How to choose the right shoes for a child. How to choose your child's first shoes

Oddly enough, children do not feel pain if they walk in tight shoes. This is due to the fact that their feet contain a sufficient amount of fatty tissue, which dulls the pain. But for growing feet, the correct selection of shoes is of great importance.

An improperly formed arch of the foot is not only a cosmetic defect. In the future, this can cause serious problems with the baby’s health, because poor posture and scoliosis often develop due to improper gait and flat feet.

An inconvenient last, unsuitable heel, material and many other mistakes are very fraught. Let's look at the basic rules for choosing shoes for a baby.


The task is complicated by the fact that you have to buy shoes quite often - after all, your feet are growing. Here extremes are inappropriate: shoes purchased “true to size” will quickly become small, and your toes will have to be curled. But shoes taken with a large supply are also not a solution - the foot will slip in them, it will be hard and uncomfortable for the child, and the likelihood of injury will also increase. The joint ligaments in childhood are very weak, so if the shoes do not secure the foot, sprains, subluxations and dislocations of the joints easily occur when falling. Remember the rule - the margin should be about one and a half centimeters (for winter shoes a little more per sock).


It is convenient to have with you a “footprint” of the baby - his leg circled on cardboard. With it, in principle, you can choose shoes quite accurately even without a child. But even if your child is with you, this will allow you to reject many unsuitable options without trying them on, which will save you a good mood and time. When actually trying on, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • Is it comfortable to wear this pair;
  • You need to measure shoes on both feet;
  • look at the baby's gait to see if it has changed.


The following requirements are imposed on the sole: it must be flexible, grooved and non-slippery. Previously, leather soles were popular, but nowadays such soles are practically not made, since they are quite hard. The shock-absorbing function of the foot depends specifically on the sole, because if it does not bend, then a normal roll from heel to toe is impossible. Try bending the sole with your hand, it should work. As a last resort, if the sole is still hard, the toe should be pulled up strongly, then although the sole will not be able to repeat the movements of the foot, rolling from toe to heel will be possible.


On the heel side, the sole should be 1-1.5 centimeters higher.

A separate conversation about heels for little ladies. Of course, their dream of looking older and clicking their heels is understandable. Moreover, in our time there is no strict control over the quality of cheap children's goods imported into the country, and you can often find beautiful little shoes with fairly decent unacceptable heels. The little fashionista's eyes light up, the mother is lost... It is very important not to be led by children's fantasies, to explain to the child why this is dangerous in the future.

Sometimes it is necessary to conduct educational programs at parent-teacher meetings in kindergartens and primary schools so that parents have unity and children do not take bad examples from each other.


The material from which the shoes are made must be “breathable” and natural. This is important, since the regulation of the autonomic nervous system has not yet been established, neither have the thermoregulation centers, and the legs often sweat. But walking with wet feet is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. The plasticity and stretchability of the material is also important, which provides additional comfort, as well as improves air circulation and ensures moisture evaporation.

Arch support

At the inner edge of the sole there should be a tubercle - an instep support, which helps to form the correct arch of the foot, preventing the development of flat feet. If you have clubfoot (toes point inward when walking), an instep support is contraindicated; it should not be there.

Shoe heel

The heel is also important: it must be hard enough to hold the heel and prevent it from turning to the side. Try squeezing the back with your fingers, it shouldn't be easy.


Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality of children's shoes. Buying shoes for a baby is not a case where you can sacrifice quality for the sake of price.

Second hand

Not only is it unacceptable to buy second-hand goods, but also to use children’s shoes inherited from older brothers and sisters in the same family. This is due to the fact that even with excellent external qualities, individual deformation always occurs in worn shoes, and the shoes do not perform the function of holding the foot in the correct position at the proper level.

Well, arm yourself with our advice, and let your children’s shoes be just the right ones!

Article provided by the website Detsky


I've been buying shoes lately from [link-1] and checking the size according to the table, having measured my feet beforehand, so far everything fits perfectly, I took a very tiny supply or no stock at all, everything wears great!

06/17/2015 14:50:09, Vera

Not a bad article, now I’m collecting information, tomorrow we’re going to buy sandals for the house and autumn shoes, the first is both. The child is 11 months old. As for the reserve, having filtered several articles, I was convinced for myself that for summer shoes the reserve is 8 mm, for winter it is 1.5-2. We'll see in practice in tomorrow's fitting. About the “mark” on the cardboard, good advice.

Of course, I agree that you need to choose children’s shoes 1-1.5 cm larger, but this only applies to winter shoes, because... 5 mm goes to the toe, 5 mm - when walking, the leg stretches, and 5 mm to the height of the leg, but you can’t take summer shoes with such a difference for very small children, because they will “rake” with their noses, a maximum of 5-7mm, but when the child is older then it can be 1 cm, well, 1.5 depending on the model, if the nose is closed, then it can be 1.5 and of course what else fixed on the leg - this is also a very important aspect

Comment on the article “How to choose the right shoes for your child”

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Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 7 minutes


Article last updated: 04/22/2019

The right choice of shoes for a child determines his future health. If you choose the wrong size or poor quality shoes, this can lead to flat feet. A child's leg consists of cartilage, which can lead to its deformation as a result of mechanical stress.

That is why it is necessary to correctly determine the size of the shoe; it should not put pressure or squeeze the leg. At the same time, too large shoes lead to excessive stress on the spine; it will be difficult for the child to walk in them, he will stumble, which will lead to frequent falls. How to choose the right size shoes for your baby? To choose the right shoes for your child for the winter, we recommend that you read this article.

Measuring the child's leg

To correctly measure a child’s feet and determine the size of winter shoes, it is necessary to measure in a standing position. Since the foot can shrink up to 10 mm while sitting, the child will have to walk in the shoe rather than use it while sitting. The measuring procedure is as follows:

  • The child must be placed on a flat surface, having previously placed a sheet of paper. Then trace the foot, placing a pencil or pen in a vertical position;
  • Using a ruler, measure the length from big toe to heel. Both feet should be measured as sometimes there is a difference of 0.5 cm. If the length of the feet differs, the larger of the measurements must be taken into account;
  • It is best to take measurements in the evening, since the leg may swell slightly towards the end of the day;
  • To determine the length of the feet in babies under one year old, you can use a string, the length of which must be measured using a ruler after taking measurements.

It is necessary to add from 1 to 1.5 cm to the results obtained. Since in just a couple of months the child’s foot will grow up, and for winter shoes free space is necessary for warming.

How to correlate the results with winter shoe sizes

Some shoe manufacturers use a line-mass system for measuring, in which one line = 2/3 cm (0.66). Whereas the metric system assumes that the size corresponds to the length of the foot in mm.

The table below will help you determine what shoe size your child should choose.

If the table is not in front of you at the time of purchase, you can very easily calculate the shoe size for your child. To do this, add 1-1.5 cm to the length of the foot and divide by 0.66.

If the shoe size is indicated according to the line-mass system, the following table will help:

In the table presented: M – metric system, Ш – line-mass system.

Some features of choosing winter shoes for a baby

To choose the right size of winter shoes, you can use the following tips:
  • Take out the insole and compare it with the child’s foot;
  • When the insole is not removed, you can trace the foot using a pencil or pen. This tool must be held strictly in a vertical position, this will allow you to correctly outline the leg without making it smaller or larger. Then cut out the resulting design and insert it into the shoes, using your fingers to evaluate its position inside.

It would be incorrect to evaluate the reserve by inserting a finger into the shoe the child is wearing, since the baby may bend his fingers. You should also not try on winter shoes while sitting or lying down.

You should also measure the length of the leg about once a month. She is growing quickly, perhaps the baby is wearing shoes that are too small for him. A child may not feel pain due to a thicker layer of fat than an adult.

Leg fullness

We must not forget about the individual fullness of the leg. Fullness can be narrow, medium or wide. If your child has narrow feet, you should not purchase boots with toes that are too wide, as the load on the muscles will be distributed incorrectly. Do not allow your baby's foot to dangle inside the shoe. Conversely, boots should not put pressure on the fragile cartilages of the foot, so as not to deform them. Tight shoes also impair blood circulation.

The fullness of the shoe does not match the foot if the shoe is difficult to fit on it. Do not force shoes onto a child. If the seller assures that shoes made of genuine leather will stretch, then this will happen after the baby rubs the calluses on his feet. Shoes should initially be comfortable. In addition, if during the first fitting the boots are too tight for the baby, then over time the foot will grow even more.

If, during fitting, the foot does not fit well in the shoes, or wobbles are noticeable while walking, there is no need to buy these shoes for the reason that they are designed for a fuller foot.

Choosing shoes according to age

You should purchase winter shoes for children according to their age. A child under one year old does not need to buy walking shoes before he starts walking. Putting on winter boots will be problematic; it will not be possible to properly fix the leg due to weak muscles.

For babies, it is better to choose warm fur booties or felt boots. When he starts walking, then you can buy walking shoes.

If a child develops calluses or redness in the form of stripes after wearing shoes, most likely the shoes are too tight for him and he is forced to curl his toes.

To buy children's shoes, it is better to take your child with you to the store. If it is possible to remove the insole and measure its length, this must be done. When trying on a pair of winter boots that you like, you need to give the baby the opportunity to walk around, and parents need to watch him at this time. He should not shuffle his legs or bend them.

We must not forget about the peculiarity of children under 5-6 years of age not to feel discomfort when trying on shoes due to reduced sensitivity. Therefore, the baby may be mistaken in claiming that the boots do not squeeze him.

Materials for winter shoes

Children who have already started walking need to choose shoes made from natural materials so that the skin can breathe. Boots made of genuine leather are considered the best option in this regard. This is due to its ability to stretch and mold to the shape of the legs.

That is why you should not put someone else’s used shoes on your child. Because the material inside the boots is deformed due to wear by the original owner.

It would be good if the inner contents of the shoe were made of natural fur. Faux and synthetic fur are shiny, while natural fur will be dull. Textiles can also be used to make shoes. Felt, wool, and drape materials are suitable for the winter option.

The disadvantage of such materials is the insufficient rigidity of the backdrop. Therefore, children under 9-10 years old should not wear such shoes on a regular basis, or they can choose boot models combined with leather and textiles. The lock of winter boots on the inside should be covered with fur to prevent the foot from freezing.

Faux leather is not suitable for winter shoes; this material does not allow air to pass through and cannot withstand low temperatures. To distinguish natural leather from artificial leather, you need to place your palm on it for a few minutes; the surface of the unnatural material will remain cold. If there is an open section of skin, you can try to pull the thread out of it. Whenever possible, shoes are made of artificial material.

Among the variety of models presented, you can find nubuck shoes. This is what they call ragged skin. Externally, this material resembles velvet. Such models look attractive and beautiful. At the same time, they are not entirely practical, since their appearance deteriorates when exposed to moisture. In addition, such material requires special care.

The choice of first shoes for a child is very important, since the formation of the baby’s foot and the subsequent health of the musculoskeletal system depend on the quality of the shoes. How not to make a mistake when choosing shoes for your baby, and what features you need to know - we will discuss in this article.

Babies have very soft and flexible feet; their bones do not yet have strong connections., the arches of the feet have not yet formed. The heel is narrow, the forefoot is wide, and the baby’s foot is constantly growing. It is these anatomical features that parents should know. Orthopedists recommend that children under one year old do not need shoes (at least until the baby starts walking)! Beautiful cute shoes and boots will only restrict the movement of the foot, and tight socks will also work. It is best if the baby takes his first steps in booties or socks, or even barefoot!

The very first shoes for a baby should be simple in design., and also quite wide and spacious. It is very important that the sole is flexible - the baby should move his foot freely while walking. To check whether the sole of a shoe is flexible enough, you need to take the shoe in two hands (toe in one, heel in the other) and bend it inward. The sole should bend in the middle. If the shoe bends right behind the toe, then it is too hard, and the baby will hobble in it (like in wooden stocks).

Rules for the first children's shoes:

  • shoes should be made of natural materials (leather or thick fabric);
  • the fastener (Velcro, lacing) should secure the boot tightly in the ankle area;
  • the boot should be high enough (to hold the ankle joint - that is, to cover the leg above the ankle);
  • the heel of the boot should be rigid (the heel should not move);
  • a small heel is required (no more than 1.5 cm);
  • the insole with relief will help support the foot and arch in the correct position;
  • the closed toes of the shoes will protect your toes when you stumble (which, alas, is inevitable).

How to choose shoes by size?

If you try on shoes in a store, you can immediately tell whether they are comfortable or not. But in children, the sensations are significantly different from ours - the nerve endings on the toes have not yet fully formed. The bones of the feet are still soft, and deformities can easily occur if shoes are not the right size. In addition, the baby may simply not understand your questions. Therefore, a baby under 4-5 years old will not be able to tell you whether these shoes are too small/too big for him. Until this age, it would be optimal to measure your child’s feet every 3 months; this will allow you to know his exact size and you will be able to check whether the shoes are suitable for him.

To determine your shoe size you need to make a “pattern” of your foot.. To do this, put a sock on the baby’s foot according to the season, place it on a piece of paper and trace it with a pencil. Then use a ruler to measure the resulting “pattern” from your heel to your big toe. The table below will help you determine your foot size, but keep in mind that each manufacturer's measurements may vary slightly. Therefore, it is better to buy shoes together with the baby (or, in extreme cases, with the “pattern” of his foot).

Foot Length(cm)

Shoe size



When trying on shoes, it is important that the distance between the big toe and the toe of the shoe is about 15 mm. Under this condition, the baby’s toes will not bend when walking, and the foot will develop correctly. But you shouldn’t buy shoes that are too big; your feet in such shoes will be constantly under tension.

When are arch supports needed?

Special orthopedic shoes are also sold in regular stores. But it should not be worn by all children. Special shoes are recommended by a podiatrist for those who really have problems with their feet. Valgus position of the feet (the feet fall inward) is normal in children under preschool age, but only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish the normal variant from the pathology. Moreover, he will be able to do this only when the baby begins to walk independently. Usually, an orthopedist prescribes, if necessary, arch supports, massage and gymnastics (walking on toes, walking on a stick, etc.).

Watch a video about choosing your first shoes, as advised by an orthopedist at the Turner Institute:

Many mothers think about how to choose shoes for a child under one year old, it is worth remembering that choosing the very first real pair of shoes is a very serious and responsible matter, you need to choose carefully and very painstakingly, you should not take your baby while going shopping, because it is very tiring for him. But in order to purchase a truly suitable product, you need to know and remember several basic and main nuances that will help you make a choice and will only help your child learn to walk in the future, and not interfere with this process.

It's no secret that the first shoes are designed to help the child take his first steps, and what they are like is very important for the further development of the baby. The main characteristics of such a product should be, first of all, safety and convenience; the product for feet should not be very heavy, because it will be difficult for your child to raise his legs and take his first steps. Let's talk in more detail about how to choose the right products.

Is it time to buy a stroller for your newborn baby? Our advice will allow you to choose exactly the transport that you like best.

Determining the size of the leg

If you don’t know how to choose the right shoe size for a child under one year old, then our article will be useful to you. As noted earlier, this is a very responsible matter; one of the important aspects is the matching of the size of the product and the baby’s feet. Before you start making your choice, you need to decide on the size of the leg. We must not forget that even with a small load, the foot can increase slightly and become larger in both length and width. This should be taken into account, otherwise, when you come home, you may find that the pair of boots is small and tight, in which case the foot will form incorrectly in the future, which will negatively affect the first children's steps. If you want to measure the exact size of the foot, then remember that this can only be done on a child who is standing; never try to measure the foot on a sitting or lying baby, in which case the measurements will be completely incorrect.

For an accurate measurement, you need to place the child, for example, on a clean large sheet of paper, then carefully outline each individual foot using an ordinary pencil, pen or felt-tip pen; it must be set exactly perpendicular to the foot, otherwise the readings may be distorted. You should start from the very middle of the heel, move along the entire inner contour to the end of the big toe, then carry out the same procedure along the outer contour. The procedure will take you about 4-5 minutes, the main thing is not to tire the child during this time, otherwise he will only have bad memories with shoes in the future. Determining the size of the product itself is simple, this can be easily done when calculating the outline of the leg, to do this, count the length from the extreme point on the heel and move to the very tip of the big toe, this is very easy to do using an ordinary sewing centimeter.

It should be remembered that the length must be rounded up, it must be a multiple of 0.5 cm, it looks like this - if you count 23.3 cm, then in this case the leg size must be rounded up, so we get 23.5 cm. Based on these indications, it is very easy to determine the shoe size itself in the future; the sizes in the metric system itself correspond to the sizes in the mass system, and it is these indications that indicate the sole of the shoe, so you can accurately determine the size of your baby’s foot.

Raising a child up to one year is the most important moment in the child’s future development.

How to choose the right shoes

If you don’t know how to choose shoes for a child under one year old, then Dr. Komarovsky easily answers this question - first, accurately determine the size of the baby’s feet, and after you do this, you can proceed directly to the choice of footwear. It is worth remembering the most important thing - shoes should have a fairly wide toe, this is due to the fact that the feet of children are significantly different from adults, for the toes of any baby it is extremely important that there is a certain space between them, and this can only be achieved thanks to a wide toe.

If this sock is very narrow, blood circulation will be significantly impaired, and the load itself will be distributed unevenly throughout the foot, there is no need to pay tribute to children's fashion and purchase a fashionable pair with a narrow toe. If you choose the right pair, your thumb will not be pressed tightly against all the others, this is very important. If you are still thinking about how to choose shoes for a child under one year old for the fall, then remember this basic rule when you buy autumn boots for your baby.

For children's products of this type, a hard heel is simply necessary; it is needed in order to fix the ankle; it is also very often called a hard heel. It is extremely important not to confuse it with the top of the ankle boot, it must be soft, otherwise this pair will rub the child’s skin and it will be uncomfortable for him, and even painful when walking. It may also be that the upper part of the boot will not have this soft pad, in which case it is important to choose the right model and size, only then will these boots be comfortable and convenient. There is an opinion among many mothers that you need to fix the ankle right up to the ankle, this is not at all true, such a special fixation can only be prescribed by an orthopedist or your attending physician; wearing such a pair every day will be very difficult for your baby.

It is also important to pay special attention to the rise and fullness of the product; choosing such a pair can be even more difficult than simply deciding on the correct size. If you are thinking about how to choose shoes for a child under one year old, then size, instep and fullness are the main characteristics for ideal children's products.

There are several ways to determine that a product is not suitable for lifting and fullness:

  • It is very difficult for a foot to fit into a boot or shoe; if you just have to push it there, then this product is not for you.
  • If your baby's leg dangles and falls down when walking, this may mean that they are too big for you.
  • When you press with a finger on both sides, something like a bubble is formed, then these shoes are designed for a fuller foot.
  • Carefully examine the tops of the shoes or sandals; if the leather is very stretched on the top, this may mean that they are too small and it is better to refrain from purchasing them.


We all know that for a child’s first pair it is best to give preference to leather. If you are thinking about how to choose shoes for a child under one year old in winter, then remember that there is nothing better than natural leather, but the inside of such shoes must also have natural fur, This will provide warmth and comfort to the baby's feet. Remember that for winter models it is best to take about half a size larger, because there is fur inside, and you will be wearing them on the sock, make sure that the winter boots do not put pressure on the child’s feet, while there is space between the tiny toes.

Leather is good because, unlike artificial leather, it is plastic, allows the skin to breathe, and ensures the evaporation of excess moisture and free air circulation. Only the decor and various trims can be made of artificial leather, of course, such a pair will cost more, but there is nothing more valuable than the health of a child, there is no need to save on it.


One of the main requirements for children's products is their incredible flexibility, which is important for the formation of the baby's foot and his comfort; it must also be particularly wear-resistant and grooved so that the child does not fall or slip.

Not the entire sole may be flexible, this is not at all necessary, it is important that it bends in the same place where the foot itself and the toes bend. It is very simple to check this, bend these places with your fingers and check whether it is really flexible; you should not give preference to products in which absolutely the entire sole bends; it is better not to wear such models for a long time. The material from which the sole is made can also be varied; it can be made of leather, rubber, polyurethane, etc. The main thing is that it is safe, which means it has individual corrugation. Of course, it must be made of wear-resistant materials, otherwise such a pair of boots or shoes will not last you much time.

Shoe upper

If you don’t know how to choose shoes for a child under one year old for the summer, then remember that an important factor when choosing is the top of the sandals; they can have a strap, clasp, Velcro, etc. It is worth remembering that even a summer pair should have a closed toe, a hard back and, as many orthopedists say, a lace-up top. It is the models with laces that are best chosen as the first pair for a baby, this is due to the fact that the lacing simply perfectly fixes the ankle and does not allow the shoes to dangle and slide off the feet.

But remember that you need to tie such a pair very carefully; the knots themselves can be hidden, otherwise the laces may come undone and cause a fall, injury, etc. If this option is not for you, then you can give your preference to sandals, boots with Velcro, with a zipper or just with a very ordinary fastener, this is not so important, so choose the one that will be most convenient for you and your baby to use. Remember that a zipper is best used for autumn and winter options; it is not suitable for the summer season.

Orthopedic shoes

If you are at a loss and don’t know how to choose shoes for a child under one year old, then Komarovsky will answer all your questions, but does a healthy baby need orthopedic products? We will try to answer this difficult question. As many experts say, almost every child needs such models, this is due to the fact that it is extremely important that the very first shoes be exactly like this and it is not at all necessary to put on only these shoes; using this option is enough for at least 2-3 hours a day. It is important for a small foot that the foot itself rests on the insole with a small tubercle, and not on just an ordinary sole. Such special products are especially needed for children who have flat feet or some other problems associated with their legs; it will contribute to the proper development and formation of the baby’s foot. Among other things, the baby will definitely be very comfortable in such a protective device for his feet; he will not feel any discomfort.

It is worth noting that such models often cost more than ordinary ones, but in this case you can be completely confident that your child is developing correctly. If you are thinking about how to choose shoes for a child under one year old for spring, then such a pair of orthopedic shoes or light boots will be just in time. Remember that even this option should not be taken for growth; the product must fully correspond to the size of the baby’s foot. If your child has any orthopedic problems, then it is worth remembering that now orthopedic shoes are made with fixations of the heel in the place where it should be, and they also correct flat feet over time. Insoles are made taking into account individual characteristics, which is very important, so if girlfriends or someone else offers you their orthopedic shoes, in this case it is best to refuse them, this may negatively affect your child’s feet.

Such boots, shoes, etc. are made from high-quality material, which is why you can be completely sure that the baby’s feet are in a special climate, and this, in turn, does not cause sweating and fatigue; your child will learn to walk with great ease. pleasure.

Today we talked about how to choose shoes for a child under one year old; doing it correctly is not easy, but still, by following some basic rules and recommendations, you can buy really high-quality and correct first shoes for your child. It is this that will help the baby’s foot form correctly, and thus it will be more comfortable for him to walk, and accordingly your child will walk faster. Remember that if the child has already begun to walk, then it is best to wear orthopedic products at home, in this way you will help the baby’s development.

For autumn, children buy practical shoes that protect their feet from getting wet and cold. Kids have to walk through puddles and wet asphalt, so first of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the water resistance of the models. It is recommended to purchase insulated products. In our climate in October and November you cannot do without them. The employees of the Daughters-Sons online store will tell you what kind of shoes your child needs for the fall.

What shoes should I buy for my child in the fall?

Children need classic and sports shoes. The first type is for everyday wear, the second is more suitable for games. An indispensable option is called autumn boots. It is recommended to choose models made of genuine leather with fur or fleece inner insulation.

Make sure the boots are well stitched. It is better to choose a pair with Velcro or zipper, since the laces can get wet; in addition, not all children can cope with lacing.

To decide what shoes to buy for your child in the fall, experts suggest familiarizing yourself with the main types of seasonal products:

  • boots made of leather, suede, leatherette;
  • autumn boots (for girls, boys buy boots);
  • closed shoes;
  • sports option (sneakers, sneakers);
  • rubber boots.


If a child suffers from flat feet or another foot disease, it is recommended to choose models with an orthopedic insole - arch support. It reduces the load on the foot and ensures pain-free movement. The Tashi Orto brand specializes in the production of autumn anatomical shoes.

Table 1. Types of autumn shoes
Type of autumn shoes Peculiarities Purpose Main brands
Boots Quite firm, with insulated lining and anatomical insole. The main material is artificial or genuine leather. For babies from 1 year. Pairs with classic suits and casual wear. Perfectly protect the foot from deformation. Twins, Jump-Jump, Zebra
Shoes Leather products. High-quality models do not float your feet and do not allow moisture to pass through. With low heels and clasps. Wear them with a school uniform or a classic outfit. Children need them to attend school in the fall. “Tashi Orto”, “Kotofey”, Indigo Kids
Low shoes They differ from boots in that they have a low base. Made with durable thick sole. The varnished coating of the base repels water. Indicated for active walks in any weather. They can be worn in slush and are not afraid of dirt and moisture. Elegami, “San Marco”, “Kotofey”
Rubber boots Made from solid waterproof rubber. May have a textile or fleece lining. They don't get wet. Protect feet from water and dirt 100%. They are bought for safe walks for children through puddles, and for wearing shoes in heavy rain. Reima, Demar, Twins
Sneakers and sneakers
For autumn, soft models are suitable, but with a seamlessly sewn instep. Textile models are worn in dry weather in the fall. For long hikes, sports or physical education classes. DC Shoes, S’Cool, “Kotofey”

How to choose autumn shoes for a 1 year old child

Booties are perfect for a one-year-old baby in the fall. These are insulated fabric boots made from natural wool, cotton or felt. The products are particularly light and soft in texture. Cotton or synthetic linings never provoke allergies, protect well from the cold and prevent your feet from sweating. Booties can be worn on children from birth.


How to choose the right autumn shoes for a child? It must be remembered that it must fit exactly in size, protect from cold and moisture, and contain only anti-allergenic components in the inner layer - cotton, felt, leather, textiles, fleece and others. Manufacturers offer orthopedic children's shoes with special instep support and special inserts. It can be worn to prevent flat feet.

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