The daughter of a Russian oligarch, Helen Manasir, revealed the secrets of beauty and weight loss. Biography Why Helen Manasir doesn’t communicate with her mother

The daughter of billionaire Ziyad Manasir (36th place in the Forbes ranking), Helen, at 25, managed to become a star of social networks, one of the most anticipated girls at social events and the happy wife of a successful young Chechen businessman. On her page on the social network, the famous brunette often answers questions about beauty and makeup that numerous subscribers pester her about. In an interview with SUPER, Helen put together her beauty secrets, telling what procedures are necessary for an ideal look, and also talking about why she does not consider herself one of the golden youth.

How did you learn to do the perfect makeup that your Instagram followers constantly ask you about?

Firstly, this is many years of practice: I learned this from the age of 17. Not without the help of the girls who work in the MAS corner (Vesna shopping center). In particular, Ira Mitroshkina, who has since opened her own salon. At first I went to them for makeup, but then I started doing it myself. Now I don’t go to the salon to get my makeup done at all. By the age of 25, every girl should be able to use a brush and sponge herself.

What decorative cosmetics do you use?

I didn't use mascara until I tried Chanel Le Volume. This is an ideal product for volume. Before events, I prefer to get eyelash extensions, but not in a salon, but with MAC disposable false eyelashes. I draw arrows with YSL Baby Doll eyeliner. I don’t like blush – I prefer MAC Gold Deposit bronzer, but it’s only suitable for dark-skinned girls. It is very important to use good makeup brushes. By the way, their quality does not depend on price. I prefer MAC. Instead of foundation, I use concealer from the same brand. It’s better, of course, to take several tones and mix them. I avoid lipstick - it adds age: I paint my lips with gloss and sometimes line them with a MAC Spice pencil.

Your wedding recently took place, did you do your own makeup?

Yes, but I did the styling in the salon.

How do you take care of your skin?

I've had the standard set for many years. There is nothing sophisticated about it. This is a regular Clinique Gommage scrub - it cleanses very well and is suitable for all skin types. Before this I apply Clinique toner. I really like this brand even though it's not the most glamorous. After the scrub I apply the Clarins HydraQuench mask. I also always use MAC cleansing wipes. Having tried different creams - from La Mer to some expensive French brands - I settled on MAC Meneralize, which fits perfectly on the skin. If we talk about cosmetologists, I have been going to Olga for many years, who works in the Aldo Coppola salon (Vesna shopping center). She does good refreshing treatments.

Do you do peelings?

I am against such extreme measures, because I do not naturally have problem skin. Fashion has become such that it is necessary to do peelings. This procedure is done as necessary if serious problems exist. In my opinion, you should not give in to these trends. I don’t welcome the fact that young girls inject Botox and go for peelings just because everyone else is doing it.

What kind of face masks do you make?

There are only three types of products that need to be applied to the face. The beauty industry is trying in every possible way to make money on us, coming up with an incredible number of products. In fact, girls with any skin type need to have only a few basic products. First of all, this is a good tonic. If you have oily skin, then it should be alcohol-based. If the skin is dry, then there should be a minimum of alcohol. I use Clinique Clarifying Lotion. My skin is closer to dry, so I prefer toners without alcohol. Secondly, this is a scrub. I think the Clinique Gommage scrub is the best invention in cosmetology. And finally, the Clarins Anti-Soif mask.

Do you do all this yourself?

I take care of my skin every day. The scrub generally needs to be used once a week, but I do it once every three days. I make sure to wipe my face with toner every day and try to make a mask. I go to a cosmetologist once a week to have refreshing treatments. Every girl can achieve good skin if she takes proper care of it, does basic procedures and doesn’t constantly eat chocolates and chips.

How often do you touch up your lips?

In fact, I haven’t done this for a very long time for the reason that there is no need. I don’t hide the fact that it was, but for the last two years I haven’t touched my lips. I can inject hyaluronic acid under my eyes to add volume. I don’t advise very young girls to do this - I’m already 25 years old. Yes, I enlarged my lips, but I don’t recommend it to others. Only if your lips are very thin.

So you had your lips enlarged two years ago, and they remained just as plump without injections?

Yes, hyaluronic acid does not completely leave the tissues.

Your subscribers note that your lips have a good shape. Why do many girls' lips become deformed after adding fillers?

For such procedures, I can recommend cosmetologist Sofia, who also worked at Aldo Coppola. She does jewelry work for girls who want neat lips. I admit, I once had too much. I just very often want to add something. Even women over 40 often resort to this, as their lips become smaller with age. Look, for example, at Charlize Theron. Many girls randomly go to non-professionals, who pump them three liters and assure them that it’s just swelling that will go away in a couple of hours.

Why do girls try to hide the fact that they have hair extensions and enlarged lips?

A confident girl who has advantages other than lips or hair will not have a problem admitting it.

How do you take care of your hair?

I don’t have too deep knowledge in this matter, I trust the masters. I don’t know how to style my hair at all; I have to do it at the salon every time. At home I make masks - I moisturize my hair, and then with wet hair I go to the salon for styling. I like the mask from the Japanese company Resche, it is good for dry hair. Eastern girls' hair is usually porous and wavy, and therefore dry. They need to be nourished with keratin. I no longer wear long hair like I used to. I think it’s better to be short, but healthy and beautiful. I also really love extensions. I don’t know why there is such a stereotype that hair extensions are cheap and rustic. It seems to me that if done tastefully and correctly, it can look very dignified and chic. It's the same with nails. If a person has thin nails and they are peeling, then why not grow short, neat nails? If you do everything in moderation, you can enlarge your lips and grow your nails and hair.

Do you shape your eyebrows yourself?

Many people are afraid to trust their eyebrows to anyone. In addition, there is a fashion for thick eyebrows. They suit almost no one. Even very attractive girls look terrible with those huge bushy eyebrows. If you have small eyes, then wide eyebrows are simply contraindicated. I trust mine to master Alena from Aldo Coppola. It is very important that your eyebrows match your hair color. For some reason, many people neglect this rule.

How do you tan?

I am very dark by nature. I used to be fond of solariums and I can say without exaggeration that it is very harmful, especially for nulliparous girls.

In your teenage photos you look chubby. How did you get in shape?

All girls' bodies change after 20 years. Almost all of my girlfriends have lost a lot of weight with age. Of course, I watch my diet. I've even been accused of having my chubby cheeks surgically removed. This is wrong. With age everything falls away. In general, I believe that the peak of female beauty is 27-28 years old.

Do you play sports?

Everything is very difficult for me with sports. For me this is a tedious task. Among other things, I don't like the effects of active training on the body. I have a pool at home and I swim in it. I don't know if this can be called a sport. In addition, I have natural elasticity. All these six-packs on girls' bellies don't fit into my idea of ​​beauty. And men who like these cubes on women are also not entirely normal. A healthy heterosexual man should enjoy femininity.

You do not hide the fact that you had rhinoplasty. Why did you decide to do it?

Everyone probably says this, but I really needed surgery due to a deviated septum. I had severe difficulty breathing. Of course, I also had a desire to have a chiseled nose. I had surgery at the age of 17, but not everything went smoothly. I had to do it again. Then I went to Austria, where I had the operation again. I left the clinic a different person. I breathed normally for the first time! In Russia, I recommend surgeon Arthur Rybakin to everyone.

Why do your subscribers often turn to you for psychological help?

The reason I'm asking is because a lot of people say things about me that aren't true. So I decided that it was better to let them ask me everything personally. Besides, I believe that I can be useful to someone. It may sound presumptuous, but I know that there are girls who, thanks to my advice, navigate life correctly. We now have a lot of false ideals, ideals - silicone breasts, sixth iPhones... I want to guide these girls on the right path. They must understand that men laugh at people like that. Dasha Zhukova should be an example, but not some Olesya Malinskaya. It’s a pity that in Russia a good half of people consider Olesya or Volochkova an indicator of success and beauty.

Is it difficult to be the daughter of a billionaire?

There is no difficulty. I know very well how difficult it is to achieve success and how hard it is to earn every penny. Russians have a certain contempt for rich people. They think they were in the right place at the right time. This is wrong. My father came to Russia without knowing the language, without connections, and achieved everything through his own labor. Crazy parties are not acceptable in our family. It's unimaginable. My father had never been to a casino in his life. The life of golden youth passed me by. Yes, I can afford beautiful things, but all sorts of Rolls-Royces and other paraphernalia of a beautiful life are not for us. When some Beyoncé comes to loud parties, these are stupid and cheap show-offs. You need to treat money wisely.

FLB: Young and filthy rich. Their inheritance is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars. Minigarh children on the popular Instagram page The Rich Kids of Russia

According to the Daily Telegraph journalists, a minigarh is a Russian capitalist who has the opportunity to buy expensive real estate in the West, and whose fortune is estimated at 100-200 million dollars, Glavred once wrote.

There is a popular page on Instagram The Rich Kids of Russia, where children of rich oligarch parents post their photos. Heirs of large fortunes are filmed against the backdrop of private jets, in five-star hotels, in expensive mansions, writes Ivan Usachov on the pages of “You are an Eyewitness.”

By the way, it was they who occupied London at one time, turning it into a second Moscow, or “Londongrad”. British journalists in 2008 cited historian Yuri Felshtinsky, who warns in his book “The Age of Assassins” that their period of influence may be coming to an end. During Russia's very recent economic boom, no one asked them where the money would come from or how debts would be paid off. Now it's time for unpleasant questions. Felshtinsky writes: “The oligarchs took out large loans from Western banks. They usually offered up to 20% of the property value as collateral. Now that 80-90% of it has been lost, banks are demanding repayment of debts. This means that within minutes, days or months, some minigarhs will be completely destroyed.”

At that time, the names were heard, for example, the daughter of the former vice-president of LUKOIL Ralif Safin Alsou - a famous Russian singer, the daughter of the founder of the Wimm-Bill-Dann juice empire Sergei Plastinin - Kira Plastinina, the son of the then president of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov - Yusuf.

Then, in 2008, the children of many minigarhs were from 4 to 17 years old. Now they have grown up.

Today, when everyone is counting every ruble and watching oil prices with bated breath, it seems that the concept of “golden youth” simply cannot exist.

But just go to the Instagram account @richrussiankids, and it seems that it’s 2005, and prices for black gold are higher than ever.

By the way, Instagram with photographs of rich children of Russian officials and oligarchs is gaining popularity in the West, writes the Maxim portal

The anonymous author closely monitors account updates and immediately posts them on Rich Russian Kids, or RKK, providing ironic comments. Many of the Instagram stars have accounts that are closed from mere mortals, so it’s doubly interesting how the author of the blog manages to get hold of them. In the photographs, mini-oligarchs show off their private jets, expensive cars, watches, drink champagne for breakfast, show off their purchases or have fun at parties.

Selfies on luxury yachts and in front of private jets posted by young heirs to fortunes around the world are attracting more than just envy and ridicule from social media commentators. Such pictures can unwittingly reveal the assets of the parents of the “golden youth”, attract scammers or give rise to a financial investigation. This was reported by Gubernia Daily with reference to the British The Guardian.

Rich Russian Kids includes photographs of a young man named Daniil Alexandrovich, who from time to time publishes selfies with top officials of the state (for example, a photo with Vladimir Putin taken at the birthday party of director Nikita Mikhalkov), notes. What relation he actually has to them is unknown.

"An Evening with My Closest Friends"

“Say hello to Uncle Seryozha”

“We are taking the baby in front of the crisis”

“A hangover with a view like this isn’t so bad.”

“By the time you save up for a spring jacket, summer will already come”

“While you are saving for a down payment on your credit cart”

“You can put up a post on VKontakte with your vomit music with this photo, like this will happen to you”

“I don’t want to leave the house”

Today the RRK blog has 315 thousand subscribers. Most of them are men.

Porsche and Lamborghini, private jets, vacations on tropical islands that average Russians see only on the Discovery Channel, champagne costing several thousand euros per bottle, watches for the price of a three-room apartment in South Butovo, designer outfits and luxurious interiors - is not a complete list of what the offspring of the rich and famous boast about. The heroes of the photographs are strong guys with six-pack abs, pumped up in expensive fitness centers, and young beauties sunbathing in thongs on board a snow-white yacht or chilly wrapped in fur coats near the wrought-iron fences of mansions along the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. In a word, those whose lives do not depend on the vagaries of the crisis, and whose parents provided them with “dolce vita” from the cradle, continues the theme of “KP”.

Mara Baghdasaryan, 23 years old

The girl, in order to avoid responsibility, introduced herself as the daughter of a prosecutor and confidently told everyone that she could do anything. Apparently they believed Mara. But in fact, Mary’s dad is the owner of a meat processing company, Elmar Bagdasaryan, who supplies his products to “Azbuka Vkusa.” The girl's parents are divorced. Maybe that's why she's left to her own devices. The girl said that on the day of the hearing, her father paid all her unpaid traffic fines for about 1 million rubles.

A violator of all possible rules and a participant in the latest high-profile story with the Moscow “majors”, Mara prefers Mercedes cars. "Mara 049" her nickname is the number of her car.

FLB review

The biography of Victoria Manasir is a clear confirmation that a modern business woman does not necessarily have to give up her personal life for the sake of a career. As the wife of one of the richest people in Russia and the mother of four children, Vika successfully develops her own business, travels a lot and always finds time to communicate with her sons and daughter.


Victoria Vladimirovna Manasir (before her marriage - Sagura) was born in Moscow in 1981. The girl’s mother was a professional conductor and instilled in her daughter a love of music from childhood. In 1990, Vika’s younger sister Margarita was born.

Parents raised their daughters in strictness, always making high demands on them. Thanks to this, Vika grew up to be a disciplined and responsible girl. At the age of 12, Victoria Manasir became passionate about ballet, but they did not want to accept her into the choreographic school because she was too old to start dancing. In this difficult situation, she was helped by her mother, who agreed to work as an accompanist at the educational institution only on the condition that her daughter would be hired for a probationary period. The choreographers' doubts were in vain. Flexible and graceful Vika quickly mastered ballet steps and achieved unprecedented success in the art of dance.

Meeting Ziyad Manasir

After graduating from choreographic school, Vika was invited to perform in the famous ensemble named after. I. Moiseeva. In the early 2000s, Jordanian oligarch Ziyad Manasir, who does business in Russia and is the founder of the holding company Stroygazconsulting, was invited to one of the group’s concerts as a guest. The entrepreneur liked the lead singer of the ensemble, Victoria Sagura, and he began to court her. Soon after they met, the lovers began to prepare for marriage. For Victoria, this marriage was the first, and for her chosen one - the second. Ziyad Manasir, who turned out to be 16 years older than Vika, was already married before meeting her and had two daughters, Helen and Diana. The latter, after her father’s new marriage, began to live with him and her stepmother.

Birth of children

Marriage to a businessman opened a new happy period in Victoria Manasir’s biography, giving her the joy of motherhood. In 2004, Vika gave birth to her husband’s daughter Dana. A year later, a son, Alex, appeared in the family of Victoria and Ziyad. But the couple did not stop at two common children. After 4 and a half years, former soloist Victoria Manasir gave her husband a son, Roman, and on September 1, 2017, another boy appeared in the family of the businessman and his wife, who was named Andrey.

The status of a mother of many children does not frighten Victoria. Since childhood, the oligarch's wife dreamed of having a large number of children and even literally begged her little sister from her parents. In an interview with journalists, Manasir states that he plans to give birth to at least one more child in the future. Victoria’s husband supports Victoria’s aspirations, since he himself was born into a large family, in which, in addition to him, 11 more children grew up. Today, Ziyad Manasir has more than 50 nephews, given to him by his brothers and sisters.

Further education and business

Victoria Manasir's biography is not limited to raising children. After marriage, the girl graduated from the Financial Academy with an MBA program. In addition, Victoria has diplomas in design and psychology. An excellent education and financial support from her husband allowed her to found her own business, which brings her not only income, but also moral pleasure.

In 2003, Victoria Manasir opened a private clinic, the French House of Medicine, on the right bank of the Moscow River. Later, the businessman’s wife had the idea to create an institution where children and their parents could reveal their creative and intellectual abilities. This is how the children’s and family leisure club Vikiland appeared, for which Manasir chose Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street in Moscow. After some time, the Vikiland club opened a branch in Barvikha Village.

In her club, Victoria Manasir offers children to study foreign languages, master acting, drawing, vocals and dance. Vikiland also employs teachers who teach children sports, pottery and chess. The club can prepare your child for school. To prevent parents from getting bored while their children are in class, at Vikiland they can meditate in the yoga room, get painting or vocal lessons. Victoria often visits the club she created, not only as a hostess, but also as a visitor. Here she enjoys working with the pottery wheel and doing yoga.

Secrets of raising children

Journalists interested in the biography of Victoria Manasir often ask her about her children. The businessman’s wife answers these questions with pleasure, joking that motherhood is her greatest success in life, profession and hobby. Despite her busy schedule, Vika always puts the interests of her children first. Manasir does not trust domestic education, which, in her opinion, suppresses the freedom of students. To ensure that her older children received a decent education, she sent them to study at the Bilton Grange boarding house in London. Roman is still too young to study abroad, so Vika sent him to a Moscow school. In his free time from classes, Alex enjoys hockey, rugby, horse riding and music. The daughter of Victoria Manasir and Ziyad Manasir, Dana, loves to draw, and her works are shown at art exhibitions. Roman plays basketball, tennis and swimming.

Victoria raises her children in strictness and instills in them respect for older people. She never punishes them, and prefers to resolve all conflict situations with them through conversations.


Victoria Manasir's age allows her to remain cheerful and energetic, despite the busy pace of life. She loves to travel with her husband and children. Victoria's favorite holiday destinations are cozy European resorts, but she does not refuse trips to Africa and Antarctica.

Victoria received several educations, but she is not going to stop there. Her dream is to enter the directing department at VGIK. Manasir feels he has the potential to create films and is confident that in the future he will be able to make interesting films.

Ziyad Manasir(born December 12, 1965, Amman, Jordan) - entrepreneur, manager, founder of the Stroygazconsulting holding.


Ziyad Manasir was born on December 12, 1965 in the capital of Jordan, Amman, into the family of an army officer in the Kingdom of Jordan. Ziyad was one of 12 children.

In 1983 he studied in Romania.

In 1984, under a student exchange program, he came to Moscow and, according to the distribution, could enter either the Institute of Oil and Gas named after. I.M. Gubkin, or to the Baku Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after. M. Azizbekova. After 15 days, the choice fell on Azerbaijan, where he entered the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after. M. Azizbekov and received the specialty of engineer-technologist of the oil and gas industry. In my own statement: “For the first six months, I didn’t see anything except my dorm room and classes at the faculty. I didn’t communicate with anyone, didn’t go to parties.” Since then, Ziyad has only one friend left - a Syrian, with whom he lived in a hostel and, as of 2009, was running a joint business in Russia. At the institute, at the request of professors, the rector, and the dean of the faculty, he was involved in translations. At the same time, he was engaged in another business: he brought computers, bought office equipment in the Beryozka currency stores, and then resold them.

In 1988, he brought and sold five BMW cars from Lebanon; he drove one of these himself during his studies.

After graduating from the institute in 1990, he did not want to return to Jordan because of the need to serve in the army, and moved to Moscow. At first, he worked at the COOP Union (“Koopsoyuz”, consumer cooperation) as a specialist in foreign economic activity as a specialist in the external relations department. Subsequently he became deputy chairman of the board.

In the early 1990s, Manasir met Viktor Polyanichko, who was well acquainted with Viktor Chernomyrdin.

In 1992, he founded the company “MV”, named after the first letters of his and his partner’s last names, which traded yellow phosphorus (imported from Kazakhstan, processed in Ukraine, sold at the Moscow Chemical Plant [specify]), timber, metal, petroleum products and other things. Six months later he created the Baltika company, which did the same thing. In this company, Pyotr Polyanichko owned 20% of the shares (son of Viktor Polyanichko). Four years later, disagreements arose with Peter Polyanichko, and Ziyad Manasir bought out his share.

Since 1993, working with Orenburgneft, he launched the retail sale of petroleum products, where he met many oil workers.

In 1994, he acquired a house-building plant in Tyumen. In the same year, an oil and energy forum was held in Tyumen, and Ziyad Manasir invited all oil workers, including the then Minister of Energy Yuri Shafranik, to look at the plant he owned. Then he began building dormitories for Tyumenburgaz, a subsidiary of Gazprom. Construction lasted 6-7 years.

In 1996, he created the Stroygazconsulting company on the basis of Stroybusinessconsulting, together with Alexey Likhachev and Pyotr Polyanichko (20% at the time of creation).

In the mid-1990s, Stroygazconsulting received its first orders from Gazprom.

Returned to Jordan in 1999 with Russian citizenship.

In 1999, he merged Stroygazconsulting with PSO Urengoyprom-Grazhdanstroy (Mikhail Yakibchuk).

In 2001, Stroygazconsulting acquired another co-owner - Olga Grigorieva (daughter of Alexander Grigoriev, a friend of Vladimir Putin), “the daughter of a friend,” as Manasir calls her. In February 2009, Olga Grigorieva sold her share to the subsidiary of Stroygazconsulting - Stroygazconsulting-North (owned by Ziyad Manasir, Alexey Likhachev, Mikhail Yakibchuk and Roza Prilepa).

In 2002, he formed the Stroygazconsulting (SGK) holding, uniting more than 30 production enterprises.

In 2006, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “For personal contribution to the development of the construction industry and housing and communal services, many years of conscientious work and successful fulfillment of production tasks.”

From 2007 to 2009, Stroygazconsulting acquired nine construction companies related to Gazprom with total revenue of about half a billion dollars a year (according to the SPARK system).

At the beginning of 2009, he sold his shares in Gazprom.

In 2009, the Stroygazconsulting holding won the Transneft tender for the construction of a 415 km oil pipeline as part of ESPO-2 on a site located not far from the gas pipeline route, which was already being laid at that time.

In the spring of 2009, Gazprom guaranteed a credit line of 11.2 billion rubles for its contractor, Stroygazconsulting.

In 2011, he became a laureate of the Gazprom Prize in the field of science and technology (1st place) for his work “Development and implementation of a set of technical solutions to improve oil production technology and effective utilization of associated petroleum gas at the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field”<.

Since 2011, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Happy World Charitable Foundation.

In 2013, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, “For his great contribution to the construction of the second stage of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipeline system and the achievements in labor.”

In June 2014, he planned to sell his stake in Stroygazconsulting LLC to the structures of Ruslan Baysarov.


Married to Victoria Manasir. She has five children, three daughters and two sons (two children from her first marriage: Helen (a graduate of Moscow State University) and Diana, and three: Alex, Dana and Roman, from her second).

About his family, Ziyad Manasir says: “We lead a very correct lifestyle. I don’t go to discos, I’ve never gone to a single casino in my life. I spend all my free time with my family. Once a week we definitely go to a restaurant with the children and sing karaoke.”


In 2014 it took 36th place. He has a personal fortune of $2.8 billion (according to Forbes magazine).

27 October 2015, 15:04

Victoria Manasir- former soloist of the Moiseev ensemble, now the wife of Ziyad Manasir (owner of factories, ships and palaces according to Forbes), mother of 3 children and owner of the Vikiland family club.

One sleepless night, in philosophical thoughts about existence, I came across her Instagram and I really liked her with her travel photographs. In my opinion, she is a very sweet, cheerful and intelligent woman. Since Tatler’s material cannot be published on Gossipnik, and there is very little information about Vika on the Internet - no described carpets, barriers, grasshoppers And other attributes of secular ladies/s(?), then below are some excerpts from dochkimateri’s interview and photos from her Instagram...well, and all the comments from Gossip.

where without madambiryulev and kasharel :)

Please tell us about your childhood. Did you have strict parents? My childhood was not easy, but I realized this only after giving birth to my children and feeling what I could give them, and what I was deprived of. My parents were strict and very demanding towards me, for which I am very grateful to them as a result, but my grandmother filled in all the gaps and loved me immensely, fulfilled my every whim, although sometimes she beat me in the heat of the moment.

Victoria's mom

With sister

What were you interested in? When I was 12 years old, a relative flew to me from London, she entered the Royal Ballet School there. These words had a magical effect on me, and I became passionate about ballet. They categorically did not want to accept me into the choreographic school, because it was too late, but then my mother, a professional musician, intervened and volunteered to work there as an accompanist if only they would accept me for a probationary period. As a result, I met all her expectations and my hopes, making progress before my eyes. Ballet was not my hobby, rather it was my passion!

with the Queen of Jordan

How did your parents see you? My mother actively guided me in her footsteps as a musician, perhaps as a conductor, but I saw myself on stage in a completely different role.

What is your favorite pastime with children? Trips. Only there we communicate well, receive common emotions, accumulate impressions and spend quality time together, feeding each other with attention and love.

What are your common hobbies? I infect children by my example. We play tennis together, ride horses, sail, fly in a wind tunnel, and even when I skied from a parachute, the children rushed after me. They don’t want to keep up with the crazy mother (laughs).

with my youngest son

with daughter

What is absolutely unacceptable in children's behavior for you? Disrespect for elders and rudeness. I don’t tolerate this in children and I literally kick them out.

Is your husband a strict father? The husband is like plasticine, the children sculpt from it what they want, but within certain limits. He is rarely strict, and if you do, then beware, it’s better not to “dragonize” dad.

There are no photos with my husband, so just a photo of my husband

Would you like to have more children? I want two more, it seems to me that after the beautiful number three by four it’s not serious to linger.

Can you easily imagine meeting your daughter's boyfriend? It’s more difficult for a daughter—yes, a son—but realizing that this is inevitable, I try to develop in him a taste for the beautiful and show by personal example what his future choice should be.

eldest son

Do you feel like you don’t spend enough time with your children because you’re so busy or don’t give them something? This feeling is always there, but when spending time with them, for example, during lessons, I want to knock them down with a textbook after only 5 minutes and I understand that it would be better for us to ride horses together or go to the theater, so at least it will be safer for everyone. When I feel a lack of communication, I retire with one of them, hug and have a long conversation, exchanging various little things and stories. These minutes seem very important and meaningful to me.

Women's portal - Bonterry