Who is a phlegmatic person: description of temperament, characteristics of communication. Phlegmatic: calm, only calm Phlegmatic character

A phlegmatic person is a type of temperament that has balanced nervous processes. A phlegmatic person calmly approaches any life processes, without unnecessary energy expenditure or excessive emotional manifestations. He is balanced, diligent, capable of scrupulously and conscientiously performing painstaking work. A phlegmatic person is characterized by slowness in making decisions, but if he has to carry them out, then he shows strong persistence.

Phlegmatic is a characteristic of a person. A representative of this temperament hides very well what is going on in his soul. Often, even the closest people cannot figure out what a phlegmatic person is going through, because his face displays calmness and neutrality of reactions.

The temperament of a phlegmatic person is characterized by a calm and stable disposition, which is associated with the inertia of his nervous system. It is very difficult to unbalance a phlegmatic person; for this to happen, something truly impressive must happen. But due to the fact that an unbalanced state is not characteristic of the phlegmatic type, such a person does not stay in it for too long. Individuals with a dominant phlegmatic temperament are always devoted friends and faithful spouses.

The character of a phlegmatic person is flexible, so it is easy to get along with him. A phlegmatic person is characterized by a poor ability to adapt to new conditions, orders, and circumstances, because his views on life are conservative. A phlegmatic person loves loneliness and appreciates it for the fact that in it one can reflect on existence and dream. Before taking even a not too risky step, a phlegmatic person will think many times and only then will he take it or not. Such a person is prone to exhibiting stable behavior, so each of his actions smacks of some stereotypes, but he is quite happy with the way he is.

The temperament of a phlegmatic person is truly unique, since people of this type can get along with almost everyone, and with an irritable choleric person, and a constantly cheerful sanguine person, as well as with a dreamy melancholic person.

The character of a phlegmatic person is quite stable, since he does not tend to adopt qualities from other temperaments, but he can infect others with his confidence.

We can talk about a phlegmatic person as one who rarely expresses what worries him, tries not to reveal his true mood, while he is quite capable of listening and understanding the feelings of another person. in a phlegmatic person, it is usually adequate or slightly underestimated.

Who is a phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic characteristic. This is the most responsive, pleasant and calm person, so many among their friends entrust the secret exclusively to this person. Individuals with a phlegmatic temperament like to be in a state of security, so they can work effectively only in a place where everything goes according to plan without incident. They may sometimes put too much emphasis on safety and be overly wary of all sorts of troubles, but in some cases this can even save their and their loved ones' lives.

Due to the fact that the character of a phlegmatic person has a desire to help people, such individuals also show strong concern for their own family. If the husband is a phlegmatic person in the family, then he will definitely help his wife with household chores. He even almost happily gets to work, because he knows that with his help he will make his wife’s task easier. The phlegmatic wife tries to give all her love to the family so that everyone feels needed.

Both men and women of the phlegmatic temperament type are very pleasant and sweet people because they are ready to help others, which is very highly valued by those around them. It is rare to find a phlegmatic person who would raise his voice to another person or initiate a quarrel. He prefers to give in to another person, so as not to spoil the relationship with him and not resort to abuse. You can rely on a phlegmatic person in almost everything, he will try to do a favor at the highest level, he will never take his words or promises back, so he is considered the most reliable person. If a phlegmatic person is also praised for his desire to help, if he receives feedback, then he will do the work twice as quickly and efficiently. Due to their soft nature, phlegmatic people sometimes become victims, who only need to find someone to bring down their feelings on, and the phlegmatic person, in turn, will never swear in response. You can sometimes even observe an unusual phenomenon - a phlegmatic person loves to obey other people, which is often used by choleric or sanguine people. But you can’t call him weak-willed.

A phlegmatic person is characterized by the fact that he loves to keep order in everything; in it he sees calm, safety and stability. The feeling of perfect stability is even manifested in the fact that they are able to carry through their entire lives the only model of behavior learned in childhood.

Clutter deprives a phlegmatic person of a sense of comfort. Therefore, he says that why should he change the order if everything suits him and gives him comfort. Everyone who is in a close relationship with a phlegmatic person knows and respects his characteristics. Only a person with malicious intent is capable of disrupting the order and stability of a phlegmatic person, unsettling him and removing his sense of security.

For a person with a phlegmatic temperament, the description of his appearance comes down to the fact that his style and general external features express his conservative views. You will never meet a true phlegmatic person in flashy clothes; he loves neutral colors and a minimum of accessories. His external characteristics are not memorable; a person of this type can ask a passerby on the street what time it is, and if you ask the passerby to describe the appearance of this person, he will simply be confused and will not be able to remember a single facial feature.

Such a person always has clean, ironed and washed clothes. Shoes are always polished. Before each exit from the house, the phlegmatic person examines his clothes very carefully, so that by chance some thread does not peek out or a button is missing. But this is only for strangers, and those who know a phlegmatic person often communicate with him and consider him an interesting person.

It is precisely because of the love of order that compatibility between a phlegmatic person and a sanguine person is not possible. If there is a mess in the house and the sanguine person does not notice it, then the phlegmatic person sometimes gets angry. But in order not to lead to conflict, he will silently remove it.

It happens that in families there are children with opposite temperaments from their parents, then funny situations often arise between them. If parents are phlegmatic and their child is also phlegmatic, then they rejoice, they cannot be happier about it. Because such a child is just a fairy tale. He is very obedient, assiduous, and does not have problems that can often be found in other children. Such families are interested in spending time together, so they are very strong.

Phlegmatic description of suitable professions. Among professions, there are two options: stable work that requires constant effort and diligence (scientists, accountants, financiers) or a field in which assistance is provided to people (medicine, psychology, sociology).

Some companies specifically determine the employee's temperament type, since they are looking for a phlegmatic person. He is appreciated for his scrupulous attitude to work, for the fact that he does not get tired, even if he has a lot of things to do. People of the phlegmatic type are invaluable workaholics, as long as the work is in place, without moving. They are very happy if their regime is constant work, repeated day after day, which brings security and peace.

For phlegmatic people, leaving their comfort zone is the worst thing that can happen to them. That is, the best order of things for them is the world around them, in which nothing changes. Therefore, people of the phlegmatic type can work in one place all their lives. They also don't like to travel. If they do agree to go somewhere, they try to choose conditions that will remind them of their home as much as possible. For example, they rent an apartment and find it unbearable to spend the night in a tent. They eat the same things they eat at home; it’s hard to get them to try something exotic.

If a phlegmatic person’s favorite store or cafe is closed, he becomes extremely upset. A life in which everything is predictable, stable and calm is the best for them. Any changes make phlegmatic people uneasy. In a work team, people of the phlegmatic type are quite active; they participate in all activities in order to keep up with their colleagues. They can only find themselves in the spotlight by mistake, and they don’t even want to hear about public speaking. Phlegmatic people are more observers than activists. They like to watch how sanguine people behave, who attract a lot of attention to themselves. For people of phlegmatic temperament, the opinions of other people are important, although everyone loves them anyway.

A phlegmatic person is respected for his balance and prudence, especially in a stressful situation, when everyone around him falls into trouble, he remains calm and begins to reassure others. Such individuals help others come to their senses faster, they know how to give advice, and even their very presence sometimes inspires confidence.

A phlegmatic woman is slow in action, but she does her work with special diligence. In general, she approaches any activity with persistence and perseverance.

A woman of a phlegmatic type of temperament has a low, quiet and confident voice and a slow gait. She always looks perfect and often other women begin to envy her. In the profession, a woman of the phlegmatic type prefers monotonous work, in particular such professions as therapist, accountant, business manager, botanist.

Phlegmatic characteristics of a child

A phlegmatic child is characterized by being calm, balanced and unperturbed. His acquaintance with the world occurs gradually, measuredly and slowly. If someone wants to help him, he rejects this help and tries to cope with difficulties alone. It is this behavior at an early age that determines future behavior.

A phlegmatic child loves when he is given a task that he needs to sit, think and reflect on. Even at four years old, such a child enjoys playing chess, begins to read books, and solves puzzles. If you need to occupy him for a while, you can simply give him a book with different pictures. He can sit over one of them for hours, looking for new elements, colors, and naming the characters depicted. He simply loves listening to stories, especially bedtime stories.

A phlegmatic child loves to talk, and he is especially interested in conversations with adults, although they mostly boil down to the latter’s monologue. Sometimes parents of a phlegmatic child worry because their child starts speaking late. In fact, he can talk, he's just waiting for a certain moment.

A phlegmatic child is mostly calm; the only thing that can make him angry is a speed task that requires a quick reaction. To complete this task more successfully, he will need some extra time. Based on this, when working with a child, you need to be measured and adapt to his pace. Do not try to speed it up somehow, this will only negatively affect the quality of the task and may cause stress in the child.

A child of a phlegmatic type of temperament has a balanced nervous system with low mobility of nervous reactions. During early childhood, such a baby is not capricious, sleeps a lot, rarely cries and does not require much attention. Such a child is “quiet”; even if he expresses some kind of reaction: laughing or crying, he does it quietly.

A phlegmatic child may be nervous only because something changes in his environment, some order, routine, surrounding objects; people I'm used to. He needs time to get used to any innovation. Therefore, children of a phlegmatic type of temperament do not adapt well to kindergarten and school. Because their usual daily routine changes and they have to meet new people.

If in kindergarten a child with a phlegmatic temperament comes across an activity with which he is already familiar, he will perform it just as diligently as at home. Over time, he gets used to certain rules and becomes a model of behavior. The only obstacle for a child in communicating with peers is his reduced activity and slowness, compared to other children.

The movements of a phlegmatic child are stingy, heavy, and make him look clumsy. A big mistake in raising a child is strict demands on him, especially if they go beyond his level of development and natural abilities. Expressing one's dissatisfaction or showing a child's relative inactivity and sluggishness lead to stress. Some parents believe that with their threats and shouts they can somehow push the phlegmatic person and make him faster. But, unfortunately, they do not understand at all that by such actions they cause an inhibitory reaction in the child, that is, instead of acting faster, as parents expect, he begins to behave even more slowly.

If a child is sometimes forced to behave faster than usual, for example, in order to be on time somewhere, then he must make a lot of effort, which provokes mental stress, which will then result in...

A popular mistake parents make is the desire to protect their child from various activities, from everything for which he has to make an effort. So, parents rush to help their child if they see that he is doing something with great effort. Thus, the child may never learn to be independent and even a little energetic. He develops self-doubt and a desire to avoid everything related to mobility.

Parents must organize conditions for the development of a slow child as confident and independent. It is necessary to gradually give the child tasks to complete, so if he has reached one level of development and mastered the basic techniques, then he can begin his further education.

The main rule that must be observed in raising a phlegmatic child is to take your time. Adults must understand that a child who plays sedentary games, who does not fuss for no reason, moves slowly and generally prefers to sit still - this is not an “ideal child”; this is a child who, if not accustomed to being active, will have problems communicating with others. peers and adults, which can ultimately affect his acceptance in the environment, when hiring, relationships with colleagues and with individuals of the opposite sex.

There are certain techniques to identify a child’s temperament. A psychologist in a preschool or school knows these methods and is able to help parents find out what kind of temperament their child has and give the necessary recommendations.

The phlegmatic temperament type is an unhurried, calm and passive person with no tendency to react emotionally to any incidents. This person always has an even mood; in any situation he remains balanced and calm. And in life, a phlegmatic person values ​​constancy and monotony.

Description of temperament

Psychologists often call this personality type, the phlegmatic, the “golden mean” among other temperaments. His restraint and calm turn out to be contagious for an overly active sanguine person, allowing him to abstract from the inflated demands of a melancholic person and suppress the harshness and emotionality of a choleric person. The silent and calm phlegmatic type is capable of creating balance in a company or team.

It is easy to single out a phlegmatic person from the crowd based on the description of his appearance: restraint, seriousness, unemotionality, lack of facial expressions. These people try to avoid conflict situations by any means and are not characterized by making rash and rash decisions. Sometimes, in order to avoid conflicts because of their peace-loving nature, phlegmatic people are ready to give in in a dispute, just to avoid finding themselves in an awkward and aggravating situation. For the phlegmatic type, the main character trait is balance, which is equated to innate characteristics. Therefore, in any crisis or stressful situation, they remain calm and calm without any effort.

Often representatives of the phlegmatic temperament type are introverts; they are most comfortable being alone with themselves. This does not mean that a phlegmatic person, due to the peculiarities of his temperament, is a completely closed person. Sociability is still present in the character, it is more developed than in melancholic people. Therefore, this person will also be comfortable and interesting to be in the company of friends. These people value a calm, quiet and measured life, full of predictable things. It is the planned charter of life that will bring positive emotions and real pleasure to the phlegmatic type. People around him like him for his flexible character and ability to find a compromise. A phlegmatic person carries out most of his actions based on such moral values ​​as selflessness, philanthropy, and mutual assistance.

Character traits

The phlegmatic temperament has the following main features:

  • inertia;
  • equilibrium;
  • slowness;
  • perseverance;
  • restraint; softness;
  • low level of activity.

The habit of keeping all feelings and grievances inside does not allow phlegmatic people to complain to others. A phlegmatic person is not very talkative, but he can be recognized by his slow speech with pauses; he usually speaks in a quiet voice; gestures and facial expressions, even when describing any unusual, eventful events, will be minimal.

The abilities and inclinations of a phlegmatic person and a serious approach are manifested both in relation to personal life, choice of environment, and work. Therefore, in his work he shows perseverance and a serious attitude, concentration, completes all started tasks, fulfills his duties as accurately and evenly as possible. If he needs to learn new information, this will take a long time, but the effect will last for a long time and in full.

A phlegmatic child, whose characteristics are balance, equanimity and calmness, has a stable nervous system since childhood. However, he is deprived of a high reaction speed; this skill can be trained from childhood. Phlegmatic in temperament are those people who will think for a long time before making a decision, weighing all its pros and cons. They have stable interests; they do not tend to quickly switch attention from one object to another, since this reaction will occur somewhat slowly. Since childhood, this person has hated various speed tasks. In adulthood, he retains this property. He needs a little more time than other people to complete his tasks.

What are the features of the type

A phlegmatic person in a society can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • usually shows restraint and composure;
  • the ability to constantly control oneself, calmness;
  • consistent in his plans, deeds and actions;
  • shows attentiveness, caution and prudence;
  • distinguished by the ability to wait, great endurance;
  • does not participate in empty chatter, is often silent;
  • conducts a calm and measured conversation without increased emotionality or pronounced facial expressions;
  • tries to save energy and strength in everything, does not devote himself completely to the task;
  • loves consistency and orderliness, lives according to a created routine, tries to always plan his day;
  • calmly accepts criticism addressed to him, reacts to comments with indifference;
  • not ready to immediately change your occupation and life in general;
  • He has smooth, favorable and calm relationships with those around him.

If a person has half of the listed properties, then with a high probability his temperament type is phlegmatic.

The phlegmatic person is reluctant to let people into his personal life. However, if he decides to do this, then it will be even more difficult for him to let the person go. Depending on the type of temperament, a phlegmatic person will be best compatible with a choleric person. The emphasis is on the fact that opposites attract. A choleric person will give his energy to a phlegmatic person and in return receive a calm, safe haven. If two phlegmatic people get together, sooner or later they will become bored with each other. If a phlegmatic person gets compatibility with a sanguine person, then this union can be called the most successful of all possible. Since the first one will receive not just a huge boost of energy, but positive emotions, activity and humor. The most difficult relationships are between phlegmatic and melancholic people, who will constantly irritate their partner. A melancholic person will not be able to put up with the lack of emotion and indifference of a partner; a phlegmatic person will be disgusted by the “whining” and “snotty” behavior of the chosen one.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other varieties, the phlegmatic temperament type has its advantages and disadvantages. Significant advantages include:

  • high efficiency, allowing to form excellent relationships in the team;
  • non-conflict and stress resistance;
  • the ability to respond adequately in any situation;
  • the ability to wait for an opportunity and be patient;
  • slow but persistent pursuit of goals;
  • calmness and emotional stability, allowing you to create a comfortable environment for yourself and other people;
  • a serious approach to any business or task;
  • high level of reliability, you can always rely on this person.

However, the personality of an imperturbable phlegmatic person is endowed with certain disadvantages, including:

  • difficulties in accepting and adapting to changes;
  • problems in establishing connections and contacts with other people;
  • tendency to develop apathy or lethargy;
  • inertia, which often acts as a barrier to human self-realization;
  • emotionality and stinginess in open reactions make a person often turn away from the world and others.

The phlegmatic temperament with such pros and cons is not by nature an orator and a leader who leads people. However, there are exceptions. Sometimes inertia and lethargy are exaggerated in the descriptions, but they show little in character. A phlegmatic type will be more comfortable staying at home, wrapping himself in a blanket, watching his favorite movie or reading a book. But this does not mean that a phlegmatic person is too fearful or alienated from the world. He just likes this activity, just like a sanguine person likes to attend a noisy party or a choleric person likes to jump with a parachute.

For a man

A phlegmatic man is prone to long reasoning and total self-control; his actions, deeds and judgments are guided by a cold mind, but not by intuition. Eternal companions are silence and calmness, which is its unique charm and attractive highlight for women, which a man is unlikely to suspect. A phlegmatic man is characterized by ideally developed self-control. If you rush this person, he will be nervous, although he will not rush either. His life passes at a measured pace. Among other men, he is distinguished by excessive seriousness, maximum concentration, and restraint. He seems to be the opposite of a cheerful, perky and overly active sanguine person. He tries not to enter into discussions; it is easier for him to remain silent and step aside. But, if others ask, he will express his opinion without any problems. Rarely does anyone get to see the emotional manifestation of a man with a phlegmatic temperament type.

For woman

A phlegmatic woman is usually a strong, reserved, self-confident, emotionally stable person. Unlike most women, she does not rely on intuition, but on prudence and her own mind. She will never be in the category of frivolous women who make decisions in a second. For a man, she is difficult to reach and forces her stronger half to seek her own favor and attention.

A phlegmatic woman is a slow woman, but at the same time filled with charm and charm. This tough nut can't be cracked with just one glance. Thoughts and feelings are deeply hidden, this makes her mysterious and enigmatic. It is difficult to discern a girl by her emotions or facial expressions, since she is almost always reserved and the same. These women are able to control their anger, and this also happens not on some emotional level, but following a subtle calculation. She will weigh for a long time, think whether she should be angry, and after assessing all the pros and cons, she only makes a decision. Men tend to choose the names of such women for marriage, since they very rarely throw tantrums.

Temperament is a stable set of individual innate personality qualities. Traditionally, there are four types: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic. In this article we will talk about who a phlegmatic person is, what traits are characteristic of him, and whether his compatibility with other types of temperament is possible.

Key Features

Qualities that are characteristic of a phlegmatic person:

  • slowness;
  • equanimity;
  • constant mood level;
  • subtle expressions of your emotional experiences;
  • poor facial expressions;
  • difficulty switching activities;
  • difficult adaptation to new surroundings and conditions;
  • constancy of feelings;
  • slow development of new forms of behavior;
  • lethargy, indifference, laziness are possible.

The phlegmatic person, thanks to his strong nervous system, is emotionally stable. At the same time, his mental processes also have an inertia that does not allow them to experience and express strong overwhelming feelings. A person who has this type of temperament usually evaluates himself adequately and is self-confident, without bragging or self-confidence. Sometimes, under unfavorable circumstances, he may underestimate his abilities and experience uncertainty.

You can recognize a phlegmatic person by his restraint, not particularly expressive facial expressions, and avoidance of conflict situations. These traits can manifest themselves positively, turning into pluses, but sometimes his peacefulness leads to him choosing the path of least resistance and avoiding those situations in which his help or expression of his own opinion is required.

A phlegmatic person is usually an introvert. At the same time, he is more sociable than a melancholic person, and does not mind spending time in quiet company. He does not expect surprises from communicating with other people; he likes a measured, quiet life.

An introvert (from German introvertiert “turned inward”) is a person who, by his mental make-up, is focused on his inner world and is not inclined to long-term communication. The extrovert is turned to objects of the external world. It is generally accepted that sanguine and choleric people are extroverts, and melancholic and phlegmatic people are introverts.

A phlegmatic person is a good listener who does not interrupt or criticize, and speaks to the point.

However, the positive aspects of a person can in some cases turn into disadvantages. Thus, a person who has a predominant phlegmatic type of temperament tends to accumulate negative emotions, which leads to periodic “explosions.”

Another weakness is low adaptability to changing conditions. This affects the fact that he is afraid to take responsibility and is afraid of making mistakes.

Lack of emotionality and apparent indifference are other disadvantages that characterize this type of temperament. A person, according to others, often lacks passion. In cases where a choleric person will be loudly indignant and scream, a melancholic person will cry, a phlegmatic person will only shrug his shoulders, remain silent or calmly express his point of view.

Famous phlegmatic people known in history - fabulist I.A. Krylov, physicist I. Newton, Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, as well as British Prime Minister W. Churchill. There are well-known phlegmatic characters in literature, the authors of which give detailed descriptions. For example, Porthos, one of the musketeers in A. Dumas, Sobakevich in “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol, Pierre Bezukhov in “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy.

In childhood

This is a child about whom they say “gift” - from birth, parents have practically no problems with him. He is calm, sleeps well, does not require constant being in the arms of adults, and is a little capricious.

The main features of a phlegmatic person - inertia and slowness - can manifest themselves already from infancy. A completely healthy child may not roll over, sit or walk for a long time, which becomes a cause for concern for parents.

Having matured a little, the baby surprises with his balance and peacefulness. He often plays independently, without requiring the presence of his parents.

However, his craving for stability can backfire - the child has a hard time getting used to kindergarten and has difficulty starting to communicate in a group. Often a phlegmatic person is slow, which can irritate teachers and become a reason for ridicule from classmates.

A child with a predominant phlegmatic type is an introvert and prefers to communicate with only one friend. If he finds a suitable play partner, he becomes a devoted and conflict-free companion.

He does not like to participate in competitions, especially speed ones, but he is prone to painstaking work and can spend a long time preparing some complex craft, assembling construction sets and puzzles. At the same time, if his participation in any event is required, he will prepare for it with all responsibility and will not let anyone down. Since childhood, he has been taciturn and surprises adults with his “unchildish” prudence.

Parents need to support his self-esteem, because under unfavorable circumstances (ridicule from peers, pointing out slowness, coming up with offensive nicknames) it can easily fall. A phlegmatic child needs a positive assessment of his strengths: devotion to friendship, caution, high-quality performance of any work.

Labor activity

A person who has a predominant phlegmatic type of temperament has good performance that does not decline over time.

Accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance and the ability to cope with routine work are the main positive characteristics that a phlegmatic person can boast of. The profile of the profession most suitable for this person describes the areas where methodical execution of instructions is required.

Despite the fact that a phlegmatic person prefers to communicate little, he is capable of work in which communication with other people is inevitable. However, these should be professions that do not require improvisation, the ability to entice or persuade an interlocutor, or public speaking. At the same time, with the desire and perseverance of the person himself, he can master them - the stable type of his nervous system contributes to this. Therefore, if he aims to choose psychotherapeutic activity as a profession or become a sales manager, then he may succeed.

In study or work, a person who has a phlegmatic temperament may experience some difficulties due to:

  • long “swing”;
  • slow start-up;
  • low pace of activity.

A phlegmatic person is not a leader by nature, they rarely show activity, prefers to use proven methods in their activities, but they find a common language with colleagues. He is difficult to climb, but if he takes on a job, he does it thoroughly and to the end.

If a phlegmatic person occupies a leadership position, then he can be called a fair and thoughtful boss. However, if he communicates little with his subordinates and does not make enough demands, the management of an enterprise or firm may get out of his control.

The most suitable professions for a person with a predominant phlegmatic type of temperament:

  • athlete;
  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • jeweler;
  • corrector;
  • dispatcher;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • database operator;
  • engineer;
  • System Administrator;
  • programmer;
  • some medical specialties;
  • nurse;
  • vet;
  • dog trainer;
  • highly skilled worker;
  • agricultural worker;
  • librarian;
  • clerk;
  • restorer;
  • archivist;
  • florist.

It is best, if in doubt, to choose a profession together with a psychologist who specializes in the topic of career guidance. With its help, a person will not only receive a description of his profile, but will also be able to understand which job will be optimal for him.

Family relationships and temperamental compatibility

Because of his peace-loving nature, it is not difficult to get along with a phlegmatic person. His balance, which even an explosive choleric cannot shake, is the key to compatibility and a good, happy life together. At the same time, he will not allow himself to be manipulated.

A man or woman with a predominant phlegmatic temperament usually evaluates his life and relationships realistically. They rarely express a romantic mood, which their partner does not always like. But they are patient and rarely make trouble.

A phlegmatic person is a wonderful parent whom children love for their understanding and fairness. Controlling your emotions also promotes productive communication with your children and ensures compatibility with them in everyday life and views.

A woman who is married to a phlegmatic husband can truly feel like she is behind a stone wall. The calmness of the husband, even in critical situations, has a beneficial effect on the relationship.

The phlegmatic girl is balanced, methodical and careful. A partner may blame her for indifference and laziness, although this is not always the case.

A phlegmatic person can get along with a person of any type of temperament. When paired with him, a choleric person feels good and calms down in his presence. Two phlegmatic people create a good tandem due to the fact that both have a strong type of nervous system. In some cases, relationships in “phlegmatic-melancholic” couples may become problematic due to the high level of inertia, passivity and “phlegmatic-sanguine”, since the latter often makes complaints about the partner’s inability to openly express his feelings.

Psychologists give advice on how to communicate with a phlegmatic person. There is no need to demand quick decisions and actions from him, and it is worth considering that he is “heavy to climb.” He must be notified in advance of all plans and events. You cannot try to “re-educate” this person - it is not only useless, but can also harm your relationship with him.

Who are phlegmatic people? These are people with whom it is often easy and simple to get along. You can be sure that if they have chosen someone as their partner, they will be devoted to him. The emanating confidence from these people often infects those around them. The characteristics of a phlegmatic person are not without weaknesses (inertia, laziness), but with the perseverance and desire of the person himself, this does not become a big problem for him and other people.

How do psychologists define phlegmatic people? Will an ordinary person be able to identify a phlegmatic person after a little communication with the latter?

It’s hard not to recognize a phlegmatic person, if you know the typical traits characteristic of this type of temperament. We will consider the characteristics of phlegmatic people: men and women in the article.

Scientific definition of the term

Psychologists, physiologists and other representatives of the scientific world classify subjects with inert type of nervous system, providing a person with a balanced, slow reaction to irritating factors and a calm mood under any circumstances.

In short, such a person has a low level of mental activity, so he is not prone to external expression of emotions and active facial expressions, even in emergency situations.

What is phlegmatism?

Equanimity seeming callousness and indifference to others with a more dynamic mentality.

The definition of phlegmatism also includes weakly active behavior, combined with drowsiness and general lethargy, which engulfs a person for most of the period of his wakefulness.

The concept of phlegmatization

The term is associated with the chemical and other industries where processes require the use of substances that can minimize the risk of activating explosive substances. Thus, phlegmatization should be understood influence techniques to suppress a violent reaction.

Who are phlegmatic people? Find out from the video:

Psychological picture

Calm facial expressions and restraint of a phlegmatic person, almost never shows aggression, often irritates others, who mistake such behavior for arrogance, callousness and even lack of development.

But the latter is true only in cases where a person actually has deviations in intellectual development.

Phlegmatic person interested in achieving the goal can be compared to the fate of fate- Getting the desired result is only a matter of time.

Because such a person will fully concentrate on the object and will move in the intended direction for as long as desired, with no less interest and enthusiasm.

The truth is that no one will see from the side of emotional “burning”: before the eyes of others there will be the same subject, “greedy” for emotions and an abundance of unnecessary body movements.

The characteristic features of phlegmatic people are:

Features of temperament:

  1. In conversations, inexpressive intonation prevails, facial accompaniment is minimal.
  2. The mood is stable.
  3. There is some inhibition in actions, especially those related to new activities.
  4. Decisions are always well-founded; spontaneous actions are alien.
  5. Inert behavior in relationships and work. Memorized instructions are followed flawlessly. It takes more time to learn the new regulations than other employees.


Phlegmatic is easy to identify even for a non-psychologist.

People with this temperament are different:

  • harmoniousness (a favorable prognosis in friendship, cooperation or marriage with a person of any temperament, if the partner is a socially adequate and law-abiding person);
  • loyalty;
  • lack of desire to take initiative in any matter;
  • the ability to listen;
  • love of order;
  • sacrifice.

Typical traits of a phlegmatic man:

  • silent;
  • balanced;
  • calm;
  • concentrated;
  • stingy in showing emotions when communicating with any people;
  • hardworking;
  • preferring quiet work, where the result depends on determination and perseverance.

Typical traits of a phlegmatic woman:

  • not prone to frivolous actions;
  • rarely or never hysterical;
  • hardworking;
  • speaks slowly, in a quiet voice;
  • in her wardrobe she prefers things in pastel colors, a strict or even undefined style.

For young parents who do not have teaching experience, a phlegmatic firstborn is a gift of fate in all respects, if they do not abuse the behavioral characteristics of their baby.

He is not demanding of a lot of attention from adults, and can enthusiastically study a subject he likes for a long time. Grown-up child He has his own opinion about everything, which he will share only with those who have earned trust.

Slowness in doing any work can be cause of displeasure on the part of adults, obvious choleric people or.

But if they realize how thoughtful their child is about every activity - from tying shoelaces to solving complex problems - then they will be able to raise a person who is able to achieve any goals.

Tips for raising a phlegmatic child:

Description of qualities

What does a phlegmatic person mean? Restraint and slowness- innate characteristics of a person with a phlegmatic temperament.

Constant attempts to force such a person to move in an uncharacteristic rhythm of life become the cause of development.

He is not lazy, as it may seem from the outside, he just has a special structure of his nervous system.

What kind of work is suitable?

Best dealt with with the responsibilities of a doctor (the most suitable specialties are therapist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, psychologist/psychotherapist), accountant, HR employee, and researcher.

Phlegmatic temperament and choice of profession:

Features, pros and cons

Features include:


  • reliability;
  • realism in judgments and perceptions;
  • no conflict;
  • patience;
  • composure.


  • lack of initiative;
  • slowness;
  • excessive harshness in statements due to a lack of understanding that directness can hurt;
  • isolation;
  • slow-wittedness.

Definition and characteristics

Choleric and phlegmatic in one person. If a person sometimes manifests himself as a choleric person, and sometimes as a phlegmatic person, then this may indicate some mental disorders, and perhaps simply fatigue.

Phlegmatic-choleric. These are two antipodes, capable of stably conflicting with each other or forming an ideal union in which the shortcomings of one will be compensated by the advantages of the other.

The main thing in such relationships is the desire to listen and the understanding that the partner is not doing something out of spite, but is simply structured differently and has his own, justified, view of things.

Phlegmatic introvert. Most phlegmatic people are introverts.

But if a phlegmatic extrovert appears on the horizon, then you will not find a better friend and a more reliable executive assistant in any undertaking.

How to communicate correctly?

Just like with any other person. Basic principles:

  1. Respect.
  2. Listen.
  3. Let's understand that you value his skills, abilities, and abilities.

How to become phlegmatic?

Having achieved Zen.

Seriously, it would be nice for choleric or sanguine people to learn from phlegmatic people a thoughtful attitude to solving problems, and melancholic people would benefit from a less painful reaction to imaginary or real sidelong glances from strangers.

Famous and famous phlegmatic people:

Pure phlegmatic people, as well as sanguine people, choleric people, melancholic people, occur in exceptional cases.

But knowledge of the characteristics of each temperament facilitates communication between cultured people looking for common ground and the opportunity to build a constructive dialogue in any situation.

Strengths and weaknesses of a phlegmatic person, and how to communicate with him:

Phlegmatic is the most balanced type of temperament of all four. Phlegmatic people are very useful members of society. They are patient, efficient, and do not complain about anything. Sometimes they even infuriate their impulsive and emotional counterparts with their thick skin and invincible calm.

A phlegmatic person, whose characteristic is the definition of the “golden mean,” is the most stable personality. It does not contain the violent energy of sanguine people, the despondency of melancholic people and the explosive wave of choleric people.

These are the most calm, peaceful and kind-hearted people. They themselves do not take anything to heart and advise others to do the same. The presence of a phlegmatic person in any company is calming and has a beneficial effect on everyone.

Living with a phlegmatic person is a pleasure. They take everything for granted, they like everything, they are satisfied with everything. And, if not, then they will not make revolutions or throw tantrums about this.

We can call them the most mature individuals compared to others. They make decisions thoughtfully and consciously, without involving emotions.

They look at life soberly: without excessive optimism, but also without gloomy doom. They know how to work hard and for a long time, always bringing what they start to the end.

  • Melancholic
  • Choleric
  • Sanguine

The breed of "good" people

They are not characterized by conflict, irritability, and impulsiveness. It is almost impossible to piss them off, because they are guided not by emotions, but by reasoning and facts.

Phlegmatic people remain calm where most people lose their heads, do not give in to manipulation and withstand the onslaught of stress. Good and reliable friends, they do not feel discomfort when left alone.

Setting only realistic goals and the ability to achieve them is another enviable trait of phlegmatic representatives of the human race.

Moaning and “killing yourself” for a long time about an already accomplished fact or a missed opportunity is not about them. Their credo is to be able to calmly adapt to changing circumstances.

Peacemakers and geniuses of long-suffering

Without giving in to panic, without unnecessary fuss, they will solve any problems that would cause a melancholic person to become depressed, or a choleric person to “lose his head.” The method of “getting bumps”, “getting up on the same rake” is alien to a phlegmatic person.

He is not capable of going to the goal using the scientific “poke” method. Instead, the phlegmatic person has a clearly thought-out, realistic and achievable plan. In it, all possible complications have already been taken into account, and solutions to eliminate them have been outlined.

Some people may find phlegmatic people a little boring. Yes, they do not pretend to be a “holiday person”. But you can rely on them in any situation, and you won’t have to ask for help twice.

These are real peacemakers: they are ready for any compromise so as not to bring the situation to the stage of conflict. Adequately perceiving their own personality, these people treat others with the same adequacy.

Don't try to go overboard to impress them or get their attention. Thorough representatives of the “leisurely brotherhood” without “auxiliary means” will appreciate you.

They are champions of patience and geniuses of focus and perseverance. It is these traits that make famous athletes out of phlegmatic people. We can say that champions of the spirit easily become champions of sports.

These are phlegmatic people!

Their credo is to be able to quickly adapt in conditions of instantly changing circumstances.

It is easy to recognize that you are a phlegmatic person by the following characteristic signs:

  • No violent gestures
  • Slowness in movements
  • Slow speech
  • Poor facial expression
  • Restraint and preference to stay in the shadow of the company.

Strengths and weaknesses of phlegmatic people

Even such a wonderful person as a phlegmatic person has in his track record, in addition to obvious advantages, noticeable disadvantages. Here are the main features:


  • Amazing efficiency and hard work.
  • Great endurance, equanimity and excellent stress resistance.
  • Stable emotions, even mood.
  • Patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.


  • Some lethargy, which can sometimes degenerate into indifference and laziness.
  • Lack of communication skills. He gets along with people for a long time, although his friendship with them lasts for decades
  • Inertia. A phlegmatic person does not like change, preferring the usual established track. He is not good at quickly switching to a new form of activity.
  • Closedness. These people do not like unnecessary chatter, preferring to speak only to the point. For a stranger, “talking” a phlegmatic person is problematic, especially considering that he never demonstrates his emotions.

Features of living together

Allow the phlegmatic person to have “personal space.” He often needs privacy and silence.

Don't demonstrate your furious temperament in front of him. This will not give you additional “eccentric” charm in his eyes. Such a display of emotion can only push him away and plunge him into the abyss of horror. Calm and stable, they cannot tolerate outbursts of rage, anger and aggression.

Don't rush him into making important decisions. It will take him 5 times longer to do this than someone else.

Do not “pull” a phlegmatic person out of the usual rhythm of life, like a carrot from a garden bed. He is very conservative and least inclined to change. For him they are always a shock and a shaking of the foundations of existence. Think ten times about whether it is worth undertaking a move, a major renovation of an apartment, or involving a phlegmatic person in parachuting.

The famous “slow-witted” - phlegmatic people were considered: the legendary commander Kutuzov, the outstanding writer of fables Krylov, academician Sakharov - the “father” of the hydrogen bomb.

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