Step-by-step makeup for beginners: rules. How to beautifully apply makeup on your face Recipes for facial makeup at home

Decorative cosmetics can instantly transform any girl or woman. But in order for this transformation for the better, it is necessary to master the techniques of applying different products. In addition, it is important to follow the sequence and rules for applying makeup step by step.

Preparing the face for applying cosmetics

Good makeup, done step by step, perfectly emphasizes the advantages of the face and smoothes out imperfections in appearance. Girls who are beautiful, but not naturally bright, become more noticeable, and those with rough facial features become more feminine. That is why the ability to apply cosmetics step by step is a big plus for the fair sex.

You can apply decorative cosmetics only to clean and moisturized skin. Therefore, before you start applying makeup, you must first prepare your face for it step by step.

  • The first step is cleansing. Even if there was no makeup on your face, you still need to wash your face. It is more useful for young girls or those with oily skin to wash their face with foam or gel, which are washed off with water. Dry or mature skin is more suitable for makeup remover milk and other soft products.
  • Step two is toning. Tonic is underestimated by many. But it plays a big role in skin care. Firstly, it softens the skin after washing with hard water (after all, rarely does anyone wash their face with water other than tap water). Secondly, it removes any remaining cleanser from the face. Thirdly, it tightens pores.
  • After the toner, the third step is to apply a moisturizer to the skin. During the day, it is recommended to use face cream and eye cream with UV protection. Both in summer and winter. If the cream is greasy, then you need to wait a quarter of an hour and then remove the excess product with a napkin. Otherwise, the makeup may “float”.

Makeup is a wonderful invention, and at the same time a rather insidious thing. Obviously, it must be either ideal (refreshing, rejuvenating, emphasizing advantages and hiding nuances), or absent altogether! Done yourself, but unsuccessfully, it can become a disaster - it can make you look old, make your face look defiant, tired or aggressive! We will tell you below in great detail how to avoid such horrors. In the same material you will find valuable tips and relevant, step-by-step instructions.

What information will you find out:

Preparing for makeup - the first stage

Facial cleansing - preparation for makeup

A properly prepared face for makeup is something you can’t do without. Any makeup should begin with cleansing the skin using proven cleansing formulations that are suitable for you. If your skin is dry, clean it with cosmetic cream or milk; oily, combination skin will be perfectly cleaned with foam or lotion.

After cleansing your skin, apply makeup foundation. This product is indispensable - it makes the skin smooth, removes oily shine, and hides minor defects. The cosmetics will adhere well, will not run, and the makeup will stay in decent shape longer than usual.

You need to choose a base wisely:

  • for girls with young skin with minor defects, a light, transparent base is suitable;
  • For those with oily and porous skin, it is better to prefer a gel base - it will not allow foundation to accumulate in the pores;
  • ladies with blemishes, scars or spider veins on their face cannot do without a dense, well-camouflaging base;
  • A creamy makeup base with a lot of powder and pigments will help hide small dark circles under the eyes and age spots on dry skin.

Apply the foundation pointwise, but carefully, spreading from the center of the face to the edges. Don't forget to cover not only your face, but also your neck!

Doing daytime makeup - step-by-step instructions

Many of our compatriots “sin” by confusing daytime makeup with evening makeup. During the day, they paint too brightly, using inappropriately saturated colors, shimmering textures, and mother-of-pearl. Remember, the main rule of daytime makeup is moderation and restraint.

It is done simply, in just six steps:

  1. Use concealer to cover dark circles under the eyes, signs of fatigue, and all minor skin imperfections.
  2. Apply foundation that matches your skin color. Don't forget to apply it on your neck as well as on your earlobes. The world's leading makeup artists advise applying the compositions with your fingers, so they will fit better and look more natural.
  3. Next, apply powder and blush. Do both with a wide brush, remembering to lightly shake off the excess powder each time. Powder for the daytime option should be translucent, and blush should be matte, in delicate shades.
  4. Now it's the turn of the eyes. Emphasize their outline with small arrows; it is better to draw them with special pencils. Optimal shades are brown, gray, black. Shadows - optional. Choose calm tones (beige, light gray, cream) and matte textures.
  5. Now add volume to your eyelashes. Before applying mascara, lightly powder them. Under no circumstances reapply mascara during the day - it may simply fall off.
  6. Shaping the eyebrows. Remove excess hairs with tweezers and emphasize the shape - with shadows or a pencil of a suitable tone. If you choose a pencil, then draw not a solid line on your eyebrows, but many small strokes, imitating hairs.
  7. Now move on to the lips. First, cover them with the thinnest layer of foundation, so the lipstick will lie perfectly. Outline your lips with a contour that matches your lipstick, never darker, and be sure to blend it slightly. Next, cover your lips with lipstick or gloss (matte or slightly shimmering). Shades must be light and always natural! To ensure that the lipstick sticks well, blot your lips with a napkin and then repeat the application.

Business makeup

Office makeup

If you want to create the image of a business woman, simply do the daytime makeup described above, but with some permissible “liberties.” Loud colors and glitter are still taboo, but you can use richer matte tones. For lips, wine, burgundy, carrot or plum are suitable. The eyes can be emphasized more boldly - with a darker shade of shadow along the outer edge and along the contour of the eyelid.

An interesting technique is “Natural Eyes”; it is acceptable for business makeup. Take mascara, white and brown pencils. Line the inside corners of the eyes with a white matte pencil, then draw arrows with a dark brown pencil on the upper eyelid, along the eyelash contour, and below, blend slightly. Use a white pencil to refresh the inner corners of your eyes and blend again. Last step: Apply mascara to your lashes in one confident motion.

Makeup for the evening

Creating makeup for the evening is a real art; for an ideal result, it does not require a large amount of cosmetics, but its skillful use. The main rule is to highlight either your eyes or your lips.

Here are the basic steps for the right evening option:

  1. To begin, remove dust, dirt, grease and remnants of daytime cosmetics from your face, moisturize your skin with your favorite day cream, and apply a base. The latter may have reflective particles.
  2. Next, apply foundation and set the result with loose powder using a wide brush.
  3. Eyebrows for the evening can be emphasized more intensely by using both a pencil and a fixing gel.
  4. Now move on to the eyes. When choosing shades and textures of shadows, you can take many “liberties” - a combination of matte and pearlescent, satin and glitter shadows. Bright colors are acceptable; when choosing them, consider your color type and follow the rule: a light shade on the upper eyelid, and then a smooth transition to a dark tone, to the outer corner.
  5. maybe even colored. If you don't have enough makeup experience,... Waterproof mascara is preferable; apply it twice, carefully painting each eyelash.
  6. The sixth step is highlighting the lips. If you have already highlighted your eyes, a translucent gloss or delicate lipstick will be enough for your lips. If you want to highlight your lips, then cover them with a base, outline them, and cover them with lipstick (it can be a rich color, matte or with glitter). To add volume, place a vertical highlight of pearlescent glitter in the center.
  7. Complete the look with a gentle blush applied with a wide brush along the cheekbones or on the apples of the cheeks.

Little secrets of celebrity makeup artists

The beauty secret of almost every Hollywood beauties is perfect makeup, done by a true master of his craft. Uma Thurman and Natalie Portman's makeup artist Jeanine Lobell, Madonna and Scarlett Johansson's makeup artist Pat McGrath and other professionals have their secrets, some of which have become available to everyone.

The most useful and interesting makeup secrets from celebrity makeup artists:

  • A colorless lip balm will help you fix the ideal shape of your eyebrows - just apply a little of the product to a clean brush and go through the hairs;
  • It’s easy to visually narrow your chin - apply a light matte tone along the lower jaw and blend;
  • To make your eyes sparkle and distract attention from signs of fatigue underneath, apply a little shimmering highlighter horizontally above your cheekbones;
  • Two delicate shades of blush used together will help you look younger and fresher at once - you need to mix them, add a drop of shimmering primer, and apply carefully not only to the cheekbones, but also to the temples, chin, earlobes;
  • the lack of a makeup base is not a problem if you have aloe juice on hand - just wipe your face with a cotton swab slightly moistened in the juice, thanks to this the foundation will apply perfectly;
  • the latest “squeak” of Hollywood makeup fashion is glossy eyelashes, to achieve a glossy effect, apply a drop of caring oil (burdock or castor) to your eyelashes, and on top of it - your favorite mascara;
  • advice from Bianca Alexander, leading makeup artist at MAC: you can make your eyelashes thicker if you apply mascara while holding the brush vertically - this way you will reach the base of literally every eyelash.

Video: Makeup that makes you look young

Makeup at home is a simple procedure; all you need is practice, knowledge and good cosmetics. We hope that with the help of our instructions and tips, your makeup (day, business, evening) will be flawless!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


To make beautiful makeup, it is not enough just to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics; you need to know the basic rules for creating it and be able to apply them in practice. Neat make-up always looks impressive, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of applying it can easily transform herself, emphasizing her advantages and evoking enthusiastic compliments. In this article we will tell you how to apply makeup correctly, because this is an entire art, which is not so difficult to learn if you follow the main rules.

How to learn how to do makeup correctly step by step

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman’s face; with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully shaded. Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you will have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, lining the eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

If the chosen type of makeup includes a bright accent on the lips or eyes, then the sequence of applying cosmetics can be changed. Be sure to consider the time of day and your color type when choosing shades and intensity of application of cosmetics. The main rule before starting to create any makeup is to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your facial skin. To do this, you can use a special tonic lotion or cream-based milk.

How to apply foundation and foundation step by step

  1. Applying the base. Before applying foundation, you need to prepare your skin. For this you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should opt for a product with a mattifying effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, hide the circles and puffiness under the eyes using a concealer. This should be done with the pads of your fingers and soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should be used to cover the sharp edges of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face “softer” and more delicate. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Apply foundation. Do not apply too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream onto the inside of your palm and begin to carefully apply it with a brush, moving from the edges of the face to its center. Carefully blend the product over the entire skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give your face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color of foundation and foundation. Too light shades will make the face look like a doll, lifeless. Dark ones are capable of creating an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the hand - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​the hand. To correct your face shape, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural one and a darker one. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonally, depending on the type of face.

  • For those with a square face shape It is recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. Use a dark product to treat the area near the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • Round face should be covered with a light foundation, and with the help of a dark foundation, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​the cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face type you need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus attention on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • For elongated face type It is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not skimp on blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow on top, full below) A light tone should be used to highlight the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Learn how to make beautiful eyebrows from scratch

To give your eyebrows a beautiful shape, use a pencil or shadow of a suitable color to carefully draw the arch of the eyebrow and its end - these parts should have clear outlines. Gently blend the main part of the eyebrow with your chosen cosmetics. You should start the eyeliner from the middle and bend. Please note that the tip and curve of the eyebrow should be slightly raised; with this technique you will make your look more open and expressive.

Applying eye shadow

How to properly apply eye makeup? The first thing a beginner needs to consider is what type of makeup needs to be done. For daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of eyeshadow and a dark brown or black pencil. Using a gentle pencil movement, shade the eyelash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will take on an expressive, beautiful shape.

Apply shadows using a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know what tone suits you, you can use universal shades – these are considered gray and brown tones. To make your eyes look bigger, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye and dark shadows on the outside. Matte shadows in pastel colors look natural. This makeup can be used in everyday life. For evening makeup, choose pearlescent warm or cool tones. The final step will be applying mascara to the eyelashes.

How to apply lipstick

To highlight the natural beauty of your lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are ideal for summer makeup or light makeup for every day. Choose light coral, sheer berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what a girl chooses – lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create classic makeup. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, it should be applied with a brush.

What to consider for the right make-up

To do the right makeup yourself, it is important to consider many aspects. For example, skin characteristics, build, eye color, hair. So, light-brown girls are suitable for rich bright colors, dark brunettes should give preference to dark shades, and brown-haired girls will suit the whole range of beige and gold. The choice of makeup should also be based on the intended purpose - evening and daytime makeup are very different.

Eye color

The shade of the shadows must be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be shaded with ash-gray shades and brown-beige colors. For blue eyes, cool-spectrum shades, such as smoky, white, and blue, are suitable.

Hair color

The selected foundation should be in harmony with the girl’s hair color. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex should not deviate too much from their natural skin tone. Complete makeup should look as natural as possible and refresh your appearance, and not make a mask out of your face. Avoid bright, contrasting color combinations. For fair-haired women, it is better to use exclusively light tones, and in the summer you can spice up your makeup with a light bronze shade.

Video tutorials on creating perfect makeup

How to apply makeup yourself at home? Every girl probably asked herself this question, because proper make-up is a whole science. With the help of high-quality makeup, it is easy to completely change your appearance, hiding flaws and emphasizing the advantages of your face. Since every girl cares about her appearance, it’s worth learning the basics of creating perfect makeup. Otherwise, poorly selected and incorrectly applied products can play a bad joke on you, visually making your face even fuller or turning a gentle and sweet beauty into a vulgar lady.

How to do evening makeup smoky eyes

Unlike daytime makeup, the tones of which should be discreet and unnoticeable, evening makeup requires rich shades and clear lines. As a rule, evening makeup is applied depending on the personal preferences of the girls: the emphasis can be placed either on the lips or on the eyes. This video tutorial shows how to make your eyes brighter using the smoky eye technique, which literally means “smoky eye.” Thanks to this type of makeup, the look becomes languid and seductive.

Daytime makeup for the impending eyelid

You should never deviate from the main rule of successful makeup - it should always correspond to the circumstances: wear bright makeup for a disco; When creating office makeup, stick to calm tones; When going to the beach, avoid makeup altogether. When applying daytime makeup, keep in mind that it should be light and discreet. Correct make-up looks so natural that you get the impression that the girl is not wearing makeup. The video shows one of the options for applying daytime makeup for an impending eyelid.

Moist (wet) eye makeup

The dewy eyelid effect is back in fashion. Beauty magazines are full of photos of models with glossy eye makeup. However, “wet” make-up is found exclusively on the pages of fashion publications or on the catwalk. This is justified by the fact that it lasts for a maximum of half an hour, after which it begins to lose its original appearance. How to achieve this effect, what cosmetics should you use? With the help of the video you will learn the answers to the questions posed and you will be able to learn how to do “wet eye” makeup.

Some girls prefer not to use makeup at all. As a rule, this is due to the fact that they simply do not know how to use it and are afraid of looking ridiculous. If you are one of these women and want to change this, start small - apply a light shade of eyeshadow to your eyelids. Gradually add new elements to your image, improve your technique, complementing your makeup with mascara, powder, and lipstick. Don’t be embarrassed by changes in appearance; gradually you will learn to emphasize your strengths to your advantage, making your own face more expressive and beautiful.

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How to apply makeup correctly

This topic is of interest to many girls who have recently become interested in the world of cosmetics and are just learning the art of transformation with the help of decorative products. Changes in the world of the beauty industry should be constantly monitored, because every season dictates new trends and directions.

To learn how to paint beautifully, you don’t have to sign up for expensive courses. We have prepared for you answers to the most frequently asked questions: how to properly prepare your face, how to do makeup depending on eye color, how to draw perfect arrows, how to do good makeup at home. With our tips, you will achieve excellent results, even if you have never tried makeup before.

How to apply makeup correctly

Before applying decorative products, the skin should be prepared: clean with tonic or lotion, moisturize with cream. After the product is completely absorbed - about 10 minutes, you can proceed to the next stage. Don't ignore preparation. Thus, you not only protect your skin from the negative effects of cosmetics, but also prevent foundation and eye shadow from rolling and peeling.

Makeup for every day for beginners

The foundation is also selected depending on the skin type, since an incorrectly selected cream can roll off and dry out the dermis, which makes the face sloppy. The foundation should be applied evenly in a thin layer so as not to create a mask effect.

The foundation should match your tone as closely as possible. Thanks to the right product, the dermis will acquire a smooth, well-groomed and neat appearance. Cosmetics containing silicone and wax are considered more durable.

Apply a few drops of foundation to your forehead, chin, cheeks and nose. Then blend it with a brush or sponge using gentle movements. If too much cream is applied, remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Using a corrector you can hide minor imperfections. Apply it to the problem area. Dark circles are easily masked with a concealer color that is 1-2 shades lighter than the skin. The principle of applying makeup is demonstrated step by step in the photo.

After the above activities, the makeup is set with powder. The crumbly variation of the product gives the coating a velvety texture and makes it more matte. When choosing a tone, choose shades that are one level lighter than your skin tone.

The powder is applied to the face with light movements with a special brush, carefully moving from the forehead to the neck and décolleté, which should be the same shade as the face. Do not overdo it with application, as the product clogs pores, which contributes to the appearance of rashes, acne, and blackheads. Foundation and powder are the best helpers in correcting the shape of the face: with dark shades you can visually reduce a certain area, and with light shades you can increase it.

When choosing cosmetics, give preference to products that have a light texture, without shine or too bright colors. You should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics for natural daytime makeup, which contains only natural shades.

Blush, which is usually applied to the cheeks and cheekbones, adds expressiveness to the face. The color of blush is usually a couple of shades darker than the skin. For those with triangular face types, it is recommended to focus on the upper part of the cheekbones, and for elongated faces, on the middle part of the cheek, shading towards the cheekbones. For girls with round types, blush should be applied from the middle of the cheeks to the temples, following the shape of a triangle.

Lately, eyebrow fashion has changed too often, but you should never lose sight of them when creating the perfect makeup. Correctly shaped eyebrows make facial features more expressive and harmonious. Today, many manufacturers of decorative cosmetics offer a lot of eyebrow products: combs, pencils, shadows, fixatives.

To shape your eyebrows, all you need is a pencil and shadows that match your hair color. Give it a neat shape with a pencil, shade and shade. Additionally, apply eyeshadow in the same color as the pencil to your eyebrows.

Finally, apply mascara to your eyelashes; if necessary, you can curl them with a special device. To create the effect of a doll's look, mascara is applied in two layers with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

When applying lipstick, remember that the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips. If your eyes are decorated using the smoky eye technique, then you should give preference to lip gloss or lipstick in neutral shades.

Applying shadows

Eye design is considered the most difficult part of makeup. First you need to choose the right shadows and decide on the technique for applying them. Products are classified based on pigment and consistency.

Depending on the consistency there are:

  • Baked. This is the most popular type among users; they are characterized by a dense texture, compactness, a pleasant sheen and a rich range of colors. High-quality products do not clump and stay on the eyelid for a long time.
  • Powdery. Loose shadows can be of different grinds; often several colors are mixed in one package, which in combination produce unique shades. When choosing powder variations, give preference to a premium manufacturer. Poor quality products can damage delicate eyelids. “The First Moscow Customs Goods Store” offers high-quality goods from famous brands at the best prices.
  • Creamy and liquid. They come in the form of a pencil or a small bottle with a cap (like lip gloss). Apply only to prepared eyelids over a special base. Thanks to the creamy texture, the same shade plays different colors.

The easiest method for applying eye shadow is:

  1. Darken the upper eyelid near the hollow.
  2. Lighten the rest.

Thanks to this simple technique, the eye becomes more open and expressive. To create daytime makeup, you can use two shades; for evening and holiday options there are no restrictions, the main thing is that the combination is harmonious.

Creating makeup based on eye color

If the technique of performing the process can be developed with practice, then the correct combination of color palette has long been developed by specialists in the field of beauty. The color of the shadows does not suit every eye color type. We invite you to learn more about the features of selecting products for different shades of the iris.


To create the perfect makeup, green-eyed girls should follow simple rules:

  1. Choose a foundation and powder that matches your natural skin color.
  2. The color of the shadows should emphasize natural beauty, so choose discreet pastel colors. Brown shades look ideal.
  3. Eyeliner in the same color as the eye shadow.
  4. Mascara. The classic option is black, which always looks good. As an experiment, you can use brown or emerald.
  5. Lips in combination with a brown palette can be covered with coral or cream lipstick. In other cases, discreet and natural shades will be a win-win. If you want to apply gloss, outline the contours of your lips with a pencil so that the gloss does not “run away”.


They are very expressive by nature, so it is very easy to go overboard with makeup for this color. To do light makeup at home, owners of brown eyes will need:

  1. Foundation and powder to match your skin color.
  2. Shadows of warm shades of brown, purple, gray, plum, gray tones. You should not take shades that are too light, as they do not contrast well with often dark skin.
  3. Brown or black mascara.
  4. Cover your lips with gloss or lipstick in light transparent colors.


Girls with blue shades most often have light skin and hair, and therefore are associated with tenderness and defenselessness. Since naturalness is now in trend, it is advisable to preserve the image of a fragile girl.

Blue-eyed beauties will benefit from:

  1. Light-colored foundation, which is applied in a thin layer to the face, powder.
  2. Shadows from a light palette of blue and gray.
  3. Black mascara that will make your look more expressive.
  4. For lips, a soft pink lipstick or gloss is ideal, which will highlight the light look.


They have an amazing property - they change color depending on the lighting. It is thanks to this feature that it is difficult to make advantageous makeup using:

  1. Foundation and powder to match your natural skin color.
  2. Shades of light blue, turquoise, silver, gold, lilac. At the same time, apply the lightest shade in the corner, and the darkest one at the edge. Be sure to shade the colors so that there is no too clear transition.
  3. Light pink or clear lip gloss.
  4. Black or brown mascara.

Secrets for visually enlarging your eyes

Not every girl has been blessed with big eyes, but everyone dreams of an expressive, deep look. Knowing several ways, you can easily eliminate this drawback. We share effective methods on how to do the right beautiful makeup that will help achieve the “open look” effect:

  • White pencil. If you draw a water line with white, the eyes will appear much larger. You should be extremely careful with this method, because white color by its nature is very catchy. Try not to overdo it, otherwise your makeup will look weird.
  • Skin cream for the eyelid area. Be sure to nourish this area, especially if you are over 25 years old. By moisturizing the dermis, you will rid yourself of bags and swelling.
  • Corrector. Experts recommend using a pink-orange corrector. It can be used to disguise dark circles from sleepless nights.
  • Eyelash curler. With the help of special tweezers, the eyelashes become more curved, which allows you to open your eyes. To enhance the effect, simply apply two layers of black mascara to your eyelashes. To prevent eyelashes from sticking together, separate them with a brush.

  • Makeup made taking into account the characteristics of the eyelid. You can enlarge your eyes by playing with the saturation of shadow shades. If you apply a dark color to the crease and a light color to the center, your eyes will instantly appear larger.
  • Eyebrow care. The natural, well-groomed shape of the eyebrows ultimately shapes the shape of the face. Remember that thin eyebrows have not been in fashion for a long time. The color of the eyebrows should be combined with the color of the hair and skin of their owner.
  • Arrows. They have become classics in the art of makeup. To enhance the shape, apply a thin line of brown eyeliner along the lashes, thickening towards the outer corner.

How to do makeup correctly: video

You can learn how to do beautiful makeup at home without attending expensive training. Many experts post their master classes and lessons in the public domain. To understand the technology, watch several training videos that tell you in detail about the features of applying cosmetics, taking into account the particular color of your skin, eyes and face shape.

And you can find quality products at an affordable price on the online store website. “The First Moscow Customs Goods Store” offers a wide range of cosmetics, so every girl can find something for herself.


A woman at any age strives to be beautiful. And for this there is a whole arsenal of cosmetics: eye shadow, blush, concealers. Properly applied makeup will not only make any face more beautiful, but will also help disguise imperfections. It is not necessary to resort to the services of a makeup artist; you can master the art of makeup on your own. This article will tell you how to do makeup at home. Photos and pictures of the step-by-step process will also help you with this.

Everyday makeup option at home

Daytime makeup is suitable for any occasion - get-togethers with friends or work in the office. Consequently, it is distinguished by naturalness and the use of a minimum of cosmetics. How to do this simple makeup at home - photo with explanations below.


Cleanse your face using any usual method. You can also use a scrub, then the tone will be more even. Apply moisturizer and wait until it is completely absorbed. Assess your skin: in places where there are pimples or redness, use a concealer. Shape your eyebrows using tweezers. Now you can start applying cosmetics.

Applying makeup

  1. Apply the foundation properly over your face. It’s better to do this not with your hands, but with a sponge or beauty blender. This way you will avoid the effect of an unnatural mask.
  2. If your skin is prone to oily shine, use powder. Apply it in circular motions, paying special attention to the cheekbones and temples.
  3. Now it's time for the eyebrows. Fix them with colored styling gel.
  4. Now you can apply shadows to match your eye shade. Shade the borders properly with a brush.
  5. Carefully draw arrows with eyeliner or pencil.
  6. Apply mascara in 1-2 layers. To add curl, first curl your eyelashes with a curling iron.
  7. The final accent is lipstick. Its shade depends on your preferences. But remember: one thing should be bright, either the eyes or the lips.

Read also: Makeup for wedding photo

There you have it, beautiful makeup at home. Photo as a keepsake and you can run errands!

Evening makeup at home

For special occasions, a bright evening make-up will come in handy. Use it for holidays, parties, going to the club. This type of makeup involves the use of bright colors and bold solutions. Choose what suits you and go shine. So, evening makeup for yourself - photos with comments and descriptions.

Romantic option

Ideal for dates.

  • Apply foundation or BB cream.
  • Set with translucent powder to create a matte finish.
  • Use bronzer to sculpt your face.
  • Choose the shade of eye shadow depending on your eye color. The beauty of brown ones is emphasized by warm natural colors, golden or red. Silver, lavender and blue suit blue-eyed girls. Green eyes harmonize with emerald, swamp shadows. For greys, blue and silver shades.
  • It is better to highlight eyebrows with shadows or special lipstick.
  • Now it's time for the lipstick. Choose nude colors that are close to your natural lip shade.
  • Complete the make-up by adding shine with highlighter. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Club option

Becoming a dance floor star with such makeup will not be a problem. Before you is a huge field for imagination and experimentation. Makeup for a disco is not limited to using the usual shades. Let's try to do this makeup at home. Photos of examples will clearly illustrate the possible options.

  • Shadows can be chosen in rich and rich colors. It is better that they still harmonize with the outfit. And sparkles and mother-of-pearl will help you stand out from the crowd. Play with different combinations to achieve the desired effect.
  • Lips are another important part of makeup. Trace the outline with a pencil, creating clear lines. If your eye makeup is very bright, the lipstick color should be muted. Add glitter for shine.
  • A good addition for a seductive look is false eyelashes.

Read also: How to draw eyebrows with shadows step by step photo makeup

Now you know how to do makeup at home, photos of step-by-step stages will help you not to make mistakes. Be creative, don't be afraid to try new things and remain irresistible!

Women's portal - Bonterry