Natalya Banteeva battle of psychics season. “Warm” family relationships, sins and forgiveness

Natalya Banteeva became known in Russia as the winner of the ninth season of the “Battle of Psychics.” The psychic does not mind if she is called a witch or sorceress, but emphasizes that she does not practice dark magic. She gives private consultations on complex everyday issues, willingly communicates with journalists, writes music and raps, and is interested in geopolitics and news of information technology, genetics and medicine.

Childhood and youth

As Natalya said in an interview with, her real biography differs from the official one. The girl was born in Kamchatka, where her father served. He was on an autonomous voyage on a submarine, and his mother was preparing for childbirth in the tiny village of Rybachy. On February 16, 1975, the future witch was born, showing no signs of life. The baby was thrown onto the ice, and the mother was sent to a hospital in Vladivostok.

But the next morning the child came to life. The mother, who experienced this stress, was unable to breastfeed the baby, and there were no other sources of nutrition for the baby in the military village. Therefore, the seven-week-old baby went to Leningrad, where she was raised in her grandmother’s family. Natalya's childhood in the old Lidval house on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt was happy: by the age of four, the girl was playing the piano, reading, drawing on the walls and sculpting.

The grandmother read poetry to her granddaughter, took her to the Hermitage and, most importantly, believed everything the girl said. When five-year-old Natasha said during the funeral that she saw the ghostly figure of a man, her grandmother calmly agreed that it was possible.

Natalya’s ancestors were also familiar with the world of the unknown: her great-grandmother and grandmother used cards and coffee to tell fortunes, and communicated with spirits at spiritualistic seances.

A happy childhood ended when a mother, unfamiliar to her daughter, arrived in Leningrad and had just entered into a new marriage. The girl’s unusual abilities were not understood either in her new family or at school. At the age of six, Natalya took up basketball, but at the age of eight she was disqualified for a fight with a Czech athlete.

Oddities in the child’s behavior forced the mother to seek help from psychiatrists, who tried to cure Banteeva of hallucinations. By the age of 14, the girl learned to use her talent to get rich. People easily opened up to her, revealing, among other things, the places where they kept money.

At the age of 18, Natalya Banteeva ended up in prison, where she quickly became an authority among prisoners. The young witch took a library of esoteric literature into her cell and, over two years in prison, improved her qualifications as a psychic.

Extrasensory perception

Natalya Banteeva answers questions in detail about how a modern witch differs from her medieval predecessors. A psychic uses publicly available information and knows how to work with it. By the time Natalya was released, life had changed: her native country changed its name, the economic situation changed, former bandits went into business, information became available, and the girl matured.

She continued her self-education, re-read a lot of literature, and attended lectures by Tatyana Chernigovskaya. She received education as a pulmonologist, cultural scientist and psychologist, studied dentistry, and worked in a morgue. The profession of a counselor became a vocation - a witch could find a clinic where a person would be cured for sure, choose the right university, lawyer and place of residence. A base of clients was formed who constantly sought advice and received it without cards, hoods, candles, balls and rituals.

The psychic is good at gambling, but does not use this ability. Doesn't practice any dark magic. Curses, damage and deception do not lead to good. Natalya was convinced of this from personal experience. When her health deteriorated sharply, she was able to recover only after complete repentance and a year of life in a monastery. This year has brought valuable spiritual experience to the sorceress; now Banteeva’s gift serves only good.

"The fight of extrasensories"

When Banteeva’s friend, pathologist Natalya Vorotnikova, decided to participate in the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, she just laughed - why would a serious person compete with sorcerers? But Vorotnikova won the first season of the project, and friends sent an application to participate in the ninth season on behalf of Banteeva. Natalya, who was breeding dogs at the time, stayed late at the kennel and was late for the start of the selection.

There were a lot of strange characters at the casting, but there were also interesting people. The witch described in detail whose photo in a closed envelope lay on the table. And she ended up on TV screens, which frightened some long-time acquaintances who considered Natalya dead. One of the goals of the project’s creators was to convince people that seeing a problem and solving it are two different tasks.

But during the tests, Banteeva not only saw people’s illnesses, but also gave effective advice on how to combat illnesses. For example, she advised a drug addict not only to get professional help from a narcologist, but also recommended living in a monastery, working and saying prayers. Natalya did not set a goal to win the “Battle” - she knows that it is easier to accomplish great achievements playfully, in a good mood, and not by straining with all her might.

Personal life

Natalya prefers to keep her personal life secret. In conversations with journalists, the psychic refutes the opinion that witches are always alone. This was the case in the Middle Ages, when not only the witch, but also family members were burned for witchcraft. The witches from Banteeva’s coven get married successfully, but they prefer not to present their chosen ones for discussion to idle gossips.

IN "Instagram" psychic you can see photos of her fooling around with Maxim Pavlov, director of the University of Magic. The caption reads:

“People can drink together, live under the same roof, make love, but only engaging in idiocy together indicates spiritual closeness.”

It is not known whether the first part of the quote refers to Banteeva and Pavlov, but they are definitely close spiritually.

Natalya Banteeva now

After winning the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya had to consolidate her success. She founded the Banteeva Group production center, which employs a team of psychics. The sorceress writes down musical spells (kalkhans), using ancient Celtic spells and the help of the rapper ATL. She conducts business training for future millionaires and created the Vosko clothing line, which helps every person discover their inner strength.

She teaches at her own school of magic, helps the police in investigating crimes and gives advice to people who visit Banteeva's official website to ask a question or make an appointment. Natalya helps solve serious problems only after a personal meeting. The Banteeva Group Center opens new projects and subsidizes research by geneticists and gerontologists.

Viewers who closely followed Banteeva’s performances at the psychic show and did not lose interest in her person notice a change in the image of the sorceress. The woman changed her hairstyle, makeup, lost weight and became prettier. Gossips claim that Natalya had plastic surgery - at a minimum, she took a course of “beauty injections”, and at maximum, she had a facelift and plastic surgery.

A careful look at the photos before and after the “Battle of Psychics” will show that the shape of the face has changed little: the nasolabial folds are in place, and the skin on the cheekbones is stretched after losing excess weight. Natalya herself does not comment on the change in appearance, probably believing that beauty and mystery are the professional qualities of a witch.


  • 2010 – “Battle of Psychics”
  • 2010 – Banteeva Group production center
  • 2011 – Closed School of Natalia Banteeva University of Magic
  • 2012 – Youth clothing store BG Showroom
  • 2012 – Casino Tarot

Fans of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” know and love the talented psychic and hereditary sorceress Natalya Banteeva, who became the winner in the 9th season of the TV show.

Banteeva Natalya: biography

The St. Petersburg witch recalls that she discovered paranormal abilities in herself very early. Already at the age of 4, little Natasha noticed that she could see what was inaccessible to the people around her. The veil of her superpowers was first opened when, while attending a wake, she saw the outline of a gray man with a rope tied around his neck. She was very frightened and asked the relatives present what a man was doing here in this form. Her grandmother, who was a witch and could establish a connection with the other world, whispered a phrase that was mysterious at that time for Natasha: “It has begun...”. She immediately took her granddaughter out of the room, where she saw an ominous image. After some time, Natalya’s beloved grandmother passed on her power to her granddaughter. Natalia had a difficult time on the path to discovering her own gift. She did not maintain contact with her family, since her own mother abandoned her, and due to certain circumstances she saw her grandmother quite rarely.

Natalya Banteeva: a difficult path from an eccentric girl to a psychic

Natalya was not like everyone else. She was noticeably different from her peers in her demeanor, interests, and inclinations. Many considered Natasha strange and believed that she was a little crazy. It must be said that Banteeva quickly learned to benefit from her own skills. For example, she could easily suggest to the teacher what grade she should give. In adolescence, out of curiosity, she could bewitch some classmate. It was not easy for those who decided to make fun of the girl, since she immediately took revenge on the offender, sending damage to him. It seemed that the girl would not be able to resist the temptation to succumb to black magic. However, one day she found a lost child, thereby saving him from death. Then Natalya’s eyes opened, and she realized her true destiny. From that very moment, Natalya Banteeva finally stopped using her powers for her own interests and devoted herself to serving people. Realizing that she had done a lot of bad things, she went to a monastery, where she prayed for her sins for a long time and vowed to devote herself to serving the highest good and justice.

Natalya Banteeva: “Battle of Psychics”

From the very beginning of season 9, Natalya Banteeva attracted the attention of TV viewers with her originality. She passed almost every test with flying colors. In addition, she was distinguished by a certain rigidity and coldness. Natalya herself claims that she does not take much of what is happening to heart. This helps her show brilliant results, since excessive compassion is fraught with the loss of a valuable gift. You can see Natalia’s brilliant work in each of the 19 video episodes of season 9.

Banteeva Natalya: life after the show

Having won a stunning victory in season 9 of the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya did not stop there. She founded the Personal Development Center, where everyone in need can receive the necessary help. Specializes primarily in searching for missing people, as well as criminals. The psychic says that she considers it her duty to help people, and is ready to do this to the best of her strength and capabilities. To make making an appointment as easy as possible, the sorceress suggests using the official website, which contains everything you need, including contact information, her photos and videos, as well as reviews from those who have used her services.

Natalya Banteeva is the winner of the ninth season of “Battle”, a woman with a difficult fate and a teacher of many outstanding psychics. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Biography of psychic Natalia Banteeva

The famous clairvoyant, astrologer and psychic Natalya Banteeva was born in St. Petersburg on February 16, 1975. Her childhood was not easy. Natalya lived and was raised by her grandmother, since her father left the family, and her mother entrusted all maternal responsibilities to her grandmother. From her grandmother, who was a witch, the future magician received her extraordinary knowledge. Even in early childhood, Natalya showed a gift. Once, at a village funeral, a girl asked her grandmother who was this gray one who was standing in the corner and looking at her. Since none of those present saw this man, the grandmother immediately understood everything and only said: “Well, it’s all begun.” She began to teach Natalya everything she knew and could do - spells, witchcraft techniques, knowledge and techniques, and performing various rituals. The old sorceress practiced a lot and could even cast spells on a whole herd of animals that trampled her garden. At the age of about five, the mother, shocked by the results of such upbringing, took the girl from her grandmother. Natalya's relationship with her mother was very difficult, since she did not understand the magical gift her daughter received and did not encourage (even was categorically against) her activities. Constant conflicts, the mother’s desire to “cure” her daughter, even to the point of going to a psychiatric clinic, forced Natalya to choose an independent life and leave her home. The first steps in adult life were very difficult for her. Natalya fell into bad company, earned her first money (and quite well) by causing damage, conspiracies, and playing with friends in a casino. Easy money in large sums came and immediately left without a trace. As a result of such a life, she ended up in prison for 2.5 years, undermining her health and receiving a terrible diagnosis-sentence at the age of 29 - infertility and blood poisoning. Having freed herself, Natalya realized how wrong she had lived and wasted her gift, which could have brought so much happiness and goodness to those around her. She entered a monastery as a novice, turned to God and began long work on herself. All this accomplished a miracle; Natalya was healed from a terrible illness, changed herself and became her complete opposite. As the clairvoyant herself says, all this difficult negative experience now helps her when working with clients who have suffered from black magic, the evil eye and damage. Meanwhile, the mother, for selfish purposes to decorate the vacant living space, “buried” her daughter, officially identifying another unknown dead girl as Natalya.

Natalya Banteeva at the show “Battle of Psychics”

Victory in the television project “Battle of Psychics” (season 9) allowed millions of people to learn about her abilities and gift. The psychic on the show was remembered for her slightly harsh and sometimes harsh behavior. Natalya argued her cold attitude by saying that a psychic should not take everything that happens to heart, since the gift of clairvoyance may leave him. Natalya Banteeva took part in the show not for victory or fame, but in order to test and strengthen her strength. She took the young magician Alexei Pedin under her wing. Thanks to her instructions, he developed his strengths and expanded his knowledge, passed the selection to participate in the 10th season of “Battle” and was one of the candidates for its finalists (literally several tests separated him from the final).

The life of Natalya Banteeva after the 9th season of “Battle”

Currently, Natalya Banteeva lives in Moscow, runs her own Personal Development Center in St. Petersburg, where she helps people, conducts seminars and master classes. The magician leads a calm, godly life, moving away from black magic and siding with the forces of light.

Natalya Banteeva is a participant in the program Battle of Psychics Season 9 on TNT. Natalya Banteeva is the most amazing find of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics, she was at her best in every test. Her knowledge is frightening; she can damage or kill, but her results are shocking.

Natalya considers herself a witch - a person guided by higher powers. Natalya Banteeva began to feel these abilities when she was 4 years old - after the death of her great-grandmother. As a child, the psychic did not understand what was happening to her; at school, her classmates considered her “not of this world,” but at a more mature age, Natalya Banteeva learned to use her skills. She is endowed with a strong, low voice, knows how to talk to people and instill the information she needs.

Natalya Bandeeva: “I believe that I am a simple person, and I also make mistakes. A bad mood or weather changes can affect the manifestation of the gift. But I can be proud that I help find missing people, criminals. And I do this often and very successfully without anyone’s help. I don’t involve specialists in other fields, I don’t just “turn on” logic.

Natalya Banteeva is one of the most famous and popular participants in the “Battle of Psychics”. Many of the other participants were her students. The psychic was a recognized authority in magic circles long before participating in the television project.

In the article:

Natalya Banteeva - psychic

Natalya Banteeva calls herself not a psychic or a witch, but a witch - a woman who knows and is guided by higher powers. The girl gained her abilities at the age of 4 - immediately after the death of her grandmother Raisa. Probably, the gift passes from generation to generation, and among the other relatives of the future sorceress and winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” superpowers chose her.

Natalya was left without a mentor who could teach the girl. Raisa was a strong witch: in one of her interviews, the witch said that her grandmother could ruin an entire herd of cows that trampled their garden. This was the only ritual that the woman managed to perform with her granddaughter before her death.

As a child, Natalya did not understand her abilities and did not know how to control them. Only in adulthood did the psychic fully master her powers. Along the sorceress’s life path, she encountered difficult problems, including the reprogramming of a family gift.

The first witnesses to young Natasha’s abilities were her friends, with whom the girl found a lost child she knew. Later, the sorceress will say that this was a sign that the magician did not notice then. The event indicated that the witch's abilities were not intended to harm: the witch could help people, not harm them.

Natalya Banteeva - biography

Natalya Banteeva's date of birth is February 16, 1975. She was born in St. Petersburg, where she currently lives. I didn’t move to Moscow. He is a physician by training, but his exact specialization is unknown. According to some sources, the sorceress received the specialty of a pulmonologist, and others - a pathologist.

The biography of Natalya Banteeva is similar to the biography of other psychics, but it also has significant differences. Natasha had no friends at school. The girl was considered strange; no one wanted to communicate with the future psychic. Even the teachers were afraid of her abilities. A few girlfriends later began to be afraid of the girl, but in the courtyard group of guys, Natalya was “one of our own” people.

The fate of the winner of season 9 of the “Battle of Psychics” was difficult. After the death of her grandmother, the four-year-old girl was taken by her mother. The latter did not like the witch's upbringing, and the woman began to re-educate the child. The mother's character left much to be desired, and harsh parenting methods were used. Of course, the woman did not believe in the supernatural. Eventually, the mother's rudeness grew into real hatred.

Childhood photo of Banteeva

The sorceress grew up, and her relationship with her mother still left much to be desired. The woman found a man who young Natasha did not like. The stepfather agreed to live together, but the girl did not want to put up with the presence of another unpleasant person. The sorceress decided to use magic, and the best method of influence, according to the young psychic, was a love spell on her stepfather. It is unknown whether the plot worked: Natalya’s mother took her to a psychiatric clinic.

This was not the girl’s first visit to a psychiatrist: the woman took her daughter to the hospital at the age of 14 and 18. In total, the future witch stayed in the institution for about two months. Now even the attending physician, with whom the psychic communicates from time to time, has no doubt about Banteeva’s mental health, but not about treatment for schizophrenia.

After a not too long therapy, the witch found herself on the street without a livelihood: her mother kicked the girl out of the house. Natasha’s own gift became a means of earning money. The psychic provided services of various types, without thinking about the consequences. Around the same time, Natalya became interested in gambling, in which clairvoyance helped her win. The psychic spent the winnings together with friends. Ten years ago, Natasha Banteeva’s name was on the “stop lists” of casinos, but this did not stop the sorceress.

It is known that the witch served 2.5 years - a fact discovered by her cellmates. Natalya Banteeva's prison nickname is Bant. It is unknown what crime the psychic committed. In one of her interviews, Natalya says that the reason was a fight, according to other sources - participation in mass riots. The sorceress sat with a cannibal who ate her own grandson, a child killer and a woman who killed her mother and husband.

After her daughter ended up in a colony, the mother did not want anyone to know about it. It was decided to pretend that Natalya died rather than reveal the fact of her criminal record. The dysfunctional mother wanted to get rid of the witch forever, to deprive her of her inheritance. While Natalya was serving her sentence, her mother first declared the girl missing, and then “recognized” a random corpse, which she buried in a closed coffin so that her friends would decide that her daughter had died. A possible reason for such an attitude towards her own child could be simple envy, because Natalya Banteeva’s mother did not even have echoes of the family gift.

Natalia Banteeva, 2015

After the end of her prison term, Banteeva became seriously ill and lost her chances of becoming a mother. At the age of 29, doctors said that he had a psychic blood poisoning. Natasha considered this a punishment for sins and improper use of the gift, making money through black magic and other actions.

Natalya went to a monastery and decided to beg forgiveness from the Lord. The sorceress changed her attitude towards life so much that she forgot about prison concepts. The former prisoner had to work in the monastery, although she was deprived of her status in prison for this. It was not possible to pass other laws right away: At first it was difficult for Natalya to accept that she needed to wash the floor, and not the nun, who was weaker.

The woman stayed in the monastery for a year. After an examination by a doctor, it turned out that Natalya was healthy and theoretically could have children. After this, the psychic firmly decided that the black witch in her soul died, and a white one was born. Banteeva vowed not to do evil again.

Since childhood, Natalya has loved dogs more than cats. After participating in season 9 of the “Battle of Psychics,” I decided to get a cat. These pets have always been considered magical animals, and in Ancient Egypt cats were even worshiped. When choosing a pet, Banteeva wanted the cat to have a repulsive appearance, considering this the main criterion for choosing a magical animal.

As soon as the witch saw the photo of the future cat, Natalya did not doubt her choice for a minute. The psychic named the animal Tiffany, but often shortens it to Fifa or Meatball. The cat understands its owner perfectly, and Natalya has become very attached to the animal. The sorceress is sure that if Tiffany took part in the “Battle of Psychics” among animals, she would take first place.

Despite problems with the law in the past, Natalya helps employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a psychic. According to rumors, even the special services turned to the witch, but Natalya Banteeva denied this fact.

In the near future, the clairvoyant is planning a trip to Thailand, where the strongest magicians and psychics from all over the world gather. Participants in the event live in ascetic conditions: the diet consists of water and rice, they wake up at 5 am, during the day they must engage in physical exercises, prayers, and various magical practices. Banteeva dreams of getting clean in Thailand, passing all the tests and finding out what else she is capable of.

Natalya Banteeva in the “Battle of Psychics”

While participating in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya Banteeva was recognized by acquaintances who considered her dead. Thus, the victory was not the only benefit that the sorceress received from participating in the project.

Natalya later admitted that she was hoping for calls not only from old acquaintances, but also to see her mother. The psychic believed that she could prove to her that she had grown up as a normal person and had supernatural abilities. Natalya believed that her mother would see her on TV and call or even come, remembering her daughter, but this never happened.

While participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya successfully passed most of the tests. The authenticity of what the witch said shocked both the audience and the film crew. There was practically no doubt that Natalya would win in season 9 of the show.

Many noted the restraint, coldness and even harshness of the psychic. The sorceress does not want to take other people’s problems to heart, and calls excessive compassion the main reason for the loss of the gift. Natalya Banteeva does not advise giving in to emotions like anger or pity.

During one of the tests, the psychic discovered that she could see without using her eyesight. The witch does not consider the gift difficult. Natalya says she got an idea of ​​how blind people literally “see through their skin.” The sorceress is sure that most people have supernatural abilities, but does not seek to develop them. Banteeva is sincerely glad that today unusual children are not sent for treatment to a psychiatrist.

Banteeva is the winner of the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

After receiving the coveted statuette in honor of the victory in the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya Banteeva’s first wish was the biggest hamburger - this is how the stress before the announcement of the results and general nervous tension during filming affected the witch. In an interview, Natalya said that she had practically no doubt about victory and was confident in her own abilities. Although the participants in season 9 were serious competitors - the sorceress even gave away a prize.

Natalia enjoyed special sympathy. Competition in the TV show did not become an obstacle to the friendship of two strong psychics. The clairvoyants decided that they had no need for hostility. Nonna Khidiryan considers the ending of the show fair.

Banteeva also considered Flyura Shafikova a worthy opponent, but the latter acted dishonestly and was disqualified. However, not all participants evoked positive emotions in the sorceress: Natalya called Valentina Divina nothing more than a clown. The man accused the project of dishonesty and called it a “paid booth”: according to Natalya, only a person who does not have superpowers can say that.

The winner of season 8 of the “Battle of Psychics,” Vladimir Muranov, is on friendly terms with Natalya. The magician is sure that Banteeva’s abilities are truly unique. The winner of season 7 of the project was rooting for Natalya. Alexander Litvin, who won the sixth “Battle of Psychics,” although he voted for Nonna Khidiryan, admitted that Natalya would win.

Natalya believes that there is a practical meaning to her participation in the “Battle of Psychics.” Filming brought not only the fatigue that had accumulated over four long months, but also strengthened her abilities and added confidence in her own abilities. Now Natalya Banteeva is known to millions of TV viewers, which the psychic also considers a plus for winning the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics.”

Relatively recently, Natalya Banteeva founded her own center for personal development, where everyone in need can receive the help of a magician. The sorceress not only hosts the reception, but also teaches people esoteric sciences. The “Wake Up” movement has a similar direction, within the framework of which the sorceress traveled almost the entire country with educational seminars and speeches.

There is often information on the Internet that Natalya Banteeva is a charlatan. A lot of good and bad reviews are written about the witch. In order not to give money to a scammer, you should only use contacts from the official websites of participants in the “Battle of Psychics” project.

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