14 steps of ho'oponopono. Hawaiian Ho'oponopono System and How to Use It Correctly

There are two ways to live. You can live as if miracles don't happen.
And you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.
Albert Einstein

Joe Vitale is the author of books on wish fulfillment techniques and other New Age techniques. For example, his books such as “The Key” or “The Attraction Factor” are widely popular. He became known to most after starring in the interview film “The Secret.” I want to talk about one of the most interesting methods of Joe Vitale, which he borrowed from the shamanic practices of the indigenous peoples of Hawaii, the so-called “Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness” or Ho’oponopono.

Ho'oponono means "to bring order" in the native Hawaiian language. It looks like this.

Let’s say you are surrounded by a world that you not only don’t like, but that being in it is very uncomfortable, even to the point of a vital threat - a threat to your life and health. This situation is extreme, when, in fact, the Ho’oponono technique was first used by a “Western” person.

And then you have not just a desire, but a concentrated intention to change the world around you, to change the situation. Native Hawaiians call this “heal, cure the world,” quite in the spirit of shamanism - the shaman only heals, he is a healer.

So how will we heal the world? Should we pour aspirin down his throat, like a whale, so that he doesn’t sneeze and capsize our boat? No, comrades, you don’t have enough money to buy that much aspirin! Leave this idea.

In order to heal the world, the ho'oponono technique suggests healing oneself. No no no! This is not at all about a complacent desire to “change your attitude to the problem” and other blah blah blah, which is very annoying. We are talking about magic, about sorcery, about a specific technique.

Let me give you a living example from Joe Vitale. The first educated person (with higher medical education and clinical practice) used the ho'oponono technique like this. He was transferred to work in a hospital for the seriously mentally ill. It was something like a closed mental hospital zone, where the most terrible and absolutely hopeless, from the point of view of medicine and society, people end up. The atmosphere at the new job was suffocating, the medical staff was afraid of their patients, and the staff turnover was almost indecent. Patients were either chained to beds or moved through corridors in handcuffs, under heavy guard.

Having started work, the new psychiatrist did not call in a single patient and did not begin to review the previous medication methods of treatment. To be honest, he had no time for patients. He sat in his office and frantically thought: “How did you, my dear, come to live like this? Why did fate place you in this pleasant place? Why did you create SUCH a world around you?”

And so the doctor began to heal. He picked up the medical records of his new patients and worked... on himself. The doctor himself described this process in these words:

“I was just healing the parts of me that created them.”

And so, as the psychiatrist sat locked in his office and worked on himself, the patients began to get better. A miracle happened: those who, due to their violence, walked around in handcuffs, began to move freely around the hospital building, those who were on the strongest medications stopped receiving them, as they no longer needed them, and those who could have been discharged were discharged compensated. And four years later, all the patients of this small department were compensated and the department itself was closed. This mass healing became known in wide and narrow circles, and Joe Vitale also learned about the miracle doctor. He interviewed him and asked him to reveal the principles of this technique in more detail.

The technique turned out to be simple, like all ingenious things. The first thing you need to understand (and what the doctor did): you and no one else are responsible for everything that happens in your life, in other words:

The whole world was created by you!

There is nothing that is outside. And this is not the primitive solipsism of an egoist-egocentric - it is much deeper, it holism - philosophy of the Whole. No man is - Island. We are all just part of a single and endless Continent. So don't ask for whom the bell tolls, it always tolls for you.

Here's what Joe Vitale writes about this: “If you want improve your life, you need cure own life. If you want to cure someone—even a crazy person—you can do it if you cure yourself.”

And, finally, the most important thing: what did the psychiatrist say when looking at the patients’ charts, what does the mantra of the ho’oponopono technique sound like?

It consists of four short phrases:

  1. I love you
  2. I am sorry
  3. Please forgive me
  4. Thank you

When translated into Russian, the elusive semantic line of difference between one “forgive me” is lost I am sorry and the second “forgive me” Please forgive me.

“I am sorry” is translated into Russian as “I’m very sorry.” Not a very appropriate phrase for meditative prayer. A more accurate translation would be “I repent” or simply “I repent, repent, repent”... Then everything falls into place: I repent, Forgive me.

You can pronounce these mantras in both Russian and English. However, the hackneyed phrase (and not only this one) “I am sorry”, which the office plankton likes to shove in here and there, can distract thoughts from meditation, turning it into a banal set of cliched phrases. Therefore, Ho'oponopono meditation can and should still be done in one's native language.

Among other things, the Hawaiian doctor Ihaliakala Hew Len himself literally says the following: “there is no reason to say I am sorry. Just the I love you and Thank you(to the Divine) is all needed!

So, no need to apologize. To contact the Universe, just two phrases are enough:

  1. I love you!
  2. Thank you! (Thank you!)

The ho'oponopono technique works as a cleansing of those attitudes that block our progress towards happiness and harmony on a subconscious level. “Ho”o” - “reason”, “ponopono” - “improvement”. The “reason” that with our thoughts we have created a world-prison for ourselves is our thoughts. “Improvement” is the process of improving these thoughts in active “thinking” ”, in the healing repetition of new thoughts.

These simple phrases need to be addressed 1) to yourself and 2) to those people and situations that “create” for us a world that looks like a prison.

But before you start chanting any mantras, I want to warn you, in the words of Joe Vitale himself, from making a mistake that could be fatal:

“The answer to their prayers is what they feel rather than what they say. Most people pray out of desperation... Which means they will get what they feel - more desperation!”

Therefore, when pronouncing any meditation phrase, including hooponopono meditation, think about the meaning of what you are talking about. Let it be slow and little by little at first, but it will be correct. Like a piece played on a musical instrument by the timid fingers of a student.

This is the most important and undeniable idea in this whole “story about the Hawaiian natives.”

If you want to “cure” someone or something (even a crazy person), you can only do it if you cure yourself first.

Here's an obvious example. Let's say you are attacked by bees. Of course, we immediately say that these are “bad” bees. But if we find out the reason for their malicious interest in you, then the matter takes a different turn. Bees don't like perfume, and you sprayed yourself with it. Stop wearing perfume and the bees will stop noticing you.

Everything in life is much more subtle than the story about bees, so psychological maps are needed to unravel what the secret is.

Continuing with the example of the lady who for some reason smells like all the harsh synthetic scents in July, we can conclude: our hypothetical lady is in great need of a heart-to-heart conversation... with herself!

1. She needs to sincerely and motherly love herself for something like this... (and not stuff her “ridiculous self” with artificial perfume).

2. She also needs, with tears of relief, to repent of something she did wrong before herself, to admit her long-standing wrong, mistake, stubbornness in something in relation to the world and people - because it happens to everyone.

3. She needs to ask herself for forgiveness for the harm that she causes to herself.

4. And finally, she needs to rationally thank herself for something good and valuable that she has and that she has done and can still do. A reason to be proud of yourself. And these are not provocative perfumes, but something better.

First part of the layout. Working to Heal Me

Now you will consciously say these 4 phrases, addressing yourself:

- I love you,

– I am sorry,

- Please forgive me,

- Thank you.

Think about the meaning and content of what you are talking about, and don’t repeat it like a parrot mantra. And for this we need cards that will fill every phrase with meaning and weight.

We work with spontaneous cards "1000 Lives". There are 4 Positions in the layout.


I love myself sincerely and motherly because I...


I admit that I was wrong in relation to the world and people when I... Now I don’t need it and I don’t want to do it anymore.


I admit that I have harmed myself by thinking and doing...

I apologize to myself for this stupidity and will not cause such harm to myself again!


Finally, I am proud of myself like a father and value myself for a number of my undoubted valuable qualities and abilities, as well as the actions I perform, namely...

Second Part of the Layout. Work on healing the Other (Problematic).

However, the “crazy people” still haven’t stopped bothering us, and they also need to be “treated.”

But we address any Other People briefly and with only two mega-replicas (they are enough if you work properly - with yourself).

1. I love you!

2. Thank you!

As you remember, these phrases must be repeated despite everything that happens. But they, too, need to be filled with Meaning, and not chanted like a fool with a mantra he doesn’t understand. And cards will help us again in finding meaning, but now – spontaneous cards “1000 Roads”.

There are 2 Positions in the layout.


I love you!

Why? How can I do this? What should I try to see in you?..


Thank you!

For what? What do I get thanks to you?

Psychological cards “1000 ideas”, “1000 lives” and “1000 roads”, as well as guides to working with decks, books with exercises and layouts can be purchased in our

The man who brought the ho'oponopono method to the masses was Joe Vitale. The writer and follower of New Age psychology is widely known to fans of the film “The Secret.” This method has been used by the native Hawaiians for a long time to change the surrounding reality.

Ho'oponopono translated into Russian means to create order, correct mistakes, and achieve harmony.

Initially, ordinary people did not have enough strength to realize their desire, so shamans healed the world around them and modified it. Over the years, ordinary residents also learned this, and then the teaching spread to other continents.

The miracles of ho'oponopono begin with changing yourself. And since everything is interconnected, changing an object entails a chain reaction, changing the world as a whole. For the greatest effect, it is necessary to self-purify, get rid of negative energy and blocks.

The miracles of ho'oponopono - what's the point?

You can read about changing yourself in many teachings. Most often, we are recommended to change our worldview and perception of things around us. The ho'oponopono technique is somewhat different.

The main message is that each of us is part of one whole, we are responsible for everything that happens around us and influence everything.

The most striking example of the method is the life of Hew Len.

For some time he worked as a doctor in a psychiatric hospital, where he successfully healed those who were considered hopeless. At the same time, being a certified specialist, he did not conduct personal meetings with patients. I did not study their treatment histories and medication records. He perceived everyone's story as his own. Therefore, I worked on myself, thought about my appointment as a psychiatrist, about causes and consequences.

After some time, the patients began to recover, first the handcuffs and straitjackets were removed from the violent ones, then the drugs were taken off them. A few years later the department was closed due to lack of patients.

When Joe Vitale found out about this, he decided to meet with Lin. During the conversation, he learned how the miracles of ho'oponopono are performed. It turned out that everything is very simple.

Ho'oponopono - how to practice correctly

The Ho'oponopono method is based on accepting responsibility and recognizing oneself as part of a whole.

Each of us consciously or unconsciously decides what and how will happen around us, rebuilding reality. We ourselves attract happiness and troubles, love and disappointment. It all starts with a thought, and the notice materializes.

Ho'oponopono for beginners recommends starting from your emotional mood. By correcting our emotions, we accept responsibility for what is happening. Then, playing out the situation, modeling dialogues and actions, we work with ourselves. This is how we change our attitude, and therefore our behavior. Thanks to connections, the world around us is changing.

Ho'oponopono practice helps solve the following situations (problems):

  • improve relationships with relatives and colleagues,
  • improve mutual understanding in the family, make peace with your loved one after a quarrel,
  • improve your health, adjust your weight (lose weight), get rid of chronic diseases,
  • improve your financial situation by attracting money into your life,
  • teaches us to let go of guilt and replace pessimism with realism,
  • helps get rid of doubts, develops self-confidence, helps overcome stress.

Ho'oponopono tools are words and our energy.

There are 4 key phrases:

  1. I love you (I love you) - this is a strong emotional and verbal message that allows you to cleanse yourself of the negative, gives a good energy message to the outside world.
  2. Please forgive me - the words show the unintentional modeling of a negatively colored situation in thoughts and the embodiment of negativity, readiness to change.
  3. I am sorry, I am sorry - an indicator of awareness of one’s responsibility and a desire to change what happened.
  4. I thank you, thank you - an indicator of humility and acceptance of what is happening as a life lesson.

The method of work is based on turning inside oneself. It is our thoughts, when embodied, that change the universe and transform into events. Everything that happens is born in the human mind in the form of thought forms, then transmitted to the world. So the philosophy of teaching says that we are capable of changing everything if we sincerely want it.

Ho'oponopono for beginners: quick results


This technique works with barriers within us. Therefore, it is necessary to start with awareness and acceptance of the problem. Then follows the path of change - reconfiguring oneself. The reaction of the outside world depends on what words are spoken with what message. Therefore, ho'oponopono meditation should be thoughtful and carry a positive charge. Even words of apology and regret should not be negative. It's simply accepting a fait accompli and wanting to change it.

  • Awareness and acceptance of the problem

For beginners who want to achieve success in ho'oponopono, it is important to understand that much of what we perceive subjectively is far-fetched.

Everyone perceives the same smell, taste, color, object differently. We ourselves give an emotional coloring to the world, and then we get upset because what we have unconsciously created looks different from what we wanted. It is necessary to learn neutral perception.

  • Healing -

The next step is to heal yourself and your loved ones. Higher powers give us a burden that we can accept; they do not send unnecessary things. Just accept what happened and that you are responsible for what happened. Try to maintain a neutral attitude, without painting everything that happens as “black” or “white”.

Don't blame yourself or others, it's just the plans of the universe and the path it has chosen.

Ho'oponopono meditation can help you do this.

  • Key phrases

Then you can begin to pronounce 4 secret phrases - tools. Do it thoughtfully, with a positive spin. Perhaps at first these will be just words, but when you say them as a mantra many times, you will believe in their power and success. You will notice how your life will begin to change, filled with goodness.

Reading rules

The miracles of ho'oponopono come into our lives gradually.

To achieve them, daily practice is required.

  • It is necessary to pronounce affirmations () separately (starting with the first) for 15-35 minutes.
  • The Ho'oponopono prayer, consisting of 4 phrases, must be said consciously. Therefore, it may be difficult to concentrate at first.
  • Regular meditation with relaxing music can help in preparing to work with technology.

Over time, you will learn to easily enter the desired state, you will begin to instinctively perceive the situation correctly and accept responsibility for it. It will become easier for you to change yourself and rebuild the world.

The technique will not work if you do not work through all the steps or skip one of them.

Remember, you should start by realizing and accepting responsibility for your self and events in life.

Positive attitudes are not the only method that the teaching offers.

There are a huge number of techniques and exercises that are not at all difficult to perform. If you are serious about mastering ho'oponopono and changing your life for the better, here are some powerful tools to help you do it.

Ho'oponopono techniques

Ho'oponopono meditation for clearing the situation is based on understanding the postulates:

  • negative thoughts precede negative material reality and vice versa,
  • positive peace is generated by love and is a consequence of positive thinking,
  • you are responsible for the real world created by our thoughts, we can control it,
  • everything is connected, just as in physics energy does not disappear without a trace. By changing ourselves, we change the universe.


In the process, you will mentally play out your version of the development of events. Visualization may look like wiping away the bad with an eraser and drawing new lines with a pencil. So you will mentally give the message of a new good world and development of events.

If your imagination is not rich enough or you find it difficult to visualize the situation, try the following exercise:

  1. Take an unsharpened pencil with an eraser at the end.
  2. Start tapping on any object that needs cleaning - a thing or yourself. If you want to get rid of negative thoughts, just tap on any surface.

Ready! To enhance the effect, you can say the four main affirmations of ho'oponopono (I love you, I'm sorry, etc.)

Glass of water

  1. Take a glass (preferably transparent) with clean water.
  2. Fill it about ¾ full.
  3. Place it anywhere in the house.
  4. Change the water in the glass twice a day. If you feel anxious or restless, you can do this more often.

For greater effect, write the problem on a piece of paper and place the glass on it.

Blue sunny water

  1. Take a blue container (glass, bottle, vase).
  2. Pour clean water into the vessel and leave in the sun for at least an hour.
  3. You can wash your face, drink, cook with this solar water, and so on.

Rainbow butterfly

It will save your family from quarrels and conflicts, and bring happiness and harmony to your home.

  1. Find, print, draw a bright multi-colored butterfly.
  2. Place it in a visible place - on the computer screen, refrigerator.
  3. Say affirmations every time you look at her.

Ho'oponopono and Orthodoxy - can believers practice it?

It so happens that the basic postulates of Orthodoxy and Ho'oponopono are the same. Both teachings preach humility and faith, kindness and love. There are no contradictions as such, and the practice of meditation does not interfere with attending church.

What is different in the two philosophies is only the attitude towards the physical world and the method of its creation. In Orthodoxy, it was created by God, the highest power. In Hawaiian teaching, it is man who creates it.

In any case, the auto-training used by shamans and inspiring goodness does not directly contradict the postulates of the church.

Therefore, if you wish, you can use both options for communicating with higher powers.

Do you need to solve relationship problems, get rid of fear, guilt, pessimism? Ho'oponopono meditation will help you eliminate all these unpleasant phenomena from your life and recharge yourself with positivity! This is a very simple technique based on four affirmations (short phrases that change your consciousness).

The author of the Ho'oponopono meditation (which has an alternative name - "Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness") is psychotherapist Ihaliakala Hugh Lynn. His method is based on the fact that by purifying himself, a person changes the world around him. Having gained a sense of inner balance, you will be able to remove those that provoked unwanted situations.

Why is meditation needed?

So, you've probably thought about how meditation affects a person and what it gives? The Ho'oponopono technique for beginners brings quick results only if you strictly follow the recommendations below. With this meditation you can achieve the following effects:

  • Clearing your mind of harmful attitudes and negative thoughts
  • Solving problems that seemed insoluble to you
  • Getting out of depression and depression
  • The opportunity to merge with the flow of Abundance and receive Inspiration
  • Getting rid of anxiety, resentment, irritation, increasing stress resistance
  • Healing chronic diseases
  • Getting rid of a pessimistic view of current events

Many people use Ho'oponopono meditation to clear relationships. This method will help you “reboot” and start building relationships from scratch. All scandals and quarrels will remain in the past.

The Ho'oponopono method can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. Are you having troubles at work, are you unable to establish relationships with management, are your business developing unsuccessfully? Have loved ones moved away from you? Chronic diseases have worsened, spring/autumn blues have set in? Ho'oponopono meditation will help you cope with all these troubles!

How to Practice Ho'oponopono Technique

Want to know how to learn to meditate at home? We will tell you how to start meditation, how to sit correctly and what to think about during this process. Don’t tense up ahead of time, there’s nothing complicated about it!

To begin with, you should choose the most suitable time for meditation, during which no one and nothing will disturb you. This can be absolutely any time interval - early morning, afternoon rest, period before bed. Take the most comfortable position possible, you can sit in a comfortable chair or lie on the bed. Start saying the following affirmations:

  • I'm really sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • I love you

You should feel the positive meaning of each of the listed phrases that heal the mind. If you pronounce them simply mechanically, then the desired result will not be achieved.

The object of meditation can be anything that causes you problems and anxiety. If you feel resentment towards a specific person, then during the meditation exercise, turn to him. If you are tormented by fear or guilt, then focus on yourself. In addition, you can concentrate on God, the Infinite Cosmos or the Higher Powers in which you believe.

Ho'oponopono Tools

The Ho'oponopono technique of "tapping for miracles" has become quite widespread. To do this, you will need a regular, unsharpened pencil with an eraser at the end. Write down on a piece of paper the problem that worries you, for example, the name of the person with whom you are in a quarrel. Then start tapping the eraser on the sheet to clear the destructive installation. To increase the effect, you can pronounce the word “dewdrop” to yourself.

Orange juice method. It should be used if you are haunted by financial problems. Imagine a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, then mentally place a five thousand dollar bill in it. Say the 4 basic Ho'oponopono affirmations presented in this article.

Take your childhood photo, talk to it. Ask for forgiveness from yourself for childhood dreams that were never realized. Say “thank you” and “I love you.” Then just sit in silence for a while and observe your thoughts. This method works well when you need to get rid of insoluble problems, make an important decision, or feel inspired.

How to avoid mistakes

To successfully practice Ho'oponopono meditation, you must learn to take 100% responsibility for your actions. You must clearly understand that the source of all your problems and difficulties lies in your thoughts and actions taken. Therefore, you should try to change yourself, not those around you.

In addition, it is very important to correctly understand the meaning of phrases spoken during meditation. When a person says the first phrase of the affirmation (“I’m very sorry”), he acknowledges his own responsibility for the negativity present in his life. Thus, he expresses regret for resisting.

By saying “Thank you,” you are expressing gratitude for all the good things in your life right now. The universe hears this gratitude and multiplies the positive. The phrase “I love you” is full of deepest meaning. This is a powerful energy message that helps you come into a state of harmony with your environment.

The fourth phrase of the affirmation (“forgive me”) helps you “get rid of” negative programs and attitudes. By asking for forgiveness, you gain freedom from wrong actions and unwanted situations that have arisen due to lack of control.

It must be remembered that Ho'oponopono meditation does not always work with lightning speed. You shouldn't get too focused on achieving the results you want. Positive changes in your life will happen naturally, without unnecessary pressure or stress. Enjoy the process of meditation itself!

Communicating with the “Inner Child” Unihipili

The practice of Ho'oponopono is based on the fact that every person has an "Inner Child" called Unihipili. It retains a person’s memories and largely determines the motivation of his actions. If you want to make positive changes in your life, you will have to get in touch with your Inner Child.

You should communicate with Unihipili gently and patiently; haste, attempts to command or force events are unacceptable here. Ask your child if he is okay and if he needs anything. Tell Unihipili you love him. Don't be discouraged if your Inner Child doesn't respond to you right away. Unihipili treats everything with caution; his trust must be earned.

HOOPONOPONO - Hawaiian Relationship Harmonization Method

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian technique aimed at achieving harmony and success in all aspects of life from health and material well-being to spiritual growth and enlightenment. In Hawaiian, Ho'opon'opono means "to do right" or "to correct a mistake." This technique became widely known outside the Hawaiian Islands thanks to Ihaliakala Hew Len (a doctor who practices Ho'oponopono) and Joe Vitale (a world-famous writer, one of the creators of the film "The Secret", who wrote a book about Ho'oponopono - "Life without limits" ).

The techniques used in Ho'oponopono are extremely simple. In fact, they consist of constantly repeating four phrases out loud or silently:

"I love you",
"Thank you",
"I'm sorry",
"I'm sorry".

To understand how Ho'oponopono works, consider an example of practice that Hugh Len talked about. This doctor worked in Hawaii in a psychiatric clinic that housed very seriously ill patients, including criminals. The situation in the hospital was very depressing - the staff avoided work at all costs, and there was a high staff turnover. The attitude towards patients was extremely negative.

After some time, thanks to the activities of Hugh Len, who practiced Ho'oponopono, dramatic changes occurred in the clinic. They consisted of mass healing of patients, positive climate change in the team of doctors and nurses. The clinic was subsequently closed as all patients recovered.

How did Hew Len achieve this result? Firstly, he did not examine the patients and had no contact with them during treatment. Secondly, he did not hold any special meetings, conversations, etc. with the staff. He only read the case histories and sincerely repeated the words - “I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you.” This turned out to be enough.

The fundamental point of Ho'oponopono is to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in the world. Those. not only for our actions, but in general for everything that we know or are not even aware of. Thus, in order to cure a person, the practitioner must direct his attention not to the patient, but to himself. By destroying the problem within himself, the doctor thereby cures the patient. This approach is diametrically opposed to the generally accepted one, when the doctor sees the problem in the patient, and not in himself.

There are several more postulates that are affirmed in the teachings of Ho'oponopono:

The physical Universe is the embodiment of my thoughts;

Harmful thoughts lead to the creation of a harmful physical reality;

Perfect thoughts create a physical reality filled with love;

Man is solely responsible for creating his physical universe and transforming harmful thoughts into perfect ones;

Nothing exists separately from a person. Everything exists as thoughts in the mind.

The last point is well illustrated by the expression that Hugh Len constantly uses - “peace be upon me.”

Ho'oponopono constantly emphasizes the need to return to God, to open oneself to the divine. Otherwise, a person takes the path of suffering, without accepting himself, without accepting God. A person thinks that he himself knows better what is needed for him. But that's not true. Performing Ho'oponopono practices allows you to purify yourself and enter the divine flow, when all desires will be fulfilled in accordance with the divine will. It is important to understand that a person does not decide anything on his own and consciously - many different techniques are just toys that give imaginary confidence that a person is to some extent able to manage his life.

The description of Ho'oponopono provides findings from scientific research that confirm this fact. Registration of brain activity indicates that a person makes a decision before he has time to realize this fact. Those. decisions are made on an unconscious level, and the mind already reasons them for itself and makes a ready-made decision.

The mechanism of influence of Ho'oponopono is described as follows: only two laws govern events: Inspiration from God and Memory stored in the subconscious - the original New and the later Old.

Problems, whether they are personal to a particular person or general, related to a group of people, are considered as memory. Through forgiveness and love for God, the negative energy of memories is erased and a person passes into the so-called “zero state”, in which he is as close as possible to God. This is a state of complete peace and harmony. Being in it, a person begins to perceive the messages of God, which give inspiration.

Ho'oponopono repeatedly emphasizes that in order to achieve the fulfillment of desires, one must focus specifically on purification. A higher power does not accept orders, but if a person has purified himself, then all benefits are available to him. The key is reading affirmations and trust. Even if there are no expected results right away, you need to continue the practice, believing that only God knows how to best fulfill your desires.

Among the many esoteric practices available to modern man, Ho'oponopono stands out for its simplicity, on the one hand, and on the other, for its very deep inner meaning and spirituality. By this, she contrasts herself with many teachings that are focused on the technical side of the process, without paying due attention to spiritual growth and trust in a Higher Power.

The use of Ho'oponopono does not require any effort from the practitioner, but with every step it brings him closer to inner harmony. Hawaiian teaching allows you to solve not only your own problems, but also help other people. Moreover, this can be done anonymously and safely both for yourself and for them.


Do you want to study and understand more deeply how the Ho'oponopono method works so that you can consciously apply it in practice for the benefit of YOURSELF and your UNIVERSE?

Contact us.

You will understand and experience for yourself the enormous benefits that cleansing can bring.

according to the Ho'oponopono method in all areas of life.

Get answers to questions about the essence of Ho'oponopono in an easy and accessible form:

What does Morrna Nalamaku’s phrase “H’oponopono is the path of complete liberation from the past” mean?
What is the zero state?
What does it mean to trust God/the Universe and how to achieve complete trust?
How does God/the Universe know what and how much a particular person attracts (chooses)? How does the Higher Mind not confuse us, since we are all created in the image and likeness of the One?
How and what is erased in us when using the Ho'oponopono method?
How to practice the method to get fewer “bumps”?
How not to turn practice into running in circles: from problem to problem?

Get very simple, but highly effective techniques:

on establishing personal relationships;
for rapid transformation of negative emotional states: fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.;
to cleanse the body of energy blocks.
techniques, the use of which facilitates the path of self-knowledge, in particular helps to overcome the most difficult life situations and difficult periods.

“Self-love is the best means for self-improvement. And when you improve yourself, you improve the whole world.”

(Ihaleakal Hew Len)

Recently, people's interest in various kinds of trainings, practices, lectures and any other information about self-improvement, developing their personality, improving relationships with loved ones has been growing.

Moreover, training and communication with psychologists and coaches can take place both in reality and via the Internet. And even in absentia, without communicating, but simply studying their works on their own and applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

In this article we will look in more detail at the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono. What it is? Who created it? Let's focus on the basic principles and techniques.

History of application of the method (facts and events)

The phrase that served as the epigraph to the article belongs to one very interesting person, Dr. Ihaleakal Hew Len. It was he who first began to use the Ho'oponopono method.

For a long time, Hugh Lin worked as a staff psychologist in a Hawaiian clinic. His patients were not just mentally ill people, but criminals with severe mental disabilities. The clinic staff changed frequently, as there were repeated cases of patients attacking doctors. This is the population the doctor had to work with.

Hugh Len behaved unusually. He never met with his patients, did not give them any oral or written recommendations, that is, he did not treat them in the traditional sense of the word. For days on end, Hugh Len just studied their medical records with medical histories, while simultaneously directing all the influence solely on himself, which is what the Ho'oponopono method suggests. Improving himself, he treated patients and achieved stunning success in this.

How did this happen? According to the doctor, he simply uttered certain affirmation phrases and applied some techniques to himself, which we will definitely talk about in this article. It seems incredible, but the Hawaiian method of Hew Len (H'oponopono) allowed patients to recover in the shortest possible time! They were stopped taking the strongest tranquilizers, the handcuffs were removed from those who were particularly violent, and they were even discharged because they were no longer dangerous to society.

As shown by the results of the treatment of Dr. Hew Len, the Ho'oponopono method works wonders!

What is its essence? Where did he come from?

Hawaiian roots

Dr. Hew Len borrowed this system and did not invent it himself.

The Ho'oponopono method is an ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. If you translate this intricate word from the original, you get something like “improving causes” or “correcting errors.”

The Hawaiians believed that all the problems in people's lives come from themselves, or rather from what is in their heads. Our thoughts, our actions lead us to illness, trouble and disharmony. The roots are in the past, sometimes they stretch through the years along with other people's mistakes, which as a result become our problems.

If you change this, a new, improved stage of life will definitely begin.

According to the natives, the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono, with the help of prayers, repentance, affirmations and rituals, erases unsuccessful old programs in a person's head and helps him enter the flow of Abundance.

The difficulty was that the Hawaiians were talking not only about correcting the personal mistakes of a person, but also of all his relatives and ancestors. Therefore, it was not worth expecting immediate results then. In addition, the ancient method allowed purification rites to be performed only by those initiated into the sacrament, and not by everyone. It was practiced by shamans and healers - kahunas. One of these was Morrna Nalamaku Simeon. It was this Hawaiian healer who shared the Ho'oponopono method with Dr. Hew Len.

Over time, the practices have changed somewhat and become simpler, but the basic core remains. Now a person can cleanse his consciousness of various accumulated garbage and negativity, including using Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian healing method.

Basic essence and philosophy

Everything that surrounds a person is mental programs controlled by his memory from the past. The entire experience of our ancestors rests on our shoulders, weighs us down and prevents us from developing. To remove blocks, certain actions are required that need to be carried out only with one’s self.

Despite the trail of mistakes of previous generations, the Ho'oponopono method assumes the complete and unconditional responsibility of the person himself for everything that happens. And we are talking here not only about what happens to a person personally. Key phrase of Ho'oponopono: "Peace begins with me!" Any events with friends, acquaintances, neighbors, with everyone in his city, country, all over the world also fall within the sphere of human responsibility. Any armed conflicts, wars, disasters, epidemics occur because of certain words, actions and even thoughts of a person in the past or present!

If a quarrel, a scandal happened before your eyes, even between people completely unknown to you, it means that it was you who attracted him. If you observe this and it affects you, then the situation is already inside you. Someone looked at you in the wrong way, responded rudely, called you names, or somewhere, it doesn’t even matter in what city, on what street the accident occurred—the answer is yours.

It is not so easy to understand such a philosophy, and even more difficult to accept. At the same time, you should not fall into despondency, depression, or the other extreme - start blaming everyone except yourself for your troubles. This is the wrong way. But you shouldn’t engage in self-flagellation either. Separate two concepts - responsibility and guilt.

The good thing is that according to the Ho'oponopono method, a person has the power to change an unpleasant situation through internal work with his mind. Inside everyone there is a huge power, which, unfortunately, we do not know how to use. It appears at the moment when there is complete internal readiness to accept it. The Ho'oponopono method helps with this.

Our task is to feel responsible and change the programs within ourselves, to cleanse ourselves. Thus, changes will occur in external life. Along the chain they will lead to the transformation of someone else’s present. This is how it will continue.

Ho'oponopono Method: Tools

Such a bizarre, difficult to remember and difficult to pronounce name the first time is surprisingly simple in execution. Let's turn to practice.

Start by changing yourself, then others around you will change - that’s what Ho’oponopono is. The healing method involves going through several stages: first forgiveness, then repentance and finally transformation. Affirmations play a big role in this. These are very simple magic phrases that can radically change a person’s life. There are four of them in total. Let's look at each one.

I'm really sorry

A person’s understanding that he himself has attracted negativity into his life by thinking incorrectly. Statement of this fact. There is something in me that has attracted the problem.

There are different opinions about this phrase, which in the original sounds like: I am sorry. Some people believe that when translated into Russian - “I’m very sorry”, the deep meaning is lost. It would be more accurate to say: “I repent.”

Thank you

This is a person’s appeal to the Universe. Gratitude for what is in the present, whatever it may be. After all, everything is relative. This phrase carries very powerful positive energy. The universe will definitely pay attention to your gratitude and help. Just don't expect quick results.

I love you

Say it as a statement. Addressed to everyone: yourself (this is first of all), a child, loved ones, just a passerby, nature, the sun. The ancient Hawaiians and their Ho'oponopono method claim that all this is the Almighty in its various manifestations.

Complete and unconditional love! It must come from the heart, despite the behavior, principles and actions of others and oneself.

You are writing a book, standing in a traffic jam, selling your products or services, say this phrase. If you have love inside, other people will feel it. What you give is what you get back. This is the law.

Repeated repetition of this phrase is best able to clear a person’s memory and bring him to a state of zero, which is the most important thing, according to this technique. It’s not for nothing that the second name is the eraser method (Hooponopono).

When a person gets rid of negative programs and is in a state of emptiness, amazing things begin to happen to him! Unexpected ideas and insights appear, everything comes easy.

Please forgive me

You need to pronounce the phrase, turning to your higher self. Ask for forgiveness for your imperfect thoughts, without shifting responsibility to other people and their unseemly actions towards you.

It is recommended to repeat these four phrases as often as possible in different places, both silently and out loud. But not just talk, but realize why and for what. These were exactly what Dr. Hew Len said when treating his patients.

To start, choose one and recite it for ten minutes a day; it’s better to do it in front of a mirror. Then you can move on to everyone else in order. After practicing this for some time, it will be possible to use affirmations all at once.

Let us give an everyday example, on the basis of which it will be possible to better understand the essence of the method.

The couple had a quarrel. Internal conversation with myself: I understand that I created the quarrel myself. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry. My frivolity was unacceptable. I thank you for the quick solution to the problem and love you with all my heart.

But all these words should not be directed at a specific person, in this case at a husband or friend. This is an internal conversation with yourself.

Affirmations are not the only practices that the Ho'oponopono method offers. There are a lot of exercises and tasks that are not at all difficult for anyone to complete. Each tool performs its own functions and tasks.

Let's look at them.


The theme of the eraser continues in one of the practices, which is called that way.

You need to take an unsharpened pencil. There should be a rubber band at the end that you use to start tapping on any item that needs cleaning. It could be a thing or even yourself. If you need to get rid of negative memories, simply tap on the surface.

That's all! It’s so simple that you can’t even believe how much it can help. While tapping, you can also recite the four affirmations given above.

Sometimes this exercise is done by tapping on a photograph of yourself as a child.

According to reviews of those who have used the “Pencil” or “Eraser” method, it is capable of clearing even deep-rooted problems.

Glass of water

Another tool. A simple glass of clean water. Fill no more than ¾ of the volume and place it anywhere in the house. The water should be changed twice a day, and if a feeling of anxiety or restlessness appears, then more often. For greater effect, you can write the problem on a piece of paper and place the glass on it.

Blue sunny water

Second practice with this liquid. No less effective than the first.

You need to find a blue glass container. It could be a bottle, vase, vessel, cup. Pour clean water into it and leave it in the sun for an hour. After the allotted time, you can drink it, cook food, wash your face and carry out other procedures.

"Mirror" method

Look at it for a long time, imagining yourself as you are. Reach zero, then present with all your heart.

Tutti-frutti instrument

The name is funny, but it erases serious illnesses and memories of them. Even if a person is currently completely healthy, he can use the practice as a preventive measure.

Hopelessness will fade away. In this case, diseases of all kinds are removed. By pronouncing the word “tutti-frutti” the ancient memory is cleansed.

Rainbow butterfly

It will bring happiness to the family and allow you to forget about scandals and quarrels. It will help to reveal talents that have been dormant for a long time. A drawing or photo with a butterfly can be placed on the computer screen and looked at every time you turn it on, repeating the affirmations.

Blue ice

This technique should be used for various pains (physical and mental) and suffering.

It is very simple, like all other exercises. You just need to mentally repeat the phrase “blue ice” as many times as needed. The bigger, the better.

Milky Way

This phrase leads to the perception of something new, opens consciousness, removes pain and doubts, if they exist in a person. Opens the way for change.

Money techniques

There are also special exercises on this topic. You can successfully use the Ho'oponopono method to attract money and keep it in your life.

Orange juice

Everything happens in our imagination. We imagine a glass of juice and how we put a bill in it, for example, in or any other denomination. In addition to money, you can put another item that you would like to clean.

According to Dr. Len, orange juice symbolizes the rays of the sun, which means something divine. If a person has loans and he pays interest on them, this hurts money. It is urgent to ask for their forgiveness. And do this by placing them in orange juice.

The Ho'oponopono method and philosophy views money as a living substance. However, this approach is applicable to any other subjects. You can and should talk and consult with money. Since banknotes contain the energy of all those who touched them, and not always positive, they constantly need to be cleaned.

Create your own heartfelt conversation with money using the tips from the article. For example, a monologue could be like this:

  • My dears, good money! I want to ask for forgiveness from you both on my behalf and on behalf of all my ancestors. I take full responsibility for the fact that we offended you. Sorry about it! Please forgive me! I love you and thank you for everything.

This way all the negativity associated with money will go away. The main thing is that the words come from the heart.

Sunflower Tool

This yellow flower can also help clear the way to money and remove all programs blocking its arrival. Saying the word “sunflower” out loud, a picture of it or under the window. Everything will work.

According to adherents of the technique, the method and philosophy of Ho oponopono will certainly lead to positive changes, change the person himself and the life around him.

Book “Life without limits” (Hooponopono method)

These practices did not become widespread and world famous immediately, but only after they were published in one of the books of the popular Joe Vitale. He is also the author of the acclaimed bestseller The Secret.

In the book Life Without Limits, Vitale describes his meeting and long conversation with healer Hew Len. The subject of their conversation was Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian healing method successfully used by the doctor. After the publication of this book, people in Russia also learned about the system.

How Joe Vitali evaluates the Ho'oponopono method becomes clear from his publications. The author likes the practice, he is amazed at the results and is a little surprised.

Vitale gives an example of an unpleasant letter he received by email. At first he wanted to be indignant, upset, think about why exactly he received such a message, in general, do everything as before. But in time I remembered Ho’oponopono. Then Joe just started repeating affirmations and doing nothing else! After some time, a second letter of apology arrived. According to the writer, this is how Hawaiian practices worked. John Vitale's story about the email can be called the most significant and significant review of Ho'oponopono.

You can have different attitudes towards this unusual system; whether you believe it or not is everyone’s business. There are other examples.

If you find people practicing the Ho'oponopono method, the feedback will almost always be positive. Because many who have used the system begin to notice changes in their environment. For example, one woman who had serious problems with her husband, after using Ho'oponopono, returned happiness to the family. She began to change herself, her husband saw this and also changed for the better.

People who learned about the Ho'oponopono method and began to use it unanimously claim that simply amazing things and miracles began to happen to them. And they describe it as unconditional happiness, harmony with people and the whole world.

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