How to please a girl on the first date. First date with a girl

Dating and Pickup

How to get a girl to like you on a date

You need to have enough courage to ask a girl out for a date, and no less courage to carry out the date with dignity. But now we can say with confidence that you are doing well, since the biggest test is already behind you. The girl agreed to the meeting, which means it’s time to figure out how to please a girl on a date.

It can be stated that there is no blueprint for the perfect date. Each girl has her own individual characteristics, and sometimes the stupidest actions of guys become the highlight that amazes the girls. And practical experience suggests that the strongest relationships arise between people who accidentally fall in love.

So, you have agreed on a date. If you want to see this girl for the second, third, or even the tenth time, then you need to understand a number of principles and rules that you should definitely keep in your head. So every guy has a chance to turn the head of absolutely any girl.

How to get a girl to like you on a date

The first and most important rule. If a girl agrees to meet you, then you can be sure that she has already said “Yes”. She had many options for how to spend this day, and she chose you over all of them. So no need to pretend to be a peacock and walk back and forth in front of her. You just need to come across as a thoughtful guy who values ​​his choices.

In other words. Forget in the conversation about all your clumsy show-offs, your promising job, your cool car that accelerates to a hundred in a few seconds. Also, you shouldn’t brag about the fact that you got into a fight somewhere and got punched in the face. You're just a good guy. If a girl is interested in all these little things in your life, she will ask about it herself, period.

Appearance. There's no denying that you'll make a better impression if you're pragmatic when choosing what to wear on a date. This is clear to almost everyone, but every second guy comes to a meeting with a girl with an unwashed hair, torn pants, or, conversely, in a business suit and that stupid one rose.

Look at the girl’s photographs, determine the price level and the attention to clothing that she pays when choosing clothes. If she wears pants and T-shirts, then there is no need to wear pants and a dress shirt. You should look about the same as her, at most one order of magnitude cooler, no more.

Why you shouldn't give one rose. A rose in the girl’s hands shows everyone around her that the girl is now on one of her first dates. And everyone around you begins to evaluate you as her promising young man. And this unfortunate rose shows two things:

You don’t have money to buy a normal bouquet and take a girl to a restaurant;

You don’t have the imagination to come up with something more original for a girl than one rose.

So the girl will feel uncomfortable, and in her thoughts there will be a desire to run away from you as quickly as possible. Of course, there are girls who will be happy with even one rose, but it’s better not to tempt fate.

Decide on a meeting place. On first dates, you should not tell each other about your childhood traumas, difficult life trials and plans to become the king of the world. You need a normal calm conversation on a neutral topic. You will be a real handsome man if, with the help of humor and intelligent questions, you can get a girl to talk so that she does the talking 90% of the time. So you need a place where you both feel comfortable and relaxed enough.

1) Find out her interests. Regardless of your preferences, ask the girl about what interests her and where she would like to go. Perhaps this information will give a good idea of ​​where to go.

2) In the summer, a walk in the park would be a good option. A relaxing place, a complete feeling of safety for a girl. And also a great opportunity to look at a girl and her character, spending a minimum of money.

3) In winter, everything is more difficult, so you should choose either spacious, bright cafes, perhaps an open-air skating rink, or a short walk along the street.

Here it is worth considering that when meeting for the first time, a girl does not want to immediately fall into the arms of a guy. She wants to be able to escape at the first opportunity. Therefore, open places are chosen.

How to meet a girl. According to etiquette, you must arrive at the meeting 5-10 minutes before the appointed time. It will be a real miracle if the girl arrives on time, but being 10 minutes late will be quite acceptable. If time passes and she is not there. Then you should call her and ask her in a slightly dissatisfied voice, when will she come? There are situations when a girl is dynamite. But not this one, then another one!

As soon as you notice a girl, stop walking from side to side and talking on the phone. Put on a happy face and greet her and ask her to go for a walk. It is better not to delay greetings and standing still, as this is bad for your confidence.

What to talk about with a girl on a date. As mentioned above, you need to ensure that the girl speaks all the time. It’s better to make the girl talk about herself, and you guide her in the right direction. This way you can create the impression of a smart guy who respects girls. And the girl will appreciate your ability to listen and maintain a conversation.

If the girl you come across is modest and shy, then try to ask her questions and tell her funny stories. Watch the girl's reaction, as soon as she shows interest in what you are talking about, continue to develop this topic.

How to escort a girl. After a good day, you need to accompany the girl to the place of separation. Usually this is either a stop or her home. And here the question arises: “How to escort a girl, and should you kiss her or not?”

Be sure to try to hug the girl goodbye, such a gesture on your part will show your interest in her, and she will be able to go home in a good mood. The trick is that you will not know the truth about the success of the meeting. So it’s better to try to count her behavior as a “yes” than a “no”.

Few girls will agree to a kiss on their first dates. But you can ask a simple question: “Did I deserve a kiss on the cheek?” If the girl agrees, then everything is fine. If it is clear from her face that you are clearly rushing things, then put on a kind face and say: “Then I’ll try my luck at the next meeting.”

Although this is not talked about much, it helps you move forward in your relationship. If the date was successful, try to arrange the next date at the end of the previous one. A girl with positive emotions will agree much more readily.

Know, no matter how stupid you behave, but if the girl agrees to the next meeting, then everything went fine.

In the life of every man, there have probably been unpleasant situations when, after the first date, the object of courtship “evaporated”... How to make the first meeting successful and what mistakes should be avoided if you want the relationship to continue? British psychologists recently compiled a special guide on this matter, writes the Independent newspaper.

It is not necessary to take a girl to an expensive cafe or restaurant

There is a common misconception that all women evaluate their gentlemen primarily depending on the amount of money that they are willing to spend on them. But in reality this is not at all the case. Many girls feel awkward if a man spends too much on them, and they begin to think that they now “owe” something to their boyfriend.

The easiest option is to just drink coffee. You can also invite the girl to a small picnic, on a hike, to visit a museum, exhibition or some cultural event.

If a girl is not against extreme sports, then you can offer her parachute jumping or a roller coaster ride. The release of adrenaline into the blood will put your companion into a state of excitement, which can easily be confused with sexual desire, and it will be easier for you to get closer.

Don't drink alcohol in front of a girl

It is best to avoid alcohol altogether. But a glass of champagne or other light wine at home or in a cafe is quite acceptable. This will help both of you relax and unwind.

But it is better to avoid beer, whiskey and other strong drinks. If you drink too much, sooner or later you will begin to lose control of yourself. Besides, no normal girl would like a gentleman who drinks liters of alcohol...

Don't turn the conversation into an interrogation

It is clear that you are trying to find out more about your interlocutor, but the questions should not be too detailed and persistent. It is quite appropriate to ask where and with whom she lives, where she studies or who she works for, what her hobbies are. But finding out how much she earns, what kind of apartment she has, whether she has a car, a dacha, and so on, is at least inappropriate and can lead her to certain thoughts about your commercialism.

Don't turn the conversation into a one-man monologue

Everyone loves to talk about themselves. But if you don’t shut your mouth when talking about yourself, at some point the girl will get tired of it and she will think that you are not at all interested in her, only in yourself. Ideally, the conversation should resemble a game of ball: first she will tell you something, then you will tell her something - and so it goes...

Talk about the past with caution

If there have been some unsightly situations in your life, you should not mention them. It is unlikely that the girl will like the mention of the fights in which you participated. Avoid stories about situations in which you acted as a victim - you were beaten, robbed, abandoned, and so on... The girl may conclude that you are a weak person, unable to stand up for yourself.

Detailed stories about your ex-girlfriends or wife should also be taboo. You can mention them, but if you spend too much time on them, your date will think that you can't forget them. If you mention several of your women, she will think that you are a womanizer.

You should also be careful when asking a girl about her past. You can ask if she was married or if she has someone now. And let him tell in response what he considers necessary. But asking how many men she has had is completely inappropriate, at least on the first date. You will still have time to ask her about it.

Don't make overt sexual innuendos

If you constantly look at a girl’s chest or legs, and not at her face, she will perceive this absolutely unambiguously... You shouldn’t “paw” her either. Holding someone's hand or lightly touching them on the shoulder is fine and will not look like sexual harassment.

Not every girl will like talking about sexual topics. Some men prefer to ask at the first meeting what positions the new acquaintance prefers in bed and what he prefers. This is simply shocking to most women. At the very least, she will think that you are only looking for a one-night stand or a non-committal relationship.

The same “forbidden” area includes offers to sleep or immediately go to your home. If a girl enthusiastically accepted your proposal, then she is most likely of “easy virtue.” Do you want a "real" relationship? Wait. With the normal development of a romance, sooner or later you will still have sex, and then you will learn everything about each other.

On the first date, getting to know the girl is not over. The meeting could have gone either well or badly. However, the guy’s further behavior is also important in what decisions the girl will make in relation to him. Therefore, it is important to know how to behave after a date with a girl.

The men's magazine website in all its articles encourages readers to do only one thing - to maintain calm and self-confidence. This is important not only during a date with a girl, but also after it.

  1. Imagine yourself as an insecure person who is worried about whether he will see the girl again, whether she liked communicating with him, etc. He will be nervous, worried and perform ridiculous actions that will show the girl how unconfident he is.
  2. Imagine yourself as a confident person who knows for sure that everything went perfectly. Even if a girl doesn’t like a guy, it doesn’t bother him at all. A girl can have her own decisions, for which she is responsible. And the guy will look for another passion that will definitely interest him.

It doesn't matter what happens in the real world, what matters is how you feel. In reality, you may not be respected or valued, but you can make sure that the feelings of those around you are not similar to your own. If you also don’t value and respect yourself, then those around you are right in their feelings. But if you love and respect yourself, then these are not your problems, but the problems of people who experience negative emotions towards you.

Be confident in yourself, even if you're not. Be the kind of person you would like to be. Live the life you would like to live. There is no need to wait for reality to materialize your dreams; it’s better to start feeling yourself the way it would be if your desires came true.

Of course, many plans require money. But your feelings don't require money. You may already feel confident, as if you have achieved everything you wanted. This also applies to relationships with a girl. You can already be the person you always imagined yourself to be. You can already live the life you want, even if you don’t yet have everything you need in reality. The main thing is your personal feelings, which should already be the same as if you had received or achieved what you want. And everything else will follow.

Start with your own feelings, when you feel the emotions that you would experience if you had already achieved what you want. And the world will soon delight you with the materialization of your plans.

Girls feel the mood of guys very well. If they feel insecure, it pushes them away. If girls feel confident within potential loved ones, then this attracts them.

Another fact worth noting in favor of confidence and calm: if you pay attention, you will notice that older men are more attracted to young girls. Many are inclined to believe that it is about money. In fact, grown men exude calm and self-confidence. They are already sure that they can interest girls in something. They already behave calmly, not running after anyone and not bothering anyone just because of their own insecurity.

The date is over - how to behave?

A guy’s behavior afterwards can be just as decisive as during the meeting. If a guy starts making mistakes, they will be unforgivable. The girl will no longer want to see him, even if the first meeting was successful. This principle also works in the opposite direction: correct behavior after a date can once again push a girl to meet a guy who failed the first meeting. How to behave after the date is over?

  1. You should not schedule a second appointment right away. Let the girl wait a little while waiting. If she liked the guy, then she will wait for his call or message. If you immediately arrange a meeting with her, she will feel calm and confident.

The girl doesn't need to be given peace of mind. Let her remain in the dark about what thoughts the guy is thinking and feeling after meeting her. She should be concerned about what you think about her and whether you liked her. Therefore, do not talk about the second meeting after the end of the first. At the same time, do not languish for too long: the girl may burn out from waiting for a long time.

  1. Don't text or call. Of course, this can be done the next day. However, while you just walked the girl home or put her in a taxi, leave her alone with your thoughts and feelings. Don't write or call her anything.

The worst mistake a guy can make after a first date is to start asking the girl how much she liked it. This act only shows the guy’s lack of self-confidence. Why would a self-confident person ask another about how good he felt when he met? A confident person already knows that everything went well. He is convinced that he did everything right. You can be wrong in your assumptions. However, this should not cause self-doubt.

Call the girl the next day or write to her. However, there should not be anything here that would demonstrate your weakness. For example, you can ask a girl a question, remembering a funny situation that happened at the first meeting:

  • “Do you always blush when you like a guy?”
  • “Do your eyes always get so big when you are surprised by something?”
  • “You were scared yesterday. What else are you afraid of? Perhaps me?

After such a message, the girl should doubt that the guy liked her. Once again we return to the idea that it is the girl who should worry about whether the guy likes her, and not vice versa. Your behavior should express confidence that everything was cool and the girl is fascinated by you.

If a girl wants to communicate with you, she will definitely write something back or call you. Here you don't have to answer right away. However, be sure to call her back during the day, otherwise she will give up on you. When talking to a girl on the phone, you don’t need to say how bored you are and how eager you are to meet again. Be calm. Don’t offer to see each other just yet, but chat nicely and entertain the girl as if everything is fine.

After just 1-2 days, you can offer her a second meeting, where you can have a good time again.

This tactic is well applicable to confident ladies who are already accustomed to guys running after them. They are beautiful, which you do not deny. However, you should not show your interest in order to shake their pride a little. This will work to your advantage.

Slightly modified tactics should be used with girls whose self-esteem is low. Usually, such young ladies themselves try to please the guys, even on the first date. To hook your partner even more, instead of a humorous SMS, send her a beautiful message or a compliment. Remember what was good about her, what pleasant happened during the meeting, or how she amazed you. Write her something nice. This will allow her to become a little more confident and wait even more for your invitation to a second date.

How do you know if a girl likes you?

To guarantee your next meeting with a girl, you should clearly decide on the question: did the girl like you? Because people don't talk about their feelings and thoughts directly, especially in first meetings, you have to resort to subterfuge. What can a guy do to know that a girl likes him?

  1. He can hug her and even b. Moreover, it is better to do this not at the end of the date, but in the second half. There is no need to rush things. However, the very fact that the girl allowed herself to be touched indicates that the guy is physically attractive to her.
  2. Monitor her reaction during communication. A guy who is interesting makes a girl look at him almost all the time. If a girl constantly looks around, glances at her watch, and clicks something on her phone, then most likely she is just having a nice time with a new acquaintance.
  3. Assume that they can relax somewhere together. After the first meeting, one of you may not want to see each other again, which is normal. However, no one forbids you to dream a little that you can go together to an interesting exhibition, a nightclub, or even go to the sea.

Assume out loud that you and your girlfriend will be able to go somewhere or visit somewhere. How interested was she in your proposal? Of course, if you offer to visit a luxurious and expensive place, then a girl, even who is not interested in a guy, will agree to see him again, at least for the sake of this event. Therefore, it is better to put forward proposals for events that the girl can attend herself.

Bottom line

Be confident that everything is happening as it should. Feel like a successful person who has a lot to offer girls and can easily interest them in you. The girl will feel this mood, which will ultimately lead to a desire to see you again.

It is important to behave confidently not only on a date, but also after it. This is reflected in your words and actions. Show the girl that you are absolutely calm about any of her decisions. You will not be very happy about her consent and will not be overly depressed because of her refusal. You are fine, so her behavior will not affect you at all.

It is also important to create doubts within the girl herself, who does not know whether the guy liked her or not. Let her hesitate and ask such questions. And the guy must remain calm, because he is sure that everything was done correctly and the girl definitely liked him.

First of all, if you want a girl to like you, think about whether you like yourself, or how you treat yourself, with respect or not. If you don’t love yourself, then those around you will definitely feel it, at the subconscious level.

Also remember, girls don’t like men who pretend to be “tough” guys. It is very important to behave naturally, command respect and be a pleasant conversationalist.

What to do to please women?

To attract a worthy woman into your life, you need to pay attention to the basic rules that, from a psychological point of view, will help you in this matter.

You can't fit everyone

To understand how to properly please a girl, you should understand that any woman is, first of all, a person distinguished by her individuality and uniqueness. You should not treat her as a primitive creature that can be lured into your trap with beautiful words and expensive things.

Also, you should understand that each young lady has her own ideal man, and you may simply not be her type. Imagine yourself in the place of the object of attention from a female: you are being shown signs of attention by a young lady who is not your type, or simply unpleasant to you. As a result, no matter how hard she tries, you will not have any other feelings other than irritation. Therefore, if you like a girl, you need to try to win her heart several times, and if you fail, do not despair and do not label yourself a loser. Try to communicate with other representatives of the fair sex you like, and you will find exactly the one who will become your soulmate.

You have an interesting life

A beautiful and self-sufficient girl is unlikely to like boyfriends who can’t put two sentences together, or annoying fans who will shower her with compliments, flowers, and call and write messages all day long. Therefore, you should have your own interesting and varied life, so that the lady you like can understand that you are not a bore, but a person striving for self-development. Do what you like: playing musical instruments, gym, exhibitions, attending trainings, foreign languages, etc. When you meet a girl with such a set of hobbies, she will see you as a self-sufficient and ambitious man who is not looking for casual relationships. Without a doubt, a girl will like such an enthusiastic guy and will interest her.

Even if everything in your life is very neglected, boring and monotonous, let this rule serve as an incentive to take it to a new, better level.


Again, imagine that a beautiful “lady” comes up to you, but with greasy hair, dirty shoes, and with the smell of garlic on her breath. Plus, she hadn't showered in days. Will you have a desire to communicate with her?

Therefore, if you like a girl: beautiful, slim and well-groomed, you must match her with your appearance. Your clothes should be clean and ironed, and your shoes should be in perfect condition. Don't neglect going to the hairdresser and dentist. Brush your teeth, shower more often, wear men's perfume. A man should smell fresh, not the musk of a mountain goat.

Take the initiative

Many guys ask: how to please a girl who doesn't like you? What did you do to please? Most guys wait and dream that the girl will be the first to pay attention to them, and at that moment they will reciprocate. You can wait for this moment all your life, or until your chosen one is taken away by another man, since a woman’s psychology is designed in such a way that her heart must be won. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate and wait for a miracle. You need to quickly take control of the situation. To get a girl to like you, or at least try to do so, take the initiative, take the first step, at least start doing something: give a compliment, give her a pleasant surprise, invite her for a cup of tea, after school or work (if she is a colleague), invite her her to the theater or cinema. In fact, there are a lot of reasons to be alone with the object of sympathy, and it is simply impossible to list them all.

Remember, girls simply adore proactive guys who control the situation and take everything into their own hands.

First date - what to do?

When you met a young lady, or took the initiative to approach a young lady you know, for example, at work, and at the same time, having agreed to meet with her, the question inevitably arises: how to please a girl on the first date? Although this is a broad topic that requires separate discussion, the following recommendations can be distinguished from it:

  • The first thing to do is choose a quiet and cozy place to meet. Ideally, this is a cafe-teahouse, with a small number of visitors and quiet music. Otherwise, you will both look stupid if you sit silently all evening with deafening music. Also, do not make a date at a karaoke bar, this will distract the lady's attention from you.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the young lady will first take the position of an observer and study you. Therefore, watch your speech and manners. You must speak without using obscene words, calmly and without unnecessary gestures. For some reason, some guys act very funny, thinking that if they start making noises and gesturing with their fingers outstretched, then it looks “cool”. Do not do that. The lady will think that you are not very smart, and the date will be a failure. The main thing a guy needs to remember on a first date is that he makes the best possible impression on the object of his sympathy. The main sign that a young lady is interested in you and she is ready to continue getting to know you is the moment when she begins to willingly talk about herself. If she is indifferent to the guy, then she will answer questions superficially, without going into details.
  • Show interest in her person. People enthusiastically tell a pleasant interlocutor about themselves if he asks them to. This is human psychology, he strives to please his opponent. Ask the girl what might really interest you. This move can help out if you don’t know what to talk about and what to do next. But it will look strange if you yawn while listening to the answer to your question. As a last resort, you can change the topic at any time. It is very important to be a good listener and let the lady talk. To please women, you don’t have to behave like an owl, listening to a monologue, without blinking and without emotions. At least occasionally nod your head, smile, assent and do not interrupt.
  • Monologue or dialogue? We should not forget that we need to talk about ourselves. For example, to talk about your hobbies, select the moment when the lady completed her sentence and insert yours: “And I snowboard, rollerblade, go to a club or cinema with friends, play sports...” Some of this will interest the young lady, and you will smoothly switch to talking about you. Sometimes you shouldn't wait to be asked. There must be a dialogue, as a result of which the woman will form a certain opinion about you, which can affect your future relationship.

How to behave after a pleasant tea party? Be sure to pay for the order yourself. It is unlikely that you can please a lady if you follow the “American” tradition, when everyone pays for themselves. While walking, after a cafe or other meeting place, behave in the same way, with restraint and decentness. Be sure to take the girl all the way to the entrance, tell her how pleasant it was for you to communicate with her, and a couple more compliments - this will make your chosen one like you even more. The date should end on a positive note.

each of us remembers. Minutes of anxious anticipation of the meeting. It was so difficult to gather my thoughts. Not always first date develops into a long relationship leading to marriage and a long and happy family life.

But the first date is very important for a young man - maybe even more important than for a girl. After all, this is a test of your ability to impress and please a girl. How your first date goes can make or break your self-esteem.

Maybe there are some tricks that can help? to please a girl? How can win her attention? You definitely need to remember the folk wisdom that women love with their ears. But at the very first moment your appearance and the style of your clothing will be assessed. And only after this will the girl listen to you, or will close herself off from you.

How to dress for a first date? This is one of the most difficult questions. If you don’t want to lose face, then the undying classics will always come to the rescue, but let the classics be a little careless.

A good choice is a shirt and trousers, and a couple of stylish accessories. For example, a beautiful belt will be very useful, just don’t overdo it.

Pay special attention to your shoes; they must be perfectly clean. No amount of excuses about the fact that it is raining and muddy outside will restore the spoiled impression. Avoid bright and ridiculous colors. Clothes in calm tones will make a good impression on a first date. You will feel more confident in it, and your confidence will certainly make a good impression on the girl.

The next important point: the use of eau de toilette and deodorant. Be sure to take a shower and carefully add a drop of perfume to the aroma of freshness. A drop will be enough.

It’s never a good idea to be late for a date, especially for the first one. It's better to arrive a little earlier than the appointed time. Before the date, you should think about what you want to suggest to the girl where to take her, where to go for a walk, in general, how you will spend your time. Prepare a small plan.

Before you offer your options, ask where the girl wants to go. If she herself suggests you go somewhere for a walk, it’s even simpler - just go where she suggests. If the girl doesn’t know where to go, then you can offer your previously prepared options.

Try to avoid traveling by public transport. Show that you are a romantic, even if you are not. Show the girl beautiful views in the rays of the setting sun. And then relax in some cozy cafe, where you can continue your conversation over a cup of coffee. When you communicate, make sure that the conversation proceeds as a dialogue, and not as your monologue. Ask questions, show your sincere interest in your interlocutor, her hobbies and thoughts.

On the first date, avoid talking about sensitive topics, and you should also avoid talking about something negative. Keep silent about your shortcomings for a while, they will manifest themselves sooner or later, do not speak badly about other people, and especially forget about profanity.

After the walk, show your respect and walk the girl home. If you liked how you spent time, be sure to tell her about it, and add that you would really like to see each other again. And as a farewell, you can give her a light, innocent kiss. Rest assured, she will remember this moment for a long time.

After you have escorted the girl home, send her an SMS in which you again tell her what a wonderful time you had and wish her good night. And in the morning, in the same way, wish good morning and a good day.

When going on a second date, don't forget about flowers. Such attention will not leave any girl indifferent.

Women's portal - Bonterry