Home facial skin care: advice from cosmetologists. Proper facial care is the key to long youth Full lips without injections

The desire to look young is absolutely normal and commendable. And if you follow the rules of care, don’t be lazy in removing makeup at night, don’t ignore toner and moisturizer, and pamper your skin with masks from time to time, then wrinkles and dullness will appear later than they otherwise would. What does proper care include?

  1. 1

    Selecting products according to skin type.

  2. 2

    Use of cosmetics in accordance with age and existing problems.

  3. 3

    Follow the steps of “cleanse, tone, moisturize during the day and nourish at night” every day.

  4. 4

    Exfoliation and masks - as additional care.

You need to wash your face twice a day. © iStock

1. Cleansing

Dermatologists insist: you need to wash your face twice a day. Moreover, in the morning you can use a cleansing gel or cleansing milk, and in the evening, remove makeup with micellar water or waterproof makeup remover (if necessary) - and be sure to wash your face again. Yes, and after micellar water too.

Gentle Cleanser, gentle cleansing cream for dry and sensitive skin, SkinCeuticals

The soft cream is enriched with allantoin, which is known for its soothing properties. Delicately and efficiently removes makeup without drying out the skin. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Hydrophilic oil with Anti/Oxi+ antioxidants, Shu Uemura

Green tea, moringa and papaya extract make this a powerful weapon against free radicals and protect against negative environmental influences. The oil works great with waterproof makeup. With constant use, the skin becomes radiant and the complexion becomes fresh.

2. Exfoliation

Exfoliation will help get rid of the layer of dead skin cells and prepare the skin for hydration. You will need:

    soft scrub with abrasive microparticles - natural or synthetic;

    peeling or peeling roll - they most often contain acids or enzymes;

    Clay-based cleansing mask.

If you are not a fan of cleansing scrubs, peels and masks, you can use a cleansing tonic with AHA/BHA acids a couple of times a week. Apply it to a multi-layer cotton pad and wipe your face, starting from the T-zone. Acids promote gentle removal of dead cells, and the disc promotes mechanical exfoliation.

Facial scrub “Pineapple and papaya”, Kiehl's

Apricot kernel powder gently and delicately removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin soft and velvety to the touch. Vitamins C and E provide antioxidant protection.

3. Toning

The role of tonic is often underestimated - and in vain. It completes the cleansing process, restores the skin's pH level and helps the beneficial components of creams and serums work more efficiently. Choose it according to your skin type.

    Softening toner Suitable for dry and sensitive skin, as well as for those who have crossed the 45+ mark.

    Thermal water, mineral spray or floral water- for dry, as well as sensitive and problematic skin.

    Pore ​​tightening toner- for skin prone to oily skin, acne, blackheads and comedones.

Cleansing lotion Skin Oxygen Anti-Pollution Oxygenating Lotion, Biotherm

Thanks to chlorella algae extract, the product has excellent antioxidant potential and gives the skin the ability to breathe even in the harsh conditions of the metropolis.

The smoothness, even tone, and radiance of the skin depend on the quality of hydration. © iStock

4. Hydration

Smoothness, even tone, and radiance of the skin depend on high-quality hydration. And although up to a certain point it independently produces hydrofixatives (hyaluronic acid) in sufficient quantities, with age the rate of synthesis decreases. Therefore, using a cream labeled “moisturizing” is almost the main stage of care. Apply it to damp skin, look for the following components in the composition.

    Hyaluronic acid.

  • Glycerol.

    Propylene glycol.

    Vitamins E, C, coenzyme Q10.

    Shea butter, jojoba, avocado.

Intensive moisturizer with ultraviolet protection Hydraphase UV Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay

The formula with thermal water, hyaluronic acid and a system of sun filters after the first use provides a feeling of comfort, moisturizes, improves skin color and texture.

5. Food

The mission of the nourishing cream is to relieve the skin of dryness, sensitivity, peeling, irritation, that is, restore the lipid mantle and strengthen the protective functions.

Almost all nourishing creams are rich in fats and fat-soluble components - ingredients aimed specifically at nourishing the skin and restoring its lipid layer. And vitamins, moisturizing agents, antioxidants enhance the effect of the main component.

    For dry and sensitive skin Thick textures are suitable - creams and balms. In the cold season, they will serve as protection from frost, wind and temperature changes. In spring and autumn, such products can be used as night care.

    If you have normal or problematic, as well as oily and dehydrated skin, Pay attention to lighter versions of nourishing creams - emulsions and fluids. They can be used both during the day and at night.

Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to external influences Mineral 89, Vichy

A product based on Vichy thermal water, rich in minerals and high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, strengthens, protects and moisturizes the skin. Apply 2 drops before main care.

Anti-wrinkle and firming cream for normal skin LiftActiv Supreme, Vichy

Evens out skin texture, smoothes wrinkles, increases density and elasticity. This effectiveness is explained by the action of the active components:

    adenosine is responsible for reducing wrinkles;

    caffeine tones and has a drainage effect;

    Thermal water saturates with minerals.

Choose skin care products depending on your skin type. © iStock

6. Skin care around the eyes

The skin of the eyelids is thin, dry, and vulnerable, so wrinkles appear here most quickly. And if in youth the area around the eyes has enough moisturizing care, then with age you will have to switch to formulas with a higher content of hydrofixing and nutritional components.

Rénergie Multi-Lift Yeux Firming Eye Contour Cream, Lancôme

Thanks to shea butter, it restores the skin of the eyelids, removes signs of fatigue, starts regeneration processes, and tightens. Silicon and caffeine fight puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

7. Features of care for different skin types

You already know all this, but just in case, let’s remind you: there are several types of skin.

    Normal: practically without greasy shine, does not react to temperature changes, inflammation rarely occurs.

    Dry: characterized by peeling, irritation, often prone to sensitivity, pores are almost invisible.

    Bold: characterized by excessive shine, black spots and inflammation often appear.

    Combined: In the T-zone there is inflammation, enlarged pores are noticeable.

Choose the necessary skin care products depending on your skin type.


You need to adhere to the gold standard of care: cleansing - toning - moisturizing.

Moisturizing Balm Armani Prima, Giorgio Armani

With regular use, it makes the skin elastic, moisturized and smooth. Can be used as a base for makeup.


Your motto is delicacy. For cleansing, choose soft gels, mousses and milks that do not disturb the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. Moisturizing and nourishing creams are a must.

    In the warm season, use light moisturizing creams with powerful hydrofixing agents.

    In winter and during the off-season - nutritious.


Your task is to regularly cleanse the skin, and gently, not “to the point of squeaking.” A cream with a mattifying effect is suitable for daytime care, and a cream for dehydrated skin in the evening. Clay-based masks: tighten pores, cleanse, mattify - use 1-2 times a week.

Botanical face cream with green tea extract, Garnier

Restores skin balance and permanently reduces the appearance of oily shine, provides antioxidant protection.


To cleanse, use delicate products - gel or mousse. Combine day care:

    Apply moisturizer to dry areas;

    for oily skin - moisturizing with a mattifying effect;

    spot corrective gel to combat imperfections.

8. Skin care during adolescence

Teenagers' skin appears fresh, radiant, and tight. But she also experiences a lot of unpleasant problems: blackheads, acne, inflammation. Causes:

    unstable hormonal levels;

    unbalanced diet (chips and fast food);

    lack of moisture in the body.

In principle, teenagers least of all need to worry about the quality of their skin. As soon as the hormonal storms subside, acne and inflammation will be forgotten. But to prevent them from leaving a mark on your face, you must follow the rules of hygiene.

    Wash your face twice a day with gel or foam.

    Once a week or more often (all individually) use light exfoliators. Garnier has suitable ones.

    If inflammation does not go away, consult a dermatologist. The doctor will understand the causes of acne and create a care program for problem skin.

Ultra-cleansing gel with anti-acne brush “Clean skin. Exfopro", Garnier

The product is equipped with a brush of 170 soft elastic bristles, the formula is based on salicylic acid with antibacterial action and a phytocomplex to combat imperfections.

Skin care includes the use of a complex of products. It is important to properly cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish your facial skin.

Facial skin is subject to the influence of many external negative factors, but its appearance is also determined by the state of human health. You need to understand that skin care requires a comprehensive approach. It must take into account the type of skin, that is, the features of its structure.

Skin care is a set of procedures aimed at maintaining the healthy condition and functioning of the skin. In each case, the selection of a care program is carried out individually.

Knowing how to properly care for your facial skin, you can maintain its youth and beauty for a long time. It is important to remember that the treatment should include cleansing, exfoliation (or peeling), moisturizing and nourishing, as well as the use of sunscreen.


This procedure is carried out to remove makeup and remove excess sebaceous gland secretions from the face. The cleanser should be suitable for your skin type, and the cleansing procedure should be carried out morning and evening. You should avoid using regular soap for washing your face: it dehydrates the skin and makes it excessively dry.

Cleansers are available in various forms: it can be gel, foam, or cream for washing. It is important to wash your face with comfortable, warm water, since too high a water temperature contributes to excessive degreasing, and a low temperature will dry out the skin.


Using various cosmetics, you can remove the top layer of cells, which promotes skin renewal and improves its appearance. These products include peelings and scrubs. Peeling contains various acids that help remove dead cells, and the scrub contains large particles that perform mechanical exfoliation. Chemical peels use active ingredients and should not be used more than once a year.

The scrub should not be used more than once or twice a week. It is useful to use natural scrubs that can be prepared at home. For their preparation the following is used:

  • coarse ground coffee;
  • sugar;
  • chopped apricot kernels;
  • ground oatmeal.

These components can be added to washing gels. The use of masks based on natural clay also promotes exfoliation.


After cleansing, the skin should be toned using special products: tonics and lotions. This is necessary for a sufficient amount of moisture to enter the epidermal cells.


The skin needs hydration, so to maintain its health you need to drink enough liquid and moisturize the skin externally. For this, various moisturizing creams and masks are used, which should be selected according to your skin type. It is important that care for the skin around the eyes should be special: to maintain its health, you should use creams specially designed for it. They contain more moisturizing components that prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.


Skin needs nutrients to keep it healthy. They increase its elasticity, make it fresher and more radiant. To nourish the skin, it is necessary to use nourishing creams and masks.

Sun protection

Sunscreens should be used to prevent skin from aging due to sun exposure. It is important to choose the right cream with the right level of protection, which depends on the skin type and the intensity of the expected exposure to sunlight.

  1. It is important to eat right and take vitamin complexes. This helps maintain internal skin health.
  2. Sleep should be regular and complete: it is important to sleep at least eight hours a day. This is necessary for skin restoration.
  3. Detoxification of the body helps improve the condition of the skin.
  4. Preventing stress and nervous tension.
  5. Face massage. It can be done while applying the cream. This procedure has a beneficial effect on microcirculation.
  6. Timely removal of makeup helps the skin take a break from the influence of decorative cosmetics. You should remove makeup using specialized products, milk, and then continue cleansing with a washing procedure.

Skin types and skin care


This type of skin is characterized by cleanliness, absence of peeling and rash. This skin is velvety to the touch, and upon examination, large pores cannot be detected. It is normal to experience mild rashes before menstruation due to hormonal changes.

Caring for normal facial skin is quite simple: just wash your face with warm water and a mild cleanser. In the evening, you need to remove makeup, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream, which must be alternated. You should also apply cream before applying makeup.


This type is characterized by peeling, lethargy, and early appearance of wrinkles. Possible redness and dry patches. The skin is dehydrated because the sebaceous glands do not secrete enough secretion.

Caring for dry facial skin includes washing with a mild product, as well as toning, moisturizing and nourishing with specially selected products.


The function of the sebaceous glands is excessive, the pores are enlarged, and acne often appears on the skin.

Oily skin care should be more focused on proper cleansing. In this case, you need to wash your face three times a day using special products. You should not neglect moisturizing procedures: oily skin also needs a sufficient amount of liquid.


This type is characterized by dry areas on the cheeks and oily areas on the forehead, nose and chin. Caring for combination skin: it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of different areas of the face.

It is worth noting that many cosmetic companies produce a series of products for each skin type. They include gels or foams for washing, tonics, lotions, day and night creams. Comprehensive care with these products will help maintain healthy and well-groomed skin. There are also lines of products that take into account how old a woman is, because at every age the skin has its own characteristics. Care must be correct and appropriate for your skin type and age.

It is also worth noting that it is useful to use folk recipes for care. Such methods include the use of natural ingredients such as herbal infusions, plant juices, oatmeal, clay, dairy products, and eggs. Traditional recipes take into account the characteristics of the skin and have various actions: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. Their use will help maintain the health of the skin of the face, prolong its youth and make it more attractive.

The face is the main advantage of a woman. Its condition can reveal its age and tell about the character and life problems of the owner. Proper facial care will help you maintain youth for a long time and avoid major age-related problems. It should include several stages using products that suit your skin type. After all, worse than lack of care is improper care.

Cosmetologist's advice will help you understand the main stages of home care and introduce you to professional procedures that give an instant visible effect. But before that, remember the golden rules that every woman who strives for perfect skin should know:

  • Always wash off your makeup. Even late in the evening, when you really want to go to bed.
  • Choose products that suit your skin type (dry, normal, oily, combination) and age.
  • Apply care cosmetics along massage lines. They start from the center of the face to the hairline. The exception is the area under the eyes.
  • Use a driving motion. Constant stretching of the skin affects its elasticity.
  • Provide a small, separate towel for your face and be sure to keep it clean.

Basic stages of home facial care

If your goal is healthy and beautiful facial skin, then only systematic care will help with this. Most of the products that are presented in the cosmetics store have the expected effect only with constant use. If you're ready to fight the signs of aging and want to learn how to take care of your face, be sure to check out the following steps.

Important! Before caring for your facial skin, you need to remove decorative cosmetics using makeup removers.
  1. Skin cleansing. Must be performed morning and evening. The procedure will rid the surface of dust, makeup residues and sebum. It will also prepare the person for further procedures. For cleansing, gels and foams are used, which are distributed in small quantities over a damp face and then washed off with water. The procedure must be performed only with clean hands. Once completed, pat your skin dry with a towel.
  2. Toning. The next stage after cleansing. Accordingly, it is necessary to tone the skin 2 times. Designed to eliminate residues of cleaning products. Prepares the face for applying cream. Toning products are applied with a cotton pad and most often are not washed off.
  3. Hydration. The first wrinkles begin to appear when the skin loses moisture. Day creams are used to moisturize. They should be applied under decorative cosmetics. The product creates an invisible barrier that protects against moisture loss. In summer, the procedure should be performed 30 minutes before going outside, and in winter – 1 hour. The skin requires special hydration after 30 years.
  4. Nutrition. Aimed at restoring and preserving the elements required for the normal functioning of the epidermis. Usually this step is taken over by a night cream. Serums, emulsions, gels and face masks are also used as nutrients. Nutrition is an important part of skin care after 40.

Professional products and procedures that prolong youth

Professional care is an important component of a set of measures to prevent aging. Modern cosmetology has many developments that can delay aging and restore youth.

Let's look at the basic procedures that the doctor prescribes to eliminate existing problems.

For results to exceed expectations, you need proper facial skin care; an experienced cosmetologist would call this a systematic ritual. After all, it is daily manipulations, using the right means and tactics, that allow you to achieve the desired effect, and most importantly, do not harm the skin.

A lady with a well-groomed appearance is beautiful, fashionable, and has status. Such women feel more confident and attract the attention of others. To join this category of well-groomed beauties, you don’t have to wait for Monday, you need to start today and right now!

To achieve impressive results, there are many ways and means designed for women of different ages and inclined to spend different amounts of money on their faces.

However, regardless of how cheap or expensive the manipulations are, they must be suitable for a certain skin type, which is easy to determine at home in different ways.

Using a mirror and magnifying glass

You need to carefully examine all areas of the face, evaluate the color of the dermis, the presence of a characteristic oily sheen or dullness, and porosity.

Using a paper towel

Before testing, you need to wash your face with a neutral product and pat dry with a napkin. Without using any cosmetics, wait 20 minutes.

After which: take a paper towel or napkin, place it on your face and, carefully pressing, achieve tight contact with the skin.

Leave on your face for 10 minutes, then remove and carefully examine the prints. Traces of fat are signs of oily skin; a clean or moderately soaked napkin indicates normal or dry skin.

Using a mirror surface

It is enough to briefly hold a mirror to a clean face to see traces of sebum on it. If there are different results on different areas of the skin, it is combination.

Having chosen one of the tests and carried out it, you need to compare the results obtained with typical characteristics:

  • Oily skin is thick, with a characteristic oily sheen and enlarged pores. She is prone to acne breakouts and inflammation. The advantage is that it does not age for a long time.
  • Dry skin is thin, delicate, like paper, its pores are narrowed. In youth it has an even pinkish tint, but becomes problematic with age. Through a magnifying glass you can see areas of peeling, hyperemia, and the presence of fine wrinkles even at a young age.
  • Normal skin – balanced in terms of oil and water, looks fresh and healthy. With age, it needs care, systematic nutrition and hydration.
  • Combination skin is oily in the T-zone, and very dry in other areas of the face.

It is important that when we properly care for facial skin, choosing products according to its type, it immediately responds to care with radiance and freshness.

  • Seasons (summer – fatter, summer – drier).
  • Changes in hormonal levels (lack or excess of hormones).
  • Diet (food should have enough polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  • Health conditions (some medications cause dry skin).

In addition to caregivers, cosmetic facial skin care can have negative sides if you do not follow special rules.

For oily skin:

  • It is strictly forbidden to dry it with alcohol tonics and lotions.
  • It is not recommended to treat with oil-based nourishing cream.
  • Products must be tested for comedogenicity.

For dry skin:

  • Avoid using low-fat products.
  • For cleansing, use light, gentle products that do not have an aggressive effect.
  • The composition of caring and decorative products must contain ultraviolet protection.
  • Be sure to moisturize in the summer, and nourish with fatty creams in the winter.

For sensitive skin:

  • Avoid contrasting temperatures (steaming, rubbing with ice).
  • Use the products after testing on the wrist.
  • Do not use formulations with microparticles that can damage the skin.
  • Moisturize your face throughout the day.

For combination skin:

  • Use appropriate cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting products for the areas of the face.

For normal skin:

  • It is important to maintain its condition - not to dry it out.
  • Do not expose to aggressive atmosphere - use protective equipment.
  • Use cosmetics recommended by cosmetologists based on age.

Improper care can harm the dermis, aggravate its condition, and lead to undesirable consequences.

Cleansing and exfoliating products

To rid your face of oil, sweat and bacteria, it is not enough just to wash your face with water. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed, removing dead epidermal cells. This will help the beneficial substances of the cream penetrate the dermis without hindrance.

Proper facial care involves the use of the following products, which any experienced cosmetologist will approve:

  • Cosmetic milk. Suitable for surface cleansing, does not penetrate into deeper layers.
  • Alkaline-free foam. It is applied to a fabric glove, which is used to gently wipe the face.
  • Peeling creams based on fruit acids dissolve dirt from the surface and have a bactericidal effect.
  • Scrubs containing crushed fruit seeds, exotic fruit seeds and other natural abrasives.
  • Clay mask.

Without these actions, even a super-effective remedy will not have an effect on the dermis and will not bring results.

Do you need a toner?

After cleansing, the skin, regardless of type, sharply loses moisture. To normalize the water balance and restore turgor within a short time, it is necessary to apply a tonic to the dermis. Moreover, the most effective way to apply it is not with a cotton pad, but spray it as a spray.

The delicate dermis of the face can be injured, so all actions should be light and gentle - patting, fluttering, tapping. Which method is the best - care tips are not highlighted, and each lady is given the opportunity to choose the one that is more comfortable for herself.

The cream is applied to the face with both hands in certain directions:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples.
  • From the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes to the upper eyelid, and in the opposite direction - under the eyes.
  • From the nose along the cheeks to the temples.
  • Around the lips - above and below the center in both directions.
  • From the middle of the neck in both directions upward.

Important! Nourishing creams and serums should be applied to a moisturized face, and products with an ultraviolet barrier should be applied to a dry face.

The stages of facial skin care are the same for all types; only cosmetic products for these procedures, selected on the advice of cosmetologists, are individual. Basic steps:

  • Cleansing. Using lotions, foams, scrubs and peels.
  • Hydration. Saturation with moisture will provide elasticity, freshness to the skin, and give it a healthy appearance.
  • Toning. The PH environment of the epidermis is restored, the skin becomes more receptive to the active components of creams.
  • Nutrition. Skin nutrition is the main task for mature ladies; it is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics in accordance with age recommendations.
  • Protection. Protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of the atmosphere and adverse external factors.
  • Regeneration. Activates collagen production, improves metabolism, makes the skin holistic and uniform due to its renewal.

Regularity and thoroughness are simple tips from a cosmetologist for facial care that will give effective and stable results.

Do you want your skin to glow?

For women over 40, it is especially important to update your cosmetics set to maintain youth. You can find out how to do this correctly by following this link:

  • It is harmful to wash your face with tap water; it is better to replace it with mineral water, boiled water or enriched with herbal decoctions.
  • Apply the cream to your face in the morning - 40 minutes before going out, in the evening - at least an hour before bed. Be sure to remove any residue with a napkin, otherwise you will experience swelling on your face in the morning.
  • Apply any creams to absolutely clean skin.
  • The effect of the cream does not depend on the thickness of its layer on the face. Do not weigh down or overload the dermis.
  • All remedies begin to work when the body is in a relaxed state.

Cosmetologists advise the stronger sex to also use cosmetics. Find out more about what men are advised to include in facial care and buy the right cosmetics!

The beauty industry does not stand still and gives women the opportunity to choose the most comfortable procedures for themselves. Advice from cosmetologists regarding the use of salon methods makes you want to experience their miraculous power for yourself. Now popular:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. Water is supplied in waves deep into the skin and is sucked out along with toxins.
  • Galivation. Therapeutic cleansing of the deep layers of skin at the cell level, tightens pores, eliminates wrinkles.

They have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in the upper and deep layers and improve its condition.

Find out how to choose the right cosmetic facial care:

Cosmetological facial cleansing

Cosmetic care begins with facial cleansing, which restores the respiratory function of the skin and stimulates metabolic processes.

Cleaning is done manually or using special tools and devices such as:

  • Brushing.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Vacuum.

This procedure is in demand among visitors to beauty salons and gives good results.


Cosmetologists reveal the secrets of the excellent skin condition of many stars - they all do regular peelings.

There are three types of peeling to choose from:

  • Soft superficial, without the use of aggressive means and manipulations.
  • Median. Exfoliates a deeper layer of skin, eliminates wrinkles, evens out tone.
  • Deep. It is carried out using acids of significant concentration. It can smooth out not only wrinkles, but also scars.

Peels are mechanical, hardware and chemical.

Face massage

Cosmetology welcomes facial massage as an excellent cosmetic procedure that allows you to achieve an effect comparable to surgery. Massage:

  • Corrects facial contour.
  • Improves microcirculation, which affects appearance.
  • Smoothes out wrinkles.

After the massage, the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.


This is a method of intensive impact on the deep layers of the dermis with drugs designed to restore youth, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The main active drug is hyaluronic acid, which the body needs as we age. This substance is injected under the skin:

  • By injection.
  • Laser.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Low frequency current.

After all the manipulations, the face looks renewed, radiant and moisturized. Read more about biorevitalization.

Incredible! Find out who is the most beautiful woman on the planet in 2019!

You probably know these basic rules. We list them for completeness.

  1. Wash your face twice a day with gel or foam with a pH of about 5–5.5. This product preserves Natural skin surface pH is on average below 5, which is beneficial for its resident flora protective skin barrier.
  2. Definitely before bed.
  3. Use cosmetics that suit your personality.
  4. Use two different products for day and night care. Moisturizing is better during the day, nourishing at night.
  5. Once or twice a week, deeply cleanse the skin using scrubs or peels.
  6. Pay special attention to the area around the eyes: use special creams and serums labeled “for eyelids.”
  7. Give preference to sunscreen cosmetics. In summer or at ski resorts, it is important to use special products with SPF of at least 30.

It should be taken into account that skin changes with age. What you could do without at 30 becomes an urgent need at 40. And things that are not critical at 20 will be extremely important at 50.

Facial care in 20–30 years

Between the ages of 20 and 30, the body and skin truly blossom. Teenage pimples most often remain a thing of the past, wrinkles seem like a far-fetched horror story from the distant future, and the goal of care comes down mainly to prevention. However, not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance. These four rules must be followed to enjoy clear and youthful skin for as long as possible.

1. Don’t forget to wash your face thoroughly in the evenings.

Dry skin at a young age is rare, but normal skin with a tendency towards oiliness is found in a wide range. This is due to high levels of sex hormones Birth Control for Acne, a side effect of which is increased sebum production. With age, hormone levels, and with them the skin, normalize. But while you are young and hot, fat can become a problem: it is an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria that cause inflammation and irritation.

To prevent the infection from multiplying and spoiling your appearance, do not forget to wash off the fat, dust and dirt that has accumulated on your face during the day. Of course, using products for your skin type.

2. Cleanse your pores

Facial care at 30–40 years old

By this age, you have already experienced a lot of stress and hormonal explosions (pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy, etc.), and this is reflected in the skin. Even if the changes are not too noticeable, they are there. And for obvious reasons they will increase. Therefore, do not lose sight of the following important points.

1. Pay attention to pigmentation

Uneven color is a clear sign of age that can add at least several years. As you age, pigmentation becomes more pronounced, so it is important to maintain an even skin tone. This can be achieved by using whitening creams, masks or using soft ones (without large abrasive particles).

But the ideal option is to consult a cosmetologist. Not only will he offer you whitening products tailored specifically to your skin, but he may also recommend a series of professional peels.

Yes! Using cosmetics with SPF is especially important. Ultraviolet radiation provokes the production of melanin and thereby aggravates the pigmentation problem.

2. Try not to use products with ethyl alcohol

Alcohol dissolves and washes away sebum. When there is a lot of fat, as is often the case in youth, rubbing alcohol can be useful. They help eliminate excess sebum with bacteria accumulated in it and thereby prevent the occurrence of skin inflammation.

However, as you age, sebum production decreases. Meanwhile, it is necessary because it moisturizes the skin and protects it from the external environment: high and low temperatures, wind, and so on. Alcohol-based products damage IS ETHANOL IN SKIN CARE PRODUCTS SAFE? this already thin barrier that requires time to restore. And thereby depriving the skin of necessary moisture and protection.

After 30, it is advisable to choose tonics not with alcohol, but, for example, with green tea.

3. Start using anti-aging products

For example, creams and serums with retinol (vitamin A). Proven Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety that retinol improves cellular metabolism, stimulates collagen synthesis and even helps reduce existing wrinkles.

However, this remedy also has side effects. Thus, vitamin A can cause skin irritation and increases photosensitivity. Therefore, you can use such creams only at night.

Considering the side effects, it makes sense to consult a cosmetologist. A specialist will help you choose products with a retinol concentration that suits your skin. And also, perhaps, he will recommend other anti-aging remedies and techniques, including salon lifting procedures: massage, microcurrent and mesotherapy, and so on.

Creams and masks with collagen and will fit well into home care. By the way, you can also perform facial massage yourself.

Facial care at 40–50 years old

They say that the modern 40 is the new 20. And this is true. Medicine, cosmetology, and a healthy lifestyle allow many women to look as attractive at this age as they did between 20 and 30. To help the skin maintain youth and freshness longer, it is important to follow the following recommendations.

1. Intensely moisturize your skin

We have already mentioned that over the years the skin becomes less oily. As the protective sebum barrier thins, it becomes more difficult for the skin to retain moisture. And where there is not enough moisture, drought sets in with its characteristic cracks, wrinkles, creases... Skin hydration should be a priority in your care.

Avoid washing with soap and other drying agents. Switch to nourishing foams with a creamy texture or that do not require rinsing. When choosing day and night creams, also focus on maximum hydration.

2. Include salon treatments in your care

Even if you used to get by just fine on your own. With age, the skin requires more and more attention and care: the volume of the lips decreases, nasolabial folds appear, and the oval of the face slightly floats.

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of anti-aging procedures and works real miracles. Properly selected peelings, massage techniques, as well as all kinds of beauty injections that will moisturize the deep layers of the skin, fill wrinkles and restore beauty, allow you to look just as amazing at 49 as at 25.

Consult a cosmetologist about professional care. It is important that your specialist has a medical education and undergoes appropriate training. In this case, the therapy will be as safe and effective as possible.

3. Pay maximum attention to the skin under your eyes

With age, thin skin in these areas requires more and more nutrition and more dense creams and serums, rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It is advisable to select them together with a cosmetologist who will give recommendations, focusing on the characteristics and condition of your specific skin.

Please note: you cannot forget about care! Even if it seems that you are lucky and facial wrinkles are happily avoiding you. Time is inexorable, and if you don’t help the skin under your eyes to recover, unpleasant changes can one day overtake you in just a few days.

Facial care after 50 years

The legendary Coco Chanel once said: “Your face at 20 is given to you by nature; what it will be like at 50 depends on you.” We hope that you did not leave your skin alone with stress, and it continues to please you with health and a well-groomed appearance. You are probably already a master in facial care, so we will note only three key points.

1. Use retinol

If you haven't used vitamin A products before, don't put it off: they really help your skin stay young longer. If retinol is already included in your favorite creams and serums, consider increasing its concentration.

2. Add serums with hyaluronic acid to your care

This substance is present in the skin and is involved, among other things, in preserving moisture in the tissues. With age, there is less and less natural skin, and the skin becomes drier, slowly turning into parchment.

But it's not just about moisture loss. Hyaluronic acid is actively involved in cell regeneration processes. If it is deficient, the skin simply loses the ability to regenerate effectively. And this speeds up aging.

Therefore, after 50, it is extremely important to additionally nourish the skin with hyaluronic acid using specialized anti-aging serums or even injections.

3. Make masks with a lifting effect every three to four days

In terms of rejuvenation, they have proven themselves well. However, cosmetic brands offer many other options for masks with a lifting effect based on “branded” active ingredients. And you will probably be able to choose something of your own - exactly the product that will restore elasticity specifically to your skin.

And let us remind you once again: we, unlike our mothers and grandmothers, are lucky to live in a time when beauty and youth are in many ways truly in our (and an experienced cosmetologist’s) hands. You need to take advantage of this magical fact!

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