In Belarus, when do people retire? The retirement age may be raised again in Belarus

Retirement age is the number of years lived, after which a citizen acquires the right to a pension and well-deserved rest. Until 2016, women in Belarus became pensioners at 55 years old, men at 60 years old - these indicators were approved back in Soviet times and were among the lowest in the world.

Due to an increase in life expectancy and an increase in the number of pensioners relative to the working population, the financial burden on the Pension Fund of the Republic of Belarus has increased significantly. This led to the need to raise the retirement age, which was reflected in the presidential decree “On improving pension provision” dated April 11, 2016.

Retirement table

Current table of retirement age in Belarus:

Date of Birth Retirement age (years) Retirement period
men women men women
01.01-30.06.1957 01.01-30.06.1962 60,5 55,5 01.07-31.12.2017
01.07-31.12.1957 01.07-31.12.1962 61 56 01.07-31.12.2018
01.01-30.06.1958 01.01-30.06.1963 61,5 56,5 01.07-31.12.2019
01.07-31.12.1958 01.07-31.12.1963 62 57 01.07-31.12.2020
01.01-30.06.1959 01.01-30.06.1964 62,5 57,5 01.07-31.12.2021
01.07-31.12.1959 and younger 01.07-31.12.1964 and younger 63 58 01.07-31.12.2022

According to the innovations, the retirement age for Belarusian citizens from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2022 is increased by 6 months annually.

In 2018, pensioners are men with dates of birth from July 1 to December 31, 1957, and women from July 1 to December 31, 1962. Accordingly, their ages are 61 and 56 years.

At the end of the reform, the retirement age for the female population will be 58 years, for the male population – 63 years. A further increase is not currently envisaged, but this possibility is currently being analyzed by specialists from interested departments (especially in relation to women).

Every year, the reform will affect the interests of approximately 100,000 people, of which every 50,000 thousand will wait an additional six months for a pension, and the remaining 50,000 - a year.

Who will not receive a labor pension?

It should be remembered that we are talking specifically about a labor pension, to which not everyone has the right. To do this, it is necessary not only to reach retirement age, but also to develop a minimum insurance period, the duration of which is established by current legislation. Insurance experience refers to the time interval during which deductions were made from a citizen’s salary to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Belarus (or periods of activity equivalent to it in accordance with current legislation).

Until 2013 inclusive, this indicator was 5 years. On January 1, 2014, it was increased to 10 years, and a year later – to 15 years. Now this level is increasing annually by 6 months - this will happen until the minimum insurance period required to receive a labor pension is 20 years.

Citizens who have not completed the minimum insurance period will receive only an old-age social pension. It is paid to men after 65 years of age, to women after 60 years of age, and is equal to 50% of the subsistence minimum (in 2018 it is 103 rubles).

What about in other countries?

In most European countries, Japan and the USA, the retirement period varies between 60-65 years, and it is the same for the female and male population.

In Russia today, men and women aged 60 and 55, respectively, become pensioners. However, government documents have already been adopted providing for raising the retirement age during 2019-2028 to 65 and 60 years, respectively.

In Poland, the indicator was lowered from October 1, 2017: instead of 67 years for citizens of both sexes, it is 60 years for women and 65 for men.

Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are currently undergoing pension reform, which will be completed by 2026 (a year earlier in Latvia). At its end, the retirement age for men and women will be 65 years.

In all countries where reform is taking place, the main reasons for its implementation are said to be an increase in the number of aging populations relative to the number of working-age citizens. In the countries of the former USSR, this is mainly due to the consequences of the demographic crisis of the 1990s, which led to a decrease in the birth rate.

Borisov resident Larisa Pelepenok has been working as a teacher at a local educational and health center for more than 30 years. Now she is 55 years old, she is subject to pension reform. Because of this, retirement was postponed until November of this year. Larisa is skeptical about a possible new increase in the retirement age for women, although this will no longer affect her.

“We continue to work in retirement not because of a good life. This is due solely to financial considerations, because our salaries, both for collective farmers and for teachers, leave much to be desired,”- says Larisa.

FINANCE.TUT.BY talked with experts about how possible and justified the next increase is, and found out from women of retirement and pre-retirement age what they think about a possible innovation.

“If health and active character allow, you can work”

- I am an active person and I can’t imagine myself as a pensioner. It is important for me to be in demand in society and needed by people,- says the Minsk resident Tatiana Krupskaya. She worked for a long time as a nurse at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Oncology and Hematology and could retire on a preferential pension at the age of 49 due to harmful working conditions. However, the woman decided that it was too early to go on vacation, so she was waiting for the “normal” retirement age.

Now Tatyana works in a different place, but still in the healthcare structure - her current position is related to rehabilitation.

- I’m also a coach at a nursing school, so my whole life is dedicated to people’s health,- says the woman.

She does not guess how long she will have to work, she says “as health allows.” But he admits: if the body does not let us down, then he will remain in the profession for a long time.

According to Tatyana, the acceptable age for retirement is 60 years for women and 65 for men.

On the one hand, increasing the retirement age is bad because we are deprived of an additional source of income. But if your health and active character allow, you can work, the woman believes.

Among her friends there are also many who support raising the retirement age.

Probably, all people are surrounded by like-minded people, so among my friends there are enough such people. But I don’t have a clear opinion about how to equalize ages; here you need to approach it individually.

“The pension is about three hundred rubles, you can only live on this money.”

I will work as long as they keep me! But I think that when I turn 70, I will be asked to leave, because there are a lot of young pensioners now,” says the 69-year-old Lyudmila Nazarova, cashier at the Museum of Nature and Ecology in Minsk. When the time came to retire, she was laid off from her previous job: the woman worked as a secretary at a bearing factory, which was “going through hard times.” A new vacancy was found quickly, and for 12 years now it has been allowing visitors to exhibitions. Lyudmila admits: the work is not hard, and this is one of the main factors why she still works.

- Of course, the financial issue also plays a role. My pension is about three hundred rubles, I can only live on this money,- the woman explains.

The salary, according to Tatyana, is less than the pension: “an advance of 120 rubles and a salary of 170 rubles.” But there is enough money, even left for entertainment - the woman regularly goes to the theater, buys tickets for good seats. It’s also possible to postpone.

- Every year I relax at the seaside. Previously it was Crimea, now it is Odessa region. I traveled as a savage when I was young, now I’m buying a ticket for ten days, I want to have a stationary vacation. I start saving as soon as my vacation ends. I get by with 400 dollars - including travel, travel, and meals.

Despite the fact that the woman has been working for a long time after retirement, she has a negative attitude towards raising the retirement age.

- I don’t think that a woman should retire at 60 or 63,- explains Tatyana. He explains his opinion by the fact that not everyone has an easy job.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Alexandra Kvitkevich, TUT.BY

“We all continue to work, but not from a good life”

Raising the retirement age means dooming those people who will be forced to work beyond their strength to suffering. I understand that we all continue to work, but not because of a good life. This is due solely to financial considerations, because our salaries, both for collective farmers and for teachers, leave much to be desired. This is an opportunity to slightly raise your financial level and ensure a more or less dignified old age,” he shares his opinion Larisa Pelepenok. She has been working as a teacher at the Borisov Educational and Health Center for 34 years. The woman is 55 years old and should have retired a year ago. However, given the increase in the retirement age, the vacation was postponed until next November.

- At first I was very upset about this. I didn’t plan to retire right away, I still wanted to work for a year or two so that the pension would increase my income. Because during your working life it is not possible to create any kind of financial safety net. But they gave me an interesting argument: “the state considered you young enough.” Well, I agreed with this.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Larisa opposes raising the retirement age and believes that “ If a person can work, then he will definitely do it.”.

- Such a person will not just go away to rest, for him this is nonsense. And how to decide economically so that the state does not suffer... Well, I think that there are bright heads in the government.

“My pension is 200 rubles”

- I wouldn’t work if my pension was 350 rubles. But I’m already going to quit, because it’s very hard to work. Although I am not the most “earned” woman - I walked so much, followed my husband all over the world. However, everyone around me has a very bad attitude towards raising the retirement age,- says Olga Verenik from Lyuban.

Olga is already 64 years old, she has been receiving a pension for nine years, but continues to work as a research assistant in the museum of traditional crafts and crafts, and more specifically, in a weaving workshop.

- Towel bedspreads come to our funds - they are already so old, faded. I restore the most interesting items - I select the colors of the threads and bring them to their original form,- Olga explains the essence of her work.

By profession she is a tailor-cutter; in her youth she worked in the Minsk Elegant atelier. Afterwards, she married a military man and spent a lot of time traveling.

- Wherever I worked at that time: in a military unit, in a hotel on duty, even in a firehouse. At one time, she even got a job as a nurse in a mental hospital - she cut and sewed things for patients. But after two weeks I left, I couldn’t. I found work everywhere, but it didn’t suit my work experience. Therefore, my pension is 200 rubles. But my husband is in the military, so the pension is not bad, 600 rubles.

The woman’s salary is now about 350 rubles, this includes bonuses and supplements.

- Of course, I would like to save a little, for a monument, for example. (Laughs.) But I don’t need money for entertainment, I don’t like seas and oceans. I’d rather meet with friends, sit and play something - that’s my kind of relaxation.

At what age do people retire in different countries?

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At what age do men retire?

At what age do women retire?

Data for cards taken from

Experts who are in favor of an increase: “To avoid a deficit in the Social Security Fund, it is necessary to raise the retirement age to 65 years”

- Demographically, we have such a situation that the number of able-bodied people is falling, and the number of people of retirement age is growing. According to calculations, the only way to achieve a controlled deficit in the Social Security Fund and spend less than one percent of GDP on it is to raise the retirement age to 65 years for men and women by 2035,- says Katerina Bornukova.

First of all, according to the expert, raising the retirement age will affect women.

- Women live on average 10 years longer than men, but retire five years earlier. The reason for the decision to retire early is not clear at all. Former Minister of Labor and Social Protection Marianna Shchetkina said that this is a reward for having children. But this was true half a century ago, when they gave birth to three or four children. Now, when women give birth to one or two and at the same time receive maternity leave for three years, it is not clear why they should retire even earlier.

According to the expert, equalizing retirement ages is one of the steps to reduce discrimination in the labor market. Due to maternity leave and early retirement, women a priori have less work experience. This results in employers investing less in them and being more willing to develop male workers.

Also, one of the arguments in favor of raising the retirement age is statistics on the number of working pensioners. “For the first five years after retirement, the percentage of women who continue to work is greater than the same percentage of men.” But the expert makes this argument with a caveat - additional research is needed to assess the woman’s health status.

- We need to see whether people can really continue to work, especially where physical labor is required,- emphasizes Katerina Bornukova.

The head of the department of human development and demography of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus shares the same opinion as Katerina Bornukova, that it is necessary to raise the retirement age for both women and men. Anastasia Bobrova.

- Retiring at 65 is reasonable. We need to keep in mind that we will reach this age sooner or later. If we keep everything as is, there may be a shortage of funds to pay pensions,- says Anastasia Bobrova .

The expert also believes that it is necessary to consider the issue of equalizing the retirement age for men and women. One of the reasons is higher life expectancy.

In addition, there is a psychological aspect, I see this even in my own mother. Some women do not perceive the status of “pensioner” very positively and even hide payments because they are classified as an elderly part of the population. It seems to me that our women have become more active, and if we are talking about issues of gender equality, then we need to be honest with ourselves and be on an equal footing with men. Therefore, I am absolutely in favor of equalizing and raising the age. Maybe we shouldn’t move men any further and stop at 63, but we need to move women up to 60 or even 63.

Anastasia Bobrova believes that “pensioners will not take away jobs from the younger part of the population.”

- On the contrary, we are talking about sharing experience. Here we need to take into account the type of activity this person works in. Scientific, educational, medicine - it seems to me that there are a number of areas where it is simply impossible to throw out pensioners, based on the fact that they have enormous experience. 60−65 years old is still an active person who can perform operations and teach young people.

Also, one of the acceptable options is the transition to a multi-level pension system.

- Part of the responsibility for one’s pension should lie with the citizen, and part with the state. And then there will be no fuss about whether a person has retired or not. If he remains working and does not receive an additional pension, like we do, this is not a disaster for his standard of living - he understands that he works because he contributes to the economy, and not because his pension is not enough.

An expert who is against the increase: “We need a transition from a distribution system to a savings system”

Svetlana Matskevich, photo: TUT.BY Expert in the field of education and social policy Svetlana Matskevich believes that problems in the pension system need to be solved comprehensively, and not just at the expense of the population - raising the retirement age.

- The argumentation that comes from supporters of raising the retirement age is baseless and “natural.” It is based on demographic indicators indicating that the population is aging, there is not enough working population, so supposedly the retirement age needs to be raised. This is inhumane and absolutely illogical from the point of view of the modern approach to respecting human rights,- says Svetlana Matskevich.

The expert also rejects the argument with early retirement statistics.

- When they say that people retire and continue to work, we need to understand the social reasons, and not just count the number of people. They do this because the level of wealth and quality of life they receive in retirement is very low.

Drawing attention to the argument about the deficit of the Social Security Fund, Svetlana Matskevich explains that this is not a problem of the population, but a matter of the lack of preliminary reforms, in particular the transition from a distribution system to a funded system.

- The state failed to provide a certain safety cushion in the pension fund, in particular through the creation of a system of private pension funds. They would allow people to accumulate money in advance for retirement and provide for their old age without government help. We must now discuss not the demographic factor, but the artificial one - “what has been done in advance so that the transition to retirement is ensured appropriately.”

Throughout the world, the labor market and demographic proportions are regulated through the transition to an innovative economy and the introduction of technology in enterprises; raising the retirement age is an outdated method, says Svetlana Matskevich.

- These problems can only be solved in a comprehensive manner, and not in a way that “let’s solve economic problems at the expense of the population, without providing for corresponding transformations in the field of healthcare, social services, and so on.”

The pension system of Belarus has a unified state structure, on the basis of which the rules for assigning pension payments are established. But at what age, in accordance with government regulations, can residents of Belarus receive pension contributions? And are there any plans to raise the retirement age? We will deal with these questions in this material.

Age of pensioners in Belarus

Since 2017, for the first time in Belarus, the age of pensioners has been raised by three years. That is, men will be able to make pension contributions at age 63 years old, and women - at 58 years old.

However, this increase will occur gradually until 07/01/2022. From January 1, 2017, the age of pensioners will increase by six months every year.

The main reason for this increase is the increase in the number of pensioners (by the end of 2016 - 2.5 million people). As a result of the changes made, authorities will be able to reduce budget expenditures by 20% at least until 2023.

Age table for pensioners in Belarus

In order for citizens of Belarus to more easily navigate the new bill on changing the retirement age, we offer citizens of retirement age the following table:

Date of birth of the potential pensioner

Pension payment period

Deadline for receiving pension

55 years 6 months

60 years 6 months

Until 30.06. 1958

56 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

Until 30.06. 1964

57 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

From 07/01/1964 and younger

From 01.07. 1959 and younger

In accordance with the table above, the increase in the age of pensioners will end in July 2022, when the age of women reaches 58 years, and for men - 63 years.

Will there be a promotion?

In April 2016, the President of Belarus signed a Decree, on the basis of which the age of pensioners will increase every year, starting from 2017 to 2022, by 6 months. These changes will primarily affect women born between 1962 and 1964 and men born between 1957 and 1959.

In addition, based on another Decree, the length of service will increase in proportion to age, that is, by 6 months. Currently, to receive pension payments, it was enough to have 15 years of experience, and by 2025 it will increase to 20 years.

The main goal of this bill is to solve the problems of the demographic situation in the country, where there is currently a rapid increase in citizens of retirement age.

In 2017–2019, the number of new pensioners is 1.5% times greater than the working population of the country.


Below we highlight a list of bills on the basis of which the pension system of Belarus is formed, including the retirement age:

  • Presidential Decree No. 137 of April 11, 2016;
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 728 of September 15, 2016;
  • Law No. 1596 – XII of April 17, 1992;
  • Law No. 204-Z dated June 14, 2003;
  • Presidential Decree No. 705 of November 30, 2006;
  • Law 14-Z of 01/09/2017;
  • Presidential Decree No. 570 dated December 8, 2014.

To continue the topic, we suggest watching the video.

The authorities of Belarus, along with Russia, are beginning in 2017 to gradually raise the age of pensioners to reduce budget expenditures. However, the majority of Belarusian citizens are against the new reform, but no one took into account the opinions of citizens before introducing the new bill. Therefore, pensioners have to come to terms with the innovations that are described in this material.

Our pension legislation has changed, and in accordance with it, pensions will be revised once during the year. When - this will be clarified in more detail during the year,” the deputy explained, answering the question how many times pensions will be increased in 2018. /To be added/. -0- Tags: Minsk 0 Link to source 1131 To the blog Loading... Main news today

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Retirement table by year in Belarus from 2018

In global practice, the average retirement age ranges from 60-65 years; retirement in Belarus currently occurs at 55 years for women and 60 for men. Due to the fact that in our country this figure is lower than the world average and most often does not correspond to the real loss of ability to work, and also due to the annually increasing number of pensioners, a decree was signed on a gradual increase in the retirement age.

Thus, on January 1 of each year, starting in 2017 and ending in 2022, the minimum retirement age will increase by six months. Thus, from the beginning of 2022 it will be established at 58 and 63 years; Further changes to pension legislation are not yet envisaged.
To explain in detail and calculate the retirement of each individual, a table of retirement by year has been compiled based on the date of birth.

Retirement table

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  • Retirement table
  • In Belarus, from November 1, pensions will increase by an average of 5%
  • How to correctly determine your retirement age. table
  • New retirement table in Belarus

Retirement table This reform will directly affect approximately 100 thousand people annually, 50 thousand of whom will wait an additional six months for pensions, and the remaining one year. It is worth noting separately that the age for retirement will be determined not only by the year of birth, but also by the date of application to the relevant authority for registration of a pension.

In 2018, Belarus plans to increase pensions once

  • Colonel Generals - at 60.

Also read: will there be an increase in military pensions in Belarus in 2016? Security forces who have reached the maximum service age can be left to serve (if they are in good health and necessary) for a period of five years, then it can be extended for the same amount - such a decision will be made by:

  1. For ranks up to lieutenant colonel (inclusive) - the immediate heads of departments.
  2. For colonels and senior ranks - Lukashenko personally.

For civil servants In 2017, civil servants in the Republic of Belarus can leave their post and receive a preferential pension:

  • at 50 years old - women;
  • at 55 - men.

Until they reach the generally established retirement age for all ordinary citizens (55 and 60 years, respectively), they will be able to receive only half of the assigned payments. When you retire.

In Belarus, pensions are planned to be increased once in 2018

The main reason for this increase is the increase in the number of pensioners (by the end of 2016 - 2.5 million people). As a result of the changes made, authorities will be able to reduce budget expenditures by 20% at least until 2023.
Table of the age of pensioners in Belarus In order for citizens of Belarus to more easily navigate the new bill on changing the retirement age, we offer citizens of retirement age the following table: Date of birth of a potential pensioner Period of registration of pension payments Pension period Women Men Woman Man Until 06/30/1962 Until 06/30/1957 55 years 6 months 60 years 6 months From 07/01/2017 From 07/01/1962 From 07/01/1957 56 years 61 years From 07/01. 2018 Until 06/30/1963 Until 06/30. 1958 56 years 6 months 61 years 6 months From 07/01/2019 From 07/01/1963 From 07/01/1958 57 years 62 years From 07/01/2020 To 06/30.

Retirement age for residents of Belarus

In this case, the retirement age will depend not only on the date of birth, but also on the date of application for a pension and on the availability of the required insurance period. For example, if a woman born in the second half of 1962 (for example, in December) applies for a pension not during the period when the right to a pension arises (that is, in December 2018), but later, say, in February 2019, then she can be granted the right to a pension no earlier than reaching the retirement age established for women in 2019 (56 years 6 months).

This means no earlier than June 2019. In 2018, to grant a pension, an insurance period of 16 years 6 months is required, in 2019 – 17 years. The retirement age and other requirements for assigning an old-age pension are presented in the table (click on it to enlarge the table).

Retirement age in the Republic of Belarus in 2018

In 2017 With the onset of 2017, the retirement age in Belarus will begin to gradually increase. This process will take place in half-year increments.

Thus, this stage of the reform will end in 2022, when the following will go on vacation:

  • women - 58;
  • men - at 63 years of age.

This stage of reform will affect men born in 1957-1959 and women born 1962-1964. Depending on the date of birth, the time for taking a well-deserved rest will be calculated.

Women born in the first half of 1962 will retire in the second half of 2017 at the age of 55.5 years, and those born after June 1 - only at 60 years old, after the second half of 2018. Men born in 1957 receive the right to go on vacation no earlier than the 2nd half of 2017, upon reaching 60.5 years of age.

The retirement age will be raised in Belarus from January 1

Based on the graph of changes in the total number of pensioners, one can make a forecast about the upcoming costs of paying pensions: by 2020 they would have increased by 7 percent compared to 2015, and by 2030 by 20. However, the decision to gradually increase pensions and draw up a new exit table pensions from 2017 will make it possible to reduce budget expenditures on these items and, at least until 2023, maintain them at the current level. The retirement age will be increased in Belarus from January 1. The main reason for this increase is the increase in the number of pensioners (by the end of 2016 - 2.5 million people).

As a result of the changes made, authorities will be able to reduce budget expenditures by 20% at least until 2023.


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  • On April 11, 2016, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed a decree “On improving pension provision”, on the basis of which the minimum age required to obtain a labor pension will be increased by three years and by 2023 will reach 58 and 63 years for representatives of the weak and strong genders, respectively.

    Retirement age- this is the number of years determined by law, after which a citizen receives the right to a well-deserved rest and accrual of an old-age pension. Throughout their working lives, employees and their employers make contributions to the fund in the amount of 1 and 28 percent, respectively, thereby providing funds to pay benefits to the disabled population.

    In global practice, the average ranges between 60-65 years; retirement in Belarus currently occurs at 55 years for women and 60 for men. Due to the fact that in our country this figure is lower than the world average and most often does not correspond to the real loss of ability to work, and also due to the annually increasing number of pensioners, a decree was signed on a gradual increase in the retirement age. Thus, on January 1 of each year, starting in 2017 and ending in 2022, the minimum retirement age will increase by six months. Thus, from the beginning of 2022 it will be established at 58 and 63 years; Further changes to pension legislation are not yet envisaged.

    To explain in detail and calculate the retirement of each individual, a table of retirement by year has been compiled based on the date of birth. This reform will directly affect approximately 100 thousand people annually, 50 thousand of whom will wait an additional six months for pensions, and the remaining one year.

    Retirement table from 2017

    Date of Birth

    Retirement age, years

    Retirement period



















    It is worth noting separately that the age for retirement will be determined not only by the year of birth, but also by the date of application to the relevant authority for registration of a pension. So, if a man who was born in October 1957 and has the right to take a well-deserved leave in October 2018 upon reaching 61 years of age, expresses a desire to apply for a pension benefit later, for example, in March 2019, then he will be able to do this only after reaching age 61 years and 6 months, namely in April 2019, since on January 1, 2019 the retirement age will be increased by six months.

    Currently, there are 2,354,000 pensioners in the Republic of Belarus, and in 2015 their number increased by almost forty thousand. This trend forces the state to annually seek additional resources to maintain the pension fund. Based on the graph of changes in the total number of pensioners, it is possible to make a forecast about the upcoming costs of paying pensions: by 2020 they would have increased by 7 percent compared to 2015, and by 2030 by 20. However, the decision to gradually increase pensions and draw up a new exit table pensions from 2017 will make it possible to reduce budget expenditures on these items and, at least until 2023, maintain them at the current level.

    Thus, the application of the retirement table in Belarus will be completed after 07/01/2022, namely, from July 1, 2022 in the Republic of Belarus, women and men, with the exception of preferential categories, will retire when they reach 58 and 63 years of age, respectively .

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