Tattoos of criminals and their meaning. What does an evil tattoo mean?

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Decoding and description of tattoos: The meaning of rings
Rings are a symbol of serving a sentence. The number of rings usually corresponds to the number of convictions (one ring - one conviction, two - two convictions, etc.). Light color is associated with freedom, and black (dark) is associated with zone. A ring is an informative type of tattoo. It transmits in encrypted form information about what type of crime the offender ended up in prison for, what regimes he served his sentence in, how he behaved in the “zone” (he was a “refuser” or worked honestly, behaved disciplined or violated the regime , was in a group of positive-minded convicts or was part of a “denial group”, collaborated or was at enmity with the administration, etc.). From the rings one can learn about the position of the criminal in the criminal hierarchy, as well as about his value orientations and attitudes towards behavior in the future.

Everything about a ring is important: alternation of colors, configuration, signs, symbols, figures located on it. Thus, the “crown” sign in combination with other tattoos, as well as shoulder straps tattooed on the shoulders (Soviet, Tsarist army, SS troops, etc.) indicate the high position of the criminal in the criminal hierarchy. Crosses are also informative, emphasizing the high position of the convicted person - he committed a particularly serious crime, cannot be corrected, has a negative attitude towards the administration, etc. A number of rings serve as a means of replacing an abbreviation, for example, a chess ring with the sun rising above it corresponds to the abbreviation “MORNING,” and the ring “Passed through the Leningrad Crosses” corresponds to the abbreviation “EVA.”

If the ring has a name (proper name), then it is enclosed in quotation marks, for example, “Cormorant or boy’s finger,” “Cock ring,” “Hello to thieves,” etc. If the ring does not have a proper name, then an explanation of its meaning is given without quotation marks.

1-3. Variants of the “Passed the Zone” ring. The bearers of these rings served their sentences in prison.
4-5. "The Road Through the Young Boy" (for the first time). I was in the VTK on general regime.
6. “The road through the youngsters” (second “walk”)
7. “Borzo passed the juvenile age” (thief VTK)
8. “Borzo passed the juvenile stage” (enhanced mode). Second meaning: “I won’t shake hands with the cops.”
9. He was undergoing treatment at a labor treatment clinic.
10. “Borzo” passed the zone” (was in the “authorities”).
11. “The road to the zone” (was in a special school, special vocational school).
12. “The road to the zone” (conditionally sentenced).
13. “Passed the Leningrad Crosses” (“Denial”).
14. “Forever with thieves” (I have a criminal record).
15. “Half my life in prison” (another meaning: “I won’t shake hands with the cops” (prone to relapse).

16. “Thief” (had a previous conviction under Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
17. “Only the grave will correct a thief.” "Incorrigible".
18. “Half my life in prison” (another meaning) “I won’t shake hands with the cops” (prone to relapse).
19. I am looking for a girl for sexual contacts.
20. “Boy’s suit” - tattooed by fairly authoritative convicts.
21. “A thief in love” (the convict corresponds with a girl).
22. "The Libertine"
23. “Death to the show-off muggers” (means: “contempt for activists and the desire to take revenge on them”).
24. "Death to hillocks and activists." 25. "Death to the hillocks and activists, hello to thieves and colonists."
26. "Passed the Leningrad Crosses." Replaces the abbreviation "EVA". Another meaning is “Anarchy”, i.e. violator of the regime.
27. “Zone ringer” (convict - specialist in tattooing).
28. “Happy Life” (the convict is a musical person, plays an instrument).
29. “Dark life” or “All life in prison” is a symbol of the continuation of a criminal life. “I served my sentence “on call” (i.e. in full).
30. “The broken heart of a colonist” (correspondence with the girl ended or she cheated on him).

31. Memory of parents who died while serving their sentence.
32. Defaulter on card debt.
33. "Prison passport." “I was 16 years old at the time” (committed a crime as a minor).
34. “Served the term from bell to bell” (in full).
35. “Dark Life” (another meaning: “Regular client of the punishment cell, PTK, DISO”).
36. “I won’t shake hands with the cops” (contempt for police officers).
37. “I won’t give a hand to the cops” or “Beat the asset” (identical to the abbreviation “BARS”).
38. “I won’t shake hands with the cops” or “Beat the asset” (identical to the abbreviation “BARS”).
39. “I won’t shake hands with the cops” (negative attitude towards employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
40. The sun shines from above towards the bars - “Freedom for youngsters” (another meaning: “I’ve served my time and will steal”).
41. The shaded sun shines towards the light triangle “Wasted Youth” or “Shine for Thieves and Darkness for Cops.”
42. The sun shines down towards the light triangle - “Served his sentence in prison.”
43. The shaded sun shines towards the bars - “Half my life in prison”, Served a long sentence. “I’ve done my time and I’ll steal.” "Shine for thieves, not cops."
44. The sun shines towards the dark triangle - “Shine for thieves, not cops.” “I’ve done my time and I’ll steal.”
45. “Save and preserve” (the condemned person relies only on himself).

46. ​​“Chess ring” - 2 black squares to the right - served a sentence in the VTK for 2 years.
47. “Chess ring” - 2 black squares to the left - spent 2 years in a special school (special vocational school).
48. “Chess ring” made of four squares (convicted under Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft of personal property).
49. “The suit of the peasant” - convicted of theft (authoritative in the criminal world, prone to forming criminal groups).
50. Convicted under Art. 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - theft of personal property.
51. Convicted for robbery, prone to creating criminal groups.
52. “Convicted for murder, grievous bodily harm” (at the top, instead of a cross, there may be a snake entwined around a dagger).
53. "We are on trial for robbery." Instead of the St. Andrew's cross, there may be a three-pointed star on a black background.
54. “We are convicted of murder, grievous bodily harm, hooliganism.”
55. "Killer".
57. “Cormorant” (convicted of malicious hooliganism)
58. Dollar sign - 1) convicted of theft of state property (under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); 2) a security guard or a money man; 3) for minors - “All life is in money.”
59. Convicted for rape.
60. We judge according to Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
61. We judge according to Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

61. Convicted for rape.
62. The ring is identical to the abbreviation “MORNING” - “Gone on the Path of the Native Father” (memory of parents who were serving their sentences).
63-64. Variants of the ring: “The suit of the peasant is the suit of the thief” (this is a card suit that is authoritative in a criminal group. It also means theft).
65. “Cormorant or boy’s ring” (there are various versions of rhombuses with symmetrically arranged dark and light triangles. The wearer of the ring is “denied,” i.e., hostile to law enforcement agencies and convicted activists).
66-68. Ring options: “Spade suit” - the most authoritative suit (applied by “thieves in law”). Such rings indicate a sharply negative attitude towards work and the regime. These individuals cannot be re-educated).
69. “Hello to thieves” (the wearer of the ring is a “thief in law.” He occupies a high position, as evidenced by the crown).
70. “Authority among the deniers” (i.e. among convicts who refuse to work and do not comply with the requirements of the regime).
71. “Recidivist thief” (occupies a high position in the criminal hierarchy, as evidenced by the crown).
72. “Only the grave will correct a thief” (ring of an incorrigible convict).
73. “Anarchy” (negative towards regime and order).
74-75. Ring options: “In the circle of thieves, in the circle of friends” (the crown indicates a high position in the criminal hierarchy).
76. "One among thieves."
77. "Wasted youth." Imaginary repentance for a crime committed.
78. “I can get drugs” (drug dealers inflict on themselves).
79. The wearer of the ring abuses medications.
80. The wearer of the ring abuses drugs, preferring cannabis products (anasha).

81. The bearer of the ring abuses Noxiron drugs, as evidenced by the letter “N”.
82. A circle divided into three sectors symbolizes a tablet. Abuses drugs.
83. Beetle with a black cross on its back. “I served a sentence in prison for selling drugs.”
84. Syringe, heart, flower against the background of a “prison” ring (abuses drugs. Served a sentence for selling and storing drugs).
85. “Cock ring” (applied forcibly to persons who have been subjected to sodomy. Instead of dots there may be suits of worms, less often - diamonds).
86. This ring is worn as a sign of contempt. At the top there is a “rooster crown”.
87-88. Ring options: “Worms suit” - in different combinations or “Waffler suit” (blow job).
89. The half-shaded suit of spades is the “Suit of the Rooster.”
90. “Suit of the bouquet” - prone to all types of sexual perversions (or was subjected to this by force).
91. “Chess King” (the convicted person plays chess only “for fun”).
92. “Peasant’s ring” (the convict is not in conflict with the authorities and criminals, i.e. neutral)
93. “There is no happiness in life” (the convicted person was unlucky in some way).
94. “Orphan” (applied to convicts who do not have parents).
95. "Six" ("Shokha") - the youngest card in the deck (a man at the beck and call of the "authorities", a lackey) (The main version of the ring).
96. “The road to freedom” (the bearer of the ring served his sentence and will soon be released).
97. Variant of the ring “Six” (errand man).
98. “Ring “chushka” (chushpan)” (applied to a sloppy and despised convict).
99. Served a sentence in prison (only applied to Muslims).
100. “Cock ring” (forcibly impaled on passive homosexuals).

VC photojournalist Sergei Vasiliev traveled to more than 40 colonies and prisons, studying and photographing tattoos on the bodies of prisoners.

If you see a naked woman gouged out on the chest of a stranger, this does not mean at all that the owner of this body is a lover of erotica. Depending on the story, he can be a misogynist, a murderer, a peaceful member of society, or a gay man. It's all a matter of interpretation. A naked woman tied to a flaming pillar. The bearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. The logs can indicate the length of the punishment.

An executioner with an axe, a half-naked woman, a scaffold: the tattoo is found on people convicted of murdering a relative. The secondary meaning is “death to the traitor.”

A naked woman entwined with a snake, with an apple in her hand, a biblical story about the tempting serpent: “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.”

“Woman Tempter”: (If such a tattoo is on the back, then this is a passive homosexual.)

Depiction of a woman and the devil: “got into the zone because of a woman.”

A naked woman crucified on a cross with the inscription "Amen": an abstract symbol of revenge. The tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.
Prison bars, rose and dagger: The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony.
If a dagger and a rose without bars - “blood for treason.” The head of a girl - “I met my coming of age at VTC.”

A skull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake entwining a dagger: a thief’s symbol. A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law.

Mermaid at anchor: found among sailors and people serving sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less common in passive homosexuals.

Crossed arrow and key: symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar.

Saber without sheath: the tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat. Apply to the forearm and wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is “tied up.”

Cross with chain: pierced in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one’s fate. If the cross is depicted as a suit of clubs, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.

Genie flying out of a jug: tattoo of drug addicts.

A spider in a web is a tattoo for drug addicts. It may break out on the head under the hair.

A spider without a web means a pickpocket.

Three cards pierced by an arrow: the body sign of card sharpers.

Executioner executing naked women: the tattoo is sometimes accompanied by the abbreviation GOD (was condemned by the state). Symbolizes hatred of laws. The image of a devil has the same meaning.

A dragon flying over a castle: a tattoo found among plunderers of state or collective property, “guild workers.” It also means complete confiscation of property.

Running deer: “I was born free and I will die free.” Applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.

A cowboy with a naked girl on a horse: the picture may be accompanied by the abbreviation OMUT (it’s hard to leave me). It means a penchant for risk and adventure.

A hand in shackles, clutching a knife, also the inscription “PEACE”: “Execution will correct me.” The tattoo is found among deniers, godfathers.

Tiger head or gladiator: tattoo bearers are “bulls” and fighters (persons who inflict physical violence on the orders of a thief in law).

Hands in shackles clutching a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ: symbolizes faith in the brotherhood of thieves, devotion to thieves.

An eagle with a suitcase in its claws: means a guest performer. If a woman is in the clutches, he is convicted of rape.

Rose with thorns: the owner of this is a lesbian.

Violin with bow: passive homosexual. Several musical instruments mean group sex.

Crown depicting four card suits: “The King of All Suits” is a homosexual, prone to all forms of debauchery.

The number of forced tattoos applied in places of deprivation of liberty includes tattoos made by those who have not paid a gambling debt or those convicted under “dirty” articles - for rape, sodomy, corruption of minors, as well as those convicted of “unseemly” acts in places of deprivation of liberty - snitching, cooperation with the administration, theft from one’s own, and the like. Violent tattoos are usually applied to the back, less often - to the buttocks. After release, the owner of a forced tattoo most often tries to get rid of it: he removes part of the skin or adds new details to the design.

Leg tattoos are typical for deniers. Usually shackles and knee stars are depicted.


ALENKA - and you have to love her like an angel.

GOD - God will forgive sins; was convicted by the state; I'm afraid to stay hungry; I'll rob again.

BOSS - was convicted by the Soviet Union (or a Soviet court).

The university is an eternal prisoner of the law; I will die a happy prisoner.

GEESE - wherever I see him, I’ll immediately rape him.

BOTTOM - let it rest a little.

MAPLE - I swear to love her forever.

CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison.

PEACE - shooting will correct me.

SIR - freedom is heaven.

The numbers 1488 can be found on white/Nazi prisoner tattoos. The numbers 14 and 88 can also be used on their own. This can create confusion, as the prison criminal organization Nuestra Familia also uses the number 14 in its tattoos.

In the case of Nazi prisoners, 14 represents 14 words. 14 words from a quote by Nazi leader David Lane: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” 88 is a symbol for the eighth letter of English alphabet twice - HH, which stands for Heil Hitler (Heil Hitler). These tattoos are placed on any part of the body except the forehead, as shown in the pictures below.

The web is a very popular tattoo now among people who were not convicted. But the web is definitely a prison tattoo. People in prison make spider webs for themselves to symbolize a long prison sentence.

The symbolism is that just as a spider captures its prey in its web, so the criminal becomes trapped behind bars. The web is a prison. Often this tattoo is found on the elbows because it also represents a lot of the time the prisoner spends sitting with his elbows at a table. The web is also applied to the neck. If you see a multi-colored design of such a tattoo, then its origin is unlikely to be from a prison, since in this place there is practically no access to colored ink.

A tear
One of the most recognizable prison tattoos is the teardrop. But its meaning depends on the geographical location. In some places, a tear means a long prison sentence, in others - that its owner has committed murder.

Sometimes a tear is empty. This could symbolize an attempted murder or that one of the prisoner's friends has been killed and they are seeking revenge. Rappers and other celebrities have popularized the tear. If you're considering getting one, keep this in mind: If you end up in jail for the first time with an inauthentic tattoo, you'll make a lot of enemies in a short time.

Crown with five points
A golden crown might seem like an interesting tattoo. But if there are five dots on it, then it is a prison tattoo. The five-point crown is the symbol of the Latin Kings Gang.

The Latin Kings are one of the largest Hispanic gangs in the United States, based in Chicago. Crown tattoos are often accompanied by the letters ALKN, which stands for Almighty Latin Kings Nation. Why 5 dots? Because the Latin Kings are the fifth street gang of the People Nation. The color of the dots on the crown can be different and have their own hidden meaning.

Three dots
Three dots are a very common tattoo in prison that symbolizes “mi Vida Loca” or “my crazy life.” It is not a symbol of any particular gang, but rather a way of life for the gang. Usually such tattoos are found on the arms or around the eyes. The three dots may also carry the religious meaning of the Holy Trinity.

Five points
The five dots are sometimes called the checkerboard pattern and represent time spent in prison. The four dots in the corners are the walls of the cell, and the fifth in the middle is the prisoner. The five dots is actually an international prison tattoo, usually inked on the hand between the thumb and index finger. On other parts of the body, this tattoo can have a completely different meaning.

The image of a watch without hands is a symbol of a long prison sentence. Prisoners prefer not to count time, so a clock is a meaningless thing for them.

Aryan Brotherhood
The Aryan Brotherhood is the largest white supremacist gang in the US prison system. They make up less than 1% of the prison population but account for 20% of murders in US prisons. Their tattoos are usually shamrocks and/or the letters "AB", as well as Nazi symbols such as the swastika and SS bolts.

These tattoos represent the street gang Neustra Familia. Their tattoos include the word Norteño, Nuestra Familia, their sombrero symbol, the letter N, or 14.
Norteños primarily derive their income from the smuggling and distribution of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. They identify themselves with red bandanas.

MS 13
If you see someone with "MS13" or just "MS" or "13" tattooed, they are members of the Mara Salvatrucha gang from El Salvador. Tattoos can be anywhere, but are more often found in a visible place - the face, neck or arm.

La Mara Salvatrucha was formed in Los Angeles by Salvadoran immigrants. There are currently 13 MS chapters throughout the United States and even in Canada. The gang has over 70,000 members and is known as one of the most violent gangs in America. Their illegal activities range from drug trafficking to child prostitution. The US Treasury Department has declared MS-13 a transnational criminal organization!

Playing cards
Playing cards or suit of cards generally indicate a prisoner who enjoys gambling. For them, life is like a game of chance.

In Russian prisons, each suit of a deck of cards has its own meaning. Spades symbolize the thief, while clubs symbolize criminals in general. Diamonds indicate informants and this tattoo is usually applied by force. The heart symbol (worms) represents someone who is looking for a romantic partner in prison. This is another of the suits that can be forcibly applied.

Cross on chest
In Russian prisons, a chest tattoo with a cross symbolizes a thief. This is the highest rank a convict can achieve. There are a lot of criminal tattoos in Russia and each has its own meaning.

ACAB is an acronym that stands for All Cops Are Bastards and is very often found on the bodies of British prisoners.

Some with the ACAB tattoo claim that it stands for Always Carry A Bible. Now many young people in England who have never been to prison have an ACAB tattoo to show their willingness to go to prison for their gang.

A separate trend - tattooing on fingers - has gained popularity recently, although it has long existed in several forms, such as prison and army.

Zone values

In the criminal world, almost all those serving sentences get tattoos. Each carries a certain meaning, is a symbol of something personal for the prisoner or important for his environment.

The meaning of finger tattoos

Prison symbolism has a clear gradation. Rings are a sign of serving a sentence. Moreover, their number corresponds to the number of walkers. In encrypted form, tattoos carry information about the individual’s place in the criminal hierarchy. Everything has meaning: design, color, brightness of lines, configuration. Black color corresponds to the zone, white to freedom.

The most famous tattoo rings

  • "From call to call." Black square. The sentence was served in full.
  • "Sins of Youth". The square is divided into two triangles, the lower one is black, the upper one has sun rays. The criminal's prison experience began in a juvenile colony.
  • "Testaments of a Beloved Father." The square is divided into two rectangles, at the top is the rising sun, at the bottom are chess squares. Symbolizes the inextricability of family ties. The son took the path of his father.
  • “I won’t shake hands with the cop.” The square is divided into rectangles, white at the top and black at the bottom. The criminal's disdain for the police.
  • Spider image. Symbol of violence.

Thieves' rings

  • "Ring of the Gothic" There is a white cross on a black background. He was imprisoned for robbery.
  • "Alone in a circle of thieves." The ring is made only for female thieves. The square is divided into rectangles by a vertical line, black on the left, white on the right.
  • "Polish thief" The square is divided into 4 triangles. Two on the sides are black, at the top in white there is a number - the term, at the bottom in white - the number of convictions.
  • Stylized image of a cat's face. A symbol of thieves, those who often enter the zone, “the original inhabitant of the prison.”

Meanings for women

Recently, the popularity of tattoos has increased dramatically. Many girls strive to decorate their fingers in this way and give them a hidden meaning. The most common ones are hieroglyphs or symbols of important things in life. Dove or heart - love, clover, horseshoe - luck. Inscriptions on the sides of the fingers are also common.

We often come across people who have tattoos on their fingers that look like rings. The content of the drawing is determined by the meaning that the owner puts into it, and it is not always possible to understand the meaning in a positive way. Considering the fact that representatives of the criminal world often have rings, the attitude towards tattoos in this place is generally unfriendly. However, is this really so? It's worth looking into.

What does a ring tattoo mean?

Although rings repel a person from their owner, the design should not always be interpreted negatively. The bearer of the images can convey a meaning that is understandable only to him, regardless of generally accepted opinion. However, it is often the representatives of the prison world who are the bearers of such drawings.

The number of rings on hands can indicate the number of criminal records. These images are very informative - from them you can find out at what age the owner went to prison, about the regime of detention assigned to him, about relations with fellow sufferers, towards the police and his life in general. Also, a knowledgeable person will determine what position the bearer of the tattoo occupies in the prison hierarchy and whether he has certain plans for the future.

It is important not only the presence of a tattoo, but also its color, design, configuration, and the content of the abbreviation. Some tattoos are applied voluntarily, others are forced, and others must be earned. Based on the shade of the picture, one can understand the attitude of the convicted person to the authorities and the prison regime. Light tattoos mean freedom and regret about what has been done, homesickness; dark ones express disobedience, protest, aggression. Many “prisoners” depict their name on their fingers; This is done for ease of mention in the “zone”.

The meaning of the ring tattoo on the zone

Women get rings much less often than men, but when they do it, they pursue the same goals, and the tattoo carries a similar meaning.

Rings are rare among ordinary people, but they can be found in some social groups. A classic example is rock musicians. Not all of them have problems with the law, but they strive to capture significant life moments or symbols on their fingers.

There is no room for mistakes when it comes to finger tattoos. It is advisable not to resort to this type of body design unless absolutely necessary. It is better to apply some neutral notes, letters or signs, but it is better to place the tattoo in a place that is less popular among the criminal world.

Ring tattoos on the zone - meanings

  1. “I was in prison.” This tattoo is purely informational. Any person who has ever been in prison can inflict it on himself.
  2. "Wasted Youth" This tattoo is applied to criminals who served time in prison in their youth.
  3. “I served my time by calling.” This means that the prisoner wearing this tattoo served the entire prison term assigned to him in a correctional institution and was not amnestied or released early. When communicating with such a person, you should behave carefully, talk using a minimum number of slang words, especially if you are not completely sure of their meaning.
  4. “We are convicted of murder or causing grievous bodily harm.” People wearing this tattoo are of two types. Some can be truly brutal killers with whom you need to communicate with caution. Others could commit a crime in a state of passion, but in real life they could be distinguished by a quiet and peaceful character. In this case, the correct course of action would be to demonstrate moderate friendliness and polite, but not too pretentious manners.
  5. "We're on trial for robbery." You should behave more carefully with people wearing this tattoo, not trying to present yourself as a cool authority, but also not allowing yourself to be offended. It is best to communicate with convicts wearing such a design from a position of moderate strength. If you are attacked, fight back, but don’t get into a fight yourself unless necessary.
  6. "We're on trial for robbery." Usually people who engage in robbery are somewhat cowardly. They readily attack a defenseless victim, but they do not dare to attack several people alone. You should communicate with them from a position of confident strength, but not defiantly. If your cellmate has this tattoo, try to avoid gambling, teasing, or ridiculing with him. Remember, criminals who trade in robbery may be afraid of direct conflict, but they will always be ready to stab you in the back.
  7. "We're on trial for theft." This tattoo is worn by thieves and people who feel the need to create antisocial groups, that is, gangs and other criminal groups. The best course of action when dealing with them would be to politely decline any offers you receive. Also, you should not be too frank, since all your words and actions in the future can be used against you.
  8. "We're on trial for hooliganism." This tattoo can be applied not only to the fingers, but also to the earlobes. It can also be interpreted as “Prone to negative manifestations” or “Poorly amenable to re-education.” Most bullies respect only one language - the language of power. When communicating with them, you should immediately dot all the i’s: you will do this, you won’t do this, you don’t need this, but you will think about this.
  9. "Denied" or "Denied". The owner of this picture has an extremely negative attitude towards the judicial-executive apparatus, and in particular towards police officers. He also does not accept the idea of ​​criminals who choose to cooperate with the authorities or take the path of reform. It is known that in most cases the owner of such a tattoo occupies a high rank in the world of thieves. When communicating with “deniers,” you should minimize conversations about law enforcement agencies, avoid conflicts and conversations on personal topics.
  10. On December 11, 1879, the State Council of Russia adopted the Law “On the Basic Provisions for Reforming the Prison System,” which stated that each prisoner should be kept in a separate cell. A similar recommendation appeared in the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners adopted in 1955.
  11. "Man." This tattoo is applied to those convicts who want to show that they have nothing to do with the affairs of thieves, prefer to stay away from all kinds of “showdowns”, are deprived of a specific status among their peers and do not want to acquire it. This is the most favorable mindset and character. You can communicate with such people more or less frankly, of course, with a certain amount of caution.
  12. "Rooster" or "blue". This design is worn by people of the lowest rank available in the criminal world. Not only thieves, but also other criminals disdain to communicate with such prisoners. The “blue” status is assigned to people who are weak-willed, convicted of attempting or committing rape, as well as convicts who were unable to pay off gambling debts. In the vast majority of cases, a “rooster” tattoo is applied by force.
  13. Communication with such happy prisoners will negatively affect your reputation. Even the slightest suspicion that you maintain friendly relations with a gay man can instantly lower you to a similar status, and there will be no way back. Therefore, knowing that your neighbor is a “rooster”, try to communicate with him without showing contempt, but maintaining a certain distance.
  14. "Six". In the underworld, this tattoo is used to mark “sixes” who serve “authorities.” Thieves in law use them as errand boys. You should be careful with “sixes” in prison, since they often spy on their neighbors for their “master.”
  15. "Passage through the Crosses." This tattoo marks people who, while under investigation, spent time in a pre-trial detention center. The crown in this case means that the owner of the tattoo was a frequent violator of the regime of the pre-trial detention center, often had conflicts with the prison administration and, perhaps, is an “authority” in the criminal world.
  16. "Four towers and a security guard." The drawing indicates time spent in correctional institutions. This tattoo is common, mainly among people who have ever served a sentence in prison.
  17. "Dot". Instead of a dot, the tattoo may contain a rounded cross. The drawing symbolizes the escapes that the prisoner made from correctional institutions. Each shoot corresponds to one dot or cross.
  18. "Alone in a circle of friends." The owner of such a tattoo was convicted and served a sentence in prison.
  19. “Memory of Parents” or “I am a Killer.” The drawing symbolizes long memory and longing for parents who died while the person was in prison. Another interpretation is also possible. This tattoo is applied to themselves by people who seek revenge on their enemies from among the servants of the law. The shaded hill below the cross indicates that this man did what he set out to do.
  20. "In the footsteps of my beloved father." This tattoo is applied to themselves by convicts whose parents were also involved in illegal activities.
  21. "We're on trial for rape."
  22. "Apartment thief." It says that the owner of this ring tattoo is a great specialist in break-ins and thefts.
  23. "Murderer".
  24. “Registered in the zone.” Worn by criminals who have been convicted more than once and have served time in prison several times.
  25. “Gave promotion in the zone.” This drawing suggests that the prisoner, already in prison, committed an illegal act.
  26. “I was indoors.” The tattoo is usually applied to the upper phalanx of the thumb. It indicates that the convict was serving a term of imprisonment in a special regime correctional labor colony.
  27. “Passed through a special prison.”
  28. “Don’t swear off money or prison.” This is an ordinary, very common tattoo that has no special meaning.
  29. “I was born in prison,” or “My destiny is the sky in a large cell.” The symbolism of this tattoo is unclear.
  30. “I don’t want to work hard and I won’t.” Notes convicts who do their best to avoid corrective labor in places of serving their sentences.
  31. “I got into the zone as a juvenile and was transferred to an adult.” They are inflicted by very young prisoners.
  32. “I don’t care about the regime, the cops and the prosecutor’s office.” This tattoo is preferred by anarchist or “denier” prisoners.
  33. Symbol of the leader of a group of thieves.
  34. "Within". Authoritative thief tattoo.
  35. "Scarab beetle". This is a thief's amulet and a symbol of his good luck.
  36. "I was born a thief." The tattoo indicates the specifics of the prisoner’s work; it is applied to the thumb.
  37. “Before imprisonment, he served in a military construction detachment.”
  38. "Chief of the expropriators." The bearer of such a picture is the leader of a gang of racketeers.
  39. "Disciplinary Battalion" The number under the cross indicates the corresponding term of serving the sentence in the battalion for committing a military crime.
  40. “Today here, and tomorrow there.” This is how touring thieves mark themselves.
  41. “Orphan”, or “Children of an orphanage”.
  42. "Racketeer of Caucasian nationality."
  43. “Orphan”, or “In life, rely only on yourself.”
  44. “Abyssinian tax collector”, or “Racketeer - proletarian expropriator”. Worn by members of groups involved in racketeering.
  45. “Became a thief due to poverty and discord in the family,” or “Fatherlessness.”
  46. "Authority". Authorities who enjoy considerable respect in the criminal world mark themselves with this tattoo.
  47. Anarchist prisoners tattoo.
  48. "I'm dissatisfied with the verdict."
  49. "The furry thief." Tattoos are extremely rare. It is inflicted on prisoners serving time for rape.
  50. "Hello thieves." A tattoo that speaks about the specifics of the owner’s work. Thieves inflict it on themselves.
  51. It says that the prisoner has already served one sentence in a correctional labor colony.
  52. "Polish thief" It can be interpreted in two ways: a lone thief who prefers to work without the help of accomplices, and a thief who has given up criminal activity.
  53. "Lover of Women" The tattoo is applied by force.
  54. "Bubnovy." This tattoo is applied to informers against their will.
  55. Symbol of condemned anarchists.
  56. The tattoo speaks of an oath to avenge violated love.
  57. "Bullshit." Tattoos are often forcibly applied to prisoners who, once behind bars, did not want to take care of themselves and fell down.
  58. "Authority" tattoo.
  59. "Thief's Cross". Traditional thief tattoo.
  60. “Passed the Crosses.” Women's tattoo. Its meaning is similar to men's ring No. 13.
  61. "In a circle of thieves." Women's tattoo. Caused by thieves.
  62. "Male." Women's tattoo. It says that its owner is an active lesbian.
  63. "Tomboy." A female tattoo that is used by thieves.
  64. "I denied it." Female convicts inflict this when talking about their antisocial life principles.
  65. "They are not being judged." Young female prisoners mark themselves with this tattoo.
  66. "First conviction." Women's tattoo.
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