The baby is constipated - what to do? What to do if the baby cannot go to the toilet? What to do when your baby can't poop.

Young children often have problems with bowel movements. This phenomenon is especially difficult for infants, because they cannot tell their parents what is bothering them. What to do if your baby can't poop? He definitely needs his mother's competent help.

Normally, an infant has no more than 10 bowel movements per day. Closer to 1 year of life, it is reduced to 1 fecal output. But even if the baby walks “big” every other day, it’s too early to talk about the problem. In this situation, it is important to pay attention to the child’s behavior during bowel movements. Bowel movements should take place without strong tension, and the baby should not cry during this process.

Constipation is suspected when the baby cannot poop for more than a day, while his body temperature rises, he refuses to eat, cries, is capricious, and sleeps poorly. The causes of problems with stool can be:

  1. Congenital defects of the colon. With this pathology, the newborn completely lacks stool or produces scanty bowel movements. Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction most often occurs in the maternity hospital 1-2 days after birth. The baby will need urgent surgery.
  2. Wrong diet of the mother. Breastfeeding involves the mother consuming approved foods. But even they can stick together the baby's stool and contribute to constipation. A woman should try to find out what food the baby has such a reaction to and exclude it from the diet.
  3. Not enough fluid. Feeding with artificial formulas should be combined with supplemental feeding. Otherwise, the stool will acquire a hard consistency.
  4. Untimely introduction of complementary foods. Breastfed babies will need additional nutrition only after 6 months. Complementary feeding is introduced to artificially-fed babies from 4 months. Before this time, the child’s gastrointestinal tract is unable to digest anything other than milk.
  5. Changing the type of feeding. When a mother suddenly loses milk, she has to look for a suitable one. During this period, the baby may experience stool retention. The same situation is possible when a woman does not produce enough milk. The child’s digestive system completely processes it - there is nothing to form feces from.
  6. Lack of dietary fiber. If a child refuses vegetable and fruit purees during the complementary feeding period, the process of defecation is disrupted.

In addition, psychological stress during forced separation from the mother can cause constipation. For example, a woman had to urgently leave maternity leave or was admitted to hospital for treatment.

The danger of constipation for a child's body

If a child has frequent constipation, parents need to find out the cause and begin to improve the functioning of his gastrointestinal tract. After all, stagnation of feces can lead to serious consequences. Thus, constipation leads to injury to the mucous membrane of the anus. The baby will feel severe pain and burning, and drops will appear in the stool.

Large volumes of feces accumulating in the rectum gradually stretch its walls. This condition may become habitual and the process of emptying will become even more difficult. Regular problems with stool can provoke rectal prolapse; therefore, long and painful treatment awaits.

The stagnant process changes the intestinal microflora - processed substances do not exit with feces and begin to poison the body. At the same time, beneficial microelements and vitamins are not absorbed, which leads to their deficiency.

IMPORTANT! Irregular bowel movements reduce the child's immunity. The baby becomes lethargic, inactive, gets tired quickly, and often catches colds and viral diseases.

Massage for constipation in infants

Before figuring out how to help a newborn poop, mom should understand the nature of constipation. If it is an isolated case or does not cause serious symptoms, then a tummy massage is performed. This manipulation is the prevention of problems with bowel movements and effective stimulation of the intestines.

Before the massage, you should wash your hands thoroughly and lubricate them with baby cream. Undress the baby, lay him on a flat surface, the air temperature in the room should be comfortable - no more than 23-24 C. Then carry out the following steps:

  1. Lightly stroke the abdomen clockwise - 10-15 times.
  2. Place your palm in the navel area, and with your other hand, apply light pressure along the oblique muscles from top to bottom.
  3. Move along the intestines with two joined fingers of one hand. Start on the left side of the abdomen, moving up to the ribs, then moving down the right side.
  4. Extend one of the baby’s legs and tuck the other one towards the stomach. Alternately change limbs. Repeats - 10-12 times.
  5. Turn the baby onto his stomach, do a light massage from the shoulder blades to the sacrum area.
  6. All massage manipulations are carried out for at least 10 minutes.

Gentle massaging movements of the mother will help activate intestinal motility and facilitate easier passage of feces.

Enema and other ways to help your baby

Many parents, not knowing exactly how to help their newborn poop, decide to do it. It should only be used for constipation as a last resort. A syringe with a rubber or silicone tip is suitable for this action. Plastic specimens should not be used; they can injure the anus.

The next step is to prepare the enema liquid. Take boiled water or chamomile decoction, its temperature should be 37°C. Add 2-3 drops of glycerin and a pinch of salt to the liquid. Lubricate the tip of the syringe with cream and insert it into the anus to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Introduce the liquid slowly and carefully, keeping the baby’s legs bent and apart.

IMPORTANT! It is unacceptable to frequently use an enema for constipation in infants. This method of emptying disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, changes the intestinal microflora, and causes dysbacteriosis.

Other emergency measures include:

  1. Mechanical irritation of the anus. To stimulate the passage of feces, a cotton swab or a special gas outlet tube is used. The object used is lubricated with cream, inserted to a shallow depth into the anus, and rotated several times in a circle. Mom's actions should be careful and slow to prevent skin damage. Mechanical stimulation cannot be carried out using a thermometer; its tip may burst and remain in the anus.
  2. Glycerin suppositories. You can purchase rectal suppositories for newborns at the pharmacy. They contain glycerin, which can soften stool and help the baby cleanse the intestines. Remove the candle from the packaging, crush the sharp end, and carefully insert it into the baby’s butt. Instead of a glycerin suppository, it is unacceptable to use a bar of soap - “grandmother’s way.” It contains alkali and other dangerous substances that can cause chemical injury to the rectum.
  3. Laxatives. Giving your child pharmaceuticals is justified if there is no effect from other methods for constipation. Infants are advised to take Duphalac syrup with the active ingredient Lactulose. It softens and increases the volume of feces, enhances intestinal motility. Take 5 ml once a day. Children over 6 months of age are prescribed Forlax, a laxative for the symptomatic treatment of constipation.

The type and dosage of laxatives is determined by the pediatrician based on the results of the child’s examination and laboratory tests. Parents can use emergency measures only as a last resort.

Prevention of constipation in childhood

From birth, it is important to teach the child’s gastrointestinal tract to function correctly so that in adulthood there are no problems with bowel movements. To do this, it is important to follow preventive rules:

  • often place the baby on the tummy;
  • give enough fluids;
  • try to maintain lactation;
  • for supplementary drinking, use special water for babies;
  • introduce laxative foods into the diet - prunes, dried apricots, figs, raisins;
  • perform gymnastic exercises and massage daily;
  • promptly treat gastrointestinal diseases;
  • do not rush to introduce protein foods into complementary foods;
  • feed according to age with sufficient fiber and dietary fiber;
  • visit the fresh age often;
  • adequate physical activity.

Equally important is a favorable family environment to exclude a psychogenic cause of constipation in a child.

When a mother breastfeeds her baby, she should eat a sufficient amount of healthy food. After all, what enters her body ends up in breast milk. Therefore, if the baby experiences constipation for the first time, then the woman should eat the right foods. Her diet should include:

  • grain crops - wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran;
  • meat dishes - boiled lean chicken or veal, soups with a second broth;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables - beets, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes, raisins.
  • fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.

In newborns, it is necessary to avoid foods that have a fixing effect:

  • rice and semolina;
  • pasta, bakery products;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • confectionery.

If the baby, when trying to poop, strains a lot and begins to fart frequently, then the mother should also exclude legumes and cabbage from the diet. These foods increase gas formation and lead to painful colic.

It happens that constipation begins to bother you during the period of introducing complementary foods and the child experiences unstable stool. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the dosage of the administered product. Maybe the baby’s stomach can’t handle the amount of new food. As a result, he alternates between constipation and loose stools.

IMPORTANT! Parents must monitor the child’s body’s reaction to each new product. Even the most harmless vegetable recommended by pediatricians can provoke individual intolerance.

If problems in the digestive system continue, then it is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods to another time. It should be resumed only with the permission of the pediatrician, when the child is completely healthy and is not bothered by constant constipation.

Constipation in a child can be temporary and occur due to poor nutrition of the mother or non-compliance with feeding rules. When wondering what is the priority to make the baby poop, a woman must first evaluate what and how many foods she eats. And along with adjusting your diet, help your baby empty his intestines. —

No one brings us as much joy as our children. But there is a lot of trouble with them, and from birth. Especially if they get sick. It is known that the digestive system of a newborn is not fully developed, and children often suffer because of this. Fathers and mothers must be vigilant about How the youngest member of the family pooped today and, of course, be one hundred percent savvy on this delicate issue and know what to do. So, get ready to fight constipation!

In the first months after birth, the baby's gastrointestinal tract does not produce enough enzymes that promote digestion. The muscles of the intestinal walls are poorly developed, so stool moves weakly and slowly. During the first year of life, all organs and systems will gradually mature. However, a baby with a tummy ache can and should be helped from the first weeks of his life.

No need for soap!

Is this constipation?

A baby who has just been born should pass stool within 12 hours. This interval is twice as long in a weakened and premature baby. If the baby has not recovered during this time, the doctor must examine his anus to rule out developmental defects. This is done in the maternity hospital.

Typically, mother-fed babies poop as many times as they eat (up to 7 times a day). With artificial feeding, the number of bowel movements can reach up to 4 times a day.

Since the baby’s food is mother’s milk, the stool has a characteristic appearance: mushy, yellow. Released without tension.

If a newborn does not poop for more than a day, cries, grunts, arches, and pulls his legs towards his stomach, this is a clear stool retention. Or feces are difficult to pass and have a dense consistency. There may be some blood on their surface. The baby does not sleep well and is restless. In this case, you need to think about how to help the child.

When, he also wants to immediately provide some help. Many people think that this is impossible, but there are several methods that can quickly get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. We want to tell you about them.

Another problem that parents should and can control is regurgitation. Everything is simple here. If you know the reasons and the process diagram, you can significantly.

Causes of constipation in babies

Malaise can be caused by organic and functional causes.

Organic ones include:

  1. Dolichosigma- lengthening of the sigmoid colon. In the loop formed by the sigma, feces stagnate.
  2. Hirschsprung's disease- with this disease there are no nerve receptors in the lower parts of the colon. The result is intestinal sluggishness, which occurs because the intestine becomes insensitive to irritants. Because of this, feces accumulate.

Such diseases cannot always be cured with medications. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

There are many more functional reasons. Let's look at some of them:

  • The child has enzyme formation is impaired, for example, lactose, in which the sugar contained in milk is not digested.
  • Insufficient water consumption, often observed in case of improper preparation of formula.
  • If baby is underfed(mother has little breast milk).
  • In diseases such as rickets, hypothyroidism is observed decreased muscle tone, in particular, the intestinal wall.
  • If the child is worried elevated temperature(he is sick), then the tone of the rectum also decreases.
  • At violation of the feeding regime Constipation occurs very often in infants. This is facilitated by a sharp transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding (it would be more correct to do this gradually), as well as the addition of fatty cow's milk to the diet or improper introduction of complementary foods.
  • Disruption of the normal state of intestinal microflora ( dysbacteriosis). It usually develops after the child has taken medicine (antibiotics) for a long time, as well as after improper feeding of the baby. There is an opinion that a newborn should be put to the breast immediately after birth, because breast milk “starts” the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, treatment is necessary to restore normal intestinal microflora.

Emotional shocks upset all body functions, including intestinal ones, which leads to diarrhea or constipation.

For example, psychogenic stool retention may occur if the baby does not receive enough attention from the mother or loses the previous connection with her.

Having a mother nearby is the best medicine!

The reasons that are listed cause functional constipation in a child against the background of a healthy intestine. Famous children's doctor Komarovsky believes that this type is the most common among children. It can be atonic and spastic, that is, intestinal tone is disturbed. The differences can be determined by the shape of children's stool.

  1. Spastic constipation occurs against the background of spasmodic intestines. Usually it is accompanied by swelling. Feces are dense, reminiscent of sheep.
  2. Atonic- causes intestinal atony (decreased tone). The portion of feces is large in diameter and very dense. It comes out with difficulty and pain. The subsequent type of stool is mushy and quite voluminous.

Parents need to understand the difference between atonic and spastic constipation in order to know what to do and how to treat the child in each individual case.

Is the nursing mother to blame?

The quality of the baby's stool depends on the foods and medications that a nursing mother uses. After all, they all end up in breast milk, which is the baby’s main food.

  • Some medications taken by the mother while feeding the baby can lead to intestinal upset in the baby. These are diuretics and iron preparations, antispasmodics (papaverine, no-spa), sorbents (activated carbon) and others.
  • If mom is addicted to coffee, black tea, cocoa.
  • Products that cause stool retention in a baby are not recommended for a nursing mother - these are products made from white flour, rice, nuts, etc.

White bread is both appetizing and tasty - but you can’t!

To help her child poop normally, mom can drink special herbal tea, which has a mild laxative effect. He can treat the baby through breast milk. But before that, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In general, during this period the baby’s health depends on the mother’s nutrition almost as much as during pregnancy. A simple example: age directly depends on how much calcium the foods his mother eats contain. There should not be too much calcium and there should not be too little. Stick to the norm - the golden mean.

The cartilage tissue in a little person is being replaced, so he must receive all the microelements necessary for this through breast milk in sufficient quantities.

And to take a break from physiology and think about future intellectual development, read the article about finger games: - very useful.

How can you help your baby?

  • . This is perhaps the simplest, most effective and efficient remedy.
  • Use natural (natural) laxatives. For newborn children, it is best to use such folk remedies. It is necessary to supplement the baby's diet with pureed fruits such as prunes, apricots, plums, and peaches. Food bran softens stool well. They can be added to yoghurts and cereals. It is recommended to give one tablespoon of prune juice, diluted with water in equal proportions, to a child up to 4 months of age. Can be cooked decoction of dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), which are boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. At the age of up to one year, it is recommended to give 1 glass of decoction per day (between feedings).
  • If the problem is accompanied by bloating, give your baby tea.
  • Limit the consumption of foods that “strengthen” the intestines. These are bananas, rice, cheese, etc.
  • Constipation in newborns can be treated with glycerin suppositories (sold in pharmacies without a prescription). You need to insert the candle into the anus and push it a little. Then lightly squeeze your buttocks. Wait until it resolves. Glycerin lubricates the intestines and feces come out easier.
  • Enema. If the above methods do not help, you need to give the child an enema. To do this, place the baby on his side, bend his legs and press him to his stomach. Lubricate the tip of the syringe with Vaseline and insert it into the anus. Inject liquid by pressing the syringe. A few minutes after the enema you will usually have stool.

Enema is an express remedy.

Mothers share their experiences

“My baby has chronic constipation. I tried everything to help him: massage, candles, and dried fruit infusions. Almost nothing helped, I no longer knew what to give my son. Thank you for my neighbor recommending Biovestin (live bacteria). It is sold in 12 ml bottles. The bottle cannot be stored open. I drank the rest myself (I also had digestive problems). And the child was given 1 ml once a day, half an hour before meals. We were treated for 3 weeks, and after 2 weeks of treatment I noticed results. My son began going to the toilet every day, strictly by the hour. By the way, Linex and bifidumbacterin also correct the intestinal microflora.”

“When my four-month-old daughter began to have problems with her intestines, I inserted baby soap into her anus (a little bit). It didn't help for long. The doctor advised me to buy Microlax microenemas at the pharmacy. My husband went to the pharmacy and bought them. After they were placed, I pooped within 5 minutes. They were used several more times. Then the chair got better. I myself used Microlax after giving birth. There are no unpleasant sensations, and the effect is immediate. This is the best remedy for constipation."

"I have . I gave him 1 drop of castor oil on an empty stomach (with 1-2 teaspoons of water). Only this remedy helped.”

Sometimes a consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

If a child’s digestion process is disturbed, he often suffers from flatulence and constipation, then it is imperative to consult a pediatrician. Only a doctor will be able to understand the cause of the disease and prescribe comprehensive treatment: give recommendations to mothers on feeding the baby, prescribe medications, and, if necessary, if the problem is of an anatomical nature, surgical treatment.

And in general, dear parents, do not despair. If you are worried now, think that the baby will soon grow up, and the difficulties regarding digestion will also pass. Good luck to you and your kids!

Why doesn't my baby poop?

Before a baby wants to poop, he experiences a whole series of peculiar sensations. The desire to poop itself arises when the sphincter located in the intestinal lumen begins to experience pressure from feces. After this, you should relax and promote the release of feces.

At this stage of life, the baby still has a weak intestine, and mother’s milk helps him get used to working independently. Thus, the intestine goes through a kind of formation period, as a result of which it is finally formed. Therefore, it turns out that the child may not poop for several days, after which he does it quite often.

Under no circumstances should you conclude that you are constipated if your baby does not poop for more than one day. One can draw a conclusion about its presence only if the baby, when he poops, begins to strain very much, since it is difficult for him to do this and at the same time the feces turn out to be formed and hard. Only in this case can we conclude that an infant has constipation, but not when he has not pooped for some time.

If his stool is rare, but has a normal, familiar consistency, apparently we are talking about the manifestation of some physiological quality of the infant.

At the very beginning of a baby’s life, only the beginning of the formation of well-known natural reactions of the body occurs. The emission of urine and feces are involuntary and occur when there is an extreme degree of pressure of excretory substances on the walls of the bladder and intestines. The gastrointestinal tract of an infant has its own specific functioning, and its vital functions differ significantly from the functioning of the body of an adult.

The baby's body is not yet able to independently produce certain enzymes necessary for digesting food, which are produced by the adult body. The normal condition of a baby is considered to be stool 2-4 times a day. His stomach still reacts poorly to the presence of food, its composition and quantity. The main food for an infant is mother's milk, the chemical composition of which varies depending on the foods the mother eats. In the first months of a baby’s life, his body learns to develop adequate reactions to all environmental influences.

If defecation is delayed for a day, you should carefully consider the condition of the stool. Intestinal disease can be identified by the presence of inclusions of hard, thick balls in a liquid substance. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician as soon as possible.

If after a daily delay the stool is in a normal state, then nothing bad has happened and the delay itself does not matter.

Baby hasn't pooped for 3 days

If an infant has not pooped for more than two days, it is necessary to pay attention to what he eats, which forms the basis of his daily diet, breast milk or formula. It is considered quite normal for a child to have no bowel movements for several days, if he is on pure breastfeeding, it is normal, even if this period extends to a week. Mother's milk is an absolutely unique, fully digestible product if the baby's body is healthy enough. This situation applies to those children who are breastfed only.

In the event that feeding is done from a bottle, the absence of stool for three days is a reason to seriously think about it and take action. The thing is that the feces of a bottle-fed baby have a specific smell and consistency; the mixture is not completely absorbed, so the body needs to be regularly rid of excess organic substances.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how many times a day an infant should poop. His intestines are still just adjusting their functions and in this situation, various malfunctions in its work are possible. One and a half month old children, as a rule, poop liquid 5-6 times a day, after which the feces thicken, but the child poops less often.

Bowel movement is caused by the following factors:

  • formula consumed or mother's milk;
  • taking medications by the child’s mother or himself;
  • psychological discomfort or comfort of the child;
  • existing intestinal disorders.

If the child does not poop for three days, there is no need to be overly nervous. If he feels fine and farts regularly, then you just need to wait. The truly alarming signs that require urgent intervention are:

  • hardness in the baby's tummy;
  • constant crying of the child and his excitability;
  • knotting with legs;
  • stagnation of gases.

The means of resolving this situation are individual. A massage of the baby’s tummy, performed clockwise with the whole palm, a warm bath, a heating pad on the tummy, and exercises from the “bicycle” series can help. The mother's diet is very important and may need to be reconsidered. For a bottle-fed baby, you may need to change the formula or purchase one that helps with constipation.

Baby farts but doesn't poop

If an infant farts but does not poop and remains calm, then there is no need to be particularly nervous, in general everything is fine. If your child has a lot of gas, it means he needs help because he is constipated.

The simplest thing you can do is massage your baby's tummy. Apply pressure with your fingers on the tummy carefully in a clockwise direction, in the navel area, making circular movements around it. Then the baby can be laid on his stomach - he can play or just lie down. After this, it is useful to give Plantex a drink - this helps remove gases and has a mild laxative effect, perhaps after this no further measures will be required. Another useful way to eliminate gases is glycerin suppositories. For an infant, it will be enough to insert half a candle. An effective remedy can be a gas outlet tube, which stimulates the rectum to empty and intensifies the removal of gases. You can buy such a tube at any pharmacy; you should insert it after lubricating it with Vaseline or sunflower oil. An enema should be used only as a last resort, when all methods have been tried and not one has justified itself. However, we must not forget that the use of an enema disrupts the intestinal microflora, which can lead to further deterioration.

How long can a baby go without pooping?

Children should not be compared with each other, since each child is individual, and what is normal for one baby may not be suitable for another. However, the same baby may initially poop ten times a day, and then go without pooping for several days.

The frequency of stool in a child largely depends on the type of feeding. Breastfed infants suffer from intestinal disorders less often than formula-fed infants. In the former, the frequency of bowel movements reaches seven times a day, while the latter do it less often - about four times a day.

If the child poops little, there is no need to worry, since even for a baby who is naturally fed, one stool per day is considered normal. Another thing is if the child strains excessively and cries, this may indicate that he is constipated and it is necessary to use laxatives to solve this problem.

Thus, there is simply no single answer to the question of how long a baby can go without pooping - it all depends on its individual characteristics and diet.

Baby doesn't poop, what should I do?

The most important thing to do in a situation where the baby does not poop is not to panic. If the child behaves normally and does not cry, you should just wait; it is quite possible that nothing bad is happening. If the baby begins to show anxiety, then this is a signal to parents to take action. However, in any case, mechanical means that irritate the intestines should be avoided. It is allowed to provoke its emptying by using a sanitary stick, which is lubricated with Vaseline or cream for children. If this measure does not produce results, you can use a glycerin suppository or microenema. Well, the last resort is biphytobacteria and a laxative.

What should a mother do if her baby cannot go to the toilet? The formation of a baby’s digestive system is the basis for the development of a healthy body, and any problems in this are a reason for consultation with a local pediatrician.

How many times does an infant go to the toilet per day? There is no clear answer to this. However, there are significant differences between babies on natural and artificial nutrition. So, a newborn baby can walk as many times as there were meals.

A one-month-old baby on artificial feeding has bowel movements up to twice a day, although this is not the standard. The process of bowel movements of a baby is directly related to the feeding of a mixture of one type or another. If the formula is suitable, the newborn baby can walk at a distance every other day. The main thing is that the tummy is soft and the baby is happy and healthy.

Causes of stool retention

Constipation is caused by impaired intestinal motility. In other words, a decrease in his activity and motor functions. The causes of stool retention in infants may be:

  1. various types of pathology;
  2. poor nutrition.

Pathological disorders in the body should be diagnosed by a pediatrician. Functional reasons (improper diet) include:

  • a sharp change in the type of food;
  • unsuitable formula;
  • poor maternal diet;
  • insufficient drinking regime;
  • complementary feeding too early;
  • lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestines;
  • insufficient motor activity of the baby.

The formation of an autonomous digestive system is a complex and lengthy process. During the development of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, some stool deviations from the norm may be observed. When should you not worry and prepare an enema? In the event that the baby is cheerful, eats well, does not suffer from bloating and gas.

A one-month-old breastfed baby may also suffer from constipation. It's called hungry. Such constipation occurs when there is an insufficient portion of the milk received, which is completely absorbed by the baby’s body and does not leave waste.

Mom should monitor the baby’s weight gain: 130 grams per day. If the weight does not come, it means there is not enough milk.

Cause for alarm

Many babies in the first month of life experience temporary stool retention. If the newborn does not go to bed for one day, there is nothing to worry about. A one-month-old baby on artificial formula can walk every other day. The alarm should be sounded when:

  • bloating;
  • very hard stool;
  • poor appetite;
  • chair in the form of a thin ribbon or stream.

If a month-old baby rarely has bowel movements, with difficulty, with pain and gas retention, this should alert the mother. It’s bad when the tummy thickens and becomes tense. A nursing mother should reconsider her diet, and the mother of an artificial mother should reconsider the formulas she takes. Consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory.

How to help your baby?

If the baby was examined by a pediatrician and no pathologies were found, the functional causes of defecation retention must be eliminated. They are listed above. What help can a baby receive from its mother? We must warn you right away: do not conduct “wild” experiments on the body of a small child - do not insert pieces of soap and cotton swabs into the butt! Help must be adequate.

Measures to prevent constipation include:

  • placing the baby on his tummy before feeding;
  • free movement of the limbs during feeding;
  • selection of a suitable mixture;
  • sufficient drinking regime.

A one-month-old baby should move his arms and legs freely when eating. You shouldn’t swaddle him tightly and deprive him of the ability to move! Active movements of the body will help the intestines work more actively. Placing it on the tummy trains the baby's muscles and activates intestinal tone. Let the baby lie on his tummy for 5-10 minutes before eating and twitch his legs.

An unsuitable formula, a sudden transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, or unexpected replacement of one formula by another for the child’s body can cause temporary constipation.

An infant should take enough plain drinking water per day. Also reconsider how much water you use to prepare your baby's dry formula. Perhaps the amount of liquid needs to be increased.

Check with your pediatrician about the time to introduce fermented milk products into your baby’s diet. Perhaps he will prescribe you to take bifidobacteria to normalize your stool.

When to do an enema?

If a month-old baby cannot go to the toilet for the second day in a row, and at the same time there are signs of anxiety, you need to give an enema. Prolonged retention of stool does not lead to good things: toxins from the rectum are absorbed into the bloodstream and harm the body.

Some mothers may answer that the month-old baby did not have a bowel movement for five days, and no enema was given. However, self-poisoning of the body is bad!

  • enema volume for a one-month-old baby - 30 ml;
  • for a three-month-old baby - 60 ml;
  • from six months - 90 ml.

The enema water should be slightly cooler than body temperature so that it is not absorbed into the intestinal walls. The tip of the syringe must be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream!

Important! Do not use medications for constipation on your own. The medicine must be prescribed by a pediatrician, as well as the dosage indicated.

In all newborns, the gastrointestinal tract is far from perfect, its flora is unstable, the rebuilding of all its functions lies ahead, and this rebuilding takes time, during which mothers face a number of problems. One of these problems is the baby’s stool, or rather, its instability. Either the baby poops literally after every meal, or there is no stool for three days. This state of affairs especially worries young, still inexperienced parents who do not yet know what is good for the child and what is bad, what is the norm and what is a deviation from it.

The color and character of a baby's stool are important diagnostic signs of his health. Naturally, a more thorough examination of stool can only be done in a laboratory; such an analysis is called a coprogram, but some preliminary conclusions about the child’s condition can be made at home by observing the baby’s stool.

Character and frequency of stool in newborns

The frequency of a child's stool depends primarily on the nature of feeding (artificial or natural) and on his age. A newborn baby can have stool either very often - at every feeding, or up to once a day. This is the norm.

After birth

Immediately after birth, in the first 3-4 days of life, the newborn’s stool is black-green, odorless, and has a consistency similar to tar or machine oil. This first stool of babies is called meconium. This strange color of meconium is due to the content in it of what the baby swallowed in the womb.

After these 3-4 days, the stool will lighten and acquire a gray-green color. Now it is no longer so viscous. This stool is a transitional state between meconium and normal stool.

See how the baby behaves: if he is active, eats well, does not scream or cry for no reason, then there is nothing to worry about


The nature, color and consistency of feces depend on the type of feeding - natural or artificial. The stool of breastfed babies changes its “characteristics” depending on the mother’s diet. The feces of artificial babies have a more or less constant color.

Character and consistency

The stool of a breastfed newborn usually has a yellow or yellowish-greenish color, a creamy consistency and a sour smell; it may contain lumps and various inclusions.

The nature of the stool tends to change, it depends on what the mother eats, at what time of day the child has a bowel movement, on the composition of the milk, as well as on some individual characteristics of the body. Permanent color of stool occurs only in babies who are bottle-fed.

An infant may poop liquid. Liquid feces are also a variant of the norm, because the baby still eats liquid food. Liquid stool should be the only symptom, not accompanied by any other unpleasant manifestations.


As for frequency, everything is individual. Undoubtedly, nutrition and drinking regime matter, but sometimes even the emotional and physical state of the mother can influence the number of “poops”. The normal number of bowel movements is from 1 to 4 per day. At the same time, a month-old baby produces little feces - only about 15 g. In the future, this amount will increase to 50 g.

It happens that a breastfed baby rarely poops, and sometimes even once every three to four days.

The guideline here should be the general condition of the baby. If he feels normal, develops correctly, gains weight, is active and cheerful, then this means that the food he takes (in this case, breast milk) suits him perfectly and is completely absorbed by his body. That is, there is no reason to worry.

Artificial feeding

Character and consistency

During artificial feeding, the frequency and nature of feces change, as the very functioning of the gastrointestinal tract changes. The stool has a darker color, but here you should take into account what mixture the baby eats. For example, from hypoallergenic formulas, a baby may poop green feces due to the presence of hydrolyzed protein in it. The stool will remain like this until the baby switches to another formula. It is not uncommon for stool to be yellow or dark brown in color.

You should be alarmed if the stool has an unnatural yellow or orange tint. This indicates a liver problem. Black stool indicates the presence of blood in the stool. In these cases, the child should be shown to a doctor.

Artificial babies have a thicker stool consistency. Often white lumps similar to cottage cheese are visible in it. This indicates that the mixture was not completely digested: perhaps you mixed it with water incorrectly, in the wrong proportion, or the newborn simply ate a little too much. Quite thick stool will tell you that the mixture was prepared incorrectly. The norm for formula-fed infants is homogeneous, mushy feces of a certain color.

You should run to the doctor if the stool is very liquid, with foam, and at the same time it has an unpleasant putrefactive odor.


Newborn babies up to 1 month old can poop up to 10 times a day.

1-month-old babies who are bottle-fed poop less often. Stability is often not observed.

Starting from 5 months, children poop more consistently - 2-4 times a day. During this period, many people begin to experience constipation due to denser complementary foods.

Mucus in stool: normal or pathological?

Mucus in the stool is a possible phenomenon for both newly born children and older children. If there is little mucus, and it is present in the stool in the form of streaks, then this simply indicates a load on the intestines. If there is a lot of it, the color and smell have not changed, then this is evidence that the intestines cannot cope with the load.

The mucus can be lumpy or stripy, and often indicates that the mother is not eating properly. It is better to exclude fried, fatty and sweet foods from your diet. As soon as the quality of the milk returns to normal, the mucus will disappear.

The introduction of complementary foods can also cause the appearance of mucus in the stool. In particular, it results from the introduction of juices and vegetables, as well as the consumption of more complementary foods than prescribed by standards. In other words, if you don’t want to see mucous streaks in the stool, do not overfeed your little one, as the intestines simply cannot cope with the load.

The baby's behavior is restless: he cries and kicks his legs. Colic completes this unpleasant picture. In addition to white mucus, blood and fat are sometimes observed in the stool. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis. Don't self-medicate!

If your child doesn't poop for a long time: how to help

Getting rid of constipation, if this is the only symptom, is not difficult. Abdominal massage, physical activity, routine (going to the toilet more at the same time) will help your baby. In more severe cases, you can resort to over-the-counter laxatives.


If the baby “goes outside” with difficulty (pushes, but cannot poop for a long time), irregularly, the intestines are not completely emptied, and the feces resemble peas, then we can say that he is constipated. It's time to take action!

Fluid deficiency

First, pay attention to how much your baby drinks. Often, constipation is caused by a lack of fluid, in which the stool thickens, which is why it moves through the intestines very slowly, while scratching its walls, causing pain and colic. Therefore, the “treatment” in this case will be water, a walk and humidification of the room. In most cases this is enough.

Remember: constipation itself is never the only symptom of a dangerous disease. If the child feels normal, develops well, is not capricious, and sleeps peacefully, then there is no problem. If constipation is accompanied by bloating, difficulty swallowing, developmental delays and other alarming symptoms, only then should you sound the alarm.

Coping with constipation

Helping a baby is not that difficult. Here are some tips on what you can do to make sure your little one goes to the toilet without any difficulty.

  • Do the bicycle exercise.
  • To make your baby poop, give him a belly massage. Mommy herself can easily cope with this. But a professional massage therapist will do better.
  • Place the baby on your tummy. In principle, this needs to be done periodically. Already at one month old, the baby can spend some time calmly and even sleep on his tummy.
  • To relieve constipation in infants, you can resort to the most standard methods - over-the-counter laxatives. Laxatives increase the size of stool, enhance intestinal motility and retain fluid in it, thereby solving the problem.


For children in the first year of life (including newborns), there are two medications that can be used without consulting a doctor (but only if constipation is the only symptom) - Lactulose syrup (infants are given from 2 ml, the dose is gradually increased, since the syrup provokes gas formation and colic) and suppositories with glycerin.

Lactulose syrup is known under many marketing names - Goodlac, Lizalak, Normolakt, Lactuvit, etc. The most famous and popular is Duphalac

If these two medications do not help the newborn, then you need to consult a doctor, since it is very difficult to treat constipation on your own, let alone choose a drug on your own. Imagine that your child has accumulated dense stool. You go to the pharmacy, take some medicine that, in your opinion, should help him, and give it to the child. The medicine will begin to intensively contract the intestinal walls, and there will be dense feces. As a result, you will end up with a screaming baby suffering from abdominal pain. Therefore, let your doctor prescribe the medicine.

Remember that every child is individual. In the question posed, you can and should focus on general average indicators, how much a child should poop and how he should do it, but no one knows him better than you. If suddenly his feces change color, the usual consistency changes, or a strange smell appears, you will immediately notice it. In this case, you need to contact your doctor.

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