Scenario for the event "Fun Mathematicians Club" for primary school. Mathematics holiday in primary school Mathematical holiday script for primary school

Holiday goals:

  1. Summarize after studying the topic “Numbers from 1 to 10 and the number 0. Numbering.”
  2. Introduce parents to the educational achievements of students.
  3. Increase interest in the subject of mathematics.
  4. Uniting children's and parent's teams through participation in collectively creative activities.


  1. Paper caps with numbers from 0 to 9, with mathematical signs “+” and “--” (two caps with the number “1”).
  2. Two toy swords or sabers.
  3. Drawings for riddles about each number.
  4. Cards with examples.
  5. Tables with examples 3+5, 4-3.
  6. Medals made by parents.

Equipment for the competition program:

  1. Multi-colored cards with numbers (the number of cards depends on the number of students in the class)
  2. 6 examples for each team are written on the board.
  3. Tables with scattered numbers from 1 to 10.
  4. Two colored chalks or markers for each team.
  5. Two pointers with a thread on which a magnet is attached.
  6. Foil fish.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Introduction.

Host: To answer how old you are, how many friends you have, how many paws a cat or beetle has, you need to know the numbers, you need to be able to count. In different countries at different times, people wrote down numbers in different ways.

Let's ask our parents to write down the time of our holiday in Roman numerals...

And the children will write in Arabic numerals, which we use now...

Word to students of 1st group

Listen guys
We had kittens
There are exactly five of them.
We thought, we wondered
What to name the kittens now.
Finally, we named them:
One two three four five.
One kitten is the whitest,
Two kittens are the bravest,
Three kittens are the fastest,
And four is the wisest.
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head.
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.
In chorus: Come to us guys to watch and count.

III. Now let's see what each number looks like (group 2)

(Students come out wearing paper caps with the corresponding number written on them and line up in a semicircle).

Here is one, or one,
Very thin, like a knitting needle.
And this is number two,
Admire what it's like:
The deuce arches his neck,
The tail is dragging behind her.
And look behind the deuce -
The number three appears.
Three is the third of the icons.
Consists of two hooks.
After three come four,
Sharp protruding elbow.
And then I went to dance
On paper the number is five.
She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.
Number six - door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.
Here is the seven - a poker.
She has one leg.
Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.
Number nine, or nine -
Circus acrobat:
If it stands on your head,
The number six will become nine.

(A child in a cap with the number “0” goes to the center and reads his poems, a second student joins him, reading the words “1”).

A number like the letter O -
This is zero, or nothing.
The round zero is so pretty
But doesn't mean nothing?
If on the left, next to him
We will accommodate the unit,
He will weigh more
Because it's ten.

(The student reading the following text comes to the fore; as the reading progresses, the action is demonstrated by two boys with swords and in hats with the number “1”).

In the problem book lived alone and alone
They went to fight one on one.
But soon one crossed out one.
And now there is nothing left of them.
And if they were friends with each other,
They would have lived a long time and there would have been two of them!

IV. And now each number will make a riddle about itself (group 3)

(Children have drawings for riddles about each number; as they read, they are shown to their audience).

I'm a winch in the lake
Long-necked pullet. (2)

I'm fourth
Between the numbers in the ranks. (4)

On one leg in a swamp
You will find me easily. (1)

In the summer I cut the grass in the meadows,
In winter I am on a nail in the entryway. (7)

I did a good job -
Lounged in a soft chair. (5)

I'm a hunchbacked old lady
Or shavings - a curl. (3)

I’m like Vanka, stand up
Don't bend me over. (8)

Six rolled over my head -
And I succeeded for you. (9)

I'm crawling like a snake onto a twig,
I cling deftly, like a hook. (6)

What kind of figure is an acrobat if she stands on her head,
Will it be exactly three more? (9)

Presenter: You learned all the numbers and named them correctly, well done!

V. Staging of the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “And this is zero, or nothing, listen to a fairy tale about him.” (Characters: author, zero, one)

And this is zero, or nothing.
Listen to a story about him.
Said the cheerful, round zero,
To the neighbor - unit:

With you next to me, let me
Stand on the page for me!

She looked him over
With an angry, proud look:

You, zero, are worth nothing.
Don't stand next to me!

I admit,
that I'm worth nothing
But you can become ten
If I'm with you.
You're so lonely now
Small and thin
But you'll be ten times bigger
When I stand on the right!

In vain they think that it’s zero
Plays a small role.
We'll turn two into twenty.
Of threes and fours
We can if we want
Make up thirty, forty
Let them say that we are nothing -
With two zeros together
From one comes one hundred,
Out of two - as many as two hundred?

Host: It’s not only the number zero that has such amazing abilities. Number 1 is no less famous. If we add 1 to the named number, we get... (children answer in chorus: the next number), and if we subtract 1 from any number, we get... (children answer in chorus: the previous number).

VI. And now we will play with you, I will show an example - you read and count in different ways and name the answer (you can name the next and previous number).

Example cards: 5+1, 7-1, 10-1, 3-1, 9+1, 8-1, 6+1, 4-1, 2-1, 3+1, 7+1.

VII. Presenter: Well done, guys! You know numbers, you know how to count, but without what can you not count? (+ , -) Correct without mathematical symbols. And indeed:

(4th group of children performs, they have hats with mathematical signs “+”, “--”, tablets with examples 3+5, 4-3).

As if there is nothing in the world without table legs,
As if there is no world without the horns of goats,
Cats without whiskers
And without the shells of crayfish,
This is not the case in arithmetic
Actions without signs.
Cross - it's called plus,
I can't do without him,
If I want to know
What is three and five?
I'm here without a doubt
I'll do the addition. (3+5)
(reads the problem from the card)
Mom baked it this morning
We have four pies.
How much did we not have time to eat?
Minus will help you here!
They call me minus
I'm not a cross, but friends
It’s impossible without me!
And here we are - attention?
Let's do it - Subtraction! (4-3)

Host: Guys, you know the plus and minus signs, and two arithmetic operations... “addition” and “subtraction”. Do you know how to solve fun problems? Now we'll see, but to do this we need to split into teams and choose a jury.

VIII. Election of a jury (3 people) from the guests present at the festival

IX. Competition program

  1. Will be built in order.
  2. Each student takes a card with a number of a certain color. The teacher asks the students to leave number 1, there are four such students with cards of different colors (blue, red, green, brown). The remaining students are given the task of finding a place on their team. As a result, it turns out that the children are divided into four teams.
  3. Problems in verse
  4. (one for each team).

    Why are you limping, bug?
    I hurt my leg on a twig.
    Previously on my six
    He could crawl very quickly.
    On how many legs?
    does a bug have to crawl? (5)

    Five crows sat on the roof,
    Two more arrived to them.
    Answer quickly, boldly,
    How many of them arrived? (7)

    Five puppies were playing football
    One was called home.
    He looks out the window, thinks,
    How many of them are playing now? (4)

    Two hares were sitting under a bush next to each other
    Two hares crunched carrots together.
    Each bunny ate four carrots.
    How many carrots did the rogues steal? (8)

  5. Solving examples.
  6. On the board there are 6 examples for each team, children go out in a chain and write down the answer, the time spent on solving the examples and correctness is assessed.
  7. Counting forward and backward.
  8. Two representatives from each team participate.

    (Tables and two colored chalks or markers for each team with scattered numbers from 1 to 10 are attached to the board; they need to be connected in forward and reverse order)

  9. Fishermen.
  10. From an improvised aquarium, fish made of foil are caught using fishing rods (a pointer with a thread on which a magnet is attached). Which team will be able to catch the most fish?
  11. Puzzles.

I'm a one-eared old woman
I'm jumping on the canvas
And a long thread from the ear
Like a web, I pull (Needle).

Two twins, two brothers
They sit astride the nose (Glasses).

This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels,
Sit astride and rush on it,
Just better steer (Bicycle).

Two braids, two sisters,
Made from fine sheep yarn.
How to walk, how to dress,
So that five and five do not freeze (Mittens).

X. Summing up

Everyone - Well done. It was not so much mathematics that won, but friendship.

Your parents have prepared a surprise for you; everyone who has mastered the “First Ten” will be awarded commemorative medals. (Parents reward and congratulate all children, to the sound of music).

XI. Conclusion

You will have many more victories and medals ahead, but the most important medals are awarded at the end of school - gold and silver. Gold - to those who graduate from school with only an “A”. Silver - for those who graduate from school with only one “4” and the rest “5”.

Lyudmila Rogozhkina
Scenario of the holiday “Mathematical Ball”



Scriptwriter: Gots Lyudmila Vladimirovna

music director

first qualification category



maintain the interest of children raising adults (parents and teachers) in joint musical and theatrical activities, bring children the joy of communicating with music.


development of musicality and creative abilities of children in musical and theatrical activities;

consolidate children's knowledge of numbers, numbers, basic mathematical concepts through play activities;

spend the holiday through emotional empathy and participation in the game-action of children and adults.

create a positive emotional mood in children and parents, a cheerful, cheerful mood, feel the joy of communication between children and adults;


Adults – (teachers and parents)



Number Three

Number Four

Number Five

Number Six

Number Seven

Children (fairy tale characters)


Children enter the music room to the music of “Twice - Two is Four.”

They sit on the chairs.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we are invited to a math ball! And any minute now the main characters of our fairy tale will appear in our hall - numbers! Guys, what numbers are you familiar with?

(Children call). Music is playing.

Leading. I think it's them! Let's see what happens here!

Laziness (yawns) and Chatter appear.


Wait a minute, Chatter

And listen to me.

The guys have a holiday today,

We need to run there

Because these numbers

We have to interfere with you.


Hush, Laziness... it seems they are coming.

Well, let's hide here.

Sloth and Chatter are hiding, peeking out from cover.

Numbers appear on the opposite side (children,

Veselinka walks in pairs in front.

Three. and (Unit) It's time for us, unit,

We might be late! (pulls hand)

Six and (Five) The five of us are going to them,

Can't we find the road?

Seven. Seven roads have already been passed, but the kindergarten has not been found...

Two. (Four). Straight, straight - 2 blocks,

Why should we go there?

Veselinka.(indignantly). What do you mean why?

The guys have a holiday today.

I'm a great craftswoman!

Have fun and learn!

Unit. It's not good to boast like that,

Better look at the map

We wouldn't go astray.

The numbers look into the map. Sloth and Chatter emerge from hiding and look at the map.

Laziness. Well, we found out the way. Did you run?

Chatter. Let's run!

Holding hands, Sloth and Chatter run through the hall and run backstage.


Good afternoon

Here I am.

You all know me.

Guys, I am Veselinka,

That's what my friends call me.

Together with you I believe

And I dance and I sing,

I won't let you get bored

I'm good with mathematics.

But while we were rushing to see you, the numbers were all mixed up.

___(children's names) will help me now

The game “Put in order” is played.

The game is played 2 times, accompanied by music. The numbers run around the hall - they mix, they stop. Children put the numbers (children) in order.

The children count together, checking to see if the numbers in the row are correct.

1 time) Laziness - runs out of cover and mixes the numbers in a row.

2 times) Chat - runs out of cover and mixes the standing numbers.


What is this, really?

Maybe the numbers are sick?

Children, this is Chatter!

She can't hide from me!

He catches Chatterbox, she hides, but Cheery catches her and takes her to the middle.


Why are you in our hall?

We didn't call you at all.

Come on, listen to our answer.

Do we need chatter?

Children. No!

Veselinka sends Chatter away.

Leading. We won’t hide it from the guys.

Let's continue the fun ball and start getting acquainted!

Opens the book “Mathematics”, shows the number “1” Leading. Children, what number is this? (children answer)

That's right, this is a unit, very thin like a knitting needle.

Boy. I am my mother's only son,

Mom doesn't have a daughter.

How can I help my mother?

Wash handkerchiefs?

The soap foams in the trough,

I'm doing the laundry - look!

Performing the exercise “Washing”

(children then count the number of handkerchiefs - everyone has one) Presenter. The next number is two.

Opens the book to the second page...

Child. Hey guys come out

Find a pair for yourself!

The game “Find Your Pair” is being played

Laziness runs out of hiding and plays a game with the children.

He sits down with the numbers, the numbers yawn and fall asleep.

Veselinka. What's happened? You're sleeping!

Wait, wait!

It's not night, but clear day!

Everything is clear, this is Laziness!

Veselinka looks for Laziness, finds her and takes her to the middle.Veselinka.

Look, here she is.

Do you guys need laziness?

Children. No!

Veselinka. That's all. Bon voyage!

And forget the way to us!

Veselinka sends Laziness away.

Leading. We won't be disturbed now.

We'll tell you a riddle,

Sing a song together -

Guess the number in the song.

They perform the song “Three Desires” by E. Zaretskaya

After singing the song, the children call the number “Three” and show the number “3” in the book.

3rd child.

Our cat in the spring

She brought me kittens:

White and gray,

Striped and reddish.

How many kittens in spring

Did the cat bring it to me?

Children call the number “Four”; Veselinka shows the number “4” in the book.The dance “3 cats and kitties” is performed


Guys, who knows what happens at school between lessons? Yes, this is change. Since we had a lesson, let's also have a break. Want to?

(Rings the bell.)

Veselinka. Hurray, change! During breaks you can play, relax and talk, but do not shout. And now we will organize a dance competition with you!

Come out everyone - you will be participants in the competition. Who dances better - boys or girls, who will win?

Children perform the “Button” dance. During the dance, Sloth and Chatter steal the number "Seven". The host announces the winners.

Everyone sits down. Children call the number “Five” - sounded in the song. Veselinka. Well done boys! It's a shame the change is over!

Leading. Veselinka, let's continue our acquaintance with the numbers!

I have a clever riddle, some number is hidden in it. Guys, listen carefully and count!

Arranged by Andryushka

Two rows of toys.

Next to the monkey -

Teddy bear,

Together with the fox -

Bunny oblique.

Following them -

Hedgehog and frog.

How many toys did Andryushka place?

The children counted and named the number “Six”; they showed the number “6” in the book.

Veselinka. Number six – door lock:

There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

This figure is very tricky.

This is an acrobat figure

Either a six or a nine.

They perform the dance “Only You” (from “Dance Rhythm by T. I. Suvorova”)

Leading. It's time for us to get acquainted with the last number - the guest of today's mathematical ball, (the chair is empty) Veselinka, where is the number?

Veselinka. I guess, what about you guys?

Let's help digital overcome laziness and chatter:

*remember in which fairy tale “seven” appears - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”;

*name a Russian proverb with the number “Seven” - “Measure seven times, ....”, “Seven troubles, one answer,” etc.

Laziness and Chatter come running from behind the scenes, screaming, followed by the number “Seven”.

Number "Seven".(Distressed). They have no aptitude for mathematics.

Leading. The guys and I know the reason! They chatter and are lazy for no reason.

And they don’t want to study at all.

Laziness and Chatter. Well, maybe the guys can help us? We want to learn.

Create a challenge so you can learn and have fun!

Leading. How many bagels in a bag

Did you put the cockerel down?

Two, but we'll give it to the chicken

And he will remain (alone).

Three fluffy cats

They lay down in the basket.

Then one came running to them,

How many cats are there together? - (four).

Two mice entered the apartment

We decided to try some cheese.

Then the girlfriends appeared -

Three little gray mice are toys,

Well, count how many mice ate the cheese? (five)

Veselinka. And now the last task - how many residents of the yard are there in this musical puzzle?

Children perform a re-enactment of “The Roosters Crew” music. A. Varlamov

Children call the number "Seven".

Well done boys! Thank you for a fun math lesson.

Leading. Well guys, our holiday is over, did you like it? Let's invite all our guests to the group for a treat!

To the music, children and adults leave the music room.

M a municipal government educational institution for orphans and children without parental care in the Kuibyshevsky district - Chumakovskaya special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with disabilities, VIII kind.


primary school teacher

year 2014

“When we play, we check what we can do and

what do we know!


    Continue to foster interest in mathematics through fun, creative activities.

    Develop attention, thinking, memory.

    Foster a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.

“Mathematics is mental gymnastics”

“Don’t be in a hurry with your tongue, be in a hurry with your deeds”

“Mathematics is the queen of all sciences”

Leading: We invite all boys and girls to a fun holiday of mathematics. Don't forget to bring your speed, resourcefulness and ingenuity with you. Are our teams ready yet? These are the best mathematicians who do not lose heart, calculate quickly, solve problems well, are inquisitive, and always live cheerfully and amicably.

I ask the captains to introduce the teams.


And now I present the panel of judges:


Let's start warming up for everyone:

Fun account.

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases

As soon as I say the word “three” (clap)

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We saw small fish

And not just one, but…two.

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don’t be cunning at the start

And wait for the command “One, two….march!”

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And to yourself, repeat them

Once, twice, or better yet...five!

Recently a train at the station

To me three I had to wait an hour

But why don’t you take the prize, your friends didn’t take it?

When was the opportunity to take it?!

So! It's time to test our knowledge.

Round 1: “Say, hurry up!”

(1 minute allocated to each team)

1. What is the name of the result obtained from addition?

2. How many kilograms are in a ton?

3. Which month is shorter than all the others?

4. Is the mass measure larger than the centner?

5. A line that has neither beginning nor end.

6. Unknown number.

6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails?

7. Time period of 24 hours?

8. How many days are there in a week?

9. How many vertices does a rhombus have?

10. What is the value of a number if its half is 70?

11. How many years are there in one century?

12. What is half 120?

13. Increase 12 by 3 times.

(Jury's word)

Round 2: “Problems and problems”

(teams answer in turns)

1. The bagel was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts were made?

2. When do we look at 3 and say 15?

3. The board was sawn into pieces one meter long. It takes 5 minutes to make one cut of a board. How many minutes did it take to cut the board?

4. The fox caught 15 perches and divided them into 5 piles so that all the piles had a different number. Try this too.

Round 3: Captains Competition

(task with cubes)

Round 4: “Troubles from a barrel”

(teams take turns taking out tasks, which they then discuss together)

1. The table is located 4 meters from the cabinet. How many meters will there be between them if the table and cabinet are moved 2m to the right?

2. There are 2 cans with a capacity of 2 and 7 liters. How can you use them to collect 3 liters of water from a river?

3. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon it was raining in Kyiv. Can we expect sunny weather in 10 hours?

4. How many years did the old man from A.S.’s fairy tale fish? Pushkin before he caught the goldfish?

5. There are 5 sons in the family and each has a sister. How many children are in this family?

6. In the famous fairy tale “Go there, I don’t know where, bring something, I don’t know what,” the king sent the shooter Andrei “far away.” How much is “far away”?

Round 5: “Fight of Tongue Twisters”

(tongue twisters are written on cards, participants take turns pulling out and reading the chosen tongue twister in chorus or one at a time)

Round 6: “Geometric puzzles”

1. Working with wire.

2. There is a ditch 2 meters wide. How to cross this ditch using two 2m long boards?

3. “Master class” (for both teams)

Both teams are given a class diagram with dimensions marked on it. Participants need to calculate the amount of decorative border to decorate a wall?



List of literature

1. Mathematics. Exercises for mental calculation / M.V. Golovach. – Publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd.

2. Correctional and developmental classes / A.A. Shabanova. – Publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd.

3. Non-standard mathematics lessons in a correctional school / F.R. Zalyaletdinova. – Moscow, “VAKO”, 2007.

4. Educational games for younger schoolchildren - Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1996.

In modern educational institutions, great importance for the development of the personality of the younger generation is given to holding thematic holidays. Moreover, they can not only be timed to coincide with important dates, but also be of an individual nature, for example:

  • "Merry Children's Day";
  • “Day of Linguistics”;
  • "Jam Day";
  • "Amateur Gardener's Day"

These events are carried out with the aim of raising a comprehensively developed personality, as well as to increase children’s interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge. The quality of children’s education largely depends on the desire of the teacher to work and be useful. His extraordinary approach to the educational process is also important.

Children are very active now. A math holiday is an opportunity to give a child a chance to express himself in different aspects of his development and at the same time promote new knowledge.

Why do we need a holiday of mathematics?

As experience shows, the science of mathematics is complex, but it is the knowledge acquired in this area that a person needs every day. These include:

  • ability to count;
  • perform some mathematical calculations without a piece of paper and pen;
  • ability to analyze;
  • ability to build logical chains;
  • consider different options for solving a particular problem;
  • correctly draw conclusions from current situations.

And in order for a child to learn all this knowledge, lessons alone are often not enough. Therefore, the educational process includes mathematics and kindergartens. They teach children to use the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations.

Mathematics for preschoolers

The mathematical holiday in preschool educational institutions, starting from the senior group, is an assistant to the educational process. It allows educators to achieve the following goals:

  • enjoy intellectual games;
  • promote the development of children's thinking;
  • develop basic numeracy skills;
  • be able to apply previously acquired knowledge when solving a certain type of problem;
  • develop a desire to take part in games with mathematical content;
  • promote the development of the ability to come to the rescue through the use of mathematical games.

When preparing a math holiday for preschoolers, you need to remember the following points:

  • since the education of children at this age is built on an emotional level, the event should evoke a lot of positive emotions in the children;
  • tasks used during the program must correspond to the age criteria of the participants;
  • the event should be interesting and not take too long, since preschool children get tired quickly, especially if their activities are monotonous;
  • the presence of fairy-tale characters who ask children for help or invite them on a journey must be provided;
  • at the end of the holiday, children should receive gifts or prizes - it could be anything: pens, medals, candies, chocolate coins.

Using the above rules for preparing a holiday will encourage children to participate in further events.

Holiday scenario at a preschool educational institution

Mathematical celebrations in kindergarten require responsible organization, since one small mistake can lead to the collapse of the entire event. Therefore, you need to think through every little detail. Having a script can help with this issue. The plan could be as follows:

  1. The teacher speaks. He tells the children about the importance of mathematics in life. Gives situations in which it is impossible to do without knowledge related to science.
  2. The presenter holds competitions among children and present parents. Kids solve simple math problems.
  3. Children show pre-prepared scenes and recite poems.
  4. At the end of the event, the children, together with the teacher, sing the song “Twice two is four.”

A mathematical holiday should last no more than half an hour.

Of course, the key to a successful event at a preschool educational institution is the design of the premises. In this case, you can use balloons (which will contain tasks for children), numbers, and mathematical figures familiar to children.

In addition, the musical accompaniment must be thought out and a person responsible for it must be appointed. This may be the music director of the educational institution (in cases where elements of live music are used) or another teacher. In any case, all participants study the script in advance.

Holiday in elementary school

Events in elementary school are not much different from holidays in kindergarten. Mathematical holidays are most often held within a week where each day corresponds to a specific science. Children usually take an active part in this event, since due to their age development they are trying to establish themselves in the team due to their success in the educational process.

The tasks should be appropriate to the age of the participants, but not all of them may be simple, since during the event teachers are faced with the task of identifying gifted children. This will ensure their further development in the field of this science.

Organizing an event in a primary school

A math holiday in elementary school is a school-wide event. Therefore, all primary school teachers are involved in organizing it jointly.

In this case, the presence of a script is still important. This is especially true when the participation of several classes is envisaged. The responsibilities of teachers must be strictly distributed and spelled out at the beginning of the scenario (who is responsible for discipline, who is on the jury, who is the main presenter of the event). In this way, unforeseen situations will be avoided.

The math holiday script should include an educational part. This means something that the children did not know before that day (for example, what a compass is and what it is for, or getting to know new geometric shapes). Using this moment allows you to broaden the horizons of students during the event and create a situation of motivation to study mathematics.

Mathematics in high school

Mathematical holidays also take place in secondary schools, since children, due to age-related development, lose interest in studying subjects and personal problems come to the fore.

To maintain interest in the learning process, events called “subject weeks” are held in high school. The thematic event allows teachers to use a non-traditional structure of the educational process. The following forms help with this:

  • quizzes;
  • competitions;
  • game tasks;
  • creative projects;
  • Olympics.

Conducting math olympiads allows children to assess their level of knowledge and identify gaps. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct the school tour of this event with the whole class, but send the best ones to the district tour.

What should the script for a math event include?

A planned event must have a script. The mathematical holiday program must meet the following criteria:

  • be interesting;
  • cognitive;
  • educational;
  • entertaining;
  • allow for the participation of a large number of children.

In addition, the script should be easy to understand and safe during gameplay.

If the event is dedicated to travel, then the names of stations, islands, and cities must correspond to the chosen topic (in this case, mathematical). Meetings with interesting people (scientists) should be aimed at motivating the study of the subject.

Since the math event involves brain activity, you should not delay it. Children will get tired and lose interest.

What resources can you use to prepare a math event?

Preparing a math holiday is not complete without using additional resources. These include:

  • methodological recommendations for developing holidays;
  • Internet resource;
  • experience of innovative teachers;
  • Olympiad assignments from previous years in mathematics.

There is only one condition. When preparing the event, you need to remember that the tasks offered to children must be completed by the teacher himself. Because very often on the Internet, and in paper media, there are typos that make the solution impossible.

All-Russian holiday

To motivate children to study and to orient them towards further professional education, a national holiday has been held in the country's universities since 1990. At the very beginning it was the Moscow Mathematical Festival, which is part of the Olympiad program in this subject.

The preparation of the event is carried out by university teachers, successful graduate students, and teachers in this subject from the best schools in Moscow.

A mathematical festival is being held at Moscow State University. In 2015, about 5,000 gifted children (grades 6-7) from different parts of Russia took part in the event.

How is the All-Russian mathematics holiday going?

The annual All-Russian mathematical holidays are held in Moscow on one of the February Sundays. Application for participation must be submitted in advance. Children, accompanied by teachers or parents, must arrive at Moscow State University 15 minutes before the start of the event. They are seated in classrooms, the rules of the game are explained and they are given worksheets. The duration of the event is 120 minutes. After which there is a break for lunch, and then the teachers explain the solutions to the proposed problems.

At approximately 14:00, a cultural program begins for the participants of the event, which ends with the awarding of the winners.

M a municipal government educational institution for orphans and children without parental care in the Kuibyshevsky district - Chumakovskaya special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with disabilities, VIIIkind.


primary school teacher

year 2014

“When we play, we check what we can do and

what do we know!


    Continue to foster interest in mathematics through fun, creative activities.

    Develop attention, thinking, memory.

    Foster a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.

“Mathematics is mental gymnastics”

“Don’t be in a hurry with your tongue, be in a hurry with your deeds”

“Mathematics is the queen of all sciences”

Leading: We invite all boys and girls to a fun holiday of mathematics. Don't forget to bring your speed, resourcefulness and ingenuity with you. Are our teams ready yet? These are the best mathematicians who do not lose heart, calculate quickly, solve problems well, are inquisitive, and always live cheerfully and amicably.

I ask the captains to introduce the teams.


And now I present the panel of judges:


Let's start warming up for everyone:

Fun account.

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases

As soon as I say the word “three” (clap)

Take the prize immediately.

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, and inside

We saw small fish

And not just one, but…two.

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don’t be cunning at the start

And wait for the command “One, two….march!”

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And to yourself, repeat them

Once, twice, or better yet...five!

Recently a train at the station

To me three I had to wait an hour

But why don’t you take the prize, your friends didn’t take it?

When was the opportunity to take it?!

So! It's time to test our knowledge.

Round 1: “Say, hurry up!”

(1 minute allocated to each team)

1. What is the name of the result obtained from addition?

2. How many kilograms are in a ton?

3. Which month is shorter than all the others?

4. Is the mass measure larger than the centner?

5. A line that has neither beginning nor end.

6. Unknown number.

6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails?

7. Time period of 24 hours?

8. How many days are there in a week?

9. How many vertices does a rhombus have?

10. What is the value of a number if its half is 70?

11. How many years are there in one century?

12. What is half 120?

13. Increase 12 by 3 times.

(Jury's word)

Round 2: “Problems and problems”

(teams answer in turns)

1. The bagel was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts were made?

2. When do we look at 3 and say 15?

3. The board was sawn into pieces one meter long. It takes 5 minutes to make one cut of a board. How many minutes did it take to cut the board?

4. The fox caught 15 perches and divided them into 5 piles so that all the piles had a different number. Try this too.

Round 3: Captains Competition

(task with cubes)

Round 4: “Troubles from a barrel”

(teams take turns taking out tasks, which they then discuss together)

1. The table is located 4 meters from the cabinet. How many meters will there be between them if the table and cabinet are moved 2m to the right?

2. There are 2 cans with a capacity of 2 and 7 liters. How can you use them to collect 3 liters of water from a river?

3. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon it was raining in Kyiv. Can we expect sunny weather in 10 hours?

4. How many years did the old man from A.S.’s fairy tale fish? Pushkin before he caught the goldfish?

5. There are 5 sons in the family and each has a sister. How many children are in this family?

6. In the famous fairy tale “Go there, I don’t know where, bring something, I don’t know what,” the king sent the shooter Andrei “far away.” How much is “far away”?

Round 5: “Fight of Tongue Twisters”

(tongue twisters are written on cards, participants take turns pulling out and reading the chosen tongue twister in chorus or one at a time)

Round 6: “Geometric puzzles”

1. Working with wire.

2. There is a ditch 2 meters wide. How to cross this ditch using two 2m long boards?

3. “Master class” (for both teams)

Both teams are given a class diagram with dimensions marked on it. Participants need to calculate the amount of decorative border to decorate a wall?



List of literature
1. Mathematics. Exercises for mental calculation / M.V. Golovach. – Publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd.2. Correctional and developmental classes / A.A. Shabanova. – Publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd.3. Non-standard mathematics lessons in a correctional school / F.R. Zalyaletdinova. – Moscow, “VAKO”, 2007.4. Educational games for younger schoolchildren - Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1996.
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