The simplest happiness is a ho'oponopono thank you letter. Error Correction Technique - Ho'oponopono

Reconciliation and forgiveness, which is historically used by Native Hawaiian healers (often in groups, families).

The modern technique of Ho'oponopono (also called self-purification meditation) was developed by Hawaiian physician Ihaleakala Hew Len, who used his technique to cure a whole ward of insane patients.

Grounds for understanding

First of all, it is necessary to note the basic concept of Dr. Lin's worldview:

In order to live happily and harmoniously, you need to be able to reset yourself: your thoughts, feelings. To do this, you need to meditate with the mantra "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."

Only the person himself is responsible for his thoughts and for everything that happens around him.

Such awareness of total responsibility for one’s life can, of course, be perceived painfully by many people who are accustomed to believe that life does not work out because of bosses, politicians, the machinations of “enemies,” and so on.

In other words, for all the troubles of a particular person, such people blame everyone around them, and do not think that they can take responsibility for their lives and change their attitude towards everything that happens around them, including their own judgments and thoughts.

Much of the stress experienced by modern people is the result of memories of the past, and there is no room for love in life. “Cleansing”, zeroing can return us love and harmony.

Simple technique

The sequence of steps in meditation is not so important, but taking into account the fact that in the modern pace of life few people have stress or other problems, it would be logical to practice meditation sequentially, starting from the stage of acceptance and forgiveness, moving on to gratitude and love.

Step 1: Repent "I'm sorry"

As mentioned above, we are responsible for everything that happens to us and in our head, even if it seems to us that something does not depend on us. As soon as you pass this thought through yourself, and it does not cause rejection, repent of what bothered you - just say to yourself “I’m very sorry.”

Start with your own problems and thoughts. For example, you have health problems, excess weight, addiction (alcohol, nicotine, etc.), anger, resentment, and so on. Highlight this problem and admit it - I'm sorry.

Full confession and repentance might sound like this: “I understand that I am responsible for this “problem” (label) in my life, and I feel remorse that something in my mind caused this.”

When you start with yourself and can repent to yourself “about yourself”, then it will be easier for you to repent about issues that, as it seems to you, depend not on you. For example, bad relationships in the family, disobedient children, problems at work (gradually you will come to the conclusion that you most likely caused this situation yourself).

Step 2: Ask for forgiveness "Please forgive me"

Learn to ask for forgiveness from yourself and from other people.

Remember that you have already repented and now is the time to ask for forgiveness. Just say “please forgive me” and repeat this phrase over and over again until it becomes easy for you to do and you feel liberated in your soul.

Step 3: Say "Thank You"

Say thank you to yourself, to the person you are worried about or who worries you, to the whole world - by and large, it is not so important who and what you thank for.

Thank your body for everything it does for you. Thank yourself for being who you are now. God bless. Continue giving thanks until you feel sincere.

Step 4: Love "I love you"

Say “I love you” to yourself, other people, the universe, God. Express your love to life, to the air you breathe, to the home that shelters you. Speak love to all the obstacles and life situations in your life. Feel love in your heart, because this is the main feeling in our life.


Ho'oponopono meditation allows you to cleanse the subconscious of negative attitudes, heal / alleviate the course of the disease through internal dialogues and settings, correct life situations and attitudes towards them.

Practice this meditation regularly and the effect will not keep you waiting - you will definitely notice positive changes in your life.

Authentic practice

It should be noted that Ho'oponopono is still successfully practiced in groups today - especially in families, since it allows you to correct, restore and maintain warm relationships between family members, reaching the sources of trouble.

It is effective to include silent breaks throughout the process to allow participants to reflect and process the emotions that arise. The main task is to achieve recognition and acceptance by all participants of the feelings that they have in connection with the situation under consideration. Then confession, repentance and forgiveness occur, everyone lets go of the situation. In an authentic Ho'oponopono ritual, the process ends with a ceremonial celebration.


The video is taken from an open source from the YouTube website on the channel

The Hawaiian meditation technique Ho'oponopono helps you learn how to clear the negativity from a situation that worries you. This practice fills the consciousness with positive energy vibrations and eliminates low feelings: anger, irritation and resentment. As a result, a person becomes calmer and more peaceful.

Ho'oponopono meditation: what's the point?

Ho'oponopono meditation is an ancient Hawaiian healing and cleansing technique. It can be used in any situation when you are filled with negative emotions in order to quickly let go of the conflict and forgive the offender. You can also practice the technique daily to heal on a deeper level: to work through trauma and repressed negative emotions that are deeply embedded in your subconscious.

During a meditation session, a person monotonously repeats four simple phrases:

  1. I love you. This phrase helps to reset all emotions, gain a connection with a higher power and be filled with the energy of love. A person recognizes that unconditional love lives inside him: for God, himself, people and the world. He gives this feeling into space, which ultimately helps change life for the better.
  2. I am very sorry. This is an acknowledgment that your life is influenced by some negative programs: parental, generic and acquired during life. This is an awareness of the problem and an expression of the desire to solve them, taking responsibility for everything that happens in life.
  3. Please forgive me. This is an expression of willingness to accept any consequences of negativity and a request for healing. Complete humility, which results in true forgiveness - with the heart, not the head.
  4. Thank you. An expression of gratitude that rebuilds a person’s consciousness to higher energy vibrations. Feeling grateful, you give a powerful resource to the Universe, and as a result, in real life you become able to accept abundance and all kinds of benefits.

It is these four phrases that have the highest energy vibrations, so they completely heal a person from negativity, help to cleanse oneself of traumas, complexes, beliefs and attitudes that prevent one from living a happy and harmonious life.

How to practice ho'oponopono in relationships with people?

In the classical meditation technique, a person, repeating phrases, turns to a Higher Power: God, the Creator, the Creator, the Universe. It doesn't matter what it's called, as long as you believe it.

But let’s also assume a special case of using practice to resolve conflicts with people. How it works:

  1. Let's say you have a conflict with a loved one, a colleague, or just an angry conductor on a tram.
  2. You felt acute negative emotions: irritation, anger, resentment or something else.
  3. First of all, you need to recognize and realize your negative emotions. Tell yourself: Yes, now I am offended, irritated, I am stressed by the situation that has arisen.
  4. After accepting your feelings, begin to repeat the cherished four phrases of ho'oponopono when addressing the offender. Imagine him as if he were standing in front of you.
  5. Gradually, bright bad emotions will begin to let go of you, and you will feel completely calm.

This method is very effective. It helps you quickly let go of any grievances without burying them in the depths of your subconscious. You learn to sincerely love people and accept any of their behavior. As a result, after regular practice, you notice that you no longer get irritated and angry so often, and become more calm, loving and peaceful.

You gain the ability to sincerely forgive, and as a result, your inner state changes. You begin to radiate powerful energy flows of love, gratitude and acceptance, which ultimately changes the world around you. People always mirror your condition.

You can play this meditation video:

Important points

Regular practice of ho'oponopono is already a huge step towards a happy and harmonious life. But meditation is not enough if the rest of the time you do not control your consciousness and continue to think negatively.

Important points that you need to realize and implement in your life to maximize the effectiveness of ho'oponopono:

  1. Take responsibility for your life. Accept as an axiom the fact that everything that happens is the result only of your actions and thoughts. Whatever happens around you is a reflection of your inner state. Stop blaming others, the government, your employer, your husband, your children. A better question to ask is: Why did this negative situation happen to me? By what thoughts or actions did I attract her?
  2. Remember about the mirror nature of the Universe. It always reflects your inner state. If you experience negative emotions very often, then various unpleasant situations will happen to you no less often. If you are sure that all people are bad, they will confirm your belief. If you set yourself up to believe that the world is a pleasant and bright place in which you have found your place, so it will be.
  3. Very often your life is influenced by generic and parental programs and attitudes. You may not be aware of them or notice them. These scenarios need to be worked with with the help of a psychotherapist or constellation master. It is important to trace repeating scenarios. For example, women in your family have always been lonely - this is inevitable for you if you do not realize and eliminate the reason.
  4. It is very difficult to get any results without faith in a Higher Power. Therefore, meditation works most effectively for those people who feel God and recognize his existence. If you consider yourself an atheist, it will be more difficult, because there is no unconditional faith in the power and strength of the Universe.

The four phrases of Ho'oponopono are your passport to a world without restrictions, in which there are no serious problems or difficulties, and wishes come true quickly and easily. In such a world there are many possibilities and there is always room for love.

Sooner or later, every person inevitably has a moment when he begins to make every effort to become happy and successful. And in order to improve his life, he begins to search for various options. And one of them is the use of the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono technique.

What is the root of evil?

Many Europeans are paying attention to this Hawaiian technique today. After all, albeit slowly, but still inexorably, the idea begins to ripen in people’s minds that the cause of all their failures in life is thinking. For the first time such a belief arose in the mid-19th century. It was during this period that psychoanalysts began to carefully study the human psyche and break it down into simple diagrams. So it turned out that it is from our consciousness that neuroses, complexes and fears arise. However, experts have not indicated a way to solve this problem.

And then people began to look for magical salvation themselves. Various techniques and methods that were developed by ancient peoples began to provide them with invaluable assistance. And one of them is the practice of Ho'oponopono. How does it work? How easy is it to use? Let's try to understand these and other issues.

What kind of technique is this?

The basic principle of this Hawaiian healing method is: “Peace begins with me.” And at its initial stage it was a practice classified as a closed sphere of cult. It was used only by Hawaiian shamans to maintain harmony in an isolated society.

Such a complex name for the technique was the result of a merger of words. The first of them is “hoo”, which means “to make, establish, bring”. The second word is “pono,” or “balance, harmony, order.” Their combination means: “Come to harmony, establish balance, put in order.”

Ho'oponopono is the practice of correcting mistakes. Its use leads to unity with the world, which is possible only through working with one’s “I”.

Problems to be solved

What problems can Ho'oponopono solve? Reviews from those who have already become acquainted with this technique confirm that it is capable of the following:

Cut off the negative, getting rid of the burden of the most base problems;
- bring all internal systems of the body into order and into a state of harmony;
- heal body and spirit;
- help to let go of negativity from past lives (your own and ancestors).

In Hawaiian closed societies, Ho'oponopono was kept by shamans - kahunas. They used this then secret method in order to support the functioning of society. If there were a loss of mutual understanding in such a small space, which is delineated by the borders of the island, then the entire nation would certainly perish.

In ancient times, Hawaiians firmly believed that the whole world rested on the laws of harmony. Violation of them by a person leads to disharmony not only in his heart. The world around him is also losing harmony. Such negative consequences can affect everyone around you, as well as your family and tribe. Imbalance leads to physical illness, troubles and misfortunes, disagreements and quarrels. After the problem began to become pronounced, a kahuna hurried to the person’s aid. This ancient Hawaiian shaman can be compared to a psychologist. Kahuna always listened carefully to each family member, and then resolved the conflict with the help of his wise speech. Thus, he gave the patient physical healing, and his relatives spiritual healing.

How did the Hawaiian shaman manage to restore peace and harmony to society? His secret was that he worked with consciousness. After all, according to Ho'oponopono, every person is responsible for his actions, as well as events that occurred in the outside world. This is why people should not shift their blame onto others.

According to the methods of Hawaiian shamans, they must work on their own “I” and at the same time observe the positive changes that occur in the surrounding reality. Such statements make this method similar to many Eastern practices, which are also an alternative to classical psychoanalysis.

Revival of Ancient Wisdom

Today, Hawaiian practice is presented with significant changes. Ancient wisdom came to the masses thanks to people like Hew Len, Morrna Nalamaku Simeone and Joe Vitale. At the same time, the practice in its wonderful chain of healing lost the third party, who were the shamans. After this change, what became the Ho'oponopono method? Reviews from those who have already mastered it claim that today’s practice implies that each person is his own doctor. After being introduced to Ho'oponopono, he finds himself in the hands of the most perfect tool in the world, allowing him to work on his own “I”.

The revival of the method began with Morra N. Simeala and her work “The 12 Steps of Ho’oponopono.” As a healer and kahuna, Morra taught one of the Hawaiian psychiatrists about the techniques of the ancient shamans. His name is Hugh Len. The doctor worked in a Hawaiian psychiatric clinic with criminals who were considered mentally ill. From the outside, his method of treatment seemed, at least, very strange. The doctor had no personal contact with patients. He only looked through their cards, repeating the mysterious formula. Surprisingly, from such a strange ritual, criminals who had lost their minds regained the ability to think clearly.

What happened? Hugh Len simply took advantage of the practice of Ho'oponopono. He realized and accepted the fact that a person bears full responsibility both for his own problems and for the difficulties and failures that take place in the lives of those around him. This awareness helped him work with patients. After successfully applying the method of Hawaiian shamans, the doctor developed a new approach. When using it, the person who engaged in this practice did not need outside help.

The further dissemination of magical teachings was carried out thanks to a book published by the writer Joe Vitalle entitled “Life Without Limits.” The author decided to tell the whole world about this technique after communicating with Hugh Len.

In Europe, in the CIS countries and in some other countries, lectures were given to explain the Ho'oponopono system. Feedback from hundreds of people indicates that they were pleased to hear stories about this practice. After this, the author published a number of publications that were dedicated to Ho'oponopono. In these books, the method is presented to the reader as a path of love, forgiveness, and also a kind of reboot of one’s reality. And to this day he continues to find more and more new followers.

Philosophy of practice of Hawaiian shamans

What opportunities does the Ho'oponopono method provide? Feedback from people who use it confirms that the activation of this practice allows them to cope with many problems located both within the boundaries of consciousness and beyond. So, it can eliminate:

1. Pessimism. Those who have used the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono leave reviews of it as a method that allowed them to look at the world in a completely different way. The surrounding reality no longer seems like an endless series of bad events.

2. Conflicts in the family. Using the technique is an excellent prevention of insults and quarrels.

3. Feelings of guilt. What does the practice of Ho'oponopono teach? Reviews from people who used it indicate that they began to let go and forgive not only the people around them, but also themselves.

4. Anxiety. The technique inspires confidence. With its help, a person begins to cope with the constant tension that torments him, an inferiority complex and suspicion.

5. Stress. What happens after regular use of Ho'oponopono practice? Reviews from those who have used this method confirm that their reaction to emerging life difficulties has become very positive. At the same time, people note a simultaneous decrease in the number of negative accidents.

6. Despair. What does the Ho'oponopono method give to a person? Reviews from practitioners confirm that it opens up new guidelines in life and new paths of opportunity, bringing soul and body into a harmonious state.

7. Regret. When applying the technique, a person begins to let go of the past without any pain.

8. Illnesses. The Ho'oponopono technique is also used as a healing technique. Reviews and results confirm that the created healthy spirit begins to successfully heal the sick body.

Way to success

Why has the Ho'oponopono technique been successful for many years? Reviews from supporters of this technique claim that they achieve the desired result by clearing their memory of “garbage.” Hindus would call such a process the purification of karma.

The fact is that all life’s difficulties originate in thoughts. Moreover, troubles occur under the influence of negative memories. They are the reason why various diseases develop and disharmony arises. The mind itself cannot cope with such a problem. The fact is that programs and imprints of memories remain forever in our subconscious, transmitted through a chain of generations at the genetic level. Such negativity often gives a person instructions on how to act in a given situation.

How can the technique of Hawaiian shamans help? In order to understand and appreciate its practice, you will need to study the basic principles of Ho'oponopono. Reviews from those who have used them confirm their high effectiveness in achieving their goals.

What is important for beginners to know?

According to the Ho'oponopono method:

1. A person is not fully aware of reality and cannot control it. At first glance this seems strange. After all, each of us lives in the real world, and for some reason it passes away from it. Yes, there are passers-by behind the walls of the house whom we simply do not see. The people living there are talking in the next apartment. Most sights, sounds and smells pass us by. The human mind is capable of processing only one millionth of the information that comes to us from the surrounding space. Everything else simply settles in the subconscious. Almost two-thirds of such information is garbage, as well as pathological anchors. But the brain not only stores all this volume. He also uses all the programs he received. Completely unconsciously, a person begins to implement various negative attitudes in his life. Of course, the reality of each of us is unique. However, it is created unconsciously. The opinion that events in this world occur according to the plans of human consciousness is erroneous. Everything is the will of the Universe and chance. If this statement is true, then is it worth being upset if events develop somehow differently? Of course, the Universe has its own plans. But this does not mean at all that she will not listen to other people’s desires.

2. By healing himself, a person heals his neighbor. The fact is that nothing happens in life for nothing. Problems, even if they are someone else's, are yours. It is important for those who have attracted trouble to themselves to understand that there was a reason for this. However, a person must find the strength to solve this problem, and then let it go. The Universe has no unsolvable problems. And the more often a person begins to resort to healing rituals, the purer his soul will become. It is worth keeping in mind that the problems of the people around you are your problems that were projected by the Universe. Of course, there is no one to blame for this, but there is a responsible person, who is the person himself.

3. Divine inspiration is higher than the desires of the Self. All our life plans are nothing more than a way of asserting the arrogant ego. However, the Self cannot resist the desire of the Universe. After all, she has her own aspirations and laws. And then, when a person’s plans conflict with the intentions of the Higher Powers, dissonance begins to arise, negatively affecting people’s lives. Divine inspiration is nothing more than a push from the Universe, the key to new opportunities and previously closed doors. It is that very insight that is certainly accompanied by the awakening of creativity and a surge of energy.

Advantages of the technique

Why do many people consider the use of the Ho'oponopono method preferable to other techniques? Reviews from practitioners indicate that his tasks and exercises are accessible, simple and understandable to everyone. Anyone who decides to delve into the laws of Buddhism, Hinduism or Taoism must go through a long path of purification and improvement, reading dozens of books.

Getting quick results

How to use the Ho'oponopono method? Reviews from practitioners warn beginners that they should not start believing in something sacred or feeling special. There should only be a desire aimed at pronouncing special phrases. This is the zero point of practice, which allows you to create miracles and expand your capabilities. There should be emptiness in the head and acceptance of the method.

What is the Ho'oponopono technique? The description of the practice allows us to judge that its implementation is not very difficult. The path to achieving results consists of just four simple steps, the order of which is not so important. These are Repentance and Forgiveness, Gratitude, and also Love. All this is the only and at the same time amazing forces that certainly work. However, you can apply them yourself. To do this, there is no need at all to be in a certain place or listen to anyone other than yourself. The necessary words can be spoken mentally without saying them out loud. The practice of Hawaiian shamans provides that all power over events lies only in a person’s feelings, as well as in the constant readiness of the forces of the Universe to love and forgive.

Let's consider all the steps of the technique in more detail:

1. Repentance. It should be accompanied by the phrase "I'm sorry." As mentioned earlier, every person is responsible for everything that happens. Even if at first glance it seems that this does not concern him at all. Once the practitioner realizes how natural it is to regret what happened, he recognizes the fact that something has entered his body or mind. And it doesn’t matter at all to know what it is. You just have to regret it. How does the Ho'oponopono cleansing technique work in this case? Reviews from practicing people confirm that when passing this step, the process of cleansing the subconscious of the programs embedded in it begins. These could be attitudes that led, for example, to excess weight, addiction to alcohol, nicotine or drugs, anger, aggression, etc. This is not the person's fault. But he is very sorry that everything happened this way.

2. Forgiveness. This step is accompanied by the phrase “Please forgive me.” These words are addressed to the Universe, to God, that is, to any Higher powers. At the same time, the person asks to forgive him for the fact that negative attitudes penetrated his subconscious, that he gave them his unspoken “good.” It is worth keeping in mind that this is not at all a request from the Higher Powers for forgiveness. This is a call for help. Higher powers must enable a person to forgive himself. And this moment is very important.

3. Gratitude. It is expressed in the word “Thank you.” Thanks to himself to the Higher powers, a person expresses his gratitude to them. By doing this, he sends upward information that he is confident in advance of a favorable outcome. The problem will definitely be solved, and in the best possible way for all participants.

4. Love. This is the fourth step of the technique, which can also be its very first step. It involves saying the words “I love you.” This phrase is considered truly magical. When it is repeated, a person finds himself on the frequency of Love.

Saying these words restores connection with Higher powers, transforming stagnant energy in the body into a powerful and pure flow. What does the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono give? Reviews of healing suggest that this stage allows you to remove all negative memories from the heart.

This is what practice is. As we can see, its explanation can be given briefly, and it is understandable to everyone.

What needs to be done for the practice of Ho'oponopono to bring results? Reviews from those who already use this method confirm that when a problem arises, it is enough to say the four key phrases listed above. They also need to be repeated when negative emotions arise, anxiety or depression. What if a person is happy? He should also pronounce these phrases. For your happiness you need to express gratitude to the Higher Powers. This is called purification.

Phrases can be spoken in any order, out loud or mentally. Moreover, they can be repeated many times or only once. A person’s intuition will definitely tell him how to do this better.

Technique tools

The Ho'oponopono technique has good reviews and results when using its additional capabilities. They will also allow a person to get rid of many problems in life. Let's look at Ho'oponopono tools, reviews of which confirm their high effectiveness.

1. Eraser. To use this technique, you will need to take a simple pencil with an eraser at one end. With this object you will need to tap without any effort on the object that needs to be cleaned. It could be clothes or a computer, a book or even the person himself. Such actions allow you to rid the object of the negative past. Moreover, this will become possible right up to the time of its creation. Judging by the reviews of people who practice this technique, they have received many positive results using this tool.

2. Sunflower. How to use this tool and what is it for? Judging by the reviews of people who used the technique, the image of this bright plant allows you to completely remove from the subconscious programs that block financial well-being or income. To do this, just mentally say: “Sunflower, sunflower...”. This may seem strange to some, but judging by the reviews, the method works great.

3. Sunny blue water. Healing from all troubles and misfortunes can be obtained with another Ho'oponopono tool. To do this, you will need to prepare cleansing healing water. You need to take a transparent container with a shade of blue into which the liquid is poured. Next, the cup or bottle is placed under a lamp or in the sun and left for one hour. You can simply drink this water, wash your face with it, cook food with it, or leave it in the refrigerator for later use. Just one drop of such solar water cleanses the container into which it is added.

4. Breathing Ha. How is this Ho'oponopono tool used? You need to inhale while counting from one to ten. After this, the breath is held. During this you also need to count to 10. Then exhale for the same period of time. Judging by the feedback from practitioners, this tool has already helped many people get rid of depression.

5. A glass of water. It can be placed anywhere in the house. Judging by the reviews of practitioners, filled ¾ with pure water, it perfectly cleanses the past. At the same time, all worries and worries go away. To get a faster result, you can put a piece of paper on the glass, on which the situation will be described. The water must be changed at least twice a day.

6. Blue ice. Many people speak of this tool as a technique that works great for any suffering or pain. For cuts or burns, as well as bruises and wounds, you just need to mentally say “blue ice.” It is recommended to say the same phrase when cutting plants and grass. This will relieve their pain as well. The words “blue ice” should be said as many times as necessary to eliminate pain not only in yourself, but also in someone else.

Rejection of the technique

Sometimes Ho'oponopono gets bad reviews. The technique does not give the necessary results and the person becomes disappointed in it.

What could be the problem? The fact is that the Ho'oponopono method can get bad reviews in cases where a person has not reached the zero point.

It corresponds to a state when there is a complete removal of any emotional charge to the situation that provoked the negative. In other words, a person must accept this fact completely and at the same time remain calm, harmonious and open. If this zero point is not reached, the practice will not work. In this regard, you can read bad reviews about the methods of Hawaiian shamans. People repeat magic phrases, but at the same time they are not at all aware of the cause of the problem and continue to blame circumstances or other people for what happened. This prevents them from getting rid of emotional charge and preventing energy leakage. But if you do everything correctly, you can make sure that this technique works and prospers.

How to change your life or what is the Ho'oponopono method, which has helped millions of people become happy!

“I live and create in the special light of the Lord”

Michelangelo Buanarroti

You say them in order to cleanse yourself. Not so that God can forgive, but to cleanse himself.

Speak "Thank you".

By radiating love to God, you will be able to feel and accept God's love. You can be cleansed through these words.

Believe me, changes will not keep you waiting.

Your thoughts will become clearer, new interesting ideas will appear that you want to bring to life, and you will definitely be able to do this, because God will always be with you.

If it is true that thoughts come to us from the subconscious even before we understand it, then what’s wrong, that these will be bright thoughts that we will like, that we most wanted and were waiting for!

If a problem arises along the way, just repeat to yourself: “I'm so sorry,” “Please forgive me,” “Thank you,” and “I love you” are life-changing words!

And if everything is fine and there are no problems, just sometimes repeat these four magic phrases to yourself.

Speaking "I'm really sorry", we apologize for allowing the negative experience to enter our memory, our consciousness, which was the cause of this problem. "Please forgive me". We, as it were, ask for forgiveness from ourselves in order to cleanse ourselves of this experience and let divine love into our soul.

“Thank you, thank you.” You thank God for the opportunity to cleanse yourself and open yourself to his love. "I love you" like the main key that opens the doors of your heart.

God loves us very much and has already forgiven us.

And we must open ourselves to him, purifying ourselves.

Give thanks for the problems you face, because they provide an opportunity to cleanse yourself of what caused it within us. It arose because something inside like a magnet attracted it into your life.

If you meet people on your way who are having a very hard time, then cleanse yourself with these four phrases. After all, this is what is happening in you, manifested as life experience in the form of the suffering of this person. After all, our happiness is inside us, and not outside (about this).

If you are annoyed by your acquaintance or work colleague, it means that this is probably inherent in you too. Just repeat these words to yourself and you will be cleansed, and the irritation will pass, since there will no longer be the reasons that caused it. (Highly recommend - ?)

When asking God for help, ask for forgiveness for what happens in us. Address what is happening within ourselves. Nothing exists outside of us. Heal yourself, heal your neighbor.

Ask for your healing and everyone around you will feel better.

By purifying yourself you create a new world in which you will live.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple, but simplicity is the truth. Faith is a very subjective and abstract concept. You can believe in anything, and in the sea of ​​information you can easily find confirmation of even the most seemingly impossible things.

But there is something that you don’t need to prove or explain to anyone. This is every person's need for love. And if we all loved everyone around us and everything around us, then heaven would reign on Earth. Is it possible? I don't know. But I am absolutely sure of one thing: everyone should start with themselves. The world begins with me. Don't try to fix everything around you and all the people around you. Cleanse yourself and your soul and this will be the best thing you can do.

Where this ancient Hawaiian teaching came from I have no idea. But I don't want to know. I love what it teaches. And if these are the beautiful four phrases: “I love you,” “Thank you,” “I’m so sorry,” “Please forgive me,” then just great. Everything that teaches us to love comes from God, who loves you right now in this moment and will always love you.

Just repeat these words every day and your life will begin to change. If you are able to repeat them easily and naturally, then this already says a lot about you.

I love you!

If you are interested in the topic of life after death, then be sure to read two articles and express your opinion:


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Several years ago I first heard about Ho'oponopono. What an interesting word! It piqued my curiosity.

The passion and kindness in this healing method seemed so moving to me that I wrote down the word to explore it.

“It’s time,” I told myself, so I started reading and listening to everything there was to learn about this method and start practicing it. And, despite my initial disbelief, the technology fascinated me. I must admit that I have used Ho'oponopono and it has greatly helped me heal wounds from my past and continues to do healing work in the present.

What is Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono is a spiritual method of mental and emotional healing that was created by the ancient Hawaiians. He helps us solve problems in our lives. The technique is said to date back over 5,000 years.

One could say that this movement becomes a philosophy of life centered on love to bring inner peace and balance through simplicity.

Ho'oponopono means making the right decision or correcting a mistake. But what mistake should you fix? We will see this a little later, please be patient.

They say that many centuries ago, the first inhabitants of Hawaii already made it a rule to practice this practice in order to improve their lives. When there was conflict between their family members, they would all come together to strengthen coexistence under the leadership of an old shaman or kahuna (also called the secret keeper). And until complete forgiveness was achieved, the meeting did not end. This approach has been practiced for centuries.

Ho'oponopono is based on the fact that the cause of all problematic situations we have in our lives is created by memories inherited genetically at the conscious level and faulty patterns that circulate through our subconscious.

Our mind never stops, it constantly travels to the past and future on a compulsive path. Repetition of memories occurs constantly. And if they are good, then everything is great, but if the thought streams are negative, we have a problem.

If we want to change these memories, we must let them go, fill them with love, joy and positivity.

We can say metaphorically that with the cleansing method we press the delete key on our emotional and spiritual hard drive. We neutralize the pain and mistakes embedded in our soul and coming from our ancestors and past life. We empty our subconscious memories, patterns and emotions and connect with our inner peace.

Ho'oponopono is a method of healing our inner patterns and spans the entire universe. The original premise is that the entire universe is a unit, so we are responsible for everything that happens in it.

If I am the universe, I am responsible for everything that happens!

This statement is difficult for many to understand. I also encountered this. Am I responsible for what another person on the other side of the earth does? Well, it's possible! It's hard to imagine that, right? But in the practice we study, everything is interconnected.

This is where our beliefs and the spiritual DNA of each one comes into play. Accepting this concept may cause you to feel rejected, as it did to me. Can we accept this only through the reflection of our deepest essence, overflowing with inner peace and humility. Perhaps to understand this we need to go deeper.

How to find inner peace. Quick Guide

In the practice of Ho'oponopono, in order to have quick results, we voluntarily accept responsibility to heal the situation. Although we are not the only responsible party, we know that everything in the world reflects us. And if something happens, it is necessary for our growth. Each of us decides whether we want to do this or not.

And we are talking about responsibility in which we become the master of life. We do not blame third parties. We are the ones who have to change, not others. A change in us will change the environment.

We are responsible for everything, since we are a part of the whole.

Essentially, we have inherited patterns, attitudes, ways of thinking, acting, and even behavior from our ancestors. And some of them are not entirely healthy. We have unresolved problems that are inherited by each generation of the family. This is where a method that can clear these limitations of the mind comes in and becomes an ideal tool for performing emotional or spiritual cleansing.

According to its internal functioning, it is said that what you eliminate or purify in yourself will be erased in the seven previous generations and the seven following.

When we can reset and empty our essence and our subconscious that harms us, our lives become more perfect and harmonious. We manage to attract positive energy to ourselves.

We clear our programs because we want to be happy, free from ties to a negative past, because we already suffer enough. It's time to rediscover ourselves, live and enjoy life, love and accept ourselves as we are.

There may still be situations we don't like, but we will be the ones to change ourselves and the world, and we will focus on the better by clearing out what negatively affects us.

In fact, the fundamental and powerful part of the cleansing process is that it is a direct path to our inner peace, full of peace and love.

Releasing patterns works on a deep level and helps in healing our karma. Transforming unprocessed problems into positive ones.

Ho'oponopono technique for beginners

It focuses on two very simple steps to follow:

1. Take responsibility for what you want to heal.

For example, if you want to help a sick person, you are responsible for his illness. You openly admit that everything in the world is one, and therefore you are responsible for it.

2. Ask the Universe to heal whatever exists within you that caused this situation.

You can ask God, the Universe or whoever you want for this. The main thing is to do this sincerely with deep humility and understanding.

How is therapy carried out?

The practice of ho'oponopono is very simple if it is done from the heart. The basic concepts for carrying out this process are repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love.

Nowadays, when we are faced with a situation that causes pain or suffering for someone, we take responsibility. And we, turning to the Universe, say:

Forgive me and heal whatever in me caused this situation.

As you can see, it's very simple. We don't need to complicate things anymore. It is enough to calm your mind, tune in and conduct a meditation that will cleanse what interferes with a happy life.

But if you want to devote more time to practice, you can do deeper work on the limiting situation to get in touch with our subconscious and superconscious.

The point is to retire, be in a calm environment for a while, take a pen and paper and answer many questions that help clear your mind and find a way out:

  • What is related to this problem?
  • What inside me can create such a situation?
  • What are the mental and emotional patterns that I typically have?
  • What behavior is repeated?
  • What memories are associated with this?
  • How do I usually act in similar situations?
  • Does my method help solve the problem?
  • What do I think of my previous answers?
  • Did I discover something about myself that I didn’t know?
  • How do I feel about this? What are my feelings?
  • What can I do to improve this situation?
  • What is my plan of action?

Once this work is completed, you can move on to the next step.

The Four Healing Phrases of Ho'oponopono: What Do They Mean?

I'm really sorry

I'm sorry

I thank you

I love you

You need to say these phrases loudly and with feeling out loud or in your mind. This will allow us to verbalize the process, connecting the emotions, heart and mind with the reality we want to clear. The more we speak them, the more power they gain.

Let's analyze each phrase:

I'm sorry

With these words we acknowledge our responsibility for the situation that we want to cure. We release the burden of the past, the harmful or erroneous memory that is installed in us and which we want to clear.

I'm sorry

It is about you asking for forgiveness for polluting yourself for so long with these negative ideas and not letting go of all those faulty memories that filled you and created your reality. Your vibrational level will be balanced once they are gone.

Thank you!

Despite the fact that it is difficult for us to agree with our karma, we thank the Cosmos for all the mistakes that we have made, for the patterns that we have accumulated in our genetic memory, for all the situations, problems and experiences that life has presented to us and thus given us the opportunity clean them.

I love you

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Love has the power to transform everything. We tell our memories that we love them and free ourselves from this situation.

As you can see, the approach is very similar to the one that Jesus Christ preached, that is, he said that we must use love to solve the problems that we have that cause us harm and pain.

Next step

As we saw earlier, the method itself revolves around the ideas that everything is one, and if everything is one, it means that we are part of the universe.

Thus, we take full responsibility for the entire process, not only for the problem, but also for the solution.

In the classical version, responsibility for the decision lies with the Universe. But if we are part of the Divine energy, wouldn't it be much more effective to be in charge of everything in our lives?

This is a modification of the previous method, and when we ask the Universe to correct the situation, we ask that we can do it ourselves.

To use an advanced version of the technique and still feel comfortable, it is recommended to start with the realization that you are part of God, you have the same energy, which means you too can transform your life.

If you haven't reached this step, then use the traditional version until you're ready to take it to the next level.

Leading Leaders Practicing Ho'oponopono

Now I want to introduce you to two great world leaders: Morrna Simeon and Hew Len.

Morrna Simeon

Morrna Simeona was born in 1913 in Hawaii. She left this world, going to another dimension, in 1992. She is recognized as one of the greatest healers, and was honored by the Hawaiian People in 1983.

She has also been invited to teach the method at the United Nations, WHO and treatment centers around the world.

Clean, erase and find your own world. Where? Inside you.

Morrna Simeon

She reoriented the method, deeply updating the ancient Hawaiian philosophy of ho'oponopono so that it could be revived and applied to modern times.

Basically this reorientation consists in the fact that the technique is now performed individually. It is no longer necessary for the entire family to come together for the process of forgiveness and cleansing. Nowadays, this is not so easy to do, especially if family members are in different cities, or if not everyone is ready for spiritual growth.

What we have cleared is erased from the genetic memory of others, that is, having worked through some pattern yourself, it will disappear not only from you, but also from your entire family of relatives and ancestors, that is, a great erasure of the codes embedded in memory will occur , freeing us from unnecessary things. According to the author, the main goal of the practice is to discover the divinity within oneself.

Powerful prayer from Simeon

"Divine Creator, father, mother and son.

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended You, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Let all memories, blocks, energies and negative vibrations be cleared and transmuted into pure light energy."

Morrna Simeon worked with methods of interpenetration of the subconscious, conscious and superconscious.

In this way, she says that we will be able to connect our essence or inner being, true love, with the divine source. This will fill us with harmony, peace and complete happiness.

She believes that we are the sum total of our experiences. When we experience tension or fear, if we look carefully, we will find that the reason for it lies in our memory. It is the emotional component that is tied to those memories that affect us.

The main goal, according to Simeon, is to find the divine principle in oneself. Through the practice of purification, which is a true gift, we can create a strong and reciprocal connection with the Universe within ourselves and free ourselves from mistakes, find freedom and happiness.

Who is Dr. Hew Len?

Here is his exciting and incredible story:

Hew Len is a prominent student of Morrna Simeon, he worked with her and accompanied her on her travels around the world.

He continued to research and improve the technique and devoted his life to this to bring knowledge to people and update their concepts.

The only task in the world, in his opinion, is to restore our personality, mind and return them to their original state.

His healing story is fascinating. There is a hospital in Hawaii with a psychiatry department. There was a pavilion where mentally ill patients were located, who were considered very dangerous, so many did not stay at this work.

When Dr. Hew Len took the job, he agreed that he would not meet face to face with patients. After the doctor had studied each case carefully and carefully, he began to delve within himself to see how it had created the patient's illness.

After a month of practicing Ho'oponopono, many patients who were bedridden began to walk freely around the area. Others, under the influence of a powerful drug, were glad to have their dosage reduced. Some were released.

In addition, the hospital staff also underwent drastic changes, all those who were on medical leave due to stress asked to return to work, and those who left wanted to regain their places in the hospital.

They ended up having more employees than they needed. Dr. Lin developed his methodology there over four years. Today this pavilion is closed. It's no longer needed.

How could he achieve this? According to Lin himself, he healed the part of his being that gave rise to the ailments of his patients. As he analyzed the medical records of each of his patients, he repeated over and over again: “Forgive me, I love you.”

Hugh Len's Prayer

I am me.

I come from the vacuum to the light.

I am the breath that nourishes life.

I am emptiness.

I, perfect and absolute.

I draw a rainbow through the waters, the continuity of mind in matter.

I am the inhalation and exhalation, the transparent and invisible breeze, the indefinable atom of creation.

I am me.

How to meditate with Ho'oponopono?

As you can see, the system for applying the cleansing technique is very simple.

However, there are three necessary rules to get quick results:

The first is to use it regularly, and not only when problems arise.

The second thing is to do it in faith. Tools need to be reused over and over again. Faith is fundamental to the use of the method and should not be questioned.

The third is not to use intelligence. In Ho'oponopono, if we use rational thinking, the process is interrupted. It must be from the heart.

Remember that you decide whether you want to leave your comfort zone and clear your genetic memory of negative patterns, pain, guilt and fear.

If you take responsibility, you can use Ho'oponopono to heal your life, fill it with love and joy.

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