How to meet a man at the gym and make him like you. Men in the gym: How to unsee it? How to tell if a man likes you at the gym

Is a fitness club suitable for dating? Many people think that it is not suitable, saying that there are special places for this - nightclubs and dating sites. This is complete nonsense! Any place is ideal for dating, especially a fitness club! A figure is visible in the gym, which means that if eventually it comes to undressing, you will not be unpleasantly surprised. In addition, it is always interesting to meet like-minded people, even just for communication.

How to get guys down?

As soon as you get to the bottom, you can get out. That is why many people do not dare to make acquaintances at all. We will not consider such advanced cases.

The stupidest thing you can come up with: “Girl, can I meet you?”, “Girl, what’s your name?”, “Girl, can I invite you?” and other crap. With such questions you force a girl to evaluate you in 5 seconds, you force yourself on her. Why does she need this?

It's better to use one of the following approaches:
1. As a rule, girls do not know how to train, do useless exercises or grossly violate the technique. In this case, you just need to come up and give a hint, as if you have known her for 100 years. It is very important to do this with a kind expression on your face, and not with the contempt of an experienced muscleman. Then you can chat about training. After this, if you are not a deer, you will understand how much the girl is willing to communicate, and whether it is worth trying to continue it outside the hall.

2. You can help disassemble the exercise machine if it is hung with heavy weights and the girl wants to work out on it. Again, don’t be a deer and wait for someone to ask you. You need to look out for an ambush like a partisan, and then suddenly appear in the right place at the right time. As in point 1, we are trying to develop communication on the topic of training, nutrition and recovery after training! (night club?)

3. In the case when the girl is very athletic and independent, the first two points fly by. If your biceps are not much larger than hers, your chances of becoming her boyfriend are greatly reduced, but you have to try! You can ask for advice on some exercises she does. You can ask for insurance. It is very important to show your utmost interest in training and progress.

If everything is fine with your biceps size, you can approach him with a compliment and try to talk about training “as equals.” Well, then about anything, if the situation allows.

4. If a girl is doing some exotic exercise, this is a great reason to come up and ask about this exercise. In this case, two options are possible. Or the girl knows perfectly well what she is doing and will tell you what to put and where to do it. Or she will blush with shame and honestly admit that she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. In this case, we return to the advice from point 1.

More tips:
Buy yourself some cool sweatpants, a T-shirt, and sneakers. Appearance is important!
If during 1-3 meetings in the gym you don’t ask for a phone number or invite me for coffee, you will remain a free fitness consultant!
Be sure to ask on what days and at what time the girl practices. Otherwise, you may never meet again.
In the hall, when there are a lot of people around, it may not be very convenient for you or her to exchange phone numbers. It’s better to just invite a girl somewhere, and you can record your phone number at the exit of the fitness club.

How to get girls down?

It's much easier to meet guys in the gym, but we'll still point out two important tips:
1. If it is clear from his figure that he has been training for a long time, you can approach him with any request for help: sort out the weights on the machine, provide backup, give advice on exercise technique.

2. If he is a beginner, then asking him to suggest the technique of performing an exercise can be a problem. He admits that he is a newbie and will refer him to a coach or other musclemen. Therefore, it is better to ask to disassemble/assemble the simulator.

Do you want to meet a beautiful girl? The gym is the best place for this. We will tell you how to do this in every detail: how to choose a girl, how to approach her, what to say.

Why the gym is the perfect place to meet someone

The gym is a great place to meet people. Here are some of the most obvious benefits:

  • Beautiful girls. Girls who care about their beauty and health come here.
  • Time to choose. You have time to take a closer look at everyone and choose the right candidate.
  • Common interests. If she came to the gym, it means she is interested in sports and a healthy lifestyle. This is an inexhaustible source of topics for conversation.
  • Girls themselves come here to meet each other. The gym is a great place to meet people and women know this too. They don’t mind finding themselves a slim, athletic guy without bad habits.

Let's start with the appearance

If you came to the gym not to train, but to get acquainted, you need to follow several rules.

Clothes should be:

  1. sports
  2. new (worn, elongated T-shirts are best left for home)
  3. comfortable
  4. correctly sized

Also, don't forget to use antiperspirant. You can also indulge in a little perfume.

You should also avoid strenuous cardio workouts. When you approach a woman sweating, she is unlikely to appreciate it.

Choosing the right girl

Girls in the gym are divided into two categories: “athletes” and “visitors”.

“Athletes” come to the gym solely to exercise. They clearly stand out from the rest:

  • in excellent athletic shape
  • fully focused on classes and practically not distracted
  • do many different exercises

It is more difficult to get to know this type of woman, because... they are not in the mood for making acquaintances and are already accustomed to the fact that someone is constantly trying to “make a move” on them.

Your main goal is “visitors”. These are girls who just came to the gym to lose a little weight before the beach season, move around, improve their physical fitness. form and get to know each other.

They differ from others:

  • light perfume and makeup
  • sociable and positive
  • perform exercises unprofessionally
  • often take other people's advice
  • often come to the gym with friends

Before approaching a girl, make sure she is not wearing a wedding ring.

The easiest targets are girls who specifically came to the fitness club in order to pick up someone. A woman who wants to meet will always give signs. Here are a few tricks they use to hint at this:

  • Preening. The girl often straightens her hair, clothes, runs her hand over her body or neck, as if stroking herself.
  • Sight. She seeks eye contact on her own
  • Smile. She easily returns smile to smile.
  • Candid exercises in plain sight.

More details about the types of girls who go to the gym:

Where to start the conversation

If a girl herself wants to get acquainted, then she can easily find a reason on her own, for example, ask something, ask for help or advice.

You can take the initiative into your own hands. For example, offer to adjust the machine or make comments regarding her exercises or praise her results.

Here are some examples:

“And you are resilient! How long have you been pumping your abs?

"Great! How do you do it? Please tell me. I always have problems with this."

“You cannot bend your back in this exercise. Try to straighten up and bring your shoulders together.”

“I see you are having difficulty with the treadmill. Let me help you set the speed."

After you have “exchanged” 2-3 remarks, you can safely invite the girl to meet after training and sit in the nearest cafe or restaurant and eat a diet dessert.

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Meeting people in the gym is no more difficult than in other public places. There is a large selection of beautiful girls who don't mind chatting and getting to know an athletic young man.

How to meet a guy at the gym? To do this you need to get close to him. And the rules for ideal flirting in the gym will help with this. Tempting? So, cast aside doubts and go ahead - into battle!

Who said that the gym is only for sports? This is a great place to meet people. After all, here, as they say, you can see the product face to face: a pot-bellied man will not hide his belly behind the right clothes, and a slender boy will not hide his thin neck with a wrapped scarf. This means that you can immediately find your ideal by external signs, and then study its soul.

5 Flirting Strategies to Meet a Guy at the Gym

1. Beauty comes first!

Many girls go to training without makeup, with a crooked ponytail, in a stretched T-shirt and pants with bubbles! And this is a huge mistake. Of course, going to training with three kilograms of makeup, an evening hairstyle and shorts that barely cover the buttocks is stupid. But it is possible and necessary to make a neat braid, bump or ponytail, dye your eyelashes, apply light eyeliner and chapstick, and choose a stylish tracksuit. You should not forget about shoes - they should be combined with a suit and be sports, and not comfortable, worn-out moccasins in which you walk down the street every day. Avoid using perfume before sports activities, but an antiperspirant is a must.

Advice for a newbie. If you have recently come to a sports club, then you should look around to see if there are any of your rivals among the regular visitors. Find out who the object of your adoration most often pays attention to: overdressed girls or shy girls with a beautiful figure. Your image may depend on this.

You already have a long-standing uniform of clothing, so you shouldn’t change it for the sake of a nice guy if you feel comfortable, but your behavior can be adjusted. Keep an eye on him: he loves solitude - try not to loom near him, the soul of company - join it.

2. Fully armed!

Be sure to find out the names of the simulators and exercises, ask what kind of training programs there are, then you will have something to talk about with the object of your adoration. Be “by chance” next to him, ask him for help, but unobtrusively - let him bring you a bench, give you dumbbells, or adjust some kind of exercise machine so that it is comfortable for you to work on it. Just ask him not often, but from time to time, otherwise you might think that you are pestering him. An important rule: fewer stupid questions. This is not impressive, but on the contrary, it is repulsive.

Advice for a newbie. You can go up to the guy you like and ask him where which exercise machine is. He will be happy to advise you, as he will be flattered that you turned to him. This means you see him as a professional in his field.

Advice for an experienced athlete. In your case, you can also ask him for help, for example, to insure you. If the guy is a beginner himself, then take the initiative into your own hands - ask him to help assemble or disassemble the simulator.

3. Patience

Just patience. To achieve the desired goal, you need to take a wait-and-see attitude. Active actions only cause harm. Therefore, one day, talk to him in the hall, take a break, then you can contact him outside, for example, talk about the weather or listen to his conversation and add your own little phrase. But only if it is appropriate. For example, you can ask about sports nutrition or advice on how to do some exercise. Don’t be intrusive, he has caught your interest and will take the next steps himself.

Advice for a newbie. You don’t yet know those who work here all the time. There is a high probability that the guy you like is a regular. You can find out only by going to class every day or by unobtrusively asking him.

. If you are friends with the administrator, then ask directly for which days the subscription was purchased from him. Otherwise, you can carefully inquire about his visiting schedule.

4. Indifference

It can only increase his attention. Just say hello to him and that's it. And start a conversation with someone else. This behavior will intrigue him, especially if you showed interest in him in the last lesson. Such changes may make him wary and he will want to find out what happened, so he will approach him himself. The main thing here is not to throw yourself on his neck and start chirping incessantly. Answer his question, support his conversation, you can smile and that’s it... Leave with someone or alone, but in English.

Advice for a newbie. You are still poorly known at the sports club and your aloofness may characterize you as a loner, so when communicating with a guy you like, stick to the golden mean.

Advice for an experienced athlete. If you are known in the gym as a sociable person, it will be noticeable that you are ignoring someone. Rumors may begin. Therefore, try not to show indifference in front of everyone.

5. No gadgets!

Do you like to play sports accompanied by music? If you want to meet a guy, you don't need to do this, because with headphones in your ears you look isolated from the whole world. This way you put a wall between you and the guy you like. He may also like you, but, of course, he won’t be able to come up and snatch the headphones out of your ears to talk to you.

Advice for a newbie. You can initially use gadgets to study the situation. Therefore, you can, for example, do cardio training with headphones, but do strength training without them.

Advice for an experienced athlete. You can use a gadget to get acquainted, for example, approach a guy and ask him for help, supposedly you have a new phone and you haven’t figured it out yet, but you need music so much that you simply can’t live without it.

To meet a guy at the gym, you can choose one or more flirting strategies; they are each good on their own and in combination. But it’s better to find out if the guy you like has a girlfriend, otherwise you can get yourself into big trouble.

You can meet the man of your dreams in a completely unpredictable place. But sometimes there is neither time nor desire to wait for mercy from fate. Then you need to take the initiative into your own hands and make acquaintances yourself. One of the places where you can choose a potential “victim” is the gym. I WANT to tell you how PoznanTobathe with a man infitness room.

The good thing about the gym is that here you can appreciate a man in all his glory. If he looks good in sportswear, then he will look good in a suit. However, beware of pumped-up athletes. For the most part, such men are of little use in bed. Apparently, all their strength is spent in the gym, and taking steroid drugs has a detrimental effect on potency.

So, if you have already chosen the subject of your hunt, it’s time to move on to offensive action.


Women's legs dressed in tight leggings and breasts favorably secured in a sports top - such an outfit will make a woman even more appetizing in the eyes of a man. Therefore, take care of bright, stylish and high-quality sportswear.

Don't be afraid of the smell of your sweat. It turns out that this smell drives many men crazy; moreover, a woman’s body, covered with droplets of sweat, seems incredibly sexy to them. Modern science has found an explanation for this ancient love potion. It turns out that human skin exudes mysterious volatile substances - pheromones. They influence our likes and dislikes.

Loud moans

If you moan loudly and passionately while performing exercises, you can be sure that you will definitely attract attention to yourself. But seriously, it is important not to get lost in the crowd of other similar conquerors. You have to stand out. To do this, you can leave classes in the aerobics room and go to exercise machines. Here it will be much easier to meet a man.

Get sexy

If exercise machines don’t attract you at all, then try not to lose your sexuality when performing exercises. Be sure to include the following exercises in your training program:

Raising legs while standing on all fours;
- squats with wide legs;
- bent over barbell/dumbbell row;
- bending over with a barbell;
- leg bending in the simulator (lying).

Ask for help

You may wonder if you will have time to do your hike on the machine while the man who was working out on it rests between exercises. Most likely, the young man will gladly let you pass and, even after his approach to the simulator, will carefully place your load. And this is a signal to continue dating!

Or you can pretend that you feel bad. You shouldn’t faint right away; a little dizziness is enough. He will probably show concern by bringing you water or taking you to the doctor.

Pretend to be stupid

To do this, just ask the man you like to adjust the exercise machine you need. It is so common for a girl and even somehow supposed to not understand the mechanisms. Let him feel like a real man and do what he does better than you.

You can also ask a man to back you up when performing some difficult exercise. It brings us so close!

Confuse him with a coach

This is such a petty sycophancy, which, however, works! Approach the object of your desire and seek advice on performing a particular exercise. A man will be very flattered that you confused him with a coach, which means his physical form indicates that he has already achieved something. And your consultation gives him the opportunity to feel like an expert and a mentor at the same time. By giving a person the opportunity to increase your assessment by extolling his “I”, you automatically gain his sympathy for you.

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