Paper clowns. DIY clown makeup: nose, wig and tears Which makeup to choose

If a child wants to be dressed up for a holiday, it is not necessary to buy an expensive carnival costume. After all, next year the child will outgrow it, and will he want to be in the same outfit again? Therefore, you can make a mask out of paper, and choose bright and elegant clothes.

To make this clown mask, you will need:

Light gray cardboard in landscape format;
colored cardboard;
a set of colored paper;
simple pencil;
First, on a sheet of cardboard, use a simple pencil to outline the outline of the future face of the clown. Draw his eyes, nose and mouth.

Make slits for the eyes.

Trace the shape of the nose with a felt-tip pen and carefully cut along the drawn line.

Cut out a strip for the teeth from white paper. Glue it.

Make two strips for eyebrows from yellow paper. Make cuts on one side, not reaching the opposite edge by 0.5 cm.

Glue on the eyebrows, draw stripes of teeth and outline the mouth.

Cut out two circles from pink paper.

These will be the cheeks. Glue them.
Draw facial wrinkles with a simple pencil.

Make a slit where the mouth should be.

If you have red cardboard, then you can immediately cut the hat out of it. But if you don’t have one, then you need to first make a hat out of cardboard, and then stick colored paper on it.
To make a pom-pom hat, take a piece of cardboard and determine the location where the clown's hat will be. Draw it with a pencil.

Cut out the places shown by arrows.

Cut the bottom of the cap so that it goes over the clown's forehead, and you have enough space for gluing the parts.
Try it on, but don't glue it yet.

Place the blank cap on red paper and make markings.

Apply glue to the workpiece and glue it to colored paper. Cut along the outline.

For pompoms, cut out circles from colored cardboard, tracing, for example, the cap of a plastic bottle.

There should be twice as many circles as there are protrusions on the cap.
Spread one circle with glue, attach one of the cones of the cap to it and cover it with another circle, which you should also spread with glue.

Glue all the pom poms in this way.

To make hair, cut a long strip of yellow paper 4 cm wide. Make a fringe along the entire length, without cutting 1 cm to the opposite edge, and make small notches on the opposite side so that the strip fits better along the contour.

Apply glue to the edge of the uncut strip along the entire length and glue it to the back of the cap. Comb your “hair” up.

Try the clown on again and carefully glue the cap on.

For the collar, take a sheet of cardboard and attach it as shown in the photo.
Use a pencil to outline the two parts of the collar.

Choose the color as desired. Use a pencil to outline the bottom of the face on a piece of cardboard. Lubricate the top of the collar blank with glue and place the almost finished mask on it exactly to the line.

Glue colorful circles onto the collar.
To prevent the eye sockets from appearing empty, take a small sheet of light green or blue paper, make round holes, having first measured the distance between the centers of the child’s pupils.

And glue the strip to the back of the mask. Draw small eyelashes.
To prevent the mask from moving off the face, it must be secured to the headbands. Cut two long strips of cardboard. On one of them, connect the ends so that it matches the volume of the child’s head. And glue the second strip on top, making it like a hat.

Glue the mask to the strip so that it fits well on your head. You can also glue thin elastic bands on the sides of the mask.

And the final touch. If you want the clown to have painted lips, cut out a mouth from red paper as shown in the photo and glue it on. And place the red circle on the tip of the buffoon’s nose.
The clown mask is ready!


Master Class:

  • Crafts made from eggshells

Another material that is available regardless of the time of year is eggshells. Eggshells are an almost ideal material for children's creativity; they are easily painted or can be covered with colored paper. Its only drawback is its fragility, so when working with eggshells, extra care and attention is required.

Carefully pierce the egg on both sides and blow out the contents. Rinse the shell thoroughly with running water. Now you have a blank. You can, for example, make a clown out of her. The face is drawn in gouache, and the hair and collar are made from strips of paper or fabric and carefully glued on. The finishing touch is a fun hat, rolled up from a piece of paper and painted in bright colors.

Before making crafts, print out the patterns and glue them onto thick cardboard.
Craft Clown
1. Cut out the blanks. Using scissors or a blade, cut out the workpiece A eyes and mouth (they are shaded), make slits for the hat and tie along the blue lines.
2. To the workpiece B put the workpiece A and insert the hat and tie into the slots.
3. With one hand we hold the clown by the collar, and with the other we will move the hat up and down or move the tie in different directions. The clown funny moves his ears, eyes and tongue.

Applications for kids - print and cut out. Only 3 funny applications - clowns.



Whatman paper, A4 format,
colored foil, colored paper,
a ball of pink acrylic,
red sponge,
gel glitter,

1. Draw a diagram of the clown’s face on whatman paper and cut it out. Color with gouache. Cut out eyebrows from brown foil, an outline of the eyes from blue foil, and a mouth from red foil and glue to the mask. Cut out two circles for the cheeks from horn paper.

2. Cut out the hair for the clown from orange foil and glue it on. Cut a ball out of a sponge and glue it instead of a nose. Apply glitter gel to the mask.

3. Cut strips 10cm long from pink acrylic. Tie strips of 10 pieces and attach them to the mask using a stapler to create hair.

Draw outlines on your face. The classic clown Augustus that you see in circuses has overly emphasized, theatrical makeup; Such clowns are clumsy and are used in screwball comedies to make audiences laugh. To create the August look, you need to highlight the outline of your eyes, mouth and nose using a dark pencil, thereby creating contours on your face.

  • Draw domes over your eyes. Start about a centimeter from the edge of the eye. Draw a dome, the peak of which is somewhere between the eyebrow and the hairline, and finish it at the inner corner of the same eye. Make a dome of the same size around the other eye.
  • Draw an enlarged smile on your face. Start by drawing a line under your nose that curves up past your nostrils and then continues under your cheeks. The downward swooping line should create a loop on your chin, which is then drawn past your mouth, back under your cheek, and ending under your nose. The shape should appear to be a big smile, exaggerated and with the mouth open.

Fill in the outlines with white paint. Apply a layer of basic white paint to the contours of the eyes and mouth using a makeup sponge. Makeup should completely cover your eyebrows. Distribute the composition evenly inside the contours.

Use black dye to highlight your eyebrows. Dip the brush in black paint and move it from the bottom of the dome on the outer edge of the eye to the forehead, and from there to the inner corner of the eye. The lines can be either thin or thick, as desired. Repeat this on the other side to highlight the other brow.

  • Some Augusta clowns make a vertical black line running from the upper eyelid down to the middle of the eyelid, ending about half an inch below eye level, at the base of the dome.
  • If you filled the eye area with a dark color instead of white, use white or another bright color to highlight the eyebrows.
  • Draw the outline of the smile and mouth. Dip your brush into black paint and use it to outline the enlarged smile you created. Draw thick lines along the outline. Keep them symmetrical so they look the same on both sides.

  • Paint your cheeks, lips and nose red. Use a clean sponge to lightly apply red paint to the cheeks above the black line you made. Also apply red color to the tip of your nose. Once it's dry, add a second coat so it really pops. Finally, use red dye or lipstick to make your lips cherry red.

    • Some clowns also use black on their lips instead of red.
    • If you want, you can wear a red nose made of rubber or foam, the image of redness is quite acceptable.

  • The circus and its characters - for many people personify a fairy tale and a holiday in their very nature, because what could be more colorful and cheerful than a cheerful clown in a bright suit with a big red nose and an invariable wide smile on his face...

    In fact, a clown's makeup is an integral part of his image, his artistic and personal mark, which expresses even more than the wig and costume combined.

    Makeup as a business card and means of expression

    Unlike other artists, a clown can make full use of all the details of his stage wardrobe, adapting and adapting it for various acts, developing some kind of comic effects. And it is makeup or make-up that becomes the very expressive means with which the clown is able to declare his chosen image and character, and convey his emotions to the audience. That is why such an exaggerated method of drawing a mask is used.

    Traditionally, clowns can be White or Red. The first one is rather sad or sad, and the second one is the opposite - eccentric, cheerful, broken.

    The main attributes of the White Clown's makeup have always been:

    • snow-white face background;
    • dark or black strokes (eye outlines, arched eyebrows, small lined lips or drooping corners of the mouth);
    • sometimes drawn tears.

    The red-haired clown is more familiar and familiar to us in his image:

    • multi-colored or bright wig;
    • red big nose;
    • the use of contrasting colors and paints in drawing eyes, eyebrows, lips;
    • some clowns draw freckles or other distinctive features on themselves.

    Many people choose the clown image for carnivals, children's and adult parties, because by dressing up as this character, you can do almost anything. However, if there should be no problems with the costume, then to do the makeup with your own hands and at home, you will have to try a little.

    Which makeup to choose?

    Before you apply clown makeup, you need to decide whether you will deal with real theatrical makeup, use simple face painting, or, at worst, cosmetics and other improvised means.

    Theatrical makeup is quite difficult to use - it is difficult to apply and difficult to wash off, so it is unlikely to be convenient for an ordinary party. In addition, in the circus and theater there is a large distance between spectators and performers, and some coloring flaws are not too noticeable, which allows for a less accurate drawing on the face. For home parties, it is still better to use special water-based makeup in the form of pencils.

    We create different images

    The classic look is a fully made-up face. However, you can deviate from these canons and come up with something new: for example, draw only curls on the cheeks, large eyelashes and bright lips.

    Here is a very simple example of makeup that you can easily do yourself.

    1. Remove hair from your face. Paint the area around the eyebrows in semicircles with white. Do this carefully so as not to hurt your eyes.
    2. Then paint the area around the lips with white, including part of the chin.
    3. Outline this white part with red, highlighting the line of the mouth.
    4. Add a smile to your face.
    5. Outline the white areas above the eyes with a black pencil. Draw eyelashes and put a few dots.
    6. You can simply draw a red nose if you don’t want to wear a fake one.

    The shape of lips, eyes and eyebrows can be drawn as you like, depending on your mood and imagination.

    To create the image of the White Clown, you will need to make a “sad” face. Having applied the general tone, highlight the eyes and draw black elongated diamonds under them (you can also draw tears). Then draw your eyebrows beautifully and paint your lips in the shape of a small bright heart.

    The nose is easily made from a piece of colored sponge (just cut out a small ball or pompom and attach a thin elastic band to it).

    The wig can be classic - a huge multi-colored or red head of curly hair, or made from thread or other improvised materials. For example, it is very simple to make a wig from threads based on a regular knitted hat - tie it in a circle with fringe, attaching the fringe through a loop in a checkerboard pattern.

    In the life of any family there are not only monotonous everyday life, but also joyful holidays. This is the New Year, and March 8, and birthdays, and graduation from school or kindergarten, and a wedding anniversary. Traditionally, special attention is paid to children's parties. Entire performances are usually staged for younger family members. You can, of course, order the script and actors from a professional agency. But how much more original and fun it will be to organize your own theater, game or circus performance.

    The importance of makeup in home productions

    In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to develop a script, prepare props, gifts and surprises. You also need to take care of your costumes. They can be made from old clothes, bedspreads or sheets. But to create a complete image of any hero, you need makeup. And if there is an amateur circus performance, you can’t do without a cheerful clown. How to do clown makeup at home?

    Home dressing room

    To make the clown's makeup bright and long-lasting, several important points should be taken into account. If you simply paint your face with ordinary paints, then this option will not be durable and effective. Professional make-up artists use oil-based paints. It's easy to make them yourself at home. You need to buy unsalted lard, render the fat out of it (or buy ready-made lard in a store), mix it with ordinary watercolor paints. It is better to mix fat and paint on a glass surface, and then transfer the resulting mixture into a small jar, for example, baby food. This way you can prepare paints of different colors by rubbing them alternately with a fat base.

    Makeup based on animal fat looks very bright and has a dense structure. If the holiday is planned to be held in a small room, you can mix paints with Vaseline oil. Then it will look more natural.

    Clown image for adults

    You can do clown makeup for an adult with your own hands quickly and easily. It is important to follow a few simple rules. Before applying makeup, be sure to cover your face with greasy cream or Vaseline, and then with foundation. It is necessary to remember about allergic reactions (it is better to conduct a preliminary test on the bend of the elbow). The paint is removed from the face using the same rich cream. Before applying paint to your face, you need to cover your hair with a special cap or scarf.

    Classic clown makeup includes several details. After preliminary preparation, you need to cover the entire face with white paint or whiten the area of ​​the mouth and eyebrows. Then draw a big red mouth, thickly line the eyes with black paint, draw eyelashes and eyebrows. Complete the look with a clown nose and wig. If, according to the holiday scenario, the clown should be a little sad, then you can slightly lower the tips of your lips and draw a big tear on your cheek. After finishing the creative process, you need to powder your face a little.

    Features of makeup for a child

    The main characters of children's parties can be both adults and the kids themselves. In this case, the make-up process itself can become a fun adventure for the participants in the celebration. But when painting children, you need to remember safety precautions. Babies' skin is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, for children's makeup it is better to use water-based paints, which are easily applied with a soft brush and just as easily washed off with water and soap. We must not forget about allergic reactions. You can make face painting at home by mixing corn starch with water, cream and food coloring. You can experiment with colors as you like. There are a huge number of options for creating interesting masks on children's faces using paints.

    Clown makeup is one of the most accessible images even for a novice artist. You need to cover the areas of the mouth, eyebrows and eyelids with white paint. Then draw a big red mouth, and also apply red paint to the tip of the nose. Draw multi-colored eyebrows and eyelashes. Add freckles. The clown makeup is ready.

    Variety of clown masks

    A clown can be a participant in more than just a cute children's party. Clowns, as you know, are different. They can be kind, cheerful, sad, angry, even scary. It’s not for nothing that in many films, criminals wear clown masks. Nowadays it is fashionable to hold various themed parties and masquerades. Having mastered the basics of makeup on classic good masks, you can try to create an unusual image and surprise your friends, for example, at Halloween. By performing the original clown makeup at home (an example photo is given below), you can amaze and even scare those around you.

    In any case, be it a fun children's party or a private party for adults, a family performance or a corporate masquerade, you can approach the creation of your image creatively and make an unforgettable impression on everyone. And the skills of a professional make-up artist, acquired at home, will be very useful in this case.

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