How to make yourself happy. How to be happy with yourself

The art of being happy with life

Always happy with yourself

With your lunch and your wife...

A. S. Pushkin

The word “art” is key in the title of this chapter. Being satisfied with life is truly the greatest and most valuable art, a special talent. And like any talent, it can and should be developed and improved. Look at little children - they are always happy with life, smiling, happy. Crying is not dissatisfaction, but simply a signal of discomfort. Eliminate the discomfort - and everything is fine, the child is cheerful again, ready to play and does not remember the recent anxiety. After all, the main state of a child is joy and happiness, closeness to God, fun and openness, complete harmony, trust and contentment with life. And then “sensitive” education, the adoption of social roles (pupil, student, employee, and so on) gradually violate this harmony. Is your glass half full or half empty at the moment? Are you satisfied with yourself, lunch, home, work, wife (husband), children? If your answer is “yes” - everything is fine, I’m happy for you, but if “no”, “almost”, “well, not quite...”, then we will improve the situation. All in our hands!

I really like M. Norbekov’s books, and I like everything: provocative titles, deep interesting content, and excellent results. In his Key to Insight he explains in detail that at first you need to learn to smile, rejoice and be content, and Then health, wealth, and love will come. But not the other way around!!! The formula “First give, and then I will be satisfied” does not work.

There is an eternal cosmic law of attraction: what we send to the world around us is what we receive in return. We send joy and gratitude - we receive even more reasons for joy and gratitude; we send complaints, dissatisfaction and resentment - we receive more and more reasons for complaints and resentment. This law is universal and works regardless of our knowledge about it. Take a closer look and listen to yourself and your loved ones, remember the events of your life over at least the last two or three years and you will see many confirmations. Thus, being content and enjoying life is not only pleasant, but also very useful for a more successful future. Only some people have not lost this ability since childhood, while all the rest - the majority - have lost the ability to rejoice. Will we restore?

I offer three reliable and fail-safe techniques.

1. Diary of successes and joys

Try every evening to remember and write down several joyful events, pleasant impressions, and successful actions that happened during the day. Get a special notebook or diary for this. Try not to miss a single day. This is a very useful and exciting activity. Firstly, you will get used to paying more attention to the pleasant moments in your life. Secondly, if before going to bed you do not go through problems, but remember joys, then your sleep will be stronger and more peaceful. And thirdly, if all members of your family keep such diaries and read their joys out loud in the evening, then imagine what a warm and happy atmosphere you will have at home! What is better: watching news and horrors on TV or sharing joys with each other?

This technique has one unexpected “side effect”: even if at first it will be difficult for you to find at least one or two joys per day, then over time, after a week or two, there will be more and more joyful events in your life. It won’t be difficult to write down ten or more pleasant events and successes that happened during the day! The secret is that, according to the great universal multiplication law, what you focus your attention on (joy, success) begins to grow and multiply. And what you don’t pay attention to (grievances, quarrels, problems) decreases and disappears. Everyone I counsel has noted a significant improvement in their lives as a result of journaling. We have freed up space for joy and success with our forgiveness; now all the good things in our lives need to be multiplied, paying more attention to it. Recordings take only five to seven minutes a day, but give excellent results. And by paying attention to joyful events in your life, you will appreciate this life more and more, you will be more and more satisfied with it, beginning to comprehend the great art be happy with life.

Sudden miracles and epiphanies happen extremely rarely. If many people are accustomed year after year to complain and be offended about life, about loved ones, about the climate, the environment, the country, and so on, then, of course, it is unrealistic to become a joyful and satisfied optimist in one day. Everything has its time. All you need is desire and a little work on yourself, and the joy diary helps with this perfectly. And how nice it is to re-read it in a month, in a year! There are so many wonderful things in our lives, and how many more there will be! Choose a happy life to live happily!

2. Positive affirmations

This is a fairly well-known and effective method. There are many wonderful positive statements (affirmations) in the books of L. Hay, N. Pravdina, D. Murphy. But affirmations work under three conditions:

If they are close to you (it’s better if you came up with them yourself);

If they are positive and opposite precisely yours negative attitudes (for example, instead of the usual “I’m always unlucky,” say “I’m always lucky”);

If you do them not once a month or year, but regularly, every day, with feeling, confidence and desire, waking up and falling asleep. At such moments, our subconscious is especially susceptible.

And, most importantly, you need act in accordance with your new positive statements. After all, you must admit, even if you repeat the word “halva” a hundred times, it may become sweeter in your mouth (an illusion), but real halva will not appear there. For real halva to appear in your mouth, you need to earn (receive) money, go to the store, buy halva, and then eat it for your health. This example clearly shows that words and affirmations do not replace actions, but simply help direct them to the desired result. The very process of reading, singing and speaking affirmations is useful not only because it helps us purposefully move towards our dreams. Positive attitudes help us see the many good things in ourselves and in our lives. Remember the textbook phrase “I am the most charming and attractive!”? Repeat it several times (men with appropriate adjustments), and you yourself will begin to notice in yourself one after another the features of this very charm and attractiveness. Here's a reason for you to be happy with yourself! Tell yourself more often: everything is fine in my life! And don’t forget to notice this beauty and write it down in your joy diary. My friends and I enjoy using Natalia Pravdina’s wonderful technique of reciting (you can silently) the appropriate affirmations during household chores. For example, when washing floors or dishes:

I clear my mind.

When we throw out trash:

I free myself from everything old and unnecessary, open to the new.

When we wipe off the dust:

The old and unnecessary goes away, the new and beautiful comes.

The result is simply wonderful: the mood is excellent, and the endless homework does not tire you, everything is clean and tidy, and new and wonderful things really come! Is our life really so difficult if even a household routine can be turned into meditation and a stepping stone to success? Yes, life is simply beautiful and gets better and better every day!!! Do not agree? Then try the following affirmations:

? From today everything is fine in my life.

? I love and approve of myself.

? My life is improving every day.

? Everything I do is just wonderful.

? My every day is filled with joy and success.

? People around me like me.

? My world is filled with love and harmony.

? All goes to good.

? Thank God for everything.

People who are deeply religious find it easier to be content and enjoy life. A true believer, and not just a religious person, understands that everything is God’s will, and what God gives is always for the better, and after any trials, consolation will always come. Love, faith, hope and trust in God (the Higher Mind, the Creator of the Universe) - this is the basis of the art of being satisfied with life. This is the most reliable foundation on which it is possible to build a happy, successful and harmonious life. If there is no faith, love and hope for support from above, then all the best psychological techniques and technologies for success seem to hang in the air, having no basis. Any wind of problems or changes will blow - and everything will fly away, all super-skills will be forgotten, because there was no foundation of faith, there was no foundation in the soul, but there was only “the lust of the eyes... and the pride of life.”

I highly recommend that non-believers and convinced atheists read the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time, Deepak Chopra. This amazing book will help even an unbeliever to find the ground under his feet and build the foundation of inner harmony.

3. All our achievements

I suggest you write down your past, present and future (desired) successes all together. It doesn’t matter how many sheets you get, the main thing is that all the successes of the past, present and future are written down together. Then it will become clearer that life is a series of successes and victories. And the past, present and future belong only to you. The future casts its shadows into the present, and they can be seen. Our today's desires and dreams are the shadows of the future in the present, or our memories of the future - whichever is more convenient for you. Here are your plans and dreams and add them to the list of your future successes, only in a specific form. Don’t write: “It would be nice to get rich,” but write: “I’m rich,” and so on.

You may need a lot of paper. Don’t save money, because in the list of your achievements and victories you can add a successful reading of a poem in kindergarten, a beautiful outfit at school graduation, admission to a university, a trip to the potato fields, a happy marriage, the smile of a loved one, and the first step of a child. . And with current and future successes - complete freedom. A delicious pie and a huge fish caught, a successful choice of perfume and career growth, the creation of a new corporation and a discovery in the field of quantum physics, a flight to Mars and the development of a new variety of roses. Not limit yourself! The process of remembering past successes, analyzing the current situation and wishes for the future is very pleasant and exciting. It teaches us the idea that success is our constant companion, the norm of life. Mood improves, and self-esteem and level of life satisfaction increase many times over. After all, we had and still have so many good things - and there will be more!

Remember the wise words of Napoleon Hill: “A man can achieve anything he can.” introduce, and what it can believe his intelligence».

In advanced cases of deep pessimism, I recommend that my clients read Georgy Sytin’s moods every day, for example, “A mood for a woman to enjoy life,” “Blissful calm,” “I believe in myself.” At any time of the day or night, I remember the golden words from these moods: “A sunny, bright spring smile on my face... Joy and fun fill my soul.” It should be noted that the author of these sentiments, Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, is a professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences. Every word in his mood is not accidental, but strictly selected and verified. Georgy Nikolaevich himself, at more than eighty years old, is healthy, vigorous and active, he has strong strong muscles, which even forty-year-old men can envy. And what is most surprising is that his sentiments work, even if a person does not believe in their power, but reads simply for the sake of interest. But if you thoughtfully and purposefully assimilate G.N. Sytin’s sentiments, the results will be simply amazing. And those very joys that are so difficult to find and write down at first are found much easier and faster. And the feeling of joy will not leave you around the clock!

All the techniques given in this chapter must be used constantly. Just don’t be scared, because there is no limit to perfection, and, having achieved harmony in the soul and success in life, it is important to maintain this state. And then the feeling of joy and satisfaction with life will be your constant companion. The mysterious art of being content with life will gradually, day by day, become part of your harmonious personality. And very soon you will notice that life is really beautiful! And in return you will receive pleasant confirmation of this. In the meantime, useful results. To master the art of being satisfied with life, it is useful to use the following techniques:

1. Keep a daily diary of your successes and joys.

2. When waking up in the morning and falling asleep in the evening (and also while doing household chores), read affirmations that suit you, adding new ones as needed.

3. Make a general list of your past, present and future achievements and periodically read and supplement it.

It is very useful to apply all three techniques, as well as read the positive attitudes of G. N. Sytin at a convenient time. And then your glass will no longer be half empty, but almost full. Because being satisfied with life means appreciating, cherishing and developing what you have, and not being sad about what you don’t have.

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But in every joke, as you know... Let’s remember the statistics of depression, the number of alcoholics, drug addicts and other addicts, hundreds of crazy sects, or type into Google a list of prohibited drugs. We will see a huge number of different, more or less harmful drugs used by humans at all times. If people knew how to enjoy life, would they really poison themselves with this rubbish?

Maybe we just don't have enough wisdom to start enjoying life?

Why doesn't wise advice help?

Dance like no one can see you
Sing like no one can hear you
Love as if no one hurt you
Live like it's heaven on earth!

Can you do this? I have no! How many times have we heard wise advice: live for today, rejoice in what you have... And it doesn’t work out. Well, maybe for five minutes, that's all. Then they remember urgent matters, unresolved problems, the political situation in the world, or something equally important and urgent. And to be happy about what you can’t eat. It's impossible to live in the present.

But why? Where to look for the answer to this eternal question?

And we are looking! We are looking for complex explanations, looking for deeply hidden reasons for our eternal mental restlessness.

In fact, the answer lies under our noses, and we know it, but for some reason we don’t want to admit it. Or we don't want to see it.

Don't worry, I'm not going to reveal to you a secret Divine principle, or tell you profound parables about how a person needs nothing but white pants and the energy of the sun. That's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm just looking for a reasonable explanation for our inability to live for today and be happy with what we have.

Common explanations for lack of peace of mind:

I divided them into two groups, although in many ways they overlap and merge.

1. Explanation one:

The man is missing something!

What are you missing? Love, money, fame and spirituality? Peace or adventure? Respect from others? Authorities?

The famous guru Osho once answered reporters: there are so many rich and famous among my students because they have nothing else to hope for. The poor live in the hope that one day their lives will improve, but the rich no longer have this hope!

Or maybe you lack self-realization, which is fashionable today? Someone very aptly noted: knowing many self-realized people, I would never call them happy!

So what are you missing? And do you really believe that having received this, you will be able to enjoy life today?

2. The second popular explanation: something is bothering the person!

What's stopping you? Environmental pollution? Bad weather? Or maybe the government, secret societies and the wrong world order?

Wars ended, governments changed, living standards rose. Has there been more happiness?

Perhaps psychological trauma, past problems, phobias, and fears are interfering? The inability to enjoy life was attributed to birth traumas, problems of past lives, and incorrect alignment of the stars.

Logic tells us: remove the problem and the person will become happy, but is this so? Psychologists have learned to relieve many acute problems, but has this made their patients joyful and carefree?

Is it all stress?

In recent decades, it has become fashionable to blame everything on stress. Any problem is to blame for the modern way of life, the crazy rhythm, environmental pollution........ Before, the leaves rustled, the birds sang, and people were calm as in paradise.

Two and a half thousand years ago, Buddha stated: Man is always in a state of anxiety!

Not worrying about something, but always worrying!

But in India two and a half thousand years ago there was no news on TV, millions of cars and a crazy modern lifestyle.

But the reason is very simple!

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

Sigmund Freud.

Of course you know her. And I know her. But I don’t like her, and you probably don’t either. But despite the fact that the reason is obvious, it has not yet become generally accepted, since everyone prefers more romantic explanations. But it is difficult to cure a disease by making an incorrect diagnosis.

And the reason is that the absence of inner peace is our natural state! Man is a complex system, and eternal anxiety is an integral property of this system. Yes, yes, I want to say that the constant feeling that something is missing, something is annoying, something is wrong.... this is the natural state of the system called man!

I call this property:


Rave? Or a long-known, banal truth?

Just think about it for a minute.

Every time we feel internal discomfort, we ask ourselves - what’s wrong? and looking for the reason. But there is nothing to look for, just dissatisfaction, this is the normal state of our brain, body, soul or whatever you believe in. All those who want our soul and wallet are pressing on this pain point. Listen to the lecture of our guru, believe in our prophet, buy a new iPhone and you will immediately feel good!

Of course it won’t, we know that, but hope dies last. Hope to get rid of constant inner anxiety and find happiness!

Of course, everyone is lucky in their own way, depending on heredity, upbringing and other factors that are taken into account in such cases. The lucky ones experience only a slight itch (something I'm missing), while for others this eternal feeling of anxiety and DISSATISFACTION leads to alcoholism, depression and even suicide.

In fact, everything is not so gloomy at all, and being in a good mood, it seems to us that it has always been this way and will always be so!! But the way our brain works is that the opposite is also true. When we feel bad, we feel bad...! And it seems that there will be no light.

Often, looking back, we cannot understand why some nonsense excited us so much, and why we had to waste so much nerve. And of course, this won’t stop us from being nervous and worried again and again tomorrow, for a variety of reasons.

Our rational thinking is never ready to admit this eternal anxiety as unreasonable and always finds reasonable explanations for it. But this anxiety, this DISSATISFACTION is the state in which we are doomed to find ourselves very, very often. Because this is how we are structured and this is a property of the system!

Without special reasons for joy, a dose of alcohol or drugs, it will be difficult for you to beg your wonderful brain for a little peace and serenity.

Fortunately, there are always traffic jams on the road.
Sergey Fedin

Logic tells us that if everything is in order in life, then you should rejoice and be happy. But this is our human logic, who said that it is correct? Who said that people should be happy? We are perfectly adapted to survive in the most difficult situations, to fight for distant ideas, to deny ourselves everything for the sake of a mythical future, but not to enjoy life today! This property is not built into us, it is not adapted.

Of course I don't know why. But I will give a few hypotheses as an example.

Did the one who created us care about our happiness?

The darkness of low truths is dearer to me than the deception that elevates us.

A.S. Pushkin

1. So the first hypothesis: Divine!

As some believers explain, Almighty God specifically created us so spiritually and physically imperfect, so that we could work on ourselves, learn to enjoy life, and thank Him for everything, and so on... Those who are seriously ill or just at least Once I experienced the torment of causeless and senseless depression, this explanation is not very comforting, but are we able to understand Divine logic? Also among some believers, the idea is popular that this world is specially created for suffering in order to deserve bliss in the next world.

Well, who likes what.

2. Hypothesis two: alien

The Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem displays ancient Sumerian tablets. One of the tablets describes how the Gods descended from heaven and were forced to work hard. They soon got tired of it, rebelled and created people for hard work. According to one version, they bred us by mixing their genes with the genes of monkeys living on earth. In the image and likeness. In many cultures from the Hindus to the Aztecs, there are myths about Gods descending from heaven on chariots of fire. So, during experiments with our genes, these alien gods obviously did not care much about our peace of mind. They were creating a workforce and human happiness was the last thing on their mind.

3. Hypothesis three: blind evolution

As we know, the fittest survive, and the ability to enjoy life from morning to night was obviously not necessary for the survival of our species. Therefore, blind selection simply rejected this ability. While overly cheerful tribes danced carefree around the fire, our neurotic ancestors killed and froze the next mammoth in the glacier, in reserve, just in case. They carved more stone spears and built traps for predators. So we became what we became, and others died out without a care. And after that you complain of nervousness and anxiety?

Perhaps in the future, scientists will come to the conclusion that this eternal dissatisfaction was one of the main reasons for the transformation of our ape-like ancestors into modern people. Once upon a time, somewhere in the African savannah, a group of mutants appeared - monkeys who were always dissatisfied with everything. Instead of living like normal animals, they constantly grumbled, quarreled, found no place for themselves, and gradually deteriorated to the point of loss of fur, walking upright, and that unintelligible muttering that we call speech.

You can come up with many more hypotheses, but that’s not the point. In Pelevin, for example, vampires specially bred people to produce a special energy of suffering, while in Lukyanenko, light ones are recharged with positive human emotions, and dark ones with negative ones.

So let's summarize:

People often experience causeless anxiety and a variety of mental discomfort, not because they lack something or because something is bothering them, but because this is a natural property of our brain and/or body and/or soul . When something hurts, all our attention is focused on it. It seems that a tooth or an ear or a heel will pass and life will get better. But it doesn't work. The pain goes away, but peace does not come. At least for a long time. Internal discord is returning. We feel like there's something wrong with us. We begin to look for the reason. But everything is fine with us, and the reason is ourselves, our device. How much paper is wasted to explain to us that we think wrong, behave stupidly and do not understand anything at all. Not true! We all understand, but we can’t do anything about it! And another bestseller with yet another rules for a serene and happy life will not help. Will not help!

Imagine that you bought a car. Her motor is too loud. You go to a car service center and they fill you with new oil - the noise subsides for a week. You drive to another place, they change your gaskets, they knock on the engine, and they dance ritual dances around the car. Everything helps, but not for long. In the end, they tell you the truth - all cars of this model have engines that work this way. This is not a breakdown, this is a property of the system!

But you can change the car, but what do you do with yourself?

Maybe... if he wants!

Is it possible to feel carefree, serenity, lightness, joy, if not constantly, then at least regularly? Without cocaine and its relatives. After all, sometimes we feel this and not necessarily having good reasons for it. Just a beautiful day, a pleasant breeze, and suddenly our nervous system does us a favor and gives us a portion of causeless joy.

But not for long. So as not to get used to it. But she can! Our body can! Why doesn't he want to? Why doesn't our brain give us these sensations more often? This is exactly what I wrote above. Our brains are great at rewarding us for our achievements. Short. For a couple of hours or a couple of days. Somewhere in the head there is a reward mechanism hidden, a kind of hormonal greedy that gives us hormones of joy when, in its opinion, we deserve it. Like an experimenter rewarding a monkey with a drop of sweet syrup for pressing the correct button. And we, dreaming of lasting happiness, are trying to rape this mechanism. It is designed to reward evolutionarily beneficial behavior, to push forward all the time.

But we don’t deserve causeless, long-term joy!

Well, let us again recall the classic words of the famous Russian biologist, breeder Michurin:

We cannot wait for favors from nature; taking them from her is our task!

If hopes for the continued development of modern technologies come true, then in 20-30 years geneticists will be able to improve the future child’s health and level of intelligence, as well as the ability to enjoy life. Or maybe even earlier, when compatible microchips are implanted in our heads, we, using a convenient control panel, will regulate our emotions as we please.

Are the kids losing their minds again? I set the level of indifference to maximum. And now it’s time to get angry, press the button and it’s done. Well, for now this remains in the vague future, we will have to make do with the considerable amount that is already available.

Old, notorious, unoriginal

So we came to the sad but inevitable conclusion that our body itself will not give us lasting joy and carefreeness. Somewhere there is always this hope that things will really get better. But it won't. It won't happen on its own. Just like a six-pack on your stomach and a slender, beautiful figure will not suddenly appear. You'll have to sweat, no matter how cheesy it sounds. I don’t know any wonderful recipes, but I have some thoughts on this matter. Without magic pills and spiritual laws of success. Fortunately, I'm not the first to think about this.

The greatest classic of Sanskrit literature is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This work is at least brief, and no more than ninety-five percent of what is written there can be discarded as the delirium of a fevered brain. The rest is gold of the highest standard.

Aleister Crowley

Firstly, we have a useful inheritance inherited from our ancestors. The practices of meditation, yoga, qigong and many others have evolved over thousands of years. And serious research confirms that regular practice of the same yoga significantly improves mental well-being.

Secondly, psychologists, having received fantastically effective reinforcement in the form of fMRI machines, are constantly conducting promising research on the topic of happiness. And much of this is already being applied in practice. Including the concept of “flow states”, which is increasingly used by specialists.

A lot of practical developments and many psychotechniques are available everywhere today. Tens, hundreds. More or less effective. Everyone has heard about them. Many people have read about them. Some were studying.

As always happens, a mountain of useless books with big titles, films, courses, trainings has grown around these techniques... All kinds of sects present these psychotechnics as Divine exclusives with copyright. But the secret is simple: our brain can be trained! Our body, our feelings, our thoughts can be trained!

The problem is that almost no one does this all the time, and it doesn’t work any other way!


Those who run in the morning die young 10 times less often than everyone else. This is because there are 10 times fewer of them than everyone else!

The famous psychology professor with the unpronounceable surname Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in his classic book “Flow, the Psychology of Optimal Experience,” cites interesting statistics: teenagers who participated in studies received THREE times more pleasure from playing basketball than from watching TV. And these same teenagers spent FOUR times more time watching TV than playing games!!! The same dependence is observed in adults. Paradox?

Have you ever done the exercises suggested by the authors at the end of a chapter or book? I have never!! Even from authors I adore and respect. Well, it doesn’t work out and that’s it. In order to change something you need a coach. Good trainer and constant training. Coach, how fashionable it is to say these days. Which will help fill your life with interesting, important, useful things. And the main thing is to regularly give a kick to make this happen! Without platitudes and clichés about spiritual growth. Where can I find such a trainer? Search, search, search. After going through a dozen useless talkers, in the end you will find someone truly useful.

Life is wonderful if you choose the right antidepressants

For years I bought books without spending money on food or clothes

From the series of tips “Become happy yourself”,
fools who only give vain hope.
All this wisdom only creates bedlam in my head
The secret turned out to be simple:
"Cipralex" ten milligrams per day.

Today, residents of most countries have access to the wonders of pharmacology. Billions of dollars spent over decades of research provide the inhabitants of the 21st century with a huge selection of mood-correcting drugs, for almost every taste and with minimal side effects. It is only important to find a good specialist who will help you choose the drug that is right for you. Antidepressants will not turn you into an absolutely happy person, but they will significantly reduce the severity of the problem. And according to research, the most effective is a combination of psychotherapy and medications.

There are many more methods, techniques and research that can significantly improve the mental well-being of sapiens exhausted by senseless neuroses. Danish Hygge, Indian Tantra deserve close study, and in any culture there is certainly something to learn. Only all this information is completely useless for ordinary users, like any wisdom that we conveniently forget the next day after reading. There has long been a need to organize coach-psychotherapists, whose specialization will be helping to improve the emotional quality of life. Not a solution to psychological problems, but rather training skills for a more interesting and joyful life. A kind of mental sport. Individually and in groups, and even via Skype. Their task will be to study everything that can be useful in this area, organize it into a clear system and hammer these skills into the everyday life of their careless students.

To sum it up:

If you eat everything and don't exercise, you will become fat.

If you live as you live and do nothing, you become depressed.

Of course, I want to solve the problem of the joy of life once and for all - to find a unique technique, a magic pill. But the trouble is that our dissatisfaction is not a problem for which there is a specific solution.

This is a property of the system!

With constant effort and an experienced coach, you can greatly improve your ability to enjoy life, but try to stop exercising and the results will disappear faster than a six-pack!

On June 1/14, the Church honors the memory of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt - the All-Russian priest beloved by the people, who showed the beauty of life with Christ and in Christ in the years when many turned away from Christ and His Church. Human happiness then, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, was seen in the establishment of an exclusively earthly, materially abundant life, and Father John never tired of reminding us of something else: happiness is in Christ, in fulfilling His commandments. We will not forget about this today, in the 21st century.

Don't eat your fill, don't sleep your fill, work hard, pray with all your heart; Be obedient to your parents and bosses from the heart, be kind to everyone, be pleased with everyone, and you will be satisfied with yourself, healthy and happy.
When we have Christ in our hearts, then we are happy with everything: inconvenience is like the best comfort for us, and bitter is like sweet, and poverty is like wealth, and hunger is like satiety, and sorrow is like joy!
All my happiness and unhappiness lies in the thoughts and dispositions of my heart. If the thoughts and dispositions of my heart agree with the truth of God or with the will of my God, then I am at peace, filled with spiritual light, joy, and bliss; if not, he is restless, filled with spiritual, choking darkness, heaviness, and despondency. If I completely change the thoughts and dispositions of my heart from false, opposed to God, to true and pleasing to God, then I will again be at peace and blessed.
The greatest gift of God, which we most need and which we receive very often from God as a result of our prayer, is peace of heart, as the Savior says: Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.(Matt. 11:28). And rejoice and consider yourself rich, having everything, when you have received the world.

Peace is wholeness, health of the soul; the loss of peace is the loss of mental health.

The source of all true joy flows in the church, all true peace and pacification of conscience, cleansing, healing of soul and body, the source of strength and vigor of the soul, and the theater and various home worldly consolations will never replace what a true Christian will receive in the church, in which He Himself God comforts the souls of believers and those who turn their hearts to Him, just as a mother comforts a baby.
When you call on the Lord God in three Persons in prayer, remember that you are calling on the beginningless Father of all creation, angels and men, that you, the caller, are surprised by all the powers of heaven and look at you with love because you call upon the common with faith and appropriate reverence them and our Creator Almighty and Lord, whom they love immeasurably and before whom they deeply revere. Oh, what high happiness and bliss, what greatness, what dignity to call on the eternal Father! Treasure constantly and invariably this highest happiness, this bliss that the infinite goodness of your God has provided you, and do not forget yourself during your prayer. God listens to you, angels and holy men of God listen to you.
That our union with God will follow in the next century and that it will be for us a source of light, peace, joy, and bliss, we partly know this experimentally in this life. Through prayer, when our soul is completely turned to God and unites with Him, we feel wonderful, calm, light, joyful, like children resting at their mother’s breast, or, better to say, somehow inexpressibly good: it's good for us to be here(Luke 9:33). So, strive unremittingly for the future endless bliss, the beginnings of which you know experimentally in this life, but pay attention: these are only the first fruits of the earth, imperfect, visible only in part, as if in a mirror and fortune telling (cf. 1 Cor. 13:12) ; What will it be like for us when we most sincerely unite with God, when images and shadows pass and the kingdom of Truth and vision begins? Oh, until death we must strive for future bliss, for our future unity with God.

Sometimes, after completing something, we feel not satisfied, but quite the opposite - oppressed and depressed. Sometimes things don't go the way we expect, and there can be many reasons for this. And yet one of the most important ones is unrealistic expectations.
They can come from anywhere. But most often they come from the outside - from other people, for example. This prevents us from adequately perceiving the results of our activities, and therefore enjoying them. How you can avoid this, read on:

1. Focus on actions, not results.
Focusing only on results is the surest way to get depressed. After all, the results are something that you and I cannot influence in any way.
You need to focus primarily on your actions, because this is something that only you and no one else controls.
Instead of worrying about the results, think about what you did wrong and why the results were not what you imagined. Only this should not be simply self-blame: “If only I had done this…”, but a competent, reasonable analysis.

2. Don't take things too seriously
We often bring ourselves to such a state that all things begin to upset us, we worry that something is not working out, and we become depressed. Treat all your actions, both achievements and failures, lightly, with a bit of humor. This is just a moment in your life, and soon it will disappear into eternity. To escalate the atmosphere means to get bogged down more and more in a negative situation, to cut off your exits. Just be free, imagine these circumstances as a game from which you can always exit; Another way is to find pleasure in what you do. Feel how easy it is to breathe deeply.

3. Don't compare yourself to others
Recent research has shown that most people don't care as much about how much they earn as they do about how much they earn compared to others and how they appear to others. It is in human psychology to compare oneself with others. Matching usually develops in only two scenarios:
You punish yourself for being worse than someone else.
You assert yourself at the expense of someone who is worse than you. The danger here is that the fall will be even more painful.
Don't compare yourself to others, but learn from them, set your goals and take your actions.

4. Focus on pleasing yourself, not others.
Another major cause of stress is constantly worrying about what others think of us. Trying to meet other people's expectations, we live someone else's life. While ours is irrevocably gone.
Follow your ideals, do only what you want, and it doesn’t matter how others look at it.

5. Cultivate an abundance mentality
A scarcity mentality is when you believe that opportunities and chances are limited, and someone else's luck is a minus chance for you. The more lucky and successful people around you, the worse you feel. An abundance mentality believes that opportunities are unlimited, resources are inexhaustible, and there is a place for everyone. Then other people's successes will no longer be losses for you.

6. Make failure your friend
Failure is a normal part of a successful life. In fact, it is a friend of successful people. Does it sound strange?
Firstly, failures do not happen to those who do nothing, namely, to passive, amorphous people. The more you do, the more failures, refusals, breakdowns, emergency situations. And all this is your invaluable experience.

7. Looking back
Moving forward is a good position, but sometimes looking back is also useful. This is an opportunity to evaluate your achievements, realize your successes, and take into account your mistakes. And feel how far you've come.

8. Cultivate enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is the main thing that drives us in life. It can be difficult to maintain it, but the more difficult the task, the more you want to solve it. Catch this passion, don’t let it go, don’t let obstacles extinguish it.

9. Service.
If a person works only for money, his goal is only his own well-being. This goal does not bring him joy, it robs his life. By investing service to humanity - a mission - in our activities, we become better and richer in all respects, expanding our borders.

10. Idea.
Your own cool idea is drive, intrigue, great interest and exciting uncertainty. How will I cope? How will I get out? What can I come up with? What will be the result?

11. Persistence. Finish what you start.
Overcome failures, mistakes, disbelief, condemnation, snide remarks, pressure. Break through any obstacles. Be it the opinions of others or a dung heap. Be persistent.

12. Stagedness.
Remember, both the long and short path starts with a single step - step No. 1. It needs to be done. And then... Anything can happen along the way. Bad mood, negative emotions. Our task is to overcome the path step by step, regardless of the weather and state of mind. “Eat the elephant in small portions.” Regularly. Daily.

13. Labor. Any result is the result of invested effort, emotions, and time.
We know that nothing comes easily, without effort. Success is work, sometimes hard work. This is not a call to become a workaholic. And a call to hard work.

14. Focus. Choose one thing, focus, concentrate on it.
Targeted actions are faster, more reliable, more effective. Why spray?

How many people can affirmatively say that they are satisfied and happy? Probably quite a bit. Everyday everyday life absorbs, and there is very little time left for awareness of existence. In order to complete the planned work, you have to burden yourself and even force yourself, promising to compensate the body for the energy spent with a pleasant rest on the weekend. Instead of pleasure, work brings exhaustion and negativity. Have you noticed how much more freely and joyfully children perceive any changes that happen in life? They are not afraid to look funny because they love everything they touch and every move is based on learning, understanding and being satisfied.

As they grow up, their interest and excitement for new things gradually fades away. Standard excuses appear about responsibilities, financial and moral debt to loved ones. They stop becoming satisfied, happy, satisfied. At what stage spontaneity and pleasure are lost, no one notices and a noticeable period of time passes, after which a feeling of dissatisfaction appears. How to truly be happy, positive, satisfied with your life, energizing those around you, loved ones and family?

First steps

Here are some first steps to help you think differently about common challenges:

  • Try to appreciate every moment, have fun and live in the present day;
  • Thank fate for the trust to be in the thick of things in the circle of close people, among members of a friendly team and understanding neighbors;
  • Pay attention to any little things: a bright ray of sunlight breaking through a thick curtain, a satisfied look from a husband or wife agreeing to an adventure and much more;
  • Take a few minutes of time to think about the unfavorable situation that has arisen and the elements of dissatisfaction with life;
  • Stop complaining about circumstances, the world will not change and the sun will not shine brighter, but a satisfied person is always desired by loved ones and others;
  • Take note that you are an individual, do not compare yourself with others, get positivity and pleasure from uniqueness;
  • Your financial situation will not change your internal state, learn to be satisfied with the minimum;
  • Empathize with other people and new interesting acquaintances will help you avoid loneliness, dispel the surging sadness and sad thoughts;
  • Choose what you like best. Put away the judgment, smirks and mistrust.

Tangible Actions

Little secrets of big achievements

It all starts with trying to be simple and organic. Something you like becomes like a child's game, attracted by awe and novelty. Plunging headlong into an unusual activity, remain satisfied with any outcome, without demanding the ideal option.
Working for money leads to moral exhaustion. Let go and try to put your desire to serve others first. By receiving pleasure and strength from a completed mission, you set an example of inspiration and purity.
Come up with new ideas that guide you along the path of the unknown, mystery and endurance. The secret path will entice you with sharp turns, sharp cliffs and unexpected results. Never be afraid to make mistakes, be happy with difficulties, facing failures one on one.
Try to be content with life and be patient. Without noticing the mistrust, caustic remarks, persistently go towards the desired goal, so as not to leave any doubt about the lost chance. Gradually, your undertakings will turn into high-quality abilities, you will be satisfied, and those around you will be delighted with the hidden possibilities.
Every day achieve a new level, be happy with what is happening and go to the top. Do not be distracted by a bad mood or negative emotions. Sadness and joy always go together. This is not at all a reason to abandon big plans.
Don't spread yourself thin on too many things. Choose one that brings pleasure and suits your energy and inner state. By focusing on specific and reasonable premises, complete the goal, and then move on to something else. The brain loves completeness.
Mastering knowledge will help improve your professional level, be competent and literate. The acquired new skills will be confirmed by practical actions, you will be happy and well-read. Don't stop there. Constantly improve your abilities and be able to find a connection with reality.


To call yourself content and happy, you don’t need to have unsurpassed skill. Simple little joys in a close family circle, having a favorite activity and achievable goals compare with the life of great travelers exploring other countries and peoples. Emotion and mood are fickle quantities. How to measure the pleasure of a life limited by financial limits, human obligations and everyday problems? Remain content with small opportunities, love loved ones, and remember that nothing is more valuable than life itself.

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