Stmost - Summer health camp. Game training “Share your smile Flash mob “I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!”

Olga Eskova

Summary of game training for children of senior preschool age

Target: development of the child’s emotional world.

Program content:

Develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person through facial expressions, posture, and gestures;

Train the ability to change the emotional state under the influence of music, speech settings, simulated and arbitrary situations;

Continue to develop the ability to recognize emotions: joy, sadness, surprise and explain their possible causes; depict using facial expressions and gestures, graphically;

Develop mental processes: perception, voluntary attention, long-term memory;

Foster a desire to provide assistance in various situations; develop empathy;

Develop the ability to feel your partner, develop the ability to work in pairs;

Socialize the child through improving communication skills; teach to receive emotional satisfaction from the successes and achievements of other team members.

Enrichment of vocabulary: reflection, applause.

Activation of vocabulary: mood, sadness, sad, upset, sad, sad, surprise, joy, joyful, cheerful, perky, improve, clown, tricks, drooping shoulders, lowered head, hunched back, clap, emotions.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know basic emotions (joy, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, resentment).

Carrying out exercises that promote awareness of one’s own body and relieve muscle tension (K. Fopel, Chistyakova)

Listening to music that evokes different emotions;

Playing sketches and sketches.

Conducting psychological games and exercises “Mirror”, “Give a smile to a friend”


Color cards for color diagnostics (adapted version of the Luscher test)


Clown costume

- “magic box” for tricks

Balloons, gymnastic stick, butterfly

Table mirrors according to the number of children

Ovals cut out of paper (faces corresponding to the number of children, to depict emotions

Simple pencils

]Music accompaniment / CD recordings

“Blue Water” musical composition performed by P. Mauriat’s orchestra

A. Rybitsky “Sunrise”

S. Protasov “Magic bell” from the “Rhythmic mosaic” series

"Parade Alle"

A. Grechaninov “Play”

Progress of the lesson.

Color diagnostics.

Children enter the hall and take colored cards that correspond to their mood at the moment. The teacher records the child’s choice on a special form.

Psychologist. Good afternoon I'm very glad to see you guys! I'm in a very good mood today, how about you?

Expected answers from children (yes! no.).

Psychologist. Are you always in a good mood?

Expected answers from children (no, not always)

Psychologist. Why can the mood be bad?

Expected answers from the children (they were offended, the construction from the construction set is not working, a tooth hurts, etc.)

Psychologist. What can you do to improve your mood?

Psychologist. Tell me, if you give flowers, can you improve your mood?

Children's answers.

Psychologist. Let's now try to grow a flower ourselves. But it will not be simple, but a magical flower - a mood.

Psycho-gymnastic sketch “Flower”

Psychologist. Choose any place on the carpet and sit comfortably. Imagine that you have a seed in your hands and you are planting it in the ground. The gentle sun warms up, caring rains pour in and a small, tender sprout appears from the ground. He grows strong and slender (backs are straight). And then one leaf appears (one hand to the side, then the second (the other hand to the side... They also reach for the sun. They rise higher and higher (children rise from their knees and stand up to their full height). And suddenly a bud appears, first very small, then it begins to swell and gradually opens (the children’s hands are folded, gradually separating, like the petals of a flower). Look, what a beautiful flower is yours, Lisa, what color is yours different? but very beautiful. Inhale their scent. Magic flowers. Let's attach a flower to our clothes or decorate our hair with it. Sophia, where will you attach your flower, Vasya?

We are very pleased and happy at heart. Our faces light up with smiles.

Exercise “Give a smile to a friend”

And now that we are in a good mood, let's give each other a smile.

Children stand in a circle.

Psychologist. I have a magic bell in my hands, it will help us give each other a smile.

Children say the words “We will look at each other - give a smile to a friend.”

The children turn their heads, smile at each other, and pass the bell. Thus, every child is involved in the exercise.

Psychologist. The smile has returned to me again!

I have a riddle for you:

In it I see my portrait.

I walked away - there was no portrait...

Children's answers: mirror

Psychologist. Why do we need a mirror?

Expected children's answers: to look.

Psychologist. Why do you need to look in the mirror?

Expected answers from children: to see what you look like, whether your clothes are wrinkled, how your hair is combed

Psychologist. Let's go to the mirror and look at ourselves. And now through the mirror at each other. Who is this? (points to the child). And what's that?

Expected children's answers: Sophia, Lisa...

Psychologist. What we see in the mirror is called reflection. This is Dima, and his reflection is in the mirror.

Place your hands on your belt. Look, the reflection in the mirror accurately reflected our actions and also put our hands on our belts. Now, raise one hand up. The reflection showed the same hand as you! That is, the mirror accurately reflects all our movements.

I suggest you play a game called "Mirror"

Exercise "Mirror"

Psychologist. Stand in pairs, with whomever you wish, opposite each other. Some of you will be a mirror, while others will look into it (roles in pairs are exactly distributed).

You need:

Brush your teeth

Brush hair

Touch your finger to the tip of your nose

Take a sip of tea, but it turned out to be salty!

Now switch places.

Place one hand on the belt, raise the other up

Touch your ear with your finger

Fasten the top button

Eat sour lemon!

The psychologist monitors the correctness of the exercise, corrects mistakes, showing an individual approach, and uses praise.

Well done! Everyone completed this exercise. How great and fun it is for us to play today!

Psychologist. I have a question for you: where, in what place do we always have fun? We go there and rejoice, laugh heartily?

Suggested children's answers: in the circus

Psychologist. Right. There is such a profession - to make people laugh, to do everything to make it fun and funny. Who has such a profession in the circus?

Expected children's answers: at the clown.

Psychologist. Right. I have prepared a surprise for you and invited a clown! How are circus performers greeted?

Expected responses from children: they clap, applaud.

Psychologist. Greet the clown Klepa with friendly applause.

The children applaud. Music is playing.

A clown appears in the hall. But he is not at all cheerful, as the children expected, but on the contrary, very sad. He walks around the hall, head hanging low, looking for something.

Psychologist. Oh guys, look, something is wrong here! In what mood did the clown come to us?

Expected responses from children: sad, sad, sad

Psychologist. How did you figure this out?

Suggested answers from the children: his shoulders and arms are down, his face is sad, he doesn’t look at us...

Psychologist. Let's say hello to him and find out what's going on.

Hello, Klyopa!

Clown. Hello, Olga Rushanovna... Hello, kids (continues to wander around the hall, head down).

Psychologist. Guys, ask Klyopa why he is in such a bad mood.

Children's questions for the clown.

Clown. I lost my scarf, my favorite scarf, and I can’t find it.

Psychologist. Guys, can we help Klyopa?

Expected answers from children (yes, we can)

Psychologist. But as?

Expected answers from children (we will help him find a scarf)

Psychologist. Let's all look for a scarf together and make Klepa happy.

Children find a scarf. The clown is happy about this. He ties a beautiful bow around his neck.

Clown. Thank you guys, girls and boys! I'm so happy! I was very embarrassed to appear in front of you without a bow.

Psychologist. Klyopa, you are very beautiful!

Clown. Thank you! Guys, do you like magic tricks?

Children's answers (we love, of course)

Clown. Well, then look.

The clown performs magic tricks, then entertains the children by showing mini- sketch “Barbell and Butterfly”

The tricks and entertaining miniatures are selected in such a way as to evoke in children the maximum sense of surprise and delight.

Clown. Well, how did you guys like it?

Children's answers: yes!

Psychologist. Thank you, Klyopa, you made us very happy.

Clown. Thanks to you guys too! And now it's time for me to leave.

Psychologist. Guys, let's celebrate Klepa the same way we greeted him (with applause).

The clown leaves, the children applaud him.

Psychologist. Guys, please sit down at the tables.

On the tables there are small mirrors on stands for each child. Next to the mirror there are 3 ovals cut out of paper (a face, a simple pencil.

Psychologist. Please remember in what mood Klepa came to us.

Expected children's answers: sad.

(The psychologist encourages the children to name the maximum number of adjectives that characterize a given mood)

Psychologist. Look in the mirror and please show the sadness on your face. Pay attention to the eyes, eyebrows, mouth. What are they?

Expected responses of children (eyebrows down, eyes closed, corners of lips down).

Psychologist. Take a pencil and draw the emotion of sadness on the oval.

The psychologist observes the children’s work, helps, and notes those images that most successfully convey the corresponding mood.

Psychologist. Now please remember how we felt when Klepa started showing tricks.

Expected answers from the children (we were surprised).

Psychologist. Look in the mirror and show surprise on your face. Pay attention to the eyes, eyebrows, mouth. What are they?

Expected responses from children (eyebrows raised, eyes large, mouth wide open).

Psychologist. Take a pencil and draw surprise on the second oval.

While the children are drawing, the psychologist also observes the children’s work, helps those who doubt, encourages, creating a situation of success.

Psychologist. Now look in the mirror again. What mood did we give Klepa when we found his scarf?

Expected children's responses (joy).

Psychologist. Look at your face in the mirror. Smile and show a happy emotion. Pay attention to the eyes, eyebrows, mouth. What are they?

Expected answers from the children (eyebrows are straight, eyes are open, looking at us, the corners of the lips are raised up - smiling).

Psychologist. Draw joy on the third oval.

When the children have drawn everything, the psychologist suggests leaving the tables.

Psychologist. Guys, how are you feeling? What's your mood now?

Expected children's answers: good, good mood.

Psychologist. What have we done to make our mood cheerful?

Expected answers from the children: passed on a smile to each other, grew a flower, helped the clown find a bow, etc.

Psychologist. I am sure that if you are sad and in a bad mood, then you and your friends can always improve it, make it cheerful and joyful, just like we did today.

I love you all.

And now I’ll take you to a group where many interesting activities and games await you.

At the exit from the hall, repeated color diagnostics are applied.

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Competitive game program “Holiday of Smiles and Kind Hearts” " 1.

For students in DDT studios, 02/15-18/2016.

(everyone has gathered in the hall, music is playing)

Ved -We will open the holiday today,

Problems are not a hindrance to us,

After all, we waited a long time, let’s not hide it,

A day of smiles, hearts and laughter.

For the holiday, for our fun

I invite you all

Fun and entertainment,

Everything will be for your fun!

Good afternoon or good evening, dear friends! Today I offer you a competitive and entertaining program, unusual and entertaining. They say:“A smile and a joke are just a minute, but they charge for a whole hour!”; “Warmness and kindness are close friends.”

And I invite you to open now - “Holiday of Smiles and Kind Hearts”! (clap)

*We are starting to warm up for you! I invite you to join the circle now! (built a circle)

Leading: Hello sky!(Children raise their hands up) Leading: Hello earth!(Children squat ) Leading: Hello my friends!(Children stretch their arms forward ) Leading: One two three four five.(Children clap) Leading: We will repeat everything in a circle.(Everyone joins hands)

(undermusic funny dance moves are performed)

1-COMPETITION “Compliments”

Ved – Every day we communicate with each other. And it would be very nice to hear some compliments at the same time. Let's try!

(3 participants write on A4 the words -Compliments , which are called by the rest of the participants from the hall. They read it all together. (For example: beautiful, wonderful, delightful, kind, amazing, fluffy, charming, cool, etc.)

*entertainment – ​​“Good words” - (the hall helps to name words: designating a word from bad to good.Rough - affectionate, angry - kind, greedy - generous, sad - cheerful, enmity - friendship, grief - joy, hatred - love, deception - truth, humiliation - praise, cruelty - tenderness.)

*entertainment – ​​song, dance “Oh, it will be cool!” - (demonstration of movements by a group, everyone in the hall dances)2.

* dances from studios :_____________________________________________________


* entertainment - “Fun flash mob” (showing movements by an animator for the audience)

2-COMTEST “Broken Heart”

The big heart is pre-cut into small pieces, and participants must assemble one whole picture (there is a saying “hidden” in the heart )

For example: “A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who

who does not know how to do evil"

    The life of a worthy person is built on goodness.

    Evil walks, but good wins.

    A good person will be famous forever.

3-COMTEST “Image it and you’ll get a smile!” - (any participants from the audience pull out a piece of paper with the task)

A person walking a very nimble and restless dog;

A person who happily tells fortunes on a flower so that no one sees;

A man who has fallen apart and is lying around after a hearty lunch;

For a person whose entire shoe sole has come unglued, what should you do with it?

A person who dances a very funny dance.

* VED. – Dear viewers. Now I will read the beginning to you

proverbs and sayings . Your task is to finish them. You are ready? Let's start!

*Whoever makes people laugh is worth the light...

*He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief...

*If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

*All genres are interesting, except... boring.

*It is easier to continue laughing than to stop... laughter.

*If you want to look smarter, next to smart people... don't have it.

*Laughter through tears.

*Don’t sit idly by, and there won’t be…boredom.

4- COMPETITION “Heart Loss”

There are hearts hidden in the room. At the leader's command, participants must find as many hearts as possible. Let's look at our hearts, what is written on them?

(It is written on the hearts one quality at a time : kindness, tenderness, fidelity, affection, compassion, joy, miracles, happiness, wisdom, faith, hope, love, sensitivity, selflessness, conscience, peace, mercy, forgiveness, good-heartedness, smile, dream, honesty...) /hang the found hearts on the stand/

*entertainment – ​​“Funny catch-up” 3.

On three bouncy balls (-smile-heart-kindness- ) the guys jump and slap the rest of the participants. Those who are slapped leave the game.

*entertainment – ​​“Chic smile” - (show from stage using hands)

Girls: - arms to the sides + smile,

Fingers with hand + smile;

Boys : - show strength with bent arms + smile,

Show “cool” with your hands + smile.

*entertainment – ​​“Just like that” - (participants perform the task for others in the hall)

Shake hands with those you have become friends with today;

Give a hug and a smile to those you really liked today.

Ved - Guys, do you want some sweets or chocolate?

Guess the riddles and say in chorus what it is.

Here's a crispy cookie

And milk chocolate

If you don't even want jam -

Only he will make you happy.

Two crisps, like a mix-

Well, of course it is -Twix;

It has everything that is possible.

It's impossible to pass by.

Named after one planet

And we love with all the white light.

He is a support - just great!

Everyone knows what it is -Mars;

But what is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk

Gentle, it will touch your soul.

Printed it out - chew it quickly,

Our favorite"Milky Way" .

Ved - How great and fun it was today at our program; All the participants did their best - boys, girls, and adults. Let yourSmiles give people joy, and yoursHearts will be full of goodness.

The holiday is over, it's time for us to say goodbye -

The hour of parting has come.

We joked, played, warmed hearts

And we won't forget about you -sweets everyone now!

(giving sweets, taking photographs)


The 2019 application campaign for the purchase of vouchers to a children's health camp at a partial cost starts on January 14, 2019 (Monday) at 8.00 am. Taking into account the wishes of parents to improve the procedure for providing vouchers, in 2019, an electronic form for submitting applications for the purchase of vouchers to a children's health camp, i.e. parents themselves will be able to register an application on the website . If parents do not have such an opportunity or someone finds it difficult to register an application in this way, they can contact the Education Department of the administration of the municipal district "Starokulka district" on January 14(Monday) the work day of the authorized representative for the organization of recreation and health improvement for children in the Starokulatkinsky District Municipal Municipality starts at 8.00 am.

Tel. for inquiries 2-16-39.

1 day. Opening of the camp shift. (05.06)

-Induction training.

- Flash mob “I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!”

- Ecological quest "Merry paths of summer"

06.06. Pushkin Day

- Flash mob “Reading Pushkin”

- Competitive game program based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin "Visiting a fairy tale"

-Pushkin dictation.

07.06. ECOLOGIST'S Day

- Ecological landing

- KTD for the production of crafts from waste material

- Ecological quest game

08.06. Fun Games Day

- Good old games “Hopscotch”, “Jumping”

- Fun starts

- Creative laboratory - children teach children games.

09.06. Talent Day

- competition “Song shootout”

-Design of squad corners and fireworks display of non-standard ideas.

- Fairy tale - impromptu

10.06 Friendship Day

- Creative game “Share your smile.”

- Making surprises - wishes “All the best to you, my faithful, dear friend.”

- Cartoon club

12.06 Russia Day

- Campaign “Know the symbols of your state”

-Meeting dedicated to RUSSIA Day

- disco “Dance, Russia”

13.06 Health and Sports Day

- Fun exercise “Vizgculture”

- Leaflet competition “We choose a healthy lifestyle”

- Outdoor games “Funny Ball Championship”

14.06 Musical day

-Learning songs.

-Outdoor games.

- Orange disco

15.06 Day of Politeness

- Contest of polite words “We are polite guys.”

-Competitive program “Connoisseurs of Etiquette”

16.06 Masters Day

- Game - journey “In the world of beauty”

- Workshop “Very Skillful Hands”

17.06 Day of LAUGHTER

- Competition of jokes and funny stories

- "Jumble - carnival"

19.06 Safety Day

-Safety minute “Driving on streets and roads”

-Drawing competition on traffic rules

- Conversation “Beware of ticks!”

20.06 Entrepreneurship Day

- Labor landing;

- “ABC of modern professions” - educational game

-Business School “How to start your own business?”

21.06 Day of games and entertainment

Chess and checkers tournament

Tennis tournament

Outdoor games

22.06 Day of MEMORY and MOURNING

- minute of silence “In memory of those who fell in great battles”

- laying flowers at the obelisk

- competition of poems and songs “Dedicated to the memory of heroes...”

23.06 Homeland Day

-quiz “Do you know your region?”

- national holiday SABANTUI

24.06 Farewell day

- Labor landing “We weren’t here”

- Closing the shift "In memory of summer!!!"

extracurricular activity

"Share your smile"


primary school teacher

Mineeva Elena Alekseevna

Syzran, 2016

Goals : introduce students to universal human values.


    develop the communication abilities of schoolchildren, the ability to communicate in a team;

    cultivate moral values.


A laptop, cards with proverbs, circles for each participant, balloons, envelopes with details for appliqué, pictures of people with and without smiles.

Progress of the lesson.

I . Org moment.

Hello guys!

II . Motivation.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet “Good morning!”

Good morning! Sun and birds.

Good morning! Smiling faces.

I really want you all to have a good morning, good afternoon, good mood today!

-Who meets life with a smile,

Who solves problems with a smile,

He, like the sun, warms everything,

He conquers evil with a smile.

III . Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

-- We will talk about the importance of a smile in people's lives.

IV . Main part

- Imagine that all smiles have disappeared from people’s lives, what will happen on Earth?

People say, “Smile and people will be drawn to you.”

Performance of the song"Smile" to the soundtrack

You have proverbs written on cards on your tables. Match the beginning and end of the proverbs.

    Who smiles... (he lives).

    He who does not smile... (he dries up). (Slide 5)

Read 1 proverb.

Read proverb 2.

That's right, well done!

The Sky Smiles - Stars and Rainbows

The Sun smiles - Rays and Light

The Field Smiles - With Flowers and Fragrance.

Smiling Child – Present and Future .

He who smiles lives.

In one small town there lived a Smile. What was she like? How do you think? She was so... (kind, cheerful, cheerful, beautiful, etc.) that all people were glad to see her in their house(continue further...) They invited Smile to visit them, tried to treat her, cheer her up and make friends with her.

And Smile... What was she doing?

What can a smile do?


- Raises your mood;

-Remember cases from your life or give examples.

(mom is sad, I smiled at her and mom smiled back and offered to play together)

- increases people's trust in each other ;(they put a student at your desk who transferred to you from another school. He is not confident in himself. You smile at him, and this may be a thread that will develop into a great friendship)

- brings people together; (I came to a holiday camp, there are a lot of guys there, you want to make friends with them. Smile at them, this will help start a conversation and get to know them.)

- extinguishes enmity, malice, hatred ; (I quarreled with a friend. You were both wrong, but now the offense has passed, you are lonely and uncomfortable without a friend. But you don’t know how to make peace. Try to approach him and smile, a smile will help you talk and improve your relationship.)

- makes people's lives beautiful and joyful .(when people smile, they become beautiful. When the teacher smiles in the class, it’s easy and pleasant for the kids in the class to learn, everyone is in a good mood)

Work in groups:

On your desks there are drawings of people. Choose the ones you like.

What do the drawings you chose have in common? (they smile, they are pleasant, beautiful, joyful, cheerful)

Tell me why you left the others? (PEOPLE WITHOUT SMILES, THEY SEEM ANGRY, UNKINDLY, repulsive)

Scientists say that success in life depends on the ability to communicate with a smile.

5 minutes of laughter a day prolongs a person’s life by 1 year.

And negative emotions (resentment, anger, discontent) cause illness.

But then one day... a very strange man appeared in the city. He didn’t know how to smile, he was gloomy, sad, and didn’t want to communicate with anyone. Sugar seemed unsweetened to him, milk dull, the sun dull, bread raw, and all the children disobedient. He was angry at everyone and everything. Suddenly he met a smile, looked at her from around the corner and decided to try to smile himself.

At first he smiled and he succeededfeigned smile.

How do you understand this?


How do you understand this?


How do you understand this?

Do you like these smiles?


Let's show how we can smile.

Exercise “Pass a Smile.”

- Look the other person straight in the eyes and smile from your heart. Pass your smile to each other along with the balloon.

What beautiful smiles you have, I am so pleased to look at your smiling faces.

Exercise" Smile"

- It is very important when you smile that the smile is not only on the face, depicted with the help of stretched lips, but comes from the heart.

I suggest imagining and drawing smiles on your heart. I give you a hint: be friendly, listen to each other’s opinions. I'm sure you'll do great. Get started.

- Show everyone what you've done.

If you smile, you will smile too.

Guys, think and tell me how you can improve the mood of your interlocutor and bring a smile to his face?

Exercise “Compliment”

- Stand in pairs, as in the game “Stream”. One is left without a partner. He approaches the couple who is standing in front and compliments one of the couple. She takes him by the hand and leads him through the stream. The one who is left without a partner pays a compliment to one of the next pair, etc.

Look how it turns out it’s not at all difficult to improve a friend’s mood with a kind word and a smile.

An affectionate touch and a warm handshake also evoke positive emotions in a person and make a person smile.

Exercise "Thrush"

I am a thrush. -You are a blackbird.

I have a nose. -Your nose.

My cheeks are smooth. -Your cheeks are smooth.

My lips are sweet. -Your lips are sweet.

I love me. -I love you.

We're friends.

Change in pairs and continue playing. (2 – 4 times)

Notice how cheerful, open smiles shine on your faces. Your smiles, like rays of sunshine, warm the atmosphere of our meeting.

And the gloomy man saw how he could smile! He smiled kindly, from the bottom of his heart. The whole world became colorful and rainbow-colored for him, filled with beauty and sounds. He made many friends. He felt like a happy man.

V . Summary of the lesson.

If you just laugh,
Then miracles will begin -
Smiles will make you clearer
Both eyes and heaven.
Come on, adults and children,
Smile quickly
To make it happen on the planet
Both lighter and warmer!

How could your life change if there were more smiles in it?

-If you feel lonely, smile.

If you want to make peace with your friend, smile.

If you want to cheer yourself or your family up, smile.

A smile will help you in life!

VI . Reflection.

Guys, draw your mood on the mugs.

I see that you are in a joyful mood. Share your smile with me. But remember how to give a smile.

You gave your smiles to each other, to me, and as a memory of our meeting, I want to give my smile to you. (I give balloons with a smile on them)

Women's portal - Bonterry