Aggression on the Internet: statistics and conclusions. Where does online aggression come from? Quite a number of comments are no less aggressive.

Childhood aggression is an unpleasant phenomenon. Although there are many ways to combat it, the problem is not always easy to solve. Especially today, when every child has a computer with Internet access at hand. Cyberbullying - aggressive behavior of one person or group of people on the Internet, aimed at a specific victim, is considered a pressing problem in Russia. The world's largest country is the leader in threats, ridicule and humiliation on social media, according to research. Most often, children become the authors of angry messages.

Why is this happening?

Every second social network user experiences aggression. Many researchers are confident that cyberbullying is as serious an issue as bullying in reality. In addition, most adults do not show interest in the child’s virtual life and do not talk to him about the rules of conduct on the World Wide Web.

However, this type of aggression has its advantages. Aleksandrova Lidiya Leonidovna, senior teacher at the Pythagoras Center for Recreation, believes that the Internet is an effective platform for the release of negative emotions: “A child has natural aggressiveness - this is a normal mechanism of hormonal changes. Teenagers themselves are more aggressive than children and adults. This is a biological norm. Why are there so many negative comments on social networks from teenagers now? The fact is that the Internet is a channel into which they pour out their aggression. Previously, children spent a lot of time in the yard, walked in groups and directed their aggression towards personal communication. But in that case, they always received a backlash, not verbal, but physical, and thereby learned to control their aggression. And then we learned from our mistakes and balanced the level of negativity. Then the number of hours the child spent on the street decreased, and aggression came to school. At school the situation is more complicated - there are many adults there, and the lid pressing on the release of emotions is even heavier than in the yard. It turns out that the Internet is the freest place for the manifestation of negativity. There, no one limits, no one gives a physical response for categorical statements. Along with the outburst of this aggressiveness on social networks, the level of negativity in real life decreases - and this is a very serious plus.”

What to do if a child is aggressive on the Internet?

It is not always easy for parents to accept the fact that their children can harm other people. Caroline Buntin, director of the public organization Internet Matters, is sure that the most important thing is to accept the situation, because recognizing the problem is the beginning of solving it.

It also makes no sense to be angry with children for their inappropriate behavior. It is necessary to calmly talk with the child and clarify what exactly causes such vivid emotions in him. The expert does not advise taking away phones and depriving people of a computer - radical actions will only aggravate the situation and give rise to a new wave of aggression and lies.

It is much more important to demonstrate to children that any word on the Internet does not disappear into the void, it reaches a specific person and can completely change his life. In addition, the result affects not only the victim of the event, but also the aggressor himself - he may start having problems at school, with friends, even with the police.

The Ministry of Education is determined to solve the problem of bullying with the help of full-time psychologists, who should appear in every preschool and school institution. It is on the shoulders of these specialists that the solution to issues of aggressive behavior, gambling addiction and misunderstandings with classmates will fall. Moreover, schoolchildren who are prone to aggression usually exhibit other psychological disorders: low self-esteem, problems with learning and isolation.

How to avoid becoming a victim of aggression

A 2016 Microsoft study found that 65% of users have experienced cyberbullying. Teenagers are more likely to be bullied and threatened online than adults.

This problem worries not only scientists, educators and psychologists, but also the first lady of the United States. Melania Trump has compiled her Be Best child advocacy program, which details what cyberbullying is and how to talk to your children about their behavior on social media.

Online bullying can take many forms, from humorous to aggressive. And sometimes the child does not have a clear understanding that he needs to turn to adults for help. In the form of harmless ridicule, special pages created to ridicule a specific person, humiliating photographs, videos, and offensive nicknames can be published on social networks. Such jokes often lead to depression and psychological trauma, so the first rule in Melania Trump’s program is: “Tell your children about cyberbullying.”

How to deal with an abuser on the Internet?

    Don't react. Any aggressor is interested in a response. If they answer him, he understands that his actions influenced the person, and continues to splash out the negativity. But when complete ignoring occurs, the offender quickly loses interest and switches to another object.

What is the reason for all this aggression on the Internet, which pours hundreds of gigabytes into the information space? To explain it in a nutshell, it is worth making reference to the well-known phrase “Existence determines consciousness.” Those. that reality, that existence in which a person finds himself and dictates the norms of his behavior, moralizing or demoralizing them. Aggression on the Internet, like aggression in society, is caused by all those external factors that affect a person during his life.

Well, for example, if there is some resident of a tropical island who has lived there all his life (sun, sea, bananas, coconuts), his behavior is unlikely to be aggressive.
And a resident of a large metropolis, who not only faces stress every day, but practically lives in it without leaving this state, will be aggressive in his behavior, irritable, and quick-tempered. But this is a no brainer, as they say.
Let's look at specific examples of this aggression on the Internet. In general, I would like to analyze not just ordinary rudeness or a non-politically correct argument on some political topic, but aggression as a type of some kind of insanity, obsession, i.e. kind of extreme in this matter. Yes, for some people trolling is their job (web brigades of special services, political organizations), but we will only discuss obsessed people.

This type of aggression on the Internet is. It seems like, what’s wrong with it when someone, for fun, decided to troll on a forum or social network? By and large, nothing that would make me write an entire article. But often this very trolling develops into a kind of obsession in a person, mania. When a person is looking for new victims, feeding on new and new emotions. This happens to people who are already sociopathic in their social position. There are many such sociopaths; I personally came across (or rather, they came across me) such people.

Communication with such people is usually very difficult. When there, behind the monitor, an anonymous person who begins his communication quite politely, finds some common interests, begins to assent in every possible way, express solidarity, and ask, as they say, to be friends. But then... he takes off his mask and reveals his real face, splashes out all his mental pain and torment. He may begin to provoke you into some kind of insults, negativity, try to anger you with the most primitive method that is actively used in kindergarten - he begins to tease you. If in kindergarten it looks vulgar, as they say, “childish,” when children still say “be-be-be,” then here it looks more philologically sophisticated. But it still remains the same method. A person may simply start direct insults, may begin to claim that you have lost this argument (leaked the argument), may say that, like, the above statement looks somehow whiny: “It’s good to moan,” or “don’t cry.” I have often seen this on forums, especially those that are very visited. In childhood, this is usually an attempt to offend boys. After all, there is nothing more offensive for a boy than if someone calls him a girl, a crybaby, a coward. This usually offends the boy greatly, and the young trolls, teasing him, get their way. It’s the same here: a person wants to hurt his opponent at all costs and therefore uses these forbidden techniques. Those. almost like his mother...

You can figure out a troll in a dispute using the following signs. The troll, unlike an adequate opponent, is completely doesn't want to get to the bottom of the truth, find out the truth. He does not care. The only goal of a troll is to offend his opponent, to make him angry, resentful, angry, and as much as possible, ideally so that he immediately begins to break his computer out of anger. His entire speech is full of sarcasm, slyness, some meanness and prohibited techniques. If you try to throw out some arguments, really think, analyze, then he just creates nonsense and provokes. This works especially well for those who are at least a little familiar with the issue.

I compare trolls to S&M lovers. There are trolls who are masochists, and there are others who are sadists. Those. those who love to dominate, subjugate, and those who love to be subordinated and led. Looking at Wikipedia, I saw that such behavior can somehow be described as dissocial personality disorder. Of course, I’m not a psychiatrist at all, but after reading the criteria for such a disorder, I realized that this term can also be applied to trolls:

  • callous indifference to the feelings of others;
  • a rude and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social rules and responsibilities;
  • inability to maintain relationships in the absence of difficulties in their formation;
  • extremely low ability to withstand frustration, as well as a low threshold for the discharge of aggression, including violence;
  • inability to feel guilt and benefit from life experiences, especially punishment;
  • a pronounced tendency to blame others or put forward plausible explanations for one’s behavior, which leads the subject to conflict with society

"Troll Masochists", provoke a person to personal insults and swearing. "Sadistic Trolls", are trying to convince him of the most ridiculous nonsense, although their evidence does not stand up to any logic and common sense. "Sadistic Trolls" trying to assert themselves on their victim. It doesn’t matter who is actually right, the main thing is that the victim either admits that he is wrong or “leaks the dispute,” i.e. the person simply stopped arguing due to the pointlessness of the dispute. The troll loves such moments very much and begins to write in every possible way according to the principle: “Yeah, I knew you’d spoil the argument for me!” Those. he's just trying to compete in something that's meaningless, and whoever survives the longest is essentially the winner. Thus, the troll receives attention to his person and the opportunity to at least somehow, even in such an illusory way, assert himself in his own eyes, amuse his pride and sense of self-importance, that, “This is what I am!” Although, as a rule, in real life this troll is an absolutely harmless creature, comparable to Yorkshire Terrier.

The reason trolls splash out all their negativity on the Internet is that in real life they don’t can't assert themselves. Maybe they are oppressing them, beating them, making fun of them somewhere in the team. More than one troll who does this because of his illness will never admit to you that he is a troll. You will ask, but he will deny in every possible way, while an ordinary person engaged in trolling “unprofessionally” may well admit this, having met such people many times. There is a lot of information on the Internet, many articles that say that being a troll professionally is bad and generally disgusting, so the troll does not intend to take off his mask. In the same way, trolls (namely masochistic trolls) do not like to show their faces and their real names. However, the troll, whom I called a sadist, can quite calmly conduct a conversation in his real name.

Trolls also like to throw out various threats, sometimes extremely funny. That, they say, he will definitely meet you, he will show you, he will hack all your passwords and in general, he will punch you in the face. It’s like you dared to call him such an insignificant expression, while he behaved absolutely seriously, that he was a cultured, intelligent person of high social status.

By age, trolls are usually schoolchildren or students. This is clearly visible in some words that an adult, serious person would never use. But if the troll is already over 30, then this is an extremely severe case of infantilism and lack of education. Trolls in real life are unlikely to have a wife or children. And they have no time, they are passionate about trolling.

What is trollism as a disease? I believe that this is an addiction, exactly the same as alcohol, drug or any other type of Internet addiction. Leaving into a virtual world and replacing it with your real world. On the Internet, such a person can be anyone, he can take any nickname and say anything. But in real life he cannot realize himself as a person. Therefore, trollism is a personality disorder, it is deviant behavior. Some play computer games and live there, others drink bitters, and trolls enjoy this kind of “communication.” Therefore, a person suffering from trollism should be treated not with anger and contempt, as if he were some kind of nonentity, but with pity. Well, for example, you will treat a person with schizophrenia, someone who constantly smiles and does not understand anything, with understanding? He is sick - what can we take from him?! In the same way here, the troll must be treated with sympathy. The person is inadequate and needs support, care, and not hatred and anger. As, for example, with small children who do something by accident, you will not scold or beat them. It’s the same here: a person, although an adult, is sick, so that due to his weakness he can be compared to a child.

This person with a sick mind finds the opportunity to enjoy trollism, like a gambler from computer games. Biochemically they are similar. Both do this for the sake of producing endorphins, narcotic substances. And the element of danger and fear for one is caused by some events in the game, for the other - by a heated argument. Those. some watch all sorts of thrillers, where some kind of crap comes out from around the corner, some jump from bungee, and trolls cause the production of hormones during an argument or swearing.

It is known that Hitler, in order to tone himself up, loved to yell at his subordinates in order to cause the secretion of norepinephrine (the hormone of aggression) in the adrenal medulla. It’s the same here: the troll’s adrenal glands secrete norepinephrine and tone it up, and along with other substances, they also cause a slight euphoria. A person naturally gets used to this and begins to use this method constantly. He gets a taste and can't stop. He begins to depend on it, becomes dependent. That’s why it’s bad: it seems like, just think, I’ll piss someone off just once. Here all the so-called psychology is explained by endocrinology. Therefore, if some psychologist, perhaps, will say that this is nothing, then, knowing endocrinology, at least as I do (i.e. without knowing practically at all), we can draw a clear conclusion that this activity is an obsession and addiction.

You can get rid of this addiction in the same way as you get rid of other dependencies, i.e. isolation from the dependency object, in this case the Internet. But any kind of deliverance can only be possible when a person himself is aware of this problem and really wants it. Well, basically, just like with any other addiction. And then, you need to fight not with the problem, but with the cause of its occurrence. What was the reason for such a person’s craving for controversy, provocations, trollism?! What turned a person into this creature?! Society? - So, change it by going, for example, to a village for a long time or to a tropical country, in general, to ordinary people who will be radically different from those people who surround our troll. Surely these are not the best people, they are probably various kinds of gopniks, drunkards - lumpen, as Marx would put it. It's really unpleasant to be in such an environment. Therefore, you need to start with the environment, with the move. In a village environment, although there are many drunkards, there are also, as a rule, many pensioners who live there permanently. As you know, it’s a pleasure to deal with them, to communicate, to ask something, to be friends, in the end. These are people of the old school, the old upbringing. People in a tropical country in some village will also be simpler. So the key words here would be village, rural area.

What else can influence the fact that a person was brought up and grew up like this? Well, probably genetic predisposition and the individual structure of the brain, but this is a serious question; we are unlikely to be able to change anything about ourselves at this level. But if it is in a person’s blood and he is unlikely to decide to change, then such an example is not interesting to us, this is a topic for another conversation. Therefore, if we assume that 50% of people have an individual predisposition and 50% of those who became so “by chance,” then there are still chances. If it’s not about genes, then it’s about the surrounding being. Being determines consciousness, which means that in order to change consciousness, being must be changed!

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Specifics of aggressive behavior on the Internet


1. General concepts of aggressiveness. Forms of manifestation of aggressiveness

2. Possibilities of the Internet environment for manifestation of aggression

3. Interests of Internet users as a factor in the manifestation of aggression



Today the Internet has become an integral part of people's lives. The Internet is both an information and communication medium. At the same time, it also provides business services: it allows you to order tickets, purchase a variety of things, transfer money from account to account, pay utilities, etc.

One of the features of Internet communications is that users are given the opportunity to express their opinions on a number of issues of a political, sports, cultural nature, communicate with each other on social networks, and hold discussions on forums. At the same time, participants in such communication often speak not in their real name, but under a pseudonym - “nickname”. Thus, the participant becomes anonymous, which significantly affects his sense of responsibility for his words. This gives rise to illiteracy, aggressiveness and a number of other negative aspects.

Let us note that the Internet is a very new environment, the influence of which on the human psyche and human behavior has been studied to an extremely small extent. Therefore, analysis of various aspects of the impact of this environment on the human psyche and human behavior is relevant. It is especially important to study the negative factors of the Internet environment, including aggressiveness, which manifests itself in Internet communication itself, and also affects people’s behavior in other forms and methods of communication. The foregoing determines the relevance of this work.

The purpose of the work is to study the characteristics of aggressive behavior on the Internet.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

1. The general concept of aggressiveness and its purpose is explored. Forms of manifestation.

2. The possibilities of the network as a communication environment in which aggressive behavior is possible are considered.

3. The interests of network users that may be associated with aggressive behavior are considered

4. Examines examples of aggressive behavior on the Internet, goals and methods of such behavior

The object of research is the Internet. The subject of the study is aggression on the Internet.

Since this topic has been little studied, the main source of information for writing this work is the Internet sites themselves in which aggression is manifested in one way or another. In addition, it is expected to analyze the opinions of psychologists, sociologists and ordinary citizens about the problem under consideration. In recent years, issues of aggressiveness in general (in the context of the growing aggressiveness of citizens and, first of all, young people) have been covered in the media, and journalists actively refer to the results of sociological research and the opinion of psychologists and sociologists. Materials from trustworthy publications (for example, Rossiyskaya Gazeta) are also used when writing this work.

1. General concepts of aggressiveness. Forms of manifestation aggressiveness

Aggression is assessed as a form of destructive behavior. Human aggression is a behavioral response characterized by the display of force in an attempt to cause harm or damage to an individual or society. “The extreme complexity and variety of forms of manifestation of aggressiveness (especially in relation to human behavior) lead to the fact that today in science there is no completely unambiguous interpretation and definition of it. This allows different authors, depending on the goals and objectives of the research, to put completely different content into the very concept of aggression” Rumyantseva T.G., The concept of aggressiveness in modern foreign psychology, St. Petersburg, Peter, 2008.

"L. Bender understands aggression as a strong activity, a desire for self-affirmation, H. Delgado will argue that aggression is acts of hostility, attack, destruction, i.e. such actions that harm another person or object... R.A. Wilson defines aggression as a physical action or threat of such action on the part of one individual that reduces the freedom or genetic fitness of another individual. E. Fromm defines aggression more broadly - as causing damage not only to a person or animal, but also to any inanimate object. E.V. Zmanovskaya calls aggression any tendency (desire) manifested in real behavior or even in fantasy, with the goal of subjugating others or dominating them.” Aggression: concept, causes and forms of its manifestation.

A number of experts consider aggressiveness as a defensive reaction, the nature of which is to preserve oneself in a dangerous outside world. “With all the existing variety of approaches to defining aggression and the presence of a huge range of its interpretations and meanings, this term nevertheless has some core, a stable “root” meaning - an unprovoked attack” Rumyantseva T.G., The concept of aggressiveness in modern foreign psychology, St. Petersburg , Peter, 2008 In the context of this work, aggressiveness should be understood as an act of hostility.

Pointing out the difference between the concepts of “aggression” and “aggressiveness,” D. Miroshenko notes that “aggression is of two types: aggressiveness as a state and aggressiveness as a personality trait, i.e. as a person’s tendency to react in a certain way to a given situation. Aggression is understood as readiness for various kinds of aggressive actions and the perception of the world as hostile, preventing the satisfaction of needs.” Miroshenko D., Psychology of aggression //Psychological journal No. 4, 2006, P. 43.

Aggression can manifest itself in a wide range of actions: from displays of hostility, to verbal insults and physical impact on opponents. The cited author offers a number of classifications of aggression on different grounds: according to the degree of intensity, according to the form of manifestation. Instrumental and targeted aggression also differ. Instrumental aggression is used to achieve desired goals and results. Targeted aggression is understood as a pre-planned action aimed at causing harm or damage to another person or object. Note that the Internet can be successfully used for both instrumental and targeted aggression.

Aggression exists in situational and personal, stable and unstable forms. Aggression is also often divided into two forms: directed at others and directed at oneself (auto-aggression). Let us note that both forms can manifest themselves on the Internet, but aggression directed at others occurs much more often. Auto-aggression is expressed mainly in diary entries displayed for everyone to see.

“Heckhausen H. (1986) showed that aggression is under the unconditional control of social norms and functions. Culture forms and sets the norm, which determines the type and frequency of aggressive forms of behavior...

Aggressive actions can take many different forms. These are children's pranks and games, these are teenage fights and conflicts; This also includes conflicts among adults - wars, murders, insults, violence and rape, terrorism and apartheid. Motivational-psychological analysis of forms of human activity, including aggressive ones, shows that they are different in genesis, but are always conditioned by a particular situation, having a complex motivational-causal relationship with it.” Concepts and types of aggression.

Aggression, which is associated with the structure of the personality, is always inherent in this personality, and therefore manifests itself in all forms of life activity of a given person. That is, the manifestation of aggression in the process of using the potential of the Internet is determined not least by the personality structure of the subject. The Internet simply provides certain opportunities for expressing aggressiveness.

“Aggression is expressed in anger, malice, and actions against other people if they interfere with the satisfaction of needs or the achievement of goals. The cause of aggressive behavior can be failure, conflict, deception, or the desire for self-affirmation. As a situational state, aggressiveness occurs more often in a rude, unrestrained, uncultured person.” Psychological Dictionary.

The above quote, like most interpretations of aggressiveness, are based mainly on a negative perception of this behavioral feature. Meanwhile, for example, aggressiveness in sports competitions is absolutely necessary: ​​it is part of the struggle to overcome the opponent. Moreover, such aggressiveness may not develop into rudeness, cruelty, etc. In everyday understanding, aggressiveness is understood in some cases as a synonym for assertiveness and activity. This is the meaning of the phrase “Aggressively took up work,” that is, a person strives to overcome production problems and directs his excess energy to them.

As a rule, the manifestation of aggression causes an aggressive response. This property is also noticeable on network sites. The network provides a wide range of opportunities for aggression, but these opportunities have their own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

2 . Internet capabilities - environments for aggression

Over the past twenty years, the Internet has become as integral a part of our lives as a TV, refrigerator or mobile phone. Moreover, many mobile communication devices make it possible to access the Internet and be a full user of this network. That is, a person has the opportunity not only to find out some news circulating on sites, but also to express his attitude towards them almost instantly, to reflect through feedback mechanisms his current mood, which is often a reaction to information received primarily from the same network, it does not matter whether this information is reliable or not.

A.S. Minzov draws attention to the rapid growth in the number of Internet users, noting not only the accessibility of this powerful communication environment, but also the fact that humanity gained access to it without having time either for its own psychological and cultural preparation, or for analyzing the influence of the Internet on the human psyche , including aggressiveness Minzov A.S., Concept of organizing research on the topic of research “INTERNET: aggression and tolerance on the Internet”.

A. Minzov also notes that if in society there is a certain balance of political, spiritual, moral, ethical, religious, ethnic and other forces, then such a balance does not exist on the INTERNET. The network has developed its own style of communication, which does not always correspond to the ideas of cultural layers about how communication should be organized.

E.S. Eniklopov believes that “transparency” of everyone’s personal life and open access to a wide audience of a diverse public; * the feeling among Internet users of constant monitoring of their personal lives; * the emergence of new phenomena of attacks on users - cyberbullying, online blackmail, harassment; * the feeling omnipotence, impunity and remoteness gives the aggressors freedom of action.” Eniklopov E.S., Aggression on the Internet. .

A.S. Minzov and L.N. Kunbutaev conducted a study of tolerance and aggressiveness on the Internet. The authors of this study, noting the fundamentally new opportunities that this environment brings to all spheres of our lives, nevertheless point out that “the expansive expansion of the influence of the Internet on our society gives rise to a lot of problems that require the close attention of psychologists, sociologists, computer scientists and specialists.” other directions. The main trend in the development of the Internet today is obvious even not to a specialist: the Internet, due to its ease of distribution, relative independence and declared lack of control, is capturing and essentially absorbing all existing media: television, radio, newspapers and other periodicals. At the same time, along with the technologies available today for manipulating and shaping public opinion in the media, the Internet also offers its own fundamentally new forms of influencing public consciousness, which cannot always be controlled by society.” Kunbutaev L.N., Minzov A.S., Problems of aggression and tolerance on the Internet.

The specificity of communications on the network is that communication is carried out in written verbal form, in some cases an illustration is attached to the text. The problem of incorrect aggressive statements on Internet forums and in comments is the most obvious, but, unfortunately, it is not the only one that is associated with the Internet phenomenon. Thus, attention is drawn to the fact that the environment itself provides resources for aggression, such as attacks on information intended for someone, website hacking, online behavior, operations related to deceiving users, etc. Romachev R. writes in more detail about the network as an environment of aggression; the Internet is an aggressive environment.

Another possibility is Internet communication of aggressive groups with the aim of committing aggressive acts, most often of a criminal nature.

Analysis of the researchers' works did not allow the author to find a large number of serious publications concerning the fact that the environment itself contributes to the spread of such stimulants of aggression as computer games of appropriate content, i.e. aimed at making a person behave aggressively during the game. Psychologists note the dual impact of such games. On the one hand, they help relieve real aggressiveness, as if moving it into a virtual field. On the other hand, in this virtual field, a stereotype of permissiveness and even positivity of aggressive behavior is formed, and in its most extreme manifestations.

An important feature of the Internet environment is that this environment does not provide opportunities for physical aggression. This is fundamentally a communication environment, so the main manifestations of aggression are expressed in verbal form. Audio-visual demonstrations of aggressive actions posted on social networks are becoming increasingly popular. Finally, the Internet serves as a means of organizing physical aggressive actions.

3 . Interests of Internet users as a factor in the manifestation of aggression

Participants in communication on the Internet can be classified into a number of categories based on numerous criteria. We will consider the classification according to the form and volume of messages received from such participants on sites.

1. Media workers and professional bloggers (politicians, press attachés, commentators on cultural and sporting events on official websites).

This category of users is not anonymous; it is professionally responsible for both the accuracy and quality of published information and the form of presentation. Thus, grammatical errors, excess jargon, semantic defects and, of course, aggressiveness lead to a decrease in the reputation of such a person. Moreover, according to the law, the writer can be brought to trial under numerous articles of Russian legislation, and the number of such articles, as well as the severity of punishment provided, is constantly growing.

However, even for such authors it is possible to display aggressiveness. For example, politicians often behave very aggressively (not only verbally) towards their critics and opponents. Aggression takes place as a means of creating the image of a confident, tough politician. Thus, aggression is a form of creating and strengthening one’s image, actively used by V.V. Zhirinovsky. Elements of aggression can be found on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Thus, there is a publication about an attack on a party branch in Tarsk by a group of juvenile hooligans. The publication describes the fact of real (not Internet) aggression, but the title of the publication itself contains a rather aggressive verbal construction: “Just scumbags. The raiders who carried out a pogrom in the premises of the Tara district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of the Omsk region turned out to be teenagers of 13-15 years old.” This verbal aggressiveness seems appropriate and justified, perhaps only somewhat expressive. Even more aggressive.

In the article by I.A. Tortunova using the example of V.V. Zhirinovsky studies aggression as a form of speech behavior of a politician. The author provides quotes from the speeches of Vladimir Volfovich, his discussions, analyzes the expressiveness of these speeches and the use of figurative but aggressive comparisons, epithets, and specific harsh terminology. I. Tortunova especially notes the politician’s style in opposition: “one’s own - someone else’s.” One’s own is a poor person who cares for Russia, a Russian, a native speaker of the Russian language and culture. “...the enemy can be found among ethnic strangers against the background of the dominant ethnic group of Russians (for example, “churkas”, etc.). Vocabulary that has a negative connotation and is outside the bounds of the literary language spills onto the pages of newspapers, radio and television screens, contributing to the development of aggression, nurturing and fueling it. Vladimir Zhirinovsky often raises the national issue. The main thesis of his national rhetoric is the humiliated and insulted Russian people: “We need to say every day - Russians, wake up!... Drive out everyone who is stopping us here... to Azerbaijan, to Armenia, to Georgia, to China, to Vietnam, to Afghanistan...” Tortunova I.A., Aggression as a form of speech behavior of a politician (based on the example of speeches by V.V. Zhirinovsky), Vladimir. Ed. Eurasian Linguistic University, 2013

Let us note that almost all of V. Zhirinovsky’s speeches are posted on various Internet sites, primarily on the official website of the LDPR party. Thus. The Internet, like other media, broadcasts aggressive speeches by politicians of various directions (including non-systemic opposition), as well as political scientists and journalists who interview politicians, often provoking them to make political statements.

It is important for journalists to attract the attention of the audience. Therefore, aggression to the limit permitted by law, and sometimes going beyond these limits, is a professional technique to attract the attention of the public.

2. Authors of homemade websites and participants in the blogosphere. Today, creating a website and placing it on one or more free network resources is a matter accessible to a large number of users. Schoolchildren are taught how to create their own websites. As for the use of live journals and social networks, participation in them does not require any special knowledge at all.

As an example, consider the publication in Boris Bitner’s LiveJournal “Russians! Home" Bitner B., Russians! Home! Electronic resource. Access mode:, dedicated to today's events in Ukraine and the attitude towards them of a long-time supporter of this country's entry into NATO. The article itself is written quite correctly, without profanity. But at the same time, the aggressiveness of the article is felt in many phrases, for example, in those. In which the author expresses his attitude towards the leadership of modern Russia.

The quite numerous comments are no less aggressive.

The Live Journal of Regina Soboleva, in which the author writes about her dislike for a man, seems sharper, more aggressive and at the same time stupid. The publication begins with an obscene word, which in itself speaks of Regina’s low cultural level. Here is a passage from her “work”: “You probably think that I am an angry and cruel man-hater, a feminist. And partly you are right. I'm a feminist. And I am angry and cruel. But I don’t hate men. I just don't like them. Because for the most part there is nothing to love about them. Men are aggressive, stupid and suffer from arrogance and vanity almost to the same extent as I do. And in my world there is no place for other evil, aggressive and arrogant bastards (that is, not a single other bastard except me). Therefore, if you are a man, then you are either smart and kind (even deep down), a sensitive lover of unicorns, or you go...” (unprintable word) Live Journal of Regina Soboleva - Why I don’t like men

For whom was this opus written? It’s not hard to guess that it’s exclusively for yourself! An opportunity has arisen to publicly express one’s mood somewhere - this opportunity is immediately realized. Judging by the only commentator who entered into a useless and pointless discussion with Regina Soboleva, the magazine has few readers. The author of this work found this example by accident, thanks to a search engine. Which confirms the idea that the Internet environment is often an outlet for splashing out one’s own aggression, perhaps momentarily, arising under the influence of a complex of unconscious, misunderstood circumstances. In addition, both the publication itself and the ongoing dispute with the only opponent indicate that people have nothing to do with themselves, and the lack of activities may well give rise to aggressiveness, which spills over into the network.

3. Let’s take a closer look at comments on blogs and websites as the most rude and aggressive component of the network. In an Internet publication analyzing the blogosphere of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet, the author, who did not publish his last name, notes the Correspondent: Aggression and rudeness are becoming the dominant style of communication in the Internet. , that according to the calculations of Maxim Butchenko, one of the bloggers of the online publication (controlled by the UMH group and Petro Poroshenko), for every ten meaningful and correct comments there are three aggressive and offensive ones. In this article, some of these comments are quoted: “Get out of here, you degenerate Surzhiko-bearer,” “What were you smoking when you were scratching nonsense?”

The cited Internet publication cites the opinion that “the authors of the majority of angry and obscene comments are unmotivated aggressors who are more interested not so much in the topic of the article as in the opportunity to express their “fairy” on any occasion.” Ibid.

Note that this style of communication is also characteristic of a number of Runet commentators who discuss political, acute social and sports topics. At the same time, the ratio of 30% of aggressive comments to the total number of comments is a stable number for the Russian zone of the network.

4. Psychologists, sociologists, and law enforcement officials note that in recent years, in the world and in Russia, the level of aggressiveness among youth, teenagers, and even children has been rapidly growing. The article by Ekaterina Dobrynina presents the disappointing results of sociological research, which say that “among schoolchildren in grades 10-11, almost half (48%) have experience participating in fights (21% of grades 7-9 indicated the same in their answers, that is, every fifth teenager). What vandalism is can be said with full knowledge of the matter and from personal experience by 43% of high school students and every tenth person with “incomplete secondary education.” Every fifth high school student (20%) and half as many of their younger comrades committed petty theft from stores. A very alarming figure: 14% of high school students and 2% of 7th-9th graders checked the box “beating up with a group of people.” 2-5% each admitted to sociologists that they had stolen a wallet or handbag, stolen someone else’s bicycle or scooter, or stolen something from someone else’s car.” Dobrynina E., Generation “A” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated 06/01/2012.

The article presents the opinion of sociologists about the reasons for such rapidly growing youth aggressiveness. The main reason is the deformation of fundamental life values, the desire to assert oneself at any cost. At the same time, there is no desire for creativity as the basis of self-expression and culture as the conceptual basis for the need for self-restraint and respect for others. Therefore, hooliganism is used as self-expression, and the desire for communication leads to a semi-criminal or criminal environment in which hooliganism, theft, and banditry are elevated to the rank of prestigious actions.

What does this have to do with aggression on the Internet? It has, and more than one.

Firstly, as already noted, the Internet provides enormous opportunities for promoting criminal values, i.e. ensures communication within criminal groups and between such groups.

Secondly, this environment allows you to present “material evidence” of your “heroism”: scenes of cruelty and aggression filmed on a mobile phone or video camera. As you know, schoolchildren often post such recordings of crimes on social networks. Moreover, a fashion has emerged for posting online videos of victims being beaten, footage of violence and humiliation of others. The Internet has become a kind of medium for the spread of fashion for aggression and cruelty.

Thirdly, most teenagers prone to aggression and criminal acts belong to some kind of youth subculture. The Internet is not only a medium for communication between representatives of such subcultures, but also the actual source of a number of subcultures. E. Dobrynina, citing sociological research, writes that computer gamers and hackers are considered a new phenomenon in the youth informal subculture (8%). In an online survey, more than half (57%) of teenagers indicated that they belonged to various online communities of interest.

Sociologists, teachers, and parents make very justified complaints about the media, primarily about network resources that make it possible to freely download and become familiar with information of a criminal nature. “Psychologists find the reasons for the exacerbation of the cruelty of adolescents, among other things, in “aggressive influence” from the outside: in violent films, in constant violence and blood on the movie screen and on the monitor where computer games are played.” Dobrynina E., Generation “A” // Russian newspaper dated 06/01/2012

As for rude and aggressive statements, they are present in large numbers, for example, on forums and in comments accompanying news and sports portals. So, in response to the completely correct congratulations of the fans to the Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva, you can see the answers that this fan should move to Belarus, that patriots have gathered at this forum, to whom this commentator does not belong, and therefore he should leave the forum. As a rule, aggressive remarks are not only rude, but also replete with grammatical errors, which once again shows the low general cultural level of their authors.

In the publication by S.E. Enikolopova, Yu.M. Kuznetsova, N.P. Tsibulsky and N.V. Chudova “Specifics of aggression in the Internet environment” presents the results of studies of manifestations of aggression among Internet users and professional developers (creators of websites, application programs, equipment, etc. A significantly higher aggressiveness of users is noted compared to professionals. In addition, a very important point is made conclusion: "The virtual world, with its fundamental anonymity, does not form in its carriers the typical traits of a stuck individual - ambition and a tendency to long-term feelings, especially resentment. Direct hostility as a result of touchiness and readiness to punish someone who interfered with the pursuit of personal goals is not characteristic of the Internet carrier culture. However, behavior that includes elements of violence and destruction can develop on the basis of the difficulties that a person with this type of character has in determining the boundaries of the Self and forming motivation. In a sense, the Internet environment preserves among its “residents” a blurred and a poorly structured, “teenage” image of the self, which can serve as the basis for triggering “teenage” (coming from unformed boundaries, according to K. Levin) aggression.

Another reason for the aggressiveness of Internet “residents” may be the lack of development in the character of many of them of such a trait as pedantry. Low values ​​on this scale are interpreted by the authors of the BCH methodology as a tendency towards irresponsibility and a desire for permissiveness. Their inherent level of self-control and carelessness can lead to conflicts with reality and reduce their ability to adapt. Network communication in this regard is not as strict as, for example, personal business contacts, and the behavior of a typical chat regular can be perceived by an outside observer as aggressively cheeky, while to other carriers of Internet culture - simply as relaxed” Enikolopov S.E., Kuznetsova Yu.M., N.P. Tsibulsky N.P., Chudova N.V. “Specifics of aggression in the Internet environment” // Psychological Journal No. 6, 2006, pp. 19-42.

The cited researchers also note that Internet culture, viewed from the position of an external (foreign cultural) observer, stimulates the individual from order to permissiveness; From the perspective of a person who, on a personal level, finds it difficult to strive for victory in the struggle for self-expression, such a culture is seen as a space of self-determination, self-realization and freedom. Therefore, the aggressive behavior of “network regulars” (hackers, Internet deviants and chat rude people) appears to the very carriers of Internet culture as “sanctioned violence” in relation to the rules of a foreign culture, which seeks to limit the rights and freedoms of the “indigenous peoples” of the network.


The problem of the impact of the Internet environment on society is one of the most pressing problems of the modern world. In a very short period of time, this environment of “virtual communication” has become a necessary component of human existence. The Internet spontaneously developed its own culture, the formation of which was influenced by such features of network communication as anonymity, accessibility, and ample opportunities to post both verbal statements and audio-visual images on the Internet.

At the same time, the Internet environment does not physically respond to aggression and does not allow physical influence on opponents.

An increase in the pace of life, material differentiation, a general decline in the cultural level of people and other features of modern life (which are greatly influenced by the capabilities of the Internet and how these opportunities are used) stimulate a general increase in aggressiveness. First of all, aggressiveness among young people. At the same time, the Internet becomes a means of demonstrating compliance with the fashion for aggressiveness, which in turn further encourages people to follow this fashion.

The Internet environment also contains its own potential for the generation and development of aggressiveness, such as computer games, the content of scenes of fights, murders, and other manifestations of aggression. We also note that the Internet, as a communication medium, makes it possible to prepare aggressive, including criminal, actions, and to obtain reference material on their organization.

Today, government agencies, a number of public organizations, and many private individuals are concerned about the level of aggression that the Internet carries, as well as the possibility of such aggression escalating into physical forms. However, regulatory documents and recommendations of sociologists and psychologists have not yet brought the desired effect. The problem, apparently, lies in the internal inconsistency of the environment, the accessibility and opportunities of which are equally capable of bringing good and benefit, evil and harm, depending on who, how and why these opportunities are used. In this regard, it is very important that Internet culture does not form spontaneously, but is a controlled process. But this problem is very far from being solved. One can even say that humanity has not yet begun to solve this problem and has only recently realized the very existence and significance of this problem.

aggressiveness internet communication

List of sources and literature

1. Aggression: concept, causes and forms of its manifestation.

2. Bitner B., Russians! Home!

3. Dobrynina E., Generation “A” // Russian newspaper dated 06/01/2012

4. Eniklopov E.S., Aggression on the Internet.

5. Enikolopov S.E., Kuznetsova Yu.M., N.P. Tsibulsky N.P., Chudova N.V. “Specifics of aggression in the Internet environment” // Psychological Journal No. 6, 2006, pp. 19-42

6. Live journal of Regina Soboleva - Why I don’t like men

7. Correspondent: Aggression and rudeness are becoming the dominant style of communication in Uaneta.

8. Kunbutaev L.N., Minzov A.S., Problems of aggression and tolerance on the Internet. Electronic resource.

9. Minzov A.S., Concept of organizing research on the topic of research “INTERNET: aggression and tolerance on the Internet”

10. Miroshenko D., Psychology of aggression //Psychological journal No. 4, 2006

11. Concepts and types of aggression.

12. Psychological Dictionary.

13. Romachev R. The Internet is an aggressive habitat.

14. Rumyantseva T.G., The concept of aggressiveness in modern foreign psychology, St. Petersburg, Peter, 2008

15. Tortunova I.A., Aggression as a form of speech behavior of a politician (based on the example of speeches by V.V. Zhirinovsky), Vladimir. Ed. Eurasian Linguistic University, 2013

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Aggression on the Internet has become perhaps the most pronounced problem in the development of modern society. Of course, the development of this problem is directly related to the rapid development of information technology. But the root of the problem does not lie entirely in this plane. More precisely, not only in it. The fact is that aggression on the Internet is a full-fledged successor to the general aggression that people have faced for many years almost every day.

Rice. Aggression on the Internet

Any aggression has a number of distinctive features, forms and methods of expression and, importantly, the reasons for its occurrence. As a rule, such reasons are dictated by the inconsistency of certain principles, the way of life of a separate group of people in relation to an individualized individual or a group of such individuals. For the most part, aggression in modern times is formed on the basis of diverging views of individuals or their groups. This is, as a rule, national, racial, religious intolerance; clash of interests of different classes.

Basically, people who are sources of aggression are characterized by such traits as anger, hatred, lack of tolerance and tolerant attitude towards other people, irrationality, rudeness, etc. Against the background of the formation of such qualities, various forms of their expression certainly appear, one of which is aggression.

Let's think logically. Agree that the world population is heterogeneous. Even if we consider, for example, two representatives of the same kind who have identical inclinations and views, we can identify a number of distinctive features in each of them. Based on the dubious logic of the aggressors, in this case, the whole world would have to live in a state of constant hostility among themselves. Stupid, isn't it?

Returning to the topic of our article, namely aggression on the Internet, I would like to dwell in more detail on some of its most popular varieties. Let's start with trolling. As a rule, trolling is considered one of the most humane, so to speak, types of Internet aggression. The danger of this type of aggression rather relates not to the objects of trolling, but directly to the trollers themselves.

The fact is that when carried away by such activities, a person does not notice how he becomes a victim of himself and the current situation. He cannot live a day without “trolling” his next victim. This activity exclusively becomes the source of his positive emotions. Everything else becomes alien to him, and sometimes he even forgets, completely devoting himself to his favorite pastime.

However, the danger of trolling is extremely high, since it can be attributed to the initial stages of personality formation - an Internet aggressor. Over time, trolling that seems harmless at first glance begins to develop into something larger and more global. Formed trolls, as a rule, begin their “tactical operation” very cunningly. Initially, they are good-natured, polite and calm. But as soon as the troll feels that he has already won you over, he will begin to act completely differently.

The actions performed by trolls on the Internet, when thoroughly analyzed, can be characterized as mental deviations. They are prone to unhealthy selfishness, a constant desire to “mischief.” All trolls are completely absent. Having created a conflict situation, they not only do not try to resolve it, but, on the contrary, look for means and methods to aggravate it.

The psychological basis of Internet trolling is the absence of... All trolls who have become comfortable on the Internet do not develop as individuals in real life, do not develop, and over time begin to degrade...

Where does online aggression come from?

It is impossible to point out one specific reason that influences the fact that one can often encounter manifestations of aggression on the Internet. Of course, the anonymity of the Internet contributes to it to some extent, but is not, however, the only reason for aggression in cyberspace. On the Internet, as a rule, we do not see the true attitude of another person, do not share his emotions, and sometimes misunderstand the intentions of other people, provoking a heated exchange of opinions or a quarrel.

Often people on the Internet behave differently than in the real world, sometimes they are even ashamed of what they wrote or do not admit it. When discussing the reasons for aggression on the Internet, it is worth mentioning Internet rudeness. This is the behavior of some Internet users who, while on the Internet, cease to perceive the prohibitions characteristic of face-to-face contacts. “From the point of view of psychologists, the Internet public can be divided into two types. Those who boldly demonstrate the real “I”, and those who try on new masks and roles<...>The saddest thing is that the behavior of representatives of both groups maintains a sense of impunity.” According to psychologists, it is the second type that is more common on the Internet - fans of role-playing games. The Internet is a place where some people's dark sides can be activated relatively easily.

Bullying a person using the Internet is very dangerous, since harmful, compromising or degrading information spreads very quickly and, as a rule, remains on the Internet for a long time (or even forever) in the form of, for example, copies on several computers even after the culprit has been identified and punished .

Reasons why online bullies use violence:

  • 1) the experience of joy from victory, arising, for example, from the need to confirm one’s position in the group, or create one’s image;
  • 2) balancing mutual grievances;
  • 3) revenge for humiliation caused, for example, by family troubles, divorce, problems at school or in a peer group;
  • 4) attracting the attention of others, a kind of cry for help.

Experts believe that the average period of effective terrorization of a selected victim with various forms of electronic aggression is three months. After this, cyberbullying usually produces the desired results. The main goal of people who practice bullying and cyberbullying is to discredit the victim. This is much easier to do on the Internet than in the real world, since the materials distributed on it reach many more people. The strength of the attackers and their victims is unequal. The attacker can count on the community of Internet users and the fact that nothing is lost on the Internet. Even if he is discovered, and in a few cases punished, his “work” can be continued by others at any time.

Every smartphone owner practically carries his victim in his pocket. Until recently, electronic violence was a limited phenomenon, observed mainly among young people. Today, it is increasingly aimed at adults, is beginning to compete with traditional mobbing in the workplace and, what is even worse, is quickly spreading and gaining great importance. Experts believe that “about 28% of adults experience classic mobbing at work, and more than 8% of people from this group have already encountered various forms of electronic aggression.”

A new type of criminal has emerged in the world of work. The Internet has become a tool that can be used by people at lower levels of the professional hierarchy. They are the ones who most often act as self-proclaimed “avengers.” It is noteworthy that their attacks, as a rule, do not have a specific goal, they take the form of ridicule and harassment of the victim, but do not necessarily harm his career.

In the case of classic mobbing, the situation is different. Its purpose is to create an artificial negative opinion of the group about a certain person, in order to at least make his daily work more difficult. One of the consequences of such bullying may be the collapse of the person’s career or getting rid of him, often with the tacit consent of the head of the institution.

Electronic aggression is recognized as a serious social problem that must be addressed decisively. Cyberbullying has ceased to be a sensation and has become a problem. Sociologist K. Katzer talks about One-Touch-Mobbing, a to-the-point bullying that has a strong following among teenagers with smartphones. It is they who most often “take up arms”, wanting to “kick” one of their peers by posting compromising information on the Internet. Katzer's research shows that one in four German youth aged 14 to 18 has already fallen victim to such actions. Most often we are talking about ordinary slander, gossip, insults and compromising photographs. Katzer claims that 20% of victims of bullying suffer serious mental trauma: they lose faith in themselves, begin to avoid peers, and resort to acts of suicide. “This group includes about half a million people throughout Germany,” says Katzer.

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