What you need to succeed: my practical recommendations. What does it take to succeed? What you need to succeed

Every person wants to be successful. Success brings people self-satisfaction, increases self-esteem, and fills life with meaning. Everyone has their own concept of success. One dreams of creating his own company, another dreams of being a better wife and mother, the third dreams of getting a position in the government apparatus.

It doesn’t matter what the goal is, the path to success is the same for everyone. There are specific rules, steps, steps that will lead to the success that you want.

What does success look like?

Personal qualities of a successful person

A person who is able to self-actualize, or otherwise achieve a goal, is considered successful and enjoys his own life.

A successful person lives his own life, follows his own path, sets goals for himself and achieves them. No one will say that this path is easy - it requires constant movement, growth, and work. It is impossible to avoid difficulties, troubles, disapproval - it is important not to give up and move on.

There is one immutable truth for everyone: every person can achieve success. What is needed for this?

There are qualities that lead to achieving your goals:

  • self confidence;
  • hard work;
  • optimism;
  • perseverance;
  • durability;
  • positive thinking.

Psychologists say: if a person has at least 2 qualities from the list, he is able to achieve anything.

It is advisable to think positively and avoid thoughts that slow down your progress.

What thoughts hinder growth?

"I must". No one owes anyone anything - everything a person does, he does for himself and of his own free will, even if in order to achieve a goal he has to limit himself in something or give up something.

"I can not do it". It’s always worth trying; if it doesn’t work right away, you can collect information, learn, ask for advice, etc. The second or third attempt will be successful.

"I do not want anything". The absence of positive desires and goals is a path to nowhere. Wishing and striving are the first steps to achieving success.

"Everything as usual; nothing new". Life changes every moment, even against our wishes. Why not try to change it on your own?

Listen to your heart.

Doesn't it sound like a fairy tale? However, all successful people claim that they achieved success by doing what they love, to which they devote themselves without reserve.

Only by doing what your heart is in can you achieve heights.

Michael Jordan

"Success comes when a person loves something and does everything with true passion."

Take action.

It doesn’t matter what or how to do, it’s important not to lie on the couch. Start small. Master a business that you have long wanted to learn, do something you have long dreamed of or something you have been putting off for a long time. A Chinese proverb says: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”

Don't drown in the past.

You need to forget about past failures, grievances and mistakes and move forward without looking back. Louise Hay writes: “The starting point of strength is always in the present moment.” No matter how many failures there have been in the past, there is no need to be afraid of mistakes and failures.

Donald Trump

“There is no point in sitting on failure as if on ashes. You’ve learned a new lesson, learned it, and move on.”

Think positively.

Donald Trump

“Our own thoughts determine whether we stay afloat or remain in a quagmire of whining. It's not always possible to resist. That's life. Everyone falls, but you have to get up."

Believing in your abilities works wonders. Believe also that the whole world is on your side. As he says Louise Hay,

“Trust is an instant process, a leap into nowhere”/

Just believe that you are the darling of fate, whom she is ready to shower with all the blessings.

Don't be ungrateful - thank life for everything it gives: health, loved ones, beautiful weather, work, a new dawn. Every day, thank life for everything you have - and appreciate it.

What qualities and actions distinguish a successful person?

1. Self-sufficiency. A successful person does not depend on the opinions of others, he is the master of his own happiness. It doesn't matter what everyone around you thinks - self-esteem comes from within.

2. The ability to forgive. Forgiveness frees both the offender and the offended. The let go of resentment will not devour you from the inside, cultivating illnesses and complexes. But don’t forget anything - don’t give anyone a second chance to offend you.

3. The ability to conserve one’s strength. You shouldn’t waste yourself completely in a momentary struggle. Sometimes you can retreat and gain strength for the next battle.

4. The best is the enemy of the good. There is no need to be perfect; perfectionism leads to neuroses and chronic diseases. Do it the best you can. Next time it will be better.

5. Don't live in the past. The ability to part with the past, forgive others and yourself is a step towards a happy future.

6. The ability to get distracted. There is no need to live only by Business, Work. Successful Oleg Tinkov states: “Work to live, but not live to work.” You need to find time for yourself and for your loved ones.

7. The ability to say “no.” A successful person knows how to say no. Following other people's desires leads to failure, stress and depression.

8. Kindness. Fact: the more a person has achieved, the more friendly and polite he is to everyone. It doesn’t matter what the social status of the interlocutor is - a successful person will be polite and humane. Anger is for losers.

Try to listen carefully and “hear” the interlocutor, do not interrupt and give the opportunity to speak. Be interested in the affairs and problems of others. Even if it is difficult at first, skill and sincerity will come with time. Try it, you will be surprised how many prospects the goodwill and participation of others will open up for you.

Owen Young (writer):

“A person who knows how to put himself in another’s place and accept his way of thinking need not worry about his future.”

Be kind to everyone, even during telephone conversations, and especially to your loved ones.

9. Visual appeal. You don't have to look like a model, just be neat and well-groomed. It is difficult to believe in the success of a person who has unkempt clothes, dirty hair and sloppy nails.

Take care of yourself with pleasure, make an effort to please yourself first of all.

How to Succeed in Business

Successful businessmen openly share the secrets of their victories. Bill Gates has developed and promotes his own rules, which are adopted by companies around the world.

1.Know your competitors. Gates begins every morning by studying competitors' websites.

2. The future is the Internet. Only companies that are online will remain in business.

3. Decisiveness and composure. Gates encourages people to face adversity with courage. It's easier to solve the problem by keeping a cool head.

4. You need to create better working conditions for your subordinates - this is the only way to achieve reciprocity.

Oleg Tinkov is of the opinion that one should work to live, and not vice versa. A successful businessman knows how to take a break from work and enjoy his life.

Sometimes it seems that work absorbs you completely and leaves not a minute to spare. You don't have to drown in work. Dale Carnegie advises:

“Do your business one drop per minute.”

Gradually the backlog of cases will dissolve. You don’t need to think about the whole mass of work, start with something. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work.

Successful people do what they love. Every person has a dream that, when realized, brings success. Walt Disney was considered a funny dreamer. I wonder who would want to laugh at him today?

It is important to set a goal and overcome laziness, apathy, and uncertainty. And every day, even if little by little, move towards your goal.

Everyone is capable of achieving success. It’s very easy to start the victorious path to happiness and well-being: listen to your own desires and set yourself a goal - that’s all. Then you just need to go towards this goal every day. At the same time, enjoy every new day, don’t give up and don’t lose heart. And always maintain goodwill, love for others and yourself, and believe in your lucky star.

The famous baritone Boris Statsenko celebrated his anniversary as a “twice excellent student” on the stage of the capital’s “New Opera” with a grandiose gala concert. A graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, who began his career at the Boris Pokrovsky Chamber Musical Theater and the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, he later moved to Germany and worked extensively and successfully in the West. Today Statsenko is a recognized interpreter of classical baritone roles, whose career is still developing successfully in Europe, and again and again sings more and more often in Russia - in Moscow, Kazan, and other cities of our country.

– Boris, tell us about the idea and program of the anniversary concert at the Novaya Opera.

– I celebrated my fiftieth birthday with a big concert in Düsseldorf, on the stage of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, a theater with which I have been associated for many years, so something similar has already happened. For my 55th anniversary, I wanted to organize a similar celebration in Moscow, especially since my desire coincided with the aspirations of the leadership of the New Opera in the person of Dmitry Aleksandrovich Sibirtsev. He enthusiastically responded to this proposal, and a date was chosen at the beginning of the season, as close as possible in time to my birthday itself, which is in August. It so happened that on the chosen day (September 12) there was a real pandemonium of interesting musical events in Moscow - at the Philharmonic, Conservatory, House of Music, that is, our project had a lot of competition.

– All that remains is to be happy for Muscovites, who have a wide choice!

- Yes, definitely. As I recently read in an article by S. A. Kapkov, in Moscow there are 370 theaters for 14 million residents! This is something amazing, there is nothing like it anywhere in the world. This article was immediately followed by a comment from the Verona theatrical agent Franco Silvestri that in Rome, for example, the ratio with Moscow is one to seven and is not in favor of the Italian capital. As for the program of my concert, the first part consisted of arias from parts that were significant for my career (Escamillo, Wolfram, Renato and others - a kind of retrospective of creativity), and the second part consisted of the entire act from Tosca. The concert also featured a world premiere - the first performance of Vlad's Serenade from Andrei Tikhomirov's new opera "Dracula", which the New Opera will prepare this season (a concert performance of it with my participation is planned for June 2015).

– I wonder how the Novaya Opera musicians perceived this work and what is your attitude towards it?

– The orchestra and conductor Vasily Valitov perform it with great enthusiasm, they like this music. I’m simply in love with my part and with the whole opera, which I became familiar with in detail. In my opinion, this is precisely a modern opera, where the laws and requirements of the genre are observed, it has a modern musical language, various compositional techniques are used, but at the same time there is something to sing, and for a full set of voices, as is customary in full-fledged classical operas . I am sure that the concert performance in the summer will be a success and this opera should also find a stage destiny in the future. I hope it will arouse interest among professionals, and I have no doubt that the public will like it.

– A retrospective approach for an anniversary concert is very appropriate. Probably, among these and your other heroes there are especially dear ones?

“Unfortunately, my career has developed in such a way that I have sung little Russian opera: four baritone roles in Tchaikovsky’s operas, two roles in Prokofiev’s (Napoleon and Ruprecht) and Gryaznoy in The Tsar’s Bride.” If it had happened differently, I would gladly sing more in my native language and Russian music as such, but in the West, where I mainly worked and continue to work, Russian opera is still in little demand. My main specialization is the dramatic Italian repertoire, primarily Verdi and Puccini, as well as other verists (Giordano, Leoncavallo and others): I am perceived this way due to the characteristics of my voice and are most often invited to such repertoire. But, perhaps, the main place is still occupied by Verdi’s parts - they are also the most beloved.

– What about the German repertoire? You sang and sing a lot in Germany.

– I have only two German roles – Wolfram in Tannhäuser and Amfortas in Parsifal, both in the operas of the great Wagner. But I had to sing a lot of Italian and French opera in German, because in the early 1990s, when I moved to Germany, there was still no craze for performing operas in the original language, and many performances were staged in German. So I sang in German in “Force of Destiny”, “Carmen”, “Don Giovanni” and others.

– Do new parts often appear in your repertoire?

– I have more than eighty parts in my repertoire. There was a time when I learned a lot of new things for myself and my repertoire expanded rapidly. But now is a different stage in my career: my main repertoire has stabilized, now there are about ten roles in it. Something has fallen out and, apparently, is irrevocable, because for such operas as “The Marriage of Figaro” or “L'elisir d'amore” there are young people who can sing it well, but they are hardly yet able to perform the parts in which I I specialize in Nabucco, Rigoletto, Scarpia...

– Your first big stage is the Bolshoi Theater, where you started. Then there was a break when you did not appear in Russia, and in 2005 there was a meeting with Bolshoi again. Has much changed? How did you find the theater?

– Of course, a lot has changed, which is not surprising – Russia itself has changed radically, and the Bolshoi Theater has changed along with it. But I can’t say that I found the Bolshoi in bad condition. The Bolshoi is the Bolshoi, it has been and will always be a temple of art. Development is moving along a sine wave, and my feeling is that Bolshoi is now on the rise. And then, you know, an interesting thing: it has become common place to complain about current times and say that it was better before, but now everything is going towards decline. However, this has been said in all eras. If we follow this logic, degradation should have long ago destroyed everything around us, but in fact this is not at all the case, and development is ascending, which, of course, does not exclude temporary deterioration, problems, even crises and downfalls. But then the stage of revival inevitably comes, and the Bolshoi Theater is now at exactly this stage. I really like to read historical works and in general I really regret that in Russia history is not the main science: there is something to be gleaned and learned there. So, over the past millennia, in my opinion, humanity has not changed at all, it is still the same - with the same pros and cons. The same applies to the psychological atmosphere in today’s Bolshoi, human relations. There are simply different people, different interests, they collide, and the outcome of this collision will depend on their level of culture.

Now, as in the late 80s, when I started at the Bolshoi, there is competition, a struggle for roles, a desire to make a career, but these are normal theatrical phenomena. At the turn of the 80s and 90s, a very powerful young generation of singers came to the Bolshoi with me, about seven baritones alone, and, naturally, this caused discontent and fear among the elders. Decades have passed, and now we are the older generation who have established careers, and young people are breathing down our necks, who are no better or worse, they are the same, with their own ambitions, aspirations and aspirations. This is fine. In the Soviet years, the Bolshoi was the highest point in the career of any domestic singer, now the situation is different, the Bolshoi has to compete with other world theaters, and, in my opinion, it succeeds. The fact that the Bolshoi now has two stages and its main historical venue has been renovated and is functioning at full capacity is a big deal. The acoustics, in my opinion, are no worse than they were before, you just need to get used to them, like everything new.

– Our theatrical practice and European theatrical practice: is there a big difference between us?

– I believe that there are no fundamental differences. It all depends on specific people, who do not change with a change of job: if a person was a slob here, then he will work there too carelessly. If a persistent team has gathered for a production, it means it will be a success. If not, then the result will not inspire anyone. It seems to me that all the talk about mental and psychological differences between Russians and Europeans and Americans is very far-fetched: the differences do not go beyond some nuances, nothing more. Then the West is very different: Italians are more impulsive and often unnecessary, Germans are more neat and organized. It seems to me that there is a connection with the language that certain peoples speak and, accordingly, think. In German there must be an iron order of words, therefore there is order in their actions. And in Russian you can put words arbitrarily as you want - this is how we live, to a certain extent, more freely and, probably, with less responsibility.

– Germany is famous for the active role of direction in opera. What is your attitude to this phenomenon?

– Whether someone likes it or not, I think this is an objective process. There was once an era of dominance of vocals and opera singers, then they were replaced by conductors, then the time of record labels came, which dictated the conditions, compositions and the very names of the works, and now the time has come of directors. There is nothing you can do about it - this is a stage that will also pass over time. My feeling is that the director is often too dominant where the musical direction is not compelling, when the conductor can't really say his word, when he is not a charismatic leader - then the director takes control. But the directors are also very different. A director with his own vision and concept is a blessing for opera, because such a master can make an interesting performance, and the opera itself more understandable and relevant to the public. But, of course, there are also many random people who do not understand the essence of musical theater, do not understand the subject and are simply untalented, for whom there is only one way to declare themselves in this territory that is essentially alien to them - to shock. Lack of talent and illiteracy - unfortunately, this has become a lot now: directors stage an opera, but are completely unaware of the work, do not know or understand the music. Hence the productions, which cannot even be called modern or scandalous; they are simply bad and unprofessional. The explanation that is often resorted to to justify all kinds of updating of opera plots, that traditional productions are not interesting to young people, I consider untenable: classical performances are in demand among young people, because they are not yet familiar with the standards and they are interested in seeing it. And in Germany, for example, generations of people have already grown up who do not even know what traditional performances are, so how can one say that they do not like them? Encouraging directors to engage in all sorts of eccentricities is carried out by music critics, who are tired of opera as such; they just want something new all the time, something that tickles their nerves, something that they have not yet encountered.

– How did you negotiate with directors whose ideas were unacceptable to you?

– Of course, there’s no point in arguing and swearing – the director is no stupider than you, he has his own vision. But trying to offer something of your own, even within the framework of what he offers, is quite acceptable, and often this is the path that leads to cooperation between the singer and the director and to a good result. The singer is imbued with the director’s idea; in a number of cases, the director sees the inconsistency of one or another of his demands. This is a creative process, a search process. The main thing is not to slide into confrontation, to work in the name of creation, for results.

– You were one of the first who, in the early 1990s, left – as it seemed to many in Russia then, forever – to work in the West. How quickly did you adapt there?

– Quite quickly, and the main thing here was my ability to work and the desire to sing a lot and everywhere. This also helped me cope with the language problem. I came to Germany with two German words. And I learned the language there on my own - from tutorials, textbooks, television and radio, and communication with colleagues. Three months after arriving in Germany, I was already speaking German. By the way, I didn’t know any other foreign languages ​​either, including Italian, which is mandatory for a vocalist; it wasn’t necessary in the Soviet Union. Life made me make up for it all.

– After the anniversary concert at the Novaya Opera, how often will we have the pleasure of listening to you in Moscow?

– I am now in a period of close cooperation with the New Opera, which I am very happy about: I feel comfortable here, they understand me here, they meet my ideas and proposals halfway. In September I sing “Rigoletto” and “The Tsar’s Bride” here, in October - “Nabucco”. In December there will be a concert performance of Pagliacci with the wonderful Serbian tenor Zoran Todorovic as Canio, I will sing Tonio. In January there will be a concert performance of “Mazepa”, and in June the already mentioned “Dracula”. The New Opera has good opportunities for me, they have a rich repertoire, many roles for my type of voice.

– What are your plans for the new season outside of Moscow?

– I am awaiting 21 performances of “Aida” in Germany, “Rigoletto” in Norway, “Carmen” and “La Traviata” in Prague, “Fiery Angel” in Germany - the season is very busy, there is a lot of work.

– With such intense stage activity, do you still have time to work with young people?

– I taught at the conservatory in Düsseldorf for five years, but stopped this activity because there was less and less time left for my own career. But I work with young people privately and without false modesty I will say that those who come to me stay with me. One of my last students, Slovakian Richard Šveda, recently performed a wonderful Don Giovanni in Prague, and soon he has a concert in Bratislava with Edita Gruberova. This is a very promising young vocalist.

- Almost yes. Well, perhaps, I would refrain from working only with coloratura sopranos and very light lyric tenors of the Rossini type; after all, there is a lot of specificity there.

– Does it make young people happy or does it sometimes make them sad?

– Students are different – ​​I can’t say what’s worse or better than before. And in my generation, yes, there were probably always those who sought to take from the teacher everything that he could give, and there were those who passively accepted the process, were lazy, and in whom dependent moods prevailed. There are many talented guys, good voices and purposeful individuals. I would like to wish them all great success and that they understand well that no one will do anything for them - you need to achieve everything yourself, with your determination, hard work, desire to comprehend, active life position, and then everything will definitely work out!

Being a successful person is not just a desire for most people; for many it is the main goal in life. But not everyone manages to actually realize all their plans against the backdrop of incorrect priorities and a lack of understanding of what success really means. Success is not measured by money, material goods and circumstances; accordingly, the question of how to achieve success in life may imply different answers.

Psychologists note that success in life lies more in a person’s inner freedom, a sense of integrity and completeness, drive in the soul and heart, the opportunity to learn something new, to do what a person loves. Moreover, the material component does not in any way affect the feeling of happiness and success if a person is truly free. Psychologists and the powers that be are ready to talk about how to achieve success in life.

First of all, when reevaluating one’s life and changing it for the better, a person needs to analyze what kind of people achieve success in life, as well as what the concept of success in general is. The main conditions for achieving success are the presence of energy, great desire and goals. The rest can be achieved if you follow the recommendations and advice of experts.

Setting goals

The main indicators of a person’s success are internal drive and a sense of complete independence. The first step in this difficult and lengthy process will be setting goals, that is, planning, first of all with your time. At this stage, a person needs to decide what brings him joy and a feeling of satisfaction, after which he will make a plan to achieve certain goals.

Planning a path to achieving success will allow you to use your time effectively, for this you can make a plan for the next day every evening, and also at the end of the week plan new goals for the next 7 days. Only with this routine can you solve any small tasks that make up the main global goal. By properly planning your future, you can determine your priorities in the long term.

Expert opinion

Victor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

At the planning stage, you definitely need to set your priorities in life, choosing what can bring a person a feeling of joy and independence. This could be career and financial growth, a healthy lifestyle, playing sports, mastering new skills and knowledge, changing jobs and much more.

We are looking for solutions

When choosing goals, you must compare them with your energy resource so that daily tasks do not become something impossible from the point of view of physical or intellectual abilities. To do this, it is important to eliminate false and imaginary goals, other people’s expectations from a person, or stereotypes imposed by society. The next stage in achieving success is finding ways to solve the problems. An important component of success is self confidence!

If a person has set himself the goal of doubling his income from work within a month, he needs to find ways to implement this plan - part-time work, increasing his productivity, increasing his work potential, giving up unnecessary things that take up his free time. If we are talking about changing your image, you can plan a budget by allocating a certain amount to purchase healthy products and a gym membership.

Achieving success

If you look at the advice of great people who managed to rise from scratch to great heights in achieving their goals, you can understand one simple rule - you can achieve success by starting from your true deepest desires. Many psychologists offer 5 simple rules that will help you achieve success, namely:

  1. A person must clearly formulate what exactly can bring pleasure and a feeling of joy to life. These should not be priorities imposed by parents, society, bosses at work or friends, only true desires.
  2. At the planning stage, it is important to analyze your life and priorities, weeding out everything imaginary and unreal that only imitates the feeling of freedom, drive and happiness.
  3. Next, a person must sensibly weigh all formulated desires and goals with his physical, intellectual and financial capabilities.
  4. At the stage of planning and searching for ways to solve assigned problems, a person must set small and global goals in such an order that one solved problem moves the person closer to the main large-scale task.
  5. Next, each goal must be realized step by step, while not forgetting to enjoy the taste of desire and receiving it.

As soon as all the established tasks and major goals are implemented according to a clear plan, you need to reward yourself for achieving the first goals, this could be rest or entertainment. Then, following the same routine, you can gradually set new goals, further improving yourself. The advice of psychologists boils down to the fact that in no case should you focus on just one goal, setting new boundaries and possibilities for yourself.

Only positive thoughts and composure

Another important condition for achieving success in life is self-hypnosis, since only a positive attitude, faith in yourself and your strengths will be an excellent impetus for action. Psychologists note that self-hypnosis is the only key to your subconscious. Every thought in a person’s head is the key to a psycho-emotional background, so it is important to get rid of any negative emotions, fears, anxiety, lack of self-confidence and doubt.

Do you consider yourself a successful person?


A person must remember that he himself determines what he will think about at a certain moment; accordingly, he has all the levers to control his thinking. Before implementing your tasks and goals, it is important to think about yourself only from the best side, believing in your uniqueness, abilities, talents and capabilities. By learning to focus only on your best sides, you can gradually change your attitude towards yourself. And having loved yourself, a person’s surroundings will begin to change.

For reference! Visualization techniques are a great way to change your thinking for the better. To do this, you periodically need to draw pictures in your imagination of how a person in the present time achieves all important goals and objectives. You can create a vision board, depicting yourself as what a person wants to become as a result of working on himself.

Don't be afraid of troubles

The advice of a psychologist will be an indispensable help in cases where a person encounters troubles and failures on the way to achieving goals. No one is immune from crises, wrong decisions and difficulties; many great and successful individuals went through difficult times and periods in life. For example, the inventor of the light bulb Thomas Edison said that genius requires only 1% inspiration, but 99% perspiration.

Any failure must be treated with special enthusiasm, perceiving it not as a fact of incorrect actions, but rather as a source of experience and knowledge, an impetus for a new path to achieve the goals. Any obstacles must be mentally and practically transformed into opportunities, since there are no difficulties in life from which there is no way out.

Films about success

An excellent source of inspiration can be films or a book about how you can achieve any, even seemingly unrealistic, goals and objectives. The top list of the best films about successful people and their ups and downs includes the following films:

  • Areas of darkness- a film about how an ordinary guy was able to earn a lot of money in the shortest possible time;
  • Vicious passion— the film shows how you can make money out of thin air and act in case of failure;
  • Social network- a famous film about a student who created a large social network Facebook;
  • The wolf of Wall Street— a story about how ambition turns into success;
  • The Devil Wears Prada— the feed shows all the difficulties of working with successful people;
  • "Steve Jobs": One last thing - an interview documentary about the life of a successful person;
  • Burlesque- a story about the career growth of a provincial girl-singer;
  • They smoke here— a story about a person’s unloved job and motivation;
  • Scam of the century— a revealing story about self-confidence and ambition that led a simple guy to success;
  • Risk limit— an interesting story about the work of top managers during a period of deep crisis.

Psychologists advise watching such films or reading books from successful people at moments when you give up or lack motivation.

If you look at clear examples of how ordinary people achieved colossal heights in life and career, you can see that most great personalities did not conform to society’s stereotypes and imposed standards. Therefore, in books and manuals, they provided personal observations and recommendations on how one can achieve heights on the path of self-realization.

Advice from great people is as follows:

  • You shouldn’t be afraid of failures, you need to be prepared for them;
  • you need to do only what brings joy and pleasure;
  • It is important to think globally, evenly, as well as to dream;
  • you should never sit idle, using every minute of free time for good;
  • there is no need to be afraid to be a pioneer, offering new ideas and creative developments;
  • Before you act, you need to learn to believe in yourself;
  • the fight against laziness and the mindset of hard work is the path to success;
  • there is no need to be afraid to take risks;
  • it is important to be patient and not rush to heights;
  • Every successful person must develop leadership qualities.

If you analyze all the advice, you can come to the conclusion that nothing extraordinary or impossible is required in them. But if you break at least one rule and advice, you can postpone victory in your plans for a long time.


The main task of every person is to achieve their own success, but for everyone the concept of success can lie in different things. Some strive for financial independence, for others the struggle for a healthy body and spirit is important, while others are looking for drive, energy and freedom in life. In any case, in order to achieve personal success, it is important to set priorities, plan your future, achieving all goals according to your scenario.

Each person has his own goals in life. Some persistently strive for them, while others only dream of a positive end result. The most surprising thing about all this is that there is no exact path or answer to the question. “How to achieve success in life?”. It’s not that we set ourselves unattainable goals, but rather that we don’t know the recipe for achieving them. However, a miracle will never happen. No one will take anyone by the hand and lead him to his blue dream. Each person is the architect of his own happiness.

When answering the question of how to achieve success in life, you need to start with the fact that the most important point in the answer is action. After all, progress towards a goal cannot be limited only to dreams about it. We need to act. The opposing factors in this case are always human laziness and fear of the new. Quite often they are fueled by our misconceptions and flawed thinking patterns.

Almost every person on the planet is sure that to achieve a goal you need to have connections, luck and, most importantly, money. Not at all. You need to have a sharp mind and the ability to find people who have the financial means to support your business idea, which is beneficial only to them.

However, the situation may require not only the above, but something completely different:

To achieve your dream, you do not need to have all the listed qualities. The presence of one or two will be enough. However, the presence of hard work is unambiguous.

The road to success has never been easy, and it comes only to those who, in their quest, intend to go to the final completion of what they started. In this case, one could recall the film “Sorcerers”, in which the hero Foma Ostapych Bryl says: “I see the goal and see no obstacles”.

Before setting a goal

In order to truly know how to succeed in life, you need to be able to not only set achievable goals, but also determine your skills and abilities. After all, what you did last year will not always be relevant or profitable this year. Over time, human abilities are constantly developing and it is good if this process keeps pace with the needs of humanity. After all, in any case, demand creates supply, but not vice versa.

The next, no less important, point is the complete deletion:

  • memories from the past;
  • regrets about what was not done earlier;
  • searching for a “return to the past” to correct mistakes in the future.

Energy must be spent on solving important problems and issues, stopping living in the past. You also need to learn not to get upset over trifles and not to take your first failures to heart.

Not every successful person on the planet had start-up capital. After all, even if you have a lot of money, you cannot achieve a positive result without perseverance and hard work.

The benefits of fear in achieving success

When answering the question of how to achieve success in life, one cannot fail to mention the role of fear in achieving the goal. It is in it that the source of inexhaustible strength is hidden. From the above, it can be assumed that the lack of perseverance and confidence can be compensated precisely by fear.

In this case, we are not talking about animal fear, but something completely different, which is the fear of inaction, forcing a person to perform motivating actions. An excellent example of fear would be the thought: “Lack of money scares me, I’m afraid to end up on the street, I want to live like a person”.

Therefore, it is very important to find a “slack” in yourself and press on it, in order to induce fear, which can cause the maximum possible brain activity to find a solution to achieve your goal. No one will do this for you.

Tips for those who want to achieve their goals

Perhaps this conversation will seem boring to many, but this is due to the fact that looking for the truth in oneself and self-education has always been the lot of the diligent, those who know how to listen and hear, read and perceive the information provided.

However, there are several life rules that, alas, do not know how to achieve success in life, but which can work miracles and they consist of the following actions:

Try to build your life according to a special plan, adding into it what needs to be done today, without putting important things in a long box.

Be patient and work on your willpower. How? Using the five rules of her power.

Five Ways to Develop Willpower

It's hard to understand how to succeed in life without learning about five ways to strengthen your willpower.

  1. Human willpower is not limitless, so it is necessary to use it through the least resistance.
  2. The emerging temptation to leave the chosen distance is “treated” by constant thoughts about future and fairly close prospects.
  3. A written and constantly repeated sentence affirming the achievement of a set goal will work as an additional motivational source for moving forward.
  4. To adjust the vector of movement, it is necessary to conduct daily reflection on what has been achieved and the required achievements.
  5. A good breakfast is a great booster of willpower.

Source of Wisdom

The period of progress towards success will take time and take away a lot of vitality. Habits and lifestyle may change. Sometimes - life values.

Rarely in such cases there is uncertainty or misunderstanding of one’s own role in the circumstances that have developed or are developing.

There is and should not be anything scary at this moment. A person is able to adapt to any conditions and to any living environment. The main thing is to realize your own place in your own life.

Adaptation period

A very important point during the adaptation period is the ability to reduce stress levels as much as possible. In this case we are not talking about alcoholic beverages. Means:

  • physical exercise;
  • humor;
  • proper and regular rest;
  • close communication with friends and family.

The adaptation period should exclude any attempts to look back. Memories of the past are almost always filled with doubts about the correctness of the choice made, which in turn can lead to significant personal losses.

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