How to make a New Year's craft in 5 minutes. Simple New Year's crafts with children: inspiring ideas and master classes

10:30 3.12.2016

On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone wants to feel like a little wizard and create something with their own hands. The editors of The Only One offer you 5 ideas for New Year's decorations that can be made in 5 minutes without unnecessary worries.

The eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays is somewhat similar to a fairy tale: you can forget about ordinary worries at least for a while and completely succumb to inspiration and creativity. To make it you will need very few available materials, 5 minutes of free time and the desire to create something.

Christmas tree for decorating a room

This Christmas tree will be an excellent decoration for any room. In order to make it, you will need:

  • cones;
  • glue;
  • dye;
  • small pots.

Actually, there is nothing complicated in the process itself: you just need to decorate the cone and let it dry. While the paint dries, you can add color to the pots. Next, use glue to “plant” the pine cone in the pot and decorate it with a foil star.

Exclusive ball

Help to make an ordinary Christmas ball unusual:

  • hand painted white
  • tassel,
  • paints of other colors;
  • textile.

Paint your palm with white paint and just take the ball in your hand. Actually, this will be the basis. Next, draw the snowmen’s mouth, nose and eyes, make snowflakes, as well as clothes for the snowmen. 5 minutes - and no one will recognize ordinary balls.

Decoration for wine lovers

If you love wine and have wooden corks in stock, use them to create a New Year's decoration that will not only please the eye, but will also scare away evil spirits. To create this craft you will need:

  • wine corks;
  • rosemary;

Cut the corks in the butts, and use an awl to make a hole in the middle. Next, insert a sprig of rosemary there. If you want to continue to fantasize, add another ribbon with glowing lights.

Interesting: Rosemary not only creates a pleasant aroma, but also drives out all evil spirits.

Original candlestick

To make your home feel festively warm and cozy, you will, of course, need candlesticks with candles, which will instantly create a festive atmosphere. To make an original candlestick, you will need:

  • cup
  • wooden twigs;
  • glue.

The task is quite simple: glue the twigs to a glass, and place a candle inside. Warmth and originality are guaranteed.

New Year's decoration for the kitchen

On New Year's Eve, every corner of the house should be beautiful. An original idea for decorating jars for storing cereals or anything else will allow you to bring a touch of holiday to even the most unexpected places in the house.

To create a jar outfit like this you will need:

  • jar,
  • sparkles (you can buy them at any store that has everything for manicure);
  • glue;
  • ribbon.

ON TOPIC: How to bake a gingerbread house:

To give the most ordinary storage jar a festive look, apply glue to it, then carefully cover it with glitter. Please note that there should be no bald spots in the coating. Decorate the top of the jar with ribbon.

A great opportunity to show your creativity. Fantasize, dream and make it come true, and let the preparation for the New Year holidays be truly enjoyable.

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Winter holidays are not only a time of celebration and extravaganza, but also a great occasion to make simple and beautiful crafts for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from scrap materials: pine cones, paper, tubes and much more. You can not only show them off at school exhibitions, but also decorate your apartment, but also present them as a priceless gift to your family and friends. So now you will learn 25 crafts for the New Year 2019 that you can make with your own hands from scrap materials. And we’ll start our article with a craft for the symbol of 2019, which is under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig, and we decided to show you a simple and useful craft that is suitable not only for the New Year, but also for any other holiday.

The symbol of the upcoming 2019 New Year is the Yellow Earth Pig. The silhouette of a pig, as well as its funny face, can be used to create small sofa pillows as gifts for friends.

To make a small pillow, you will need fabric of a suitable color, thread and needle, pencil or soap, filler (hollobifer, etc.).

How to do it:

  1. Make a pattern on the fabric in the form of a silhouette of a pig. It is most convenient to apply a drawing with a pencil or a piece of soap. It must be duplicated in two copies for both sides of the future pillow.
  2. Then you should cut out the pattern and sew it along the edges, leaving a small hole for stuffing with filling. Turn the product inside out, fill it with hollobifer and sew up the hole with the inner seam.
  3. If you are new to sewing, you can make an ordinary square pillow, and then apply a design to it using fabric paints. Children can draw a funny face and snout, and adults can draw a silhouette of a pig.

Symbol of the year felt pig

Even a schoolboy can handle a felt pig. To make a cute keychain symbol of the New Year, you will need:

  • a small piece of pink felt;
  • pink threads;
  • buttons or beads for eyes;
  • sharp scissors;
  • narrow tape;
  • filler (sintepon or cotton wool, hollobayfer);
  • ring or carabiner.

You need to do this:

  1. On a piece of felt you need to draw all the details of the future keychain - two circles of different sizes for the head, one for the snout, four triangles for the ears. Cut out the details and start embroidering the eyes and mouth.
  2. Using a thread that matches the felt, sew a small circle to a large one so that it looks like a heel. Then you need to use beads to mark the pig’s nostrils. Sew two buttons at eye level, and make the mouth out of red beads.
  3. Sew two ears to the body, make a small loop of ribbon at the level of the pig’s head. Sew all the details around the edge. Fill the keychain with cotton wool or synthetic padding and sew up the hole with a hidden seam. Thread a ring through the braid.

Beautiful DIY candlesticks: 3 ideas

One of the popular and understandable gifts for everyone are candlesticks. They can be given to anyone, be it a colleague or a close relative. A young man, a student, and an older person will be happy with such a gift. You can make a candlestick with your own hands from scrap materials, and the cost of the souvenir will please those who do not have a large budget.

To make an original candlestick, you will need a glass cup and regular nail polish of different colors. You can paint any pattern on the outside of the glass using varnishes, and after drying, the pattern will not be erased or washed off with water. The choice of drawing depends only on the preferences and imagination of the author himself.

Idea #1

To make an original Christmas tree candlestick, you need a green ribbon, several small branches of spruce or pine, nail polish in white, blue and green, and a small heat-resistant glass cup.

On the outside of the glass you need to draw snowflakes, Christmas trees, or simply write a handwritten greeting for the coming New Year. If the candlestick is large, then you can leave fingerprints on it as a keepsake. On top you need to place several branches around the perimeter of the glass and tie them with ribbon. Make a bow from the ends of the ribbon.

Idea No. 2

A lace candlestick is an original thing that will appeal to the female sex. Place a lace ribbon on a smooth glass made of heat-resistant glass. You can use Moment glue or a glue gun. Don't worry if the edges of the fabric protrude slightly beyond the edges of the glass - this will give the souvenir an additional highlight.

Idea No. 3

A small candlestick made of twigs is a good gift for those who appreciate things made with their own hands and know how to use them in the interior. Along the perimeter of a transparent glass glass, small twigs cut to the size of the container are glued using a glue gun. The branches must be dry, pre-treated with an antiseptic. If such a present seems small for a gift, then you can make a few more candlesticks of different sizes to complete it. They will look great on a shelf together.

Scented bath bombs

A gift in the form of a set of bath bombs looks stylish and original. With the help of such balls you can perfectly relieve tension and relax in a foam bath. The products are completely safe for human health, since they contain only natural ingredients that do not cause allergies.

To make a bomb with your own hands, you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • A few drops of any essential oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of cosmetic sea salt.

Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a separate container, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. For example, you can use essential oil of lavender, bergamot, orange or lemon, rose. Then the mixture must be gradually moistened with water from a spray bottle until it begins to hold its shape when squeezed. When the powder can be used to make snowballs, this means that bombs can be formed. The mixture can be compacted tightly into any shape, making funny bears for children or a flower for adults. In this position, the bomb should dry for several days, after which it can be used.

Instead of colored food dyes, you can use natural ones - coffee, colored sea salt, cocoa.

Boot for gifts

A handmade boot for gifts is a wonderful interior decoration. Even a beginner can sew it and give it to every family member. To do this, you need to draw a pattern of the required size on paper and cut out all the details of the future product from it. Then they are sewn together using a machine, choosing a stitch that is not too small. Remember that the boot must have a lining, which is also sewn according to a paper pattern. The lining is secured to the top of the boot with a hidden seam, after which a loop is attached so that the souvenir can be hung on a hook.

DIY amulet

An interesting option for a New Year's souvenir could be a talisman, which is given as a symbol of prosperity, happiness, monetary abundance, love, and career growth. It could be a small ball - Temari, who can bring laughter, happiness, health into the house. Or original amulets for your home that will protect you from everything negative for a whole year. And you can make temari in 10-15 minutes, thanks to our video below.

DIY “Clapperboard” craft

Everything is appropriate for the New Year: noise and fun. Therefore, a bright holiday cracker would be a wonderful craft. After all, who among us has not dreamed of finding ourselves in the rain of glittering confetti? This craft is made with your own hands very easily and quickly from simple materials at hand, and to make it easier for you, we have found suitable videos with a master class.

New Year's diary

A super cool craft for the New Year - a diary in which you can plan and schedule all your affairs and meetings for the whole year. Ideally, it will depict the symbol of the coming year of the Rooster. On the first page you can write your wishes for the person in the New Year. It would seem banal, but such a necessary and cute gift that can be made in just 30 minutes if you watch our video with detailed instructions.

New Year's cookies

If you have a wonderful relationship at work and need to congratulate a large number of colleagues, do not rush to buy expensive New Year's souvenirs for everyone. You can congratulate your colleagues in a very original way with confectionery products made in the form of small symbols of the holiday. These could be cakes, candies or cookies. They can be ordered in almost every confectionery shop. Such gifts will not only delight your colleagues, but will also serve as an excellent dessert.

Video instructions on how to make New Year's cookies

DIY Christmas tree star

You can make a beautiful Christmas tree decoration with your own hands, using only the materials you have at home. Economical and stylish.

What we need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Knitting thread;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Matches;
  • Possible template for a Christmas tree.

Cooking process:

  • Pour glue into a small bowl and dilute it with water if necessary.
  • Prepare a template for the future star and attach it to the foam with matches.
  • Soak the thread well in glue. And we begin to wrap the matches counterclockwise, alternately above the match and under the match. First, secure the end of the thread to one of the matches.
  • Next we fill the entire space with thread. We leave our masterpiece to dry.
  • We tie a string to the top of our star and you can hang it on the Christmas tree. Our original toy is ready.

Christmas tree made of cotton pads

How can New Year be without a Christmas tree? Recently, most people have become accustomed to setting up and decorating an artificial Christmas tree. We can make it ourselves. Festive and elegant.

What is necessary:

  • A large number of cotton pads (more than three packages);
  • White paint;
  • Stapler;
  • Convenient scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Beads and braid;
  • A2 size cardboard.

Cooking process:

  • First we need to prepare the needles for our Christmas tree. To do this, you need to fold the cotton pad in half, then again and fasten it with a stapler.
  • Take a sheet of A2 format, roll it into a ball, and straighten the bottom with scissors.
  • But we begin to glue our needles to the base from below. Lubricate the fold with glue and secure it to the base. We pass each row with glue again.
  • Row by row we glue the cone.
  • Next, we decorate our Christmas tree at our discretion and stick on stars. The top can be decorated with a large star. The Christmas tree should look beautiful and stylish.

Snowman made from disposable cups

Anyone can make a beautiful, original masterpiece from absolutely inexpensive materials. Your craft will be appreciated; take the time to please yourself and your loved ones.

What we need:

  • Plastic disposable cups;
  • Cardboard, preferably black and gold;
  • Stapler;
  • Textile;
  • Carrot.

Manufacturing process:

  • We fasten the cups with a stapler, forming first the body and then the head in the form of a ball.
  • When the frame of the snowman is ready, we attach a nose from a carrot, and from scraps of fabric we make eyes and a scarf.
  • We make a hat from cardboard, make a circle and a cylinder. Glue it together. Decorate with a golden ribbon. Our cute snowman is ready.

Original Christmas tree made of threads

Do you want to come up with something extraordinary and extravagant? Try making a three-dimensional Christmas tree from threads. It will decorate your interior and add a touch of novelty.

What is needed for production:

  • Wool threads;
  • Convenient scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Thick paper;
  • Film;
  • Half a tablespoon of starch;
  • Four tablespoons of water;
  • Decoration elements.

Manufacturing process:

  • Make a cone out of thick paper, cut the bottom and straighten it, glue it together.
  • Mix the glue and starch thoroughly;
  • Cut the thread, the longer the better. And leave it to soak in glue and starch for at least twenty minutes.
  • We take the film and carefully wrap our cone.
  • Next, we take the thread out of the solution and wind it randomly around the cone.
  • After this we leave it to dry for a day.
  • Then we take out the cone. We decorate our Christmas tree with decor: beads, confetti. Our stylish holiday tree is ready. Nothing complicated, but incredibly beautiful.

Souvenir “Snow Tale”

Everyone in childhood loved to play with a ball of snow. He was mesmerizing, there was something intriguing and mysterious about him. It's time to create this fairy tale with your own hands. It turns out that it is not so difficult. And if you also involve a child in the process, it will become an exciting adventure.

Materials required for manufacturing:

  • Glass jar of any size, lid;
  • Any small details in the form of figures of people, animals, plants;
  • The glue is waterproof;
  • Glycerol;
  • Distilled water;
  • Snowball

Manufacturing process:

  • We take the figures and glue them inside the jar, as we like, or on the lid;
  • Now you can pour water and dilute glycerin in it. Thanks to the glycerin, the snowball will fall to the bottom of the jar slowly.
  • Add glitter and invert the jar. If they settle quickly, you need to add glycerin.

Add glycerin until we achieve the desired result. Our fairy toy is ready.


If there are cute trinkets, then this craft is one of them in the first place. You can make it from multi-colored felt, experimenting with color combinations, because the cockerel, as you know, is a motley bird. So, the base of 2 parts is cut out in the shape of a heart, the middle is filled with cotton wool, the edges are carefully hand-stitched. A bright tail, comb-beard, beak, eyes and wings are cut out and carefully sewn to the base. A braid is sewn in the middle, by which it will be convenient to hang the cockerel wherever you want it. This master class involves making cockerels of various sizes and in any quantity. Birds can be an excellent Christmas tree decoration; you can even make a garland out of them, or you can hang them somewhere in the house, where this cheerful company will delight the eye and soul.

Funny octopus made of plasticine

This master class will tell you how to make a beautiful craft for kindergarten or for an exhibition.

Necessary materials:

  • Glass jar;
  • Kinder surprise jar;
  • Plasticine;
  • Nicky;
  • Beads.

Work process:

  1. We roll sausages out of green plasticine and glue them to the jar.
  2. We make fish out of yellow and also glue them to the outside of the jar.
  3. Cut two threads and tie them as shown in the photo. We close the knot in the Kinder Surprise.
  4. We bark at the future body of the octopus with plasticine.
  5. We make eyes and tentacles from sausages.
  6. Pour water into the jar and screw on the lid with the octopus and our craft is ready.

Snowflake made from salt dough for Christmas tree

Now I want to tell you about a very original New Year’s craft that you can make from salt dough with your daughter.

Necessary materials:

  • For the dough, 1 cup each of flour and salt and 0.5 cups of water;
  • Blue gouache;
  • Ribbon;
  • Glue;
  • Glitter.

Work process:

  1. Knead the dough and add blue paint to it.
  2. We roll 7 peas and make a flower out of them as in the photo. We make small indentations in them with a toothpick.
  3. We roll the flagellum and make an element out of it as shown in the photo. We sculpt a second one to it. We attach the resulting part to the center of the snowflake.
  4. We make 5 more of the same rays.
  5. When the snowflake dries, coat it with paint again on both sides.
  6. Apply a thin layer of glue and sprinkle with glitter and you're done.

Salt dough candlestick

Here is another interesting idea for a DIY craft made from salt dough, which will perfectly decorate the table for the New Year 2019, which will be held under the sign of the fiery rooster. It is very easy to make and most importantly very fast.

Necessary materials:

  • Salty dough;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Dye;
  • Sequins;
  • Ribbon bows.

How to do it

  1. We make a candlestick shape from salt dough with a recess for a candle.
  2. We stick the seeds into it in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. When this whole structure is dry, cover it with paint, glitter and decorate it with bows.

Video instructions on how to make crafts in the form of a candlestick

Unusual balloon

Here's another New Year's balloon craft that you won't have any problems making this beauty.

Necessary materials:

  • Balloon;
  • Threads;
  • Glue;
  • Skewers;
  • Braid;
  • Brown and gold paint;
  • A small basket.

How to make this craft:

  1. Inflate the ball. We wrap it with threads and glue it well.
  2. When the threads are dry, pierce the ball and remove its remains from the resulting sphere.
  3. We wrap the skewers with braid and cover them with brown paint.
  4. We paint the thread ball with golden paint.
  5. Glue the skewers to the basket and secure them to the ball.

Interesting crafts made from beads and wire

A very original craft for the New Year 2019, which is very easy to make if you have the necessary materials:

  • Dense and thin wire;
  • Beads and seed beads.

photo of a star made of beads

Craft making process:

  1. We use thick wire to make the shape of a future souvenir.
  2. We attach a thin wire to the resulting frame and begin to string beads on it in different orders.
  3. We wrap the frame and secure the end of the wire, so our bead craft is made with our own hands. (She will be 100% satisfied!)

Video master class on making crafts asterisk

Christmas tree toy “Gentle angel”

This beautiful New Year's craft can be made in just 5 minutes and for this we need.

Necessary materials:

  • Thick tape with wire edge;
  • Bead;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Ribbon
  • Stapler.

New Year is a time for gifts. And although the X day is still more than a month away, it’s worth thinking about gifts now. As you know, the best gift is the one made with your own hands. And it’s even better if it’s made by children’s hands. Receiving one is always touching and pleasant.

Calendar of children's drawings

The house where the baby grows up is always full of children's drawings. It’s a shame to throw them away, but there’s nowhere to store them. Children's creations can be put to use. For example, make a calendar for next year. Add a calendar grid to the scanned drawings in Photoshop and print. You will get a beautiful calendar that your loved ones will be delighted with.

Illustration from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter"

Photo calendar with children's photos for grandparents

It will take a little more time to make such a gift. Take a photo of the child against a light background in different poses and print the photos with a calendar grid already overlaid. The calendar can be printed on regular sheets, ordered from a photo studio, or simply pasted printed photographs onto the pages of the finished calendar.

To make it even more fun, invite your child to draw details for each season on the photos. You can write the number or name of the month on your clothes.

Another option for a photo calendar: select suitable scenes from photographs from the past year and make a calendar based on them.

Grandparents will be especially delighted with such a cute gift.

Illustration from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter"

Painted things

It is very easy to turn the most ordinary things into designer gifts by decorating them with your own hands. You can use ceramic paints to create a design on a cup or plate. Using markers or fabric paints, a child can draw a picture on a T-shirt or apron. Using fabric paints and stamps, you can apply a pattern to bed linen.

Hearts, triangles or stars cut out of an eraser are suitable as stamps. You can use a cork or an eraser at the end of a pencil to make multi-colored polka dots. Interesting prints can be made from LEGO bricks, lemons, apples, onions or potatoes cut in half.

Illustration from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter"

Cards with a surprise

This unusual card can be made in 5 minutes. Inflate the balloon, but do not tie it, but write your congratulations on it with a permanent marker. Then deflate the balloon and attach it to a card that says “Blow me up!”

Illustration from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter"

Invisible postcard

You can make an invisible card for your friends and loved ones. Write the message on white construction paper using white wax crayon. And on the front side of the card, write the inscription: “Color me with watercolors!” You can add watercolor paints to the card. To make the text appear, you need to draw a little.

Illustration from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter"

Beautiful New Year's candlesticks

You can make a very beautiful house candlestick from an ordinary jar.

To do this, cover a glass jar with plasticine or hardening plastic. Leave space for windows or cut them. Decorate the top of the jar with foil, tinsel or glue glitter. And then attach a candle inside. When it burns, the windows in the house will glow.

Illustration from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter"

Giving gifts is not only fun, but also very pleasant, especially if these are gifts made by the hands of our children.

* The book “Wonderful Time: Winter” is provided by the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

If you have a desire to decorate your home with something special, then this is really possible. And in this case it is not necessary to have any talents. Quick and easy crafts can help you out here. And today we will tell you what to make in this case.

How to make simple and quick crafts. Ideas

Autumn candles.

Home comfort will become even more beautiful if special candles are present in its interior. To create them you may need:

  • Real autumn leaves
  • Sponge or brush, as well as PVA glue,
  • Alcohol, thread and an empty jar.


  1. In order to rid the jar of grease, you need to wipe it with alcohol.
  2. Then apply glue to the jar.
  3. Use straight autumn leaves to decorate the jar. They are simply glued to a greased jar.
  4. When the glue dries, the leaves on the jar are additionally treated with decoupage glue.

Painted cup.

It's very nice to have some interesting glass at home. But it’s even nicer to have a glass that has been decorated to your taste. And it is worth saying that this is not difficult to do. And in addition to your personal desire, you should prepare:

  • scissors,
  • cardboard,
  • oil markers.


  1. So, a stencil is cut out of cardboard. It could be some kind of letter or some kind of drawing.
  2. The drawing is applied to the glass and dots are applied to it with a marker. You can use markers of various colors.

Craft from wine corks.

Easy and quick DIY crafts are a real pleasure to make. Such products can be a wonderful decoration for your home. They can also be made as a gift. For the craft you will need the following:

  • Wine corks,
  • Superglue, paper and pencil.


Beautiful garland of paper cups.

An interesting and quick craft is a beautiful garland. To make it take:

  • Paper cups,
  • An ordinary garland.
  • Scissors or knife.


  1. In each cup of paper, a cut is made crosswise.
  2. A light bulb from a garland is now inserted into each such hole.
  3. That's all, when everything is ready, this product can be used to decorate a room or any other room.

A simple picture.

Everyone, without exception, likes to make something unusual. But it’s even more interesting to do those things that are not very difficult to perform. And especially for such people we will offer pictures of quick crafts. If you want to decorate your interior with an extraordinary product, then make a very simple picture. For this purpose you may need a piece of burlap and a stencil. And you will paint with ordinary paints, that is, watercolors. Be sure to frame the finished painting.

Mesmerizing candles.

Of course, it’s hard to imagine any romantic evening without candles. But candles that you cover with silver and gold adhesive tape will look very romantic.

T-shirt decoration.

Surely, many people are interested in quick, beautiful crafts. So in this publication you can find exactly these. It is worth noting that even a children's T-shirt can be transformed if you don't try hard. To do this you will need an ordinary white T-shirt. Also, use a bright piece of fabric for decoration. Sew a pocket out of it and attach it to a T-shirt.

Beautiful headband.

Do you want to have a special hair decoration? Then you can make a headband from the most ordinary beads. To make this headband, look carefully at the picture. Everything should work out for you.


As you can see, you can make a lot of crafts in a few minutes. Moreover, in this case, huge costs are not required. After all, every person always has all the materials for creating products at hand.

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