired appearance.

Care after lip tattoo

Unlike eyebrow tattooing, care for permanent lip makeup should begin before the procedure: A few days before the procedure, you should take a course of tablets to prevent herpes and continue taking the drug for a week after lip tattooing. How to speed up the healing of lips after the procedure?

The rehabilitation period with proper care proceeds quite quickly (5-7 days).

Care after permanent lip tattooing is as follows:

  • To avoid drying out the delicate skin of your lips, you should use Etonium or Gerpevir ointment 4 times a day (be sure to lubricate your lips generously after brushing your teeth). Apply the ointment for 10-15 minutes, and after the time has elapsed, gently blot your lips with a napkin. Natural cosmetic oil will also help soften your lips.
  • If you know firsthand what herpes is, stock up on Herpevir, Acyclovir or Zovirax. On days 3-5 you can expect a “surprise” - the virus living in the body quickly reacts to a decrease in resistance and manifests itself in the most common form - in the form of a “cold” on the lips.
  • Approximately on the 5th day after the procedure, the crusts begin to peel off and, consequently, cracks may appear. To prevent this from happening, you can use regular Vaseline.
  • Avoid soaking the crust! Be extremely careful when lubricating your lips with ointment or oil; do not drink hot drinks; it is better to drink liquids through a straw.

Such care after lip tattooing should be continued for 14 days. During this time, it is highly undesirable to use decorative cosmetics. Subsequently, it is recommended to use creams containing vitamins A and D for skin care.

Care after eyelid tattoo

Eye care after tattooing the eyelids (arrows) is not at all difficult.

After the procedure, you may feel slight discomfort, swelling of the eyelids and redness, to eliminate which you should use eye drops (for example, Visine) or tetracycline eye ointment (1%) once.

The swelling usually goes away by the end of the day, but appears again the next morning. You can remove it using compresses made from cotton swabs soaked in a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of boiled water) or by applying dry cold (ice wrapped in a thick napkin or towel) to the swollen eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

If, over time, the swelling increases and does not subside, you need to take an antihistamine, instill Dexamethasone drops, or put hydrocortisone eye ointment on your eyelids. After tattooing the eyelids, the swelling should disappear in 1-2 days (normal), but if this does not happen, start decongestant therapy.

For those who are not prone to allergies and swelling, in addition to general recommendations, care after an eyelid tattoo comes down to a few tips:

  • During the day after the procedure, every couple of hours, very carefully wipe your eyelids with a cotton swab soaked in Chlorhexidine.
  • Do not allow the skin to dry out or get cream on the tattoo area.
  • If you wear contact lenses, it is better not to wear them for the first 2-3 days after tattooing.
  • Don't rub your eyes. ü Be sure to protect your eyes outdoors with sunglasses and keep the crusts dry.
  • For 14 days, use medications with an anti-inflammatory or healing effect (there are many professional creams on the market specifically for eye care after tattooing). They will not only speed up the skin restoration process, but will also help fix the pigment.

Proper care after eye tattooing will allow you to maintain perfect wings for 3-5 years (on average).

Care after tattoo removal

Unfortunately, permanent makeup is not always successful. An incorrectly chosen shade or an unattractive shape - all these “flaws” of unprofessional artists force women to go for laser tattoo removal. This is sometimes the only way to correct a very disastrous result: after all, it is almost impossible to cover up a low-quality tattoo without harming the image as a whole.

Laser permanent makeup removal procedure has a number of unpleasant consequences. Immediately after exposure to the laser, the skin turns white, but literally after a few minutes the white color disappears and swelling occurs (the eyelids, where the skin is thinnest, suffer most often and most severely). Bruising may also occur.

In this regard, skin care after laser tattoo removal is reduced to eliminating swelling and healing of injured skin. For this, dry cold compresses, decongestant eye drops and ointments with a healing effect are used.

You should know that swelling of the eyelids after laser tattoo removal lasts longer than after eye tattooing - up to 3 days. To relieve swelling, you can use auxiliary means (drops and ointments).

If during the procedure the surface skin was damaged and ichor appeared, a crust will form during healing. But, most often, blood does not appear during tattoo removal, and, therefore, the rehabilitation process will proceed without the formation of a crust (inside the skin).

If there were crusts, a repeat procedure can be carried out no earlier than after 1.5 months.

Unlike skin care after permanent makeup, after laser tattoo removal you are allowed to use decorative cosmetics. This is especially important if tattoo removal on the lips was carried out: shades of red “go away” only through the gray color. This means that between procedures you will have to wear gray lips. In this case, lipstick will help you survive this trouble.

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