Patchwork scheme step by step description. Original patchwork: beautiful and easy for beginners

Quilt masters know how to create a large, complete blanket from small pieces. Patchwork is another name for this art, which develops accuracy, cultivates patience and enriches emotions. The painstaking combination of different fabrics into a whole pattern, they say, originated from poverty, but today it has already been elevated to the rank of art and creative hobby.

Where to start with patchwork?

The easiest and safest way to start the patchwork technique is to master - sewing from old things -. Old men's shirts, jeans and dresses - everything can be useful for your first experiments. Ideally, fabrics should be ironed and steamed well, not stretch and not require additional processing of seams. This means that all cotton fabrics fit this description.

An iron is an indispensable tool for patchwork sewing. All elements need to be smoothed not only before work, but also after each machine stitch. And not just use the iron, but steam it at high temperature.

For one product you need to select fabrics of the same thickness and density. Take another one life hack from professionals: fabric blanks need to be wetted and starched, and then ironed.

To start decide on the size of the future product. Estimate the size of the squares and start selecting materials. Such a simple pattern requires colorful, bright fabrics, otherwise the design will turn out boring. Draw a square on cardboard and make the required number of the same fabric blanks with seam allowances. If you are using more than two colors, first lay out the fabric squares on a large surface. This way you will avoid annoying mistakes that can ruin the whole picture.

If you are planning to sew a bright blanket, you you will need padding polyester and fabric for the wrong side and facings.

Operating procedure:

  • sew the required number of squares into a strip along the width of the product;
  • for the next strip, change the arrangement of colors in a checkerboard pattern;
  • when all the squares are sewn together, you will get several identical strips;

  • Carefully iron all stripes, smoothing the purl seams in different directions;

  • Now sew the strips together until they form a fabric of the desired size.

Now you can make a blanket from the canvas:

Such, it would seem, a simple technique will help you create more than just a simple blanket. The most prestigious fashion houses create bags using the patchwork technique. If you are interested in this idea, find out how to sew a bag with your own hands.

Any master class on patchwork sewing for beginners begins with a photo of the finished product and an explanation of the main principle of this sewing technique. And the main principle is: accuracy and attention to detail. And if the squares still have a chance to correct the situation as work progresses, then already at the stage of creating the mill, all the flaws will immediately come out.

The “mill” pattern is created on the basis of the same squares, but some will be cut and sewn on the diagonal. For practice, you can create a small fragment of the drawing.

You will need:

  • fabric of several colors;
  • diagram of the future ornament;

Operating procedure:

  • cut out squares of the desired size from the fabric, but remember to allow seam allowances for parts that will be cut into triangles;

  • cut some squares diagonally into triangles to create the correct pattern;

  • lay out the resulting fragments on the table and make sure that they coincide with the drawn diagram;

  • start sewing with triangles, in the end you will get all the same squares, but from different shades of fabric;

Using the patchwork technique, you can make useful things for your baby. Find out how to sew bumpers into a crib with your own hands.

Patchwork according to the rose pattern

The rose pattern is not only used for floral motifs. This is the general name for a design that resembles a flower in outline. You will need to work hard on individual fragments, but in the end you will get a beautiful thing and a high appreciation of your skill.

You will need:

Operating procedure:

You can sew other products on the basis of patchwork squares. Find out for yourself and please your loved ones with your skills.

Appliques for patchwork sewing

Patchwork will help not only decorate your home, but also delight your children with funny appliqués. Ready-made blankets, pillows and napkins can be decorated with images of animals, cars or cartoon characters. This is where all the small scraps, including knitted ones, come into play.

You always want to create coziness in your apartment and express yourself through interior details. And, if you are also a creative person, then you can do it yourself. For example, there is a patchwork technique that allows you to create masterpieces from pieces of fabric. The name is English, but in Russia it is called patchwork. This type of technology has been known for a very long time, and archaeologists and scientists have found products created using this method all over the world, both in America and in Asian countries. I think that this was primarily due to the high cost of fabric in ancient times, so they took care of every scrap and tried to use it functionally.
In Russia, this method has also become widespread among peasants due to the high cost of fabric. The products were initially sewn together in a chaotic way, but gradually patterns began to be invented. Today we will look at patchwork for beginners so that you can repeat it beautifully and easily.

I have seen many beautiful works using this technique: blankets, pillows, potholders, bedspreads. When a sofa bedspread combines fabrics and colors of the overall color tone of the interior, it looks simply wonderful. Housewives have come up with a huge variety of schemes and templates, which can be very simple or quite complex and labor-intensive. But the effect is always amazing.

This technique is suitable for any interior style, but for rustic styles it is simply irreplaceable.

This technique is not at all as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but for a beginning craftswoman, you first need to gain experience and get better at it, so there are a few tips that will help you enjoy the process and not tire you out.

First, you need to prepare your workplace; the fabric should lie flat on the surface. This will allow you to cut and mark the lines evenly. Also, the fabric must be well ironed before work! This is very important, otherwise creases and unevenness may result.

Secondly, if you are just starting your activity in this direction, then take larger pieces, it will be easier for you. I understand that you may want to immediately repeat some drawing, but start with simple patterns just to get your hands on and achieve neat drawings.

Thirdly, always maintain an even cut, this will also give accuracy to your work.

To prevent parts from moving out, use pins.

Try to sew so that the machine foot is flush with the edge of the part. This allowance will be approximately 6 mm.

If you started making seam allowances of 6 mm, then adhere to this figure throughout the entire work. Otherwise, the drawing may turn out unclear or uneven.

Patchwork technique for beginners: step-by-step photos

Of course, to start you need to first find where to start. Pardon the pun, but you can often find instructions for beginners that will bring tears to your eyes. Today I will offer two of the simplest techniques that everyone can do.

The main thing is to do everything carefully and then you can decorate the interior of the nursery, for example, with such a cute blanket.

There are many techniques in patchwork, but we will look at two: the well and Jacob's ladder.

Patchwork technique “Well”

The drawings created using this technique are very beautiful in two-color design. The diagram is shown in the figure below.

Scheme "Well"

You can use any fabric, but for a beginning craftswoman it is better to use cotton. It will not crumble, there is no need to pick up the pile, etc.

“Well” technique

We will need:

  • Base – 20*20cm
  • 2 multi-colored stripes, 3 cm wide, up to 1 meter long
  • Square 4*4 cm

Before work, iron all the details well.

  1. On a backing made of cotton fabric, we find the middle by connecting two diagonals.

  2. Next, we place a 4*4 cm square in the middle, so that the corners of the square coincide with the lines.

  3. We sew only one side. Important! The edge of the fabric matches the edge of the foot.

  4. Place the strip with the front side facing the square and stitch. All edges must match perfectly.

  5. Thus, we have already made two seams.
  6. Now cut the strip exactly along the lines.

    7. Bend the stitched patch with the front side up.

    8. Place the next red strip with the right side facing inward and stitch.

    9. Cut the strip again and bend the sewn end.

    10. We also sew and cut off the fourth side of the square.

    11. Repeat the same steps with a strip of a different color.

    12. Alternate the strips in a circle until the base runs out.

The beautiful drawing is ready, the squares can be alternated.

To get a harmonious combination of colors, when choosing a fabric tone, be guided by. The tones should be the same saturation and the same lightness. I already wrote about the color wheel, although it applies to the interior, but it works with any color selection. Therefore, I invite you to read it.

Patchwork technique “Jacob’s Ladder”

This pattern also looks unusual and, despite its simplicity, is easy to do. The drawing itself didn’t manage to become an eyesore, so let’s take a look at it as well.

The photo shows the blog Jacob's Ladder, which consists of two bases: one of squares, the other of triangles.

Jacob's Ladder technique

You will need: 5 blocks with 2*2 squares, 4 blocks of triangles squares. Highlighted in the photo.

First, we make blocks of 2*2 squares.

To do this, we will need two strips, 7 cm wide. We place one on top of the other with the front side inward and sew at a distance of 6 mm from the edge.

Making a blank from squares

You need to iron the resulting part.

We make two such stitched strips, then place them on top of each other with the front sides inward, aligning the edges. And cut strips 7 cm wide.

Without separating the strips, we immediately sew them at a distance of 6 mm from the edge.

We iron the blanks and make 4 more such parts.

Now let's start creating a block of triangles. Take 2 squares with sides 13.5*13.5 cm.

On a light square you need to draw a diagonal.

Now we fold the two parts with the right sides inward and fasten them with pins.

Now we sew two strips, at a distance of 6 mm from the diagonal on each side.

When laying out the block, you need to carefully ensure that all the squares from the triangle with the bright side facing inward.

After you have laid out the blanks, we begin to sew them together.

I think you should get both drawings right the first time.

Schemes and templates for patchwork sewing

I’ll also give you a few diagrams, and, most importantly, I’ll bring to your attention the beautiful works of craftswomen that will decorate any apartment. In general, this is exactly our goal, right?

Let's consider the first scheme using triangles. The sequence is shown in numbers.

The finished result can be seen in the figure. This scheme is for those who have already gotten their hands on it.

The following scheme, on the contrary, is very simple and easy. It consists of connecting triangles in a certain sequence, as in the figure.

An example of the finished product can be seen in the photo. With the right combination of colors, you can always create a very beautiful product!

Another interesting version of the drawing is shown in the picture below.

Simply connecting squares can also make beautiful things, for example, another version of a baby blanket.

I think that you can start with the simplest techniques and, if you have imagination, make very beautiful and functional things; below we will consider a few ideas for inspiration.

Patchwork Ideas for Beginners

I came across a lot of ideas for the nursery. Here you can make a kit for each child. Choose a color scheme for both girls and boys.

Another option for decorating a nursery is a set of pillows and blankets made using this technique.

Also in the bottom photo, an idea for a color scheme for patchwork.

Bright and interesting ideas can be implemented and please your kids. Every child will be delighted with such a set depicting their favorite characters.

But, moving away from the nursery, here are a few more ideas. For example, oven mitts.

Another option for a home or bathhouse can be seen in the bottom picture.

I think that these schemes are enough to get you started, and if you have ideas, then share them in the comments!

A blanket made of “quick” squares in a “patchwork” style is a warm and soft home decoration. Read here how to make it yourself. Schemes, patterns and step-by-step instructions for beginner needlewomen.


Grandma's colorful blanket, patchwork rugs and bedding, bright pillows and potholders with multi-colored appliqué have been familiar to us since childhood. Such cute little things always filled the house with warmth and comfort. Unfortunately, only grandmothers remember the technique used to make those cozy and cute blankets. And every girl and woman should get acquainted and make friends with patchwork in order to be able to fill her hearth with something dear and close.

Fabric for making a patchwork blanket

Patchwork is patchwork sewing from fabric of various household and decorative items - beds, blankets, bags, clothes, tablecloths, kitchen utensils, etc. The technique, known for thousands of years, is popular all over the world. Skilled craftswomen create all sorts of outlandish works of art using the patchwork method. And novice needlewomen are advised to start with wide blankets made from “quick squares”. Such products are practical and aesthetic, and are also optimally suited for mastering such a delicate science.

Today, patchwork is considered one of the most popular patchwork techniques. It consists of stitching together various pieces of fabric according to the mosaic principle. In the hands of experienced needlewomen, bright pieces of material are transformed into luxurious products that surprise and delight. But not all fabrics are equally good for patchwork patchwork.

To choose the right material for creating a patchwork quilt, you can follow the traditions of our grandmothers: simply save all the scraps and leftovers from sewing clothes or bed linen. From such different-sized shreds you will certainly get a motley blanket. Or you can do it much simpler - purchase a set of fabrics for patchwork in any specialized store. Since the most difficult process in the patchwork technique is working with the material, the fabric must certainly not only be beautiful in appearance, but also of sufficient quality.

Cotton fabrics are considered the ideal material for patchwork because they meet all the important requirements:
  • Do not wrinkle;
  • Don't rush;
  • Do not shrink;
  • They don't shed;
  • Easy to cut.
Linen, silk, viscose and wool are used a little less often in patchwork, since such materials are more capricious and always require special care in work. Craftswomen with experience begin to use complex fabrics; for beginners, there is nothing better than cotton!

Sewing material stores offer customers a huge selection of cotton fabrics of different colors and densities. But, unfortunately, they are not always suitable for patchwork. Some options fray too much when cut, others are hard to iron or sag after washing. It is, however, recommended to buy special fabrics for patchwork that have undergone special pre-treatment. This material is very easy for beginners to work with.

Popular types and patterns of patchwork

The patchwork style is a wide field for ideas and experiments, which has no boundaries in combinations of shapes, colors, and types of material. Here, any creative idea of ​​the author can be brought to life. Fancy patterns, applications with animals and flowers, geometric mosaics and other equally interesting options can easily be folded into a warm bedspread or comfortable blanket.

Of course, you can create a diagram for a product with your own hands, armed with imagination and a sharp pencil. Or you can use ready-made ones, of which there are hundreds of thousands, depending on the types of patchwork.

Let's look at the most popular types of patchwork:

  1. Classic English. In this version of patchwork, all parts of the same shape and size are used, usually in two primary colors. Patterns for English patchwork are very primitive. For example, squares of two shades arranged in a checkerboard pattern, or symmetrically stitched triangles.
  2. Eastern patchwork. The manufacturing principle is similar to the classic one, but differs in the use of various decorative elements - ribbons, beads, zippers, etc. Most patterns for oriental patchwork products allow greater freedom in the shapes and sizes of parts. For example, these can be arched and wavy patches, connected and decorated with satin ribbons.
  3. Crazy patchwork. The most “free” look. Characterized by its aesthetics and attractiveness. As a rule, the shape, color and size of parts are not limited by anything other than the pattern used. And the designs can be incredibly diverse: images of nature or flowers, floral or geometric patterns, complete abstraction.

Making a patchwork blanket step by step

Of course, the abundance of various complex patterns and variations of products using the patchwork technique surprises even those craftswomen who have devoted decades to this type of art. And for beginners, there are more primitive, but no less beautiful and functional options. For example, a blanket of “quick” squares. It’s better to start from there.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you should decide on the color scheme and size of the future product. Although for the first time any available pieces of various shades will be suitable. Prepare in advance a piece of fabric for the wrong side of the blanket, corresponding to its future dimensions, and the same piece of padding polyester. Don't forget about the fabric for the edging. It is better to buy it with a reserve. In our case, to make a blanket from squares you will need chintz of three colors, scissors, a ruler, pins, chalk, a template and a sewing machine.

It is recommended to pre-soak chintz fabric in hot water, then rinse with cold water, starch and iron. A tablespoon of starch is diluted in a glass of cold water. Then the mixture is poured into 2 liters of hot water and stirred thoroughly. The chintz is rinsed in a slightly cooled solution, ironed while still wet and dried.

After preparing the material and collecting all the necessary tools, you can begin preparing those very “quick” squares that will make up the blanket.

Preparing “quick” squares for a blanket

The production of the elements we need begins with the preparation of the strips. From two pieces of fabric of different colors, cut two strips of the same width. Then, placing them face to face, stitch along one edge. At the next stage, cut a wide strip from the third piece of chintz, corresponding to the size of the previous two together. Sew the resulting third strip to the first two on both sides, first folding them face to face, just like the first time. As a result, you will end up with something like a sleeve turned inside out.

At the next stage, cut the resulting sleeve with an even zigzag into isosceles triangles. To do this, use a square, triangle or triangular ruler template. As a result, from one long “sleeve” you will get several double triangles, and, accordingly, squares in the spread.

Assembling squares using patchwork technology

To create a product in the patchwork style, a wide variety of patterns and styles are used. The squares you have can be folded into zigzags, scales, triangles or diamonds. The choice of style depends only on the taste of the craftswoman. It is not recommended to rush in such a matter. It is better to fold the parts in several different ways, among which it will be easier to determine the most successful one.

The assembly of “quick” squares is carried out as follows: first, the parts are sewn together into longitudinal strips, only then the strips are sewn together. The main thing is not to forget to iron the finished seams. Essentially, the front side of the quilt is complete at this stage.

Making a blanket from “quick” squares

You can use any fabric, preferably natural, as the back side of the blanket. Batiste or chintz will do the job best. To quickly assemble a blanket, place the prepared fabric for the wrong side face down, then spread a layer of padding polyester and place a piece of squares on top, face up. Using a sewing machine, stitch around the perimeter of the future product. The border can be the edges of the picture or the edges of the squares.

Before the process is complete, all that remains is to make the edging of the luxurious blanket. To do this, you need to cut a strip of suitable fabric 8 cm wide and slightly longer than the side of the product. Apply the resulting strip to the front edge of the blanket, aligning the edges. Use a sewing machine to stitch the strip to the blanket, then fold it over to the wrong side, turn it under, and stitch again to the right side. Finish the remaining edges of the blanket in this way.

At this point, making a blanket from “quick” squares is considered complete. For the first time, such a product is considered optimal in terms of complexity. But even if the result is not entirely ideal, you should not be upset. The second try will certainly turn out better!

Nowadays, patchwork creations have become more popular than ever. In between the noisy bustle and tiring workdays, you really want to touch something warm and cozy. Even those women who have never thought about needlework before begin to confidently master patchwork. Decorative sofa pillows, aprons, coasters, colorful panels, curtains for a country house, ultra-modern bags and many other things can be created by experienced craftswomen.

Beginning needlewomen should pay attention to a few useful tips:

  • Before using new fabric, it must be washed, ironed and only then cut. This will prevent accidental shrinkage, loss of color, or other problems.
  • The color of the thread used should match the color of the shred or differ by a couple of tones.
  • For drawing, use a pencil or soap. It is prohibited to use a pen.
  • Cutting is done along the shared thread. In this case, the part will not warp.
  • When cutting, leave a 1 cm indent on all sides. If the fabric is loose - 1.5 cm.
  • Ideal templates are made of plastic.
  • Without a ruler, patchwork is impossible.
  • The resulting fragment must be ironed after each line.

Patterns for making a blanket using the patchwork technique

Depending on the chosen patchwork technique, the needlewoman may need one or another pattern pattern:
  1. Square technique. It involves creating a product from square patches or square blocks of different colors. In this case, a pattern in the form of a regular square or a pattern of strips from which a square block will be made will be useful.
  2. Strip technique. This is parallel or circular stitching of strips of different colors and lengths. To create a product using this technique, you will need to cut out different strips.
  3. Triangle technique. In many ways similar to squares. Most often, patterns of isosceles triangles, identical in size, but different in color, are used for it. Parts can be sewn along a short edge to form a strip, 4 pieces to form a square or in the shape of a star.
  4. Honeycomb technique. It got its name thanks to the end result. Upon completion of the work, the design of the product will resemble the pattern of a honeycomb. For production, patterns of symmetrical hexagons are used.
  5. Lapachikha technique. It is considered the most interesting and at the same time difficult. Pieces of fabric with raw edges are attached to the canvas, thereby forming a three-dimensional drawing of a certain pattern or a chaotic image of a three-dimensional abstraction. If a specific pattern is chosen for the product (bird, animal, flower, etc.), patterns for each part will be needed. If you plan to randomly sew on different patches, you can do without patterns altogether.
How to make a patchwork blanket - watch the video:

Products made using the patchwork technique are not only beautiful and cozy home decorations, but also positive emotions from the process of making them. Agree, a few pieces of fabric, a sewing machine and imagination in combination can work wonders.


This master class will teach you how to assemble a star from fabric using a patchwork pattern. A wonderful motif for sewing bedspreads, pillowcases and pillows. Material costs are minimal, and work satisfaction is guaranteed.

The star of their patches: sewing technology

Step 1. Let's get started:

  • You need to download the templates. Patchwork patterns are located Here. Make sure you don't have scaling installed on your computer.
  • You need to prepare strips 2.5 cm wide. In our example, the colors used are coral, yellow, green, gray and dark gray. The strips can be cut wider, then the external visage of your star will change slightly.
  • For framing you need white fabric.

Step 2. Sew the “petal” for the star

Take a cut out paper template. It should have seam allowances. Start this patchwork by selecting strips of fabric. It is convenient to do this from the center. See photo.

Now we sew all the strips together. We iron the seams in one direction. This will make the work look neater.

Turn the sewing face down. Place the template on top and cut it out. In total, you need eight of these blanks per star.

Step 3. Preparing the background triangles

Using templates, cut out white triangles. Only 16 pieces. Eight big and eight small.

Step 4. Assembling the star

Take a petal and sew two triangles onto it. Please check your work against the photo.

Sew two triangles again to the second petal, but change the direction. Combine these two blanks and you will have a finished patchwork block. You need four such blocks.

Patchwork is craftsmanship, or as it is also called patchwork. The skill arose several thousand years ago, but today it has only gained popularity. The name patchwork literally translates as work and patch. That is, in essence, this is working with scraps of fabric. Masters in this field can create either a simple set of fabric scraps or sew a complex mosaic pattern. Using the technique of patchwork, you can create oven mitts, crafts, blankets and much more.

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Patchwork is beautiful and easy for beginners: patterns and templates

Looking for the first time at paintings created using the patchwork technique, you may get the impression that there is nothing complicated about it. It’s enough to take a few scraps and sew them in any order.. But in fact, even patchwork and crafts have their own rules of work. If you do not follow them, then the work will not work.

Patchwork is not difficult, but before you start the craft, you need to familiarize yourself with the stages of future work.

Do-it-yourself patchwork patterns and patterns: what is needed?

Besides the fact that you will definitely need the material. And also, you need to prepare the tools. This must be done in advance. You will need the following patchwork materials.

In addition, you need a needle and thread for stitching, as well as a sewing machine to speed up the process. You will need cardboard as a pattern template. Pins are required for marking. To measure the canvas you will need a centimeter or ruler. In a number of individual cases, a crochet hook may be useful.

Patchwork schemes for beginners step by step: types of patchwork mosaics

Looking at the patchwork photo, you can see that each product differs in manufacturing methods. This is due to the fact that there are different types of patchwork. For each product it is worth using a different type of patchwork.

Patchwork quilt master class for beginners: DIY blanket

In order to perform heavy creation, many resources offer step-by-step master classes that make it easier for beginners. The first job is always a pleasure. And if you have the opportunity to devote some time to work and a step-by-step description of all the processes for creating an interesting product, then you will be able to create a thing quickly and efficiently.

Any type of handicraft will help decorate the room and add atmosphere, comfort and warmth to your home. But where to start? A detailed master class is attached. Take it step by step and you will succeed!

  1. It is necessary to determine the size of the future product - the bedspread.
  2. Choose colors of the product that will harmoniously fit into the interior of your room and, of course, furniture.
  3. Prepare strips, segments, shreds and squares to create your future bedspread.
  4. Choose a good option for the wrong side of the future bedspread.
  5. Prepare all the necessary tools. You will need a template - a square, a sewing machine, scissors, thread with a needle and pins. To draw, take a simple pencil.

The bedspread can be made based on any geometric shapes-patterns. But For beginners, the ideal option may be a square. You can choose any pattern for the future product. But if you have the opportunity to peek, then for the first work choose the simplest version of the pattern.

Advice: Before you start sewing using the patchwork technique, prepare the fabric. To do this, soak it first in hot water. Rinse it in clean warm water and dry it. Ideally, the fabric should be starched. This method will allow you to work with the material more easily. After that, iron it thoroughly.

Master class: DIY patchwork quilt

For beginners, we offer a step-by-step blanket master class, consisting of only four stages.

  1. From two different pieces of fabric you need to cut two identical strips.
  2. Fold them on the wrong side and, securing them with pins, carefully sew them together.
  3. Take the resulting workpiece as a basis. Measure its length and make the same strip from the next piece of fabric.
  4. Fold it and sew seams on the right side.

You should succeed double sided sleeve. Place this canvas on the table and cut squares from it according to the template that you prepared in advance. Using a simple pattern for stitching squares, you can quickly create any pattern. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to sew the parts evenly and neatly. Many craftswomen deliberately create asymmetry in order to obtain a unique product.

Once the design is ready, you need to sew each square. To do this, sew longitudinal strips and iron each seam. Thus, from the strips you will get a single canvas.

But that's not all that patchwork requires of you. To complete the final part, you need to sew the front part to the back part with your own hands. For the reverse side, we recommend choosing chintz. But any other fabric that you have will be suitable for the first job. After that, adhere to the following step-by-step work scheme.

  1. Lay out a piece of fabric for the backing and place it face down on the table.
  2. Line the top of the inside with padding polyester. But if you do not need it as a warming element, then this stage of work can be skipped.
  3. The next step is stitching the front side of the squares.
  4. Baste the fabric with pins and use a sewing machine to make quilted seams. In order to make quilted seams correctly, mark the boundaries of the squares or some kind of pattern. Using a sewing machine, make seams using the basting.
  5. The last, final stage is edging. Take a separate strip of fabric, it should be longer than one side of the bedspread. Fold this fabric in half and sew it to the front of your workpiece. Fold the excess edges to the wrong side and stitch on the other side. Thus, the entire product is edged on both sides.

Thus, in a matter of hours you will have the perfect, original blanket for your home. Using the same technique you can make bedspreads, hot pads, potholders and much more. The resulting blanket can be thrown over a bed or sofa. And also decorate it as home decor.

DIY baby blanket using patchwork technique

In order to decorate your baby's crib, you can make an original bedspread with your own hands. The patchwork technique and our master class will help you do it quickly and efficiently.

For work you will need the following materials:

It is worth noting that, unlike an adult bedspread, a children's bedspread can be sewn from only forty-eight squares. In the children's version, the side of one square does not exceed eight centimeters. Not only will you like this colorful decorative element, but it will also be pleasant for your baby.

  1. Prepare all the squares. As a base, you can use old bodysuits, pajamas, or any unnecessary clothing. It is important that it is made of natural fabric, since in the future this bedspread will be used by the child.
  2. The resulting squares need to be sewn together and pressed well at the seams.
  3. On the resulting canvas of forty-eight squares you need to lay out a piece of fleece. It should be two centimeters less in width and length of the main product. It will serve as the wrong side of the product.
  4. Excess parts need to be trimmed and corners rounded.
  5. Both fabrics must be stitched along the edges. In this case, the indentation should be equal to one centimeter.

The main thing in creating a baby blanket is to take your time. Remember that you are making a product for a child, so Each seam must be done neatly and evenly. We also advise you to think carefully about the drawing. We do not recommend using too complex ornaments for the first work.

A cute and beautiful DIY bedspread using the patchwork technique is ready. Such a rainbow and beautiful bedspread will decorate any children's room. It will also look good as a cover on a stroller while walking outside. For older children, you can make a cover for a swing, as well as a bedding for walks in the fresh air!

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