International Children's Day. International Children's Day Children's Day events

Published 06/01/17 01:04

Children's Day 2017 in Moscow: the program of events for June 1 is presented in the TopNews review.

Every year since 1950, Children's Day is celebrated all over the world. The purpose of this holiday is to attract people's attention to the situation of children in the family and society, reminding adults of the need to respect children's rights.

On June 1, numerous entertainment events are organized for millions of children around the world - free rides on attractions, drawing with chalk intkbbach on the asphalt, watching children's films in cinemas, free distribution of balloons, ice cream and other sweets. In addition, schoolchildren begin their favorite summer holidays on this day.

Children's Day 2017: events in Moscow

In Moscow on June 1, 2017, the central celebration site will be Tsvetnoy Boulevard. With the support of the Moscow Department of Culture, the most exciting events will be held on June 3 from 12.00 to 18.00 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. For one day, Tsvetnoy Boulevard will turn into a single festive space, where a large number of activities will await guests, according to the department’s website.

During the holiday, young Muscovites and guests of the capital will find themselves in an impromptu entertainment town that every child dreams of. The holiday will begin with performances on stage by children's groups, and then on the boulevard there will be a procession of fairy-tale characters from the actors of the Chudaki theater.

At interactive master classes on the boulevard you can learn how to construct figures from sticky tape, sculpt from plasticine, make decorations for indoor flowers, knead dough and much more. In the trampoline area, children will be able to take part in sports competitions, and popular street theaters in Moscow will be responsible for the entertainment and fabulousness of the event. Guests will also be able to visit the "Cinema Hall", which will show cartoons from the school-studio "Shar" ("School of Animator Directors"), and there will be lectures and interactive games with animators. Free admission.


June 1st Electrotheater Stanislavsky invites children (5-12 years old) and their parents on a tour of one of the most modern Russian theaters.

Moscow Theater Center "Cherry Orchard" prepared an interactive program “Let's Play Together” dedicated to the 218th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin.

June 4 at Moscow Children's Puppet Theater A colorful costumed Summer Ball will take place. Dress code for young participants: ball gowns, suits, costumes of flowers, bugs, princes and princesses are welcome. Entrance: 500 - 1,300 rubles. Time: 12:00. A ticket is purchased for each viewer, regardless of age. Children under 14 years of age will only be able to attend the ball if accompanied by an adult.

Parks of culture and recreation

IN Gorky Park On June 1 at 12:00 and 18:00 future athletes will be taught how to stand confidently on skateboards and longboards. Classes of the Russian Geographical Society will be held in the park's Rose Garden. The clearing near the Observatory will turn into an improvised stage where a concert of the youngest musicians (from 3 to 6 years old) will take place, and at 15:00 the artists of the Vyacheslav Polunin Show with the support of the Spivakov Foundation will perform at the site near Pionersky Pond.

On June 3, in the park, guests will enjoy a unicycle show, a large festival of financial literacy for teenagers (13:00), acrobatic rock and roll and boogie-woogie lessons (17:00), lectures for parents from the Higher School of Economics and a flip studio for children TV channel “O!”, which will operate from 12:00 to 20:00.

June 4 at 12:00 in Muzeon Arts Park The Great Festival of Art Schools will begin. On Pushkinskaya Embankment from 11:00 guests will enjoy dance master classes and a performance by Alla Dukhova's TODES Theater.

June 1 at Hermitage Garden From 11:00 to 13:00 there will be a reporting concert from the studios of the children's development club "White Rabbit House".

IN Tagansky Park On June 1 from 17.00 there will be a pre-premiere screening of the animated comedy for the whole family “Spark.

June 1 at a creative master class in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill On the playground, kids will draw self-portraits on large sheets of cardboard.

A concert of vocal, ballet and dance studios, performances by a sports team in fitness aerobics, fun starts and hip-hop master classes will be held in Perovsky Park from 13.00 June 1.

On the small stage Park Fili On June 1, from 11.00, a concert will be held with the participation of the play theater “Caution, Children!”, the vocal group “Confetti” and choreographic groups.

IN Vorontsovsky Park On June 1, from 12.00, the children's festival “Veselaya Polyana” will be held with art and dance master classes and a disco. Kids can enjoy a pony show and a tour of the park.

Children's decorative vegetable garden will open in Lilac Garden June 1 at 10.00. Everyone will be able to plant sweet peas, calendula, ornamental cabbage and beans, pumpkin, chard (a type of beet) and perilla. An animation program with creative master classes awaits young participants.

IN Kuzminki park On June 11, from 11.00, the V Anniversary beauty and talent contest “Little Miss and Mister Kuzminki” will be held.

June 1 at 16:00 in Sadovniki park will show the musical "The Lion King" performed by children's creative clubs, in Lianozovsky Park visitors will enjoy the theatrical and concert program “Childhood is me and you” (from 16:00). IN Goncharovsky Park The quest “Sunny Childhood” will take place (11:00).

Special children's programs will also be held on June 1 and 3 in the park named after Artem Borovik, June 3 - at Izmailovsky And Babushkinsky parks, June 4 - in the park Northern Tushino.

Cultural centers

June 1 at 11:00 on the square House of Culture "Peresvet" The theatrical performance “Childhood is me and you” will take place.

Center for Culture and Sports "Vatutinki" On June 1 at 12:00 we invite you to plunge into the “World of Childhood and Little Joys”.

June 1, 2017 at 12.00 on the square Palace of Culture "Kapotnya" There will be a performance by amateur art groups.

June 1 from 12 to 14:00 at Palace of Culture "Salut" There will be quizzes, competitions, and sports relay races.

June 1 in the open area Culture and Leisure Center "Lira" children and their parents will be able to take part in a dance flash mob.

June 1 at 13:00 on site Club "Sovremennik" 16 creative and play areas will be organized.

June 1 at 16.00 in Cultural center "Mitino" There will be a festive interactive and entertaining game program.

Moscow Zoo

June 1st Moscow Zoo will conduct a charity excursion in support of the wards of the Butterfly Children Foundation.

A musical and literary concert with the participation of actor Anatoly Bely and the “Kroshka Jazz” music festival will take place on the stage on the Old Territory.

From 11.00 on the New Territory at the fairgrounds (next to the Monkeys pavilion) a fair of good deeds will be held.

Also on this day, master classes will be held near the summer stage.

Museums and exhibition halls

IN State Museum of A.S. Pushkin There will be a children's program of animated films based on the works of A.S. Pushkin.

IN "Museum of Moscow" Young visitors will be introduced to the traditions and customs observed during construction in Moscow in the 16th-17th centuries. R

"Museum of V.A. Tropinin" invites parents and children to a master class on clay modeling. G

June 3 at Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye" Guests will be treated to a vibrant, dynamic musical show. In the same day "Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K. G. Paustovsky" will conduct a master class “Caring Flower” on making bookmarks from dried plants.

Educational institutions.

On June 4, the MUZEON art park will host Great festival of Moscow art schools, dedicated to Children's Day.

June 1-2 Krasnopresnenskaya children's art school at the invitation of the International Foundation for Culture and Science, “Harmony” is organizing an exhibition of students’ works at the Moscow International House of Music as part of a concert dedicated to Children’s Day.

On Children's Day, a Gala concert of the laureates of the First Open Festival of Young Talents “Let's Give the Globe to Children” will take place. The festival and concert will take place in the Great Concert Hall Children's music school named after M.P. Mussorgsky at 15.00.

On June 1, a concert dedicated to International Children's Day will take place in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On June 1 every year, International Children's Day is celebrated around the world. This holiday was established in 1949 in Paris by the Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. Children's Day is also celebrated in Russia, where a number of events and promotions are held for the future generation.

Children's Day 2017 in Moscow will traditionally be fun and bright. The city authorities have prepared many festivals, competitions and entertainment for young Muscovites and guests of the city, which will take place in the capital's parks, the House of Pioneers, museums and libraries.

Program of events in Moscow for Children's Day 2017:

  • Sokolniki Park - Ice Cream Festival, where you can try different types of delicacies in the most original design;
  • Kuzminki Park - Beauty contests for little princesses. This event will include several stages: a “calling card”, a creative competition, a competition for a “handmade” costume, a fashion show and an appearance in evening dresses;
  • On Children's Day 2017, the Moscow Zoo organizes many excursions and master classes. Children will also be invited to go to the Good Deeds Fair;
  • Perovsky Park has planned to hold a number of sporting events on Children's Day 2017. Young guests will enjoy interesting relay races and fun starts, fitness exercises, a giant bowling alley and many interactive activities;
  • In the Hermitage Garden on Children's Day 2017 you will be able to watch a mini-play, a concert by the Yegor Simachev Ballet Workshop, acting sketches and performances by readers from the children's development club "White Rabbit House".

In addition to June 1, when Children's Day 2017 is celebrated all over the world, in Moscow the program of events for children dedicated to the holiday is scheduled for several days. This coming weekend, the annual KidsRockFest festival will be held in Krasnaya Presnya Park, in which the bands Beatlove, Jeans N'ROSES, GKChP, Easy Dizzy will take part. Young participants of the TV projects "The Voice" and "New wave".

Also, on the occasion of Children's Day 2017 in Moscow on June 4, the Great Festival of Art Schools will be held in the Muzeon Arts Park. On Pushkinskaya Embankment, from 11:00 am, guests will enjoy dance master classes and a performance by the TODES theater. In the Summer "Pioneer" from 12:00 family trainings on Family Building psychology will be held for guests.

Marina Tsypysheva

Cheerful music sounds, Merry Notka and Dumbbell come out.

Merry Note:

All over the Earth today

The children's eyes lit up!

And in a friendly dance of hands

Children intertwined!

Let the sun rejoice

And sends rays more generously,

After all, the first of June -

Children Protection Day!

Dumbbell: So many kind faces around!

Hey guys, widen the circle!

Let the whole planet hear

And full of goodness and light,

Hearts are opening!

Merry Note: First summer day of the year!

He won't let his children get into trouble.

He's starting his vacation

And happy Children's Day to all of us!

Step dance “Children are sweets”

Dumbbell: On today's holiday we will travel! Guys, do you like to travel? Then let's all get on the fun little train! Each group boards its own locomotive and moves along its own route. A lot of adventures await you! (music plays, children leave)

“Station – Drawing”

Chamomile - rice girl: Hello guys, my name is Romashka - a risqué! I live at this station because there is a whole rainbow of colors here. My world is very colorful and bright! Guys, do you like to draw? Then the colored crayons will not remain lying aside, we take them in our hands and draw our first day of summer! You can draw a bright sun, tall green trees! Blue sky! Let's see who can come up with the most colorful drawing! So, go ahead! (children draw)

"Station - Sportivance"

Dumbbell: Hello, my name is Gantelka! You have arrived at the station - sportivation! And to really have fun, we need to be in great shape. To do this, we'll warm up a little! Ready? Great, then let's stand in a circle. (A set of warm-ups, physical exercises, and sports games, relay races, and attractions are carried out). Well done guys, you are real athletes! Go further! Bon Voyage!

"Station - Circulation"

Clown - Fomka: Hello kids! Guess who I am! I am Clown - Fomka! You find yourself at the Circovation station! Do you love the circus! Then go ahead! I suggest you arrange a circus performance! And you and I will be the actors in this circus! So, let's turn into circus performers! Repeat after me: “Turn left, right, and turn into circus performers!” You need to divide into 4 teams. (share). You are gymnasts! You are clowns! You are trainers and animals! You are jugglers! Now I give you time to prepare your speech! And you will take turns showing those you have become! (They take turns performing to the music). Goodbye! My little circus performers! Go further! We look forward to many more adventures for you!

"Station - Music"

Merry Note: Hello guys! This is the Music Station! This is the Dance Station! This is the Entertainment Station! I love singing different songs so much! Do you love to sing? (Yes) Then everyone get up in a friendly round dance! Let's all sing a funny song about friendship together!

Song - round dance “It’s fun to walk together”

Merry Note: Guys, I offer you a game - “Guess the melody”! (Backing tracks of songs known to children are played, children guess the melody, sing)

Musical game “Guess the melody”

Station "Multi-Colored Traffic Light"

Zebra: Hello guys, I am Zebra - Inspector Nenarushaykina! You have arrived at the Multi-Colored Traffic Light station! Today I will test how well you know the rules of the road! You are ready? (Yes) Well then listen carefully to my questions.


1. Only drivers should know the rules of the road; an ordinary pedestrian does not need to know the rules! Is it so?

2. Everyone knows that a red light means there is no passage, a green light means you can start moving, but what should you do on a yellow light?

3. The traffic light is green - you can go safely - you won’t meet any cars on the way! Is it so?

4. How does a car driver warn that he wants to turn right or left?

5. If there is both a traffic light and a traffic controller at an intersection, who should you listen to? (traffic controller, the traffic light in this case is faulty)

Zebra: And now for some fun riddles!


1. You can’t take this tape

And you can’t braid it.

She lies on the ground

Transport runs along it. (Road)

2. I never sleep

I look at the road.

I'll tell you when to stand

When to start the movement. (Traffic light)

3. The car won’t work here.

The main thing here is the pedestrian.

Why not disturb each other?

You need to keep the path on the right. (Sidewalk)

4. What kind of transport is this?

What takes you home.

He runs back and forth

Resting against the wires. (Trolleybus)

5. Under Seryozhka’s feet

Striped path.

He walks along it boldly,

And behind him are all the people. (Zebra).

6. What kind of store is this?

It sells gasoline.

Here's a car pulling up

Fills them with a full tank.

She started up and ran.

For another one to come. (Gas station)

7. Our bus drove and drove,

And I drove up to the site.

And people are bored with it,

The transport waits silently. (Stop).

Game: "Cars and pedestrians"

(children are divided into three teams. The first is cars, the second is pedestrians, the third is a traffic light. They stand near the “Zebra”. The third group shows the traffic light for cars - the “cars” follow, then the light comes on for pedestrians - pedestrians follow the traffic light commands)

Zebra: Well done, children! You will be safe on the roads in summer! And I am calm for you! Goodbye! Good luck! (children go to the next station)

Dance flash mob “Red Summer”

Publications on the topic:

Celebration scenario for Children's Day Celebration script for Children's Day. 1 part. (in the hall). Dunno. Hello guys. What a wonderful day today. First day.

Celebration scenario for Children's Day Celebration script for Children's Day. Goal: Creating a festive atmosphere and a joyful atmosphere for students. Objectives: 1. Develop.

Scenario for the “Colors of Summer” holiday dedicated to Children’s Day Scenario “Colors of Summer” dedicated to Children’s Day Progress of the event: Presenter: Why is there so much light? Why are we so warm? From that.

Celebration scenario for Children's Day To the music of a song from the animated film “Santa Claus and Summer,” children walk to the kindergarten playground or to the hall. Presenter 1: - Hello.

Scenario for a holiday in kindergarten dedicated to Children's Day GBOU School No. 2107 Structural unit No. 1277 Scenario of a holiday in kindergarten dedicated to Children's Day. Target:.

Scenario for the holiday dedicated to “Children's Day” Scenario of the holiday dedicated to “Children's Day” The music “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” is played. Presenter. Do you think that a child's life begins with...

19:20 — REGNUM On June 1, festive events dedicated to World Children's Day will be held in parks and numerous public areas in Moscow. The celebration will last until mid-June, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

The opening of the summer theater season will be timed to coincide with the holiday at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. From June 1 to June 15, the Kremlin Ballet will show its best performances here. The program includes “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadère”. The performances will be accompanied by the Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. Directly on June 1, “The Nutcracker” will be shown on the stage of the Kremlin Palace.

At VDNKh, from May 31 to June 4, the main children's holiday, the Multimir festival will be held. These days, the capital's exhibition will bring together the favorite characters of all famous Russian cartoons and television programs. Animators will recreate the fairy-tale worlds of animated series in reality so that young visitors can become part of their favorite cartoon. Guests will have the opportunity to see how cartoons are created, take part in an entertainment program and competitions, be able to take pictures with their favorite characters, see new episodes of animated series, take part in games based on them, and visit a toy exhibition. Each guest will be able to take part in special competitions, quizzes and thematic quests. Children will take part in sports competitions, flash mobs and parades of cartoon characters.

Puppet Theater named after. S.V. Obraztsova will be invited to a big puppet party on June 1st. The main characters from the Good Night Kids program will perform together. Every child will be able not only to see their favorite dolls, but also to play with them and take part in a fun concert. Puppet performers from the stage, life-size puppets and animators on the dance floor will swirl the young guests in cheerful dances, and the heroes of the television program in the interludes will offer the children a variety of interactive games and tasks. Various competitions will be held for children, and at the end of the holiday, a bunch of balloons and a basket will fly into the sky, in which the children will put their written wishes to the children of the planet. Everyone will sing together the hit of all times - “Tired toys are sleeping.”

On Children's Day, the Moscow City Palace of Children's Creativity will turn into the City of Childhood. Guests will take part in thematic master classes and interactive programs on Khudozhestvennaya, Igralnaya, Rukodelnaya streets, walk along the Alley of the Future, Zvezdnaya Embankment and Radosti Avenue, visit the Square of Achievements, Opportunities, Glade of Tourists and Eco-Reserve, take a walk in the Park of National Cultures, "Patriot" "and Cosmo-Park, learn a lot of new things at the Academy of Sciences and the Library, try themselves in technical creativity on the Techno-Lawn, and also pass the GTO standards and take part in sports games at the stadium. A series of concert programs will take place on the main stage.

The Krasnaya Presnya Park will host a holiday of disobedience that has become traditional these days - the Kids Rock Fest rock festival. The holiday of disobedience will be supported by “MultFilms”, “THE CROSSROADZ”, “Sunny Side Singers”, the rock project “Duck Tales” and Adventures of Electronics. They will not only play and sing, but also conduct master classes and read poetry. The program includes more than 30 creative zones for children: rock image, rock reading with the Bumper book bus, rock graffiti, rock quest, rock karaoke, rock baby, tattoo parlor, photo zones, twins parade, music master -classes and experiments.

A festive concert “Smiling to the Sun” will be held at the estate of Father Frost. On the Emerald Square of the Estate, circus performers await the children, who will not only involve everyone in fun games, but also teach them real tricks. A special gift from the Estate for young guests will be face painting and various master classes.

The Darwin Museum will celebrate Young Ecologist Day. Visitors will enjoy master classes, exciting games and educational environmental programs for the whole family. Visitors will find living inhabitants of Moscow reservoirs: fish, newts, insect larvae and adult aquatic invertebrates. The smallest aquatic inhabitants can be viewed through the eyepiece of a microscope. Visitors will enjoy interactive classes at the EcoMoscow center.

The Kalyaka-Malyaka festival will take place in the Aptekarsky Ogorod park. The program includes: master classes on making paintings from sand and glitter, modeling animal figures from modeling clay, creating three-dimensional postcards from holographic foil, crepe paper and neon plasticine. Face painting artists will decorate children's faces with fantastic flowers and animals. There will also be a flower-labyrinth castle made of cardboard, gifts, surprises and competitions. The culmination of the holiday is the musical flash mob “Let there always be sunshine.”

The Red Square book festival will take place in the center of Moscow. The site from the Historical Museum to Lobnoye Mesto is divided into several thematic spaces: the main stage, where the main cultural events of the festival will take place, and fair pavilions, structured according to thematic areas - “Fiction”, “Children’s and educational literature”, “Non-fiction”, “Regional publishing houses”, “Electronic book”, “Moscow - the city of books”. Antique books and second-hand books will be presented on the first line of GUM. And in the lounge areas you can read, relax and have a snack. At the center of the festival there will be a dynamic program created specifically for young readers and their parents: interactive performances, performances, lectures, master classes, meetings with favorite writers, quizzes and competitions.

Another gift for children will be presented on the first summer holiday. On June 3 and 4, the “Tomorrow” festival will be held in the SKAZKA magic and recreation park. The holiday program includes a play area with construction sets, educational games in the fresh air, creative, entertaining and educational activities, handmade master classes for everyone and the Mamarket fair. The educational program for adults offers participation in psychological trainings and creative master classes and free programs in the field of cooking and beauty.

As part of the celebration of Children's Day in Moscow, an event will be held during which participants will be invited to remember old yard games

The art event “Art for Children - Children of Art” will take place on June 1 in the Peresvetov Lane gallery. It is dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day.

The meeting program included a master class on drawing for children and adults, which will be conducted by the curators and artists of the gallery. At the end of the lesson, participants will be able to admire the “Gallery in Your Backyard” art object they created with their own hands. All materials for the work will be provided by the organizers.

Guests will be invited to remember yard games familiar from childhood - hopscotch, rubber band, bouncers, Cossack robbers. The organizers suggest bringing old toys, books, trinkets and souvenirs that are already tired of, but it’s a pity to throw away, to the impromptu “Children’s Money Changers” fair.

During the evening, visitors will be treated to music, cartoons and food.

The Moscow Zoo is preparing a large program for the holidays. On Children's Day, guests of the Moscow Zoo will be able to see moth moths.

“On June 1, on Children’s Day, the Moscow Zoo will hold a charity event: a concert, a special excursion, an interactive theatrical performance, a fair and master classes, during which it is planned to raise funds for the wards of the Butterfly Children foundation and the Katyusha public organization,” - said the zoo's press secretary Olga Vainshtok.

She clarified that the zoo will hold a charity excursion in support of the wards of the Butterfly Children Foundation, the participants of which will be able to get acquainted with hawk moths, which are nocturnal.

In addition, in the new territory (next to the Monkeys pavilion) a fair of good deeds will be held, where those who wish will be able to purchase handicrafts, as well as artistic works made by people with disabilities; the proceeds will go to the benefit of the Society for the Support of Parents with Disabilities and Members their families "Katyusha". The same venue will host arts and crafts master classes and an interactive theatrical performance.

And on the territory of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Children’s City Clinical Hospital named after. BEHIND. Bashlyaeva, the Moscow City Health Department will hold the second Moscow festival of children's health and safety. The purpose of the event is to support those who are undergoing long-term hospital treatment and to bring holidays into their everyday lives.

On June 1, 2017, Russia, together with the whole world, will celebrate one of the most important holidays - Children's Day. Despite the fact that this day is not officially a day off, it is difficult to imagine a person who has not heard about the childhood holiday.

Children's Day: history and origins of the holiday

At the end of 1949, the next congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women decided to establish a new holiday - Children's Day. And from 1950 to this day, most countries in the world celebrate this holiday as a symbol of protecting the rights of the child.

For the first time, the Consul General of China in the United States drew attention to the problems of children left without parents. He was in the city of San Francisco, a place where children suffered from the effects of the Great Depression perhaps more than anywhere else. In 1925, a representative of the Chinese delegation organized a large-scale event for orphans dedicated to the national Dragon Boat Festival. Together with him, some non-governmental organizations also drew attention to the problems of children.

In 1959, the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which included articles calling on parents, state bodies, local authorities and governments, and non-governmental organizations to recognize the rights and freedoms of children set out in them and strive to respect them. The declaration was only advisory in nature and had no binding force.

On November 20, 1989, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was signed by 61 countries. On July 13, 1990, the convention was ratified in the USSR.

Activities for Children's Day 2017

June 1, 2017, International Children's Day, territory of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory(Kosygina St., 17) the Gala concert of the Moscow Children's Festival of National Cultures "My Home is Moscow" will take place.

The event, organized jointly by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow and the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, will complete the series of Days of National Cultures of the peoples inhabiting the capital. The final concert of the festival “My Home is Moscow” will be held as part of the celebrations dedicated to International Children’s Day and the 80th anniversary of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers - “City of Childhood”.

The central venue for the celebration will be Tsvetnoy Boulevard. With the support of the Moscow Department of Culture, the most exciting events will be held on June 3 from 13.00 to 18.00 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Young Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to get into the impromptu entertainment town that every child dreams of - performances by original artists and trained animals, aqua makeup, children's attractions with trampolines, an alley of crooked mirrors, many master classes and, of course, children's concert programs .

At interactive master classes that will be of interest to both children and adults, you will learn how to construct figures from adhesive tape, sculpt from plasticine, make decorations for indoor flowers, knead dough and much more.

In the trampoline area, children will be able to take part in sports competitions, practice agility, build a house out of huge blocks, run along the boulevard on giant skis, evaluate their strength using strength meters and master various sports.

Popular street theaters in Moscow will be responsible for the entertainment and fabulousness of the event. All those present will be surprised by the fairy-tale characters from the street theater "Cranks", who will march along the entire boulevard, showing off their unusual costumes.

The concert program will include children's dance and singing groups to create a festive mood for all visitors. Traditionally, during performances, visitors will be treated to the release of multi-colored balloons in honor of Children's Day.

IN Gorky Park On June 1 at 12:00 and 18:00 future athletes will be taught how to stand confidently on skateboards and longboards. In the park's Rose Garden, during classes of the Russian Geographical Society, they will tell you who lizards are and how to properly prepare for a hike (12:00). The clearing near the Observatory will turn into an impromptu stage, where a concert of the youngest musicians (from 3 to 6 years old) will take place. Artists of the Vyacheslav Polunin Show will perform at the site near Pionersky Pond at 15:00 with the support of the Spivakov Foundation. On June 3, in the park, guests will enjoy a unicycle show, a large festival of financial literacy for teenagers (13:00), acrobatic rock and roll and boogie-woogie lessons (17:00), lectures for parents from the Higher School of Economics and a flip studio for children TV channel “O!”, which will operate from 12:00 to 20:00.

June 4 at 12:00 in Muzeon Arts Park The Great Festival of Art Schools will begin. On Pushkinskaya Embankment from 11:00 guests will enjoy dance master classes and a performance by Alla Dukhova's TODES Theater.

June 1 at Hermitage Garden from 11:00 to 13:00 there will be a reporting concert from the studios of the children's development club "White Rabbit House": a mini-performance, a concert by the "Egor Simachev Ballet Workshop", acting sketches, performances by readers. Visitors will be able to take part in creative workshops and interactive programs.

June 1st and 3rd Krasnaya Presnya Park There will be entertainment programs for children - outdoor games, clowns and circus performers, dance master classes.

IN Tagansky Park On June 1 from 17.00 there will be a pre-premiere screening of the animated comedy for the whole family “Spark. Hero of the Universe" with sign language translation. Children will be able to take part in master classes on creating figures from balloons and receive gifts.

June 1 at a creative master class in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill On the playground, kids will draw self-portraits on large sheets of cardboard. They will have colored tape, markers and paints at their disposal. The “Crocodile and Moidodyr” photo zone will again appear on the site, the characters of which are celebrating their anniversary this year. Starts at 16.00.

A concert of vocal, ballet and dance studios, performances by a sports team in fitness aerobics, fun starts and hip-hop master classes will be held in Perovsky Park from 13.00 June 1. Everyone will be able to learn how to sculpt from clay, create patchwork dolls, and draw in the open air. As part of the “Poem Speaker” project, works by Sergei Mikhalkov, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Daniil Kharms and modern poetess Masha Rupasova will be heard from the park’s speakers.

On the small stage Park Fili On June 1, from 11.00, a concert will be held with the participation of the play theater “Caution, Children!”, the vocal group “Confetti” and choreographic groups. The Amusement Town site will host free master classes in football and tennis for children aged 2 to 7 years.

IN Vorontsovsky Park On June 1, from 12.00, the children's festival “Veselaya Polyana” will be held with art and dance master classes and a disco. Kids can enjoy a pony show and a tour of the park.

Children's decorative vegetable garden will open in Lilac Garden June 1 at 10.00. Everyone will be able to plant sweet peas, calendula, ornamental cabbage and beans, pumpkin, chard (a type of beet) and perilla. An animation program with creative master classes awaits young participants.

IN Kuzminki park On June 3, from 11.00, the V Anniversary beauty and talent contest “Little Miss and Mister Kuzminki” will be held. The competition will be held in 3 stages: a “business card” with a story about yourself, a creative stage and a costume competition, which the children and their parents will prepare in advance at home. In the final, the jury will sum up the results and select two winners. All competitors will receive prizes. The program also includes a concert, classes in drawing, plasticine painting, making toys and jewelry, a charity fair and a lottery.

June 1 at 16:00 in Sadovniki park will show the musical "The Lion King" performed by children's creative clubs, in Lianozovsky Park visitors will enjoy the theatrical and concert program “Childhood is me and you” (from 16:00). IN Goncharovsky Park The quest “Sunny Childhood” will take place (11:00).

Special children's programs will also be held on June 1 and 3 in the park named after Artem Borovik, June 3 – at Izmailovsky And Babushkinsky parks, June 4 – in the park Northern Tushino.

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