How to make a hare with moving legs. Do-it-yourself dynamic toy “Pecking birds”

This funny twitching toy in the shape of a dog can be made from plywood, or it can be made from thick cardboard. The principle of such a toy is, in general, simple - you need to pull the string down and the toy begins to move. We already had the following toys on our website: and .

The dog template is absolutely mongrel, so you can color it as you wish :)

This toy captivated me with its ease of manufacture, because with such a master class, which was published by the author Tatyana Pirozhenko, even a child can do the work.

A short master class on how to make such a jerk with your own hands. And for those who want the same toy dog, there is

So, to make a jerk, you must first decide who you want to make and which parts of the figure will be movable. We decided that our Dalmatian would have paws and a tail.

Then you need to draw your figure and divide it into parts. And cut out the resulting parts - we get a template.

We will need:

cardboard, scissors, paper glue, tape, wire and three buttons (or bards), string, elastic thread (or Hungarian), bamboo skewer.


1. Cut out parts of the template, trace them on cardboard and cut out the resulting parts.

2-3. In the places marked on the template, we pierce through holes with an awl.

4. In order for the dog’s body parts to move, they need to be movably connected. For this, it is best to use bard carnations. But I didn’t have them on hand, so I made my own fastenings from a button and a piece of wire (I once spotted this option from Veronica Podgornaya).

5. We string the parts onto the fastenings - first the body, then the limbs (note that for this we use those holes that are double circled on the template).

6. This is what our dog will look like from the inside out after attaching all the parts.

7. Before fastening the wire, you need to tie the limbs sequentially to each other with pieces of elastic thread, threading its ends into the remaining holes. Tail - with a hind paw. The hind paw is with the front paw.

8. To the middle of the elastic band passing between the paws, you need to tie one end of the string, by which we will then pull the toy.

9. At the very end, you need to secure the dog on a stick using tape.

It is extremely easy to do, and the result will exceed all your expectations! You can simply play with Twitchy, you can make him a character in a home theater production, or you can give him as a gift to kids.


We will need:
cardboard (sheet size depends on what size doll you want to make)
PVA glue
paints (acrylic or gouache)
decorative cord or thick thread
awl or nail.

Let's start with the blanks. You can repeat our silhouettes, or come up with your own. So, we have two characters, each of which has a pair of arms (consisting of two parts), a pair of legs (also consisting of two parts), a torso and a head.

We mark the locations for the holes, as shown in the photo. Important: in the upper part of both arms and both legs we will make two holes - one under the other. Using an awl or a nail and a hammer, we make holes in the designated places.

Let's start with the decor. We decided to make Harlequin and Mister in a top hat, while imitating an antique toy. To do this, after the main decor is finished, we drybrush with contrasting paint over the design to create a “worn” effect.

We obtained the antique leg warmers by brushing over white paint with a dry brush and yellow pigment. To obtain a “decorative” blush, we used a dry brush with red pigment. We draw eyes - the mirror of the soul of our characters :)

After the finishing touch has been put on the decor of our Twitchers, we begin to work on the mechanism of their movement. We pull the cord with a knot at the end into the lower holes of the “shoulder” parts of the arms and secure it with a second knot on the other side. Important: a piece of cord with knots should not tightly fix the hand to the body - this will subsequently interfere with its free movement. Using the same principle, we secure our arms at the elbows.

By stretching the cord into the upper holes of the upper parts of the legs, we fasten them to the body (do not forget about the knots and loose fit). It's time to take advantage of the top holes in the arms and legs. We stretch two pieces of cord into them, making sure that they are strictly parallel to each other. Important: when you perform this operation, lower Twitch’s legs and arms “at the seams.”

All we have to do is secure the cord, by pulling which Twitchy will have fun moving his arms and legs. To do this, we attach a long piece of cord first to the upper vertical strip, and then to the lower one, as shown in the photo. We will use the remaining free part of the rope to pull Twitch, thereby setting it in motion! We attach a loop to the head (to hang the doll on a nail during breaks between performances :)) - and the fun is ready!

1. Trace the torso according to the template, arms 2 parts, upper legs 2 parts, lower legs 2 parts

2. Mark the holes for the rope and screws according to the control.

3. Punch holes. In order for the holes to have smooth edges, they must be pierced on the body from the front side, and on the legs and arms (in pairs) from the back, since the front colored side will have a clean appearance.

4. Place the parts of the arms and legs on the body, check whether the holes for the screws on the parts of the body match the markings on the parts of the arms and legs.

Twitch toys have been known since ancient times. These mechanical figures of people or animals, whose arms, legs or paws twitch funny thanks to a simple hinge mechanism, have always been especially loved by children.

Initially, twitchers were made of wood; in Rus' they were called “dancers.” Subsequently, the manufacturing technology was greatly simplified through the use of paper and cardboard. With the advent of color printing, twitch patterns drawn by artists began to be published in magazines, which made it possible to make colorful toys for everyone.

Well, the Internet has made the possibilities for creating a variety of twitches almost limitless. :) I invite you to use ready-made templates to make a mechanical toy from cardboard in the form of the famous fairy-tale hero - Puss in Boots. And at the end of the master class, another version of the twitch awaits you - the Monkey.

Master class: cardboard twitch toy “Puss in Boots”

Materials and tools:

— sheets of A4 size office paper (for printing templates);
— packaging micro-corrugated cardboard (1.5 mm thick) or cardboard for children's creativity;
- a sheet of thick white A4 paper;
- standard (stationery) knife;
- scissors;
- awl;
— paracord (4 mm in diameter) or other fasteners;
- nylon thread, narrow ribbon;
- glue stick;
— glue “Moment Crystal”;
- double sided tape.

So, we start by preparing the cardboard parts for the base of the twitch toy.

We print outline templates on office paper. We cut them out with small allowances.

We glue pieces of double-sided tape on the wrong side and glue the templates to the wrong side of the cardboard.

In this case, micro-corrugated cardboard with a thickness of 1.5 mm is used. But I want it right away to draw your attention: the contours of the parts here are quite curly, with small elements, so cutting out of micro-corrugated cardboard can be a little difficult if you’re unaccustomed to it. And here you can go two ways:

1. neglect small elements and smooth out the contours when cutting;

2. use thin cardboard (for example, cardboard for children's creativity; for greater rigidity, you can make it in 2 layers); In this case, the toy will also be quite functional; below you will see an example of such a design of the twitch.

Next, use a regular stationery knife to cut out the parts of the base. Immediately make holes for fastening. I used a punch with a diameter of 4 mm. If a punch is not available, you can cut holes with a knife or awl.

The diameter of the holes may differ from the original depending on what fasteners you use.

On thick white paper (on the front side) we print colored puss in boots templates. Cut it out.

Alternatively, you can color the cat with pencils or felt-tip pens together with your child. A special set of templates is provided for this.

Using a glue stick, glue the colored parts onto the cardboard bases (on the front side of the cardboard).

We fold our paws in pairs (on top of each other). And with an awl we pierce small through holes on the upper edges, as shown in the photo. These holes will be used to control the paws.

To attach the paws, white paracord with a diameter of 4 mm is used here. Cut 4 small pieces (the length is such that you can tie 2 knots).

We tie a tight knot at one end and melt the tip with a lighter. We pass the cord through the holes of the body and paws.

The paws should be located under the body.

This is just one of many mounting options. For movable fastening, you can use, for example, brads, buttons, wire, etc. - whatever you like best. The main thing is to make sure that the limbs of the twitching toy rotate freely in the same plane!

Let's proceed to the most important stage - creating the paw control mechanism. In fact, everything here is extremely simple. It is necessary to tie the paws in pairs with nylon thread through small holes. When the thread is taut, the limbs should be in a downward position.

Now we tie a long thread (can be folded in half) or a thin cord to the horizontal threads, both the top and the bottom, as shown in the photo.

We tie knots on the paracord from the wrong side of the toy. We check whether the paws rotate freely enough. We melt the ends of the cord.

Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 2.5 cm from cardboard. If you use micro-corrugated cardboard, make a slot in the middle on the wrong side of one circle and place the end of the thread there.

Glue both circles with Moment Crystal glue.

Alternatively, instead of cardboard circles, you can attach a large bead - for convenience and beauty.

Glue a cardboard circle with a diameter of 3.5 cm to the head from the wrong side onto a loop of narrow ribbon.

The cardboard twitch toy is ready!

This is such a cheerful and lively cat in boots. The kids will be delighted! :)

A set of templates (contour, color and for coloring) for making the Puss in Boots twitch toy can be purchased at the Kartonkino store:

I already mentioned above that similar toys can be made from thin cardboard for children's creativity. These charming monkeys, created by, are made in just this way.

Note that the monkey on the right uses a tail, not a string, to control its paws. Or rather, there is a lace there too, it’s just glued between the halves of the tail. A very interesting option, you will agree.

And this is what the inside of the monkey looks like. Everything here is quite traditional.

The paws are attached here using brads. It looks very good, and the attachment process itself is simpler than with paracord. Don’t forget that when using brads, the holes need to be made smaller; just pierce them with an awl.

It is worth noting that the tail on the side was not the best solution - it interferes with the movement of the paw. But there is a choice: if you want, do it with a tail on the side, if you want, do it from below, or without a tail at all (not completely, of course, without a tail, it’s kind of in the background and just didn’t come into view).

Templates for the twitching toy “Monkey” can be downloaded here:

By the way, Anya Shidenko has many other interesting templates for making various products for children, as well as holiday accessories. You will find them by going to.

Well, now you know a simple and working way to make a twitch toy out of cardboard with your own hands. By analogy, you can even draw your own favorite character - some hero from a folk tale or cartoon.

Or use ready-made templates. I have already shown you two versions of the toy. And you will find another one - Kitty - in the 9th issue of the electronic magazine "Masterklassnitsa".

We wish you pleasant creativity, fun and useful games with children!

Yours Inna Pyshkina and the Kartonkino team.

Actually, I don't really like twitchers. But one day I saw a picture from an old book, where there was a description of how to make a children's hanger - an Owl. She opened her eyes when they hung clothes on her. And I wanted to make such a twitching owl.
Most of the time this owl sleeps peacefully, but when you pull the thread, it opens its eyes and flaps its wings. And maybe even shout “Woo-hoo!”

Materials and tools:
Thick cardboard or corrugated packaging (used to make boxes)
Colored paper
Colored cardboard (yellow)
PVA glue
Thick threads
Marker or felt-tip pen

Cut out the owl's body and two wings (in a mirror image) from cardboard.

We cover them with brown paper. We dry it under a press (put a heavy book on top).

Glue the head parts from colored paper and dry them.

Cut out the part with the pupils from yellow cardboard. We outline the location of the pupils and eyelids with a pencil.

We glue the lower eyelids on it from paper of the same color as around the eyes.

Using an awl, we pierce the shoulder and wing at the junction. It is convenient to do this on a hard rubber mat or on an unnecessary album (magazine).

We make a mount for the wing. You can use special clips for scrapbooking, or make them yourself from a button and a piece of wire. We fasten the wings, they should move freely.

We pull the first thread through the holes in the upper part of the wings and in the lower part of the part with the pupils. We pull the second thread only through the holes in the lower part of the part with the pupils.

We secure the upper part of the part with the pupils with an elastic band. We securely sew it to the “ears” of the owl.

By adjusting the size and tension of the threads, you can tie them together. We tie a button or ball to the end of the thread, which we will pull on.

Using a black marker or felt-tip pen, draw the feathers on the wings and complete the eyes.

Pattern sheet A4 format.

Twitch toys have been known since ancient times. These mechanical figures of people or animals, whose arms, legs or paws twitch funny thanks to a simple hinge mechanism, have always been especially loved by children.

Initially, twitchers were made of wood; in Rus' they were called “dancers.” Subsequently, the manufacturing technology was greatly simplified through the use of paper and cardboard. With the advent of color printing, twitch patterns drawn by artists began to be published in magazines, which made it possible to make colorful toys for everyone.

Well, the Internet has made the possibilities for creating a variety of twitches almost limitless. :) I invite you to use ready-made templates to make a mechanical toy from cardboard in the form of the famous fairy-tale hero - Puss in Boots. And at the end of the master class, another version of the twitch awaits you - the Monkey.

Master class: cardboard twitch toy “Puss in Boots”

Materials and tools:

— sheets of A4 size office paper (for printing templates);
— packaging micro-corrugated cardboard (1.5 mm thick) or cardboard for children's creativity;
- a sheet of thick white A4 paper;
- standard (stationery) knife;
- scissors;
- awl;
— paracord (4 mm in diameter) or other fasteners;
- nylon thread, narrow ribbon;
- glue stick;
— glue “Moment Crystal”;
- double sided tape.

So, we start by preparing the cardboard parts for the base of the twitch toy.

We print outline templates on office paper. We cut them out with small allowances.

We glue pieces of double-sided tape on the wrong side and glue the templates to the wrong side of the cardboard.

In this case, micro-corrugated cardboard with a thickness of 1.5 mm is used. But I want it right away to draw your attention: the contours of the parts here are quite curly, with small elements, so cutting out of micro-corrugated cardboard can be a little difficult if you’re unaccustomed to it. And here you can go two ways:

1. neglect small elements and smooth out the contours when cutting;

2. use thin cardboard (for example, cardboard for children's creativity; for greater rigidity, you can make it in 2 layers); In this case, the toy will also be quite functional; below you will see an example of such a design of the twitch.

Next, use a regular stationery knife to cut out the parts of the base. Immediately make holes for fastening. I used a punch with a diameter of 4 mm. If a punch is not available, you can cut holes with a knife or awl.

The diameter of the holes may differ from the original depending on what fasteners you use.

On thick white paper (on the front side) we print colored puss in boots templates. Cut it out.

Alternatively, you can color the cat with pencils or felt-tip pens together with your child. A special set of templates is provided for this.

Using a glue stick, glue the colored parts onto the cardboard bases (on the front side of the cardboard).

We fold our paws in pairs (on top of each other). And with an awl we pierce small through holes on the upper edges, as shown in the photo. These holes will be used to control the paws.

To attach the paws, white paracord with a diameter of 4 mm is used here. Cut 4 small pieces (the length is such that you can tie 2 knots).

We tie a tight knot at one end and melt the tip with a lighter. We pass the cord through the holes of the body and paws.

The paws should be located under the body.

This is just one of many mounting options. For movable fastening, you can use, for example, brads, buttons, wire, etc. - whatever you like best. The main thing is to make sure that the limbs of the twitching toy rotate freely in the same plane!

Let's proceed to the most important stage - creating the paw control mechanism. In fact, everything here is extremely simple. It is necessary to tie the paws in pairs with nylon thread through small holes. When the thread is taut, the limbs should be in a downward position.

Now we tie a long thread (can be folded in half) or a thin cord to the horizontal threads, both the top and the bottom, as shown in the photo.

We tie knots on the paracord from the wrong side of the toy. We check whether the paws rotate freely enough. We melt the ends of the cord.

Cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 2.5 cm from cardboard. If you use micro-corrugated cardboard, make a slot in the middle on the wrong side of one circle and place the end of the thread there.

Glue both circles with Moment Crystal glue.

Alternatively, instead of cardboard circles, you can attach a large bead - for convenience and beauty.

Glue a cardboard circle with a diameter of 3.5 cm to the head from the wrong side onto a loop of narrow ribbon.

The cardboard twitch toy is ready!

This is such a cheerful and lively cat in boots. The kids will be delighted! :)

A set of templates (contour, color and for coloring) for making the Puss in Boots twitch toy can be purchased at the Kartonkino store:

I already mentioned above that similar toys can be made from thin cardboard for children's creativity. These charming monkeys, created by, are made in just this way.

Note that the monkey on the right uses a tail, not a string, to control its paws. Or rather, there is a lace there too, it’s just glued between the halves of the tail. A very interesting option, you will agree.

And this is what the inside of the monkey looks like. Everything here is quite traditional.

The paws are attached here using brads. It looks very good, and the attachment process itself is simpler than with paracord. Don’t forget that when using brads, the holes need to be made smaller; just pierce them with an awl.

It is worth noting that the tail on the side was not the best solution - it interferes with the movement of the paw. But there is a choice: if you want, do it with a tail on the side, if you want, do it from below, or without a tail at all (not completely, of course, without a tail, it’s kind of in the background and just didn’t come into view).

Templates for the twitching toy “Monkey” can be downloaded here:

By the way, Anya Shidenko has many other interesting templates for making various products for children, as well as holiday accessories. You will find them by going to.

Well, now you know a simple and working way to make a twitch toy out of cardboard with your own hands. By analogy, you can even draw your own favorite character - some hero from a folk tale or cartoon.

Or use ready-made templates. I have already shown you two versions of the toy. And you will find another one - Kitty - in the 9th issue of the electronic magazine "Masterklassnitsa".

We wish you pleasant creativity, fun and useful games with children!

Yours Inna Pyshkina and the Kartonkino team.

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