Ozone therapy for the face is contraindicated. Features of ozone therapy for facial skin treatment

Ozone is a powerful catalyst for metabolic processes in the body. With local subcutaneous and intradermal administration of an ozone-oxygen gas mixture, old and diseased cells die under the influence of free radicals, metabolism in young cells is activated, and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues is improved.

All these processes together lead to rapid renewal of cellular composition and skin rejuvenation. And improving the functioning conditions of tissues is reflected in the appearance of the skin, giving it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Thus, ozone therapy for the face is today one of the simplest and most effective ways to rejuvenate and improve the condition of the skin, which nature itself suggested to us.

The essence of the procedure

The gas mixture is injected intradermally or subcutaneously, 1 ml into the site of each injection until a blister forms. Gradually, the gas is distributed in the tissues and absorbed by the cells.

Activation of metabolism in cells, improvement of blood supply leads to acceleration of the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The skin is tightened, fine wrinkles disappear, the double chin disappears, and the tone and elasticity of the skin on the neck and décolleté area noticeably improves.

The activity of fibroblasts is stimulated, which produce a special moisturizing factor that allows the skin to better retain water.

Skin saturated with moisture is smoothed, becomes elastic and velvety.

Ozone has a detrimental effect on microbes and demodex skin mites, which cause inflammation in the mouths of the sebaceous glands with the formation of acne and comedones. Accelerating skin renewal leads to the rapid elimination of hyperpigmented spots and scars in place of healed rash elements.

The introduction of ozone helps to normalize the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands and restore the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. The face stops reacting with sudden redness to temperature changes, washing, and emotions.

Previously sensitive skin becomes healthier, acquires a pleasant glow, the feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin disappears, spider veins and vascular networks on the face become less pronounced.

Improving blood circulation promotes the outflow of excess fluid from the skin and subcutaneous fat of the face, therefore swelling decreases, bags under the eyes disappear, and dark circles under the eyes disappear over time.

In some cases, sub- and intradermal administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture is supplemented with intravenous administration of ozonized saline solution or major autohemotherapy to enhance the therapeutic and rejuvenating effects of ozone.

If ozone therapy of the face is performed in a salon to treat rashes, it is recommended to additionally lubricate or wipe pimples and other problem areas at home with ozonated oil or ozonated distilled water.

This enhances the effect of using ozone and promotes rapid healing of pustules.


  1. Prevention of aging of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  2. Elimination of double chin, transverse neck wrinkles, giving elasticity to the décolleté area;
  3. Facial skin tightening;
  4. Elimination of swelling and bags under the eyes, dark circles around the eyes;
  5. Treatment of acne, comedones, post-acne;
  6. Treatment of rosacea, rosacea;
  7. Elimination of fine wrinkles;
  8. Elimination of hypersensitivity, dryness, oily skin, enlarged pores;
  9. Treatment of acquired skin pigmentation.

Video: Rejuvenation with ozone therapy


  1. Previous head injury;
  2. Convulsions, even if there was a single attack, epilepsy;
  3. Hemophilia and other diseases that can lead to blood clotting disorders;
  4. Taking medications that reduce blood clotting;
  5. The first days of menstruation;
  6. The presence of ongoing bleeding in the body and the first 2-3 days after it stops;
  7. Decrease in platelet level in general blood test;
  8. Oncological diseases;
  9. Hyperthyroidism;
  10. Acute period of heart attack or stroke;
  11. Allergy to medical ozone;
  12. Diabetes mellitus, which has led to diabetic retinopathy;
  13. State of alcoholic intoxication.

How the course works

In order to undergo a course of procedures, you must first attend a consultation with an ozone therapist.

The doctor will determine the indications and contraindications for prescribing ozone, prescribe the required number of procedures and the amount of gas mixture per procedure.

Ozone therapy is painful, so an anesthetic can be applied to the face at the injection site, then the distribution of gas under the skin will not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Photo: face before and after ozone therapy

The ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under or into the skin with a syringe. The number of injections per procedure can be about twenty. The whole face can get chipped.

Or you can introduce ozone into certain areas whose condition needs to be improved.

For example, ozone therapy for such areas of the face as the double chin, or the area of ​​crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

After administering the drug, the doctor may lightly massage the blisters formed at the injection site to better distribute the gas in the tissues.

A mask with ozonated oil can complement the procedure.

How many sessions are needed and how often should they be done?

Typically, facial ozone therapy involves a number of procedures from 6 to 10. In some cases, the course of treatment can be extended to 15. The procedures are performed with a break of 1 to 4 days. Most often this is 3 procedures per week.

Consequences, complications and side effects

  1. Pain during the introduction of gas under the skin and its distribution in the tissues;
  2. Continued pain at the injection site for 1-2 days after the procedure, pain spreading to the teeth and ears;
  3. Swelling of the face at the injection sites, slight creaking when pressing on the skin at the sites of gas distribution;
  4. Bruises at the injection site if blood vessels were damaged;
  5. Ozone therapy for the face for acne and other skin defects may be ineffective if there are serious internal causes, such as diseases of the endocrine, digestive or other systems. In such cases, it is advisable to combine ozone injection procedures to eliminate skin problems with the treatment of the underlying disease;
  6. Allergy to medical ozone;
  7. Suppuration at the injection sites when the rules of asepsis are violated during the procedure and infection gets into the wounds;
  8. Visual impairment;
  9. Convulsions;
  10. Headache;
  11. Development of acute psychosis;
  12. Impaired mobility in the arm and leg on one side of the body (paraplegia);
  13. Increased risk of developing cancer.

Video: What are the benefits of ozone therapy for the face?


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Analogues of the procedure

Depending on what problem the client came to the cosmetologist with, the ozone therapy session can be replaced with biorevitalization, mesotherapy, microcurrents, contouring with fillers, facial massage, facial treatments with an alginate mask or collagen sheet, plastic surgery, etc.

Photo: skin rejuvenation procedure - biorevitalization

The procedure in Moscow and other large cities is usually carried out in large medical centers and beauty salons, where both the client and the cosmetologist have a large number of procedures to choose from.

This allows you to select the optimal treatment program for various skin problems, taking into account all the indications and contraindications that the client has.

Any injection technique is good because it allows you to solve a number of facial skin problems and gives a quick and long-lasting effect. But they are significantly more expensive than ozone therapy.

Considering that it is often necessary to carry out several mesotherapy or biorevitalization procedures, the savings when choosing ozone therapy are noticeable. Injectable drugs are often of animal origin. This significantly increases the risk of developing an allergic reaction to their administration.

Facial massage improves lymphatic drainage and blood supply to facial tissues, tightens muscles, which can significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin.

But massage has a number of contraindications, such as the presence of a pustular rash on the face (often found in young people), arterial hypertension (almost every second adult has), etc.

Ozone therapy for the face for acne does not affect blood pressure levels and successfully fights rashes on the face, which makes it accessible to a wide range of people.

Clean and healthy skin significantly increases attractiveness. You can achieve the desired result using cosmetic procedures. One of the popular options is ozone therapy.

Ozone treatment is aimed at cleansing, rejuvenating and improving the structure of the skin. The effect of the procedure appears quickly enough and lasts for several months.

Ozone therapy is treatment with active oxygen. The procedure involves local injection of ozone under the skin to rejuvenate and improve the overall condition of the skin.

Treatment is aimed at regulating microcirculation, saturating cells with oxygen, increasing the protective functions of the skin and activating metabolism. Ozone also relieves inflammation, increases local immunity and stimulates regeneration. Effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Indications and contraindications

Ozone treatment solves a number of skin problems. Indications for the procedure:

  • problematic skin (pimples, blackheads, comedones);
  • post-acne;
  • rosacea;
  • rosacea;
  • purulent lesions;
  • inflammation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
  • scars;
  • stretch marks;
  • wounds;
  • burns;
  • post-operative scars;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • fuzzy oval face;
  • double chin;
  • wrinkles and folds on the face and neck;
  • breaking off on the forehead;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • swelling;
  • uneven complexion;
  • dullness;
  • bags and circles under the eyes;
  • "crow's feet";
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • dryness;
  • flabbiness;
  • signs of wilting;
  • herpes.

After a course of ozone therapy, the skin becomes smooth, firm and elastic. Damage heals much faster, scars and scars become less noticeable.

To achieve a visible result, you need to complete a course of 5-10 procedures. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist after consultation.

However, ozone therapy is not suitable for all people. Many diseases are contraindications to the procedure. Doctors do not recommend ozone therapy in the following cases:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • taking medications (antibiotics and others);
  • diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy and others);
  • diseases of a dermatological nature;
  • heart attack or stroke (less than 6 months ago);
  • convulsions;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • concussion and other head injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 18 years;
  • elderly age.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ozone therapy helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin.

The effect is noticeable after the first procedure and accumulates with each subsequent session.

The undoubted advantages of the procedure are:

  • complex impact;
  • high efficiency;
  • therapeutic effect;
  • rehabilitation period - 2-3 days.

Disadvantages include numerous contraindications and painful injections. However, before the procedure, many people use pain-relieving ointments or creams, so discomfort is minimized.

Preparation for ozone therapy

The procedure is carried out after preliminary consultation with a doctor. The specialist assesses the condition of the skin, finds out about the presence of diseases and, if necessary, prescribes blood tests for coagulation and platelet count. Ozone therapy is carried out only in the absence of contraindications.

In addition, during the consultation the day of the procedure is agreed upon. It is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol 3-4 days before ozone therapy. Also, the procedure is not performed during menstruation. The possibility of ozone treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding is determined by the doctor.

An expert doctor talks about the effectiveness, healing and beneficial properties of ozone therapy.

How the procedure works: step by step

The specialist first assesses the condition of the facial skin and determines the depth of injection of the drug. Injections of oxygen-ozone mixtures are carried out using a thin needle.

Small blisters may form at the injection sites, which will resolve within 1-3 days.

The average duration is about 30 minutes. It takes place in several stages:

  1. Skin cleansing.
  2. Application of an anesthetic drug.
  3. Ozone injections. The specialist injects the entire face or problem areas.
  4. Light massage for even distribution of ozone.
  5. Apply a soothing mask or cream to the skin.

Skin care after ozone therapy

The rehabilitation period after ozone therapy lasts no more than 2-3 days. However, the skin recovers quickly only if a number of rules are followed:

  1. Avoid mechanical impact on the skin.
  2. Minimize touching your face.
  3. Refrain from using decorative cosmetics.
  4. Reduce physical activity.
  5. Do not expose your skin to high temperatures (baths, saunas, hammams, hot showers, baths, etc.).
  6. Avoid sunbathing and solarium for a while.
  7. Try to wet your face less. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid visiting the pool for 2-3 days.
  8. Wash with water or a mild cleanser.
  9. Follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Possible complications and consequences

Ozone therapy is a fairly serious process, which has many contraindications. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out ozone treatment in a clinic.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the qualifications of the specialist. The doctor must be familiar with the technology of the procedure, the features of ozone therapy and have experience working with this substance.

However, complications after ozone therapy arise not only due to the incompetence of the doctor, but also when the patient is silent about the presence of diseases that are direct contraindications to the procedure.

After ozone therapy, the following consequences may occur:

  • redness;
  • blisters at injection sites;
  • swelling;
  • painful sensations;
  • small bruises from injections;
  • lack of effect;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • convulsions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • renal colic;
  • frequent urination;
  • allergic reaction;
  • inflammation and suppuration;
  • neoplasms;
  • impaired mobility of arms and legs;
  • vision problems;
  • increased risk of cancer.

What procedures can replace ozone therapy?

Ozone treatment is not always possible due to contraindications. However, ozone therapy can be replaced with procedures similar in indications and effects:

  • microcurrents;
  • biorevitalization;
  • alginate masks;
  • face massage;
  • contour plastic surgery with fillers;
  • mesotherapy;
  • Botox;
  • Dysport

Frequently asked questions and answers

  • How many procedures are needed to achieve the effect?

As a rule, about 5-10 procedures are prescribed depending on the condition of the skin. For severe signs of aging or severe inflammation, about 15 sessions may be needed.

  • How often can ozone therapy be done?

The break between procedures is 1-3 days.

  • How quickly does the effect of the procedure appear?

The result is noticeable after 1-2 procedures.

  • How long does the result last?

The result lasts for 3 months if you complete the full course of ozone treatment.

  • What cosmetic procedures can be combined with?

Ozone therapy is well compatible with other procedures, however, it is better to entrust the selection of a complex to a specialist. To increase the effectiveness of ozone therapy, autohemotherapy or facial cleansing may be prescribed.

Beautiful skin on the face will add attractiveness to any person.

If nature has not endowed a baby with velvety skin, a similar effect can be achieved in a beauty salon.

One of the procedures that helps quickly get rid of minor imperfections is ozone therapy.

The essence of the method

The procedure involves saturating the skin with oxygen-ozone cocktails, which are injected or used externally.

After the action of ozone, the face takes on a fresh look, small wrinkles, pimples, and post-acne disappear. The technique helps the epidermis produce collagen, which is directly responsible for the health and beauty of the skin.


The list of indications for the procedure is quite extensive. With the help of ozone therapy, you can prevent facial imperfections or eliminate existing problems.

  • the presence of wrinkles on the face and décolleté;
  • if you want to get a light skin lift, eliminate a double chin;
  • to get rid of pimples and blackheads, treat post-acne;
  • for moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis;
  • for enlarged pores, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

A cosmetologist may advise trying ozone cocktails if the patient has a tendency to develop such deficiencies, since any cosmetic problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate later.


Some diseases in a person's history prohibit him from resorting to skin treatment using ozone therapy.

When to use ozone:

  • any head injuries;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • presence of bleeding (menstruation, postoperative period, decreased platelet levels, anemia);
  • use of medications that affect blood clotting;
  • allergic reaction to ozone of medical origin;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy, seizures.

The patient should notify the cosmetologist in advance about all diseases that occur in the medical history. This will help you get a high-quality result from the procedure, not overshadowed by serious consequences.

Operating principle

Ozone has a beneficial effect on every skin cell, nourishing it, saturating it with oxygen and moisture, which prevents premature aging of the dermis.

Metabolism in tissues improves, due to which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated. As you know, these substances are responsible for the elasticity and beauty of the skin. They tighten the contour of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté area.

In addition, the process of activation of fibroblasts starts, due to which the skin begins to retain more moisture, acquires density and increased turgor.

Another beneficial effect of ozone is its detrimental effect on microbes, as well as skin mites. Accordingly, after the procedure all comedones, pimples and other aesthetic defects gradually disappear.

The traces that remain from them also disappear over time, thanks to the normalization of metabolic processes in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Thanks to improved blood circulation in the cells, subcutaneous fat melts, cheeks and double chin “go away”. Moisturized skin no longer needs the accumulation of excess fluid, and accordingly, swelling and circles under the eyes gradually decrease.

Many salons practice complex ozone treatment, which includes injections and external use through rubbing. This helps enhance the effect and eliminate more serious deficiencies.

What is ozone therapy, learn more about indications and contraindications from the video.


Before performing ozone therapy on your face, you should carefully prepare. It is necessary to tell the cosmetologist about all concomitant diseases, pregnancy or breastfeeding, if any. This will help the specialist make the right decision about the advisability of such treatment.

Blood tests for clotting and platelet counts may also be required. The procedure must be planned according to the menstrual schedule.

A few days before ozone therapy, it is undesirable to drink alcohol and alcohol-containing medications; if this is not possible, you should reschedule the date of your visit to the clinic.


There are four options for the procedure - injection, meso-ozone therapy, rubbing the face with ozone cocktails or washing with ozonated water at home.

Each manipulation has an individual technique. They can also be combined for a more impressive effect.

Mezoozone therapy

Mezoozone therapy is the application of therapeutic cocktails externally. Before the procedure, the specialist treats the skin using special cosmetic products that also contain ozone.

It can be foam, mousse or tonic. Then, you need to disinfect your face with suitable means. As a rule, they do not contain alcohol, so they do not harm even very dry epidermis.

After all the manipulations, the specialist applies an ozone mixture with a roller, alternately massaging all problem areas.


The introduction of oxygen-ozone mixtures into the subcutaneous fat is the most effective method of treating all existing problems on the face.

The effect occurs from the inside, making it possible to nourish the deep layers of the epidermis, and not just its surface.

For injections, a thin syringe is used, with a very small needle, which is inserted no more than half a centimeter. However, the depth of injection is varied by the cosmetologist in a particular case, which is influenced by the intensity and severity of wrinkles and neglect of the skin in general.

After the injection, a bubble appears on the surface - this is an absolutely natural, permissible process.

To distribute ozone throughout the face, the doctor uses his hands to massage all areas treated with the substance. The average duration of the procedure is at least half an hour.

Rubbing with ozone cocktail

This method of saturating the skin with oxygen is the safest, but no less effective. It helps fight minor imperfections and is also suitable for their prevention.

The essence is to wipe the face with special compounds. Such manipulations will not get rid of serious problems, however, they can normalize skin color, reduce the number of acne and prevent the appearance of the first expression lines.

Carrying out at home

To ensure that your skin is constantly recharged with ozone, you can carry out the procedure at home. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special device called an ozonator, with which you can saturate the water with oxygen.

Such a device is relatively inexpensive, its price covers 1-2 salon procedures, after which there is an obvious monetary benefit.

In addition, the device can ozonize water for bathing and even drinking, which will have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole body. An ozonizer can be purchased at a local hardware store or ordered on a Chinese website.

At home, you can also wipe your face with ozone cocktails, which should only be purchased on the recommendation of a competent cosmetologist.

Home manipulations are no different from salon procedures. The skin must first be cleaned, treated with an antiseptic solution, after which a cocktail is applied to it.

Number of courses

The course of oxygen procedures is calculated individually. Its duration depends on the severity of skin problems, their severity and quantity.


The final result of the procedure depends on the quality of the rehabilitation performed. Failure to follow medical recommendations is fraught with the appearance of various complications or lack of effect at all.

The good news is that recovery lasts no more than 2 days, so skin care will not cause serious trouble.

  • touch the skin and apply any pressure to the face;
  • sleep with your head buried in your pillow;
  • wash your face, especially with aggressive cosmetics;
  • apply decorative cosmetics;
  • combine ozone therapy procedures with other therapeutic measures;
  • carry out intense physical activity;
  • visit the bathhouse, solarium, sauna, swimming pool;
  • be in direct sunlight;
  • be exposed to high temperatures.

The cosmetologist will definitely warn you about all the prohibitions; in large clinics, the patient is provided with a detailed reminder that helps not to forget all the recommendations, since the quality of the subsequent effect depends directly on them.

Possible complications

It is not uncommon for ozone therapy to provoke complications. Some of them are completely acceptable, others, which are much less common, directly affect the patient’s health.

This may occur due to the specialist’s illiteracy or lack of complete information about the medical history.

Complications that occur most often:

  • pain is felt at the injection sites– goes away on its own, no later than two days;
  • the appearance of swelling and small bruises on the face, which disappear within a week;
  • no visible effect;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions– observed in the first 12 hours after ozone therapy and requires the help of a qualified specialist;
  • suppuration of injection sites– this happens due to violation of antiseptic standards;
  • complications associated with diseases, which the patient did not report;
  • seizures, depression, headaches;
  • the appearance of neoplasms.

Since the procedure is quite serious, it has a number of contraindications and subsequent complications, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and specialist.

It is worth studying reviews about a particular doctor, asking about his work experience and qualifications.


The final result depends on the number of procedures performed. Facial rejuvenation and getting rid of fine wrinkles are observed after the 3rd procedure, pimples and acne begin to disappear after the second, and the narrowing of pores, hydration and nutrition of the epidermis occurs immediately.

The light lifting effect lasts about six months, then oxygen treatment must be repeated.

After 30 years, in the absence of contraindications, such therapy can be carried out once a year for prevention.


The obvious advantages of ozone therapy are its visible effectiveness, its complex effect on all existing skin imperfections, after the first use.

The procedure does not require serious preparation, and the rehabilitation period takes no more than two days. This makes oxygen treatment accessible to many.


Despite its high effectiveness, ozone therapy has a number of significant disadvantages, due to which it remains underestimated by many women.

Because of such disadvantages, only a few of those who need it resort to such treatment.

Disadvantages of using ozone:

  • a relatively high price, due to which the course of treatment costs the patient a pretty penny;
  • the presence of many contraindications and subsequent complications;
  • cosmetic imperfections after injection of cocktails;
  • insufficient number of medical studies on the benefits of such therapy;
  • duration of the course.

Such reasons force some girls to abandon oxygen treatment in favor of using creams and anti-aging serums.


The price varies depending on the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the staff working in it, the newness of the equipment and the vastness of the area that requires treatment.

You should not opt ​​for high discounts and suspiciously reduced prices, as this is fraught with health problems.

Consultation with a specialist is also paid and costs at least 500 rubles, after which he helps you figure out the price.

The cost of one procedure, depending on the location (average indicators):

  • face – 1.5-2 thousand rubles;
  • neckline – 1-1.5 thousand rubles;
  • chin – 1 thousand rubles.

Pricing is also influenced by the region of Russia in which the patient lives.


If it is impossible to carry out such therapy, you can resort to alternative methods that have a similar effect, but are not prohibited for use in a particular case.

What you can try instead of ozone exposure:

  • microcurrent therapy– treatment with current;
  • biorevitalization– introduction of hyaluronic acid;
  • alginate mask– applying a special product to the face;
  • contour plastic surgery with fillers– introduction of special preparations into the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • mesotherapy– various vitamin injections.

A competent specialist will help you choose the most appropriate treatment. The patient's decision should not change depending on the cost of the procedures.

The further choice should be influenced by the analysis of existing contraindications and preparedness for certain complications.


There are many heated debates about the pros and cons of ozone therapy.

Some consider the procedure miraculous and resort to its regular use, while others are categorically against oxygen treatment, doubting its effectiveness.

What is the ozone therapy procedure, how is it used to solve various skin problems, the rules for conducting ozone therapy in a beauty salon.

The content of the article:

Ozone therapy is one of the types of physiotherapeutic procedures that are aimed at rejuvenation and treatment. The main active ingredient is a mixture of oxygen and ozone in certain proportions. It can be administered intravenously or in any other way. This procedure has been used in medicine for a long time, but it has been used for cosmetic purposes for the face relatively recently.

Features of the ozone therapy procedure

The active ingredient in this procedure is ozone, which is obtained using a special apparatus. It is injected under the skin with a syringe with a microscopic needle.

Once in the human body, it accelerates the processes occurring in cells, improves the delivery of nutrients and enriches the blood with oxygen.

Ozone is a gas produced by electrical discharges. In nature, it can be identified by its smell after a strong thunderstorm. Ozone is an unstable substance that quickly turns into oxygen. Therefore, medical institutions use a special technology and device to obtain it.

Ozone received its healing properties thanks to an additional atom, which has an antibacterial, antiseptic effect, and prevents premature aging processes.

Indications for ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is actively used in various medical and cosmetic fields:
  • Gynecology - in case of threat of miscarriage, acute inflammatory processes.
  • Surgery - to speed up the recovery of the body after surgery.
  • Cosmetology - to solve skin problems.
  • Traumatology - for the treatment of burns of varying degrees.
  • Dermatology - for the treatment of fungal diseases.
Today, beauty salons and clinics offer their clients a course of ozone therapy in order to:
  1. Improve the overall condition of the skin;
  2. Remove various types of wrinkles (deep, medium, expression, crow's feet);
  3. Eliminate acne and its consequences;
  4. Get rid of comedones;
  5. Fight rosacea;
  6. Tighten your double chin;
  7. Reduce dry (greasy) skin;
  8. Lift the contours of the face;
  9. Even out skin color;
  10. Narrow pores, remove pigmentation;
  11. Remove swelling, bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  12. Cure rosacea;
  13. Reduce the manifestations of allergic dermatitis;
  14. Eliminate scars and scars.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, ozone therapy is recommended to improve the appearance and well-being of the mother, increase her immunity, and enhance lactation.

This procedure is suitable for all people. In cosmetology it is recommended to perform it after 30-35 years.

Contraindications for ozone therapy

There are a number of contraindications in which ozone therapy is prohibited. These include the following:
  • Diseases of the nervous system accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness (epilepsy);
  • Concussions, severe head bruises, surgeries;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system (low hemoglobin levels, poor coagulation, thrombosis);
  • Recovery after a heart attack or stroke (the period must be more than 6 months);
  • Oncology;
  • Taking blood products;
  • Critical days;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • Complications of diabetes mellitus, its severe course;
  • Individual intolerance to ozone;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Convulsive syndrome.
Before the procedure, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by a doctor and perform allergy tests.

Benefits of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy allows you to improve the general condition of facial skin without harm, restore its elasticity and refresh it. At the same time, it is an absolutely safe and effective procedure, especially in the fight against acne, blackheads, and comedones.

Using ozone therapy for acne

Due to the presence of ozone with high antibacterial properties, it allows you to completely get rid of acne. It is known that the main reason for their appearance is bacteria, which actively develop in the pores, causing irritation and inflammation. Acne sources are highly resistant to most known antibiotics.

Under the influence of ozone, bacteria die and epidermal cells and their protective properties are restored. To achieve this result, the attending physician prescribes a treatment regimen.

The procedure itself consists of pricking inflamed areas with small needles using ozone for the face. The session time for severe acne is 20 minutes.

At the end of the course, acne problems completely go away. To consolidate the result, the session can be repeated after a couple of months. In addition, you must follow all doctor's recommendations for skin care and diet.

Application of ozone therapy for double chin

The causes of aging most often lie in a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body. This is reflected in the appearance, and the skin loses firmness and elasticity. The result is wrinkles and a double chin.

Ozone therapy allows you to compensate for the lack of oxygen in tissues, helps preserve moisture in cells, stimulates synthesis in them and increases the overall tone of the body.

The most common cause of the appearance of a double chin is the deposition of excess fatty tissue and loss of skin elasticity. To cope with this problem, the selected area is treated with active oxygen. For these purposes, small needles are used, so the procedure does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations.

As a result of ozone therapy, the double chin disappears, the skin becomes elastic and toned. Its appearance is significantly improved.

If necessary, the client is offered to undergo a course of intravenous ozone injections. This allows you to improve the general condition of the body, eliminate hypoxia and normalize internal metabolic processes.

Ozone therapy for rosacea

Another cosmetic problem is rosacea, which manifests itself in the form of dilated capillaries or their mesh in the upper layer of the skin.

Ozone therapy is excellent for treating this phenomenon. The procedure involves introducing active oxygen under the skin. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves their elasticity.

After a couple of sessions, the manifestations of rosacea decrease, the mesh disappears, and the skin acquires an even color.

The only point worth paying attention to is that ozone therapy against rosacea will be effective only for small capillaries. Extensive meshes require different treatment.

Harm of ozone therapy

Despite the large number of positive aspects, it must be remembered that ozone itself is an active substance. When interacting with the cells of the human body, it promotes the formation of free radicals.

The danger of such substances lies in their destructive ability. They destroy cell structure and can cause the development of cancer. The likelihood of obtaining such a result may occur in the case of uncontrolled receipt of large doses of ozone.

If the dosage is correct and the procedure is carried out in a specialized clinic under the supervision of a doctor, there is no harm from ozone therapy.

The human body is a complex system that has a number of individual characteristics. Therefore, there is a possibility of developing side effects due solely to individual reactions. It is known that after ozone therapy, some women may experience a rise in temperature, renal colic, and increased urination.

If you carry out the procedure in unsanitary conditions or the attendants do not properly comply with the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis, problems may occur after injections. This is redness of the injection sites, inflammation.

If ozone is administered incorrectly, bulges and bumps may form. A small massage of the injection site will correct this issue.

How to do ozone therapy procedure

Before carrying out the ozone therapy procedure, consultation with an ozone therapist is required. He will prescribe you the necessary set of tests that will allow the specialist to assess the condition of your body, determine whether there are currently contraindications to the procedure, and calculate the composition of the mixture that will be administered to you.

Ozone can enter the human body intravenously, subcutaneously and externally (applications, cocktails, inhalations). To choose the method of administration, the doctor looks at the tests and takes into account the result that you plan to get at the end of the sessions:

  1. For the face, subcutaneous injections are used, which are carried out with very thin needles.
  2. The practice of intravenous injections and applications is used for the body.
Ozone is produced directly at the site of the procedures. This is due to the short decay period. Ozonizers are used for production. These devices generate pure gas without additional impurities. The resulting ozone is mixed with saline solution.

Sometimes the patient's blood is used for these purposes. Antioxidants must be added to the composition. This is necessary to reduce the oxidative effect of ozone.

To reduce the pain of the procedure, an anesthetic gel or cream is applied to the face before the procedure. The selected area is pricked, and the injection sites are massaged with light movements. This is necessary so that the mixture is evenly distributed inside under the skin. Additionally, a mask can be applied.

The procedure takes up to 20 minutes. The course requires up to 10 sessions. The effect of its implementation can be observed after 3 procedures. Between them there must be a break of 1 to 4 days.

When carrying out ozone therapy, it is necessary to completely avoid drinking alcohol, visiting saunas, baths, solariums, and not taking very hot baths.

The effect of ozone therapy

The final result obtained depends on what ozone concentration was chosen for you by your doctor:
  • Disinfection of the skin occurs at high concentrations.
  • Removal of acne and inflammation is observed at medium concentrations.
  • Rejuvenation and healing of wounds, scars, scars occurs at low...
If you have had subcutaneous injections of ozone, then you can see an improvement in your appearance. This occurs due to increased blood circulation within the cells, reduction of wrinkles and swelling, and improvement of overall well-being and mood. Besides:
  1. The double chin disappears;
  2. Increases skin elasticity;
  3. Pimples, acne, scars, scars, dermatic manifestations disappear;
  4. Color is evened out;
  5. Circles and bags under the eyes disappear;
  6. The functioning of the glands is normalized;
  7. Signs of aging disappear.
To improve the effect obtained, it is recommended to combine ozone therapy with lymphatic drainage, lipomassage, and ultrasound facial procedures. Such an integrated approach will enhance the result and consolidate it.

How to do the ozone therapy procedure - watch the video:

In order for the effect of ozone therapy to pleasantly please you, you must undergo the procedure in a special beauty salon under the supervision of a professional. In this case, there will be no harm from it.

Facial ozone therapy is a cosmetic procedure for rejuvenating and improving the condition of facial skin using local injection of ozone under the skin. Injections of an ozone-oxygen mixture activate metabolic processes in young skin cells, normalize the supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues, improve microcirculation and increase immunity.

Indications and contraindications for facial ozone therapy

With the help of ozone therapy you can get rid of the following skin problems:

  • Deep, medium, shallow.
  • Acne, post-acne, comedones.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Double chin.
  • Swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Pimples.
  • Flabby, saggy facial skin that has lost its elasticity and firmness.
  • Oily or dry skin, peeling facial skin.
  • Enlarged pores, porous and uneven skin.
  • Purchased.
  • Rosacea (rosacea).
  • Allergic dermatitis.

Contraindications to facial ozone therapy, which exclude the possibility of its implementation, are:

  • Epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by seizures and convulsions.
  • Previous head injuries.
  • Blood diseases (coagulation disorders, hemophilia, blood clots).
  • Decrease in platelet level in general blood test.
  • Taking medications that reduce blood clotting.
  • Menses.
  • The presence of various bleedings (including internal organs) and the early period after they stop (the first 2-4 days).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Acute period of stroke or heart attack.
  • A severe form of diabetes mellitus, accompanied by damage to the retina.
  • Allergy to ozone.
  • Tendency to seizures.
  • Thyroid diseases.

During a course of ozone therapy, a person must completely stop drinking alcohol due to a temporary increase in the load on the liver and kidneys, which remove toxins from the body. Long-term hot baths, visits to bathhouses, saunas, and solariums are also prohibited.

Required number of procedures to achieve results

The average number of procedures in a facial ozone therapy course is from 6 to 10. In some cases, the ozone therapy course is extended to 15 procedures. There must be a mandatory break of 1-4 days between procedures. Typically, 3 ozone therapy procedures are performed per week.

The duration of one ozone therapy session and the entire course of treatment depends on the complexity of the problem that needs to be solved. Thus, a course of ozone therapy for the purpose of comprehensive facial rejuvenation usually consists of 5-8 procedures, lasting 10-20 minutes.

Possible complications and side effects

Low qualifications of the doctor, violation of the procedure and technique for conducting ozone therapy, negligence of the doctor and medical personnel can lead to the following complications and side effects after or during ozone therapy of a person:

  • Soreness, discomfort during the introduction of ozone under the skin and its distribution in the tissues of the face.
  • Severe swelling of the face at the sites of ozone injection, slight, unpleasant creaking when pressing on the facial skin at the sites of ozone distribution.
  • Impaired mobility of an arm or leg on one side of the body (paraplegia).
  • Sluggish state of depression.
  • Continued pain at the injection sites for 1-4 days after the ozone therapy procedure, spreading pain to the teeth and ears.
  • Cramps.
  • Development of sepsis (blood poisoning).
  • Pancytopenia (toxic effects of ozone on blood cells, leading to cell destruction).
  • Bruises at the injection sites (if the doctor touched the vessels when administering ozone).
  • Severe allergy to medical ozone, if a preliminary allergen test has not been performed before injections.
  • Suppuration in the injection area if the doctor violates the rules of asepsis during the procedure, infection gets into the wound.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Acute hemolysis with fatal outcome.
  • Infection with HIV, hepatitis, syphilis and other dangerous diseases.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Development of acute psychosis.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer.
  • Anaphylactic shock.

Facial ozone therapy for the treatment of acne or other skin defects may not be effective if there are serious internal problems that are the main cause of skin defects, such as diseases of the endocrine, digestive and other body systems. In this case, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to combine ozone injections with a complex of drug treatments for the underlying disease.


The effect of ozone on the skin of the face depends on its concentration in the preparation:

  • High concentration of ozone disinfects the skin.
  • Medium concentration - relieves inflammation, eliminates pimples and acne.
  • Low concentration – heals wounds on the skin, rejuvenates.

The introduction of ozone by injection under the skin improves blood supply to the facial skin, stimulates the regeneration processes of subcutaneous tissue and skin cells, improves mood and improves the overall well-being of the patient. The effect of ozone therapy is noticeable after 2-3 procedures of ozone administration.

Completing a full course of facial ozone therapy allows the patient to achieve the following results:

  • Get rid of double chin, transverse wrinkles on the neck.
  • Tighten saggy and sagging facial skin. The skin becomes firm, elastic, the overall appearance and condition of the skin, and complexion improves.
  • Cure acne and comedones, rosacea, allergic dermatitis, pimples.
  • Smooth out scars, scars and post-acne on the face.
  • Remove dark circles too.
  • Eliminate hypersensitivity, dry skin, normalize the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, remove excess oily skin and oily shine on the face.
  • Get rid of severe skin pigmentation.

Ozone therapy is also suitable for the prevention of aging of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté; for this purpose, it is effectively carried out after 30-35 years.

Ozone therapy for the face goes well with lymphatic drainage massage, lipomassage, and ultrasonic cavitation, which will help make the result of therapy more noticeable and even more effectively tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

After completing the course of ozone therapy, it is useful to do maintenance procedures every 3-6 months.

: exposure of the facial skin to low-frequency current pulses in order to prevent premature skin aging.

  • Contour plastic surgery: injection of gel-like fillers under the skin, usually based on , helping to smooth out facial and age wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Care procedures with an alginate mask: the mask has a lifting effect, the main component of the mask is sodium alginate, additional components are collagen, chitozone, ascorbic acid, and herbal components.
  • : injection administration under the skin of various mixtures of drugs (“cocktails”), the specific composition of which is selected taking into account the indications and problems with the facial skin, the desired results of the patient.
  • Price

    The cost of a facial ozone therapy procedure depends on the treatment area and the required ozone concentration in the preparation, and the number of ozone injections per procedure. The average cost of an ozone therapy procedure is from 600 to 3500 rubles.

    Thus, treatment of one area of ​​the face costs from 600 to 2000 rubles, ozone therapy of the chin costs from 800 to 1300 rubles, ozone therapy of the face – from 800 to 1500 rubles, face and chin – from 1800 rubles. Complex ozone therapy of the face, chin and neck costs from 2500 rubles, treatment of the neck with ozone – 800-1300 rubles, complex ozone therapy of the face, neck and décolleté costs from 3000 rubles.

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