Yin-yang nutrition, or climate diet for health and weight loss. Acid-base (“Yin-Yang”) balance of foods Yang foods

And oh, many of our readers began to ask questions, which products are classified as yin products, and which ones are classified as products with “yang” energy?! Therefore, I hasten to answer our readers’ questions in a separate post. But given the fact that this topic is very broad, I decided to break it into 2 separate articles, respectively dedicated to products with one or another energy! So, today yin products...

What are yin foods?!

As we already know, the principles of macrobiotic nutrition are based on Eastern philosophy, therefore, according to macrobiotics, all food is divided into yin foods and yang foods. Yin foods (feminine in Eastern philosophy) create an acidic reaction in the body. In case of excessive consumption of such products, a feeling of fatigue, anemia, pallor, loss of appetite occurs, all movements and even speech slow down. It takes more time to sleep. With prolonged use of yin products can cause a condition characterized by difficult awakening in the morning, a feeling of depression, weakness, and resentment towards the world around us.

And here’s another very interesting point - it turns out that there are much more products with “yin” energy than with “yang” energy, and this is very interestingly explained by macrobiotic teaching. We should start with the fact that “yin” energy is female energy, earth energy, body energy, and “yang” energy is male energy, heaven energy, spirit energy. But since a person is very attached to the earth, he is very reluctant to raise his spirit to the sky, because it is much easier to think only about his body, which is why most of the food on our tables is Yin, i.e. earthly! From her the spirit becomes weaker and withers.

Another important point is that yin energy promotes expansion, and yang energy promotes contraction. Therefore, according to Eastern medicine, if a person’s diet is dominated by yin foods, then his body becomes blurry and his weight increases. The balance of yin and yang products promotes body transformation, slimness and youthfulness.

Foods with a strong predominance of “yin” energy include:(products are arranged according to the increasing content of “yin” energy in them)

1. Bakery products and other baked goods made from refined white flour;

2. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, spinach;

8. Alcohol;

9. Caffeine;

10. Sugar substitutes;

11. Preservatives;

It should be remembered that there are no pure yin or yang products; both types of energy are present in each of them, just in different proportions. You shouldn’t completely give up foods with a predominance of a certain energy (with the exception of sugar, white flour, alcohol, preservatives, and also consider eliminating them from your diet), you just need to learn how to properly balance them with foods of the opposite energy.

How to identify yin foods and yang foods?

Many of you will immediately have a logical and natural question: who and by what criteria divided food products into yin - yang? And is it possible to learn to determine the energy predominant in a particular product? I have to disappoint you - you can’t learn this so easily, it can take a very long time. After all, the degree of expression of yin and yang properties in macrobiotic products is assessed by many indicators: vertical or horizontal growth of plants and the climatic region of their cultivation, taste, color, size, density, fat content, the ratio of acids and alkalis, etc.

Sesame seeds are small and hard, more yang, than large and fatty walnuts, which are more yin. But even here, sometimes there are indicators with very contradictory results. For example, red vegetables, like the color red itself, are endowed with yang properties, but tomatoes are classified as yin, since they are watery, sour and grow in warm climates.

It is definitely worth mentioning about the culinary processing of products, depending on the method and time of which the yin-yang balance may change.

With all of the above, the macrobiotic classification is at odds with other eastern classifications - Tibetan medicine or. For example: according to the Tibetan classification, rice is yin, but for macrobiotics it is a balanced product.

Now you know a little more about products with “yin” energy, I really hope that the information received will help maintain the balance of the 2 energies in the body and you will forever forget about health problems, excess weight and find absolute harmony with the world around you!

The secret to good health and active longevity consists of many components, including a balanced diet. However, here we are talking not only about the fact that you need to calculate the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed to maintain good shape, but also about the selection of products belonging to two different forms of qi energy - yin (female energy) and yang ( male energy). A diet based on foods with masculine and feminine energy helps improve health and prolong youth.

Energies of yin and yang: yin-yang cuisine

Energy, like everything in our world, has a dual aspect: it is made up of the harmony of two principles - male and female. If yin and yang energies are in balance, then the vital energy qi is produced in sufficient quantities and the person feels good. If an energy imbalance occurs in the body and the balance of yin between yang is disturbed, then pathological processes arise at the physical level and the person feels unwell, gets sick, and loses vitality.

There are many practices to restore harmony, including a balanced state that can be achieved through the use of a balanced diet – saturated with male or female energies.

In Eastern medicine, products are classified into two types - yin and yang energies. But how to distinguish between these two energies hidden in the products that we buy every day in stores and markets and use for cooking?

Chinese doctors claim that yang food stimulates all types of activity: mental, physical, spiritual. But Yin food acts on the body in the opposite way - its excess makes the body lethargic, the mood - depressed or drowsy, and those who want to lose weight stubbornly gain it.

An imbalance of two energies in nutrition can be expressed by addiction to any type of food. Some people can’t resist chocolate, others can’t live without baking, and others gravitate towards fatty foods. To get rid of such dependence, it is enough just to harmonize your diet and align yin and yang foods.

Yang and Yin Products

What products are characterized by the predominance of one of the two interpenetrating energies?

“Yang”, or “hot” in terms of energy, foods include rice, wheat, pumpkin, carrots, buckwheat, millet, turnips, onions, radishes; catfish, herring and shrimp meat; caviar, meat of duck, pigeon, pheasant and partridge; apples, strawberries, parsley, horseradish, chicory, cinnamon, dill.

Drinks with yang energy are coffee from burdock and dandelion roots, bancha tea, decoctions of chamomile and white wormwood.

Products with Yin characteristics include: tomatoes, beans, beans, eggplant, mushrooms, oats, rye, peas, potatoes, sorrel, celery, garlic, beets, kefir, milk, butter, flounder, trout, pike perch, beef, pork, lamb, pineapple, lemon, pear, peach, watermelon, melon, nuts, honey, cloves, cumin, bay leaf, mustard, nutmeg, coffee, fruit juices, beer, wine, linden blossom and mint decoction, cocoa.

In the East, all products are usually divided into:

  • carrying a lot of yang energy - “hot”;
  • those with an average amount of yang energy are “warm”;
  • neutral;
  • containing an average amount of yin energy - refreshing;
  • those with a large amount of yin energy are “cold”.

Knowing which product contains how much energy and what kind of energy, you can create a balanced diet for yourself, including in your daily intake food that can enhance the desired qualities. Food with the properties of yang energy invigorates, tones, gives mental and physical activity, and, conversely, food from the yin category helps to relax and calm down, relieve tension and stress.

Chinese philosophy of yin and yang in the kitchen

Have you ever wondered why it sometimes happens that overweight people, in their desire to lose weight, switch only to low-fat dairy products, fruits, greens and raw vegetables, and the weight remains as it was - disappointingly high? Yes, all because these are products belonging to the Yin category - which slow down metabolic processes in the body. This means that in order to effectively lose weight, you just need to balance your diet by including the “right” amount of neutral, “hot,” refreshing or “cold” foods.

The main food of a person who wants to maintain an ideal weight should be foods with neutral qualities. This includes boiled cereals (about 70%), boiled vegetables (15%), raw plant foods (5%), fish or meat (5%) and dairy products (5%).

You should follow special rules and do not consume more than two cold (in terms of energy) foods during one meal. To increase the energy of food, you need to cook it over an open fire, grill or bake its ingredients. To give dishes yang energy, use spices: dill, chicory, horseradish, curry mixture, chili pepper.

Have yang foods for breakfast: they charge you with energy for the whole day, but yin foods are better suited for dinner.

It is believed that heat-treated foods should make up up to 80% of the daily diet. The Chinese believe that even fruits and vegetables should be baked or at least blanched so that they are better absorbed. An ideal example of a balanced meal is a serving of hot porridge with a handful of raw fruits or berries.

Next: it is very important to consider the season. During the cold season, your table should have “warm” (Yang) food, but in the summer heat you can treat yourself to refreshing Yin delicacies. However, it should be remembered that excessive interest in tropical fruits can also cause an imbalance of yin and yang energies in the body!

Yang is a term from the Eastern philosophical school that denotes the masculine principle in the dualistic concept of cosmogony. To put it simply, all the energies and forces of the universe can be correlated to two halves of a single whole.

Yang represents the male pole in the balance of forces. This theory expresses the general connection of things and phenomena in the world. Yang products in the human body are converted into male energy. A person, like a converter, transforms the energy contained in products to meet his needs.


Strong Yang Products are:

Buckwheat, wheat, millet, rice, corn, potatoes, apples, bananas, strawberries, mulberries, dill, carrots, parsley, turnips, radishes, pumpkin, peas, watercress, curly cabbage, endive, valerian, onions, lettuce , leeks, dandelions, caviar, anchovies, sardines, herring, lobster, shrimp, lobster, tuna, catfish, pheasant, chickens, partridge, turkey, pigeon, lamb, eggs, sheep cheese, Roquefort cheese, apples, chestnuts, sea salt , gentian, chicory, horseradish, saffron, sage, rosemary, chamomile, wormwood, thyme, green tea, rose hips, ginseng.

When consuming Yang products, we compensate for excess Yin and normalize metabolism. Yang products primarily grow underground. Yang products are characterized by a high sodium content. These products are called “hot” and are recommended to be consumed during the cold season. These are heat-accumulating products - they have a warming effect.

Yang products are hard, red, bitter, salty. Products Yang is a smaller bird that flies high; the fish is more mobile, fast swimming; nuts and seeds are less oily; dairy products are less fatty; the fruits are relatively small; lean, red meat.
Yang products are used to treat Yin diseases: anemia, hemophilia, glaucoma, cancer, polio.
Balancing Yang-Yin foods is the science of nutrition.

Yin and Yang have some common characteristics:



Chem. connections




Spicy, sour, sweet

Salty, bitter
















Element (metaphysical)







Fruits and vegetables


A country






Yin Products, which have an alkaline effect: honey, coffee, tea, spices, fruits, most vegetables, some types of legumes. Yin products that have an oxidizing effect: chemicals, tablets, sugar, sweets, sugary drinks, some types of legumes, nuts.
Yang products that provide action: Soy sauce, salt. Yang products that have an oxidizing effect: cereals, fish, cheese, poultry, pork, beef, eggs. The basis of the macrobiotic diet- whole, uncrushed cereals. Prepared in various forms, they make up 50-60% of everything eaten per day. These are mainly porridges (without milk and sugar), as well as bread made from wholemeal flour. And such nutrition will be useful only if the food is chewed most diligently.

You cannot chew purely mechanically. It is no coincidence that before sitting down to the table, believers read a prayer. When starting to eat, a person should feel gratitude towards the plant and animal life itself, which in the form of food will become part of the person who consumes this food. Then this “accompanying life” takes on a new form and, together with man, participates in the life of the entire Universe.

Causes of diseases

According to macrobiotics, the causes of all diseases contained in poor blood composition. The composition of the blood is determined by nutrition, therefore, with improper nutrition, the disease develops in the following sequence: through food - to the blood, from the blood - to the cells of the body. Osawa states that in the human body, one tenth of the red blood cells die and are replaced by new ones every day. That is, in 10 days the blood is completely renewed. Therefore, if you adhere to a diet that brings your blood to an ideal state, you can get rid of any disease in 10 days. Human body cells live on average seven years, gradually dying off and being replaced by new ones. Exactly the same with With the help of special nutrition, diseased cells can be completely removed and gain a completely healthy body in seven years. Such nutritional system that provides healthy blood and a healthy body, and is macrobiotics.

According to their natural constitution, people can

conditionally divided into “Yin” and “Yang” types.

“Yin” type of people

  • The skin has a yellowish tint and is often too dry.
  • The face is elongated, thin, often pale.
  • The eyes are expressionless. The pupil is dilated. The skin under the eyes is dark.
  • Digestive organs are weak. Appetite is irregular. Predisposition to stomach disorders.
  • After a hot bath he feels weak.
  • Women's menstrual cycle fluctuates.
  • Prefers sour and sweet. No craving for salty foods.
  • When consuming large amounts of liquid, your health noticeably worsens. Lethargy and swelling appear.
  • Cannot tolerate tobacco smoke. Prefers warm weather and climate.
  • The voice is weak, inexpressive. Speaks in short phrases, with pauses.
  • He sleeps for a long time and still feels tired. Slowly recovering from illness.
  • The abdomen is soft and lacks elasticity. There may be cold areas around the navel. The navel is slightly depressed.
  • The pulse is weak, irregular and usually slow. May be difficult to palpate.
  • Prone to pessimism. Gets tired quickly.
  • Reactions and movements are slow.
  • Severe allergies to medications. Sometimes, as a result of taking medications, the general condition worsens.
  • Goes bald with age.

“Yang” type of people

  • Skin is clean and smooth. Complexion ranges from pink to reddish.
  • The face is round or square, rather fleshy. The jaw is wide.
  • The eyes are lively and expressive. The pupil is constricted. The skin above and under the eyes is light.
  • The digestive organs are working well. He does not complain of appetite. Prone to constipation.
  • After a hot bath I feel good.
  • Loves meat and salty foods. Prefers cold weather. Smokes without apparent harm to himself.
  • Drinking large amounts of liquid or alcohol does not cause visible negative effects.
  • The voice is strong and lively. The manner of speaking is energetic.
  • In order to get enough sleep, he only needs a little time. Fatigue goes away quickly.
  • The abdomen is elastic, may be thick and protrude. The area of ​​the body around the navel is uniformly warm. The navel is deep.
  • The pulse is strong, rhythmic and even.
  • The character is optimistic and assertive. Active, efficient, recovering quickly from illness.
  • Agile, quick response. There are no side effects after taking the medications.
  • With age, hair turns grey.

Food “Yin” and “Yang”

According to the “Yin-Yang” principle, illness is an excess of one energy or another, a violation of the internal energy balance of the body. Balance can be restored primarily with the help of food.

The macrobiotic diet is predominantly vegetarian, but has a number of features.

Based on their energetic effect, food is divided into “Yin” and “Yang”.

“Yin” food cools the body, making it softer, sluggish, and relaxed. Consumed in excess, it causes a feeling of fatigue, anemia, pallor, and loss of appetite. Movements and speech become slow. It takes more time to sleep. Long-term eating “frost” food causes the “Yin” state, which is characterized by difficulty waking up in the morning, a feeling of depression, vulnerability, weakness, introversion, and depressed mood. The body cannot cope with some “yin” foods at all.

“Yang” food warms the body and makes it firmer. An excess of such food gives rise to a “Yang” state in the body - a feeling of tension, fever, irritability, irascibility, turning into aggressiveness, rigidity of thinking. Movements and speech become faster and more feverish. It takes less time to sleep.

Hot food is Yang, cold food is Yin. All Macrobiotic products are divided into “Yin” and “Yang”.

To Yang products, for example, legumes, buckwheat, cabbage, sour fruits, onions, meat (beef, pork), parsley, rice, rye, fish, salad, salt, wholemeal bread, tea, garlic.

Yin products are alcohol, mushrooms, fats, potatoes, coffee, chicken, margarine, butter (vegetable and butter), honey, milk, carrots, cucumbers, nuts, tomatoes, wheat, sweet fruits, sweets, sour cream, eggs.

A person should strive for an even combination of certain foods, since constant consumption of only one type of food causes deviations in the functioning of the body.

If a person’s energy is strongly deviated in one direction or another, then in order to return to balance, for a “yang” person, the diet must be saturated with “yin” food, and vice versa. It is also necessary to take into account that a resident of the north needs much more Yang products than a resident of the south. In addition, during mental stress, less Yin food is required than during physical stress.

“Yin” and “Yang” diseases

All macrobiotic diseases are also divided conventionally into “Yang” and “Yin”

For example, anemia, hemophilia, glaucoma, polio, and cancer are considered yin diseases.

Yang diseases include arthritis, many heart diseases, diabetes, dysentery, and various eczemas. Yin diseases are recommended to be treated with Yang food and vice versa.

If one practices long enough macrobiotic principles of nutrition, he finds his way to treat many functional diseases. And then it turns out that, for example. can be cured headache, like a “frost” disease, salted plum, which is strong yang product. And with cardiac neuroses and arrhythmia, Yin foods - nuts and honey - help well. For any serious illness, Osawa recommends trying a strict macrobiotic diet for 10 days. It should consist of “Yin” and “Yang” cereals combined with a small amount of vegetables and liquid.

Main components of macrobiotic nutrition

Because the macrobiotics is a component of Zen Buddhism, it is based on the Zen idea that cereals are the highest creation of the plant world. Therefore, for humans - the highest creation of the animal world - cereals are most suitable. They contain a colossal supply of energy and an optimal set of all microelements. When grains enter the body, they are included in a complex biochemical process, as a result of which some of the toxins accumulated in the blood and internal organs are processed into nutrients for the formation of new cells. In addition, the products of cereal processing, passing through all life-supporting systems of the body, including blood vessels, absorb the remains of toxins and remove them out.

Whole grains derived from grains should be more than half of a person's daily diet. Of these, the largest Unpolished brown rice is popular in macrobiotics, the shell of which contains a large amount of B vitamins. Polished and crushed rice practically loses its nutritional value.

In second place in the list of nutritional benefits and The energy value of macrobiotics is . It is especially recommended to use it in winter, in cold weather, as it is the most powerful " Yang" is a product of all cereals and warms the body well, giving it energy. It is useful to eat a wide variety of cereals, as well as bread made from coarse flour and pasta made from unbleached flour. An excellent energy breakfast is millet and porridge made from it. To diversify food, cereals are mixed with vegetables.

Vegetables in the macrobiotic diet system

Vegetables are the second most valuable product in the macrobiotic diet system. Combined with cereals, they harmoniously balance “Yang” and “Yin” in human food. Heat treatment and salt make them more Yang foods. It is believed that raw vegetables are healthier to eat in hot weather because they have cooling “frost” properties. One of the main places legumes occupy a macrobiotic diet(beans, lentils, peas) and nuts. These products are fully capable replace animal proteins in value. Another valuable source of nutrition is seaweed.

Meat on a macrobiotic diet

With a macrobiotic diet It is acceptable to eat some meat if it is cooked with plenty of vegetables, which neutralize the toxic effects of animal food. But meat can be consumed only if there is complete confidence that it is environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, this condition is now practically impossible to fulfill, especially for city residents. The conditions in which animals are kept, the antibiotics with which they are treated, the fear hormones produced by the body of animals in the slaughterhouse, poor storage conditions for meat products - all this leads to the fact that animal protein completely changes its structure. Therefore, it is mainly the so-called “cadaveric” meat that ends up on the table of the townspeople, which, of course, must be discarded.

Sugar and salt in macrobiotic nutrition

In macrobiotics it is not recommended to consume sugar, since it has a strong oxidizing effect on the blood and produces an excess of “Yin”. It is these two factors, according to many scientists, that lead to cancer. In addition, once sugar enters the body, it quickly turns into fat, which settles on the walls of blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis, heart disease, and strokes.

Concerning salt, then it is the only “Yang” mineral that alkalinizes the blood. That's why In macrobiotics, salt is used quite freely, especially if it is sea or gray rock salt, which contain many beneficial minerals.

Dairy products in macrobiotics

In macrobiotics, dairy products are completely excluded. Milk is a product intended by nature only for feeding offspring. It consists of 60% amino acids lysine necessary specifically for the growth of the body. That's why, According to macrobiotics, eating milk is unnatural for an adult. After all, children and animals, growing up, instinctively begin to refuse milk. In addition, milk is very low in iron, and people who drink a lot of milk tend to be anemic and sallow. In addition, it is not compatible with other products, since, when mixed with them, it blocks the normal secretion of gastric juice and proper digestion of food.

Liquid for macrobiotic nutrition

With macrobiotic nutrition A lot of fluid enters the body. For example, cooked rice contains 60-70% water, vegetables - 70-90%. An excess amount of fluid in the body causes the semi-permeable tissue of the kidneys to swell, the smallest holes in them become so small that fluid cannot pass through them freely. The kidneys are blocked and stop working normally - removing toxins from the body. Intoxication of the body occurs, which causes various diseases. Moreover, when we drink, we inevitably consume too much water being "Yin". That's why With a macrobiotic diet, it is recommended to consciously limit fluid intake.

Macrobiotic cuisine or 10 ways to eat

There are ten nutritional modes in Macrobiotics(see table) that will allow you to achieve good health, establishing balance. Yin Yang. And if you understand the theory, you can always choose for yourself one of these modes, which, if followed persistently and consistently, will certainly lead you to health and happiness.

Macrobiotic diet

Percentage composition of ingredients in the daily diet










As less as possible

In macrobiotic nutrition, the most important thing is to approach products and food in general from the perspective of the Yin-Yang system. A classification of products has been created according to the predominance of Yin and Yang in them, food rations have been developed for the prevention and treatment of diseases, taking into account the Yin-Yang system. At the same time, macrobiotics emphasize that the Yin-Yang ratios are not constant even in one product, since they can be changed through culinary processing and during the eating process itself. This implies the need to know the conditions for preparing different dishes and the rules of conduct during meals.

In the book by J. Osawa “Macrobiotic Zen, or the Art of Rejuvenation and Longevity”, a list of products is given, taking into account the predominance of Yin or Yang in them. The products are arranged in order of decreasing proportion of Yin and, accordingly, increasing proportion of Yang. There are no absolute Yin or Yang products - in each of them, along with Yin, there is also Yang. In the same way, the expression “Yin - Yang” does not mean their complete balance in the product.

Cereals: very Yin (little Yang) -> corn -> rye -> barley -> oats -> rice (Yin-Yang) <- millet <- wheat<- гречиха - очень Ян (мало Инь).

Vegetables, legumes and mushrooms: very Yin (little Yang) - eggplants -> tomatoes -> potatoes -> beans -> beans -> cucumbers -> sorrel -> spinach -> zucchini -> mushrooms -> green peas -> beets -> celery -> cabbage: red -> cauliflower -> white -> leafy (fodder) -> lentils -> dandelions (Yin-Yang)<- салат листовой curly cabbage<- лук-порей <- редис <- turnip<- лук репчатый <- тыква <- морковь - очень Ян (мало Инь).

Fruit: very Yin (little Yang) - pineapples -» mangoes -> oranges -> bananas -> dates -> lemons -> pears -> grapes -> peaches -> melons -» prunes -> almonds -> peanuts -» watermelons -> plum -> hazelnuts -> olives -> black olives -> strawberries (Yin - Yang) <- mulberry<- каштаны <- apples are very Yang (little Yin).

Meat: very Yin (little Yang): pork -> veal -> beef -> horse meat -> rabbit -> hare -> chicken -> lamb -> pigeon -> (Yin - Yang) <- partridge <- duck <- turkey<- яйца (оплодотворенные) <- фазан - очень Ян (мало Инь).

Fish and seafood: very Yin (little Yang) - oysters -> squid -> eel -> carp -> pike perch -> crayfish -> trout -> pike -> flounder -> tuna -> catfish (Yin - Yang) <- lobsters<- креветки <- сельдь <- сарди-ны<- икра - очень Ян (мало Инь).

Milk and dairy products: very Yin (little Yang) - kefir -> yogurt -> processed cheese -> sour cream -> curd cheese -> butter -> milk -> hard cheeses -> Roquefort cheese (Yin-Yang) Sheep cheese is very Yang (little Yin).

Sweets and edible fats: very Yin (little Yang) - honey -> white sugar -> brown sugar - molasses -> animal fats - margarine -> oils: coconut -> peanut -> olive -> sunflower -> sesame (Yin-Yang).

Spices, spices, spicy vegetables: very Yin (little Yang) - ginger -> pepper: red -> black -> capsicum -> vinegar -> mustard -> cloves -> vanilla -> bay leaf -> garlic -> anise -> cumin -> nutmeg -> tarragon -> rosemary (Yin-Yang) thyme<- петрушка <- шалфей horseradish<- шафран <- unrefined sea salt is very Yang (little Yin).

Beverages: very Yin (little Yang) - coffee -> Coca-Cola -> cocoa -> fruit juices -> sweet drinks -> champagne -> wine -> beer -> carbonated mineral water -> sparkling water -> water -> mint infusion -> linden infusion (Yin-Yang) <- coffee made from cereal beans<- кофе из корней лопуха - очень Ян (мало Инь).

What are the principles of food classification in the Yin-Yang system? The degree of expression of Yin and Yang properties in macrobiotic products is assessed by many indicators: vertical or horizontal growth of plants and the climatic region of their cultivation, taste, color, size, density, fat content, ratio of acids and alkalis, etc. As a result, mixing of indicators occurs with contradictory results. For example, red vegetables, like the color red in general, are endowed with Yang properties. However, tomatoes are classified as Yin because they are watery, sour and grow in warm climates.

Soybeans and other beans are yin because they are large and oily, while the small red adzuki beans, popular in macrobiotic cooking, are considered yang. Sesame seeds, small and hard, are more yang than large and fat walnuts, which are more yin. Depending on density, fat content, taste (salty or sweetish) and other indicators, cheeses can be more Yang or more Yin. Whole grain cereals, especially brown (unpolished) rice, are considered to be balanced foods in nature; they do not have a strong predominance of yang or yin. True, even in whole grains, changes in the Yin-Yang balance are possible, depending on the method and time of culinary processing (short-term refers to Yin, long-term refers to Yang) and the climatic conditions of growing cereals.

The macrobiotic classification of foods is completely at odds with nutritional science. It's not just the approach to separating products according to the Yin-Yang system. Equally important is that many of the properties of the products adopted for such separation do not correspond to scientific data. Thus, one of the criteria for including carrots, turnips and radishes among “more Yang” was that they contain less water than fruits growing on trees - they are “more Yin”. However, these vegetables contain 88-90% water, while pears, peaches or apricots contain only 85-86%. The macrobiotic classification of products is at odds with other eastern classifications - Tibetan medicine or Ayurveda. For example, the Tibetan division of foods into Yin, Yang and “neutral” differs from the macrobiotic one. In particular, lamb and horse meat are Yang according to the Tibetan system, but more Yin according to the macrobiotic system. According to the Tibetan classification, rice is Yin; for macrobiotics, it is a “neutral” product (Yin - Yang).

According to macrobiotics, knowledge of the Yin-Yang system allows a person to realize the need for food that suits his body and the environment. Macrobiotic nutrition is based on foods that balance Yin and Yang. Health disorders can arise from excess Yin or Yang in food. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to choose the products necessary to create a balance between Yin and Yang. Methods of preparing dishes are also of great importance. For example, most legumes are Yin. This means that it is better to cook them with seaweed, which carries Yang energy. Fruits become more balanced in terms of the Yin-Yang system if they are cooked with the addition of sea salt.

Macrobiotics believe that food balanced in Yin and Yang satisfies hunger better and with such food there is rarely a desire to eat “unhealthy” (from the macrobiotic point of view) foods.

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