Dream of old women's shoes. Black shoes

Have you ever seen shoes in a dream? This dream may be a harbinger of good changes or improved well-being. And here is how various dream interpreters interpret it.

Modern dream book

Shoes polished to a shine promise a good turn of events in various matters. The dream also predicts pleasure from the upcoming event. Dreaming of shoes covered with mud in reality predicts the appearance of ill-wishers.

Seeing new shoes in a dream means making a quick profit.

Shoes with untied laces in a dream predict quarrels, troubles and health problems.

Shoes lost in a dream predict losses, separations, and divorces.

If a single man saw in a dream that he was given slippers, he will soon get married. In reality, a married lady in such a dream will have to submit to the will of her husband.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

In the dream I had to buy shoes - one of the spouses will subjugate the other.

Accepting shoes as a gift is in reality providing a necessary and important service.

Walking in shoes in a dream means inner peace.

Women's dream book

Newly purchased shoes promise wonderful changes.

Shoes that are dirty and torn warn that you will soon have ill-wishers because you criticize people too much.

Black shoes promise good business and auspicious events.

You lost your shoes in a dream - expect a breakup with your soulmate.

When a young girl saw high-heeled shoes on her feet in a dream, she should not be too trusting, she should try to study an unfamiliar man before making contact with him.

If you had a dream where someone stole shoes, but there are stockings on your feet, this means that, having lost one, you will find something more valuable.

Family dream book

Shoes seen in a dream, standing in a store window, prophesy a grandiose conflict.

Trying on shoes promises quarrels with family and friends.

Buying shoes for a child promises good news.

If in a dream you had to walk in shoes that turned out to be backwards, expect a quick quarrel with your significant other. A similar dream, dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, prophesies injustice.

Miller's Dream Book

Shoes stained with dirt and torn symbolize the appearance of enemies.

New shoes promise significant changes for the better.

Tight shoes foretell your vulnerability to those who want to mock your other half.

When you happen to lose your shoes, you have to break off a long-term relationship with your partner.

When you see shoes with untied laces, expect scandals, illnesses and losses.

Dreaming of stiletto heels▼

Felomena's dream book considers shoes as a symbol of not the best character. However, for all your shortcomings, you know how to find solutions to acute problems and avoid conflict situations.

What color high-heeled shoes did you see in your dream?

Dreamed of white high-heeled shoes▼

White high-heeled shoes symbolize global changes. This could be moving to a new place or a new dizzying one that will completely absorb the dreamer.

Dreaming of red high-heeled shoes▼

Seeing red high-heeled shoes in a dream means passionate experiences await you. Most likely it will be a novel, rich in passionate feelings and incredible actions.

What color did you see high heel shoes in your dream?

Why do you dream of white high-heeled shoes▼

If you dreamed of white high-heeled shoes, this means serious changes are about to happen. Don't be afraid of changes - they will be positive and will bring only pleasant ones.

I dreamed of red high-heeled shoes▼

A dream about red high-heeled shoes warns of possible tension in your relationship with your other half. You will probably have to show character in order not to be an expensive person.

Dreaming of black high heels▼

Why do you dream of black high-heeled shoes? The dream warns that you will soon need to work hard. You will need to show your skills and ability to achieve what you want.

Have you been dreaming of new high heels?

Why do you dream of new high heels ▼

New high-heeled shoes, according to the dream book, foreshadow the emergence of conflicts, after the resolution of which your superiors will highly appreciate your ability to resolve the situation. You will receive a new one

Why do you dream about red shoes? The dream book calls them a harbinger of passion, a promising acquaintance, romantic interest, or travel. But sometimes such a sign in a dream warns of a quarrel, a difficult stage of life, or intrigue.

Vivid events, romantic feelings

Seeing them on your feet means: soon bright events will happen in life that can completely captivate you.

Why dream of buying low-top shoes and seeing them on your feet? The dream book suggests: a relationship will begin, the basis of which will be platonic feelings.

Was the heel in the dream average? In reality, there will be a romantic passion that will bring joy, but will not blind you.

Work on yourself

Did you dream of high heels on your red shoes? The dream indicates: the sleeping woman is overly proactive and likes to dominate her partner. She hides her prudence under excessive eroticism. But you still need to focus on real, sincere feelings.

Beautiful high-heeled shoes in a dream also mean: the dreamer loves to communicate and can find a way out of almost any situation.

Difficult period, quarrels, intrigues

There is another interpretation of a dream about high heels: a difficult stage in life may begin, when it will be necessary to show strength of character and determination.

Why do you dream of a broken heel on such shoes? The dream book indicates: this is a harbinger of a major quarrel with a loved one. Try to find ways to reconcile to avoid a protracted conflict.

Seeing red shoes on someone else in a dream - beware of intrigue or gossip from this friend.

What they were doing?

Remember what you dreamed of doing with them:

  • measure - meeting a new fan;
  • buy - happiness in love depends on how well they fit and whether they fit well;
  • put on - passion;
  • lose - you will part with your lover;
  • find the lost - meet your soulmate;
  • steal - covet the partner of a friend or acquaintance, but this will not lead to good things.

Temptation, disorder in personal life

Did you dream of trying on red shoes? The dream book explains: if a girl admired them on her feet, this indicates her gullibility.

For a man to see a woman trying on beautiful stiletto pumps means: he will succumb to temptation.

For a girl, patent red stilettos in a dream foretell chaos in her personal life.

Relationship difficulties

Why do you dream that they are too big for you? The dream book says: you overestimate your partner’s attitude towards you.

Big shoes warn you: you want to conquer a man who is not free. You can break someone's connection, but do you need it if you are then constantly compared to your previous love?

Miller's interpretation

According to Miller's dream book, new, fashionable shoes promise favorable changes. And since red is the color of passion, the vision promises the beginning of a new relationship.

New romance, passion

Dreaming of new red shoes portends: soon you will have a passion, a romance that will most likely be fleeting.

Why do you dream about new beautiful shoes that you happen to wear on your feet? She promises, according to the dream book: you will charm the one you like. But a man’s fleeting love and deep feeling are two different things.

Soul-stimulating night dreams have haunted humanity at all times. The unlimited possibilities of the psyche remain a mystery to this day. Not a single computer program can take you into the virtual world of dreams or help you understand them. Therefore, it is worth learning to select for interpretation those visions or their individual elements that carry useful predictive information. Why do you dream about new shoes? This will be discussed in the presented material.

You dreamed of new shoes, is that good or bad?

People often dream about new shoes; leaving such signs unattended is tantamount to ignoring friendly advice. This dream hint can help:

  • avoid danger;
  • make the right choice when faced with a painful problem;
  • understand your feelings;
  • improve yourself.

There are many variations, but, in general, the new shoes you dream of are rather a positive symbol of opportunities, beliefs, and life directions. Old is a harbinger of trouble or need. The meaning of a dream with new shoes is not literal, but rather probabilistic, conditionally specific. It depends on the color, size, shape, and whether the shoes were with or without heels.

It will come true - it won’t come true, what day of the calendar

Why do you dream of new shoes on your feet? It is impossible to interpret any vision directly and unambiguously, therefore, to interpret a dream, deciphering several dream books will provide more specific information. It is also worth considering what day of the week, calendar or lunar day of the month you dreamed about new shoes. For example:

  • a dream from Friday to Saturday promises a serious quarrel;
  • from Sunday to Monday: a new pair displayed in a boutique window foreshadows failure or loss of the opportunity to improve your financial issues;
  • from Monday to Tuesday: trying on new shoes that are not the right size indicates a possible conflict with others;
  • from Thursday to Friday: buying it for a child means expecting great news.

Shoes shod backwards promise a test of feelings between lovers, but those seen from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday predict a negative attitude from loved ones.

The dependence of the fulfillment of a night dream on the 28 days of the lunar calendar is interpreted taking into account the numbering of the day and gives an answer to the question of whether it will come true or not.

What do heels mean?

Why do you dream of new high heels? If you had new high-heeled shoes in your dream, then you should expect situations or life issues that require manifestation:

  • willpower;
  • perseverance;
  • patience.

According to the interpretation of the dream book "Astromeridian", shoes with heels serve as an echo of sexual desires. Most likely, the male will meet with an interesting opposite individual. For women, this is a sign of dominance in intimate relationships. It may also be an indicator of excessive independence and self-confidence.

The night washes away the visions, but it is possible to remember the details. The shape of the heel plays a significant role. Seeing a large, massive sole characterizes a person as having great willpower, enormous endurance, and the ability to quickly and correctly solve emerging difficulties. For others, this is a sign to return to solving protracted issues, which requires new methods and approaches.

Hairpin - to change or conflict

Why do you dream of new stilettos? High thin heels are a symbol of changes in life. Rounded high speaks of the ability to smooth out and simplify various difficulties. A thin hairpin, as a hint of overestimating one’s own capabilities, can also draw attention to “sharp” corners. Warns and advises:

  • avoid quarrels;
  • do not enter into contradictions;
  • don't sort things out.

If suddenly the situations could not be avoided, the conflict itself should not be aggravated. Both at work and at home, it is necessary to find a compromise, smooth out or soften sharp corners.

Sometimes such a dream means the emergence of a conflict situation, but as a result of its successful resolution, management will appreciate the dreamer’s obstinate character. He should expect advancement up the career ladder with a noticeable increase in salary.

Sexologists say that women dream of stilettos when the need for new sensations arises. This flirtation or romance will not be successful, so a married lady should not leave the family; it is better to look for positive qualities in her spouse.

Was trying on new shoes successful?

The philosophical subtext of a dream with shoes is the connection between a person and the earth. It helps to be closer to the earth, as if protecting from the influence of the elements. Gives an answer to the question of whether the dreamer is trying on someone else's shoes.

So why dream of trying on new shoes? Trying on new shoes is often associated with the appearance of fans on the horizon, who are likely to show interest with an eye to intimate relationships. When a girl tries on new shoes in a dream, this promises the appearance of a groom. Shiny shoes foretell an acquaintance with a very rich but stupid person.

A vision in which you had to try on new shoes and realize that they were too tight, predicting unflattering reviews about your soulmate and conflicts. Many dream books recommend:

  • be careful;
  • do not share secrets;
  • Do not talk about personal things even to loved ones who are part of your circle of trust.

Men's shoes in a dream

If you dream of new men's shoes, this predicts a long journey. Dark-colored shoes are for night travel, light-colored shoes, respectively, for morning or daytime. Trampled and torn mean that the trip will not bring good luck, presentable appearance - goals in travel will be achieved, dreams will come true. By appearance:

  • beautiful barrettes - for development, successful management of affairs in the career field;
  • varnish model ones - mark success with the opposite sex;
  • men's sports shoes - good health, upcoming event, relaxation;
  • “foppish” style - signals high self-esteem.

Something else about men's shoes in a dream

The material of men's shoes recognized in a dream can also suggest that:

  • the dreamer’s behavior does not suit those around him, you should soften your temper if you dreamed of shoes made of rough material;
  • care and mutual understanding prevail in relationships with loved ones and colleagues if the shoes are made of suede.

A dream about durable and comfortable shoes will tell you about your tendency to solve problems using effective, simple methods. This is also a symbol of the fact that much in life is given for a reason, but only thanks to certain efforts.

When a single woman dreams of men's shoes, she should most likely expect a potential spouse to appear. For a married lady, according to the eastern dream book, the interpretation predicts a high probability that her husband will earn a lot of money. Her purchase of such a new thing will tell herself about her intention to lead in family relationships.

White is a symbol of good

Why do you dream of new white shoes? This is a good sign, symbolizing pleasant acquaintances, successful moments in life’s journey, and romantic relationships. Sometimes this is a warning about caution when communicating with unfamiliar people of the opposite sex. If you try them on and admire them, then favorable changes are coming. When fitting is frightening and raises doubts, the subconscious signals a hidden fear of future events.

White wedding shoes seen in a dream mean for a girl an upcoming meeting with a gentleman with serious intentions and further marriage. Women should expect a renewal of a long-past relationship or a meeting with their first love.

White high-heeled shoes symbolize a change of residence, a new acquaintance with the opposite sex. A hairpin means being the center of attention of men, among whom will be the one and only.

Red, as a sign of intense passions

Why do you dream about new red shoes? The appearance of red colors in any dream is interpreted as a manifestation of violent feelings, active actions, passion, high intensity of emotions, sexuality. Seeing red new shoes in a dream predicts a passionate relationship in the present or future. This is a sign of pleasant surprises, most likely from a loved one.

Buying a beautiful red pair of shoes means waiting for a new love affair, the development of a relationship. If the size does not match, it means that the feelings will not last long. Shoes taken off or lost are interpreted in dream books as an inevitable breakup with a partner. Worn out ones will talk about unsatisfied, fragile love relationships. The decorative elements present indicate intrigue, often dubious and frivolous.

The color red can also signal danger and abstinence; for a mature woman, it is the fear of old age, and the presented pair of different colors dreams of a serious choice.

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream your shoes are torn and dirty, it means that you risk making enemies through indiscriminate criticism. If you are wearing black shoes in a dream, it means that your affairs will go well, and some important event will bring you satisfaction. New shoes promise changes that will benefit you. If your shoes are too tight, you will be vulnerable to those who want to laugh at your mistress or lover. If the laces on your shoes are untied, it means that loss, quarrels and illness await you. Losing your shoes threatens you with the possibility that your relationship will be broken off and you will be disowned. If in a dream your shoes are stolen, but you still have stockings or socks on, this means that, having lost something, you will gain something. If a girl dreams that she is admiring well-fitting shoes on her feet, this dream warns her against being too trusting and familiar with new acquaintances, and especially with men of a certain type, in relationships with whom one should maintain a distance.

Why do you dream about shoes?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(female) - love relationships; to lose - to separation; red shoes - passion; reset - break off relations; get rid of fear.

The meaning of a dream about a heel

according to Freud's dream book

For a man to see a woman walking in high heels in a dream means a tendency to all kinds of sexual fantasies that he never dares to bring to life. In your heart, you imagine yourself to be a much more determined person than it appears in real life. If this continues, you risk remaining a timid person for the rest of your life. Your dream suggests that you are ready to little by little begin to bring your ideas about yourself to life. If a woman sees herself walking in heels, then this dream indicates dissatisfaction with her own sexual role. You are not who you have to be in bed. You have enormous potential that you can realize. In a dream, breaking a heel while walking or putting on shoes with a broken heel - you have recently suffered a setback on sexual grounds, and this is quite painful for you, you think that now everything will be exactly the same. But try everything all over again, just be sure to do it with the same partner - you have a much greater chance of regaining your former self-confidence. If in a dream a man saw himself walking with a companion whose heel was broken, it means that he (the man) prefers to dominate sex and loves when his partner does everything as he likes.

Why do you dream about shoes?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a new place or new relationship; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships; you buy a new novel; if you lose, you will be let down; tears - illness of loved ones; if you take it off - failure, breakup; shoes (in general) - help, someone's services.

Why do you dream about wearing shoes?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

someone - to take revenge or deceive someone (it’s not for nothing that they say “they cheated you”); to losses (it’s not for nothing that they say, “I got screwed”); I have shodded myself - disappointments, mistakes in business or personal.

Expert answers


In a dream, my now deceased grandfather gave me shoes. At first I was happy, but as soon as I opened the box I was disappointed. The shoes are huge, wide, size 45, without heels. But very soft. There was a fitting. What is this dream about? (Tatiana)

The appearance of a deceased grandfather in a dream warns you of an upcoming event in reality. Shoes in this case symbolize a partner in your personal life. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you will have a man who will be comfortable and soft, but in other respects will most likely disappoint you.


In my dream I saw that I was running in new white shoes, looking for a bus stop, but it had been moved. I’m running on the grass again, but there’s no bus, it’s been cancelled, I run to the train and find myself without shoes, I’ve lost them. I run everywhere, looking for them and can’t find them. I was very upset. I'm riding on the train in tights. Why such a dream? (lora lora)

Losing your shoes in a dream means that in order to achieve your goal in reality, you will have to overcome many difficulties. Judging by the description of the dream, in real life you are in search of yourself or have begun to make some changes in your life, but so far many things are not going quite the way you would like.

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