What should parents do if their child has a high fever? Cold feet and hands.

Children get sick at any age. The temperature rising to 37.5°C does not cause much panic. But what to do if the thermometer is already 39°C? What to do when the thermometer reaches the mark

38°C, but there are no other signs of illness? The answers are given by Dr. Komarovsky, a pediatrician with 30 years of experience, whose opinion is carefully listened to by mothers of children of any age.

How to lower a high temperature using the Komarovsky method

According to the doctor, a temperature of 39°C is considered critical and parents should be extremely attentive to the baby’s well-being. Further increase in heat can cause serious harm to the child's body.

“It is unacceptable to limit yourself to self-medication - a high temperature is always a serious reason to call a doctor”

But if there are signs of an infectious disease, then how to bring down a child’s temperature of 39? Komarovsky believes that you can help a child both without medications and with their help. However, there are a number of cases when medications are given without delay:

Reducing fever without medication

If the baby feels normal - he does not have delirium, inappropriate behavior, or difficulty breathing, then you can wait to take medications. The main thing is to create special conditions that will help the baby cope with the fever. To do this you need:

Cool air and plenty of fluids are the main allies in the fight against high fever.

Cooling occurs through breathing and sweating. Tea with raspberries, honey or linden blossom is given only after the child drinks more than a liter of regular compote. Otherwise, the baby will have nothing to sweat with and the temperature will rise even more.

Rubbing with cold water is also not beneficial. They provoke vasospasm. The skin cools down, and the internal organs, on the contrary, overheat even more. If the child’s condition worsens, then it is necessary to move on to the next stage - taking medications.

Reducing fever with medications

According to Komarovsky, parents can only give their children paracetamol or ibuprofen in the dosages prescribed in the instructions.

At high temperatures, suppositories do not have the desired effect, but liquid products are absorbed quickly. However, there are times when even syrup cannot cope with intense heat due to spasm of the mucous vessels. The only way out is an injection of an antipyretic drug, which will be given by a doctor.

“Remember! You should not give your child aspirin or analgin - these medications harm the liver and blood-forming organs."

Paracetamol is given at intervals of 4 hours, ibuprofen - 6 hours, but no more than 4 times a day. Medicines are compatible with each other. When paracetamol does not work, you can give your child ibuprofen 40 minutes after paracetamol. If the temperature does not subside within 30-40 minutes after taking antipyretics, you should call a doctor.

Temperature without symptoms

As Dr. Komarovsky’s practice shows, a high temperature in a child without symptoms of an infectious disease causes even more bewilderment. High fever may be caused by:

If your temperature rises and there are no symptoms, you should definitely see a doctor. Perhaps the doctor will see what is hidden from parental eyes. Perhaps it will simply confirm guesses, for example, about growing teeth.

If the doctor throws up his hands and does not find any visible signs of the disease, then Komarovsky suggests waiting 3-5 days and observing the child. After this period, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests to exclude hidden inflammatory processes.

Summing up

Komarovsky considers a high temperature with signs of an infectious disease or a child with a temperature of 38 without symptoms to be a good reason to immediately call a doctor at home. Parents should help the baby cope with the fever - drinking plenty of fluids, cool air in the room and, if necessary, taking antipyretic drugs will help do this. Analgin, aspirin, vodka, vinegar and cold compresses should be excluded from first aid remedies.

If a child often has a fever, this is not a reason to panic. Effective antipyretics will help quickly reduce your baby's fever. Any parent sooner or later encounters an increase in body temperature in their child. What to do, how to properly lower the temperature without causing harm to the fragile body and without preventing the baby’s immune system from fighting the infection on its own. What temperature should be reduced with antipyretics, and in what case should you let the body fight on its own - details below.

The effectiveness of antipyretics for children

An increase in a child's body temperature occurs due to an increase in the number of pathogens or infection. The immune system begins to fight the inflammatory process, and as evidence of this is an increase in body temperature.

Fever occurs:

  1. Low-grade fever. The thermometer readings do not exceed 37-38 ᵒС, it should not be knocked down.
  2. Moderately elevated. The thermometer readings reach 39 ᵒC. You should try to reduce this temperature.
  3. High. The thermometer readings exceed 39 ᵒC. The high temperature must be brought down immediately by wiping the child with a damp towel and given an antipyretic.

The reasons for fever in children are different. Overheating occurs as a result of the baby's prolonged exposure to the sun in the summer, in a stuffy room, when the child is dressed too warmly outside. In this case, you should choose looser and lighter clothing; you do not need to give an antipyretic.

This condition should be avoided in the future, as it can lead to dehydration.

When an allergic reaction to food or other factors, the baby is teething, the body reacts with an increase in temperature. Viral infection (ARVI) is usually accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and weakness of the body. The temperature may not rise if the immune system is weakened and does not fight the inflammatory process. Bacterial infection is common in newborns and older children. E. coli or staphylococcus enters the body, pain occurs, the temperature rises, and stress or severe fear also occurs.

Popular temperature candles for children

When it is necessary to bring down the fever, but there is no way to give syrup or tablets (due to age or a faster effect is needed), they resort to the help of rectal suppositories. Antipyretic suppositories in the rectum gradually dissolve, quickly being absorbed into the blood.

Benefits of candles:

  • Fast absorption;
  • Increased efficiency;
  • There is no negative effect on the baby’s liver;
  • Protect intestinal microflora from dysbacteriosis;
  • Suitable for infants, in serious condition, with a gag reflex to tablets.

Which suppositories are considered the most effective in combating fever in a child? Mothers give positive reviews to the following suppositories Nurofen, Genferon, Kipferon, Panadol, Viferon, Vibrukol, Tsefekon, Ibuflex. Rectal suppositories have contraindications that should be taken into account when using them.

Contraindications for suppositories are diseases of the rectum or kidneys, allergies to the components of the drug.

At high temperatures, doctors recommend the use of antipyretics. Usually the active ingredients are the same, but before taking, you should consult your doctor. The instructions for the drug will tell you the correct dosage and time of taking the medicine, depending on age. The most effective means of relieving fever are Viburkol (homeopathic), Ibuflex (drug in tablets and suppositories), Nurofen, Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol), Ibufen, Ibuprofen.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child: Komarovsky will tell you

It is necessary to allow the body of a small child to lose heat.

You should drink plenty of fluids to help you sweat. For infants, it is best to prepare a raisin decoction; for older children, a compote (can be made from dried fruits). It is not recommended to give raspberries and raspberry tea to avoid dehydration. Cool the room to 16–18 ᵒC, so heat will be lost when the inhaled air is warmed.

  • Enemas with cold solution;
  • Wet sheets;
  • Hot water bottles with ice.

Contact with cold causes a spasm of skin vessels and a slowdown in blood flow and, as a result, a decrease in sweating. In this case, the temperature of the internal organs increases, despite the decrease in skin temperature. If the above measures do not help, and the temperature has reached a critical level, Komarovsky advises using Ibuprofen rectal suppositories. Situations when it is necessary to use an antipyretic - the thermometer reaches 39 ᵒC and above, the child’s general intolerance to high temperature, existing diseases of the nervous system. In this case, a significant increase in temperature can lead to the development of seizures.

Doctors recommend always monitoring the child’s condition when a fever appears and, after applying the recommended measures, the temperature should be measured every 0.5 hours. If it continues to rise, you should call an ambulance, because this is a symptom of an existing disease.

  1. Frequently ventilate the room and maintain optimal humidity levels. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 20 ᵒC.
  2. It is better to humidify using special humidifiers, but if this is not possible, it is recommended to hang wet sheets and towels in the room.
  3. Be sure to give plenty of fluids (sweetened tea, fruit drinks, water, diluted juices). Heat dehydrates the baby's body, so if the child categorically refuses to drink, he should be persuaded.

In combination with an antipyretic, you can use cool rubbing, but in no case use anything other than water. Alcohol and vinegar solutions are strictly prohibited. Also, the wiping method is not suitable for children who have a history of seizures due to elevated temperature.

The baby's clothes should be light and loose, even when chilly.

To reduce fever, children should be given Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in syrup form. For infants, rectal suppositories are suitable, they have a quick effect and do not irritate the gastric mucosa.

Recommendations on how to quickly reduce a child’s temperature: folk remedies

There are a number of folk ways to reduce fever in children. They should be used before the doctor arrives. The most effective way to combat fever at home is a saline solution (2 teaspoons of salt per 250 ml of hot water) helps reduce intoxication and reduce fever. For children up to six months, the daily dose is approximately 30-40 ml, for children from 0.5 g - 200 ml.

Echinacea infusion (especially effective for infections):

  • Pour 1 tbsp. l dry echinacea glass of boiling water;
  • Let it brew for 30 minutes;
  • Give your child the infusion to drink throughout the day.

Chamomile enemas – pour 1 tbsp. l chamomile flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath, remove, strain, cool and add a few drops of sunflower oil to the broth before use. There are a number of folk recipes that are strictly contraindicated for use.

Despite the fact that these remedies are considered time-tested, they can make things worse for the child.

Such means include rubbing. Regardless of whether the solution is alcohol or vinegar, it causes additional intoxication by penetrating the child’s blood. There is also a risk of burning the baby's delicate skin.

How to reduce the temperature of a 3 year old child

Pediatricians urge trying to lower the temperature if it has reached 38.5–39 ᵒC. This is very important for children under 3 years of age, as the heat of this age can lead to seizures. For babies up to the age of 2 months, it is correct to begin lowering the temperature, which has reached 37.7 ᵒC, because in newborns the development of the inflammatory process is very rapid!

The most effective and safe baby products for children under 3 years of age:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Nurofen.

Tea with raspberries can be served with this drink, provided that the child consumes a lot of water. Otherwise, there is a risk of dehydration; raspberries have diuretic properties and reduce sweating. Doctors recommend refraining from taking medications that are considered toxic (Analgin, Phenacetin, Amidopyrine, Antipyrine). So, after taking analgin, a baby may experience severe allergies, a decrease in body temperature down to 35 ᵒC, and loss of consciousness.

Viburkol: candles for children, reviews, Komarovsky (video)

A high body temperature in a child always indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Temperature reduction should be carried out with the help of antipyretic medications in combination with maintaining the optimal temperature in the room and drinking plenty of fluids.

Before answering the question “how to bring down a child’s fever?”, let’s try to figure out whether it is necessary to do this at all?

And if you, who for the first time encountered the mercury column of the thermometer going off scale beyond the borderline 37 degrees, our opinion seems almost blasphemous - be sure to discuss this with your local doctor. In the meantime...

A high temperature exhausts the child, so it must be brought down.

From the history of the issue

With the invention of aspirin in 1897, widespread “temperature phobia” began among doctors. If, until this moment, fever during illness was considered an assistant to both the doctor and the patient, then due to the obsessive advertising of the “miracle remedy”, the world became fascinated with antipyretics.

Previously, the temperature was not brought down; the baby’s body fought without outside help.

The struggle of pharmacists for the treasured 36.6 has taken the form of a general epidemic. It began to seem that by bringing down the “criminal” tenths of a degree of body temperature, the patient could be considered cured.

Is this all really true?

What is considered a high temperature that requires urgent action?

The body temperature of a healthy newborn baby can fluctuate within the normal range of 37-37.4 °C. After six months of age, it rarely rises above 37 °C.

An increase in these indicators to 37.2-37.5°C for quite a long time is considered low-grade fever. This is one of the indicators of the inflammatory process occurring in the baby’s body, which the tiny body is trying to fight. The production of protective cells and antibodies by the child’s immune system is accompanied by the release of heat.

At this stage, measures aimed at reducing temperature are not applied. The reasons for its increase are being clarified, and the fight against the underlying disease is underway.

At a temperature of 39°C, the body actively fights viruses.

With a further rise in the thermometer, to 38-39°C, the baby's body temperature is considered febrile. This is a period of active struggle between the defenders of his body and foreign cells and microbes. The vast majority of pathogens die at this stage.

If the baby tolerates this temperature well, you can try to let the baby cope with hostile microorganisms on his own. If the child is prone to seizures, has a vulnerable nervous system, problems with intracranial pressure, etc., we begin the fight for fever reduction.

When the mercury column crosses the mark at 39°C, measures to reduce the temperature are taken immediately. For babies under the age of one year, such a fever can be critical and requires emergency care.

A child may develop a high temperature if he or she is ill. This is the first sign of the disease; after a day or two, a characteristic red rash will appear on the baby’s body. Every mother knows what chickenpox is, but she doesn’t always know what to do if her baby catches the virus.

A high temperature may be one of the symptoms of rubella. This unpleasant disease must be treated immediately, otherwise the child may develop complications. We will tell you what rubella is and how to treat it.

10 ways to effectively reduce your temperature

  1. Vinegar rubdowns. Mix 1 part table vinegar with 5 parts cool water in a bowl. Using a sponge soaked in this solution, wipe the baby’s feet, palms, chest, tummy and back. We repeat the manipulation every 2-3 hours.
  2. We provide coolness. The heat exchange of a baby works completely differently from that of an adult. And if for us, wrapping ourselves up when we have a fever in order to get a good sweat is a proven method (and with a cup of tea with raspberries, or maybe 100 grams), then this scheme is not suitable for a baby. The air in the room should be cool and allow excess heat to escape from the child’s body.
  3. More liquid. Elevated temperature easily leads to dehydration of the child's body. Violation of the water-salt balance prevents the already working at the limit immunity from fighting infection. Liquid at room temperature is easier to digest. Too cold will lead to vasospasm and worsening heat transfer, too hot - to even greater heating of the baby.
  4. In order for the child to remove harmful substances from his body, he needs to drink more fluid.

  5. Terry napkins soaked in the above-mentioned vinegar solution or mint decoction are applied to the child’s forehead, wrists, and groin folds. As it warms up, the compresses need to be changed and reapplied. These refreshing bandages, which absorb excess heat in places where the baby's pulse is heard, can reduce his temperature to normal in a couple of hours.
  6. A cool compress removes excess heat and helps lower the temperature.

  7. Salt enema. For older children, a salt enema works well. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of cool water. You can add 15-20 drops of beet juice to this solution. For a two to three year old toddler, the enema volume should not exceed 70-80 ml.
  8. Chamomile enema. For very small children, the same enema is recommended, but with chamomile decoction. In addition to the antipyretic effect, it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Three tablespoons of chamomile are poured into a glass of hot water. Then, gradually, in a water bath, over 15-20 minutes, the infusion is brought to readiness. After straining and mixing it with any vegetable oil (for infants - 1:1, for children over 3 years old, a couple of tablespoons of oil is enough), we get a composition for an enema.
  9. Chamomile enema - reduces fever and has a disinfecting effect.

  10. Cool wrap. An aqueous solution of yarrow relieves heat well and, in addition, has an antiseptic effect. Soak a cotton cloth in this infusion and wrap the feverish child for 10-15 minutes. Proportions of the solution: a couple of spoons of herb per liter of water, and for 20-30 minutes in a water bath.
  11. Bath. This method is not recommended for very young children; it is more suitable for teenagers and adults (in infants, the circulatory system is not yet perfect, and the blood vessels simply do not have time to react correctly to a sharp temperature change). The patient sits in a bath with lukewarm water that does not cause discomfort. To improve heat transfer and blood circulation, a light massage is performed on parts of the body that are in the water. The cooling bath time is 15-20 minutes. During this time, body temperature can be reduced by a couple of degrees.
  12. A cool bath can reduce a child's body temperature by several degrees.

  13. Hypertonic solution. This is a 3-6% solution of sodium chloride (or regular table salt), also used for enema. Thoroughly dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm(!) water. The effect of this enema is not based on cleansing the baby’s gastrointestinal tract of toxins, but on the absorption of a hypertonic solution by the intestinal walls. For infants from six months of age, the volume of liquid should not exceed 50-70 ml. Children under three years old - 100-150 ml of solution.
  14. Table salt has a unique healing effect.

  15. Medicines. You can find a more detailed review of antipyretics on our website. In general terms, the most effective and safe drugs recommended for high body temperature are still considered to be drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition to the ability to relieve fever, they have anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic properties.

11th, extreme way to bring down the baby’s temperature

If none of the above methods help, if the child’s fever persists and does not subside, if he begins to feel worse, you turn off the computer and call an ambulance.

This especially applies to infants and children under one year of age. Their nervous system is not yet fully developed and is not able to withstand such a load for long. Vascular spasm, and as a result - convulsions and (pah-pah-pah!) cessation of breathing, can lead to dire consequences.

We don't take risks!

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on symptoms, causes and folk remedies for bringing down fever

Evgeniy Olegovich is extremely conservative in his vision of this problem. Considering high temperature not a symptom of a disease, but a mobilization of all the body’s forces, the doctor suggests fighting the cause that caused such a reaction.

He shares the opinion of most sensible colleagues that an increase in general body temperature during illness leads to more active production of natural interferon. On the second or third day of illness, its quantity is sufficient to effectively combat any infectious agent. That is why almost any acute respiratory viral infection subsides within 3-5 days from the onset of the disease.

Raspberry decoction is the best antipyretic according to Uncle Zhenya Komarovsky.

Komarovsky considers the best antipyretic drug to be a proven folk remedy - raspberry decoction, causing increased sweating.

But “letting the process take its course” is unacceptable in infants who are prone to increased intracranial pressure and convulsions.

If a child has blood in his blood, he will get sick more often and feel unwell. The overall health of the baby depends on the content of red bodies in the blood. One of the main tasks of a mother is to monitor her child’s hemoglobin level.

Some parents notice that their babies' heads are sweating. This may be due to several reasons. We will talk about them in more detail in.

Moms talk about ways to combat fever in babies

Anastasia R., mother of Alyosha (2 years old):

“I really respect the opinion of Evgeniy Olegovich. When Alyoshka was born, we re-read almost everything about the illnesses of Komarovsky and the Nikitin family. Calls for common sense and a lack of panic really helped with the first illnesses, acute respiratory infections and fever.”

The Nikitins, having raised seven children, advise:

“On the first day of a fever, do not rush to give the baby medicine, but give the baby’s body the opportunity to cope with the infection on its own. You need to monitor the coolness in the room, and, of course, the child’s condition in order to notice in time if he needs help.”

Tamara, mother of Sergei (3.6 years):

“Girls, not a single modern antipyretic can compare with grandma’s raspberry tea, tested! The only thing is that it is better not to use jam (sugar is more difficult for a sick body to digest, and it reduces sweating), but dried fruits and raspberry leaves. By evening, Seryozha’s fever had disappeared! True, he had to change his pajamas four times - no matter what!”

And also, it is very important that the baby’s arms and legs are warm. This means that there is no vascular spasm, and heat transfer will be normal.

Cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever. The situation is unpleasant, but understandable. And if all this is missing, and the temperature has risen. High temperature and nothing else.

Situation: you touched your forehead, it seemed hot, but there was nothing else. Scary and incomprehensible. If you have a fever and you don’t understand why the fever is high, it won’t hurt to contact a person who should understand it better than you. In situations of high fever, you often have to consult a doctor.

Contents of the article:

High temperature and overheating of the child

This morning, the mother suddenly discovered that the child had a high temperature. Why did you start measuring temperature? Because my forehead was hot to the touch. You took his temperature, his temperature was 38. You took him to the doctor. And the doctor declares: the lungs are clean, the throat is not red, the nose is dry, I don’t see the cause of the temperature. Every mother finds herself in this situation, sooner or later. You cannot raise a child without this situation arising: there is a high temperature, but there is nothing else. What to do? What will you do? See how long it will last. The mother suspects that the child is overheated. Although 38 is a bit high for overheating. As a doctor, I will say that 38 for overheating is normal, and for our country it is more than normal. Then we gradually begin to list lists of those diseases that cause high fever without any symptoms. Indeed, one of these conditions is overheating, which often occurs in the summer. And the younger the child, the more relevant this topic is.

What causes high temperature?

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of high fever without symptoms in summer is overheating, and the rest of the time - viral infections. What are the rules for treating a viral infection? Moistening the nasopharynx, humidifying the room, ventilating. These are the rules for the treatment of viral respiratory infections. The main rule of treatment is to create conditions where the child can cope with the infection on his own.

When to see a doctor if you have a high fever?

Of course, if we are not in the country, we are in the city, then we will immediately go for help. Doctors' calls not to self-medicate and to consult a doctor when the temperature rises are absolutely fair, because a dangerous disease with specific symptoms can begin with a slight increase in temperature. But in 50% of cases, when the child’s temperature rises, mothers do not go to the doctor. They always wait a few days. Therefore, we will now try to formulate rules for when there is no point in waiting, when you definitely need to see a doctor.

  1. No improvement on day 3 of illness.
  2. Lack of normalization of temperature on day 5.

What do you mean not better? When it was 39, and on the third day it was 38, then this is an improvement. And if it was 38, and on the third day it was 38.2, then you urgently need to see a doctor.

And on day 5 the temperature should be normal.

If the mother does not see symptoms when the temperature rises, this does not mean that they do not exist. There are symptoms that a mother cannot see in principle; only a person with a medical education can see them.

Therefore, an incomprehensible situation is a reason to contact a doctor.

Temperature and nothing else.

Temperature 37.5, cough and snot - definitely a viral infection. But the temperature and nothing else is a viral infection, but what kind is not clear. If you have the opportunity to see a doctor, do so. And what will happen next? Most likely, if the mother did not see the symptoms, the doctor will not see either. And when a doctor says the phrase “I don’t see anything,” then in the eyes of our average person he seems like the wrong doctor, a bad one. Well, what kind of doctor is this, who has been trained for so many years and cannot make a diagnosis when there is a fever, and he honestly admitted it. Therefore, the mother will go with the child to another doctor, who will say: “Oh, your throat is a little red.” But I must admit that in 30 years of treating children, I have not seen a neck that is a little red, a little blue, a little green, or a little purple. All the necks are a little red. Advice for mothers: occasionally look into the mouth of your healthy child so that you understand what kind of throat your child should have normally. And when the doctor says a little red, you will say the same as always. And it will be easier for the doctor.

How to bring down the temperature.

At what temperature do you need to take some measures? Measures need to be taken when your child is really unwell. If the room is hot, the room is dry, the child does not drink, the child is not healthy, then we need to help the child fight the increase in body temperature. Another question is that for our mother to fight a rise in temperature is to run to the pharmacy and give the child a sweet syrup. And to fight a high temperature is to ventilate, humidify, give water and do everything to ensure that there is cool air in the room.

Causes of high temperature.

The causes of high temperature are infectious and non-infectious. The most common non-infectious cause is overheating. It is in our country, when a child is wrapped in 5 clothes, and in winter in 10, that overheating is the main reason for a rise in temperature without symptoms. Therefore, think about the temperature in the room, how many diapers the child is wearing, whether you were running in the heat. However, very often a fever is just an infection. Infections can be viral or bacterial. Viral infections go away on their own, but bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Moreover, bacterial infections are accompanied by specific symptoms. If a child has otitis media, then the ear hurts, and if a child has a sore throat, then his throat hurts. And if there is fever and diarrhea, then this is an intestinal infection. And if there is an elevated temperature and a characteristic rash, this is chickenpox. There is one bacterial infection that is not accompanied by any symptoms in children. This is a urinary tract infection. Those. If the child simply has a fever and there are no other symptoms, then a clinical urine test is very necessary.

How can a mother distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one?

With viral infections, the child’s skin is bright, pink, and with bacterial infections, it is pale. If 39 and the ears are red, you don’t have to fuss, but if 37 and the child is lethargic and pale, then a doctor is urgently needed.

Temperature and nothing else are, as a rule, not dangerous. But do not neglect seeking medical help; together with a doctor you will be much stronger.

I came across a pretty good article. Sharing

An increase in body temperature is a normal protective reaction of the body to any infection. . Even if, when measured with a thermometer under the arm, the temperature is normal, where the infection has settled, the temperature will certainly rise. At temperatures above 37 degrees C, most pathogens (both bacteria and viruses) either die or stop reproducing (and die out quite quickly). And an increase in body temperature significantly speeds up all processes in the body, including the immune response, which will be very useful during ARVI.

What temperature to lower? Should I lower the temperature?

If your child is sick and has a fever, be sure to call a doctor who will make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and explain how to carry it out. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), Initially healthy children should not reduce their temperature below 38.5 degrees C . The exceptions are children at risk who previously had convulsions due to elevated temperature, children in the first two months of life (at this age all diseases are dangerous due to their rapid development and sharp deterioration in general condition), children with neurological diseases, chronic diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs , with hereditary metabolic diseases. Such babies, already at a temperature of 37.1 degrees C, should be immediately given antipyretic medications. In addition, if a child’s condition worsens against the background of a temperature that has not reached 39.0 degrees C, chills, muscle pain, and pale skin are noted, then antipyretic drugs should be taken immediately. In addition, fever exhausts and depletes the body's capabilities and can be complicated by hyperthermic syndrome (a variant of fever in which there is a dysfunction of all organs and systems - convulsions, loss of consciousness, disturbances in respiratory and cardiac activity, etc.). This condition requires emergency medical attention.

It is recommended to bring down a temperature above 39 degrees C in a child. As Dr. Komarovsky writes in the book “ARD: a guide for sane parents”: “... at a body temperature above 39, pathological losses are so great, the increase in oxygen demand is so noticeable, and the negative impact on the functioning of internal organs in general and on the functioning of the nervous system in particular is so It’s realistic that any temperature above 39 degrees should not be tolerated.”

How to bring down a child's temperature. How to bring down a child's fever

The child should be kept cool. Warming a child with a high temperature using blankets, warm clothes, or a heater installed in the room is dangerous. These measures can lead to heat stroke if the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Dress the sick child lightly so that excess heat escapes freely and maintain the room temperature at 20-21 degrees C. At the same time, the sick child should not freeze! The air humidity in the room should be at least 40-50%. Those. the air should be moist and cool.

Because high temperatures increase fluid loss through the skin, the child needs to be given plenty of water . The optimal temperature of drinks is equal to body temperature. Older children should be offered diluted fruit juices and juicy fruits, water, and green tea as often as possible. Read more about this in the section “Principles of Eating at High Temperatures” below. Babies should be latched to the breast more often. Encourage frequent, small drinks (from a teaspoon), but do not force the child.

The child has a high temperature. Use of antipyretics

Only one group of medications reduce fever - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their other specialty is pain and inflammation. So you'll laugh but fastum-gel that grandfather uses to treat radiculitis, ketanov, which you use from time to time for toothache, and children's panadol“they can” do about the same thing. True, their side effects are also the same. So if your child, God forbid, has bronchial asthma or gastritis, then you will need to handle antipyretics with extreme caution. Now that you've been warned, let's figure out who's who in this company.

In pediatric practice, they are most often used paracetamol (calpol, panadol, cefekon, efferalgan), ibuprofen (Nurofen) And analgin (metamizole sodium). Aspirin prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.

All of the listed NSAIDs (let's agree to call them antipyretics) have the same side effects. These include: irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, bronchospasm (which is why they are not used for bronchial asthma), disorders of blood clotting, liver and kidney function. It is because of this that all of the above It is better to use antipyretics not internally (even soluble effervescent forms and syrups), but in suppositories . Firstly, the drugs used in suppositories are almost instantly absorbed into the blood and begin to have their effect, and secondly, absorption bypasses the liver (that’s how the body works), and, therefore, the likelihood of at least some of the undesirable effects of these drugs comes down to zero. True, this does not apply to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the risk of gastritis and exacerbation of bronchial asthma - these undesirable effects are inherent in the very mechanism of action of all antipyretics.

That is why I urge you to take seriously the contraindications to the use of antipyretics listed in the annotations and, if possible, not to use them for more than three days.

Now it's time to see which one is capable of what.

Paracetamol (calpol, panadol, cefekon, efferalgan)

Paracetamol has two main effects - antipyretic and analgesic. It is considered the safest of the entire series of antipyretics. The use of paracetamol may be accompanied by allergic reactions and side effects from the liver (most often), kidneys, and hematopoietic system. Side effects are rare, but their likelihood is closely related to the doses and duration of use of the medicine. That is why it is strongly recommended not to exceed the permissible dose and duration of use.

Maximum permissible duration of use:

Children under 6 years old - 3 days;
- children over 6 years old - 5 days.

Paracetamol is produced by hundreds of companies under hundreds of different names in dozens of forms. The effectiveness of the drug is determined primarily by the dose, and not by the release form, the beauty of the packaging or the commercial name. The difference in price is often tenfold.

Paracetamol suppositories are an ideal dosage form for children in the first six months of life.

And in conclusion of the story about paracetamol, the most important thing: “the effectiveness of paracetamol is very high specifically for acute respiratory viral infections (viral infections). Paracetamol has virtually no anti-inflammatory effect, so in case of bacterial infections or complications of the same ARVI, paracetamol helps for a short time or does not help at all. In short, in case of any serious infection it is not possible to achieve a significant reduction in temperature with its help. This is why paracetamol should always be in the house, because it helps parents correctly assess the severity of the disease: if after taking it the body temperature quickly drops, then with a high degree of probability we can conclude that the child has nothing terrible (more terrible than ARVI). But if there is no effect from taking paracetamol, then it’s time to make a fuss and don’t put off seeing a doctor.” This quote is taken from Dr. Komarovsky’s book “ORZ: A Guide for Sensible Parents.”

Commercial names of paracetamol: adol, akamol, aminadol, acetaminophen, acetofen, bindard, volpan, dainafed, Daleron, dafalgan, deminofen, dolo, dolomol, ifimol, calpol, medipirin, mexalen, napa, opradol, pamol, panadol, pacimol, paracet, perfalgan, pyranol, prodol, sanidol, sofinol, Strimol, Tylenol, flutabs , cefekon D, efferalgan.


Unlike paracetamol, it has not only analgesic and antipyretic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

In terms of the speed of onset of the therapeutic effect, the severity of the antipyretic effect, the likelihood of adverse reactions and the risk of overdose, it is almost identical to paracetamol.

Not used (contraindicated!) in children under the first 6 months of life.

There are no strict restrictions on the duration of treatment, i.e. if indicated, it can be used for significantly longer than 5 days.

Commercial names of ibuprofen: Advil, no pain, bonifen, bren, brufen, blizzard , takes a long time , Ibalgin, ibupron, ibuprof, ibutop, Ibufen, iprene, macrofen, motrin, nurofen, profen, profinal, solpaflex , faspik.

"1. Neither paracetamol nor ibuprofen treat acute respiratory infections. Ibuprofen and paracetamol reduce the severity of a specific symptom - elevated body temperature.

2. Neither paracetamol nor ibuprofen are used routinely, i.e. strictly by the clock, for example, “1 teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day.” Medicines are given only when there is a reason to give. High temperature - they gave it, returned to normal - they didn’t give it.

3. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are compatible with each other, but medical science has not yet formulated an unambiguous attitude towards such a combination. Some write that paracetamol and ibuprofen can enhance the antipyretic effect of each other. Others report that coadministration increases the risk of adverse reactions. In any case, it makes no sense to give both drugs at the same time, but if there is no effect after an hour of paracetamol, it is quite acceptable to give ibuprofen (and vice versa!). It is very important to observe the intervals between taking the same medicine! We remind you that paracetamol can be reused no earlier than after 4 hours, and ibuprofen no earlier than after 6 hours.

4. There are many options for paracetamol and ibuprofen in pharmacies (see lists of commercial names of drugs above). It is very important, I repeat again, very, very important, that you do not buy the same thing, but under different names! You must know for sure (!) WHAT the active ingredient is in this bottle, you must be absolutely sure that an hour after paracetamol you will not give paracetamol again, but under a different name.

Analgin(metamizole sodium)

The widespread use of analgin as an antipyretic is not recommended by WHO, because it inhibits hematopoiesis and can cause serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock). Prolonged loss of consciousness is possible with a drop in temperature to 35.0-34.5 degrees C. In a number of countries around the world (USA, Australia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Norway), the use of analgin is prohibited, in some it is strictly limited. In our country, there is no ban on the use of analgin in children; at the same time, the recommendations adopted in countries such as Greece or Israel should be considered optimal: analgin can be used, but only when other antipyretic drugs do not allow achieving desired result. If paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help or are contraindicated, then analgin can only be used in a hospital setting, for the shortest possible course and in the form of injections.

Let us note that ambulance and ambulance doctors are very fond of injecting analgin mixed with suprastin (or diphenhydramine) intramuscularly if they are called due to a high temperature. Such a mixture can lower the temperature lytically, that is, in an hour by two or three degrees, for example from 39.5 to 37.5 °C, and for a very long time.

Principles of nutrition at high temperatures

Pediatricians recommend that in order to increase a child’s resistance to illness, his nutrition should be complete, varied and age-appropriate. It is not recommended to limit a child’s nutrition for a long time, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Modern medicine has already abandoned fasting treatment for diseases associated with fever. After all, at high temperatures, the intensity of metabolism increases, and the patient needs adequate nutrition, and fasting weakens the body. Food should contain enough vitamins and not be too high in calories. B vitamins and vitamin C are especially important, since their functional role increases with temperature.

However Under no circumstances should a child with a fever be force-fed . If at the moment the body is directing all its forces to fight the infection, then it may be too much for it to expend energy on digesting food.

Obviously, parents need to exercise common sense. If the high temperature does not last long, a few days, and the child stubbornly refuses food, we will give him vitamin drinks and light fruits. The missing amount of food must be replenished with liquid. Typically, the duration of such a fasting diet is no more than 4-6 hours. After unloading, children are given slimy pureed soups, liquid porridges, and jelly. At the end of the acute period, food is made as varied as possible, although light, in order to make up for all the losses incurred.


Increased sweating causes the body to need a large amount of fluids and minerals. For all diseases that occur with elevated temperature, the patient should drink a lot of fluid, as it quenches thirst.

Fruit, fruit and berry and fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chopped apple into tea), raisin decoctions, dried apricots are very useful at temperatures.

The temperature of the liquid should be equal to body temperature.

Ready-made oral rehydration solutions are ideal for drinking. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: rehydron, humana electrolyte, gastrolit, etc. Buy, dilute according to the instructions, drink.

To reduce intoxication, it is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins, especially C, P, A and carotene. Vitamins C and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is useful to include in your diet foods rich in both vitamins, for example, rose hips, black currants, chokeberries, lemon, etc.

Vitamin A and carotene promote the regeneration of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. Therefore, during elevated temperatures, it is advisable to use plant products containing them, primarily in the form of drinks.

Products containing vitamin A: pumpkin, carrots, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, raspberries.

If possible, you should use honey rather than sugar (if there is no allergy). You should alternate between different types of drinks as often as possible.

You should drink little by little, literally 2-3 sips, since drinking too much at a fever can cause vomiting.

Need to:

You definitely need protein: lean meat (veal, chicken, beef), as well as lean fish. Meat can be boiled in vegetables or made into meatballs in cases where swallowing is difficult due to a sore throat.

Products containing a lot of protein: cottage cheese, cottage cheese, eggs (they are best boiled soft-boiled).

Sometimes, due to the serious condition of a sick child, it is necessary to feed exclusively liquid food for some time. In such cases, we serve him milk, yogurt, kefir, and not just tea, juices and compotes, since dairy products contain protein that is urgently needed during this period.

Boiled and pureed vegetables, seasoned with a piece of butter, are useful.

Raw vegetable juices are useful; they can be mixed with fruit juices, for example, carrot with cranberry or blackcurrant.

Of the fats, only butter and olive oil, as well as cream, are allowed, but all fats are given in small quantities, since their excess can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural aspirin: food that reduces fever and relieves symptoms

At high temperatures, it is recommended to consume oranges. These fruits are rich in vitamins (A, C, P, group B, D) and microelements, especially iron and copper, which are necessary for weakened immunity and anemia. Orange fruits and juice quench thirst during febrile illnesses.

It is good to use blackberry fruits and juice as an antipyretic: they quench thirst and reduce temperature.

Raspberry berries and juice are a good antipyretic for feverish conditions. Raspberries contain organic acids (including salicylic acid), which is why raspberries have an antipyretic effect.

Red currant berries and juice quench thirst well during fever and are used as a diaphoretic.

Watermelons perfectly quench thirst during fever and help remove toxic substances from the body.

In addition, the following products act as natural aspirin: dates, blueberries, peppers, garlic, prunes.

Products that heal

Products to fight the virus

Broccoli, avocado, garlic, red grapes, pineapple, plums, raspberries, seaweed, soy and its products, strawberries, green tea, blueberries.

Products with antibiotic properties

Bananas, eggplants, figs, garlic, ginger, peppers, red grapes, honey, mustard, horseradish, pineapple, plums, seaweed, green tea.

Products to strengthen the immune system

Garlic, seaweed, fresh raw fruit, lean meat, lean fish (boiled, not fried), cereals, extra virgin olive oil, yogurt or one-day sour milk.

(c) Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

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