How to read intentions in Ramadan correctly? About how to correctly make an intention to observe fasting. What is said to a person fasting during Ramadan.

How is Islam different from other religions? The fasting of Ramadan is the holiest time of the year for Muslims. They abstain from all pleasures in order to test willpower over carnal desires, repent of sins, and overcome pride in the name of the forgiveness of the Almighty. How to fast in Islam? This will be discussed in the article.

General information

During the Islamic fast, fasting people should not take any food during the day. They are not allowed to drink alcohol or have intimate relationships. Currently, there are bans on smoking cigarettes and chewing gum (and, as you know, they did not exist at the time of the prophet). And drinking alcohol in Islam is prohibited not only during the holy month of Ramadan, but generally throughout the year. Moreover, their sale is also unacceptable. Unlike Christianity, fasting in Islam allows the consumption of any food: meat and fried. At the same time, it is limited in time. It is permissible to eat only in the dark. It must be taken into account that Islam does not allow eating the meat of certain animals. For example, pork is highly prohibited.

Not only sacred for Muslims is the time of fasting. Islam divides it into two types. The first post is mandatory. It must be observed in the holy month of Ramadan (the ninth in the Second is recommended. In Islam, the calendar is not the same as the Gregorian calendar. It is shorter by 11 days. And that is why every year the month of Ramadan comes ten days earlier. And such days of fasting are recommended Islam: every Monday and Thursday; 9th, 10th, 11th of the month of Muharram; the first six days of Shawwal. In addition to abstaining from food and carnal pleasures, those who are fasting are required to pray (perform namaz). Meals must be taken before (Fajr ) and after evening (Maghrib).It is generally accepted that during this month the Almighty (Allah) is more favorable to prayers and increases the significance of good deeds.

Unlike in Islam - not sad, but festive. For devout Muslims it is the greatest holiday. They prepare for it in advance: they buy food and gifts, since the Almighty forgives sins and answers the prayers of not only those who fast, but also those who help those in need and simply engage in charity. After all, even the most disadvantaged must eat after dark and participate in the holiday. Therefore, at the end of the sacred time, it is customary to collect money (zakat) for the poor. In addition to doing godly deeds, you need to try not to deceive anyone. Otherwise, it is generally accepted that the Almighty will not accept either fasting or prayer.

Fasting time

Islam, as the reader already knows, calls on all Muslims to fast during the holy month of Ramadan. What date it will occur on depends on the lunar calendar. For every year it falls on a new date. During uraza, it is customary to get up before the morning prayer to eat breakfast. This procedure of eating before sunrise is called suhoor. The Holy Prophet ordered the faithful not to neglect it, because it will give a lot of strength to accomplish. Therefore, waking up an hour earlier should not be any difficulty for believers. It is recommended to complete Suhur before the morning prayer - Fajr - so as not to be late for the time of fasting.

Throughout the entire day, until dusk, the fasting person must spend it in complete restriction, without food or water. He must interrupt it before evening prayer. Iftar should be opened with a sip of fresh water and a date. It is recommended to break the fast on time, without delaying it for later. After taking water and dates, you do not need to eat food immediately. First you need to do it and only then you are allowed to start dinner - iftar. It is forbidden to eat to satiety and overeat. You need to take just enough to satisfy your hunger. Otherwise, the post will lose its meaning. And, as you know, it is needed to cultivate bodily lust.

Actions that devastate the body

What breaks fasting in Islam? These actions are of two types: that which empties a person and that which fills him. The first include those during which certain fluids leave the body. As you know, this can be intentional vomiting (if it was not intentional, the fast is not considered broken) or bloodletting. Just as stated above, it is forbidden to enter into intimate relationships. And as you know, during this process, both men and women experience the release of sexual genetic material. Since the action is intentional, it is considered a violation.

In general, even without the release of genetic material, intimate contact breaks the fast. Even if it occurs between legal spouses. If the ejection occurred without intimate contact, but deliberately (masturbation), then this is also a violation, since in Islam such an action is considered a sin. However, if a man deliberately decided to do this, but no sexual fluid was released, then the fast is not considered broken. It is also not a violation for unintentional release in both men and women.

In Islam, this violation is the most serious. If a person has repented, then he can atone for his guilt in two ways: either free the slave (in the civilized world this is difficult and virtually inaccessible), or fast for the next two months. Even if, without a good reason, he violates or interrupts the restriction that he endures on the occasion of repentance for adultery, he must begin anew two months of abstinence.

Hugging and kissing during fasting is allowed. But these actions should not lead to sexual arousal, so that something that breaks the fast does not happen. If spouses know how to control themselves, they can calmly kiss each other. If you don’t have confidence in yourself or your significant other, then you need to refuse hugs. Sometimes it happens that the release of genetic material occurred in a dream. And as you know, a person does not control his actions at this time. Therefore, the fast is not broken. In this case, there is no need to reimburse it. And sodomy and bestiality in Islam are always grave sins, and not just in the month of Ramadan.

Bleeding during fasting

Donating blood is also a violation. It is believed that in this way a person becomes weaker. And feeling unwell during fasting is unacceptable. This means that a person should not become a donor. Even in cases of extreme necessity, this is a violation. However, the fasting person can make up for it on another day. If the blood flowed unintentionally, then the restriction is not violated. Donating blood for analysis also does not apply to this. Indeed, in this case, little fluid is released, so the person does not experience weakness. In addition, fasting during the menstrual cycle (also a kind of bloodletting) is not allowed. As you know, representatives of the fair sex experience weakness and pain during this period. And, as stated above, fasting is unacceptable at such times.

Nausea while fasting

If a fasting person has stomach problems, he does not have to hold back vomiting for fear that this may break his fast. When a Muslim deliberately caused her, then there will be no punishment for this action. If the fasting person involuntarily empties the stomach of its contents, this will not affect the observance of the fast. This means that it is not necessary to restrain the urge to vomit. But it is prohibited to deliberately call them.

Actions that fill the body

Filling actions include those during which the human body is filled. This is eating and drinking. And as you know, they are unacceptable during daylight hours. In addition to them, taking medications, blood infusions, injections are also considered violations. If medications are taken as a rinse and not swallowed, then this is acceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to take pills and other medications in the dark. Also, the fast is not considered broken if the blood is reinfused after it has been purified and saturated with the necessary nutrients. In addition, drops for the eyes and ears or enemas are also not prohibited during the holiday. It is even permissible to remove teeth, despite the possible bleeding from the wounds. If a fasting person uses it (including asthmatics), then the fast is also not broken. Because air is not food and drink, but gas entering the lungs.

Any Muslim who deliberately ate or drank committed a great sin. Therefore, he is obliged to repent and make up for the violation on another day. And it is a double sin to accept what Islam prohibits on any day, not just during Lent - alcohol and pork. If a person simply forgot about the restriction (and this is often observed in the first days of the fast), then the fast is not considered broken. It is not necessary to reimburse it. A person must thank the Almighty for sending him food (and there are many hungry people in the world). If a Muslim sees that someone else is reaching for food, he is obliged to stop him and remind him of fasting. Swallowing saliva or food debris stuck between the teeth is also not a violation.

What actions do not break the fast?

How to fast in Islam? What actions will not violate it? In addition to the cases indicated above, these include the following manipulations: applying antimony to the eyes (as is known, this is important for Muslim women); brushing your teeth with a special brush (miswak) or a regular brush without toothpaste. The use of the latter is not prohibited. The main thing is not to swallow the product, even partially. Other hygiene procedures are also allowed: rinsing the nose, mouth, taking a shower. Swimming is also allowed, but provided that the person does not dive headlong, as this can lead to water entering the body.

Also, a Muslim who involuntarily ingested tobacco smoke or dust does not break his fast. Inhalation of aromas (even intentionally) is also allowed. If women (and sometimes men) prepare food, then tasting them is acceptable. But it is forbidden to swallow it. Treating wounds with ointments, iodine, and brilliant green solution is acceptable. Women can have their hair cut and dyed. The same applies to men. In addition, representatives of the fair sex are allowed to use cosmetics. But many people refuse it during Ramadan.

Smoking while fasting

Smoking during the fast also breaks the fast. In general, this process is undesirable in Islam, since it harms the body and mind, and empties the wallet. And also due to uselessness. Therefore, intentionally swallowing tobacco smoke (as opposed to involuntary) breaks the fast. But many people who are on a diet do not enjoy cigarettes only during daylight hours. It is not right. Because smoking not only cigarettes, but also hookah is prohibited throughout the month of fasting in Islam. It often happens that after the end of Ramadan, many give up this bad habit.

Fasting during pregnancy and lactation

How to fast during pregnancy in Islam? The expectant mother, if she feels well, there is no threat to either her or the child, is obliged to comply with the restrictions. If there is a possibility of miscarriage, then fasting is not necessary. The same applies to nursing mothers. Therefore, before the onset of holy fasting, the above women should consult a doctor. And pass the necessary tests.

If it is not recommended for them to fast due to a difficult pregnancy or for other reasons, then they are obliged to make up the fast at another time. Preferably before the next Ramadan. In addition, such a young lady needs to distribute alms to those in need (both money and food). However, if a woman cannot make up for the fast because she is again carrying the baby under her heart or continues to feed, then it is quite enough for her to help the poor.

Fasting for a pregnant woman in Islam is not too strict. It does not have to be observed for all thirty days in a row. Violations every second day are acceptable. Sometimes you can take a break for a week. The main thing is to keep it for thirty days in total. Since the days of fasting in winter are much shorter than in summer (in the cold season it dawns late and gets dark early), young mothers are allowed to make up for fasting on these days, even if Ramadan was in the summer.

Fasting during critical days

Is it possible to fast during menstruation? Islam prohibits a devout Muslim woman not only from observing restrictions, but also from performing namaz. If a woman does not do this on her menstrual days, then there is no need to compensate. All this is due to the fact that these days ladies are not pure. And as you know, observance of the most important Islamic rituals is allowed only if complete hygiene is observed.

If a woman keeps a fast, and suddenly she begins to have discharge, then it is considered broken. the girl will have to compensate him. But if this happened after dusk, then there was no violation. The next day you need to refrain from restrictions until the end of the monthly cycle. In a word, fasting should be for the benefit of those fasting, and not to their detriment. And if you feel weak in the body, you can get more negative things from the energy than positive things.

Every night before fasting, you need to make an intention (niyyat). According to a reliable word, the intention pronounced at the beginning of the night is also sufficient. There are ulama who say that the intention pronounced in the first half of the night is not sufficient, and it is necessary to pronounce it in the second half, explaining this by the fact that the second part of the night is closer directly to fasting. If, after pronouncing the intention at night, before dawn, you perform actions that violate the fast (eating, intimacy with your wife), this will not harm the fast.

If someone falls asleep after pronouncing the intention, then the intention is not necessary to update, but it is advisable. Falling into disbelief(kufr), (murtadry) spoils the intention. If a person who has fallen into kufr repents before dawn, he needs the intention to renew. Intention, pronounced at night, during intimacy with your wife, is also sufficient for fasting.

1. If the intention is pronounced after dawn, the fast does not count.. The hadith says: “ The fast of someone who has not completed the intention at night, before dawn, will not be accepted. ».

2. The fast of a person who made an intention, doubting whether dawn has come or not, is not counted, since there was doubt in his intention . And if, after the intention, he doubts whether it was dawn or not, then his fast will be considered, since the basis of his doubt is the onset of dawn.

3. If after dawn a person doubts that he pronounced the intention before dawn, then this person’s fast does not count, since the basis of the doubt is not pronouncing the intention on time . But if he remembers that he made the intention at night or before dawn, his fast will be considered observed.

4. If after breaking the fast (i.e. in the evening) a person doubts reading the intention for fasting for the past day, then this will not harm the fast, even if he does not remember whether he said the intention.

5. If on the thirtieth night of Shaban a person expressed the intention to fast tomorrow in case that day turns out to be the first day of Ramadan, then this fast will not be considered . If he is told by those whom he trusts, be it a woman, a wicked man or a child, that the month of Ramadan begins tomorrow and he will fast, then his fast will count if it really turns out to be the first day of the month of Ramadan, and if it turns out that it is The last day of the month of Shaban does not count.

6. The fast of a person who read the intention, if the month of Ramadan begins tomorrow, to observe an obligatory fast, and if it turns out to be the last day of Shaban, then to observe a desirable fast, is accepted only as desirable (Sunnat) on the last day of Shaban (if he had the habit of fasting on the last day every month), because the basis of the intention is the remainder of Shaban . If this day happens to be the first day of the month of Ramadan, its fast will not be considered.

7. If a person on the thirtieth night of Ramadan read the intention to fast tomorrow and it really turned out to be the last day of Ramadan, his fast will be considered, since the basis of the intention is the rest of Ramadan.

Procedure, conditions and place of fulfillment of the intention

The place of intention is the heart. Saying the intention in words is not a condition, it is a desirable action (sunnah). Saying it together helps strengthen the intention in the heart. You need to remind yourself of the essence of the intention - the desire to give up actions that break the fast for the whole day. Pronouncing words of intention without understanding the meaning is not considered intention.

If you intend to observe an obligatory fast, you must indicate what kind of fast you are observing - the fast of the month of Ramadan, kaffarat or promised.

There is disagreement about whether the word "obligatory" (fard) should be used. According to reliable sources, it need not be pronounced. It will be enough if we say , without emphasizing that this is a mandatory post. But it is not enough to say “ tomorrow” without specifying that this is the fast of the month of Ramadan.

Saying Intention

It is advisable to pronounce the intention verbally and confirm it with your heart: « I intend to fast tomorrow for the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah " All the ulama agreed with this version of the text of the intention.

If someone intends to make up for the missed fast of two months of Ramadan and in his intention he says “... compensatory fast of Ramadan ", it would be enough. There is no need to indicate which particular Ramadan you are fasting.

Also, one who observes the fast of various kaffarats can say “... observe the fast of kaffarat ”, without specifically indicating which kaffarat.

If you forgot to read the intention at night

If someone forgot to pronounce the intention before dawn, then fasting on that day will not be considered. But out of respect for Ramadan, he should not do anything on this day that breaks the fast. For the desired fast, it is enough to pronounce the intention before lunch on the day of fasting, since for it it is not a condition to pronounce the intention at night.

Also, if you intend, you can not name the month and day for sunnat fasting (white days, etc.). It is enough to say “fast tomorrow,” but it is better to name these days. At the same time, if on these days you pronounce the intention to observe a fast (compensatory or other sunnat fasts), then you can receive reward for both fasts.



Suhur is the meal before the morning Fajr prayer. Suhur is a sunnah (desirable action) and must be completed before the true dawn:

“Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black, then fast until nightfall” (Quran 2:187).

Suhur is the mercy and grace of the Almighty, so you need to wake up on time and eat slowly.

After completing Suhur, the believer states his intention to fast and begins morning prayer.


Iftar is a meal in the evening after sunset (Maghreb). Immediately after the adhan for the evening prayer with the name of Allah ﷻ and a prayer for accepting the fast, the first part of the iftar begins. Foods include dates or other foods that quickly saturate the blood with glucose, such as baked goods, fresh or dry fruits, and a glass of water. Prophet Mohammad ﷺ said:

“When one of you breaks his fast, let him break his fast with dates, and if he does not find dates, let him break his fast with water, for truly it purifies” (Abu Dawud, 2355, at-Tirmidhi, 658, Ibn Majah, 1699)

Every night before fasting, you need to make an intention (niyyat). According to a reliable word, the intention pronounced at the beginning of the night is also sufficient. There are ulama who say that the intention pronounced in the first half of the night is not sufficient, and it is necessary to pronounce it in the second half, explaining this by the fact that the second part of the night is closer directly to fasting. If, after pronouncing the intention at night, before dawn, you perform actions that violate the fast (eating, intimacy with your wife), this will not harm the fast. If someone falls asleep after pronouncing the intention, then the intention is not necessary to update, but it is advisable. Falling into disbelief (kufr), (murtadry) spoils the intention. If a person who has fallen into kufr repents before dawn, he needs the intention to renew. An intention pronounced at night, during intimacy with one’s wife, is also sufficient for fasting.

All about Ramadan
Everything you need to know when fasting in the month of Ramadan
Woman in Ramadan
About kissing during fasting
Best Food for Iftar in Ramadan
Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayer, not a "festival of the stomach"
Ramadan: should children fast?
About fasting in Ramadan in questions and answers
Fasting in Ramadan according to the Hanafi madhhab
Paying Zakat-ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan fasting
month of the Quran
How to behave in the month of Ramadan?

If you forgot to read the intention at night

If someone forgot to pronounce the intention before dawn, then fasting on that day will not be considered. But out of respect for Ramadan, he should not do anything on this day that breaks the fast. For the desired fast, it is enough to pronounce the intention before lunch on the day of fasting, since for it it is not a condition to pronounce the intention at night.

Also, if you intend, you can not name the month and day for Sunnat fasting (Shawwal, Ashura, Arafa, white days, etc.). It is enough to say “fast tomorrow,” but it is better to name these days. At the same time, if on these days you pronounce the intention to observe a fast (compensatory fast or other sunnat fasts), then you can receive reward for both fasts.

Persons who missed fasting in the month of Ramadan

1. These are those who do not need to pay kaffarat - fidya, they only compensate for the fast. This category includes six who must observe imsak: those who have lost consciousness; drunk due to his own fault; gone crazy; missed a post on the way (traveler); a sick person or one who, from hunger, thirst, hard work, or having a baby, or is pregnant and, fearing the difficulties that might befall them during fasting, did not fast, as well as a woman during menstruation and postpartum discharge. This entire category is only obliged to make up for the missed post. All four imams agreed that if a person on the road voluntarily breaks his fast by eating or drinking water, then he must make up for that day and observe imsak for the rest of the day. Moreover, Imams Abu Hanifa and Malik say that he must pay kaffarat.

According to the madhhab of Imam Ahmad, kaffarat is not imposed on such a person; according to the most reliable word of Imam al-Shafi’i, they are not imposed either. The imams also agreed that one fast missed at will must be made up for with one fast. Rabia said that twelve days must be made up, Ibnu Musai said that a month must be made up for each day, Nahai says that a thousand days need to be made up, and Ibnu Masud said that by making up for a whole life, one cannot make up for the fast missed in the month of Ramadan;

2. Those who pay only fidya, i.e., do not have to compensate for fasting. These are old people who are unable to fast; hopelessly ill (this is determined by the opinion of one or two God-fearing doctors). Inability to fast is determined by a strong unusual difficulty that overtakes a person with fasting or an illness that allows him to perform tayammum. They must be incapable at all times. For example, if both of these people (the old man and the sick) can fast in the cold season or on short days, then they must make up for the fasts at this time;

3. Those who must compensate both fasting and fidyah. These are women who have a baby, or are pregnant, who missed fasting out of concern for the child’s life. Concern for the life of the child is considered when there is a high risk of miscarriage or the milk in the breast may run out, as a result of which the child may die or become very weak. Women who, out of fear for themselves or for themselves and for their child, missed the fast, should not pay fidya, but should only compensate it. From quantity

Question: Is it possible to fast if I do not pray?

Answer: Yes, you can. Since fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Insha Allah, your fast will be accepted by the Almighty.

Question: What should you say before suhoor?

Answer: Intention of fasting (niyyat):

“Navaitu an-asuuma sauma shakhri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-magribi haalisan lillayahi tya’aala.”

Translation: “I intend to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty.”

Question: What should you say before breaking the fast (iftar)?
Answer: Words that a fasting person says when breaking his fast (iftar):

“Allahumma lakya sumtu wa bikya amantu wa alaikya tawakkyaltu wa ‘ala ryzkykya aftartu fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddamtu va ma akhhartu”

Translation: “O Allah! For Your sake I kept the fast, I believed in You and I only trust in You, I break my fast with what You sent me. Forgive, O Forgiver of my sins, past and future!)" (Ibn Majah, Syyam, 48; Darakutni, II/185)."

Question: What is the best thing to do while fasting?
Answer: You should show zeal in worship, give alms, do good to people, read the Koran. If it is possible to take a vacation during fasting, it is better to do so in order to have more time to arrive at the mosque with the intention of worshiping the Almighty.

Question: How important is it to take suhoor? If I slept through suhoor and didn’t eat or drink anything during the day, wouldn’t this be considered a violation?
Answer: If you do not get up in the morning for Suhoor, this does not break your fast. The main condition is that you cannot eat or drink before iftar. But try not to skip suhoor.

During Ramadan, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) hurried to break the fast himself and encouraged others to do the same. In addition, he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged people to take food before dawn and, if possible, to do so just before dawn.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Suhur is a blessed time all the time, so don’t miss it, and let each of you drink at least a sip of water, for truly, Allah and His angels bless those who eat or drink before dawn” (Ahmad).

Question: Is it important to rush to break the fast?

“Everyone will be fine as long as they hurry to break their fast.” (Al Bukhari no. 1957, Muslim no. 1098)

Question: What is the best way to break your fast?
Answer: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Whoever has dates, let him break his fast with them, and whoever doesn’t have them, let him break his fast with water, for it purifies.” (Ahmad No. 15798, At Tirmidhi No. 695, Abu Dawud No. 2355)

Question: Is it possible to eat after Fajr prayer before sunrise?
Answer: After Fajr prayer, you cannot eat. It is necessary to stop eating 10 minutes before dawn.

“Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until nightfall.” (Quran 2:187)

Question: If, out of forgetfulness, I ate food and drank water during the day, is my fast broken?
Answer: Eating food and water out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. As soon as you remember that you are fasting, you need to immediately stop eating.

There is a hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him:

“Whoever ate or drank while forgetting, let him continue his fast, for it was Allah who fed him and gave him something to drink.” (Al-Bukhari no. 6669)

Question: Is it possible to fast continuously, for example, 2 days in a row, without breaking the fast?
Answer: No you can not.

Abu Sa'id (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say:

“Do not fast continuously, and whoever of you wants to do this, let him break his fast before dawn (the next day).” (Al Bukhari No. 1963)

Question: Is it possible to fast for several days? For example, 3 days at the beginning and 3 days at the end?
Answer: No, this is prohibited.

“In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was revealed - a right guide for people, clear evidence of right guidance and discernment. Whoever this month finds among you must fast.” (Quran 2:185)

Question: During fasting, I am sent on a business trip to another city. Can I pause my fast?
Answer: Allah has allowed the traveler to stop fasting even if he does not experience any difficulties during the journey. At the end of the fast, you will need to make up the missed days. The Almighty said:

“And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire hardship for you." (Quran 2:185)

Question: Can I keep a fast even though I am going on a business trip to another city?
Answer: Yes, you can.
Hamza ibn Amr al-Aslami, may Allah be pleased with him, asked the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace:

“O Messenger of Allah, I feel that I have enough strength to fast while traveling, so will it be a sin on me if I do this?” The Prophet said: “This is a permission (relaxation) from Allah, and whoever takes advantage of it will do well, and whoever wishes to fast, there is no sin on him.” (Muslim No. 1891)

Question: Is it possible to undergo circumcision (wedding, etc.) during Lent?

Answer: Yes, during the fasting period, you can circumcise your child (celebrate a wedding, etc.). But in this case, you need to move the holiday treat to the evening (after breaking the fast).

Question: Is it possible to exercise during fasting?
Answer: Yes, you can, but do not forget that during fasting it is already difficult for the body, try not to burden it. It is advisable to take a break during the fasting period.

Question: Is it possible to swallow saliva while fasting?
Answer: Swallowing saliva does not spoil the fast. But you cannot deliberately “accumulate” saliva and swallow it, as this spoils the fast.

Question: Can I chew chewing gum?
Answer: No you can not. Chewing gum contains sugar (or a substitute).
In addition, when chewed on an empty stomach, chewing gum stimulates the production of gastric juice, which contributes to the development of gastritis or exacerbation of peptic ulcers.

Question: Is it possible to use creams during fasting?
Answer: Yes, you can. The main thing is that you do not ingest them.

Question: Is it possible to brush your teeth with toothpaste during fasting without swallowing saliva?
Answer: The use of toothpaste is permissible, but is considered makrooh. When using toothpaste, saliva is not swallowed until the taste has passed. Getting toothpaste into the stomach breaks the fast. You need to rinse your mouth thoroughly and be extremely careful. It is better and safer to use miswak. The latter is Sunnah.

Question: My teeth have been bleeding often lately, and I collect saliva and spit it out, sometimes I forget to swallow it. Is the fast broken because of this and what can be done?
Answer: The fast does not spoil, but there is no need to swallow blood on purpose. We recommend that you be extremely careful.

Question: Is smoking during the day allowed during Lent?
Answer: No, it is not allowed.

Question: Is it permissible to consume nasvay during Lent?
Answer: No, it is not allowed. Since this applies to intoxicating substances.

Question: Is it possible to take a shower or bath while fasting?
Answer: Possible, as needed. Be careful.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to brush his teeth with a misiwak and pour water on his head while fasting. The companions saw how during fasting he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, poured water on his head to escape thirst or heat. (Ahmad No. 15473, Abu Dawud No. 2365)

Question: Is it possible to simply rinse your mouth and nose during fasting?
Answer: Rinsing the mouth and clearing the nose with water does not break the fast, even if it is not done during ablution. If you swallow water, then the fast is broken and must be replaced.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Rinse your nose well (deeply), except when you are fasting.” (At-Tirmidhi, 788)

Question: Is it possible to cut nails and hair during fasting?
Answer: You can trim your nails and hair. It is best to do this before complete ablution.

Question: During the fast, during the day, I had sexual intercourse with my wife. Now 1 day is interrupted. How can I restore it?
Answer: The fast of a person who has sexual intercourse during the day during Ramadan is broken, and he must make up for this day of fasting by continuously fasting for 2 months, and if this is beyond his strength, then he must feed 60 poor people. (This is stated in the hadith from Abu Hureyra (may Allah be pleased with him). Al Bukhari No. 6087,6164. Muslim No. 1111)

If sexual intercourse occurred out of forgetfulness (without the intention of breaking the fast), then in this case the fast is not considered broken. As soon as you realize that you are fasting, you need to interrupt sexual intercourse.

Question: Is it possible for spouses to have sexual intercourse during fasting, at night (after breaking the fast)?
Answer: Yes

“It is permissible for you to be intimate with your wives on the night of fasting (for) they are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them” (Quran 2:187)

Question: Is it possible to hug and kiss your wife (husband) during fasting?
Answer: Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

“During the fast, the Prophet often hugged and kissed (his wives, however), he controlled himself better than any of you.” (Al Bukhari No. 1927)

Question: During fasting I ejaculated, does this spoil my fast?
Answer: In case of unintentional ejaculation, the fast is not broken. You need to do complete ablution (ghusul).

Question: What should I do if my menstrual cycle begins during fasting?
Answer: You need to break your fast. A hadith narrated by Abu Saeed al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, says:

“Doesn’t she give up prayer and fasting when she starts menstruating?” (Al-Bukhari, no. 1951, Muslim no. 889)

After the menstrual period, a woman must make up for the missed days of fasting.

Question: What should a nursing mother do during fasting?
Answer: According to the most correct opinion, a woman who is pregnant or nursing is considered as one who is sick, so she is allowed not to fast, and she must only make up the missed days, whether she fears for herself or for the child. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Allah has made the duty of fasting and part of the prayer easier for a traveler, and He has made the duty of fasting easier for pregnant and lactating women.” (at-Tirmidhi, 3/85, he said - this is a hasan hadith)

Question: I feel unwell, can I break my fast?
Answer: If on some days it is difficult for a person to fast, he is allowed to break the fast on those days. Sometimes this even becomes mandatory (for example, on the recommendation of a doctor) if fasting causes significant harm to a person. Allah Almighty saved our community from difficulties. The Almighty said:

“He has not made any difficulty for you in religion.” (Quran 22:78)

A person who breaks his fast because it was very difficult for him is obliged to make up the missed days after he feels better.

Question: What should frail people (incurable people) do?
Answer: Anyone who is not able to fast at all (that is, there is no hope that he will ever be able to fast, for example, a very old or terminally ill person) has the right not to fast, but he must feed one poor person for every day missed. Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, read the Words of the Almighty:

“And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor in atonement.” (Quran 2:184)

Question: I vomited while fasting. Is my fast broken?
Answer: Yes

“Whoever is overcome by vomiting is not obligated to make up for his fast, and whoever intentionally caused vomiting must make up for his fast.” (Ahmad No. 10085, Abu Dawud No. 2370, At Tirmidhi No. 720, Ibn Majah No. 1676)

Question: How should Eid al-Fitr be celebrated?
Answer: On Eid al-Fitr, you need to prepare festive food, invite relatives and friends. You can go visit your relatives yourself. The most important thing is to feel like it’s a holiday.
Question: I heard about an additional post after the post. What kind of post is this and how should it be kept?
Answer: Fasting for 6 days after the month of Ramadan in the month of Shawwal is Sunnah. You can fast intermittently, i.e. 2 days at the beginning, 2 days in the middle, 2 days at the end. Also fast in the usual way, i.e. from dawn to dusk, refusing food, drink, intimacy and other things that break the fast. You can start after the holiday “Uraza Bayram”.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and follows it with fasting for six days of Shawwal is equal to one who fasts throughout the year.” (Muslim)

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