Who are CEO, CFO, CVO, CMO, etc... Who are CxOs: CEO, CFO, CIO, CMO and other Ceo transcript

Reading foreign economic literature, you often come across the following abbreviations: CEO, COO, CFO. Somehow it sounds very unclear to us. Whether things are dear to our ears: general director, chief engineer, chief accountant, manager. warehouse But Russian people are especially susceptible to everything “foreign”, so all these CEO, CIO, CTO, CKO etc. are actively used in our companies. Let's try to figure out the same “who is who”.

(For those who are interested in the decoding itself, skip the introduction and look at the end of the article. For those who want to understand more deeply the entire “depth of depth,” we are not afraid of the number of letters and read in a row).

First of all, I would like to immediately say that it is incorrect to transfer hierarchical organizational regalia into our business environment. Or rather, it is incorrect to draw parallels and say CEO- this is the general director. Moreover, the abbreviation stands for absurdly CIO, as director of IT, head of IT. And, of course, the main confusion is caused by THE PRESIDENT. Usually they try to place him above everyone else and equate him with God. Moreover, it is not always correct to draw parallels not only between CEO and the general director, but also the CEO of an American and English company (where you can find Managing Director), not to mention European companies.

Let's not go deep, because you can get completely confused, but let's talk about American terminology. I’d like to say right away that there are no strict rules regarding what to call someone “THERE”. You can call yourself and your subordinates whatever you want. These Americans are close to us. ( So, personally, in practice I met a company of 7 people, headed by the “President”). I just want to sing

“Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.”

But if they are close to us, then what is the main, “critical” difference that does not allow us to draw parallels. I don’t want to go beyond the scope of the article, so I’ll try to describe it more briefly.

Firstly: for them shareholders are much more than for us. And if on the territory of the post-Soviet space a shareholder not only does not sound proud, but in some cases sounds like an empty phrase, then their situation is completely opposite. You not only claim a share of the profits from business activities, but you also have every right to participate in the management of the enterprise through specific mechanisms. With us, as a rule, there is only one “master” and he leads as he wants and with the help of whomever he wants.

Secondly, the emphasis and priorities in the company itself are set somewhat differently. For example, you can often find the chief accountant as the second person after the manager. And a joke like:

“If your accountant pays all taxes, then let him receive his salary from the tax office”

turns out to be the topic of the day. In the West, the concepts of accounting and finance, accounting and management have long been separated.

While information and human capital in the West have truly become the main business advantage, in our country these concepts have only become the object of close attention of the authors of articles and speeches of politicians. How to translate Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)? Moreover, the problem is not in translation, but in adaptation and understanding. No matter how you translate it, this position does not always have a place in our enterprises. And even if found, the result from the activities of this person (department) is unlikely to bring tangible results.

Simply put, we have not yet reached the level of CEO. We are at the stage of forming a global “BUSINESS CULTURE” in our conditions, but we are growing much faster, because we see where we should grow, and we see from history how this should not be done.

Now, from the protracted introduction, let's move on directly to positions and abbreviations.

Board of Directors - a board of directors elected by shareholders. This is the contour of the company's management by shareholders.

Chairman of the Board - Chairman of the board of directors elected from among the board.

President is not a position, but rather a title, a kind of face of the company. He may be a direct descendant of the founder of the company, who currently has no real power. Although, again, I will make a reservation that the division of powers between positions varies from company to company.

This level of management is called C-level, since all job titles begin with “Chief,” that is, chief.

CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - a position appointed by the board of directors (if the company is a public company). The CEO can be either invited from the “outside” or elected from among the company’s employees. The CEO exercises complete management of the company and bears full responsibility. If a company is caught in illegal actions, it is the CEO who will be jailed. The CEO can also serve as both the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President. The combination of all three positions indicates the unlimited power of the leader.

CFO (Chief Financial Officer) - the official responsible for the finances of the corporation. As a rule, it is subordinate to the CEO. It is not uncommon for the CFO to be selected from among the board of directors. May be called Treasurer or Finance Director.

COO(Chief Operating Officer) - an official responsible for the current activities of the enterprise. Operational management tools are entirely at the disposal of the COO.

CIO (Chief Information Officer) is the highest level corporate official responsible for INFORMATION. (The interpretation of the CIO as an IT director is nonsense. If your computer is broken, then you can contact the CIO with the same success as the chief accountant). The CIO reports to the CFO or CEO. In the Western hierarchy, CIO is close to CKO. This is due to the fact that the role of information has recently become dominant. What do you want after all? POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY.

CTO (Chief Technical or Technology Officer) - the role of this position varies depending on the specifics of the company. In technology companies, the CEO may report directly; in non-tech companies, the CIO reports directly. In computer companies it can be represented by the CIO.

CKO (chief knowledge officer) - a top manager responsible for maximizing the company's value achieved through knowledge. Responsible for intangible assets (know-how, patents). In general, everything related to intellectual capital is under the management of CKO.

The role of the others is clear from their names, so let’s simply decipher the abbreviations.

CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
CAO (Chief Analytics Officer)
CCO (Chief Communications Officer)
CDO (Chief Data Officer)
CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)
CNO(Chief Networking Officer)
CPO (Chief Process Officer)
CSO(Chief Security Officer)
CSO (Chief Strategy Officer)
CRO (Chief Risk Officer)
CCO (Chief Credit Officer)
CLO (Chief Legal Officer)

Often, publications indicate such reductions in positions as CEO, CFO, CVO, etc... Those who trade and insider transactions should definitely know these abbreviations.

Let's take a closer look at these positions:

CEO (Chief Executive Officer) literally - chief executive officer - the highest official of the company (general director, chairman of the board, president, manager). Determines the overall strategy of the enterprise, makes decisions at the highest level, and performs representative duties.

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)- financial director - one of the top managers of the company, responsible for managing the financial flows of the business, for financial planning and reporting. Determines the financial policy of the organization, develops and implements measures to ensure its financial stability. Manages financial management work based on the strategic goals and development prospects of the organization, identifying sources of financing taking into account market conditions. In a typical company management scheme, he holds the position of vice president of finance and reports to the company president or general director. Often serves as a member of the board of directors.

СVO (Chief Visionary Officer)— executive director, one of the top managers of the company. In a typical company management scheme, he holds the position of vice president and reports to the company president or general director. Often serves as a member of the board of directors.

COO (Chief Operating Officer)- Chief operating officer; one of the heads of the institution, responsible for day-to-day operations, for current activities. In Russian language and business, this concept corresponds to the position of “executive director”.

CIO (Chief Information Officer)— information technology manager (chief), director of information technology (corporate employee, top-ranking executive, responsible for the acquisition and implementation of new technologies, information resource management). Most accurately this concept in Russian corresponds to “IT Director”, “Director of the Information Technology Department”, “Deputy General Director for IT”.

CSO (Chief Security Officer)— head of the security department, (chief) security director of the organization.

CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)— Head of the IT Security Department, (Chief) Director of IT Security. The CISO may report to both the CIO and the CSO.

CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)- Marketing director/commercial director, a manager belonging to the category of top management, senior management of the enterprise. Determines the marketing strategy of the enterprise, makes decisions at the highest level, and manages the work of the enterprise's marketing service.

CAO (Chief Accounting Officer)) - Chief Accountant. A manager belonging to the category of top management, senior management of an enterprise. Responsible for all aspects of accounting work.

CTO (Chief technical officer or Chief technology officer)- technical director - a leadership position in Western companies, corresponds to Russian “chief engineer”. One of the leaders of the corporation, responsible for its development and development of new products; he is usually in charge of the entire technological part of production.

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Website promotion specialists are called SEO specialists. What is SEO? How does this abbreviation stand for? Why is it included in the name of many companies whose core business is Internet marketing?

SEO - Search Engines Optimization

SEO stands for Search Engines Optimization, which literally means optimization for search engines. A non-verbatim decoding of the concept will be much longer and more complex.

Search Engines - search engines, or, as they are often called, search engines - consider many sites and many queries as object environments, comparing them with each other in order to identify the greatest similarity. For each request, the most relevant site is found that reveals the topic of this request more accurately than others. Sites that also correspond to the topic of the request, as their relevance decreases (from the point of view of a given search robot), are located in second, third, and so on.

SEO - Search Engines Optimization - This is bringing the site into compliance with the request. This is an action (or, more precisely, a set of measures) that increases the relevance of the site to a specific request, and, consequently, the position of the site in the search engine results for this request.

SEA - Search Engines Advertising

SEA - Search Engines Advertising- This is advertising within search engines.

Search engines offer website owners a very convenient and effective tool for promoting goods and services - contextual advertising. Contextual advertising acts selectively and is displayed only to those visitors whose area of ​​interest coincides with the topics of the advertised goods or services. The results of the search engines Yandex and Google, for example, for any competitive request are accompanied by the display of a group of advertisements - they are located to the right (or to the right and above) of the main results of search ranking sites.

SEM - Search Engines Marketing

SEM - Search Engines Marketing is marketing within the framework of search engines, implementing an integrated approach to promoting business on the Internet. It includes the use of SEO methods and SEA tools and provides the most comprehensive coverage of the target audience on the Internet.

A site can rank well for its key queries in one search engine, but be out of visibility in another search engine for the same queries. In this case, if reaching visitors to a second search engine is necessary, it may be advisable to plan an SEA campaign in addition to SEO activities.

Simultaneous implementation of SEO and SEA campaigns is used in the case of planning the “total presence” of a company’s brand on the Internet. The presence of the company’s website on both the left and right in search engine results gives a synergistic effect.

The future belongs to Internet marketing, whose various tools will allow those who use them correctly to achieve amazing results.

With the development of information technology, new professions began to appear, many of which are still not clear to everyone. Everyone knows what a teacher, translator, doctor, businessman does, while the professions of a motion designer, copywriter, marketer, and SEO specialist raise many questions. It is even more difficult for those who are not aware of the modern names of common professions. This article provides information about the CEO. Deciphering the CEO position will help you better understand the type of activity.

Who is a CEO?

The CEO position is now highly valued. Transcription in English will reveal the functional responsibilities of a specialist in this field for those who do not speak foreign languages.

So, CEO - Chief Executive Officer - is translated into Russian as “chief executive officer”. The CEO is the head of the organization, the general director.

Using an abbreviation

Many are interested in what is the point of calling the boss with some incomprehensible abbreviation, also foreign, when there is a familiar Russian word.

It makes sense, since CEO is the international name for the profession of a general director, and in practice it is only applicable to owners or managers of large forms of business. In other words, the head of a trading stall is not the CEO, but the head of a trading stall.

The abbreviation is used not only for the position of CEO. Decoding the CEO position in English makes it clear that since there are other Officers, they are probably also called something in the international sense.


What are the main responsibilities of a CEO?

First of all, the CEO is not necessarily the direct owner of the business. He can be both an owner and a hired manager, but this does not reduce the degree of his responsibility (at least legally).

The CEO is fully responsible for everything that happens in the company. He is obliged to control the work of all its departments, competently delegate tasks, distribute responsibilities between employees, and manage labor and material resources. And this is only a small part of his tasks.

Of course, such a list of responsibilities is normal for the head of a large company, but listed on paper they look much more serious, complex and even intimidating.

Is the Chief Executive Officer seriously doing so much work on his own?

Chief Assistant to CEO

Of course it doesn't work. That is why we are talking about competent delegation of certain tasks.

First of all, the general director is assisted by his first deputy. According to international terminology, his position is called Deputy CEO. A position whose decoding is more than simple: deputy translated from English means “deputy”.

As a rule, the deputy has a clearly defined scope of work, so deviations from the given plan rarely occur.

Who else is there?

Just as in a huge mechanism, every cog and every detail plays a significant role, so in large corporations the contribution of every employee of the company is important. In fact, any company is the same mechanism. How clearly it is established depends on many factors.

Most of the tasks have already been distributed in advance due to the fact that there are departments and subdepartments in any large company, and the job description of the employees of each department has been drawn up in advance. It is these departments that are the constituent elements of the organization.

It's worth learning more about the assistant general managers who head various departments.

Many people confuse the CEO and CFO positions. Decoding again will help you understand the difference.

CFO - Chief Financial Officer (chief financial director). Everything is clear with this position: this is a person who deals with the financial issues of the company. He is on staff; The CEO is his immediate superior.

CIO - Chief Information Officer (chief information officer). He is involved in automating the company's processes. Monitors the operation of information technology within the organization. It should not be confused with a programmer.

CTO - Chief Technology Officer (chief technology officer). Engaged in the development of new technical products and solutions.

CMO - Chief Marketing Officer (chief marketing director). His task is to conduct marketing research, develop a strategy for promoting the company's goods or services, and also increase sales.

This is not a complete list of all management departments. Some specialists may not be in the company because they are not needed due to the specifics of the business or due to a limited budget.

And of course, it is impossible to indicate absolutely all the responsibilities of a particular specialist in a job description. Therefore, delegation of the scope of work still remains on the shoulders of the CEO, but this does not imply abdication of responsibility: in the end, it is still necessary to monitor the completion of the task and make sure that it is completed correctly.

It is worth noting that all of the above positions are managerial. These people head the relevant department, in which they also need to monitor the work process of employees on staff. As a rule, specialists do not interfere with the work of other departments and deal directly with their tasks. Discussions between employees, mainly heads of different departments, occur only when it is necessary to coordinate their actions to achieve a common goal, when it is impossible to do without discussion. Typically this process occurs under the leadership of the CEO.


In general, CEO is a fairly simple and understandable position for a Russian-speaking person who knows who works in large corporations. It is only important to know the decoding of an incomprehensible abbreviation and the translation of English words into Russian.

Any manager must not only know English, but also be able to use it. Nowadays, it’s less and less common to see “director” in the signature of a letter, and an unfamiliar CEO appears more and more often.

So that you don't have problems understanding job titles in English, your friend MPORT decided to create a small reference book. Add this page to your browser's favorites so you don't get lost among the English job titles.

: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: CEO

Source: facebook.com

The highest official of the company who manages the entire process. The CEO is the leading top manager.

Job title in English:CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: Financial Director

A person who is fully responsible for the financial activities of an enterprise. This is how the name Finance Director is common.

Job title in English: CTO (Chief Technical/Technology Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: Technical Director

Source: crash.net

This manager is responsible for the technical and technological parts of the production process. In the area of ​​his activity, the selection and use of technologies, software and hardware.

Job title in English: CIO (Chief Information Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: Director of Information Technology

A person also associated with technology and information systems, but his area of ​​responsibility extends more to business, while the service station monitors the technical side.

Job title in English: COO (Chief Operating Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: Executive Director

Top manager responsible for the daily operational work of the company. Routine position with good compensation.

Job title in English: CCO (Chief Compliance Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: Director for Conciliation and Enforcement Procedures

A senior manager who monitors the company's compliance with regulations, contracts and obligations to partners.

Job title in English: CSO (Chief Security Officer)

Analogue of the position in Russian: Head of Security

Specialist in developing an overall security strategy and reducing various risks. Also sometimes checks employees when hiring (has connections with the SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs).

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