New secrets have been revealed about the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe's dress, in which she sang "Happy Birthday to You" to John F. Kennedy, is sold Marilyn Monroe and her connection with the president

Famous American journalists Jay Margolis and Richard Baskin, specializing in investigative journalism, claim to have solved one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th century - the death of Marilyn Monroe. They write in their new book, “The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed,” that the most famous blonde did not commit suicide. She was killed. Marilyn was “ordered” by US Attorney General Robert Kennedy. The story of the movie star has become a classic example of a hackneyed, but in this case true cliche: she knew too much. According to Peter Lawford, a relative of the Kennedy brothers, John and Robert “passed” it to each other like a football. As a result of affairs with the most famous brothers in America, she learned many secrets. When the Kennedy brothers got fed up with Marilyn and asked her not to call again, she threatened to tell everything and thereby signed her own death warrant. Bobby Kennedy ordered her to receive a lethal injection so that she would not tell the truth about her affairs with him and her older brother, US President John F. Kennedy.

Naturally, RFK did not act alone. His accomplices were actor Peter Lawford, the husband of sister Jackie, the first lady of America, and an indispensable participant in the love affairs of the Kennedy brothers, and Doctor Monroe - Ralph Greenson, who gave her a lethal injection of pentobarbital (Nembutal) in the heart on August 4, 1962. By that time, she was unconscious after an enema with several dozen tablets of the same pentobarbital and chloral hydrate, which RFK did with his bodyguards.

Bobby Kennedy began an affair with Marilyn Monroe in the summer of 1962, when his brother sent him to Los Angeles to persuade the movie star to stop calling the White House. DFK had no intention of divorcing Jackie and marrying her.

Bobby could not resist Marilyn's charms and became her lover. The novel developed rapidly. Monroe was crazy about RFK, who promised to divorce Ethel and marry her. Now she constantly called the Ministry of Justice and demanded to connect her with the Prosecutor General.

Alas, the middle brother turned out to be no better than the older one. When it became clear that he would not keep his word and would not make her Mrs. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe flew into a rage and threatened to hold a press conference and tell everything about the personal life of representatives of the most famous family in America. It turned out that she kept a red diary in which she wrote down everything she learned from her brothers.

Marilyn refused to give up the diary and threatened to tell everything. Robert Kennedy understood that her press conference would be the political death of him and John, and therefore decided to shut her up. Moreover, do this forever. He panicked and decided to deal with the movie star with the help of her own doctor, with whom she, by the way, also slept.

The Los Angeles police and the FBI, of course, knew about everything, but they also did not reveal the truth. J. Edgar Hoover needed dirt on the Kennedy brothers to secure his position as FBI director.

Life, and especially death, Marilyn Monroe remains a mystery for many generations. The bright blonde, who managed to get both Kennedy brothers, forever changed the history of not only America, but the whole world. Film director " There are only girls in jazz" once said: “There are books about the life of Marilyn Monroe, and there are books about the Second World War. They are united by two words “hell” and “necessity”.

Seven years passed between JFK's first meeting with Marilyn Monroe and her mysterious suicide. Seven years of intrigue, scandals, secret meetings and phone calls. But before the love affair turns into a farce, Monroe will experience her happiest moments of hope and belief that she managed to meet a Real Man.

In the summer of 1954, a party was held in Hollywood in honor of a young, ambitious senator from Massachusetts.John Fitzgerald Kennedyand his wife Jackie. ActorPeter Lawford, the organizer of the fun, knew about Kennedy's interest in the beautiful actress Marilyn Monroe. To please his friend, Lawford did everything possible and the sexy blonde showed up at the reception.

Despite the fact that the star was married to a modest baseball player Joe DiMaggio, who was against noisy fun, Monroe loved Hollywood and local entertainment. Knowing that her appearance at the party foreshadowed another scandal with her husband, Marilyn still went to have fun. And she was rewarded. Marilyn would later say: “Kennedy didn’t take his eyes off me for a second, and at some point I even felt embarrassed.”

A few days later, the phone rang at DiMaggio's house. Joe picked up the phone: "I'm listening to". There was silence on the other end of the line, and he hung up in a rage. Later, during one of their first secret meetings, John will tell her: “You should warn me so I can call without risking getting caught by your husband.”.

Thus began the most dangerous and exciting story in the lives of Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy. Not yet realizing who and what she had become involved with, the star wrote poems about her lover and confessed to her assistant that since she was 15 she had dreamed of such a companion. The blonde had no doubts that John would divorce his wife and introduce Marilyn to the whole world as the First Lady of the United States. Can a woman in love be blamed for poor judgment?

“A smart girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe and leaves before she’s left” - The beauty thought philosophically in her interviews, but in life she was far from prudence.

A secret romantic relationship under palm trees, on the shores of the azure sea, with a millionaire and famous politician inspired the actress. They both had to make considerable efforts to ensure that the secret relationship did not become the property of journalists. Marilyn had to dodge and lie. But she could no longer stop. The future president of the United States beckoned to her. She dreamed about them. He was her ideal. She believed that he, more than anyone else, was suitable for her to be her husband.

The connection with the world-famous blonde inspired John, inspired self-confidence and helped him achieve heights. Marilyn supported her man in everything and was ready to listen to him. The happy actress took part in her lover’s election campaign and he owes much of his popularity among the people to her.

Having become president, John still did not break ties with Marilyn. They already met in the apartments of the presidential plane. Now Marilyn had to put on a wig, dark glasses, and in this form go up the stairs, posing as a secretary. Peter Lawford, who organized these meetings, had photographs of John and Marilyn showing off their naked charms. A tough politician in public, in the company of a sexy actress, Kennedy relaxed and rested.

But over time, even the blonde Marilyn, who had fallen in love with the image of a naive plain girl in the movies, began to understand that John Kennedy’s intentions were not as serious as in her dreams. The Kennedy family of millionaires and politicians was too clannish to allow in a girl of unknown origin. No one there could seriously think about marrying Monroe. Millionaires do not like the scandals with divorces and revelations typical of movie stars.

At the same time, Jeannette Carmen, a relative of the actress, claims that “Marilyn never stopped believing that she could rise to the level of John Kennedy, both physically and intellectually. She hoped to become a real lady of whom he would not be ashamed.” . The star didn’t think long about what to do next: fight for her happiness!

We women only have two weapons... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time..."- said the actress.

When it became clear that the most desirable woman in the world was not enough for the president, Marilyn Monroe began to throw scandals. John did not immediately understand this change. He was only satisfied with a closed game. And Marilyn became more and more insistent. She abused the direct contact telephone numbers given only to her. She constantly called John at the White House, demanded meetings that were not planned in advance, and wrote letters. Receiving no answer, she began to threaten exposure. In the end, out of anger, she called the president’s wife, telling her what young mistresses usually say to the wives of their partners.

This made the situation critical. The President became nervous. He held urgent meetings with his brother, Justice Minister Robert. Then he invited FBI Director Hoover. From him he learned shocking news - the mafia has a film with a video of his love games with Marilyn. They were filmed naked in Palm Springs. This was the beginning of the end. The President did not want to take any more risks. But he understood that Marilyn was in such an emotional state that she would stop at nothing. She has nothing to lose.

At John's 45th birthday party, Marilyn was supposed to sing Happy birthday to You, Mr. President! (Happy birthday, Mr. President!). Peter Lawford, who played the role of master of ceremonies, called Marilyn onto the stage. Once... twice. No one. He tried again, this time with irritation: "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the departed Marilyn Monroe". This terrible joke (based on the double meaning of the English word late, which can mean “late” or “left us, dead”) forced Marilyn to come out of her dressing room...

Then Lawford sent her Robert Kennedy. The young Minister of Justice and father of seven children remained with her for about a quarter of an hour. He encouraged the actress, saying that the president was pleased, but perhaps he had other reasons for staying with her...

Watch online video of Marilyn Monroe's performance at John F. Kennedy's birthday:

“Robert Kennedy seemed to go crazy, running around her with his eyes wide, as if hypnotized by her provocative dress.”, - said one of those present. And Marilyn became increasingly dependent on alcohol and pills. And finally she noticed that John was avoiding her. Robert Kennedy began to appear at her house more and more often. From that time on, Marilyn became the mistress of another Kennedy. But after some time, when the heat of the first passion cooled down, Marilyn began to have the same difficulties with Robert as with John: he had no intention of marrying her.

Losing the last vestiges of common sense, the film star began to pursue Robert. Marilyn had already publicly announced that she was head over heels in love with Bobby and that he had promised to marry her. This was becoming intolerable and very dangerous for the entire Kennedy clan.

In the first days of August 1962, Marilyn learned that Robert and his family were vacationing at a villa in Palm Springs that she knew so well. She called there and demanded that he come to her immediately. She wanted to explain herself. On the phone, Marilyn, already threatening, told him that she had been keeping a diary for a long time, where she wrote down everything that both high-ranking brothers told her in moments of relaxation.

Everything that followed happened as in the climactic scenes of Hollywood melodramas. A stormy showdown began, tears, accusations, threats. She shouted that on Monday, August 6, she would convene a press conference in the morning and at it she would tell reporters the whole truth. How vilely both Kennedy brothers treated her and how they used her, and what state secrets they blurted out to her. All this is allegedly written down in her diary, which she will release to the press.

Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy were introduced by the son-in-law of the future 35th president, actor Peter Lawford. Having married John's sister, Patricia, this clever Englishman became a member of one of the richest and most influential clans in America and went out of his way to become one of Kennedy's. Possessing very modest capabilities, Peter took up what he knew best - he was responsible for the clan’s connections with show business, and at the same time supplied Hollywood actresses for John’s amorous pleasures. In the summer of 1954, Lawford threw a party in honor of Massachusetts Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his young wife Jacqueline. A pleasant surprise, promised the day before, awaited John there.

The surprise was none other than Marilyn Monroe. The beautiful blonde, who became famous after the film “Niagara,” already drove half the male population of the United States crazy. John Kennedy couldn't resist either. He literally devoured the actress with his eyes, not paying attention to the embarrassed Jacqueline and the indignant glances of Marilyn’s husband, the famous former baseball player Joe DiMaggio.

Forgetting decency, John recklessly courted his new acquaintance, every now and then refilling her with her favorite Piper Heid-sieck champagne, peppering her with witticisms and lavishing compliments. Such a frantic interest from the senator flattered Marilyn’s pride. She felt at the top of her life, laughed constantly and flirted mercilessly. Desire bubbled and foamed in the glasses of champagne. Passion captured them more and more, leaving less and less room for prudence...

But then DiMaggio intervened. He felt that the evening was going too lively and tried to take his wife home. However, Marilyn resisted in every possible way and managed to bring her husband into a state close to insanity. An ugly scandal occurred. According to witnesses, DiMaggio grabbed the actress by the arms, “caused her physical pain” and made cryptic remarks about the party organizer and the riotous senator, the slightest of which contained a hint of an unnatural relationship with Peter Lawford. The scandal was somehow hushed up, and the angry baseball player went home alone. And Marilyn, as if nothing had happened, remained to enjoy the company of her newfound admirer from Massachusetts...

Soul mates

This quarrel destroyed Monroe's already fragile marriage with DiMaggio. Joe was a simple and honest guy and in no way suited the Hollywood actress who thirsted for fame and high-society entertainment. A short time later they divorced, and Marilyn recklessly and enthusiastically gave herself up to a new passion - John Kennedy. She didn't think about the future, she wanted only one thing: to be close to John. Nevertheless, Marilyn still understood that her lover was in public view, that he was married and the like. In order not to harm the senator's career, she agreed to meet with him secretly. Most often they retired to the villa of the cunning Lawford in Santa Monica. Peter turned his house into a real brothel, where there were mirrored bedrooms, boudoirs with secret windows and other things designed to awaken the fantasies of the womanizing Kennedy brothers. Almost all the famous beauties of that time visited the villa. Lawford even tried to drag there the already elderly, but who had not lost her charm, Marlene Dietrich, about whom John Kennedy then dreamed. The German diva called Peter a “high-society pimp” and flatly refused, plunging John, who had never before been refused, into extreme bewilderment and melancholy. However, this did not last long...

Here it should be noted that, indulging in the effeminacy of their morals, Marilyn and John imperceptibly became so attached to each other that they found it difficult to part even for a short time. Both of them had a romantic nature, and such a nature is characterized by sincerity, which had so little to do with the surrounding world. With Marilyn, John did not have to be hypocritical or deceitful; with her he could be himself, trust her with his deepest secrets. With her, he even forgot about the back pain that had constantly tormented him since his youth. Soon John was surprised to find that he needed this woman.

When Kennedy became the Democratic presidential candidate, he asked Marilyn to take part in the campaign. And she happily agreed, despite the fact that she was bound by contracts with film studios. Constantly disrupting filming schedules and risking thousands of fines, Marilyn followed John from city to city, from state to state, cheering him on during speeches, acting as a secretary and recruiting Kennedy supporters.

It was then that the actress began keeping a diary, where, among other things, she recorded conversations with Kennedy. Subsequently, this leather-bound booklet would play a fatal role in Monroe’s fate. Perhaps it was then that the idea of ​​becoming the first lady of the United States firmly sank into Marilyn’s blond head. She had no doubt that she could rise to John's level, studied social manners, and diligently read political and economic literature. After all, why shouldn’t she, the “Hollywood Cinderella,” get a fairy-tale prince as her husband? After all, in her invented illusory world, in which Marilyn was accustomed to living since childhood, she always achieved what she wanted.

Hollywood Cinderella

Marilyn (real name Norma Jeane Mortenson) was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. She did not know her father: Martin Mortenson rode off on a motorcycle somewhere in a southern direction, leaving the pregnant Gladys Baker to the mercy of fate. Cheerful Gladys was not upset for a long time and gave the two-week-old baby to foster parents to raise. An elderly couple agreed to take Norma in order to somehow survive on child benefits during the hungry years of the Great Depression. Gladys visited her daughter occasionally, treated her to ice cream and talked about the film studio where she worked as an editor.

Eight years later, the mother’s maternal feelings suddenly awakened, and she took her daughter to her place. A year later, Gladys found herself in a mental hospital, from which she never left until her death. Mother's work friend Grace Atkinson Mackey took care of little Norma. It was she who infected the girl with cinema and assured the dreamy Norma that she would become a famous movie star. Since then, illusions became the only refuge where she escaped from the abominations of a poor existence.

Life, alas, did not spoil Norma Jeane: she had to wander around orphanages, live with different people who treated the girl with indifference at best, endure several attempts at rape... A terrible childhood. But youth was no better. To get rid of the extra mouth, the 16-year-old girl was married off. Early marriage, as one might expect, did not lead to anything good. Twenty-year-old James Dougherty worked in a funeral home as a junior clerk and barely made a living himself. In addition, he was a rather cantankerous fellow and liked to drink.

After a year of continuous quarrels, James hired himself as a sailor on a steamship and sailed away. Left alone, Norma went to work at an aircraft factory. But she did not abandon her childhood dream of becoming a film actress. Deciding to become famous at all costs, the girl posed for cheap soldier magazines for five dollars an hour. The poses that photographers sometimes forced young Norma to take were very frivolous. They explained to her that this was necessary to raise morale, and she endured it. Norma tried herself both as a fashion model and a dancer in a night strip club... Finally, she was lucky. One of the producers of the XX Century-Fox film studio accidentally saw her photographs and invited the girl to work as an extra, promising to pay $125 a week.

For several years in a row, Norma, who took the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe, played tiny cameo roles. But her naturally beautiful appearance, which surprisingly combined the charm of an angel with the seductiveness of an experienced temptress, did not go unnoticed by the public and critics. Her performance in the film “The Asphalt Jungle” was especially successful. After this cameo role, the studio signed a seven-year contract with Marilyn, promising her leading roles. And in 1953, the film “Niagara” was released, making Monroe a star and sex symbol in America. Grace Atkinson McKee's prophecy has come true...


Having become President of the United States, John forgot to think about divorcing Jacqueline. However, he also had no intention of parting with Marilyn. Their relationship experienced an unprecedented rise. The most famous blonde in the world was secretly escorted more than once to a villa in Santa Monica, to Kennedy's apartment at the Carlyle Hotel in New York, or aboard US Air Force Air Force One. Taking precautions, Marilyn tried to change her appearance. Most often, she dressed to look like Jacqueline Kennedy: a black wig, a formal suit with the obligatory pearl beads and dark glasses. Perhaps Marilyn copied the president’s wife for reasons of secrecy, or perhaps she wanted to prove to John that she was no worse than his wife and could cope well with the role of the first lady. She did not give up the idea of ​​taking Jacqueline’s place, which, as Marilyn sincerely believed, belonged to her by right of love.

Monroe did not miss the opportunity to prick her opponent sensitively, and used any means to do this. Some of them, even with great leniency, cannot be considered harmless. For example, Marilyn deliberately “forgot” items of her toilette in Kennedy’s bedroom - most often it was underwear. Having discovered it, Jacqueline reacted in accordance with her noble upbringing: she busily tried on the underwear and, as if by the way, asked John: “Do you know whose this is?” It seems like it’s not mine...” In response, Kennedy smiled that disarming childish smile that always helped him get out of difficult situations. It was she who allowed him to defeat Richard Nixon in the pre-election television debates. Not knowing how to answer his opponent's tricky question, Kennedy simply smiled, and most American women gave him their votes.

Marilyn also acted in another way. She regularly called the White House, asked to call Jacqueline to the phone and demanded that she quickly take her things and children and leave, giving way to her, the real chosen one of the president. These calls drove Mrs. Kennedy into a frenzy. One day she could not stand it and told her husband about everything, announcing that she agreed to a divorce if John married a Hollywood actress and began to live openly with her. An outburst of the highest anger followed and a promise to end all contact with Monroe. But fulfilling the promise was not so easy. Passion, like a powerful magnet, attracted Kennedy to the actress. Just as it is impossible for a person to overcome gravity without the help of a rocket, it was impossible to overcome this passion without the help of another person. And only Monroe could be such a person! And she, unwittingly, helped the president.

Let me love or let me die

By the time of the events described, the idea of ​​becoming John Kennedy's wife had turned into a manic idea for Marilyn. Some biographers of the actress believe that this transformation was greatly facilitated by Monroe's bad heredity. Whether this is true or not is unknown for sure. Another thing is known - Marilyn’s desire to fill Kennedy’s life to capacity became too noticeable to those around her. This could compromise the president. In addition, Marilyn already began to have serious problems with drugs and alcohol. Being drunk, she could blab about things that should never be made public. Confidants persistently advised Kennedy, who was about to run for a second term, to break off the dangerous relationship.

Finally, Kennedy realized this himself. And although their dates were as passionate as before, meetings became increasingly rare, and soon stopped altogether. Marilyn was in despair: she called the White House almost every day and bombarded John with pathetic letters. She couldn't understand what had happened. But they did not connect her with the president, and the letters remained unanswered.

On the eve of John’s birthday, Marilyn, with great difficulty, managed to give a White House employee a gift for the president: a gold Rolex watch with the engraved inscription “To John with love from Marilyn.” On the gold watch box there was another inscription, leaving no doubt about the true feelings of the donor: Marilyn asked John to let her love him or die. Shocked by such a frank gift, Kennedy ordered the employee to immediately get rid of the watch. But, praise the Creator, it happened in America, where mostly people of a practical nature live. The employee realized perfectly well how much this watch would cost in the near future, and did not carry out the president’s order, but kept the watch for himself.

Happy Birthday Mister President!!!

Apparently, Marilyn had special hopes for this gift. But she never received an answer. And then the unfortunate woman, who had lost her head, decided on a very daring act. On May 19, 1962, the American elite celebrated the president’s 45th birthday at Madison Square Garden. The gala was intended to replenish the Democratic Party's coffers, devastated by the 1960 election campaign. More than 15 thousand guests gathered, paying from one hundred to a thousand dollars per ticket. A-list stars were invited to participate in the program: Ella Fitzgerald, Maria Callas, Harry Belafonte and, of course, Marilyn Monroe. The well-known Peter Lawford acted as compere. Jacqueline Kennedy was absent.

Marilyn ordered a dress for this evening from Jean Louis, who created the famous concert outfit for Marlene Dietrich. Monroe wanted to remind the President of the woman he was once very infatuated with. The dress was a transparent, tight-fitting piece of material, studded with sequins and a luxurious ermine jacket. There was no underwear under the dress. Staggering with excitement, as it seemed to many at the time, Marilyn walked up to the microphone.

She thought for a moment, then decisively threw off her jacket and, turning to the smiling Kennedy, sang “Happy Birthday, Mister President!” She sang in such a way that those present felt uneasy: in those days in America it was not customary to express one’s feelings so openly, and moreover, publicly.

Now no one had any doubt that the rumors about the president’s love affair with Monroe had real basis.

Kennedy was simply infuriated by this drunken stunt.

He was the only one who noticed that Marilyn was not staggering from excitement. The actress actually drank a fair amount of whiskey before going out for courage: she understood what kind of reaction her performance would cause.

John believed that Marilyn, having decided to openly declare her love, had crossed the line of what was permitted. By order of the President, Monroe was immediately taken to Lawford's villa in California. Following her, John’s brother Robert Kennedy flew there to explain to the presumptuous actress the rules of the game...

At the villa, the showdown ended in an ugly quarrel. An enraged Marilyn screamed at Robert that John had used her and then thrown her away like old socks, that she would hold a press conference and tell the whole world how the President had treated her and much more in the same spirit. At the same time, she brandished that same ill-fated diary and threatened to publish it...

On August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her bedroom.

And in the fall of 1963, John Kennedy was assassinated.

Marilyn Monroe and the Camera: endless material. Lots of photos.

On September 12, 1953, John Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. Women are drawn to men in power. As Anton Chekhov correctly noted, a real man consists of a husband and rank. And if a man holding an important position is also good-looking, smart and young, there will be no end to the fairer sex. This is what happened to John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Long before becoming the 35th President of the United States, both girls his age and older ladies fell in love with him.

"Monroe was killed because of Kennedy"

What is surprising is not this craving for the young man, but the fact that the representatives of the fairer sex did not particularly talk about their connection with DFK. It is unknown how and how he paid them off, but, despite the periodic rumors about extramarital affairs of the president of a great country, not a single scandal ever occurred. Neither his husband nor his mistress had any showdowns in public with Kennedy.

About Kennedy, then aspiring writer Gloria Emerson said that he “had no effort to charm women; his appearance was captivating; John had a stunning figure...”.

Much more rumors than truth have been written about numerous and fleeting romantic meetings, as well as more serious acquaintances between a Harvard student and the son of an American millionaire in the Old and New Worlds. Although it is no secret that the first American Catholic president was a real womanizer and cheated on his wife. Most of the amorous adventures of John or Jack Kennedy will remain on the conscience of the tabloid press and the authors of the "strawberry" story. Let's focus only on the verified names of the president's women.

The authors of the recently published book “The Kennedy Clan,” Larisa Dubova and Georgy Chernyavsky, write about John Kennedy: “Kennedy, naturally, did not demonstrate his heightened sexuality in public, but did not consider it something reprehensible, did not hide it from the people he trusted, including even from some of the leading statesmen of foreign countries. British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, for all his equanimity as a Conservative leader, was puzzled when, in the midst of negotiations in Bermuda in December 1961, his interlocutor suddenly said: “I wonder how this happens to you, Harold. If I don't have a woman for three days, I'll have a terrible headache." If we consider that this remark reflected his real feelings, we can even assume that there was some painful component in this sexual preoccupation.

However, Kennedy’s numerous attending physicians did not pay attention to this aspect. He did not resort to the services of sex therapists, and urologists, to whom he sometimes turned, dealt with completely different aspects of his physical condition, in particular, early-onset prostate disease. Obviously, the drugs that John took, in particular amphetamine, also played a role in increased sexuality."

John Kennedy met with women in the White House, when his wife was not there, in the houses of relatives and friends, most often in the house of his brother-in-law, actor Peter Lawford, married to his younger sister Patricia. Kennedy saw off the women who slept with him with the usual witticism with a hint: “I am placing you in the hands of the Secret Service. Try to look like a virgin.” One day, the daughter-in-law of a member of the British Parliament asked him point-blank: “Jack, have you ever been in love?” “No,” Kennedy answered bluntly. “I was very carried away.”

During his visit to the Belgian embassy, ​​Kennedy met 20-year-old brunette Pamela Turnure, who worked in a technical position. Jack invited Pamela to come work for him, but the girl refused. He often stayed overnight with her. The landlady and her husband installed several tape recorders near Pamela's apartment and tried to photograph her night visitor. The tape recordings turned out to be of very poor quality - they could easily be challenged in court, and the photographs were taken in such a way that it was impossible to see the visitor’s face or identify the location of the shooting. There was nothing criminal in the very fact of visiting an unmarried girl, and the newspapermen did not make a deal with the fighters against the senator’s adultery. Kennedy later took Pamela to the White House and made him his wife's press secretary. So the mistress performed two roles at once. She was a sex toy, as well as ears and eyes, reporting to the President what his staff and the First Lady were talking about.

For a long time, Kennedy continued to have a relationship with actress Judith Campbell Exner, who, before meeting with the highest official of the state, was the mistress of the famous singer Frank Sinatra. The girl was friends with representatives of the underworld - mafiosi S. Giancana and D. Roselli. The FBI established her sexual relationship with Giancana, and the head of the department, Hoover, handed over documents about this to Robert Kennedy, who at that time headed the Department of Justice.

After that, the doors of the White House were forever closed to her, and the president did not answer phone calls. The actress later published memoirs My Story, interspersed with explicit sex scenes, including alleged attempted group sex, and other harrowing details of her affair with Kennedy. Promiscuous Judith admitted to being involved with gangsters, but denied being their contact. However, some time later she gave an interview, mentioning a secret mission to Kennedy on behalf of the mafia leaders, but from which it is difficult to understand what exactly this assignment consisted of. It seems that she carried some money to Giancana on behalf of Kennedy, as she assumed, it was an advance payment for organizing the assassination of Fidel Castro. Serious biographers, while not denying Campbell-Exner's intimate relationship with John, do not recognize the existence of any business relations between them.

Speaking about Kennedy women, it is impossible not to mention the brightest star of the presidential “harem” - Marilyn Monroe. Like “Mr. President” (we put these words in quotation marks as a famous quote - congratulations to Monroe on Kennedy’s birthday), the Hollywood beauty was a member of the Democratic Party. As the authors of the book “The Kennedy Clan” report: “Marilyn was well aware of the situation during the Kennedy election campaign, had her own opinions on fundamental political issues and adhered to them in any discussions in which she took an active part, allowing herself to speak among a wide circle of friends, "that the government supervises the media, bearing in mind that there is actual censorship in the United States. Monroe suggested that Kennedy would win the election, and she herself, having attended “gatherings of the elite,” made efforts to campaign in his favor."

L. Dubova and G. Chernyavsky are of the opinion that “the Monroe-Kennedy connection has been blown out of proportion,” on the grounds that supposedly authentic quotes from recordings made by FBI agents and police reports were actually taken from unknown sources. “Attempts to verify them almost always turn out to be unsuccessful,” the authors of “The Kennedy Clan” emphasize. “As a result, we have to admit that all the stories about the long-term relationship between the senator and the great actress represent the shameless fiction of their authors.”

Analysis of sources suggests that John Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe met four times and were close only two or three times. As usual, Jack met Monroe at the Lawford house with all the Hollywood figures. The first meeting took place on November 19, 1961 (note, less than a year later - Monroe would pass away in early August 1962), the second took place two weeks later at a dinner party in New York. Their third meeting in Palm Springs, California, was dated March 24, 1962. In the house of the rich man I. Rosby, Marilyn and John spent one or two nights together.

The last time Kennedy and Monroe saw each other was May 19, 1962. Along with other celebrities, the actress was invited to perform at a gala concert organized by the Democratic Party in New York's Madison Square Garden to raise funds for the party fund. Officially, the event in the huge hall was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the birth of President Kennedy. Simulating sexual intercourse with the president in front of forty million Americans (the program was broadcast on television), Monroe sang Happy birthday to you, Mister President. The actress wore a tight-fitting flesh-colored dress, and while singing, she closed her eyes languidly and ran her hands over her thighs, stomach and breasts. Then Kennedy took the stage and said: “I can now retire from politics after such a beautiful girl as Marilyn Monroe wished me a happy birthday.” After the concert there was a high-society reception, at which Kennedy’s wife was absent, but Monroe was there. Perhaps Jack spent one more night with Marilyn.

Kennedy cherished the idea of ​​becoming president, and in the society in which he moved, a politician of such magnitude could not forgive the absence of a family and a bachelor life. How to entrust the management of the state to such an irresponsible 35-year-old scoundrel who has no children of his own? Or maybe he is suffering from a fatal illness or, worse, he is a fan of same-sex love!

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was twelve years younger than John Kennedy, which was acceptable from the point of view of high society. She was considered almost an aristocrat, since she could trace her ancestry back to the beginning of the 19th century, although the first Frenchman to move to the New World, Bouvier, was a carpenter. Her parents divorced when Jackie was still young. The mother married a fairly wealthy businessman: the Bouvier sisters lived in prosperity and studied at prestigious institutions. Jackie, as she was affectionately called first at home and then throughout the world, studied art and journalism at the Sorbonne. For some time she went to Grenoble, but she did not like either the university or the city. Conflicting information remains about her life in France. Some authors insist that the American student gnawed at the granite of science, conducting exclusively philosophical conversations with young people, while others talk about the wild life of a young beauty, in whose flesh the demon of lust took possession. Oh, it’s not for nothing that a long kiss is called “French” - French kiss

At home, Jackie’s first journalistic experiments were unsuccessful. In the capital's newspaper Washington Times-Herald she was denied a reporter position and advised to try herself as a photo reporter. Bouvier liked this matter. The bosses were also pleased, and the publisher of the Washington Times Herald wrote that Jackie “could see what was happening around the corner.” High praise for her professionalism. In May 1951, Jacqueline was introduced to Jack at a dinner at the home of journalist Charles Bartlett. At the same time, both remembered that they had once exchanged meaningless phrases in a railway carriage. But this time there was no rapprochement. Only two years later, Kennedy began to seriously court his future wife.

10 September 2012, 12:25

Society will never know the whole truth about the relationship between the 35th President of the United States and the sex symbol of the last century, Marilyn Monroe; Is it possible to confidently call the relationship between John and Marilyn a novel, because Kennedy was never interested in anyone for so long and seriously that numerous relationships could be classified as novels... Despite the huge number of love affairs, John always tried to avoid intimacy emotional contact with women and kept them at a certain distance from himself. He himself admitted that he never lost his head in a fit of passion: “I am by no means a tragic lover.” The tragic death of Marilyn Monroe in August 1962 and the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963 forever put an ellipsis in this mysterious story; the truth will never become known... We will try to lift the veil of secrecy based on the memories of Marilyn herself, those around John Kennedy and the statements of biographers. .. (The post does not contain assumptions about the participation of the Kennedy brothers in the death of Marilyn Monroe) This is how Marilyn recalled her first meeting with John (which took place long before Kennedy’s presidency). From the oral recordings of Marilyn Monroe: “The Feldmans lived almost opposite us and often threw various parties to which they invited guests far from the world of cinema. That time we came along with Joe DiMaggio. Among the guests was a couple who attracted my special attention - young Senator John F.K. .with his wife Jackie. They were also newlyweds, but it was not too noticeable.
John and Jacqueline Kennedy
Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio You know, there are people, just by looking at whom you feel their unusual destiny and strength. Here in DiMaggio you can instantly feel physical strength and willpower, there is reliability, perseverance and simplicity in him. John K. immediately had a completely different strength that captivated me, not physical or even moral, he was a Lord, looking at him I understood that this man had a great future, so great that it’s scary to even think about.

John Kennedy and Grace Kelly (not related to the topic of the post, I wanted to publish this photo) If the most famous athlete in America was sitting next to me, then the most famous politician was staring at me. No, he was not particularly handsome or courageous; rather, on the contrary, he was completely ordinary in appearance, and yet. And he was just staring, forgetting about his Jackie. It was bad, ugly, dishonest, but I did the same thing, I just couldn’t take my eyes off John K. Now I can say that I was not mistaken, he became what he was supposed to become, and I made a lot of effort for his popularity. Do you understand who I mean? Of course we understood. But then it was still a long way off..." Considering John's love for Hollywood beauties, a closer acquaintance with Marilyn Monroe, the greatest sex symbol of the era, was only a matter of time. Marilyn, who survived a divorce from her first husband, DiMaggio, and a separation from her second , Arthur Miller, often attended parties hosted by Sinatra and Peter Lawford.It was thanks to Sinatra that Marilyn began to frequent the Lawford house in Santa Monica.
Patricia and Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis The meeting that marked the beginning of an intimate relationship took place at Lawford's house in Santa Monica on November 19, 1961. John managed to give a speech and now, having changed into jeans, relaxed, immersed in the familiar atmosphere. According to Lawford's second wife (Pat Lawford), Marilyn then literally moved in with the Lawfords. “Sometimes John had sex with Marilyn, and the Loufrods slept behind the wall, who not only tolerated, but even indulged such relationships. The room had a very beautiful bathroom, decorated with marble and onyx. John loved to draw water, and Marilyn would jump on him, and they would have sex right in the water, and sometimes invite Peter to photograph their games. After John’s death, almost all the photographs were destroyed...” According to Peter Lawford: “The fact that Kennedy became the head of state, in the eyes of Marilyn, gave their romance a special symbolism. She was now truly in love with him. At the same time, she was experiencing deep depression: she took strong sleeping pills, drank. She even had to go to a psychiatric clinic..."
Jackie was in Glen Ora at the moment when John was tumbling with Marilyn at his sister's house on the West Coast, but on December 5, when Peter secretly brought Monroe to meet the President at Carlyle, she was in the White House. Pat Lawford wrote: “Peter said he dressed Marilyn in tatty clothes, made her wear a wig, gave her a pen and pad, and took her in as his secretary.” The report, which was sent to FBI Director Hoover, alleged that orgies were held at the Carlyle Hotel in which John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (two names redacted) and Marilyn Monroe took part." According to Judith Campbell, “John knew full well that Hoover was watching his every move, but he didn’t really care. The Kennedys wanted to get rid of Hoover, but they couldn’t because he collected a lot of dirt on the whole family, not just John.”
F. Sinatra, Peter Lawford and Bobby Kennedy After his divorce from Patricia Kennedy, Peter Lawford became persona non grata in the homes of former relatives. He especially hated Bobby, whom he blamed for the breakdown of his friendship with Frank Sinatra in 1962. After John's death, when Bobby and Jackie became close, Peter met them sitting together in a bar and publicly declared: “That son of a bitch is sleeping with her!”... Monroe, meanwhile, dreamed that her relationship with John would continue. She did not at all consider herself a temporary mistress, but sincerely believed that John would leave Jackie and marry her. In the spring of 1962, her ex-husband Arthur Miller remarried, which greatly affected Marilyn, and she again began to abuse pills and alcohol and brought herself to a terrible state. She arrived drunk at the Golden Globe Awards, struggling to move her feet and hanging on her Mexican lover. When she was presented with a gold statuette, Monroe perched herself on the stage and made a slurred speech. Many then predicted the end of her career. In the same month that Jackie stopped in London on March 25, 1962, on her way from India and Pakistan, Lawford brought Marilyn to Palm Springs for the weekend.
It is unlikely that Jackie could not have known about the connection between Monroe and her husband. Monroe even had her own room in the White House, and one day, clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs, she told Jackie that she intended to marry the president. It's no surprise that Jackie didn't attend her husband's 45th birthday party, where guest star Marilyn Monroe performed "Happy Birthday, Mr. President." Jackie and her daughter Caroline were visiting a horse show in Glen Ora at that moment.
From the oral notes of Marilyn Monroe: “D.K. became the most important person in America, I had no doubt that this would happen, he definitely had to become it! I will fly to congratulate D.K. on his birthday. I will do it, and I don’t care, that they will throw me out of the studio once again! ...At D.K.’s birthday, this will be remembered for a long time. ...You can’t help but know that I congratulated D.K. on his birthday. It was an unheard of scandal.. "
Marilyn's performance was so provocative that journalists described it as: "Monroe made love to the president in front of 40 million Americans." Kennedy smiled and said that after such a nice congratulation he could resign, but in fact this became a turning point in their relationship with Monroe, and so everyone started talking about the affair between the president and the movie star, and it was only a matter of time before rumors appeared in the press.

This gold Rolex Day-Date, commonly known as the Rolex President, is believed to have been a gift from Marilyn for John's 45th birthday. Allegedly, Marilyn gave the gift to the president after the famous performance with the song “Happy birthday, Mister President,” and John gave the watch to his assistant Kenneth Donnell with a note “Get rid of it.” The following poem was included with the watch: “Let lovers breathe their sighs/And roses bloom and music sound/Let passion burn on lips and eyes/And pleasures merry world go round/Let golden sunshine flood the sky/ and let me love/ or let me die!” The veracity of this story remains a mystery; expert opinions are mixed. The date on the clock coincides with Kennedy's birthday. The serial number of the watch and the engraving also correspond to that time, the 60s of the last century. Aide to the 35th President of the United States, Kenneth Donnell died in 1977, his family refused to comment on the authenticity of the gold Rolex. In October 2005, the watch was sold at auction in Greenwich, Connecticut for a whopping $120,000 (original price between 40,000 and 60,000) , breaking the auction house record.
At the thought of being abandoned, Monroe became furious and began pestering Kennedy with calls, but John did not talk to her. Marilyn was desperate to save the relationship and called Bobby. Marilyn and John never met again, but she saw Bobby several times. Another heartbroken Hollywood star, Judy Garland, also cried into Bobby's vest.
The top photo shows Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy. The photo was taken at a private party at the home of Arthur and Matilda Cream, after the President's 45th birthday gala at Madison Square Garden ~ May 1962. This photo is believed to be the only photo of the President and the actress together. However, the bottom photo is also common in foreign blogs, in which in the visual row you can see John and Bobby (circled) watching Marilyn's performance. All other archives were destroyed, and other photographs are From the oral recordings of Marilyn Monroe: "Doc, don't be afraid, I have friends everywhere. The truth, the truth! Frankie and Bobby will protect us from any trouble, they said so. But only if I am an obedient girl. What does it mean to be an obedient girl? Sleeping with everyone in a row and keep your mouth shut? I don’t want to be an obedient girl, I just want to live. Doc, I’ll give you all the films, just don’t tell anyone about them, it’s dangerous..." On the night of August 5, Monroe took too much a dose of sleeping pills. The last person she spoke to was Peter Lawford. It seemed to him that Marilyn had a sleepy voice, but since the star abused alcohol, this did not alert him. In parting, she said, “Tell Pat goodbye. And to John. Goodbye to you too, you’re a good fellow.” He got agitated and called back, but heard short beeps on the phone. At about 3 a.m., Monroe's housekeeper discovered her housewife's body. The star was lying face down on the bed, naked, and clutching a telephone receiver in her hand. She died at the age of 36. An autopsy showed it was suicide. Since it was not the first time that Marilyn took too large a dose of sleeping pills, it remains a mystery whether it was a cry for help, or really an attempt to end her hateful life...
Marilyn was John Kennedy's most famous lover, but 48 hours after her death, when the actress's name was on the front pages of all publications, Kennedy found solace in the arms of another woman. Jackie at that moment stopped in New York on her way to Italy. Then John's affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer, an artist and ex-wife of a prominent CIA officer, was in full swing... In October 1964, Meyer was found murdered, and her detailed diary disappeared without a trace.
Mary Pinchot Meyer
The following sources were used to create this post: "American Queen. The Life Story of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis", Sarah Bradford. "The Great Kennedy" A. Vladimirsky. "One for All" Edward M. Kennedy. Foreign blogs about John and Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe. Updated 10/09/12 12:44: Post about Jacqueline Kennedy

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