week of pregnancy with twins: how babies develop.

The calendar shows 29 weeks of pregnancy and this means that it’s time to prepare for the start of maternity leave: it’s only one week away. The woman reaches the “finish line.” After all, there is very little time left before the birth of the child - only 3 obstetric months or 12 weeks.

You will now need to go to the gynecologist a little more often. The expectant mother is becoming “big”: now it is much more difficult for her to find a comfortable position. It’s also time to delegate many household chores to your loved ones - don’t overexert yourself. It is better to spend your free time walking in the fresh air.

Child development

What happens to the baby during this gestational week? Fetal development continues. Little by little he begins to prepare for his birth. The baby already has its own immunity, and also has a functioning heat regulation system.

A child at the 29th week of pregnancy has a stable blood composition, and the bone marrow fully copes with its functions. The digestive tract of the fetus at 29 weeks of gestation is already ready to accept and digest real food, although it is still sterile.

Colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria will occur later - during childbirth and the first feeding. The kidneys are also fully functional. Up to 500 ml of urine passes through them every day.

The baby now not only swallows amniotic fluid through the mouth. It enters the fetal stomach and through the nose. The plugs that blocked the nasal passages dissolved. A fetus at 29 weeks of gestation is not only able to distinguish tastes, smells and sounds, it has learned to focus its gaze.

Visually, the baby looks more and more like a newborn. The skin becomes lighter, the folds straighten out, and the lanugo (hairs covering the body) gradually dissolves. The layer of original lubricant also decreases. But the baby is actively gaining weight due to the formation of subcutaneous fat.

It is worth noting that the child’s genital organs continue to develop and improve. Although the gender can now be determined with one hundred percent certainty. Pregnancy 29 weeks is the time when the baby is actively growing. His total height has already reached 38 cm.

The weight of the fetus at 29 weeks of pregnancy reached, and in some cases slightly exceeded, 1200 grams. The development of muscles and ligaments continues, which is reflected in the strength of the child’s kicks - they are very sensitive. But now he is already large enough to constantly turn over in the uterine cavity.

Feelings of the expectant mother

At this gestational week, the baby is already catastrophically short of space in the uterus: he can no longer tumble freely. It is for this reason that all expectant mothers, without exception, feel the kicks of their babies.

The 29th week of pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Mothers may complain of frequent heartburn, and may also have problems with bowel movements - constipation is possible.

The growing uterus is pushing against the lungs, making it more and more difficult to breathe deeply. To make breathing easier, a woman may be advised to learn breathing exercises.

The load on the heart increases, so heart rhythm disturbances are possible. The course of metabolic processes accelerates, so the pregnant woman begins to sweat even more. A woman has to take a shower much more often.

The expectant mother becomes clumsy, and even the simplest movement can cause a fall. The reason is a shift in the center of gravity. Therefore, you should avoid making sudden movements and bending.

The child continues to receive from the mother’s body all the substances it needs for growth and further development. For this reason, a woman may experience a drop in hemoglobin. This can cause the development of an anemic state and be accompanied by fainting. Against this background, a woman may suffer from rapid heartbeat, dizziness and weakness.

Pregnancy at 29 weeks is accompanied by problems with night sleep: it becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position. In this case, it is recommended to use special pillows, because she should get a good night's sleep.


The belly at the 29th week of pregnancy, as before, continues to increase in volume. Sometimes pain occurs, but it is not associated with problems - a miscarriage can no longer occur - but is caused by the growth and development of the child. As the gestational age increases, a woman may suffer from severe itching of the skin, which is explained by its overstretching. The use of moisturizing creams will help alleviate the condition.

A pregnant woman should be worried about unbearable itching of the skin all over her body. This must be reported to the gynecologist. But if the tests are normal, then there is no reason to worry.

Periodically, a woman may feel rhythmic tremors in her lower abdomen - these are baby hiccups. As a rule, it does not last long. Sometimes the uterus becomes toned and then relaxes. These are training contractions that go away on their own and are not accompanied by pain. If they occur, the woman is recommended to lie on her side and rest a little.


The uterus at this gestational age rises above the level of the navel by 8 - 10 cm and approximately 29 cm above the pubic bones. Moreover, it is already large enough, because the child’s weight reaches 1200 grams, so that the woman can feel its weight.

Braxton-Higgs training contractions are typical for the third trimester and do not pose a danger to the baby. If they are accompanied by unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to lie down on your left side for a while.

But if the pain intensifies, a periodic rhythm appears, blood or amniotic fluid leaks, the woman needs to call a medical team. Such symptoms indicate the development of premature birth.

Vaginal discharge

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge should remain clear and odorless. If they become different - this concerns both consistency and other parameters - then it is necessary to submit a smear for examination.

“Bad” discharge can be called curdled, bubbling, containing lumps of mucus that have changed color. A bad sign is the presence of blood impurities in their composition, since they may indicate the development of premature birth or detachment of the baby's place.

Discharge at 29 weeks of pregnancy may be amniotic fluid. Leakage of amniotic fluid is far from uncommon. And if this pathology is detected, the woman needs hospitalization.

Massive discharge of amniotic fluid indicates dilatation of the uterus and rupture of the membranes. In this case, the woman must be urgently taken to the hospital.

Amniotic fluid is clear or slightly yellowish with a sweetish aroma.

Position of the fetus in the uterus

This concept hides how the fetus is located relative to a conventional line “passing” through the back of its head and tailbone to the vertical axis of the uterus. It is customary to distinguish between longitudinal, transverse and oblique positions.

Another concept that a woman may hear at an appointment with her doctor is fetal presentation. In this case, the part of the child’s body closest to the cervix and, accordingly, to the pelvic outlet is considered. There are cephalic and pelvic presentations of the fetus.

The best position is cephalic presentation. In this case, the baby lies head down, which greatly facilitates the process of its passage through the birth canal. The remaining positions significantly complicate childbirth and in some cases, its birth is possible only by caesarean section.


At 29 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound allows you to accurately determine the position of the fetus in the uterus. If the ultrasound technique revealed one of the incorrect positions of the child, then there is no reason to worry.

The baby will still be able to roll over. If the baby does not do this on his own before 32 weeks, then the woman will need to perform a set of special exercises. They will help the baby take the desired position.

Expecting twins

The 29th week of pregnancy with twins proceeds with slight differences from a singleton pregnancy. In children, the respiratory system is somewhat better developed, and if they are born now, their chances of survival are very good.

The 29th week of pregnancy with twins is quite difficult for a woman. All unpleasant conditions - heartburn, constipation, fatigue - appear much more clearly. The average weight gain by this gestational week reaches 10–20 kg. The belly looks huge.

Sometimes, to avoid premature birth, a woman has sutures or a special device placed on her uterus. These measures prevent its premature disclosure. Babies can weigh differently: one may be a little heavier than the other. But a difference of 200 - 300 grams is an acceptable norm.

Baby's movements

It is worth knowing that too much motor activity of the child - more than 10 kicks in an hour - indicates some existing problems. In a similar way, the baby “talks” about his discomfort and insufficient oxygen supply. Frequent kicking of the baby may indicate oligohydramnios.

Minimal movements at 29 weeks of pregnancy should also be a cause for concern, which also indicates existing problems. In order to notice changes in time, a woman is recommended to keep a calendar of movements.

Keeping count

The most popular method of counting baby kicks is the Pierce method. Its essence is as follows: from 9 o’clock in the morning, the woman counts the number of kicks of the child and as soon as their number reaches 10, she writes this time in the table. If during the period from 9 am to 9 pm the child made less than 10 movements, then the gynecologist must be informed about this.

What can be prescribed

If the baby at 29–30 weeks of pregnancy does not move for too long, then the woman needs an urgent examination by a gynecologist.

  • First, the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat. Normally, the heart should work at a rate of 120–140 beats per minute.
  • Then a cardiotocographic study and Doppler sonography are performed. The techniques allow us to identify the state of fetal hypoxia.

The reasons for the lack of oxygen can be:

  • maternal diseases - diabetes mellitus, heart pathologies, anemic conditions;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus.

If at twenty-nine weeks the baby begins to move less, then you should urgently consult your gynecologist.

Weight gain

A woman’s body weight continues to increase, but the increase must be kept within acceptable limits. During the entire third trimester, and the 29th obstetric week of pregnancy is no exception, a woman should gain no more than 350 grams per week.

If weight gain occurs too quickly, fasting days may be recommended for the pregnant woman. The menu will be selected by a gynecologist.

Premature birth

There is still quite a long time until the due date: approximately 11 - 12 weeks. In some cases, the doctor decides to stimulate labor artificially. In this case, there is no need to worry, since even a premature baby has a very high chance of survival.

At this gestational stage, a woman is advised to take care of herself - let her family take care of household chores, and the expectant mother should rest as much as possible. Frequent walks in the fresh air and feasible physical activity are necessary. It is best if it is special gymnastics for pregnant women.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the belly has already reached an impressive size, which causes great inconvenience to the expectant mother. But the greater the anticipation of meeting a new family member soon. Maternity leave will soon come, and work will not distract you from preparing for such a long-awaited meeting. Now the center of the universe will be you and the little miracle inside you.

At this week of development, the baby has reached 35-37 cm in length and weighs 1000-1250 grams.

His brain and nervous system continue to actively develop. A huge flow of information comes through the senses: rays of light directed at the stomach will make him turn away with dissatisfaction; it distinguishes sounds of different frequencies, and low ones are perceived better than high ones; its receptors are already capable of detecting taste and smell. The baby not only perceives and differentiates the information coming to him, but also remembers it. Some scientists argue that at this stage of development the child is able to dream.

The baby has less and less space left, and he does not tumble as before, and the movements of the limbs are less and less chaotic, he rests more against the walls of the uterus. Hair is already present on the head, and the germinal fluff, lanugo, gradually disappears on the body. Along with this, the amount of original lubricant also decreases.

The subcutaneous fat layer continues to accumulate, which regulates the baby’s heat exchange. The proportion of fat during this period is approximately 4% of total body weight. Accumulations of white fat in the cheeks will greatly help him in the future when sucking the breast, because... Thanks to fat, the necessary negative pressure is created in the oral cavity. And it is these accumulations that give the baby’s cheeks a cute swelling.

The swallowing reflex is also well developed in this period. The child continues to train him by swallowing amniotic fluid. The digestive system itself is almost ready to receive the first food at birth - mother's milk.

The bone marrow is mature enough to successfully produce blood cells. The blood itself has a constant composition, its cells carry oxygen, the coagulation system protects against bleeding, and the cells of the immune system against infections. The child receives ready-made antibodies intended to fight infectious agents after birth from the mother. The heart pumps blood through the body at a rate of 120-140 beats per minute.

The reproductive system continues to develop intensively: in boys, the testicles from the abdominal cavity begin to descend into the scrotum; in girls, the clitoris is not yet covered by the labia minora, and therefore protrudes forward. The kidneys are fully functional, releasing approximately 500 ml of urine per day.

The teeth already have enamel, although the teeth themselves are hidden inside the gums. The skeletal and muscular systems are increasingly strengthened.

Thus, every day the child becomes more and more adapted to a full life outside the mother’s body.

29th week of pregnancy: changes in a woman’s body

  1. Weight gain by this week of pregnancy is 8.5-11.5 kg. It is necessary to continue to monitor the increase in body weight; it should not exceed 300-400 g per week. A large weight gain can mean not only a malnutrition, but also that fluid is retained in the body. Swelling can be not only obvious (they can be detected by marks from socks on your feet, or from a watch strap on your hands), but also hidden, which spread to internal organs. In this case, you need to monitor the amount of fluid consumed per day and excreted. And if the volume of urine is less than the liquid drunk, then the kidneys cope worse with the load placed on them and excess liquid remains in the woman’s body. And this can pose a threat not only to the pregnant woman herself, but also to the child. If excess weight is due to a poor diet, then this too is fraught with problems. In this case, the fetus will be larger than it should be, and childbirth will be more difficult for both the child and the mother.
  2. A woman in the 29th week of pregnancy does not feel the baby’s movements as often as in previous weeks. This, as already mentioned, is associated with an increase in the size of the child and a decrease in space for his activity. But kicks and pokes are now becoming more weighty. It especially affects the liver area and ribs, because... The most common is cephalic presentation of the child. Sometimes the expectant mother can clearly determine which part of the body he is kicking - his elbow, knee, or head. Do not forget to monitor the number of movements of the child (normally at least 10 movements in 2 hours during the day). If suddenly he began to behave too actively, or, on the contrary, calmed down for a long time, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.
  3. Due to a large belly, pregnant women are increasingly suffering from heartburn. These unpleasant sensations can be reduced by fractional nutrition, i.e. eat in small portions, but more often. And exclude physical activity after eating, and even more so bending the body. It is better to talk to your doctor about taking medications.
  4. The list of unpleasant sensations also includes constipation, increased gas formation and frequent urination. They are associated not only with an enlarged uterus and its pressure, but also with the inhibitory effect of progesterone on the digestion. You will have to put up with frequent urination for the time being, and physical activity of the pregnant woman, the presence of plant foods in the diet and a proper drinking regime will help get rid of constipation.
  5. A common occurrence may be dilated veins in the anal area - hemorrhoids. It occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins as a result of pressure from the enlarged uterus on the pelvic floor. The presence of constipation aggravates this problem in a delicate area. Hemorrhoids are dangerous due to possible bleeding and complicate the course of childbirth. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.
  6. Some women during this period experience dizziness after standing up from a supine position. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to sleep or just lie on your back for a long time. This is fraught with compression of the vena cava, impaired blood flow and a decrease in blood pressure. The result of all of the above can be loss of consciousness and falling. And even if you sleep correctly, on your side, you should never get up suddenly.
  7. Due to the fact that the center of gravity is shifted, a woman does not feel as confident when walking as before. You need to be extremely careful not to fall during a sharp turn or tilt.
  8. Breast swelling is noticeable. In this case, it often happens that when you press on the nipple, a small amount of yellowish liquid is released. This is colostrum, primary breast milk. But you shouldn’t squeeze it out on purpose, you just need to blot it with a clean napkin, or even better, put special pads inside the bra.

29th week of pregnancy: pregnant belly

The 29th week of pregnancy is 7 obstetric months (4 weeks in each month) plus 1 week. If you go by the usual calendar, then this is the end of the 7th month of pregnancy.

The fundus of the uterus is located approximately one palm above the navel, i.e. 29-30 cm if you count from the pubic joint. And visually, many women already have impressive bellies. Some compare it to a watermelon. Such a comparison is not without meaning, because sometimes it is as “striped” as a watermelon because of the dark line in the middle of the belly and small stripes, stretch marks, on the sides. And if the pigment line disappears soon after childbirth, then stretch marks may remain. To avoid this, it is recommended to prevent stretch marks from early pregnancy, and if they occur, use a special cream and light massage.

Often during this period there is a phenomenon such as a hard belly, and the pregnant woman experiences a feeling of heaviness, tension and distension. This is how many describe training contractions (Braxton-Hicks), which prepare the uterus for childbirth. The duration of such tension is several seconds, and then everything returns to its usual state. These training contractions are irregular and painless.

29th week of pregnancy: necessary medical examination

  1. At an appointment with a gynecologist: mandatory measurement of abdominal circumference, position of the uterine fundus, blood pressure, pulse and weight.
  2. Complete blood count (particular attention is paid to monitoring hemoglobin levels to exclude anemia).
  3. General urine test (monitoring kidney function, excluding urinary tract infections).
  4. A new study can be added - cardiotocography, during which the fetal heart rate (HR) and the occurrence of uterine tone are calculated. Using a special remote control, the woman will be asked to note the baby’s movements.
  5. According to indications - biochemical blood test, blood test for hormones, sugar.
  6. If necessary, an ultrasound is performed at 29 weeks. If additional information is required about the condition of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid and cervix, it is best to obtain it using ultrasound. If desired, you can take a photo of the fetus.

29th week of pregnancy: possible dangers

Despite the fact that most pregnancies end successfully, it would be useful to know what dangers the expectant mother may face. It is necessary so that the woman can recognize early symptoms and immediately report them to the doctor.

  1. Threat of late miscarriage. This pathology can be suspected when bloody discharge from the genital tract, bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen appear. The occurrence is facilitated by nervous shock, cervical insufficiency, changes in the hormonal levels of the pregnant woman, and infections.
  2. Premature birth. If there are regular contractions and dilatation of the cervix, we can talk about premature birth. Statistics say that a child born at the 29th week of development survives in 90% of cases with special medical care. But, unfortunately, he is still very premature, which can lead to health problems in the future.
  3. Polyhydramnios (excessive amount of amniotic fluid). Infections, fetal development defects, and Rh incompatibility can contribute to this pathology. A woman may feel that her belly is growing too quickly and her skin takes on an unnatural shine. These symptoms may be accompanied by shortness of breath and increased heartburn. When examined by a gynecologist, the size of the abdomen in a woman with polyhydramnios will not correspond to what is expected at this time.
  4. Oligohydramnios (insufficient amount of amniotic fluid). According to statistics, up to 8% of women in the third trimester experience oligohydramnios. The reason for this may be infections, arterial hypertension, rupture of membranes, obesity, placental insufficiency. You can suspect this problem if, upon examination, the child turns out to be smaller than his normal size. Accordingly, the size of the abdomen will also be significantly smaller. An ultrasound will help confirm or refute this suspicion. If this pathology is detected in the third trimester, close monitoring by doctors of the fluid level and the development of the child is required.
  5. Iron-deficiency anemia. It manifests itself as pale skin, rapid heartbeat, weakness and increased fatigue. In a general blood test, a decrease in the levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells is noticeable. The danger is that in the presence of anemia, serious disturbances in the development of the fetus are possible. This increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Therefore, it is very important to have regular blood tests. The diet should contain meat products and offal.
  6. Preeclampsia. Symptoms of this condition include increased blood pressure, swelling and rapid weight gain as a result of fluid retention in the pregnant woman's body. In a general urine test, protein can be detected. The danger for the child is the deterioration of the blood supply to the placenta, which entails a disruption in the development of the fetus. The appearance of these symptoms requires immediate consultation with a doctor.
  7. Hypoxia. It consists of oxygen starvation of the fetus. Accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and dizziness in a pregnant woman. Leads to delayed intrauterine development of the baby. The main causes of hypoxia can be: anemia, lung disease, smoking and kidney disease in a pregnant woman, as well as malformations and placental insufficiency of the child. It is very important for expectant mothers to be in the fresh air as much as possible, because... a sufficient supply of oxygen ensures the necessary metabolism in the placenta and reduces the risk of hypoxia.

29th week of pregnancy: position of the fetus in the uterus

During pregnancy, women often hear the phrase “the position of the fetus in the uterus,” and starting from the 29th week of pregnancy, this phrase is used by doctors more and more often.

The position of the fetus is the ratio of the conditional line of the child, drawn from the back of the head to the tailbone, to the vertical axis of the uterus. There are longitudinal, oblique and transverse. And fetal presentation is which part of the baby’s body is closest to the exit from the woman’s pelvis. There are breech and cephalic presentations.

The most ideal position of the child during childbirth is considered to be a cephalic presentation of the occipital type, i.e. when the back of the baby's head is adjacent to the entrance to the pelvis. This is the most physiological location for the passage of the child through the birth canal. All other positions complicate the birth process, and in difficult situations natural delivery is generally impossible. In such cases, surgical intervention is resorted to.

Using an ultrasound, it is not difficult to determine the position of the child. And if you have identified one of the incorrect positions, then you should not be upset in advance: until the 32nd week, the baby still has time to take the correct position on his own. In such cases, doctors recommend that the pregnant woman resort to special gymnastics that will help the baby turn.

29th week of pregnancy: expecting twins

For women who are expecting the birth of two babies at once, pregnancy proceeds somewhat differently.

The difference between multiple pregnancies is that in children at the 29th week, the respiratory system is slightly better developed. Therefore, if they happen to be born prematurely, their chances of survival are much higher. According to statistics, twin births most often occur at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. This must be taken into account and be prepared for a trip to the maternity hospital. Starting this week, doctors recommend avoiding all stress and lying more, preferably on the left side, to reduce pressure on the blood vessels.

The changes with the mother are the same as when expecting one baby, but all manifestations of pregnancy at this stage double. Weight gain reaches 10-20 kg, heartburn, swelling, constipation are very bothersome, and the stomach itself seems simply huge. A woman is much more tired than during a singleton pregnancy. One can only dream about proper rest when pregnant with twins, because... babies bother her twice as much and more often.

When carrying two children, the risk of arterial hypertension increases, because the load on a woman’s cardiovascular system is much greater. For the same reason, varicose veins of the extremities and hemorrhoids occur more often.

By this time, the babies have almost decided on the position in which they will be born. It often happens that one baby is in an ideal position for birth, but the second is not. This is why twins are often born by caesarean section. But the kids still have time to find themselves in the right position. At the 32nd week of pregnancy, the mother will undergo an ultrasound, and it is its results that will be relied upon to decide on labor management tactics.

Sometimes the expectant mother, in order to avoid premature birth, is offered to put a suture or a special device on the uterus. They will not allow the uterus to open until at least 36 weeks.

The weight of the children may not be identical, for example, if one weighs 1300g, then the other 1200g. Don't worry, this difference does not mean that one is developing worse. The difference of 200-300 g is within the normal range.

It is necessary to take into account the increased need for complete and balanced nutrition. Often, additional intake of iron and folic acid supplements, prescribed by a doctor, is required.

29th week of pregnancy: nutrition

This week, the most important thing is weight control and a balanced, nutritious diet. You need to ensure that weight gain does not exceed 50 g per day, or 300-350 g per week.

In particular, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins and microelements into the body:

  • vitamin D and calcium are important for the development of the skeletal system;
  • vitamin K and iron for hematopoiesis;
  • vitamin C to strengthen blood vessels;
  • vitamin E to prevent the threat of premature birth;
  • iodine and folic acid for the development of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

You definitely need to include protein in your diet, because... it is the main building material of all organs and systems of the baby. The amino acids that make up protein are synthesized in the human body itself. It should be noted that there are also essential amino acids that should only come from outside. Protein-rich foods include: lean beef, chicken liver, pink salmon, carp, mullet, feta cheese, milk from 0.1% to 1% fat, hard cheeses.

But various sausages that contain preservatives and dyes are best avoided during pregnancy.

For vegetarians, the most valuable foods for obtaining amino acids are green vegetables and herbs. Fruits that are especially rich in proteins include pears, cherries, prunes, persimmons, and figs.

Also, you should not ignore grain crops - buckwheat, wheat, millet. In addition to essential amino acids, cereals are rich in iron, zinc, B vitamins and fiber.

Eating vegetables and greens helps improve the elasticity of the birth canal and improves intestinal function.

29th week of pregnancy. Photo

29th week of pregnancy. Video

Happy parents at 29 weeks can see and feel their twins moving every day. Kids, in turn, are also very happy to communicate, they react to sounds with jerks, smile when they hear the familiar and familiar voices of their parents.

The seventh month of gestation is ending, which means maternity leave will come very soon. At this time, every mother will be able to relax and pay maximum attention to herself and her child.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, twins, in most cases, have already completely decided on the position in which the babies will remain until the birth itself. At this time, the twins are already able to breathe on their own, and also slightly maintain their body temperature. Babies born at 29 weeks have a 90% guarantee of life and health. First, to support the organisms, the babies will be connected to a special device, and after that, the parents will be entirely involved in nursing the twins.

Weight of twins at 29 weeks, approximately 1300 grams of each baby. It happens that one child weighs more and the other less. If the difference is not significant, then there is no need to worry about it. If it is large, the doctor will notice this on an ultrasound and will prescribe the medications necessary for the pregnant woman to take.

The body length of babies in this period is about 37 cm. The babies are still very thin, but right now they are intensively accumulating white fat and growing rapidly. The cheeks are the first to fill with fat. This helps create negative pressure in the oral cavity for the full formation of the sucking reflex.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, they can already focus their eyes a little, although these are mainly just blurry spots of color. They distinguish between light and dark and can capture primary colors. The eyes of babies are colored blue-gray. Eyelashes and eyebrows begin to grow, although babies may be born without them, but do not worry, the hair will begin to grow in a short time.

At 29 weeks, twins are already learning to breathe on their own. Amniotic fluid enters the nostrils of babies, they distinguish tastes, show their preferences.

During this period, you can clearly see and feel the movement of the twins. Mom will notice that the kicks have become more coordinated and stronger.

At 29 weeks, twins’ immune systems begin to function. Now they are no longer so afraid of diseases and infections. Antibodies transmitted from the mother will help fight various types of viruses, both now and after birth.

Baby teeth have already formed in the gums of babies. They are not completely covered with enamel yet, but this process will be completed soon.

Every day, twins secrete about 800 grams of urine into the amniotic fluid. At the same time, the babies’ environment is updated every three hours. A third of the amniotic fluid is processed through the lungs and kidneys of the twins themselves.

Every minute kids grow up, learn something new and previously unknown. So that mothers can enjoy their achievements together with their children, doctors have developed a special calendar for the development of twins by week. Information of this kind can be obtained from encyclopedias, television or the Internet.

At 29 weeks of pregnancy, the twins push even more against the mother's ribs. Now the uterus is raised above the pubic symphysis by as much as 29 cm. But this is not the limit, because at 40 weeks it rises to 38-40 cm.

Babies take up more and more space in the stomach, thereby oppressing the mother’s internal organs, which brings her some discomfort. Proper nutrition, proper rest and walks, as well as careful attention to posture while walking will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations.

At the end of the 7th month of bearing twins, a pregnant woman may develop toxicosis of the second period (preeclampsia). Toxicosis is indicated by the appearance of protein in the urine during testing, swelling of the extremities, nausea, and increased blood pressure.

During this time, it is very important to control weight gain. At this stage it should be from 9 to 12 kilograms. It is also necessary to control the intake of liquids. Their total amount should not exceed 1.5 - 2 liters per day. The same amount of fluid should leave the body. Otherwise, excess water can cause edema, and therefore the development of toxicosis.

The cause of excess weight may not only be swelling. Perhaps the expectant mother is overly fond of sweets, flour or fatty foods. This is not worth doing. But this does not mean that everything tasty should be excluded from the diet, you just need to eat in moderation, without overeating and, if possible, without stuffing yourself at night.

At week 29, a pregnant woman may begin to release colostrum from her breasts. It is a white liquid that the twins will feed on for the first 2-3 days after birth. Later, under the influence of the hormone prolactin, the mammary glands will begin to produce milk. Stimulation of this process depends on the babies themselves.

To make it easier for the expectant mother to find a sleeping position, you can buy a pregnancy pillow. Before you go to bed, you can drink a glass of warm kefir or milk with honey - this will help you calm down and relax.

If at week 29 the expectant mother feels slight pain in the abdomen, reminiscent of contractions, then there is no need to worry. These uterine contractions are preparatory, as if training before childbirth, they are not regular and are practically not noticeable.

For mothers who are 7 months pregnant, it is better to avoid high heels and stilettos. Comfortable and practical shoes will help you feel unencumbered and comfortable. Pregnant women's clothing should also be comfortable and not constrictive to the stomach.

Although at 29 weeks the twins in the womb already have their own immunity, it is not at all advisable for a woman to get sick at this time. Viruses can contribute to the aging of the placenta, therefore, the expectant mother should avoid close contact with infected people, as well as overly crowded rooms.

Just two more months and the happy mother will be able to see her amazing and dear twins! Until that time, a pregnant woman needs to have a good rest, take care of herself, and stock up on strength so that she can tirelessly enjoy every second of her children’s lives.

The time has come for the fetus to be in a cephalic position. The 29th week of pregnancy has arrived (obstetric, which means almost 7 months have passed.)

Although, of course, the deadline is not until the baby’s head is located above the cervix: this position is ideal at the moment of birth.

What's happening to the baby

  • Deciding on the situation

The baby begins to “shift” to the desired position so that the child settles on the correct option. Otherwise, the likelihood of using a cesarean section during childbirth increases. After all, the baby simply will not be able to be born on its own.

Swimming and aromatherapy also help. However, with the development of pregnancy pathologies, the methods are contraindicated.

Please note: the use of medical turning, which was previously carried out mechanically (the baby was turned manually), has for some time now been prohibited.

  • Fetal development and size

A child at 29 weeks is 37 cm tall and weighs about 1250 g.

With twins, the indicators may be lower, especially regarding the weight of the children. Some deviations in parameters in both directions are considered normal, since the development of pregnancy is an individual process.

If the baby is destined to be born prematurely, then he will survive with a 90% probability.

  • The fetus's cheeks begin to round.

That is, there is a process of fat accumulation, the share of which in the baby’s body is now 4%. Thanks to him, by the way, the child has the ability to independently thermoregulate.

  • The rudiments of teeth in the baby’s gums are covered with enamel.
  • The eyes are capable of focusing.
  • The baby secretes about half a liter of urine into the amniotic fluid every day.
  • The tiny organism has finally acquired its own immune system, although for now it “uses” your antibodies.
  • The head is more proportional to the body
  • The fetus filled the entire volume of the uterus.
  • Now the child is constantly curled up in a ball.

After birth, the position will affect the body, which, by inertia, will continue to “collapse” into its usual position. A condition called muscle hypertonicity will disappear when the baby is one month old.

What's happening to mom

  • Feelings of fetal movement

If the baby is already in a cephalic presentation, then the mother will be in the upper abdomen and under the ribs. And the bulk of the kicks will go to the liver.

Now you will feel mainly the movement of the baby’s limbs, rather than the movements of the baby’s body, because there is too little space in the uterus for revolutions, and the fetus uses its legs and arms.

  • The fundus of the uterus is at a height of 30 cm, counting from the pubic joint.

Due to the volume of the pregnant uterus, you will “lose” your navel, which will either disappear until childbirth, or, conversely, “turn out” outward.

  • The belly causes serious inconvenience to mothers.

With twins, the belly seems simply huge.

During this seven-day period, some people with multiple pregnancies cannot rise from their knees or squats without assistance (by the way, it is advisable to avoid the latter position in such an interesting position).

  • In addition to the feeling of heaviness and periodic pain, there is an increase in blood pressure, as well as an increase in heart rate.
  • At week 29, a woman’s weight gain will be 8.5 – 11.5 kg.

It is very important to continue to monitor your body weight, since it is during this trimester that you can easily “eat on” the extra pounds. Focus on weekly increases, the size of which should be 400 grams.

  • By this time starts to bother me.

From time to time there is a sensation as if the stomach is turning to stone, becoming very hard.

Do not be alarmed: the body continues to prepare for childbirth - and sometimes you feel that it is absolutely safe for the fetus. They just get stronger over time and occur more often – but no more than 5 times per hour.

Emotional, physical condition, fatigue and fears

  • By this time, you will be overcome by fatigue, which occurs literally a couple of hours after a night’s sleep.

It is caused by the heaviness of the tummy, as well as very active blood circulation.

  • Starting next week, it will become a real salvation, allowing you to rest more and do it every time you want, rather than waiting until the end of the working day.
  • Accompanying fatigue at 29-30 weeks is a growing fear of childbirth, especially if you are expecting your first child.

And, of course, a mother who has twins in her belly fears such a long-awaited moment much more due to the riskiness of her position.

Try not to worry when imagining your future childbirth, know: as you get closer, the excitement will be replaced by joyful impatience, and after the birth of your child you will not even remember what and where you were hurting.

  • Blood vessels on a woman's body become more visible.

This is how an increase in blood volume to the maximum manifests itself in the body of a pregnant woman.

The mechanism of the process is simple: when the blood volume becomes too large for the capacity of the vessels, the risk of strokes increases, the placenta begins to produce additional progesterone, which forces the walls of the vessels to stretch.

Thus, the movement of blood through them is greatly facilitated.

  • At 29 weeks, a rather unpleasant consequence of pregnancy associated with urinary incontinence may appear.

Moreover, trouble can occur even as a result of the slightest tension: you just have to sneeze or laugh. Kegel exercises can help out, they will also help restore the tone of the vaginal muscles after childbirth.

  • Need vitamins and microelements

At the twenty-ninth week, the condition of the fetus depends entirely on the amount of oxygen it receives and her emotions. This means that it would be better to exclude stress and digestive problems.

Access to the row is especially important for the baby, since he:

  • bone development and strengthening continues (vitamin D, calcium)
  • hematopoietic processes occur (iron and vitamin K)
  • improves the cardiovascular system (iodine)
  • brain formation occurs, intelligence (folic acid)
  • the development of all body systems is completed, but it is still important for the baby to “live” in the tummy (vitamin E is responsible for eliminating the threat of premature birth)

It is important to understand: twins require double the amount of vitamins and microelements.

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