Origami Santa Claus made of paper. Learning to make origami: Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Always in anticipation of a magical holiday, the whole family starts making New Year's decorations for the green beauty and home. And the most favorite craft is rightfully considered the main symbol of the New Year holiday - Santa Claus.

We suggest you make Santa Claus out of paper. With such a simple material you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. You just need to devote a little time to this activity and show all your limitless imagination.

Study our master classes on making Santa Claus with your own hands and you will be able to please your loved ones with unique New Year's gifts, made with soul and attention.

Modular origami Santa Claus - master class

We will need: sheets of A4 paper: blue - 14 pieces for 211 modules, white - 13 pieces for 207 modules, pink - 1 sheet for 17 modules.

We divide each sheet into 16 rectangles, from which we will make modules.

Step one. Fold the rectangular sheet in half lengthwise. Using another fold, we outline the middle line.

Step two. We bend the edges of the rectangle folded along the middle, as shown in the photo. Turn the piece over and fold the bottom edges up.

Step three. We fold the corners, bending them over the large triangle, and then bend these corners inward. We bend the resulting figure in half - so we have learned how to make a module. Now, in the same way, we make the required number of modules indicated above from the rest of the paper.

Step four. Let's start making crafts. We take 5 white modules and arrange them as in the photo (we place the top row module with the smaller side up). Next, we assemble a chain of 3 rows of white modules. Each row consists of 25 pieces.

Step five. We close the chain into a ring and turn it over. Next, we perform 3 rows with blue modules. From the seventh row we make a beard. To do this, insert 2 white modules with the smaller side facing out. We insert the remaining blue modules of row 7 as usual.

Step five. In the 8th row we fasten 3 white modules, as usual, with the long side, the remaining modules are blue. With each next row we add one white module on each side of the beard.

Step six. In the 11th row we insert one red module into the middle of the beard - this is the mouth. Row 12 consists of white modules. We put them on blue modules with the smaller side facing out, and on white modules (beard) with the long side, as usual. In the 13th row, opposite the red module, we put on the white one with the long side outward, and 2 pink modules each with the smaller side (see photo).

Step seven. In the 14th row we put on 6 pink modules with the smaller side, and we put on white modules as usual. Row 15 - we put on 17 white modules and 8 pink ones. In the 16th and 17th rows we put on all the white modules with the smaller side outward - this is the hat.

Step eight. The last 18th row consists of blue modules with the smaller side facing out. We assemble hands from 3 white modules and 5 blue ones. Glue the finished eyes and insert the nose (part of a children's mosaic). Santa Claus made from paper using modular origami technique is ready. We hope that after studying the master class, the Snow Maiden, made in the same technique, will appear next to your Santa Claus.

Santa Claus made of paper using origami technique - master class

We will need colored paper and a little patience. We offer you several schemes according to which you can easily make Santa Claus with your own skillful hands. You can hang it on the Christmas tree, decorate a greeting card with it, or give it to friends for the New Year.

DIY Santa Claus from colored paper - master class

We will need: red paper, pink paper for the face, white paper for the beard, cotton wool, markers, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Using a compass or a small plate, draw a semicircle on red paper. We cut it out, fold it into a cone and glue it together.
  2. We cut out an oval from pink paper, draw eyes and a nose on it with a felt-tip pen and glue the face of Santa Claus to the cone.
  3. Next, glue on the beard and hat from white paper. To do this, cut out white strips, cut fringe on them and twist it with scissors. We glue strips with twisted fringe to the cone at the bottom of the face in several rows, giving the beard fullness. We make a hat from the same strip. A beard, hat and fur coat for Santa Claus can be made from cotton wool, which is glued to the cone along its lower edge, on the face and the upper part of the cone. An elegant Santa Claus made from paper, made by yourself, is ready. Using a cone, using your imagination, you can make a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus made of colored paper strips - master class

We will need: thick colored paper, white corrugated cardboard, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 15 cm and 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 10 cm from red paper. Glue them into rings. We assemble a ball from 6 large rings, fastening it with glue at the top and bottom. Using small rings, we assemble a smaller ball using the same pattern. The result is the body and head of Santa Claus.
  2. Cut out a small circle for the face from pink or orange paper. We cut out a mustache, beard and hat of any size from corrugated cardboard and decorate the face with them. Cut out and glue the eyes and nose. Glue the face to a small ball, which we then glue to the body. Cut out mittens and felt boots from cardboard and glue them to the craft. The New Year's symbol made from paper, created with your own hands, is ready.

A few more ideas for creating Santa Claus with your own hands

By using your imagination and using the patterns we have proposed, you can make Santa Claus even from a paper napkin.

A paper cone allows you to make many versions of Santa Claus with your own hands.

And this family of Santa Clauses is made from ordinary toilet paper rolls.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden using the popular modular origami technique.

We hope that our master classes helped you understand the technique of making Santa Claus from paper and encouraged you to be creative. Use a little imagination and create your own kind Grandfather or even several. They will decorate your holiday and create a magical mood!

Diagrams, printouts, drawings

New Year's holidays are coming and it's time for gifts; what could be nicer than a gift made by yourself? It is not necessary to master complex techniques and spend hours on end doing needlework. To get your dose of positivity, you can make some simple but fun New Year’s craft. In this master class we will talk about how to make paper Santa Claus using the origami technique. This ancient technique will allow us to quickly and easily make a cute New Year's craft.

To make an origami paper Santa Claus we will need:

- red colored paper (one-sided);
- scissors;
- black marker.

How to make a paper Santa Claus using the origami technique with your own hands

1. Cut out a square of arbitrary size from colored paper. To make it even, you must first draw it from the wrong side using a ruler and a simple pencil, and then cut it along the contour. Pencil lines, if they remain on the square, carefully erase with an eraser so that Santa Claus using the origami technique turns out neat. We fold both diagonals and pull one side of the square to one of the diagonals.

By the way, for lovers of simple but beautiful crafts, we also suggest making a tutorial for which you will find at the given link.

2. Do the same with the second side.

3. Connect the bottom vertex of the resulting figure to the top.

4. Turn the future Santa Claus origami paper over to the other side. The result is a red pentagon.

5. Bend the top to the bottom edge.

6. Shorten the triangle slightly by tucking it in as shown in the figure.

7. We bend the right and left sides back.

8. Draw the eyes with a black marker. Funny origami paper Santa Claus is ready!

Even a preschool child can handle making this craft. You just need to help him when handling the scissors so that the child does not get hurt. This small souvenir can be used to decorate a New Year’s greeting card. You can decorate the symbolic figurine of a cheerful, funny old man at your discretion - with sparkles, rhinestones, half-beads and other decorative elements that you have available. Or you can leave it the way it turned out. You can make many of these crafts and make one long garland of them. Or attach loops to them from the most ordinary threads and hang them on the Christmas tree. In general, the use of origami paper Santa Claus can only be limited by your imagination.

To make New Year's crafts using the origami technique, you will naturally need paper. The most important thing is that you don’t necessarily need special paper for origami; regular colored red paper will do (the back side should be white so that the lapels of Santa Claus’ fur coat are visible).

Before you start folding Santa Clauses using the origami technique, look at the symbols. Descriptions for some diagrams are in English, but the arrows have the same meanings all over the world.

Simple Santa Claus template for folding

Print out a square picture, cut it out and fold it as shown.

The next option can be used as a Christmas tree decoration or a gift tag, and if you make it large, it can also be used as a gift envelope for money.

Schemes of origami triangular Santa Claus

Santa Claus standing

Santa Claus from two sheets

You will need 2 square sheets, approximately 15x15, one to make the hat and face, and the other to make the body.

Santa Claus with a bag

origami snowflakes. Try and experiment!

What would a New Year's holiday be without its main characters? There are not only themed paper crafts. There are even some for the holiday table.

But let’s not digress from the topic, today our “menu” includes paper crafts in the form of favorite children’s characters.

These are very simple origami toys that can become New Year's souvenirs for your baby's grandparents.

You can make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden out of paper for the New Year quite quickly and easily.

We offer 2 assembly options, choose the one you like and suits best.

You will need: thick, beautiful paper, bright red on one side and white on the other. The sheet should be square in shape.

1. Fold the square in half diagonally and in half again. Fold one corner towards the center line.

2. Also fold the second corner.

3. Bend the resulting elongated top to the right upper corner.

4. Turn the workpiece over with the colored side facing you.

5. Fold the top corner towards the base.

6. Fold the top edge a little to create the edge of Santa Claus's hat.

7. Now fold back both sides of the inverted trapezoid.

8. And you got such a simple and elegant Grandfather Frost. Draw his eyes.

What is Father Frost without his granddaughter Snegurochka? It can be made according to the same scheme, only from blue paper and adding pigtails, which are separately cut from a yellow sheet. Make cuts in place of the bangs, and the hairstyle is ready!

And here is another option on how to make Santa Claus out of paper:

1. Fold the piece in half and unfold it back.

2. Fold the corners towards the center.

3. Bend 2 corners to the sides along the dotted line.

4. Make 2 more folds along the dotted line.

6. Make an accordion in the direction of the arrow.

7. And one more below.

8. Turn over.

9. Fold along the dotted line.

10. Fold the corner up.

11. Fold in the sides.

12. Turn over.

13. Draw a face and your paper Santa Claus is ready!

Almost every person is in love at a time when the spirit of Christmas is in the air and the smell of the upcoming New Year fills our apartments. You can feel it in everything. In stores filled with New Year's decorations and tangerines, on snowy or not so snowy streets, and simply in a person's mood. On the eve of the holidays, everyone is trying to decorate their homes, using all kinds of materials for this purpose. Children are especially happy. They are happy to create New Year's decorations from the most inexpensive and simple material - paper - and await the onset of Christmas miracles. Be sure to help the kids prepare for the most magical holiday.

Santa Claus made of paper

If you have children, then they will probably like Santa Claus made from paper. Origami as a paper craft technique will help you with this. The complexity of creating Santa Claus (origami), the design of which you have chosen, may differ significantly. Starting with the simplest options accessible to a child and ending with more complex ones, sometimes even beyond the capabilities of an adult who first encountered such a technique.

To make this Santa Claus using the origami technique, you will need paper that is red on one side and white on the other. Cut out two square pieces. The side length of the larger square is 10.5 cm. The smaller figure has a side of 8.5 cm.

Creating the torso

Take a large square blank, place it on the table with the colored surface facing you and bend the opposite sides to a width of no more than one centimeter. Turn the white side towards you and bend it in half. Unfold the workpiece and fold each half towards the middle fold. Bend the upper corners outward and bend the entire resulting part above the middle. You can even slightly glue it so that the body does not unfold.

Making the head and putting the whole figure together

Now let's work on our grandfather's cap.

Take a small square and bend the adjacent sides so that you get white stripes along the edges, but no more than 1 cm. Turn the workpiece over with the white side up and fold the left and right corners towards each other as indicated in the diagram. A little effort on your part - and Santa Claus (origami) will acquire such a wonderful hat. The process diagram will help you understand everything in detail. Turn the hat over and fold the corner located at the bottom up, and then bend its tip in the opposite direction. So our origami-style Santa Claus acquired a head with a hat and beard.

Now glue the head to the body. That's all, your origami Santa Claus is ready. You can decorate Christmas cards or packaging for New Year's gifts with this craft. The product is suitable for decorating windows. Or you can use it as a Christmas tree decoration. All you need to do is just experiment with the size of the square blanks.

Snow Maiden made of paper

Using the origami technique, Santa Claus is not the only character that can be made. Everyone knows perfectly well that his granddaughter Snegurochka is supposed to be his partner. By creating your favorite fairy-tale characters, you will plunge headlong into the Christmas mood and give it to everyone around you.

To create it you need single-sided sheets of paper in white, blue and brown. Involve children in the process and go into a fairy tale with them, creating wonderful New Year characters. To fold the head, use a square piece with a side equal to 9 cm. Fold it in half in a diagonal direction. And then follow the diagram. Fold the top sides toward the center fold and fold the long corner back. Bend the bottom corner back and fold the braid in half.

Folding the Snow Maiden's fur coat

To create a fur coat, use a square with a side equal to 15 cm. Place the colored side towards you and fold it in half. Bend the sides at the sides by half a centimeter, and at the bottom by 2 cm. Bend the upper corners to the midline and turn over to the other side. Follow the instructions shown in the diagram. After you receive the finished fur coat, you need to insert a white strip between the upper and lower folds. Make it from a 2 cm wide rectangle. First, bend it in half vertically, and then bend the edges to the center line. Place the strip under the folds and glue it lightly.

Now we make mittens from paper squares measuring two by two centimeters. Fold the pieces in half and then fold the opposite corners towards the center. Bend one corner from the side towards you. Now the mittens are ready.

To make a hat for the Snow Maiden, take a rectangle with sides 4 and 5 cm. Bend it in half from top to bottom. Now fold the top corners towards the middle, and bend the paper edge up from the bottom. Fold the top corner and hide it under the lapel. Put the hat on the Snow Maiden's head.

Thus, with the help of origami, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are ready for the celebration. Use them to decorate your home for the New Year holidays.

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