Anton Gusev and Victoria Romanets are getting divorced. Anton Gusev canceled his wedding with Victoria Romanets Why did Romanets and Anton break up

On Monday it became known that former participants in the reality show “Dom-2” Anton Gusev and Victoria Romanets decided to divorce. The couple plans to file for divorce at the beginning of the week. A message about this appeared in the Romanets group on VKontakte.

“Vika and Anton are filing for divorce tomorrow. The end,” wrote the administrators of the sultry brunette’s community.

StarHit contacted Victoria, who confirmed this news. Romanets prefers not to talk in detail about the reasons for separation from her husband, protecting her personal life from public attention.

“Yes, we are getting a divorce,” Romanets said.

Concerned fans of Victoria and Anton are discussing what happened on social networks and putting forward their versions of the separation of the TV stars. From the outside, the couple seemed very harmonious. “What happened?”, “Is it true?”, “I don’t believe it,” they are discussing on the Internet.

Some social media users believe that the young people will reunite. Fans of Gusev and Romanets recall a serious disagreement between them that occurred last summer. Then the former participants in the reality show broke off their engagement, but after a while they reunited and secretly registered a relationship. The lovers' wedding took place in the Maldives. Rumors that Anton and Victoria had found a common language again were discussed on the Internet for several weeks, but the stars of “House-2” themselves preferred not to comment on public speculation. Only in September Gusev and Romanets started talking about changing their marital status.

Victoria became Anton's second wife. Before getting together with Romanets, the young man was in a relationship with Evgenia Feofilaktova. The TV stars have a common son, Daniel, who was born in December 2012. The boy's godmother is Daria Pynzar. In November 2016, Feofilaktova announced her separation from her husband.

Anton Gusev became famous on the Dom-2 project thanks to his relationship with the beautiful Evgenia Feofilaktova. They were a very bright couple who greatly increased the show’s ratings with their loud and passionate scandals. In June 2012, Anton and Zhenya got married, and five months later their son Daniel was born. Having become parents, the Gusevs left the project.

Everything was going great: Anton opened an online store, Evgenia got a job as a host of a cooking show. Soon the couple released their own clothing line and opened a chain of boutiques with a franchise in many cities of Russia. Along the way, Anton was involved in real estate.

They were everywhere together, delighting subscribers with touching family photos on social networks. Even when a serious accident confined Anton to bed, Zhenya was always there. And at the end of 2016, the Gusevs suddenly stunned fans by deciding to get a divorce.

The reason for the separation was not hidden for a long time: Anton found someone else, and at his wife’s birthday. And that was ex-participant of “House-2” Victoria Romanets.

“At a party, passion flared up between Anton and Vika. They looked at each other, winked... Afterwards they began to call each other and write text messages to each other. After some time, Zhenya found out about their relationship, caused a scandal, and demanded that Anton stop communicating with Vika. But he had already fallen in love. Then she filed for divorce...” said another former participant in the project, Ruslan Solntsev.

However, Victoria soon faced the same fate as her predecessor. A few months later, the girl found out that Gusev was cheating on her.

She said yes

“I can no longer sleep in the same bed with him, say that I love him, he killed my feelings,” Victoria admitted. - Dear friends, please stop writing to me about reconciliation with Gusev. You don't know the whole situation. And I’m sure not a single one would connect her life with a traitor. Everything collapsed in an instant. Thanks to those girls, and there were a lot of them, for opening my eyes.”

A week later, the couple announced their engagement. In the capital's restaurant-yacht, Gusev, kneeling down, presented Vika with a white gold ring with a diamond weighing 0.7 carats and worth half a million rubles. And the girl said: “yes.”

“I still can’t understand what came over me, why I cheated on Vika,” Gusev confessed to the portal then. - I tried to justify myself: “Men need such a “shake-up”, it helps you understand whether you need a person or not. I still remember in detail the morning when she forgave me. My beloved was robbed. I immediately rushed to her house. She didn’t even let me in the door; I sat outside the door for several hours. When I finally opened it, I couldn’t contain my emotions. To calm her down, he hugged her to himself and promised: “Now everything will be fine! I'm near".

Gusev admitted that after the quarrel he realized the main goal of his life. This is a strong family. He even proposed marriage to Victoria. And he was already telling everyone how he dreams of a daughter with blue eyes, saying what a wonderful mother his future wife will be.

“Where did you see love?”

But two weeks before the celebration, the couple announced: there will be no wedding!

The reason was Victoria’s correspondence with another man, published by Gusev through the Starhit website. The future husband hacked Romanets' phone and found out that all their love was a fiction.

“This is the strangest wedding,” the interlocutor wrote to her.

“Yes, Sash. Don’t you understand why I’m doing this?”

“To make money?” – the man suggested.

“Where did you see love?” – Victoria continued.

The girl complained that all the expenses for the wedding fell on her shoulders.

“I called you to get married. There is no money... - Vika was indignant. “I’ll tell him: “Take the ring you gave me and go to the pawnshop.” Still, he didn’t give it to me from the bottom of his heart, I can feel it.”

The girl planned to compensate part of the costs with the help of wedding gifts. She even calculated how much money she could earn.

“I hope that there will be at least 450 thousand, but they are all mine,” Romanets wrote in correspondence.

After reading the bride’s messages, Gusev called off the wedding, and Victoria then threw his things out onto the street.

“Happy life, Gusev, good luck,” she wrote on social networks.

“There is no money even for my son”

Romanets assured that she was not going to grieve over what happened, and scolded Anton on social networks and in conversations with journalists.

“Now the main task for me is to get the money back. Anton did not invest a penny in the wedding. Everything he says now will remain on his conscience. But, unfortunately, he has no conscience. In the correspondence he talks about, I complained to the administrator that Anton could not even find 200,000 rubles to invest in the wedding celebration.”

But Gusev’s ex-wife believed in the wedding:

“Didn’t Vika see these problems before, before the wedding? Anton doesn’t help the child financially in any way,” Evgenia Feofilaktova shared with reporters. “It’s terrible that they’re pouring so much dirt on each other now, it’s just a shame.” I think they will get back together and the wedding will take place, Anton and Vika are suitable for each other.”

Fans of the reality show “Dom-2” watch with interest the lives of the heroes even after the project. Fans could not understand how the relationship between Victoria Romanei and Anton Gusev was developing - after all, serious passions burned between the lovers. They either fervently confessed their love, or were not afraid of harsh statements addressed to each other.

However, it has now become known that the former heroes of “House-2” finally got married. They decided to move away from prying eyes to take an oath of allegiance. Despite the fact that Anton and Victoria are always frank with fans, this time they decided to keep everything secret and reported such an important event after the fact. So far, the newly-made husband and wife are not sharing details of the wedding.

Gusev and Romanets were supposed to get married on July 8th. However, just a couple of weeks before the solemn event, a scandal broke out between them - the man accused his beloved of infidelity.

“I learned about a program with which you can hack What"sApp,” Anton told StarHit. “I downloaded and hacked her messenger. There I read Vika’s correspondence with her administrator. I found a lot of unpleasant words about myself, but more I was only touched by one phrase: Vika wrote, “What kind of love can there be?” To which the administrator replied that he understands everything - PR is still in her head. “Dom-2” is still in her head. I want to play around, she’s not ready for marriage. I made the difficult decision to cancel this wedding. She’s probably happy.”

Victoria could not stay away from such statements and also spoke about the shortcomings of her chosen one. Romanets admitted that her lover does not earn enough and cannot provide her with the standard of living that she dreams of.

“I lured him with money, and Anton came. “He was seduced by a six-story building and a good car, but he didn’t give me anything in return,” Victoria complained. - He owes me a huge amount of money. I paid for the apartment, for dinners in restaurants, even their vacation with Daniel was organized at my expense.”

The lovers got engaged in the Maldives. However, the lovers tried to keep the intrigue until the last - despite the fact that the fan guessed that they were vacationing together, Antoi and Victoria did not publish joint pictures. The couple spoke about the changes in their personal lives to the Dom-2 publication.

Vika Romanets and Anton Gusev
​Photo: Instagram

Anton Gusev and Vika Romanets are getting divorced. The ex-participant of the TV show explained to the site that he and his wife had been hatching the decision to separate for several months. The couple tried to save the marriage by going on a romantic trip, going to a restaurant, dating, but everything turned out to be in vain - tomorrow the ex-lovers are going to the registry office to file for divorce.

“I won’t comment on this at all, excuse me. People already understand everything. It’s so bad for you. When there are no children in a marriage, they divorce in a month, but in a month there will be new information,” she sighed in a conversation with the Romanets website.

Vika and Anton are getting divorced
​Photo: Instagram

Her still legal husband Anton was more talkative. The man explained that the relationship with Vika had long since outlived its usefulness, and attempts to save the family were never successful.. - Nothing bad happened, it happens. Tomorrow we are going to file an application for divorce at the registry office. Everyone will be happy, but on different sides of the road.”

By the way, in September the couple gave a joint interview to the site, in which they explained that. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for the divorce. However, the stars of “HOUSE-2” were already thinking about drawing up a marriage contract, so that, in the event of separation, they would not spoil their relationship with each other due to the division of property.

So that everything is equal, everything is fine.”

In the coming month, Vika Romanets and Anton Gusev will be dealing with the divorce process.. Follow the news!

The couple will be going through divorce proceedings in the next month.
​Photo: Instagram

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