Celebrating divorce as a business. New fashion: divorce as a holiday

Celebrating Divorce– a divorce ceremony, which is carried out to reduce the negative emotions of ex-spouses against the background of a divorce.

Here's a new twist

“Don’t part with your loved ones...” advises the author of the famous play. With loved ones, of course, it’s not worth it. But what about the unloved? Maybe we should break up after all, if things haven’t worked out and the “divorce” process is close to completion? The spouses, as they say, were “too tough for each other” and the efforts of relatives, acquaintances, and employees at the registry office to reconcile and set them on the right path were in vain. The situation cannot be fun by definition, but it is still possible to reduce stress as much as possible and not make a universal tragedy out of this event. The emerging tradition of celebrating...divorce may well help people psychologically cope with the new condition and look at divorce as a “new turn” in life.

Statistics know

Of course, statistics must be trusted. According to her exact data, the number of divorces, unfortunately, has been increasing in recent years. For every one hundred Russian weddings, in particular, there are almost eighty divorces. In Slavic custom, divorce, of course, was not welcomed, but it had its own tradition. Our wise ancestors “declared dissolution,” i.e. divorce without good reason. The husband let his wife go when the spouses finally understood that they could not live together or, as our contemporaries say, “they didn’t get along.” True, there was no division of property in this case.

Even in Muslim countries the number of “liberated women” is growing. In Iran, for example, more than 20% of marriages are dissolved. Therefore, it is clear why the fashion for celebrating a divorce (and in some cases, women wait for this day for up to 7 years) spread so quickly across eastern countries. Moreover, so quickly that the clergy began to express dissatisfaction about this. What can we say about countries with a freer approach to family life.

Either couples get married too early, or the “notorious family boat” is made of ultra-light materials and breaks down much faster than before, or life and life under one roof is not a test for freedom-loving contemporaries.

Only one thing can be said with confidence: there will be no fewer reasons to celebrate a divorce. This is what contributed to the spread of the new custom of celebrating divorces. Breaking up in itself is not the most pleasant event in the life of any person, and psychologists advise breaking up “on good terms.” This is probably why event agencies have appeared to help people get through a difficult stage in life and show that divorce is not a reason for sadness.

Marriage. net

The stereotype of the “divorced woman” is gradually losing its position. If previously in any country in the world this period in a woman’s life after being married to her husband was considered shameful, in the modern world many women want to change the perceptions of others, showing that divorce is not a reason to consider them defective. Moreover, women these days are often financially independent and devoid of prejudices.

When married, all their strength was devoted to caring for their husband, children, household, and work. The circumstances that led to the breakup are different for everyone, but a woman, finally, is not obliged to constantly report, ask permission to go to the hairdresser, come up with reasons for meeting with her friends (for some reason men especially do not tolerate them), but, on the contrary, think about yourself.

Life “before” and “after” is fundamentally different, but it is not over. From the point of view of psychologists, it is better to remember what was good in the marriage and celebrate the beginning of a new life, forgiving past grievances. Let your spouse go and at the evening on the occasion of this event, sincerely thank your former “half” for the good things that happened in your life together. You should not condemn those whose soul “asks” to celebrate the day of the dissolution of their marriage. It's better to help them.

What are we celebrating?

An important event, for sure. Entering a new psychological state of freedom. A divorce holiday is a bridge that makes it easier to cross to the other side, free yourself from stress, and speed up the process of reconciliation with separation.

Opinions about the “divorce” holiday, as usual, are polar: from sharp rejection to approval of a cheerful transition to a new life. Some, embarrassed by condemnation, arrange quiet gatherings with girlfriends, while others – noisy holidays with fireworks, carriages and the “anti-honeymoon” – trips to different vacation spots. If funds allow, professionals from agencies offering services for organizing such events are ready to help.

Where does the wind blow from

From Japan

This nation is accustomed to carefully recording and storing in memory all significant events in life. The Japanese Terai came up with the idea of ​​organizing a non-standard holiday after listening to a friend’s angry speech after breaking up with his wife. To please his friend, he organized a whole ceremony dedicated to divorce. Now the resourceful guy has made a profitable business out of this, conducting similar ceremonies to order. The whole process takes place in the “House of Divorce” and is formalized no less magnificently than a wedding.

The main feature is the wooden hammer. The couple flattens their wedding rings by holding it together. It is made in the form of a frog's head - kaeru. She is a symbol of change for the better in Japan.

The ritual “damage” of the rings ends with the laying of flowers to the figure of a frog at the local temple.

From Europe

Europeans, who do not make a tragedy out of the divorce process, often invite the same people to the divorce celebration as to the wedding.

The matter has already been put into motion. In the UK, for example, work is provided for designers who carry out orders for decorating divorce parties and creating outfits for couples and guests of the event.

The famous department store Debenhams has a new policy. The idea is that people who have gone through a divorce have to rebuild their lives. Moreover, everything happens the same way as with newlyweds. A new service of the shopping center is the opportunity to create your own wishlist, order a “divorce cake” and greeting cards with wishes to ex-spouses.

“Divorce is just a part of our lives,” says store owner Ruth Attridge, “and we help those who are faced with this problem for the first time.”

The goal of a department store is to teach people to enjoy life. The store owner is sure of this, especially since “divorce products” are popular in both the USA and Germany.

Enterprising holiday organizers are also not missing out. Former spouses ride in a custom-made limousine, solemnly remove their rings, and instead of kissing, they exchange symbolic slaps.

From the countries of the east

In Saudi Arabia, divorce statistics are already comparable to Russian indicators: two out of ten families break up in the Muslim kingdom. In large cities the figure is even higher:

  • in the capital Riyadh - 40%;
  • in Jeddah - 60%.

Women celebrate divorce parties in oriental style. Ex-wives appear with bouquets of black roses, special cards are sent out for guests, and countless sumptuous dishes are on the tables. Shop owners who sell divorce cards are thrilled with the increased demand.

Status – “divorced”

What's a holiday without jewelry? Instead of wedding rings, which former spouses happily flatten, saw and scatter in different directions, jewelry companies began to produce branded “adjustable” rings. It is expected that former spouses will exchange such jewelry with each other in memory of their life together.

The American jewelry house Spritzer & Furman was the first to release a ring for those who are eager to break up. Of course, it is made in the shape of a heart broken in two. Gold, with a diamond bursting out of a broken relationship, it loudly “declares”: “Status – divorced!” It is recommended to wear it on the middle finger.

Anti-wedding album

Due to the emergence of a new type of holiday, not only photo but also video masterpieces about the events on the day of divorce have become popular. In Italy, for example, in “anti-wedding” photo albums, ex-spouses keep photographs taken on the significant day of their divorce. One of the Russian women, having broken free, gathered her friends and went to the sea. There they had a lot of fun:

  • held a photo session “Everything is in pieces!”;
  • made a video “Throw away the wedding dress!”;
  • in the evening they burned a plush heart on a fire;
  • They launched a large balloon into the sky, writing the name of their ex-husband on it, and shouting “Sweet!” practiced throwing darts at a ball.

A divorce without a cake is not a divorce

The culmination of the wedding evening is the appearance of a huge white and pink structure with angels, roses and figures of the bride and groom. It is popularly known as “wedding cake”. If there is a cake for those getting married, then why not a cake for those getting divorced?

Great Britain

British confectioner Fay Millar paid attention to a new trend that was gaining momentum. She makes fun cakes for divorce parties. Ex-wives (they are the main customers) are not embarrassed by the rather high price of these masterpieces of culinary art. The main thing is that the soul is pleased and the “former” tastes sweet. Fey usually decorates the tops of her confectionery products with figures of ex-spouses turning away from each other. By order, scenes of parting are located on the tiers. Surveys show that Britons have a lot of fun at these parties, looking at the “illustrations” on the cakes.

The owner of the Texas bakery, Suzanne Maxwell, gave free rein to her imagination. She decorates similar cakes like this:

  • fallen wedding rings;
  • inverted pigeons;
  • broken wedding bells;
  • cartoon figures of ex-husbands and wives.
  • upside down wedding cake;
  • scenes of “destruction” of an ex-lover using a saw, pistol and even automatic weapons.


Baker Georgius Vasiliou works for divorcing couples in Berlin. Instead of roses, laces and doves, he creates an edible portrait of his ex-husband.

What do we have?

The fashion for a divorce-holiday is still just being developed in the vastness of the former USSR, but followers have already appeared.

One of the divorcing couples ordered the organizers to organize a celebration on a boat, where both arrived in a carriage, and after the divorce ceremony they performed the “New Life” dance for the guests.

Others turned their divorce into a real show. When leaving the registry office, friends sprinkled them not with flowers, but with dumplings. The ex-bride held a bouquet of roach wrapped in newspaper, and the ex-husband held beer. Then there was the ceremonial burning of the plush heart and the breaking of the service presented for the wedding.

The cracked “divorce” cake was decorated with the following inscriptions:

  • “I’m exhausted!”
  • "You were too good for her"
  • "Homeless but free"
  • "Already divorced"
  • “Girls! I am free!"
  • “Throw out the trash!”
  • "Divorced and happy."

All these “divorce” holidays are designed to help people part ways peacefully and start a new life with a clean slate. For those who help them organize the “divorce fun”, there is an opportunity to make good money from it.


How to celebrate a divorce, women's magazine MYJANE.RU

Is there life after divorce? “Simple Difficulties” - a film about love at 50, women's social network My Julia.ru

In our country, divorce is considered to be something like the end of the world, which you need to mourn for several months, mentally preparing yourself for a sad old age alone. Perhaps the current generation of 30-year-old individualists will be the first to prove by example that divorce is as normal an event as moving or changing jobs, so it’s not worth going deeper into long-term depression with its onset. But it’s better to consolidate the mutual decision with a joint funny photo and throw a small celebration about the new round of personal freedom.

1 Sep 2015 at 6:02 PDT

The post-divorce selfie idea, or #divorceselfie, became a hot topic on the internet last week thanks to hilarious Canadian couple Chris and Shannon Neyman, who instead of going through a “normal” divorce with sad faces and dividing up wedding services, they did it with dignity , with humor and with the front camera of your smartphone, immortalizing the moment with a positive selfie. In the caption of the photo, where the now ex-spouses were smiling as if they had just gotten engaged, Chris and Shannon shared their thoughts on the topic of divorce as “something wonderful” and promised to raise their children together so that they would not have to be torn between living separately and warring parents. Judging by the comments on social networks, our Russian-speaking audience did not appreciate such an innovative way of dissolving a marriage (oh my God, didn’t they even grab each other’s hair?) and immediately called the #divorceselfie fashion a clownery and hidden propaganda of family breakdown, but the joyful ones themselves the ex-spouses in the photo are hypocrites and selfie maniacs. Who is right here after all, and is it really possible that getting a divorce “elegantly”, that is, without fighting, insults and the evil glances of Medusa the Gorgon, is some kind of art that is not yet available in our country (which, by the way, leads the world in the number of divorces)?

1 Sep 2015 at 10:32 PDT

However, by sorting out the patriarchal logic, everything can be put into place: if in our society marriage for a woman is the only form of life (otherwise “an old maid”, “no one needs you like that”, “you didn’t succeed as a woman”) , then it is logical that divorce is such a “little death”, the collapse of the most important social status for many of our girls, on which (hiddenly or openly) the financial situation, the housing issue, and even such a character trait as self-love are based (“ if I was CHOSEN, it means I’m good/beautiful/smart/kind; if I wasn’t chosen, it means I’M NOTHING”). That is, appealing to the stupid comparison with the railway, we don’t need a wedding to celebrate that we have found a wonderful travel companion in life, we need it to “get hooked”, “attach” and then ride on someone as far as possible time, preferably without any major shocks or accidents. Hence, a divorce comes out not as a completely everyday event with trains that calmly went their separate ways, but as a real train accident, a collapse of the entire traffic system for weeks (or even months and years), which certainly would not occur to anyone to perpetuate picture on Instagram.

Thus, if from the very beginning you approached your future husband as a lifeline, then an incident like divorce takes on the highest degree of drama: everything goes to hell, and your world will never be the same. But what if from the very beginning you perceived him as an equal partner with whom you would like to go through life together (for how long, even a fortune teller cannot predict) and were not going to die for love, stage dramas in the kitchen every night and turn into the shadow of your own husband? Then the end of this story can be perceived not as an apocalypse, but as a transition to another state, and a selfie at the door of the registry office can be perceived as a test of the civility of relations. Think about it, if you have lived a certain number of happy days together, then you have something to remember, and these memories will be even more valuable than impulsive attacks of resentment and hatred. Yes, you are not together, but you continue to live on and maybe you will even meet one day at a supermarket checkout or on a restaurant terrace, or even online on Facebook. Maybe someone will say that a happy divorce is the same oxymoron as a happy funeral, but it is stupid to compare them. Because divorce certainly has nothing to do with death - it is rather a new life, which is high time to celebrate no less magnificently than a wedding.

Divorce, unlike weddings, is a sad event. However, in recent years in the US and UK, more and more people are throwing emancipation parties.

Gwyneth, Canada, 38: “I roasted my marriage certificate on fire”

I realized that my husband is ballast that is dragging my life down. He couldn't hold down any jobs and had too many bad habits. When we were separated, I lit a fire in the courtyard of the house to burn everything that reminded me of the marriage.

Later, having received my share from the sale of the house, I went on a camping trip around the UK. I wanted to spend every penny I got on the house so that nothing else would plague my life. I felt free. For 15 years I couldn’t decide on a serious relationship, but now I’m finally happily married.

Helen, UK, 52: “We filed for divorce together and celebrated freedom”

Our marriage was a mistake. But we were good friends before marriage and remained after. We celebrated receiving the divorce certificate at a Mexican restaurant. We ordered so many drinks and food that the waiter asked what holiday we were celebrating. When we said that we were celebrating a divorce, he exclaimed: “Why are there always crazy people sitting at my tables?” and left. It was funny, we had a good laugh.

Steve from London at his divorce party

Steve, London, 44: “I threw a 1980s party at home.”

My ex-wife cheated on me and I couldn't stay with her after I found out. Our marriage was dying long and painfully. We got married young, had children, and we didn’t notice how the love left. For about 10 years we were together out of habit.

At first it was painful, but when the shock of the betrayal wore off and the divorce was completed, I suddenly felt free. I realized that I still had everything ahead of me - I was only 35. I wanted to celebrate the beginning of a new life in something bright and unusual. In addition, I needed my friends and family to see that I was okay.

I decided to throw the best costume party of my life: in my house, according to my own rules, with the guests I chose to invite, and with the music I chose. It was my way of turning a sad event into a positive one. And it worked.

Anonymous, Scotland, 69 years old: “I treated all the employees to cake”

I left my husband because he was an alcoholic. I loved him, but I couldn’t see how he was deteriorating. His addiction had a negative impact on me and the children. I decided to go to work in another country and promised my mother-in-law that I would not file for divorce. Only six years later, my husband and I agreed to officially divorce.

Angela from London, 38: 'I threw a huge liberation party'

My ex-husband did not know what empathy was, and his narcissism knew no bounds. We sold our shared house and split the money in half. And I moved to an old house built in the 18th century. I hoped that its thick walls could provide me with the protection I needed then.

The move coincided with my birthday, and I threw a feast for the whole world. In the middle of the party I felt sick. For the next three days, my stomach hurt, but I physically felt liberated from the stress in which I had lived for the past year. Friends cleaned the house and took care of me while I came to my senses. Divorce is an ordeal that you go through alone, and it was very important for me to feel the love and support of friends.

To get divorced at such a time requires serious reasons and great courage. Try not to be nervous, because the baby feels everything. As King Solomon said, “everything passes, this too will pass.”

The fun started when I got out of the car. Me, in a new fur coat, in such a “cool” car, with a new image (I changed my haircut, hair color and makeup) and he, dirty, exhausted and not even shaved.

When I got out of the car, his first words were that I was insolent, I had to walk 10 minutes to the court, and they brought me by car, and he, poor, unfortunate, came from another locality on his own two feet.

For whom a wedding is a holiday, and for whom it is a divorce

The other day, our colleague got married (we take this opportunity to once again congratulate Tatyana and Nikolai!). The event had a wide resonance, but, as often happens in creative groups, it led to unexpected conclusions: we decided that it was worth writing about “anti-wedding” traditions - rituals that are not a sin to perform during a divorce.

In our country, celebrations of divorces often take place in the form of bachelor or hen parties.

You can make a holiday out of divorce

Psychologists advise celebrating divorce with a party. Strange trends these days: divorce is considered not a reason for tears, but an excellent excuse for a daring party. This is exactly what former spouses from Dnepropetrovsk Alexey and Angela Nadion did. After living together for only a year, the students decided to break up, but they do not feel any particular grief about this. And the registry office workers, who provided the official part of the divorce ceremony, still smile, remembering the cheerful couple.

As the ex-spouses themselves say, a divorce is essentially the same as a wedding, only in reverse.

How to celebrate a divorce from your husband

Do you remember how widely your wedding was celebrated? Hmmm. We had a lot of fun. But now there’s not enough reason for fun - you’re getting a divorce. We won't discourage you, but rest assured, divorce can also be fun to celebrate. Why not a holiday? If you agree, then this divorce scenario is for you.

You shouldn't celebrate in your shared apartment. Too many memories - and more and more poisoning life.

How to survive a divorce from your husband

How right King Solomon was when he said that everything will pass - both good and bad. The same fate will inevitably befall an extremely unpleasant event - divorce. The only problem is: how to survive a divorce from your husband right now, how today to survive the unbearable pain that arises in the heart at one fleeting glance at a wedding photograph, once solemnly placed on a shelf with such love? Is it possible to cope with this pain?

From the point of view of a psychologist, we can say with confidence - of course, it is possible! Look around - how many women took advantage of the second chance that fate gave them, were able to overcome their fear of a new relationship, get remarried, and are now raising wonderful children, and even grandchildren! Be sure to find a worthy companion, start over and remember that life does not end the day you divorce your husband!

Time can heal a heart wound; new acquaintances and impressions will relieve you of endless painful memories.

One application of how to celebrate a divorce from your husband is a fun reorganization of children's homes

New family Barack Obama spent almost his entire life without a father. T Then why not directly declare him not guilty, without calling it insanity. Recent court decisions of the highest authorities indicate that this is illegal and there is an opportunity to return what was spent.

It was on the galleys that these heretics had to atone for their guilt before the Lord. that's what they would say. Everything is done according to the law. This, of course, is a housing problem, which, the division of property during a divorce, how credit is divided in our society, has been and remains a pressing problem, and after the divorce, the problem of dividing the roof over one’s head intensifies several times.

Therefore, the principal debt has hardly decreased.

Holiday of separation

Autumn has arrived - the hottest time for weddings. However, this week a hit on the VKontakte social network was a photo shoot in which Novosibirsk resident Maria Savateeva was celebrating. your divorce. The ceremony included a ceremonial burning of the wedding dress and a ride in a limousine with girlfriends. As NI found out, Ms. Savateeva is not at all an eccentric exception - the tradition of celebrating divorce, fashionable in the West, is gaining popularity in Russia.

Celebrating divorce

Alas, long gone are the days when a family was created once and for life. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a divorce; by the age of 40, many of us have already experienced at least one. But, despite the fact that it has ceased to be a rarity, for most it is a terrible psychological blow, stress from which people recover for months, or even years. What can I do to get life back to normal as soon as possible? There are many options, and one of them is to remember that divorce is not only the end of the old familiar life, but also the beginning of a new one, and this is a reason to celebrate it!

the site has collected examples and recipes for funny scams

The other day, our colleague got married (we take this opportunity to once again congratulate Tatyana and Nikolai!). The event had a wide resonance, but, as often happens in creative groups, it led to unexpected conclusions: we decided that it was worth writing about “anti-wedding” traditions - rituals that are not a sin to perform during a divorce.

In Japan, for example, the business has been put on a commercial stream. After paying the list price of the equivalent of $600, the couple has the right to have their wedding rings flattened with a special wooden hammer. The whole trick is in it, in the hammer. It is made in the shape of a frog's head, which is called kaeru in Japanese. According to Japanese traditions, this symbol means change for the better. After the ritual "spoilage" of the rings, the couple can lay flowers at a large frog figure near the local Shinto shrine.

In Russia, there are a dime a dozen agencies that help organize divorce celebrations! We, however, do not have kaeru. But there are other traditions!

Cake based on a mannequin

Reverse wedding

“We usually organize a theatrical production. A reverse wedding,” said Alexander, creative director of the TAKNADO agency. “For example, a husband buys freedom from his wife. At the end, divorce diplomas, sometimes certificates, sometimes even medals are awarded. For the last two divorces, we invited actors , we organized a trial - with a judge, a prosecutor and a lawyer. There were cases when we arranged a comic division of property - we drew lots to see who would get what, and then we found out that in the real division it all turned out the same way as the guests! for the wedding."

The idea to celebrate divorces on a grand scale came when the company's most important creative was faced with a divorce. His colleagues decided to sweeten the pill and make the holiday not sad, but cheerful.

The director of the agency “Workshop of Miracles” also shares the opinion of a “reverse wedding.” She admitted, however, that so far her company has not received any orders for celebrating divorces.

“But if they got it, they would approach it with all their creativity. I think it would be interesting to do the holiday “in reverse”: first everyone would eat cake, then there would be dinner, and then everyone would go to the registry office to get a divorce. If warm and friendly relations are maintained, allowing us to separate on holiday, why not do that! But in general, we are for marriage!” she says.

Officialdom and registry offices

“In the registry offices, everything is very official, no holidays. Maybe then someone celebrates something, but they don’t celebrate such a holiday. This is not a wedding! Here, there is a court decision, and with the division of property, and People come asking how to separate their children - they have no time for celebrations,” said one of the capital’s registry offices.

Holiday for two

Svetlana recalls the day when she and her husband went to get a divorce, like this: “Coming out of the registry office after filing the divorce, we sat in the park, then decided to go to the cinema. Then we arrived home, my mother fed us a delicious lunch, and my now ex-husband He left for his own life, different from mine. Rare communication “after” does not bother us, we are happy with each other. In general, I felt a little guilty for what did not work out. It relieved my heart when I found out that he was getting married. mutual friends communicated normally. And at the alumni meeting they were close, like good friends.”

Slavic tradition

From time immemorial, Russia has had its own tradition. Our ancestors did not exterminate any frogs, but simply “announced” “dissolution”. It was a divorce without good reasons, when the spouses finally realized that they did not get along in character. In this case, however, the wife often found herself with nothing - in such cases it did not come to the division of property. But if the marriage fell apart due to the husband’s drunkenness or because of unproven accusations of infidelity, the wife could bargain for what she had acquired through back-breaking labor.

“In the Russian tradition, divorces were not noted or celebrated. And yet, if you sit well with books, you can get creative for the holiday. The main thing is the desire to celebrate something,” the expert believes

A guide to a “fun” divorce was written by an Englishwoman Emmy Poon, titling his book “The Little Pig Gets a Divorce.” In it, she tells her story and urges readers not to worry about such a sad, at first glance, event.

She decided to write a book when she told her friends the news about her upcoming separation. They looked dejectedly at the floor and expressed condolences. This reaction made Poon think: “ What do they all regret? After all, everyone remained alive and well!”

And in response to universal grief, she organized a real banquet for 60 people with a dress code and gifts.

How to celebrate

Former spouses order special anti-engagement rings - they have already been dubbed “betrothal rings” (by analogy with engagement rings) - and put them on each other’s middle fingers.

Many ex-wives want to look chic on the day of their divorce, so they buy amazingly beautiful dresses, which often, according to eyewitnesses, look more luxurious than their wedding dresses. Guests come to the celebration with gifts (this time with separate ones for each spouse) and cards “Happy divorce!”

Rings are a completely different story. Some people order small coffins so that bury your wedding rings in them. Others order special anti-engagement rings - they have already been dubbed “betrothal” rings (by analogy with engagement rings) - and put them on each other’s middle fingers. All this is done in order to then demonstrate the new decoration with special gusto, resorting to the well-known international gesture. More thrifty people do not spend money on new jewelry and melt down their wedding rings for “spats.”

The wedding and divorce boom continues.

My beloved Musechka officially became a free woman yesterday!

“- The registry office told me that if I’m late, they won’t divorce me. I was jumping at the registry office porch half an hour before the appointed time - I was so afraid of being late!”

We were driving with L. from the airfield, turned on the speakerphone, congratulated her and sent mmsky our smiles)) She shouted to us that she loved us very much and wanted to come to us))

Well, I thought about whether it is necessary to save a dead relationship? I was talking with one of my friends, whose wedding is scheduled for next weekend. She is very saddened by the news of Musechka's divorce.

" Me: - What are these terrible emoticons?)) you should be happy))
Sh: - To what? family broke up

Me: - two people who were unhappy together found freedom and a chance to find their happiness, just with others. and everything is official, without dirt and betrayal.
Sh: - This is sad(
Me: - It would be sad if they continued to live together, each in their own shell, hating each other and not having a chance to become truly loved
Sh: - No, in a shell is also not an option. I had to try to fix everything. and they gave up

Me: - How can you correct the fact that a person has died?
Sh: - But they are alive!

Me: - the relationship is dead. All. they are no more. these people became strangers to each other. not even friends. strangers.
Sh: - This is wrong ((you can’t do this. They are wrong. Why was the wedding needed then?
Me: - Answer this question for yourself))
Sh: - Such news bothers me before the wedding. Even though I understand that I shouldn’t have it all end like this, it still unsettles me ((((
Me: - Sorry. of course, everything will be different for you))) at least, I want to believe this
Sh: - that’s it: to believe
Me: - And strive! if a person is sick, give him potions and do not bring him to clinical death))
Sh: - What’s the point? if he dies, it will only be a pity for the efforts spent
Me: - If all doctors took on cancer patients with such an attitude, the mortality rate would be higher))"
Sh: - What if we didn’t take it at all? How is this married couple? if they decided: “a person will die anyway, why bother?” like, since you’re sick, you have to wash your hands of it... Well, if she’s happy now... that means... that means it’s such a strange happy ending..”

Nah... The mother of my other friend categorically refused to accept that her daughter was getting a divorce. "You're going to become a divorcee now!!! Are you crazy?!" Either I don’t understand something in this world, or...

Divorce is like a holiday

They got married - they shed tears, they got divorced - they had fun. Psychologists advise celebrating divorce with a party.
Perhaps the fashion for "cheat" parties came to us from Western Sahara, where a woman throws a party for this occasion, inviting her friends and potential suitors for her hand and heart. Guests present the “divorcee” with incense and money.

But the first among “civilized” peoples to celebrate their divorces were American women. They thus celebrate their new status - a free and independent woman. The indispensable attributes of such a holiday are dishes with “decorative” pictures, tea that helps to forget the ex-spouse, a collection of music appropriate for the moment and a set of Voodoo love magic - a cute fabric doll and a long pin. You can poke a pin into all the convenient and inconvenient places of the doll and at least in this way take revenge on your hated ex-other half. It is also practiced to ceremoniously lower wedding rings in the toilet and shoot at a target with a photograph of “that bastard.”

U French The divorce is celebrated in an expensive restaurant or a fashionable disco. Sushi, champagne and a giant cake included. The cultural program is provided by strippers, fakirs and fortune tellers.

IN Argentina Couples after a divorce usually dance a passionate tango.

IN Great Britain In addition to parties, people also order an intensive rehabilitation course in order to regain faith in their strength and start a new life. And the highlight of parties are special cakes. Pastry chef Fay Miller was the first to prepare them for the divorced couple - this is how she decided to cheer herself up after breaking up with her husband. As Miller herself says, the main thing in these cakes is the imagination and sense of humor of the customers. But in any case, sugar figures of the now ex-husband and wife must be placed on the cake. And the cake itself represents some kind of scene from family life, which became an excuse or reason for divorce, but, of course, with a humorous twist. There is a place here for packed suitcases, and even for guns and knives, which are thrown after the departing half. A popular image is of a woman clinging with all her might to a man, who at that moment pushes her away with his foot. The cake is called "Finally Free". If the customer is an ex-wife, then the woman stands on top of a three-tier cake and pushes her ex-husband off it. Most often, clients order the following inscriptions: “I am free,” “I got my life back,” and “I got rid of the old man.” Baked goods are also often decorated with broken wedding bells and fallen wedding rings. The cost of "divorce" cakes is from 100 to 1300 dollars.

Divorcing Germans They also love baking, only they order not cakes, but pies with special portraits of their ex-spouse.

IN Warsaw divorce parties are held with music, dancing, striptease and toasts to a new life. Orders from companies organizing such celebrations are a quarter ahead. As a rule, such an event is organized by young people who have lived together for a year or two and have not gotten married in a church. Moreover, the majority of customers are women over 30 years old with children.

The ritual is like this. A cake is a must, just cut it separately. A chocolate figurine of a husband or wife is attached to the top of the cake, which must be cut off with a special “machete”. Then you need to break the “handcuffs”, testifying that freedom has come. After which the hostess of the evening burns the photos of the “ex-husband,” the marriage certificate and other souvenirs that were left after the “happy life.” Men's parties are reminiscent of a bachelor party: girls, striptease, lots of booze - go out, people, I'm finally my own boss!

By the way, in Poland There are also “divorce” restaurants where ex-spouses can visit. They kindly offer “soup for mother-in-law (mother-in-law) from mushrooms of unknown origin” (porcini mushroom soup), “lover’s breast” (brisket), “diluted” vodka with a label with the image of the ex-wife.

China t Auger keeps up with the times. On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2006, the "Club for Divorcedes" was officially opened in Shanghai. The goal is to help divorced people celebrate the end of their marriage. The club already has more than 100 members. They are provided with consultations, including lawyers, and organize social events called get-togethers. In addition, divorced people celebrate the final break of marriage at the club.

What do you think about this? Is it necessary to resurrect the dead, making Frankinsteins, or is it better to let them go?...

the site has collected examples and recipes for funny scams

For some, a wedding is a holiday, and for others, a divorce. PHOTO

Yulia Sudakova

The other day, our colleague got married (we take this opportunity to once again congratulate Tatyana and Nikolai!). The event had a wide resonance, but, as often happens in creative groups, it led to unexpected conclusions: we decided that it was worth writing about “anti-wedding” traditions - rituals that are not a sin to perform during a divorce.

In Japan, for example, the business has been put on a commercial stream. After paying the list price of the equivalent of $600, the couple has the right to have their wedding rings flattened with a special wooden hammer. The whole trick is in it, in the hammer. It is made in the shape of a frog's head, which is called kaeru in Japanese. According to Japanese traditions, this symbol means change for the better. After the ritual "spoilage" of the rings, the couple can lay flowers at a large frog figure near the local Shinto shrine.

In Russia, there are a dime a dozen agencies that help organize divorce celebrations! We, however, do not have kaeru. But there are other traditions!

Cake based on a mannequin

How to dress for a festive evening? Where to hold the gala event? What to serve? What gifts should you give your guests? All these questions turn into a real puzzle if this holiday is a divorce party.

Statistics and trend

Statistics say: ten years ago, every third couple was divorced, and now every second couple is divorced. It seems the whole world is experiencing a divorce boom. Celebrities are breaking almost Olympic records for getting married and getting out of it. A kind of shuttle run. Ex-spouses of billionaires are measured by fabulous amounts of “compensation”. On every morning TV program, psychologists talk about the miraculous benefits of divorce.

A modern young woman does not perceive divorce as a personal tragedy, does not cry like a beluga, does not tear her hair out of despair and awareness of the completeness of existence. She actively studies the family code, knows her legal rights, and in her notebook she always has the phone number of an intelligent lawyer specializing in the division of property. Well, are you divorced? Just think! This event does not in any way prevent you from going on dates again, achieving career heights and enjoying life.

But no one has yet invented a way to get a divorce easily and quickly. For example, limit the divorce process to a telegram “Our marriage was a mistake. Goodbye". Or ask your husband to leave wearing only gold on his naked body, sending him an SMS “Divorce! Divorce! Divorce!". Mobile and concise - to match modern realities. Instead of enjoying the opening horizons of freedom, we have to make sure of the presence or absence of jointly acquired cars, apartments, and children. Pay the state fee to the registry office and the costs of legal support. Stand in line for hours at the passport office to get your maiden name back. And many other things that cannot be avoided during an official separation.

Once the formalities are behind us, all that remains is to celebrate the divorce. With grandeur, music, fireworks and vintage wine, or in absolute silence, at home, left alone with your ex-husband.

7 ideas on how to celebrate a divorce

1. Walpurgis Night

Before the wedding, did all your friends gather for a bachelorette party? Why not go to the club with the same group and dance until the morning! And before dawn, you can arrange a ceremony of burning the attributes of an exemplary wife - curlers, frying pan and robe.

2. Anti-wedding
This is the most common option for holding a celebration in honor of a divorce. Champagne at the door of the registry office, broken glasses for good luck, symbolic slaps in the face instead of a kiss and a photo shoot in the most beautiful places of the city in a new status. Instead of doves, black crows fly into the sky, and rings are placed in a coffin for wedding rings. In essence, this is a case that can be ordered online. And bury it with the rings.

3. Appeal to the people
Record on video an image of the dial and your address to your ex-husband - in the style of the President’s New Year’s greetings. List all the things you liked so much about your marriage, your common achievements. And don’t forget about the traditional wish of good luck in your new life. Invite your ex-spouse to a farewell dinner and at the end of the evening give him a flash drive with the recording, asking him to watch the video at midnight.

4. Leisya song
Celebrating a divorce together is logical, but a little boring. It’s better to gather all your former “legal relatives” and go to karaoke in a huge crowd! Choose for performance those songs whose lyrics contain farewell words. “There was love, there was – but it all went away” - for the ex-husband. “Farewell, trains leave from all stations to distant lands” - for the former mother-in-law. “Oh, how I live today” - for the guests of the evening.

5. Family ties
Outdoor games and competitions are perfect for sports-minded people. The host of the celebration entangles the newly divorced couple with a rope or ribbon. At his command, you need to unravel without untying or tearing the ropes. The stumbling block in the broken marriage were the ex-husband’s gatherings with friends every Friday? Let them show their skills in the competition “Who can drink three glasses of beer the fastest.” The ex-husband constantly expressed dissatisfaction about the hour-long delays in front of the mirror? Choose the bravest of your friends and have a good laugh in the “Blindly Make Up” competition.

6. Family mystery
For a party in a country house, the currently fashionable form of entertainment - a quest - is ideal. This is a symbiosis of orienteering and puzzles. You need to hide from the participants in the game what you really want to find - for example, passports with a divorce stamp. You can find the desired prize using the map, hints, tips and signs.

7. Taste of independence
The mascot of the holiday in Russia is a table bursting with an assortment of fancy and high-calorie dishes in which you can fall asleep sweetly at the end of the evening. After an exhausting divorce, products containing natural antioxidants, as well as tryptophan, anadamide and omega-3 acids, will help restore strength. They calm you down, lift your spirits, and increase the level of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. They contain milk, cocoa, mackerel, broccoli, liver and blueberries. You can focus on the original names of your masterpieces - “The Beginning of a New Life”, “Extravaganza of Loneliness”, “Euphoria of Freedom”, and not just on the combination of jellied fish and chocolate sauce.

And the curtain falls

OK it's all over Now! The divorce party is over. In his right hand is a glass of champagne. And in his left hand is a certificate of divorce. Neither give nor take - the Statue of Liberty in Manhattan.

Finally, you can enjoy melodramas while your married friends are forced to watch the World Cup. Stop spending money from the family budget on his car insurance, his snowboard and bells and whistles for his computer. Change your status on social networks and delete all your ex-spouse’s friends. Authorize a nice colleague and at the same time create a profile on a dating site. Clear the refrigerator of processed meats and replace them with fruits and yoghurts. Throw away the fishing rods, pliers and pornography discs and single-handedly choose the color of the new curtains and rug in the bathroom. Discover and drain the ex-husband's makeshift bar in the sideboard. Give a master class “Divorce is the path to success” to those same unfree friends who already have Malkin and Arshavin in their eyes.

“One in four divorced men experiences post-divorce depression. And he returns to his “old” wife,” the statistics publishes new data.

Maybe you shouldn't have buried your wedding rings so deeply?

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