Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: step-by-step instructions. Hardware pedicure: step-by-step instructions with photos

There are many types of pedicure: from classic trimmed to hardware and acid. And some of them can be used at home. For beginners, the non-shaped or European pedicure technique is suitable. This procedure is less traumatic and does not require any experience.

A pedicure at home for beginners can be done using regular polish or gel polish. The first option is inexpensive and easy to apply, but such a coating is very short-lived and will last no longer than 3-5 days. Gel polish is more durable and will remain unchanged for 2-4 weeks, but it costs much more.

And to dry such a coating, you will need a special lamp, as well as a top and base. A beautiful pedicure can be either monochromatic or multi-colored. It can be supplemented with decorative elements or drawings. But in any case, a pedicure is not just painting with varnish. This procedure involves caring for the skin of the feet, because even the most beautiful design will look unattractive with rough heels.

Techniques and methods

There are several types of pedicure that can be applied at home:

Peculiarities Advantages Flaws
ClassicalSteamed feet are treated with pumice, a razor or a grater. The cuticle is trimmed with scissors and the nails are polished with a nail file.The technique is simple and a beginner can master it. To perform a pedicure you need simple and affordable products.There is a high risk of skin injury. If you use undisinfected instruments, you can get infected. Often the procedure accelerates the growth of rough skin.
European or unedgedThe cuticle is not cut out, but softened with a special compound, and then pushed back. The rough skin is removed using special graters.The technique is safe and virtually eliminates the risk of injury or infection.The procedure is extremely delicate, so it will take 5-6 sessions to tidy up neglected feet.
HardwareIt is performed using a special device and milling attachments. The legs are not steamed before the procedure.This type of pedicure is safe and effective. The feet remain soft for a longer period.The apparatus for the procedure is quite expensive. In addition, it requires some experience to use it.
AcidThe feet are treated with a special composition containing fruit acid. After this, the dead skin is removed with a file.The method is safe and allows you to get rid of any corns and calluses. The acid product is inexpensive and can be easily used at home.Do not use if there is fungus or wounds. After the procedure, the skin often peels off for 5 days, which looks unattractive.

For beginners, it is advisable to stick to the unedged method.

It consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Removing dead skin.
  3. Filing of nails.
  4. Skin moisturizing.
  5. Coating.

Required materials and tools

To do a pedicure at home, you will need the following:

You will also need varnish or gel polish, as well as decorative elements if they are used to create a pedicure.


At the initial stage, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the old varnish. After this, you need to steam your feet in a warm bath. Then the rough skin will soften, and subsequently it can be easily removed.

To enhance the effect, you can add different ingredients to the water:

If the skin on your feet is very rough, you can take an express bath. To do this, add a few tablespoons of table salt to the water. Next, you need to soak your feet in this solution for 5-10 minutes, and then pour 2 tbsp there. l. hydrogen peroxide.

The resulting reaction will help quickly remove even severe calluses and corns. After 10 minutes of this bath, you can proceed to the pedicure itself.

How to perform the procedure

Pedicure at home for beginners is carried out according to the following algorithm:

All that remains is to apply the coating, which can be matte, glossy, with a design or plain - it all depends on your imagination and the desired result.

Monochromatic pedicure master class

The monochromatic finish looks attractive and is suitable for everyday pedicures. Those who want to stay on trend should choose coral color. It will be at the peak of popularity in the autumn-winter season. Shades of blue, beige, red, gray, as well as classic black and white do not go out of fashion.

Those who love unusual tones should choose purple, fuchsia, burgundy, gold, orange, mint. Neon varnishes are popular in the last season. They look catchy and defiant, and are suitable for a club or beach look.

A plain pedicure with rubbing, shimmer or glitter looks no less impressive. This coating looks festive even without additional decor, and is suitable for an evening look. If desired, you can cover only one nail with glitter, and paint the rest with glossy varnish of the same shade.

The matte monochromatic finish looks stylish and elegant. For the approaching autumn season, burgundy shades will be especially relevant.

How to do a plain pedicure:

  1. After preparing the feet, it is necessary to treat the plates with a degreaser to remove any remaining cream or oils from them.
  2. Then you need to apply the base to your nails, and after waiting for it to dry, cover it with varnish in 2-3 layers. Each of them is applied only when the previous one has dried.
  3. The coating needs to be secured with a finish, then the result will last longer.

Options in different shades

Pedicure at home for beginners can be made bright and memorable if you use a technique such as gradient or ombre. It is based on the play of color, and can be created from several shades that smoothly flow into each other.

To create such a design you will need the following:

  • 2-3 shades of varnish of the same or different color schemes, but suitable for each other;
  • sponge;
  • base, fixer.

To make a gradient pedicure at home, you need to treat your nails with a base. Then you need to apply varnishes of different colors to the sponge. The strokes should be as close to each other as possible. While the polish is still wet, you need to quickly transfer it from the sponge to your nails using patting movements. Beginners should remember that the result must be secured with a topcoat.

The gradient on all nails looks no less impressive. In this case, a different varnish of the same color is applied to each plate, starting from lighter on the thumb and ending with dark on the little finger.

Pedicure master class with simple patterns and drawings

Even without artistic skills, you can make a beautiful pedicure with a variety of designs. Moreover, there are several different painting techniques that even beginners can handle.

Using tape

Thanks to this material, you can create geometric shapes, diagonal or vertical lines, thin or wide stripes. To do this, you need to cover your nails with varnish of the main color.

After waiting for the layer to dry completely, you need to stick strips of tape to the plate so that you get the desired design.

Pedicure at home for beginners is easy to do using tape. The photo shows an example of a manicure, but a pedicure is done in a similar way.

After this, you need to cover your nails with varnish, the color of which contrasts with the base. After waiting for the layer to dry, you should carefully tear off the tape and secure the result with a finishing coat.

Drawing with a needle

The simplest design can be made using 2 varnishes of a contrasting color and a regular needle. And you will also need a fixer to work.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply base polish to prepared nails. Before moving on to the next step, you need to wait until the layer is completely dry.
  2. On the nail you need to put several dots of varnish that contrasts with the base. Then you need to stretch the needle through these points, drawing monograms and curls.
  3. When the pattern is dry, you should cover the nail with the finish.

And you can also use a needle to draw thin lines or outline a pattern.

Dots drawings

It is easier to draw patterns with dots than with a needle. After all, with the help of the tool you can control the volume of the drop, which makes the lines even. To create a design, you need to apply a base polish to the nail. And after waiting for it to dry, you should dip the dots “ball” in a contrasting color, and then apply the desired design with it.

Tulle lace

Using a piece of old tulle you can make a lace pattern on your nails. This pattern looks gentle and elegant, and is suitable for both festive and regular pedicures.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Apply a base to prepared nails and then cover it with a layer of varnish. It is worth considering that it will be the main color in the design.
  2. After waiting for the polish to dry, you need to apply a piece of tulle to the nail. Then you need to paint the material with varnish of a contrasting color.
  3. You should wait until the layer is completely dry and carefully tear the tulle away from the nail.
  4. The obtained result must be secured with a finish.

If desired, this design can be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles or crystals. Then the pedicure will turn out to be more festive.

Pedicure master class with decor

A pedicure at home for beginners can be done with the following decorative elements:

  • rhinestones;
  • kamifubuki;
  • foil;
  • stickers;
  • metallized strips;
  • stamping.

It is worth considering that you should not overload your nails with decor. Otherwise, the design will look vulgar.

Rhinestones and crystals

Similar decorative elements come in different colors and sizes. They look solemn and festive, and you can lay out entire paintings from them. But rhinestones and crystals quickly come off, so they are not recommended for everyday pedicures. But for an evening look they are irreplaceable.

To make a pedicure with rhinestones and crystals, you need to attach these decorative elements to the finishing coat that has not yet dried. If necessary, they can be covered with another layer of transparent top.


This is what colored confetti or sequins are called. Similar decorative elements can be either round or unusual in shape (triangles, stars, hearts).

And they can be used both as single decorations and to create compositions. Kamifubuki, like rhinestones, are attached to the finishing coating. They are suitable for summer design and look impressive against bright and dark backgrounds.


With foil you can make an original and unusual pedicure that will look appropriate in both everyday and festive looks. And with this decor you can decorate one or more fingers, or in general, highlight some part of the plate.

To do a pedicure with foil, you need to prepare your nails and then attach the decorative sheet to the still wet polish. If desired, you can make various patterns by drawing them with a colorless base. You need to wait 1-2 minutes, and then tear off the foil with a sharp movement.


Stickers and sliders help you create an unusual design in a matter of minutes, and even a child can use them. The main thing is to remember that it is advisable to apply white or nude varnish under such decor. It is advisable to treat the top of the stickers with a transparent fixative.

If this decor is used for a pedicure with gel polish, then it must be attached to a non-dried topcoat. And only then should you dry your nails under a lamp. After completing work, avoid contact with water for 30 minutes. Then the stickers or sliders will look perfect for 15-20 days.

Metallized strips

This decor is ideal for creating geometric motifs that have not gone out of fashion for several seasons.

Stripes also help to hide the joints between two contrasting colors of varnish, for example in a French jacket, and they can be used for both everyday and festive looks.


Stamping is the application of patterns using stamps. This technique helps you create an unusual and original pedicure in a matter of minutes. It is necessary to apply a base, preferably matte, to the prepared nails. Then the drawing will turn out clear and bright.

You need to apply a bright varnish to a plate with an ornament or pattern, and then use a stamp to transfer it to your nails. You won't be able to get uniform patterns the first time, so you'll have to practice. At the end, be sure to secure the result with a colorless finish.

Fashion trends in 2019

Monochrome pedicure remains fashionable. Moreover, it is not necessary that it repeat the color of the nails on your hands. On the contrary, such a combination is considered provincial. For those who don’t particularly like a monochromatic pedicure, you can diversify the design with a pattern on one or more fingers.

As for shades, bright colors are in fashion: coral, green, gold, transparent blue. Lovers of a discreet style should choose burgundy or wine red. These colors look especially impressive in a matte pedicure.

In 2019, complex and intricate patterns are no longer in fashion. They were replaced by unobtrusive, simple drawings, but at the same time thought out to the smallest detail. Geometry, abstraction and funny prints, polka dots, flowers and ornaments are trending. Those who prefer laconicism should choose an ultra-fashionable marble pedicure.

The classic French jacket never goes out of style and remains relevant this year. But instead of the traditional white color, it is recommended to use red, blue, and golden shades for stripes. Lunar nail art is popular.

This year, the hole can be designed either traditionally oval or triangular, double or unfolded. Moreover, even beginners can easily handle this technique at home. If desired, such a design can be decorated with rhinestones or a metallic strip. But here it is important not to overdo it with the decor, otherwise the pedicure will look vulgar.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to do a pedicure at home

Life hacks on how to do a pedicure at home:

Everyone without exception knows what a pedicure is, but, unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to it. Pedicure is not a luxury or a whim, but a part of personal hygiene, and requires a thorough approach. This procedure is not only aesthetic, but also medical and is recommended not only for women, but also for men.

It is necessary to maintain foot hygiene, care for them and do a pedicure all year round, and not remember about it with the arrival of spring. Caring care helps to avoid such troubles as calluses, corns and hyperkeratosis of the feet (excessive keratinization and thickening of the upper layer of the epidermis on the soles of the feet).

Pedicures should be done at least once a month during the winter season and once every 2-3 weeks during the warm season. This is good for health, and your legs will look aesthetically pleasing, and your gait will become flying. Yes, many women have noticed that pedicure gives them lightness, as if wings grow behind their backs, and they want to fly.

Smooth pink heels and beautifully painted nails make women attractive and speak of her neatness. Of course, a pedicure can be done in a salon, but you can try to do it at home, especially since it won’t be difficult, but you will get great pleasure from the work done.

Before we begin to consider step by step the process of performing a pedicure at home, let’s decide what tools are needed for this.

Pedicure tools

How to choose the right pedicure tool?

When choosing it, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Tools must be neatly made, well sharpened and fit comfortably in the hand. A good tool will not tear the cuticle, but will carefully trim it.
  • The blade should not interfere with the processing of the surface, but provide a good overview. High-quality blades move freely and are able to remove even the most difficult to reach burr.
  • Pay attention to the steel from which the tools are made. Poor mild steel quickly becomes dull and is prone to rust and stains quickly. It is preferable to choose tools made from solid stainless steel.

To care for your heels and nails you will need the following tools:

Tweezers or scissors for trimming toenails. To shorten thin nails, both in length and width, you must use scissors with straight ends. For thick nails, use pedicure tongs. They have greater compressive strength and are more durable.

Pedicure nippers. Designed for removing hangnails and cutting cuticles.

All-metal double-sided curette. Use this tool to treat ingrown nails.

Pumice. Large and small.

Pedicure grater. Used to remove corns, calluses and keratinized rough skin on the feet. The double-sided surface of different hardness allows you to grind and polish your feet.

Files. For polishing and shaping nails. When working with hard nails, use diamond or ceramic ones. For thin nails, use a file made of sandpaper.

You can make your nails shorter with large files, and shape them with small ones. The main thing in a pedicure is to file dry nails, and direct the movements of the file in one direction - from the edge of the nail to its center. This will reduce the risk of nail splitting.

Manicure sticks. Used after the use of drugs that soften the cuticles. It is best to give preference to wooden sticks or tools whose edges are made of soft rubber.

All pedicure tools must be stored in a cosmetic bag or a box specially designated for them, clean and dry. They must be thoroughly sterilized after each use.

In addition to the above tools for pedicure at home, you must have a basin or bath, liquid for removing calluses and corns, cotton pads (sponges), nail polish remover and, of course, foot cream.

Having purchased all the listed tools, you can safely begin performing a pedicure at home. Before doing a home pedicure, thoroughly disinfect all the necessary tools, and after that you can begin the procedure.

Pedicure at home for beginners step by step

For home use, the so-called classic pedicure is best suited. It is based on steaming the legs. It is simple and pleasant and suitable for all feet. Perfectly relieves fatigue, nourishes, rejuvenates and smoothes the skin. Most women prefer this method, since you can do a pedicure at home before going to bed, without rushing, while watching your favorite TV series or listening to music. In general, thoroughly enjoying the process.

Stage one– preparatory. Use nail polish remover to remove nail polish. Carefully shape the edges of the nails with tweezers or scissors. We do not recommend cutting your nails very short, because... they can grow into the skin of the finger. We trim the edges with a rough file, and sand them with a fine-grained file and give them the desired shape. If your nails are thick and rough, then your feet should be steamed first. Using an orange tree stick or a cotton swab, remove all dirt from the surface and back of the nails.

  • soap and soda, which quickly soften and whiten the yellowed skin of the feet;
  • sea ​​salt. It wonderfully refreshes and softens the skin of the heels;
  • an apple bite, which will help fight sweating and destroy characteristic odors;
  • honey. Fights fungi well. Exfoliates and tones the skin;
  • Herbal decoctions will help relieve fatigue and have a mild antiseptic and softening effect. Aromatic oils perfectly relax, soothe and relieve heaviness.

Stage three. Getting rid of rough skin and calluses. After a 20-minute bath, remove one foot from the water and gently pat it dry to remove excess moisture. The leg should be steamed. We remove rough skin using pumice or a pedicure file. To do this, we go over the entire foot with a pumice stone in a circular motion, not forgetting to dip it in water more often. You need to wash off any remaining skin from it and make sure that the pumice stone or nail file is damp. The edges of the legs, the tips of the fingers, the inner corners of the big toes, the back of the ankles and the forefoot are treated in this way. Having finished working with one leg, we move on to the other. Afterwards, rinse your feet and dry them with a clean towel.

Stage four. Working with the cuticle. We apply a cuticle softener to the nails and after a few minutes, carefully, slowly push back the softened cuticle with a stick, and cut off the side skin with tweezers. When doing a trim pedicure, you need to be careful when working with sharp instruments.

Stage four, creative. We move on to coating the nails with varnish. Apply the first layer, base for nails, with transparent varnish. It will protect the nail surface. Apply colored varnish in one or two layers, allowing each of them to dry thoroughly. We apply a fixing varnish on top so that the colored one does not chip off.

This completes the DIY pedicure in a relaxed home environment. This is all you need to know about doing it on your own. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, the main thing is patience and following simple rules.

  1. If you have to use a peeling or scrub, and there are microcracks on your feet, be careful, because... With increased sensitivity, allergies or dermatitis may develop.
  2. Try a new cosmetic product on a small area of ​​skin in advance. To do this, apply the product on it and leave for about forty minutes. Rinse it off. If there is no redness or itching after twelve hours, then everything is fine.
  3. During the cold season, wet pedicures (baths) should be done at least two hours before going outside.
  4. For hygiene purposes, disinfect all pedicure tools before and after use and keep them away from family members.

Experts say that it is advisable to do the procedure once over a period of one and a half or two weeks, in this case the legs will look very well-groomed and beautiful. Let's look at the main steps of carrying out this procedure, so beloved by many women, and get acquainted with the secrets of doing it at home.

Step by step to beautiful legs

  1. Initially, in order to begin processing the skin, it is necessary to soften the integument on the feet. A bath of warm water, where you can add a little gel or shampoo, is ideal for this. Ideal for steaming is adding a small amount of sea salt. In order to tone your legs, you need to keep them in water for 15 minutes. Due to this, the dead cells will go away without injury, and then it is quite easy to remove them from your feet with pumice.
  2. Now you need to properly treat your toenails. To do this, use nail scissors and possibly wire cutters. You can cut the nails in a straight line. Using a nail file, try to give the nail a more rounded rather than square shape. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the nail plate growing into the skin. Remember that the cut must be carried out in one direction, it is advisable to do it from the edge of the nail to the center
  3. The cuticle is pushed back when using a pusher or an orange stick. Some girls choose a special device for themselves, which quickly helps remove dead skin particles and shorten nails. Remember that it is important not only to push back the cuticles and file the nails, but also to gently clean the space under the nails. Metal objects are not suitable for this, because by damaging the surface under the nail, you can increase the likelihood of dust and dirt getting there, which will then be quite difficult to wash out.
  4. In order to make your nails smooth and shiny, use a special double-sided file or polisher for pedicure. Thanks to this, the polish will lie on the nails more evenly, and it will last an order of magnitude longer.
  5. One of the main steps in a home pedicure is treating the skin on your feet. It is necessary to remove dead cells; pumice stone will help in this matter. A softer and more delicate removal of dead skin cells is possible if a special treatment of the nails is carried out first. Additionally, you can use a scrub or peeling. However, first consider the effectiveness of the drug.
  6. When you have completed all the necessary steps and done a pedicure, do not forget to moisturize your skin. For this purpose, special moisturizing creams or remedies for the appearance of corns are used.

Secrets of painless creation of a beautiful pedicure

There is a considerable amount of advice from famous cosmetologists, manicurists and manicurists who have been involved in this business for many years. Many of them reveal useful secrets to their clients so that they can do their own nail design at home. Let's look at the main secrets of creating perfectly smooth legs at home:

  1. If there are small cracks on your feet, you need to be very careful with scrub or peeling. The fact is that the strong and active substance of a cosmetic product may not react very well to the delicate skin on the legs. This is fraught with dermatitis or allergies.
  2. Constantly disinfect the tools you use for pedicures. Try to keep them away from your household.
  3. Have you purchased a new product to soften the skin on your legs - peeling or scrub? Great! Before using it fully, test for allergies.
  4. If it's autumn or winter outside, and you want to get a pedicure, try not to go outside in the next couple of hours after treating your feet.

Knowing how to perform a pedicure at home, as well as using special products and tools for this, you can save quite a lot of money on visiting beauty salons. However, remember that you can carry out this kind of work only if you feel confident in your abilities and know that you can carry out this kind of activity without any problems. If you have little experience, then watch several times how a master does all the work in the salon.

Some women do pedicures only in the warm season, when they need to wear open shoes, and some even neglect it altogether. This is understandable, because in a salon such a procedure is quite expensive, and women do not have the time, skills, or special tools to do a pedicure at home with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions will tell you about all the nuances of the procedure and its basic rules.

The most necessary tools for pedicure include:

  • nail clippers;
  • cutters for removing burrs;
  • scissors;
  • cuticle pusher;
  • scraper for cutting dead skin;
  • nail file.

All tools should be small in size and fit comfortably in your hand. They must also be well sharpened. The best material for manicure and pedicure instruments is stainless steel.

In addition to the main tools listed, there are also auxiliary ones. These include a bath, pumice stone for treating heels, cotton pads, napkins, and moisturizing cream.

Types of pedicure

Many people do not know that there are several types of pedicure:

  1. Classic is the most popular procedure. It includes treatment of nails, coating them with varnish, as well as massage and moisturizing of the feet.
  2. Hardware pedicure is now becoming very popular in salons. Most often used for problem skin on the feet.
  3. European. Many experts believe that this particular pedicure is most suitable for beginners, since it is almost impossible to injure yourself.
  4. Spa pedicure is an elite treatment for the skin of the feet, with which you can achieve good results even with the most problematic feet.
  5. Combined pedicure combines classic and hardware.

All treatments include nail treatment, dead skin removal and foot moisturizing. The main difference between the methods lies in the tools and cosmetics that are used. All these procedures can be done either independently at home, if you have all the necessary tools, or in the salon. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with each type of procedure, its advantages and disadvantages.

Tools for classic pedicure

Girls who prefer salon services should not bother with this topic. And if the procedure is done at home yourself, then first you need to prepare the tools for the pedicure. The description and purpose of each is given below. So, to make a beautiful pedicure yourself, you will need:

  • if there is polish on the nails, then use nail polish remover;
  • bath with warm water;
  • pusher to push back the cuticle;
  • cuticle tweezers;
  • scissors and a nail file to give them the desired shape.

If you need to cover your nails, you will also need to prepare a nail buffer, colored varnishes and a degreaser (if you don’t have it, you can use alcohol).

When all the necessary tools are prepared, you can get down to business. Classic pedicure step by step:

  1. First, you need to remove old nail polish, if any, from your nails. If not, then you need to immerse your feet in a bath of water and wait a few minutes for the skin on the feet to soften.
  2. When the skin on your feet is soft, you need to move the cuticle away from the nail plate. To do this, you will need a spatula-shaped side of the pusher. The pusher gently lifts the cuticle in the area of ​​the nail hole. After this, the cuticle needs to be trimmed using tweezers.
  3. Next, you need to use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape. If necessary, you can use scissors.
  4. After the cuticles have been removed and the nails have been treated, you can begin to treat the feet. The keratinized areas should be treated with pumice. Then the treated feet should be lubricated with moisturizer.
  5. Thus, a simple pedicure at home is ready, and you can start applying varnish.

For beginners, the process may seem quite complicated, but in fact there is nothing to worry about. On average, a classic pedicure takes about 40 minutes, and to permanently maintain the result, this procedure should be done once a month.

Pros and cons of classic pedicure

The advantages of a trim pedicure include:

  • affordable price;
  • long lasting effect;
  • does not require any special devices;
  • the opportunity to do the procedure yourself.

Despite the positive aspects, edged pedicure has its disadvantages:

  • you can easily cut yourself;
  • there is a high probability of infection through a cut;
  • To get a long-lasting effect and avoid negative consequences, you need a good specialist.

Perhaps the biggest drawback here is that not all salons sterilize instruments according to all the rules, so you can easily get infected.

Do-it-yourself hardware pedicure at home: step-by-step instructions. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

This variety appeared in Russia recently. For such a procedure, you need a special machine for hardware pedicure, which has grinding attachments and various cutters. The feet are softened with the help of a special preparation, and not soaked in a bath, as is done with a classic pedicure.

Several steps of a hardware pedicure:

  1. The first step is to disinfect the feet.
  2. Next, a special preparation is applied to them for a few minutes, softening the keratinized skin.
  3. The next step is to proceed directly to the procedure. The device has various attachments that can be used to perform pedicures of any complexity: the device can remove calluses, warts, cracks on the feet, and ingrown toenails.
  4. After completing the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or paraffin mask to your feet.

Usually, after such treatment, the result is noticeable immediately, but in advanced cases, several sessions may be required. The procedure takes approximately an hour.

The advantages of hardware pedicure include:

  • you can treat hard-to-reach places;
  • saving time by quickly cleaning the foot;
  • minimal risk of injury;
  • painless.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • a small number of truly experienced and qualified craftsmen. Experience required for home use.

How to choose a machine for hardware pedicure

As already mentioned, a pedicure machine is quite expensive. Now there are many models, different in price, configuration and quality. For beginners who want to purchase a device, experts advise buying an inexpensive model first to try their hand at it. Before getting a pedicure, it is advisable for beginners to take several lessons from specialists or at least become familiar with the technique of performing the procedure on their own.

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the material of the nozzles and the quality of the device itself. For a professional pedicure, the best option is a device with a vacuum cleaner. For home use, you can choose a simpler option. In a high-quality device there should be no vibration of the handle, it should be forcedly cooled and generally durable.

European pedicure: pros and cons

Advantages of the method:

  • saves time compared to other procedures;
  • there is no risk of injury or infection;
  • the end result is long lasting.

The disadvantages of this procedure include:

  • the procedure is not suitable for unkempt feet;
  • To get a good result, you need many sessions of the procedure.

European pedicure is performed without the use of tweezers or scissors. Cuticle removal occurs by applying a special cream that dissolves it. Then the skin is peeled off with a special wooden stick. With each such procedure, the cuticle becomes thinner and thinner. The skin of the feet is polished with pumice. A noticeable result from this procedure will appear after about seven procedures.

Combined and spa pedicure

Combined pedicure is a combination of hardware and classic. With this procedure, some areas are treated with a tool, and others with a device. For a comfortable feeling, the feet are first lowered into the bath, and then wiped dry, and the next stage of the procedure begins - hardware treatment of the feet and cuticles.

Experts believe that spa pedicure is the simplest method. Every girl can do it at home. Many preparations have been created specifically for spa pedicures containing natural ingredients to moisturize the skin of the feet. Such products allow you to remove dry skin without any discomfort. They usually contain essential oils and medicinal plants.

The main disadvantage of a spa pedicure is its high cost. Also, now there are very few salons and masters involved in this procedure.

In conclusion, it must be said that pedicure is of interest not only to women; men should also take care of the skin of their feet. People who for some reason do not want to visit a salon can do a pedicure at home with their own hands. The step-by-step instructions will be an excellent assistant and will familiarize you with all the nuances of the procedure.

Home pedicure can be performed using various techniques - using scissors and graters, a device with cutter attachments, or using keratolytics - acid- or alkaline-based softeners. The specifics of performing each procedure at home yourself, as well as the intricacies of foot care between trips to the salon will be discussed further.

Classic or edged pedicure at home: description and materials

A classic pedicure is a procedure that combines:

  • soaking the feet in water with further removal of the rough skin of the cuticle and pterygium using scissors or nippers, a pusher and an orange stick;
  • correction of the shape and length of the nail plates;
  • processing with a stop file or grater.

Due to the fact that this version of the pedicure procedure uses cutting tools - scissors or nippers - it is also called trimming.

To perform a trim pedicure at home, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Foot bath
  • Salt, soda, shower gel or liquid soap
  • Large scrub
  • Pusher, orange stick
  • Nail file 180/220 grit
  • Nail clippers
  • Nail scissors or skin clippers
  • Grater or file for feet, coarse abrasiveness 80/100 grit
  • Finger separator
  • Light moisturizer
  • Cuticle oil
  • Large napkins or towels
  • Gel polish or varnish for decorative nail coating

Trim pedicure at home

It is recommended to perform the procedure once every 10-14 days at home, depending on the load on the legs. This intensity will allow you to properly care for the skin of your legs and feet, preventing the appearance of cracks and ingrown nails. Between the full procedure, it is recommended to sand your feet every 3-5 days with a coarse file to remove rough skin.

Classic pedicure is easy to learn. To do it as efficiently as possible, take care of good tools and nail files. This is already half the battle. It will take you about an hour to complete. You can turn on your favorite TV series.

Let's look at how to perform a classic pedicure step by step:

Hardware pedicure at home

In the absence of experience with the device, many beginners have a question: how to do a hardware pedicure at home correctly? Let's look into the details.

Since hardware pedicure is performed dry and without cutting tools, you will need the correct cutter attachments to work on all problem areas.

Materials and attachments for hardware pedicure at home:

  • Device with a power of at least 30 W
  • Diamond cutters: truncated cone, flame and ball
  • Sanding sand caps and silicone sanding pads
  • Foot cream
  • Cuticle oil
  • Decorative coating upon request

Performing a hardware pedicure at home with your own hands can be a difficult task without proper practice. It is necessary to confidently hold the handle of the machine with the cutter so that cuts do not form and do not injure the cuticle skin.

When working with attachments, make sure that your working hand has a good support. Use your little, ring and middle fingers for this.

  1. Use a diamond cutter to move the truncated cone with a blue notch and slightly lift the cuticle. Use the same cutter to shape your nails.
  2. Using a flame cutter with a blue notch, open the cuticle even further and remove all the pterygium around the perimeter of the nail. Hold the cutter almost parallel to the nail plate, do not press hard.
  3. Use a diamond-coated ball cutter to gently cut the cuticle, moving from bottom to top from the nail.
  4. Use a silicone polisher to treat the cut area.
  5. Use sand caps to treat the foot, metatarsus, and toes. Move evenly along the lines of the skin. Don't stop for a long time in one area.
  6. Use the silicone sanding pad to sand the foot and metatarsus again.
  7. Apply cream to your feet and oil to the cuticles, give a relaxing or toning massage.

Pedicure using acid, alkaline keratolytics or removers

This pedicure option is suitable for anyone who does not want to work with cutting tools or apparatus. It is easy to perform, takes minimal time, and the results are just as effective.

To do an acid pedicure at home you will need an acid keratolytic. It is also called remover, peeling. There is also an alkaline version of the composition. This is a product that softens the skin to a liquid paste. All that remains is to remove it with a pusher or an orange stick in the cuticle area and a file on the feet.

Alkaline keratolytics are stronger and penetrate deeper into the skin. Acidic ones are softer in impact and are suitable for unused feet.

Even after removing the product, it continues to work for some time in the deep layers of the skin, so it is necessary to use a neutralizer. It is consumed economically, and the results from using the system are impressive.

The products are presented in the form of foam softeners, gels, and liquids. Popular brands:

  • Callus Remover PNB
  • Naomi Callus Remover
  • My Nail Callus Remover
  • Comilfo
  • Pro Link Be Natural

Home foot care between pedicures

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