Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy. “Don’t believe me, friend, when, in an excess of grief...

Don't believe me, friend, when in excess of grief
I'm saying I've fallen out of love with you
At low tide, don’t trust the betrayal of the sea,
It returns to the earth, loving.

I'm already sad, full of the same passion,
I will give you my freedom again,
And the waves are already running with the opposite noise
From afar to your favorite shores!

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You are now reading the poem Don’t believe me, friend, by the poet Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Don't believe me, friend, when in excess of grief
I'm saying I've fallen out of love with you
At low tide, don’t trust the betrayal of the sea,
It returns to the earth, loving.

I'm already sad, full of the same passion,
I will give you my freedom again,
And the waves are already running with the opposite noise
From afar to your favorite shores!

Sophia Miller

The fateful meeting of Alexei Tolstoy and Sophia Miller took place in 1852, and within a few months they became lovers. The novel became public knowledge, and up to a certain point it was treated with condescending politeness, since such relationships, if not encouraged, were certainly not condemned in high society. However, Alexei Tolstoy refused to play by the generally accepted rules, publicly declaring that he intended to marry his chosen one. It was then that a real scandal broke out, in which dozens of people were involved, including relatives of the lovers and their friends. But Lev Miller, Sophia’s legal husband, felt most humiliated and insulted in this situation. As it turned out later, he was distantly related to Alexei Tolstoy, which further added fuel to the fire. As a result, Miller refused to give his wife a divorce and insisted that she refuse to meet with her lover. In order not to escalate the situation, the poet left for the family estate located in the Chernigov province. However, the day before he had an explanation with his beloved, during which Tolstoy insisted on finally breaking off the relationship. Sophia Miller indignantly rejected this proposal, and the couple broke up, not deciding what to do next.

While on the family estate, Tolstoy reflects for a long time on his relationship with this woman and comes to the conclusion that only she is able to make him truly happy. It was then that the poet decides that he will fight to the end for his love and wait for fate to have mercy on him, allowing him to reunite with his chosen one. As a result, a series of poems appears addressed to Sophia Miller, which the poet secretly transfers to his beloved. Among them is a work entitled “Don’t believe me, friend, when there is an excess of grief...”, written in the fall of 1856.

At this time, the St. Petersburg nobility returns to the city, the time of balls and all kinds of social entertainment begins. However, Alexey Tolstoy decides to stay in the village so as not to aggravate the already difficult situation. He understands that Sophia Miller is waiting for him, but cannot do otherwise, fearing to further compromise his chosen one. Therefore, he asks her to forget everything that was said during the separation and not to believe that love has passed. “At low tide, do not trust the betrayal of the sea, it returns to the land, loving,” notes the poet.

He realizes that he is ready to do anything for the sake of his chosen one and notes: “I will give my freedom to you again.” A long separation helps the poet understand his own feelings and understand that love cannot be thrown away, even if it sometimes causes unbearable mental pain.

“Don’t believe me, friend, when, in an excess of grief...” Alexey Tolstoy

Don't believe me, friend, when in excess of grief
I'm saying I've fallen out of love with you
At low tide, don’t trust the betrayal of the sea,
It returns to the earth, loving.

I'm already sad, full of the same passion,
I will give you my freedom again,
And the waves are already running with the opposite noise
From afar to your favorite shores!

Analysis of Tolstoy’s poem “Don’t believe me, friend, when, in an excess of grief...”

The fateful meeting of Alexei Tolstoy and Sophia Miller took place in 1852, and within a few months they became lovers. The novel became public knowledge, and up to a certain point it was treated with condescending politeness, since such relationships, if not encouraged, were certainly not condemned in high society. However, Alexei Tolstoy refused to play by the generally accepted rules, publicly declaring that he intended to marry his chosen one. It was then that a real scandal broke out, in which dozens of people were involved, including relatives of the lovers and their friends. But Lev Miller, Sophia’s legal husband, felt most humiliated and insulted in this situation. As it turned out later, he was distantly related to Alexei Tolstoy, which further added fuel to the fire. As a result, Miller refused to give his wife a divorce and insisted that she refuse to meet with her lover. In order not to escalate the situation, the poet left for the family estate located in the Chernigov province. However, the day before he had an explanation with his beloved, during which Tolstoy insisted on finally breaking off the relationship. Sophia Miller indignantly rejected this proposal, and the couple broke up, not deciding what to do next.

While on the family estate, Tolstoy reflects for a long time on his relationship with this woman and comes to the conclusion that only she is able to make him truly happy. It was then that the poet decides that he will fight to the end for his love and wait for fate to have mercy on him, allowing him to reunite with his chosen one. As a result, a series of poems appears addressed to Sophia Miller, which the poet secretly transfers to his beloved. Among them is a work entitled “Don’t believe me, friend, when there is an excess of grief...”, written in the fall of 1856.

At this time, the St. Petersburg nobility returns to the city, the time of balls and all kinds of social entertainment begins. However, Alexey Tolstoy decides to stay in the village so as not to aggravate the already difficult situation. He understands that Sophia Miller is waiting for him, but cannot do otherwise, fearing to further compromise his chosen one. Therefore, he asks her to forget everything that was said during the separation and not to believe that love has passed. “At low tide, do not trust the betrayal of the sea, it returns to the land, loving,” notes the poet.

He realizes that he is ready to do anything for the sake of his chosen one and notes: “I will give my freedom to you again.” A long separation helps the poet understand his own feelings and understand that love cannot be thrown away, even if it sometimes causes unbearable mental pain.

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