Equestrian sport interesting facts. Amazing facts about horses

Horses are incredibly interesting and unique animals, and few people can remain indifferent when looking at them. They have been helping people for many years. And they are especially valued where it is impossible to do without them: in North Africa and the Middle East. What other interesting and educational facts about horses are there? We know at least ten and are eager to introduce you to them!

It's hard to believe, but horses have an excellent sense of smell. Thanks to this wonderful property, they can easily find their way home to their home, which a good memory helps them with. And even though these animals do not see very well at night, they have an excellent sense of smell, and therefore they are excellent at navigating the terrain with the help of their nose.

In addition, horses have an excellent sense of touch - they feel touch well on the entire surface of the body: skin, lips and even hooves. It is on the high sensitivity of the lips that the control system of this animal is built. Now you know how sensitive these animals are to touch. We advise you to use this knowledge more often: encouragement with affectionate stroking will help establish friendly relations with your horse.

Medicine horses

Probably everyone has heard about the ability of cats to “heal”, but what can be said about horses in this regard? There is no doubt that the horses here are no worse than domestic small tailed ones! There is even a science called hippotherapy, which can be more understandably interpreted as “horseback riding treatment.”

But to improve your mood and find peace of mind, you don’t have to ride a horse. Just being close to these beautiful animals is enough to feel relaxed and take your mind off everyday problems. This pleasant healing property is associated with the special biofield of horses.

Interesting facts about horses are supported by statistics. People working with these ungulates do not suffer from colds and have 50% less diabetes.

Horse IQ

The calm disposition of horses is often mistaken for low intelligence. At first glance, the calm standing of an animal in a stable can indeed be mistaken for thoughtless submission and disinterest. But only people who spend a lot of time with horses have the good fortune to experience the open character, intelligence and intelligence of these beautiful ungulates.

It has been proven that among animals horses occupy fifth place in terms of intelligence, ahead of dogs. They are able to analyze human actions and even situations, often saving the rider from harm. They can also be friends: they often develop warm relationships with cats. Ungulates allow them not only to rub against their feet, but also often let them bask on their backs.

Amazing eyes of horses

What secrets do these thoughtful and large eyes of these ungulates hide? It is worth emphasizing that they are really large in size - even larger than it seems at first glance. The organ of vision in these animals is even larger than that of an elephant, and almost half of its size is hidden under the skin. This size allows the horse to see much more clearly distant objects that are indistinguishable to humans.

In addition, facts about horses say that they have color vision, and their viewing angle reaches almost 360 degrees. The “blind” zone remains immediately behind the tail and approximately two meters behind it. That is why you cannot approach horses from behind without first calling them: out of fright and surprise, the animal will immediately hit with its hoof.

Having musical taste

Horses are able to distinguish music and even have some preferences. To some extent, this ability is associated with their well-developed hearing: it is this that allows them to distinguish the steps of a predator and quickly escape. But when choosing music for your pet, it is worth considering that he is unlikely to like hard rock, as it will be too irritating to the sensitive ear. You should choose melodic and calm compositions.

Honorary Service for Mounties - Mounted Police

High intelligence, learning ability, as well as a noble appearance allowed these animals to guard order since the beginning of the 17th century. Traveling on horseback makes it possible to travel through the narrowest streets, which is successfully used, for example, by police officers in Paris. But not only the mobility of these animals plays into the hands of the police: a peace officer on a horse looks more impressive and noble.

Not every horse is given the honor of performing such service. The most balanced, large and beautiful geldings are selected for her.

Horses and the law

Although these animals sometimes work for the law, they are sometimes regulated by it. For example, in America there are several rather ridiculous rules regarding horse riding. Thus, in the state of Utah, unmarried women are prohibited from riding a horse on Sundays, and in some others, married men are required to take their spouse with them on horseback riding. You can leave your life partner only if the legal marriage lasts more than a year.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth

Where did this proverb come from? Everything is very simple, because you can determine their age by the teeth of these animals. Saint Jerome also emphasized that one should not judge someone’s gifts, saying: “Do not check the teeth of a gift horse.” So this phrase has reached our time, only slightly changed, but without losing its essence.

Horses have accompanied man for many centuries. The most interesting facts about horses are dedicated to the work of these animals next to humans, their sports and circus achievements, character traits, and unique breeds.

Horses have accompanied man for many centuries

At the service of people

Although law enforcement officers ride motorcycles and patrol cars these days, police horses still exist. Many countries have mounted police units. They are used at various street meetings and events. The advantage of mounted police is that an animal in pursuit of a criminal can go where a vehicle cannot go. Animals for service are carefully selected and trained for a long time. Geldings are considered the best police officers, as they have a calm and easy-going disposition.

Horses not only carry people, they can also drive them. For training assistants for blind people, the miniature Falabella breed, the shortest variety of pony, is best suited. Candidates undergo a rigorous selection process and must meet the following criteria:

  • move your ears well;
  • quickly remember what you see;
  • have a calm disposition;
  • have a quick reaction;
  • not to be afraid of people and animals;
  • be able to bypass obstacles and barriers.

These unusual horses, like guide dogs, live in the owner's house. They are clean and accustomed to go to the toilet in a certain place. Special silent shoes are even made for them. A guide horse is excellent at navigating large cities. In addition, a pony lives for more than 30 years, which is another advantage.

Throughout history, horses have not only helped people, but often saved them from starvation. Today, eating horse meat is viewed negatively only in the United States. In Russia and many European countries, this type of meat is also not very popular, although in France they like to eat not only horse meat. Some internal organs of the animal, such as the kidneys or heart, are considered a delicacy there. But during the war, soldiers did not disdain horse meat. It fed Napoleon's soldiers in devastated Moscow, as well as the German troops of Field Marshal Paulus, surrounded at Stalingrad.

The most incredible facts about horses (video)

Horse behavior

The famous horse smile is the so-called Flehmen syndrome. In fact, the animal does not smile this way, but tries to sniff someone. When a horse lowers its head, lifts its upper lip and exposes its jaw, its sense of smell is enhanced. Interestingly, Flehmen's syndrome occurs most often in horses.

The horse's gaze is unusual. The eyes of this animal are the largest among all mammals. They are designed so that the upper retina works like a magnifying glass, and the lower one like binoculars. The horse raises its head up when it tries to see something on the horizon. When the gaze is directed downwards, the animal looks at a close object. But these animals can immediately see everything that is happening from both sides and even from behind. Horses see the world in color, but do not distinguish between red and blue colors.

Horses are smart and caring animals. Their intellectual abilities are only slightly lower than those of primates. Animals remember their owner well and respond to affectionate treatment with great affection. They treat their offspring very affectionately. If in most animals the female takes care of the offspring, then both a mare and a horse can raise foals.

The memory and senses of horses are very well developed. There are many cases when a lost animal traveled a long distance and returned home, guided by smell. The sense of smell helps blind animals navigate in space. In addition, horses are able to intuitively leave unfamiliar places. Animals perfectly sense the mood of the owner, they understand and remember bad or good attitude towards themselves. It’s not for nothing that every circus has trained horses, because it’s easier to teach them various actions than many other animals.

Gallery: horses (25 photos)

Horse records

The largest horses are representatives of the Shire breed. These ancient heavy trucks trace their history back to knightly war horses. The breed was improved by infusing blood from other breeds. As a result, we received strong shires, which were used in battle, and later in heavy field work. The largest draft gelding, Sampson, was born in England in 1846. He weighed more than 1,500 kg and reached 2 m 19 cm at the withers.

Horses are smart and caring animals

On average, horses live 30 years, but there are also centenarians among them. The absolute record holder for life expectancy was Billy the horse, born in 1760 in England. Billy towed barges all his life, but he was in such good health that he lived to be 62 years old. If we convert horse years to human age, we can say that Billy lived to be about 170 years old.

In equestrian sports, horses have set many records. Usually, horses in competitions do not jump over barriers higher than 2 m, but the stallion Huaso in 1949 set a world record by taking a barrier 2 m 47 cm high. And in 1975, the Samting stallion jumped over a moat with water, the width of which was 8 m 40 cm .

Horse racing is the sport of aristocrats. Since ancient times, fast stallions have competed in speed. The absolute record belongs to a stallion named Beach Rackit, who reached speeds of up to 70 km/h over a short distance. Pacer Kambest is the best at the 1 mile distance. In 1993, he covered this distance in 1 minute 46 seconds.

10 facts about horses (video)

Facts from history

You can learn something unusual and interesting about horses if you look at history. For example, modern wild horses are just feral animals. The only species that humans have never been able to domesticate is the Asian wild horse. But the famous wild mustangs are the descendants of horses that were brought to America by the Spanish conquistadors.

Horses were domesticated 6,000 years ago, but even before that time they were held in high esteem. From time to time, archaeologists find burials where the owner’s horse is located. These animals were sacrificed to the gods in eastern countries. In the Caucasus, this tradition was observed until the middle of the 19th century. Many horses have gone down in history.

For example, the rebellious Bucephalus of Alexander the Great, Napoleon's favorite Arabian horse Marengo, the war horse Babiek, whose owner was the hero of the Reconquista El Cid.

Horse racing and chariot competitions were favorite pastimes of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Interest in equestrian tournaments did not fade away in the Middle Ages, although the rules for holding them were very different from modern competitions. The active development of modern horse racing began in England, where horses have always been especially valued. The first hippodromes and jockey clubs were opened there. Horse racing appeared in Russia thanks to Count Orlov, a passionate lover of thoroughbred horses.

Thoroughbred horses have always been valued, because for a long time these animals were the only means of transportation. A good horse cost a fortune, so only members of the upper class could afford a thoroughbred animal. And only members of royal families and very rich aristocrats had their own stables. A thoroughbred horse, like an expensive car today, was an indicator of the status of the owner. The Arabian horse breed was considered the purest and most unique.

There are still many laws regarding riding on horseback in the United States. Although no one uses this type of transport anymore, many laws are still in effect. For example, in Utah, a woman could go to jail if she is seen riding a horse on Sunday. And in some states, bachelors are prohibited from riding a horse alone.

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Horses are unique animals. Have you noticed that they have healing powers, are able to influence the human psyche, and have incredible grace, delighting everyone? Horses are very interesting, strong, perfect, and many facts testify to this.

Interesting facts about horses.

1. The horse has many effects on the musculoskeletal system. With each step, it transmits an impulse to the rider, exactly repeating the work of the human torso when walking. This demonstrates the uniqueness of eliminating spinal problems. Thus, horses are used for movement therapy and gymnastics; in particular, children undergo these rehabilitation courses.

2. The color of a horse affects its character. This statement is controversial. On the one hand, if you start comparing with a person, then it is false, because hair color does not reflect your individual characteristics and inclinations. On the other hand, people who constantly work with horses claim that black horses are the fastest, most resilient and better able to tolerate various diseases. Some say that red horses have very unstable personalities. However, the following statement is most optimal and correct: the influence is exerted by the breed, parents and the first years of life.

3. The most well-fed horse representative is the stallion Sampson. His weight is 1520 kilograms. No one has ever achieved such a result, which means this is a record.

4. Horses have very well developed senses, some of them much better than those of humans. Thus, they are able to hear sounds that are inaccessible to us: the structure of their hearing aid also allows them not only to perfectly receive the incoming signal, but also to amplify it, which is unique in its own way.

5. In addition, the horse has an excellent sense of smell. Even if she ceases to see due to her old age (you will read about vision below), her sense of smell maintains her orientation, and long distances are not a problem for her. Many horses can smell the location of the saddle, the rider, the stable, and can also determine the edibility of grass.
6. Unlike many other animals, horses see the world in color, but red and blue are beyond their control. Another unique phenomenon is that the viewing angle is close to 360 degrees. This means that the horse is aware of what is happening both behind him and in front of him. It is also not difficult for her to distinguish objects in the dark.

7. A developed sense of touch is another physiological feature of these animals. Combined with vision, hearing, and smell, a horse is incomparable to any other creature. They feel best with their lips and hooves.

8. A horse is capable of healing not only people, but also itself. If her day has been very busy, a massage helps her restore the lost energy, with the help of which she improves the functioning of her heart. This gives the horse more strength as blood circulation increases.
9. Many signs are associated with horses. Here are some of them: “If, leaving the house, you meet a white horse, you should immediately spit on the ground to ward off trouble,” “Horses snort on the road - to a joyful meeting.” How to approach this is up to you to decide.
10. Interestingly, the hoof is not only the most sensitive part of the horse’s body, but is also responsible for blood circulation. The force of gravity applied to it causes the blood to move up through the vessels.

11. Horses are able to distinguish music; they prefer some styles themselves. In their minds, a good composition should be calm and melodic, and therefore they cannot listen to hard rock. Again, this is all connected with their excellent hearing (we wrote about it above).
12. To determine the age of a horse, you can look at its teeth. As many of you have guessed, the well-known expression “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” was formed on the basis of this fact.

13. Due to its large weight, the horse cannot stand on three legs if something happens to the fourth. Therefore, a broken limb will be a big problem for the owner. It takes a very long time to heal and interferes with the further development of the horse.

So, you have learned about the most interesting facts. We hope that you can use this information for its intended purpose and that it has expanded your horizons.

A message about horses for children can be used in preparation for a lesson. The story about horses can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about horses

Horses are mammals from the order Perissodactyls. These are one of the first animals to be domesticated. Male horses are called stallions, female horses are called mares.

Horses can be wild or domestic. In the wild, the horse prefers mainly steppe zones as a habitat and lives in herds, most often small. And the domestic ones live next to the person, in the stables.

Description of horses

They are generally robust animals with relatively large heads and long limbs. The head and body are from 200 to 300 centimeters long, the tail is from 30 to 60 cm in length, the height at the shoulders is from 100 to 160 centimeters, the weight of adult animals is 175-450 kilograms.

The horse's body is covered with hair, the length and coarseness of which varies depending on the location: the bangs, mane and tail have long and silky hair, while the body is protected by shorter and coarser hair. The coloration is gray or brown in most species, and zebras are known for their black and white striped fur. The color of the coat determines the color of the horse; with age, the intensity of the color may change.

Horses have well-developed hearing, good vision and sense of smell.

The lifespan of horses is 25-35 years, although there are also long-livers. There are known facts when horses reached the age of 45 and even 60 years.

What do horses eat?

Horses, like other ruminants, eat grass. Horses have a wonderful appetite. In winter, hay and foods such as oats, corn, barley, bran, flaxseed, apples, carrots, beets and potatoes must be added to the diet.

Horse meanings

For many centuries, the horse has been helping people. Once upon a time, the horse was the basis of peasant farming. They were kept for transporting heavy loads, cargo, and working on agricultural land. There is even such a unit of measurement as “horsepower”.

Horses were also used in war as a means of transportation. Now horses are kept to participate in competitions and various sporting events, for therapeutic riding or just for pleasure.

In some countries, horses are still used in agriculture, and in some inaccessible high mountain areas they are almost the only transport.

We hope the information provided about the horse has helped you. You can leave your report about the horse using the comment form.

Being the only means of transportation on land, providing significant assistance in the household, and playing a decisive role on the fields of military battles, horses attracted increased attention to themselves; everyone knew many important nuances about them. After a person created a car for himself, tanks replaced horses in battles, and various technical means were used on the farm, interest in horses dropped significantly, many began to see them more often on TV, rather than live. But in vain. Many interesting facts about horses they say that they have become closely integrated into our lives, helping to implement a large number of ideas and events that are useful for society.

It is known from many sources how horses sometimes returned from distant fronts during the war, having lost their owner in battle. The thing is that these animals have a highly developed sense of memory. It is for this reason that when a man could not find his way back, he let go of the reins and trusted the fate of his horse. And he, as a rule, rarely let him down.

When mentioning a horse, many people associate it with a horseshoe. The thing is that the hoof plays an important role in the blood circulation of the leg vessels, acting as an operating pump that works under the pressure of the weight of the entire body. The utmost attention is paid to the care of the animal’s hooves, where an object such as a horseshoe is placed in a special place.

It's important to remember that these animals don't like heavy music, calm, peaceful melodies are more acceptable for them, all this is due to the presence of a fine ear for music.

Interesting fact! People who work around horses are least likely to suffer from colds and diabetes. Riding a horse is recommended for those who have various spinal diseases , musculoskeletal system(this is especially useful for children).

Gallery: equestrian sport (25 photos)

Horses ensuring public order

In Western Europe, a policeman on horseback is a common sight, which is not at all surprising. Back in 1806, in Great Britain it was decided to use these animals to ensure law and order. This idea lived up to the expectations placed on it so much that it took less than one year for the mounted policeman to appear in the United States. Based on practice, the best performers in the role of a police horse were geldings, which were distinguished by their excellent calmness, which is especially important when using them in crowded conditions.

Before entering the service, each police horse undergoes a long course of training. A special place is occupied by learning not to be afraid of explosions or the screams of a noisy crowd. Each horse that participates in law enforcement is carefully looked after; the beautiful appearance of the animal also plays an important role, providing prestige to the mounted police service.

Interesting fact! Determined that primitive horses existed 50 million years ago, not exceeding the size of a large dog. Most of all they looked like modern roe deer.

Guide for the blind

If for the Russian-speaking population a guide horse is not a completely familiar phenomenon, then, for example, in the United States, ponies are actively used in this role. These are unusual horses, as evidenced by a number of interesting facts.

Interesting fact! The horse can simultaneously observe its surroundings in almost 360 degrees. There is only one place where the animal's eyes are missing, and it is located just behind its tail. It is precisely because of this circumstance that it is unexpectedly better not to approach an animal from behind, otherwise you can get a very painful, and sometimes fatal, blow to the head with a hoof.

This kind of sport What is interesting is that, thanks to the subtle and precise interaction between man and animal, such a tandem is able to overcome a large number of obstacles, gaining the points necessary for the competition. The most interesting fact about equestrian sports is that the horses that compete are worth a fortune. Few people know that the price of a prepared international horse competitions may exceed one million dollars.

If you delve a little deeper into history, you will know that in 1900, equestrian sport was included in the list of the Olympic Games. Equestrian sport enjoys the greatest love among the English-speaking population.

Interesting fact! Horses in their own way intellectual development occupy fifth place among all animals inhabiting the planet. They are significantly ahead of dogs in this indicator. Horses are really capable of assessing and analyzing the current surrounding situation, as well as human actions, while making the right decisions for the current moment. This animal's friends are cats who love to bask on the back of their big friend.

Some facts that will be interesting to your child

Every child, when they see a horse, shows excessive curiosity about it, they are especially interested in pulling its tail. Children love horses and they reciprocate completely; knowing some interesting facts about them will help better understand the natural essence these animals.

Important to remember! August 31 is not only the last day of summer, but also the holiday of the horse. On this day, even in ancient times, it was not allowed load the animal any work. On this day, they were provided with careful care, dressed beautifully, and taken to the local church, where they were sprinkled with holy water.

Since ancient times, horses have been most often used by humans as draft power for plowing fields for crops, as well as for conducting military operations. The Macedonians were the first to use horses in battle, thereby introducing strong changes in combat tactics. But in reality horses are peaceful animals, who managed to bring many bright and joyful moments into the life of every person, providing all possible assistance in the household and social life.

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