Let's knit wealth: Crochet money napkin. Crochet money napkins - patterns, descriptions, techniques and knitting techniques How to crochet a napkin with a coin inside

The interior of the stylishly decorated home features handmade accents. Guests are sure to pay attention to crocheted napkins: the patterns give even beginners the opportunity to create a small masterpiece for those closest to them. Weightless openwork products embody different ideas - from abstract and floral motifs to figures of animals and insects. Thread manufacturers offer a huge selection of colors and materials. The final result depends on imagination, the purpose of the accessory and the skill of the needlewoman.

Handicrafts are back in trend. Housewives and successful businesswomen spend their evenings embroidering or knitting. For beginners, the greatest difficulty is caused by graphic instructions or text symbols. But gradually the crochet napkin pattern becomes an open book.

Conventions in text descriptions

For the convenience of needlewomen, universal names for the main elements - loops and posts - have been adopted:

  • The basic air loop forms the basis of lace accessories of any shape and size, denoted by the abbreviation VP;
  • The second most important element is the semi-column, which is abbreviated as PS. Another name is a connecting column.
  • Crocheting a napkin necessarily includes making single crochets (SC) and double crochets - C1H, C2H, C3H. The numbers decipher the number of yarn overs - there can be more than three. It all depends on the complexity of the technology.

The combination of the presented elements according to the instructions allows you to create various patterns. Typically, textual explanations are attached to graphical manuals and provide details of the process. They are easier to navigate if difficulties arise.

Note to the craftswoman - deciphering abbreviations

Conventions in knitting patterns

Experienced knitters determine the structure of the pattern based on the finished product and can repeat the design they like. Craftsmen who know how to draw well and have spatial imagination create new napkins with crochet patterns themselves,

The author's developments serve as a guide for less experienced followers. Magazine and online publications can be easily identified by graphical symbols. This is the universal language of the creators of lace accessories, understandable to needlewomen all over the world:

  • Circle - air loop;
  • “Em dash” – half-column;
  • “Plus” – single crochet;
  • “Cross stitch” with one or more transverse dashes – double crochets, where the number of “crossbars” indicates the number of double crochets.

The manuals also present additional elements that enhance the expressiveness of the pattern and help create various effects:


How to read knitting instructions correctly

Without exception, all the manuals are standardized and figuring out how to crochet a napkin is not difficult:

  • If the process proceeds in straight or reverse rows, the circuit is passed in rows from bottom to top. When making round products, start from the center.
  • Odd rows are considered front rows and are read “in Arabic” - from right to left. Purl even ones as usual - from left to right.
  • The repeating part of the pattern - rapport - is concluded between the “asterisks” (*...*). This symbol means that you need to repeat all the elements the specified number of times.

For the convenience of the master, the front and back rows can be marked in different colors or numbered. This makes it easier to navigate and not get lost, especially when knitting large items.

Two-color instructions are easier to read

It is important to know! “Round” instructions are “read” counterclockwise – they go sequentially from right to left.

Basic working techniques to make the process easier

How to crochet a napkin - the journey in the world of needlework begins with this pressing question. To avoid disappointment after the first experiments, you should take the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the process, stock up on tools and consumables. It is not recommended to choose thin threads for debut processes. Openwork lace will take a little time, but the first results will inspire you to improve your skills.

The best yarn to start with is mercerized cotton thread "Iris". They are quite elastic, smooth, pleasant to the touch. Available in a wide range of colors. Disadvantages include a tendency to curl.

As your skills improve, the yarn becomes more manageable and stops tangling. Acrylic and wool blend threads are also suitable for first experiments.

A detailed master class makes the first steps easier:

It is better to start your debut crocheting of napkins with a tool No. 1.5-2.5 with an ergonomic handle. When purchasing, it is better to compare several samples, evaluate which hook fits comfortably in your hand, and choose the appropriate length.

Step-by-step photo instructions

For the first experiments, choose a simple, intuitive pattern without complex double crochets. There will be fewer flaws in the finished work.

The optimal pattern for a successful debut

How to crochet a napkin for beginners:

  1. Start from the center of the future product - cast on a standard chain of air loops. In this case - 12.
  2. Loop the loops with a connecting semi-post.
  3. Move to the next row - knit the required number of VPs according to the schematic guide and move on to other elements - the pattern is based on C1H.
  4. Tie the ring completely - you should get 32 ​​C1H. The circle is connected to a chain of 3 VPs and completes the row.
  5. The following elements are performed according to the diagram and follow the direction of movement counterclockwise.
  6. The last row is performed using the picot technique, which can be found in the video tutorial:

Place the finished napkin in a visible place

Step-by-step photos illustrate the work procedure

Color variations

To diversify napkins, novice needlewomen can use a simple and effective technique when crocheting - knitting multi-colored items using the same patterns or combining two or more colors in one accessory.

Napkin made of C1H - schematic illustration

The finished result

This solution allows you to create interesting accessories during the first experiments. A simple pattern looks more interesting, the product looks original and does not create a feeling of being secondary. You can safely decorate a table or window sill with it - place it under a flowerpot with indoor plants.

The original spiral beauty is a feasible challenge for beginners

The same design in a rainbow solution

Acrylic threads and iris are suitable for the process. The simplicity of the design is compensated by the spectacular color scheme.

An example of a spectacular solution - a sunflower

Sunflower diagram - the remaining fragments represent rapport

Trendy napkins for home and as a gift

The world of handicrafts has its own fashion and good omens. It is believed that accessories can have a positive effect on family wealth and the aura in the home. There are rituals associated with the beginning and end of the process. Crocheting napkins for beginners is no exception.

Money napkin

There is a belief associated with this decorative element. A coin placed in the center of the product has a positive effect on the family budget and promotes well-being in the home. The craftsmen begin work on the new moon. The future amulet is pulled at random from a bag into which the “candidates” are previously placed.

The coin must be odd, the denomination and country of origin do not matter. Knitting needs to be completed while the moon is growing. Napkin patterns from foreign magazines are suitable - the shape is important, it must be round. Pattern and size are of secondary importance. Such a talisman is kept in a place of honor to attract good luck to the house.

There are two ways to insert the amulet into the center of the accessory:

  • At the beginning of the process. It is necessary to knit an amigurumi ring, the diameter of which corresponds to the central part of the napkin and coin. Further knitting will proceed strictly according to the instructions, and the pattern will not change.
  • At the end of the process. In this case, a model with a closed center is chosen and at the final stage an additional element is knitted - a kind of repeat of the central part of the napkin. The part is sewn to the product, a small gap is left and a coin is placed in the pocket. Then the hole is sewn up.

A crochet money napkin - the diagram is presented below - differs in execution from the usual one. You can take almost any model as a basis. The central part is preliminarily assessed to determine whether the “core” is suitable for placing the coin.

Detailed diagram of a money napkin

The amigurumi technique is used to knit the center.

Video tutorial on knitting an amigurumi ring:

Openwork products

Weightless lace accessories serve as decoration for a dining table, chest of drawers, or nightstand. Graceful, stylish and lace, fit into any interior style. This is a great gift and sign of attention. In such work they invest more than skill - inspiration and a desire for beauty.

Beautiful crocheted napkins - patterns can be very different - look gentle and airy. Needlewomen have the opportunity to work with shapes and create not only round, but also oval and shaped products.

The basis of the plots are floral elements, which are generously trimmed with lace from air loops. Often, needlewomen choose abstract or ethnic motifs. Butterflies look beautiful and attractive.

Crochet openwork napkins according to the patterns are made similarly to simpler options. The knitting order does not differ from the standard one. It is necessary to ensure compliance with the manual - a minor error will have to redo the entire process. Therefore, before you start, you should evaluate your strength and skill.

Guide to knitting an openwork accessory

Example of a finished product

Beautiful butterfly - interior decoration

Stylish home decor element

Bulk napkins

The aerobatics in needlework are unusual crocheted napkins: you have to figure out the patterns, but the end result is completely worth the effort. Volumetric products look unusually beautiful and fascinating.

The instructions for creating such masterpieces require careful study and attention to detail. They give enormous scope for creativity and implementation of ideas. In such work, various solutions are possible:

  • multilayer “rosettes” for decoration – tightly starched, turning into a lace vase;
  • floral compositions – a bright, unfading bouquet blooms on the table all year round;
  • butterflies or swans - the lightness of some and the grace of others fascinate and delight.

Example of graphic instructions and finished result

In this process, each swan and flower are knitted separately and sewn to the base.

A bright flower arrangement will warm you even on a winter day

A spectacular combination of openwork elements and voluminous colors

Creating such products is a labor-intensive process. It takes skill, patience, and skill. Master classes give a general idea of ​​how to crochet tablecloths and napkins - diagrams and photos help you understand the general principle. For a high-quality implementation of an idea, it is best to turn to experienced needlewomen.

Masters work with ready-made magazine designs and create original compositions - this significantly expands the possibilities for creativity. Professional execution guarantees the absence of errors and flaws, accuracy and perfection. At the same time, you can learn a lot - invaluable knowledge and skills will be useful in the future when it comes time for your own master classes.

Friday, September 25, 2015 14:47 + to quote book

There is a phrase “everything in the world is connected”; for knitters it has a special meaning. The knitting process itself is similar to magic - from a simple thread this or that product is obtained. Why not add a little more magic to this and make a knitted napkin bring income to the family?

Believe it or not, it doesn't hurt anyone to try. What do we need? Just a 1 or 5 kopeck coin with holes, which we will tie into a napkin. She will be the center around which everything else revolves. In addition to coins, you can tie other objects, depending on what problem you want to solve. How to make the right “money napkin”, read below.

It turns out that you can improve your financial situation with a very simple technique - you need to tie a coin, or rather, tie a napkin, in the center of which is a coin, and the smallest one - 1 kopeck or 5, in no case a ruble or 10.

(Hint from Evgeniy, mother of a son: As a Feng Shui specialist, I would advise using coins without zero. Zero reduces everything... to zero. There are also 5 kopecks and a penny. It still looks more solid than zero, though and with a stick.)

Some more words need to be said: “Sit in a thread city, pull similar things towards you, collect and save...” The napkin must be at least 21 cm in diameter, white or cream in color and have an odd number of pattern elements (rapports).

Life story ( Posted by olgaaaa10 in her personal diary ):

In the nineties, the plant where my husband and I worked closed. Soon real poverty set in.

We went to the old people in the village to at least feed ourselves from the garden.

There my mother-in-law, having listened to our complaints, told me: “I have a knitted napkin in every corner. Take a closer look."

I took a closer look: in one napkin there was a bead in the center, in another there was a penny tied in, in the third there was a copper ring.

One napkin contained a dried mushroom. And my mother-in-law taught me wisdom.

Life unfolds around you. If you knit a round napkin, you create a center that will attract what rotates around it. What you tie is what you put into orbit. Here, for example, is a dried mushroom. Every autumn my father-in-law and mother-in-law collect almost carloads of them. Why? But because the mushrooms around that dried mushroom are looped Or - a penny in a napkin. There is no special wealth, but they never live without means. Maybe we should tie a ruble into the middle and swim in money, but that wouldn’t be good And so on in everything. I understood what was happening, and our affairs improved. My husband started his own carpentry business. In his workshop there is my napkin with a small piece of plywood in the middle. If I need to put some aspect of life in a strong position, I find an object connected with this side and say over it: “I’ll put you in the middle, I’ll give you a job and a job. Sit in the thread city, pull this kind of thing to yourself! Collect... (here you need to name what the napkin is aimed at) and save!” I crochet a napkin around the object that is at least 21 centimeters in diameter. When the napkin is ready, I put it in the place intended for it and say: The color of the napkin is important. I always make them white or cream. I avoid experiments with colored threads. Although multi-colored patterns attract rapid developments, they can also backfire. Then I thought: my round napkins are no worse! Even though I'm not a scientist.

Who liked my napkin, please see the diagram

You can knit buttons

You can tie amulets drawn on wood

Don't forget that:

Tie coins of 1 or 5 kopecks into the middles, start knitting on the new moon, on the waxing moon, 7 (or an odd number) of rays, say the words to entice money, after knitting, put the napkins in the right places, then wait and hope!!!

How to tie a coin?

Another money napkin and a small MK for tying a coin.

(Published by Laura_Ya in the group Everything is openwork... (crocheting)):

I'll take my napkin as an example.
The thread I use is YarnART Violet, cream color, less than a skein, 50 g. 282 m.
hook 1.25 mm.

My diagram starts in the 10th century. p. then 21 tbsp. s n.
I dialed 10 v. p. and tied a chain of 21 single crochets.

I knitted 11th century from them. p. connected into the 2nd loop of the chain from the beginning of the ring, according to the principle of continuous knitting.

I tied the second chain with 21 single crochets, making two rings.

Now we fold them in half and start knitting according to the pattern. The first lifting loop is 3c. P.
and 2nd century P.
Next, we make a yarn over, insert the hook into the first loop of the previous row of the 1st ring and also into the first loop of the previous one. row of the second ring and knit 1 double crochet.

We also do 2 more tbsp. double crochet and 2 in. p. and further according to the scheme (3 st. with n. and 2 v. p. between them).
Approximately in the middle of tying this row, insert the money and say...
“I’ll put you in the middle, give you business and work
Sit in the thread city, pull this kind of thing to yourself! Collect a coin and save!”

In my case, 1 kopeck of Ukraine.

We continue to knit according to the pattern.

This is a finished napkin.

Place the napkin in a place convenient for you with the words:
“Here is your place, here is your capital, here is your middle! Reign and rule while you have enough strength, while the bird flies, while the fish swims, while the sun rises!”

Good luck with your loops and financial prosperity!

Some more useful links for those interested:

and here are other options
http://www.stranamam.ru/post/7357934/ Lidia Egorova
http://www.stranamam.ru/post/7896298/#com56920477 Lilechka Mezina
http://www.stranamam.ru/post/8241189/ Laura_Ya

Patterns for money napkins http://www.stranamam.ru/album/8663133/
Schemes for beginners http://www.stranamam.ru/album/8698694/
Schemes for 7 beams http://www.stranamam.ru/album/8686415/
Schemes for 11 beams http://www.stranamam.ru/album/8757816/
Schemes for 27 beams http://www.stranamam.ru/album/8699221/

What ELSE is worth paying attention to:

(written almost a year ago, so you need to know the phases of the moon at the moment when you are going to tie your money bait!)

From the comments:...and my plot rhymes in its own way during work


The clear rise of the Moon begins tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, I advise you to start knitting a money napkin. . If you didn’t have time to finish tying before the eve of the full moon, we put it off until the next new moon and finish tying.
There is a lot of talk about this napkin - how it’s right, how it’s wrong, whether it will or won’t work...
Remember, I wrote in the post http://www.stranamam.ru/post/8516272/?page=2#com62760107 What have I been thinking about this topic?
From time immemorial, napkins were not knitted for prosperity, but skeins were made. We know Motanka amulets dolls; they have long gained popularity in our time. But related wealth as such has sunk into oblivion. And why? Because it’s the same reel, they just put it behind the image. Do you need wealth in your home? You take a small coin, wrap it with a spun thread and wrap it around the icon.
They took a small coin, there were no extra ones. Why is the thread spun? Durable, binds well.
The same goes for other items. What you wrap around is what attracts.
True faith and memory of ancestors always work as a talisman..."

If in doubt, don't do it! Because any doubt completely interrupts luck and luck. Make your napkin according to the recommendation that inspires more confidence in you.
Let's remember from the last post" ... And it doesn’t matter what color or size it is, what matters is how much energy you put into it. Does the soul accept this creation and creation? And since by this action we declare participation in magic, it is better not to violate the magic number 7. Well, you have to start when something arrives. And what is the most noticeable thing that comes to us?
That's right, she's the one!
Therefore, there are only two important conditions left -
1. We make 7 rays
2. We knit when the moon began to grow..."

I insist on 7 and knitting time.
Size in diameter is 10-17-21 cm - I think that a size of 10 cm makes it possible to knit 7 of themand use daily, like napkins under a cup.
17 and 21 - a napkin for beauty, which is placed as an interior decoration.
Further, I consulted with many who are interested in Feng Shui, lunar cycles and working Fairies - they agreed that a ruble, 5 rubles and 1-5 kopecks are better than 10 kopecks or 50 (although 50 kopecks work for me).
Feng Shui advises placing it in the southeast zone, and the Slavs in the red corner.
Choose what works for you, what you believe in more
A common saying on the Internet when knitting this napkin is “I’ll put you in the middle, I’ll give you a job and a job.”
Sit in the thread city, pull this kind of thing to yourself! Collect (we need to tell) money!” - I couldn’t find where it came from, who believes in it - it will work, because there is a rhythm in the words.
To calm your soul, I found cool spells “Slavic spells and amulets” - I advise you to use them when knitting your money napkin.

1. NAPKIN PATTERN - I’ll make it with 7 rays and I advise you to use it for those who are not very good at knitting. After finishing knitting, when the napkin is ready, I’ll show you the pattern
You can take any pattern that suits your napkin.

For those who want to complicate the scheme, there is such beauty

and the circuit diagram for it CHANGED TO A LARGER one

And a couple of diagrams of those that I have already proposed

2. My threads are half-wool - my napkin will be in a winter version
3. I’ll take the coin that my hand pulls out.from a money bag
I activate coins with this slander
Pour coins from hand to hand, saying: “Ring - ring - ring, coins ring every day, foreshadowing happiness, calling for wealth. Ring the coins, sing, call to each other. Call your gossips from all over, Let them come to my house, ring back will give. Amen.
I’ll pour the coins into a money bag (then I’ll show you the bag) and then take out the one that’s suitable for a napkin

4. Size - I will try to knit 17 cm, maybe it will turn out to be 21
5. Whisper on a knitted napkin.
God bless you for your good deed!
Raise me, O God, to a high mountain, pour me, O Lord, full pockets of money, not for evil and bad thoughts, but for joy and good deeds. Golden lock, silver key, ruby ​​stones. Let it be so. Amen.
IN ADDITION how to tie a coin http://www.stranamam.ru/post/8335749/


LET IT BE IN YOUR HOME!!! WE ARE NOT FANS AND WE STILL STILL UNTIL... if we haven’t met the active phase of the waxing Moon. It didn’t work out - we leave it until... - the day is called the Horn of Plenty.

People who practice magic in life have two secret words that they use to change reality. In fairness, it should be noted that many of us use such settings unconsciously, however, if you do it intentionally, you will get better results.

These two words “I allow!” and “I cancel!” The essence of working with them comes down to the following: You say what you want to receive, and at the end you add: “I allow it!” For example: “Today a miracle will happen to me. I allow it!” Then don’t forget to add: “I cancel all obstacles.” It may seem too simple, but try it and you will see the result. There is one important nuance in this practice: speak confidently about events, do not bargain or ask. Take responsibility for what happens to you into your own hands!
It should be added that the longer you use the technique, the more “weighty” the miracles that happen to you become!
Natalya Panteeva Winner of the Battle of Psychics
I think it won't hurt us!

From other sources

You need to knit money napkins according to certain rules.. Yarn should be taken from natural fibers - cotton, wool. To start knitting and finish it (preferably) on the waxing Moon, the second lunar day, which symbolizes the “Cornucopia,” is optimal for starting. A coin is tied into the middle of the napkin - 1 or 5 kopecks or 1 ruble. To do this, I knit two circles, connect them, put a coin between them, tie them together and then knit according to the pattern. The napkin must be seven-rayed, that is, it must have seven petals or seven corners. At the beginning of knitting, a conspiracy is read for wealth, earnings or money, so that the knitted coin “works” - attracts other coins to itself.

Everything worked out for me and my napkin is slowly working.

You can give napkins as a gift, but it is advisable to take a “payment” for them - a coin for a gift. Such gifts always bring joy and are a success. They are convenient to knit from leftover yarn, because the size can be quite small, 10-15-20 centimeters in diameter is enough.


The other day I learned about an interesting way to bring wealth into your home. I liked this idea and immediately implemented it. Now I’m sharing with you))).

Its essence is that you need to tie a coin, in the center of which place a coin of small denomination (1 or 5 kopecks). This coin will begin to attract similar things (that is, other money).

Someone is drilling holes in the money to tie it around. But I think you shouldn't do this.

I'll show you how I tied coins into napkins.

In order for a napkin with a coin to “work”, several conditions must be met:

the color of the napkin is plain (white or cream);

the diameter of a knitted napkin with a coin is 21 cm or more;

the number of rays (rapports) is odd;

During and after knitting you need to say certain words.

Read more here http://www.stranamam.ru/post/7573405/,

I’ll show you how I tied coins into the middle of the napkins and give you 2 patterns. True, there should be an even number of repeats, but I managed to fulfill this condition and make 11 and 9 elements of the pattern.

The first napkin with a coin

Yarn Pekhorka Openwork (50 g/280 m), hook No. 1.

We make a ring from 15 VP (the diameter of the ring should be less than the diameter of the coin being tied).

Then we knit 2 VP and 1 more ring of 15 VP.

Now we will connect the rings: 2VP, double stitch in an arch,

2 VP, dc in the second ring, etc.

When you have knitted more than half, insert a coin and knit the circle to the end.

While you are tying a coin, do not forget to say the cherished words)))

Instead of ellipses, name what you need (collect money, happiness, prosperity, benefits, etc.).

Finish with a double crochet.

Finish row 2 VP and treble s2n.

In the 3rd row I added 1 VP between the repeating elements (i.e. I knitted it like the 4th row in the diagram).

We continue to knit our napkin with a coin...

And it turns out this beauty:

Choose a place where it will lie and say:

Second napkin with a coin

Now let's tie a smaller coin (1 kopeck) a little differently.

The yarn is even thinner - Pekhorka “White Lace” (cotton, 50 g / 475 m), the same hook - No. 1.

Again we make a ring of 15 VP,

then 3 VP and another ring of 15 VP.

Now we connect the rings in chains of 3 VP and dc.

We insert a coin and say the magic words (see above).

In each ring we make 9 tbsp.

Make 3 VP lifts, *4 VP and dc under 2 chains of 3 VP*. Repeat from * to *.

At the end of the row, instead of 4 VPs, knit 2 VPs and 1 treble s/n.

Well, did you like this magic? Even if you don’t believe in it, why not tie a beautiful napkin with a coin, maybe it will work)))))


So the wave of knitting money napkins has reached me...
I have an equal attitude towards knitted napkins, you can even say that I’m not a fan of them, but money has become scarce lately, so I decided to try to lure some money to myself...

I gave the first napkin to my mother for a coin.
...the only thing is that the diameter of the napkin is desirable to be at least 21 cm, but according to the diagram it turned out to be about 19 cm, I added a couple of rows from myself, my petals were completely fused.

I knitted the second one and gave it to my friend for a coin.
This is just the photo, my friend washed it herself and dried it properly

The third - for your home, your family.

All three napkins are crocheted from Pekhorka Azhurnaya, crocheted 1.25, it took about 2 skeins of 50g each.
There are 5 kopeck coins tied into the middles, I knitted them for the new moon, for the waxing moon, 7 rays, the words to entice money have been spoken, the napkins have been placed in the right places, now I’m waiting and hoping!!!

A money napkin and a small MK for tying a coin.
Published by Laura_Ya.

My diagram starts in the 10th century. p. then 21 tbsp. s n.
I dialed 10 v. p. and tied a chain of 21 single crochets.

I knitted 11th century from them. p. connected into the 2nd loop of the chain from the beginning of the ring, according to the principle of continuous knitting.

I tied the second chain with 21 single crochets, making two rings.

Now we fold them in half and start knitting according to the pattern. The first lifting loop is 3c. p. and 2 v. P.
Next, we make a yarn over, insert the hook into the first loop of the previous row of the 1st ring and also into the first loop of the previous one. row of the second ring and knit 1 double crochet.

We also do 2 more tbsp. double crochet and 2 in. p. and further according to the scheme (3 st. with n. and 2 v. p. between them).
Approximately in the middle of tying this row, insert the money and say...
“I’ll put you in the middle, give you business and work
Sit in the thread city, pull this kind of thing to yourself! Collect a coin and save!”

We continue to knit according to the pattern.

This is a finished napkin.

Place the napkin in a place convenient for you with the words:
“Here is your place, here is your capital, here is your middle! Reign and rule while you have enough strength, while the bird flies, while the fish swims, while the sun rises!”
I made starch like this: dilute about a heaping teaspoon of starch with cold water and pour boiling water over it until it becomes jelly. After cooling slightly, I dipped the washed napkin, wrung it out well and laid it out to dry. When it was almost dry, I began to smooth and even out the pattern well with an iron.

I'm sharing the diagram. Good luck with your loops and financial prosperity!


General form.

Wrong side.


And now I’ll show you how easy it is to tie in money without any problems with holes.
We knit a patch a little larger in size than our coin; when casting on, leave a long tip of the thread so that you can collect the loops later

Then we put the loops on the front wall of the loop

We gradually transfer it to the needle, since the hook cannot be turned around, the thread is pulled out onto the face (the one that was left when casting on) and inserted into the needle. to pull through all the loops and tighten

When everything is typed and passed through with a needle and thread, you get something like this

We insert a coin inside and tighten it - it will be obvious.

Napkin14 (610x380, 132Kb)

The wrong side.

This is what happened

The napkin should have 7 rays - we start like this: from one 3 tbsp. n we skip one, there is an air above it.

The second row can already be seen what is happening. You can knit with any pattern, this is the simplest.


If a napkin isn't enough for you, make some money fish too!
Posted by vevej.

Little MK, how I made fish.
A piece of black-brown crocodile leather, eyes, ten-kopeck coins and one fifty-kopeck piece.

The fish pattern is done in a mirror direction

Apply coins, circle, remove and cut out circles

Lubricate the entire space with moment-crystal glue

Glue the second part onto the finished half

We glue the eyes, put eyelets and decorate them as our little darling wants.
I painted them with felt-tip pens with metallic dye, it dries easily and quickly.

Voila! Our beauty is ready!

Hint from Evgeniy, mother of a son:
As a Feng Shui specialist, I would advise using coins without a zero. Zero reduces everything... to zero. There are also 5 kopecks and a kopeck. It still looks more solid than zero, even with a stick.


Taken from here: liveinternet.ru/users/taschau/post347341210/#

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