NLP technologies in communication. NLP in action

Neurolinguistic programming is a popular and hotly debated area of ​​practical psychology. The relevance of this subject is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, NLP methods are at the intersection of several disciplines: psychology, psychotherapy, programming and linguistics. Secondly, NLP is a new research direction aimed mainly at practical applications in human life. In addition, although neuro-linguistic programming is often criticized by the academic community, this discipline contains a large number of useful and “working” techniques, which will be discussed in the lessons of this section. In this online training, you will learn for free how to use key NLP techniques: metamodel, framing, reporting, anchoring, working with states and representational systems, and also get acquainted with the best practices, games, books, videos on this topic.

What it is?

NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) is a field of practical psychology that develops applied techniques that model the techniques and practices of famous psychotherapists and communication masters.

In other words, NLP studies the positive experience of specialists in the field of psychotherapy, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, linguistics, hypnosis, with the goal of using this experience in the future. Essentially, NLP is about modeling the techniques of successful people in order to make these techniques available to the public.

It is worth noting that NLP is not a science, and knowledge, due to the nature of its acquisition, cannot be fully scientifically verified. Moreover, the scientific community is skeptical about this area, and it is rare to find NLP courses in universities. But it is important to understand that the creators of NLP did not have the goal of making a full-fledged scientific theory. It was important for them to find publicly available techniques, revealing the complex techniques of famous psychology practitioners.

Short story

Collaborative work on the creation of neurolinguistic programming was started in the late 1960s by a group of specialists from the University of California: Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, led by their scientific trustee, the famous anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The NLP system was developed to answer the question of why certain psychotherapists interact so effectively with their clients. Instead of exploring this issue from the point of view of psychotherapeutic theory, Bandler and Grinder turned to analyzing the methods and techniques used by these psychotherapists by observing the progress of their work. The scientists then grouped the techniques they studied into different categories and presented them as general models of interpersonal relationships and how people influence each other.

The famous specialists whose professional experience it was decided to transform into models were chosen:

  • Virginia Satir - family therapy
  • Milton Erickson - Ericksonian hypnosis
  • Fritz Perls - Gestalt therapy

The first results of studying the practical skills of these psychotherapists appeared in 1975 and were published in the work “The Structure of Magic. Volume 1" (1975). Then, extended research materials on the model were presented in the books “The Structure of Magic. Volume 2" (1976) and "Changes in the Family" (co-authored with Virginia Satir, 1976). The result of this work was the so-called Meta Model, which you will learn about in the first lesson of our training. This model served as the foundation for further research in this area and led to the creation of a whole area of ​​practical psychology. Today, NLP is an open methodology that has many followers, complementing it with proprietary developments.

Application of NLP skill

NLP tries to teach people to observe, understand and influence themselves and others as effectively as experienced psychotherapists and communication masters do. Therefore, NLP has a wide range of applications, which can include areas such as:

  • psychotherapy,
  • time management,
  • education,
  • management and management,
  • sales,
  • jurisprudence,
  • writing and journalism.

NLP allows you to develop the communication skills that every person needs. In addition, NLP helps personal development: the ability to correctly understand your emotional states, perceive the world around you in a diversified way, and achieve flexibility in behavior. Advanced NLP techniques allow you to treat phobias and psychological trauma, maintain good mental shape and maintain a high level of performance.

How to learn it

Additional material

It is impossible to describe all possible models and techniques of neurolinguistic programming within one online course. This is also due to the fact that this research area continues to develop, modeling new psychological and linguistic techniques. Many of these techniques are quite specific, so they will not be of interest to all 4brain readers. To make it easier for you to find the information you need, we decided to provide links to additional materials (books, videos, articles) that are not included in our course.


You can find many NLP textbooks in stores, but often these books contain little useful information. To help you better navigate the literature on neurolinguistic programming, we have selected a list of the most popular and proven books. It included:

  • Tricks of the tongue. Robert Dilts
  • From frogs to princes. John Grinder
  • NLP Practitioner: Complete Certification Course. NLP magic textbook. Bodenhamer B., Hall M.
  • The art of persuasion. Richard Bandler
  • 77 best NLP techniques. Michael Hall
  • And some others.


Due to the fact that many NLP techniques represent specific speech techniques and behaviors, it is difficult to learn all of this just by reading a text description. An important component of training is visual examples of people who have already mastered the required technique, as well as master classes and lectures by leading experts. We also tried to include videos with such examples and presentations in our training and additional materials.

More recently, the concept of NLP has come into common use among many people. Techniques and techniques suggest that the human brain can be influenced in a certain way. This is why many people use NLP practice, learning its rules, because they think that we are talking about methods of manipulating the consciousness of others.

In modern society, NLP is something like a “magic wand”, using which you can influence yourself or others. In fact, NLP techniques are indeed effective, but only with conscious use and understanding of brain processes. Psychologists advise using NLP techniques to develop yourself.

What is NLP?

What is NLP? People mostly understand this term narrowly. Neurolinguistic programming is a technology that allows you to influence the course of thinking, behavior of an individual, and control your own mind. Many people try to use these techniques on others. This is why NLP is so common in politics, training, coaching, trading, promotions and even seduction (pickup).

The NLP method is based on the teachings of three psychotherapists:

  1. V. Satir is the founder of family therapy.
  2. M. Erickson is the author of Ericksonian hypnosis.
  3. F. Perls is the founder of Gestalt therapy.

Individuals who adhere to the principles of NLP are convinced that reality is determined by how a person reacts and perceives it, which allows them to change their beliefs, heal psychological trauma, and transform behavior. Behavioral reactions have been studied by psychologists to determine their basis. And in fact, they succeeded, which is what the NLP technique is based on.

NLP psychology

Changes are inevitable - this is how NLP psychology explains. This direction is an independent field that studies individual experience, behavioral reactions, human thought processes, as well as copying successful strategies.

NLP is a field of practical psychology, when a person is engaged not in study, but in practice to transform himself. This trend originated in the 20th century in the 70s. NLP is based on all areas of psychology.

The main goal of NLP is to transform a person into a successful individual. Various ways and techniques on how to achieve this are explored here. It is based on the thought processes used by a particular individual, which is manifested in his emotions, beliefs, and behavioral reactions. That is why the main techniques are aimed at controlling one’s own thinking, emotions and reactions, which should form a successful pattern of behavior that manifests itself in the outside world.

NLP methods are used today in many industries, especially in psychology and commerce. When a person wants to influence, he resorts to NLP techniques, which are aimed at transformation in order to acquire and develop a successful model of behavior. It doesn’t matter what kind of person a person is or what experience he or she has. What becomes important is what a person can do now, change in himself in order to...

NLP does not claim to be an explanation of how the world works. He's not really interested in that. An important tool is one in which theory turns into practice, which helps a person improve his own life and solve problems.

There is no concept of “correct” here. NLP practitioners use the term "appropriate" regardless of whether it is moral or correct. What matters is what works and changes, helps and improves, and not what is considered correct.

According to NLP, a person is the creator of his own misfortunes, successes, bitterness and happy moments. All of them are based on his beliefs and past experiences, which he continues to use at the present moment.

NLP Techniques

NLP is a set of techniques that help a person manage his own brain processes. Here are the following techniques:

  • Anchoring is the most popular in NLP. This is a way of creating an association in a person between his experiences and external circumstances. For example, when playing one piece of music, certain memories that were associated with it arise. This happened because the music sounded at the moment when a significant event happened to a person.
  • Reframing.
  • Love techniques are used in pickup when an individual wants to please the opposite sex. Hypnosis, anchoring and anecdotes are used here. A popular technique is the “Triple Helix”, when a person begins to tell one story, then abruptly moves on to a second, after which he jumps to a third without finishing either one. After the third story, he moves on again to the second, ending it, and to the first, ending it in the same way.
  • The swing technique is aimed at change, transformation. This is done in two ways. The first image is what a person wants to get rid of. The second image is what a person wants to acquire, what to replace with. First, we present the first image in a large and bright size, then the second image in a small and dim size. Then we swap them and imagine how the first image decreases and dims, and the second image increases and becomes brighter. This needs to be done 15 times, and then track the success of the transformation.
  • Language strategies.
  • Inserted message technique.
  • Manipulative techniques are especially popular among people who want to influence the beliefs and reactions of others. Among them are:
  1. "Demand more." At first you ask for more than you need. If a person refuses, then over time you can ask for less - just as much as you need. Because of the inconvenience of being rejected, the person will agree to the second offer so as not to appear bad.
  2. Paraphrasing.
  3. Flattery. Here, through compliments and pleasant words, you harmonize with the sensations and feelings that a person has about himself. This endears the other person to you.
  4. Name or status. A person likes to be called by name. You can win him over by saying his name often. It’s the same with status: the more often you call someone your friend, the more he becomes one.

NLP techniques

NLP techniques are no less interesting than techniques. They are often practical in nature to influence others. Interesting ones are:

  1. Offering a person what he wants to receive, and then saying what you would like to receive. For example, “You can take a break. Please make me some coffee."
  2. Complicating the situation. When you tell a person a complex mechanism for the development of events so that you can ultimately get what you want. For example, “Tomorrow my friend will come to you to get your phone number so I can call you.”
  3. Using strong words that will motivate people to take action. For example, always, constantly, every time, again.
  4. Repeating the end of the interlocutor’s phrase, continuing it with your own statement.
  5. Using the words “please”, “dear”, “be kind”, etc. at the beginning of a phrase.
  6. Pronouncing an important word that should be emphasized in a loud and clear intonation.
  7. The “closer-farther” technique, which is often used in relationships between people, especially in love. This is when a partner first brings another person closer to him with his love, affection, attention, etc., and then grows cold towards him, moves away, stops paying attention, etc. The stages alternate with each other.
  8. Adjustment is a popular technique that is used to establish trusting relationships. It lies in the fact that you adapt to your interlocutor, copying his gestures, facial expressions, voice intonation, mood, etc.

NLP rules

In NLP there are rules that are additional transformative techniques:

  1. Pay attention to your own sensations, visual images, feelings, states. Any change within a person indicates that something has changed in him or in the outside world. This will help in monitoring the situation.
  2. All human experience is recorded in his nervous system. It can be retrieved and modified.
  3. A person notices in others what is inherent in himself. In rare cases, an individual notices in others something that is not inherent in him. Therefore, any shortcoming or advantage that you note in others, most likely, is in yourself.
  4. A person decides for himself who he will be in this world and how he will live.
  5. Every individual has enormous potential, which is much greater than he thinks.
  6. Everything in life flows and changes. As you move, new paths and paths appear.

NLP hypnosis is based on different rules, since it uses verbal or non-verbal suggestion techniques. This is introducing a person into a special state in which he will not resist new beliefs. Hypnosis is used by all people in everyday life, since everyone wants to influence each other.

You can also resort to reprogramming, when you tune yourself into different beliefs.

NLP training

Is it possible to learn NLP? There are many trainings that offer similar services. NLP training can be done not only through special trainings, but also from books. Of course, this process will be a little more difficult and take longer to develop, but it will also affect the transformation.

Perhaps everyone would like to master NLP techniques and techniques. However, it should be understood that all of them may or may not work. NLP techniques work best on insecure, weak and low self-esteem people. Successful and self-confident people are difficult to succumb to external influence.

It is better to use NLP in relation to yourself for the purpose of transformation and development. After all, this practice was originally developed so that people would change and improve their lives.

NLP training helps in expanding your skills, establishing communication connections, and self-improvement. Here are collected various techniques and techniques that will suit everyone.

Bottom line

NLP is not a method of manipulation, although it offers technologies that are manipulative in nature. Here, both the theoretical and practical parts of psychology are simultaneously revealed. We are talking about influencing the subconscious, which often happens unconsciously in people. The result is a life that operates and develops according to incomprehensible rules.

To take control of the course of your life, you can use NLP techniques, which show effectiveness not only in influencing others, but also in influencing yourself.

If you are even slightly interested in psychology, then you have probably also heard about neurolinguistic programming (NLP). In this article we will try to explain the three basic rules of NLP and provide several techniques that will help you test the operation of the system in life. There is no need to pay anyone or buy anything: just read the article and check NLP in action.

  1. Three basic rules of NLP

Before moving on to practical techniques, let's look at the three rules of neurolinguistic programming on which all educational materials, courses, techniques and study methods are based. Having mastered the three rules, it will be much easier and clearer for you in the future.

  1. Consciousness influences the body, and vice versa.

In this postulate, NLP is similar to spiritual practices. You must understand that your consciousness directly affects your physical health and well-being, and vice versa. Let's give a simple example. Let's say you're traveling on crowded public transport. You become uncomfortable and your mood deteriorates. This is a simple example of the influence of the body on the mind.

When you watch a good movie, communicate with interesting and pleasant people, dance to your favorite music, your mood, well-being, and physical condition improve. Just remember about the placebo effect: back in the twentieth century, scientists discovered that a focus group of flu patients who received sugar dummies instead of medications recovered no worse than those who received regular pills. The power of our thoughts is limitless. You just need to tune in to the right wave.

A person who has mastered NLP can influence not only others, but is also able to change the physical state of the body and directly influence their health.

  1. The objective world is subjective

A complex formulation that hides a very simple postulate - we all see the world differently. Trying to be as objective as possible, we still impose our subjective experience on the perception of a particular situation. In philosophy, this is called the relationship between the terms “objective reality and subjective reality.” At the same time, objective reality can only be assessed from the outside, and since we all live in this world and in society, we do not have objective experience.

The main task of NLP is to teach you to look at the world through the prism of a subjective other person. This way you will understand the intention of his actions and can make communication more effective. Trying to be objective is pointless, since it is unrealistic.

  1. Behind every action there is a positive intention

Everything we do, we do with some positive intention. NLP apologists believe that every person acts from some positive, but selfish motives. Even when we selflessly help others, we want recognition or a reputation for being a “good person.” We run for health, but we get angry in order to satisfy our desires, and so on.

This is completely normal. In NLP, you must learn to understand what positive intentions lie behind the actions of those around you.

  1. NLP Techniques for Beginners

Neurolinguistic programming is a deep science that can take almost a lifetime to master. However, we promised you a few simple techniques that you can apply right now. Below are a few simple exercises that will give results with minimal effort.

  1. Goal Formation TechniqueSMARTEF

This is not even a technique, but a template, model or stencil for constructing goals correctly. Did you know that most of the success of a plan depends on a correctly formulated goal. Perhaps your wishes would be destined to come true under one simple condition - the Universe, and you yourself must understand what exactly you want.

Building a goal using the SMARTEF technique is very simple. To do this, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Specificity. The goal should not be vague, but specific. Do you want a new car? Immediately present it in color, a certain model, configuration and modification. Better yet, go to a car dealership and choose your car.
  • Measurability. Imagine the moment when you have already achieved your goal. When this happens, how much time, money or effort will you spend on achieving it, how satisfied will you be?
  • Attractiveness. We have already written that we do everything for positive reasons. Find yours - the one that feeds this goal. Realized desires should benefit us.
  • Realism. There's no point in dreaming about going to Pluto in the next 10 years. The goal must be achievable, and you must clearly understand all the resources and tools that will be needed to achieve it.
  • Time frame. Goals without a deadline are never realized. Always set a time frame: a new job by May, a trip to Europe this fall, and so on.
  • Environmental friendliness. A parameter that shows what you will gain (secondary benefits) after achieving the goal, and what you can lose if you do not achieve the desired result. This is a kind of risk management.
  • Positive wording in the present. It is important to speak and present a goal that has already been realized. At the same time, the formulation of the goal should only be positive. Let’s say: instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” you need to imagine “I’m healthy.”
  1. NLP technique from Walt Disney

Is it unexpected to see one of the world's most famous animators here? His creativity technique was taken by NLP specialists as an effective tool for achieving goals and correctly setting tasks.

It consists of this: every new idea, thought or goal of yours must pass through three internal filters: the dreamer, the realist and the critic. The dreamer is responsible for imagining a goal in the present, a task completed, or an idea realized. This is exactly the part of you that has already imagined how you drive like a breeze in a new car.

The last internal filter is the critic. He must identify weaknesses in the plan and idea even before the implementation stage. In essence, he is the opposite of the dreamer and evaluates the realist and his proposals for achieving the goal.

  1. Working with current situations and memories

In NLP we can work not only to improve the future, but also to correct our patterns of thinking and behavior in relation to situations that have already occurred. Now we will talk about the negativity that prevents us from relaxing, about negative memories.

An interesting fact, but in NLP it is customary to interpret many things literally. Let’s say the expression “memory gaps” or “blank spot” helped specialists develop an interesting technique for working with memories. If you want to forget something, imagine the situation in your head and gradually lighten it up, literally to the “blank spot”. Just try - the negativity will go away much faster. And if you want to remember something faster, try to fill the picture in your head with bright colors or “darken” it.

The second method of reducing negative emotions and memories is the technique of modeling the future. This is a simple exercise called "50 years later." Its essence is simple - just imagine how important this situation will be in 20, 50 years? As a rule, all worries about this simply go away. If you don't believe me, just try it!

We tried to collect those NLP exercises and techniques that you can apply right now and see the results. Just try it - no additional resources required. But if you want more, our specialist will help you delve deeper into this topic. Good luck!

Undoubtedly, neurolinguistic programming today is one of the most popular and sought-after ways for a person to influence his own personality and those around him. After all, NLP allows a person to learn to better understand himself and get rid of any negative traits, while at the same time cultivating positive ones; promotes a deeper understanding of those with whom you interact; makes it possible to make the communication process more pleasant and effective, as well as to influence people of completely different categories. Moreover, knowledge of NLP is successfully applied not only in psychology, psychotherapy and other related sciences. The use of NLP is ideal for ordinary everyday life. And so that anyone can learn this, there are now many options: video and audio materials, Internet resources, trainings and webinars, special training programs, magazines, books, etc.

And, of course, the basis for any training programs and materials is always the theoretical foundations, which contain the bulk of information. But any theory will be of no value if it is not combined with practice, because Only practice develops the skills necessary for the successful application of knowledge. We devoted this article to the practical side of NLP. In it we will look at some of the best and most popular NLP techniques and techniques. You can master any of these methods sufficiently if you practice regularly in everyday life.

This article briefly examines 13 techniques. If you want to learn about another 72 techniques and learn how to apply such techniques in life, we recommend that you pay attention to our course “The Best Communication Techniques.”

Change of submodalities

Submodalities are those elements that make up a holistic picture of our perception of the surrounding reality. With the help of them our attitude towards everything is encoded. The technique of changing submodalities allows us to change our attitude towards something, and we can influence not only the strength of the experiences we experience, but also transform their assessment and subsequent sensations. In addition, this technique is also suitable for changing the assessment of some situation that happened a long time ago, developing motivation, changing attitudes towards another person, etc.

As a rule, the scheme of this technique is always approximately the same: you need to take a situation (person) towards which you need to change your attitude, and a situation (person) in relation to which you experience, on the contrary, positive emotions. Then you need to find several differences between these situations (people) and their submodalities, and replace the submodalities of the first situation with the submodalities of the second. After this, a check is made: if the situation has changed in the desired direction, then the replacement was successful; if not, then you need to return to the previous step and work it out again.

Model of correct goal setting “SMARTEF”

A huge role in the process of achieving goals is played by the ability to correctly formulate and determine the desired result. Simply put, in order to change anything in life, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you specifically want. It is the SMARTEF technique that helps to determine and formulate the result properly. Compliance of a goal with SMARTEF criteria greatly increases the likelihood of its implementation. The goal should be:

  • Specific (you must take into account all the details);
  • Measurable (you must be clearly aware of all the indicators of the moment when the goal is achieved);
  • Attractive (the goal must correspond to your beliefs and values, motivate you);
  • Realistic (you must know for sure that the goal is achievable and what you will need to achieve it);
  • Time-bound (you must clearly set a time frame for achieving the goal);
  • Environmental friendliness (you must consider your goal in global terms, and also realize the secondary benefits of achieving/not achieving it);
  • Positive wording in the present tense (when setting a goal, you must take into account special wording parameters).

We have already touched on the SMARTEF technique in our lesson “Anchoring, performance and state management.” If you wish, you can return to it or study the method in more detail.

Walt Disney's Creative Strategy

This technique is based on the many years of experience of the American animator and film director Walt Disney in the fields of business and creativity. The essence of his strategy is the ability to approach any issue from three different positions: a dreamer, a realist and a critic. This approach itself was called “imagining” by the author. Each of the three components makes its contribution to the search for an effective solution to any issue.

The main function of the dreamer manifests itself at the initial stage, when new goals and ideas are just being formed, and is focused on the future. The dreamer must help the person see how all the components of his plan fit together. The function of a realist is expressed in the search for tools suitable for the implementation of the intended plan, so that an abstract idea can take shape into something concrete. A realist helps a person move from thought process to action. A critic, in turn, is needed to evaluate the emerging idea or planned plan to achieve a goal from a critical perspective. The critic is called upon to help a person find weak points in his plan, to try to identify potential problems or points that might have been missed. The critic also draws a person’s attention to such things as the environmental friendliness of the plan, its realism, secondary benefits, etc.

Approaching any task using Walt Disney's creative strategy greatly increases a person's effectiveness and personal productivity. And you can get acquainted with this strategy in more detail.

Working with logical levels

According to the results of research by one of the first developers of NLP, Robert Dilts, there are several levels of a person’s perception of reality and how he lives it. They are all parallel to each other and closely interconnected. It is very useful for a person to become aware of what is happening at all these levels, because it affects any aspect of life: decision-making, relationship formation, sensations and well-being, and even current events. It is also important to know that logical levels are subject to a specific structure. Firstly, the Higher levels cannot exist without the Lower ones, because is realized through them, and secondly, the Lower levels depend on the Higher ones and obey them.

Usually a person forms his goals and realizes problems at the Lower levels and therefore one can begin to work with them at these levels. But, taking into account the above-mentioned patterns, goals and problems should be worked out at the Highest levels, because The best way to find a solution to any problem is to find its roots and deal with them directly.

Working with logical levels is an extremely effective technique for interacting with your goals and inducing life changes. Absolutely everything that a person desires must be in agreement with his Higher levels, i.e. consistent with beliefs, values ​​and worldview. Working through problems at the Highest levels helps to identify the necessary resources and increase their energy potential.

You can find out more information about working with logical levels at this link, as well.


The presented technique serves to change, within a short time, a person’s destructive type of response to something and replace it with a more constructive one. But the result of this technique is not only a change in the type of reaction, but also the establishment of a positive and productive self-image in a person. “The Swing” can be used in many areas of life, from eliminating bad habits to correcting problematic behavior.

The structure of the “Swing” technique is as follows: first, the context is determined, i.e. a situation to which one would like to change the reaction. Then you need to identify the triggering factors, i.e. those factors that cause the desire to react in a habitual way. This point is the most important, because often the person may not even be aware of it. Determination of trigger factors also occurs according to a certain method. After this, you need to create an image of the state you want to achieve. Most often this is done using the third. The next stage is the “swing” that needs to be completed. It means a very quick replacement of one picture with another (an unwanted image with a desirable one). After the “swing” is completed, you need to check the new state and adjust to the future.

The Swing technique requires more detailed study (this can be done) and training.

New behavior generator

This technique, similar to the previous one, is designed to help a person change automatic reactions to manifestations of external reality, thereby saving him from many unnecessary problems. Thanks to it, a person’s self-confidence increases, reactions change and positive changes occur in life.

Successful application of this technique involves going through several stages. First you need to identify the situation that needs to be worked out and live it, imagining it in your mind in the smallest detail. Next, you need to imagine the same situation in the form of a film made about you, and feel the emotions that it evokes. After this, you need to imagine yourself as a cinema operator who puts a film on the projector with a film about you for himself, sitting in the hall. Then you need to imagine yourself as a director and realize the possibility of changing the script; come up with several new options and choose the most suitable one.

The new stage implies that you are again a cinema operator, putting on a new film for yourself, sitting in the cinema hall. Then you imagine yourself sitting in the hall and watching a new film with your participation. As a result, you must imagine yourself as the hero of a new film and live a new situation, imagining it in all details in your imagination and realizing your emotions. It is important that you are satisfied with the new result. If it does not satisfy you, then you should return to the previous points and work through them again.

The result should be the emergence of a new response pattern, but one that will be beneficial. You need to consolidate it by replaying the situation several times, using new reactions. You can find out more about how to do all this on this page.

Six-Step Reframing

Many of us are familiar with the situation when certain problems are not solved for a very, very long time, and we cannot understand the reason for this. The fact is that this is interfered with by our own subconscious, which for some reason seems to think that the way it is now is best. The six-step reframing technique is very suitable for changing the mood of your subconscious. It is based on a special meditative state, in which the subconscious is most receptive to incoming information, whereas in the normal state its access is blocked by various subpersonalities ().

The six-step reframing framework is quite simple.

First step. You need to lie on the floor and relax, alternately tensing and relaxing all the muscles of the body, after which you just lie there for about five minutes, focusing on breathing.

Second step. Visualization of a large white screen.

Third step. Once the screen is presented, you need to ask your subconscious mind whether it is ready to cooperate. The answer should appear on the screen.

Fourth step. If the answer is yes, then you can ask the subconscious any questions, the form of which should imply simple answers (yes/no).

Fifth step. In the process of interacting with the subconscious, you need to find out from it what benefits it derives from the current problematic situation, and turn to the creative component of your personality with a request to find a more suitable way to satisfy this need.

Sixth step. You should relax, allowing the subconscious to process the information, slowly count from one to ten and stand up. Reframing is over.

Changing your personal history

The technique of changing personal history is used, as a rule, in cases where the behavior that needs to be changed is associated with some events that took place in the past, and is based on connections between the present and the past. Its use allows you to get rid of unnecessary and limiting beliefs, stereotypes, habits, attitudes, methods of response, etc.

The essence of the method is as follows. You need to identify a problem situation or an undesirable state and set an anchor on it. The established anchor must be used to guide the person (or oneself) to the very moment when the problematic situation or experience first appeared, and whenever they are discovered, the context of what happened must be taken into account. After several (4-5) similar situations or experiences have been found, you need to lower the anchor and return to the very first situation, determine the resources that were required to overcome it, and find the triggering factors. Next, you need to find access to the found resource and anchor it, return to the earlier situation and change its perception, using an existing resource (great for .

After all that has been done, you need to move on from new experiences and evaluate the result obtained. If it does not meet the requirements, then you should return to the previous stage of identifying resources and work it out again. Then you need to consolidate the result and carry out an environmental check and synchronize with the future.

You can learn more about how all this is done here.

Quick treatment for phobias

The rapid treatment technique for phobias is used in NLP to neutralize anchors to any strong experiences, i.e. rid a person of phobias: xenophobia, agoraphobia, nyctophobia, photophobia, claustrophobia and many others. The result of successful application of this technique is the liberation of a person from fears, the release of energy and the emergence of many new opportunities.

The process of implementing the technique for quickly treating phobias consists of several steps:

  • You need to gain access to a positive state and anchor it, creating a powerful resource anchor. Moreover, it is best if the anchor is kinesthetic.
  • It is necessary to conduct a dissociative analysis of experiences, imagining yourself before being in a negative state (black and white picture) and after being in it (color picture).
  • You need to look at yourself from the outside, as if sitting behind yourself in a movie theater.
  • You need to quickly watch a black and white film, consisting of the first picture, the event itself and ending with a color picture.
  • Then you need to watch the entire black and white film, but starting from the second color picture and ending with the first, and during the transition to the first picture you need to move to the second degree of dissociation (look at yourself watching the film). After moving to the first picture, the film should end immediately.
  • You need to think about what was the source of the phobia and note changes in your physical condition.
  • You need to project the negative situation into the future by imagining interaction with the source of the phobia and thinking about new response options. It is important to clearly define indicators of a feeling of safety or pointers to careful behavior.

You can learn more about the technique for quickly treating phobias on this page.


The name of this technique comes from the word “imprint”, meaning “imprinting”, i.e. any experience or set of experiences as a result of which a person developed certain beliefs. Often imprint situations are dead ends and cause a person to feel meaningless, hopeless, hopeless, etc. The point of imprinting is to find the resources necessary to change ingrained beliefs and update established behavioral patterns.

The use of the reimprinting technique is based, first of all, on identifying the symptoms of the imprint, which involves focusing on the very first appearance of any experiences associated with it and the beliefs that have arisen. After this, you need to mentally transport yourself to the moment that preceded the emergence of the imprint, return to the present state and look at the imprint from the position that preceded it. The next stage is the search for positive intentions or secondary benefits that are hidden behind the established reactions and symptoms of the imprint and some other equally important components that require more detailed and scrupulous study.

The features of reimprinting and the procedure for its implementation can be found here.

Reassessment of the past

The technique of re-evaluating the past helps to change the assessment of any event that took place in a person’s past. It is very effective because... with its help you can influence the assessment of the troubles that have occurred and the beliefs associated with them, change relationships with specific people, and even transform aspects of the perception of childhood. A brief algorithm of necessary actions includes the following:

  • It is necessary to determine the period of time that requires change and elaboration. It can be associated with a person, place, time, etc. conditions.
  • We need to create a powerful resource anchor. It is best if it is kinesthetic.
  • It is necessary to imagine the time period in question in the form of a straight line located on the floor, determine the most significant moments of this period, name them and mark them on the line, observing the real sequence.
  • It is necessary to divide all noted situations into positive and negative. Then, walking along the line, you should re-experience positive situations anew, and imagine negative ones dissociated, i.e. watching yourself from the outside.
  • When considering negative situations in a dissociated way, you can use the resource anchor created at the beginning. Sometimes this allows you to look even at negative events from a different angle and see the positive aspects in them.
  • It is necessary to conduct an ecological check of the new perception of past events and, if the result does not satisfy all the requirements, go back and work through the previous points again.
  • It is necessary to synchronize with the future, projecting the achieved result onto situations that may occur.

The technique of revaluing the past is considered in more detail.

Timeline selection

The presented technique has proven itself to be a reliable tool for resolving those situations when there is a choice of something, but a person does not know what is the best thing to do. In addition, the timeline choice technique can be used to predict the long-term consequences of each of the possible options.

The first thing you need to do to successfully use this technique is to realize that you have a choice: you need to clearly define for yourself what options exist. Next, you need to speculate on how long the choice you make can have an impact on, and mentally draw a line on the floor reflecting this period. Then you need to set a deadline for yourself by which you need to make a choice; Between this date and the present day, you need to determine the most optimal time for selection. Then you should mentally move into the future and try to note the events that your choice may cause; Give these events an assessment by looking at them from the outside. You can also resort to integration to walk the intended route, as if observing from the outside at the people who have already passed it. At the end of all this, you need to return to the starting point and think about whether there is an opportunity to somehow improve the route or create a new, more efficient one. Evaluate your choices: What did you learn from traveling along the timeline? The number of positive aspects will indicate to you the right choice.

The technique of choosing on the time line is discussed in detail.

Self-hypnosis technique

The technique of self-hypnosis is very effective because it allows a person to work through any of his problems at the deepest levels, because interaction with the subconscious occurs in the most suitable state for this. Using this technique, a person can change the qualities of his personality that do not suit him, influence the way he thinks or behave, get rid of bad habits, instill new and effective attitudes, change the assessment of any events, etc.

Before using self-hypnosis, first of all, you should take a comfortable position that promotes relaxation and in which you can stay for a long time. Then you need to tell yourself the exact time for which you want to put yourself into a hypnotic state. You also need to clearly and specifically set the goal of your dive. It should be formulated in a positive way and spoken out loud in a form familiar to you. The next stage is to determine the state in which you want to be after waking up, and also say it out loud. All this is done to configure the subconscious for productive work.

The process of entering trance itself must correspond to your representative system, i.e. must be designed for visual, auditory or kinesthetic perception. To enter a hypnotic state, you need to close your eyes and focus your attention on sounds, imagined objects or sensations for some time.

The process of self-hypnosis is a rather complicated procedure (especially for beginners) and requires persistent and patient practice. To know more details about self-hypnosis, you can visit this page.

It is not at all difficult to notice that any NLP technique is a unique tool for a person’s work, both with himself and some of his own characteristics, and with other people and what concerns them personally. We have already seen more than once what can be influenced using NLP techniques.

Naturally, we have not considered all existing techniques and not in all details. If you wish, you can find other techniques and study each of them in detail for more than one day. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that now you have knowledge of what NLP techniques generally are, how to use them and why it can and should be done.

Learn, practice and hone new skills, and over time you will be amazed at your ability to truly magically influence yourself and those around you!

Grigory works as a salesman in the electrical goods department. An elderly woman came to his department. And she began to carefully look at the display case with electric kettles.

He carefully watched the buyer's actions. She walked around the entire display case and examined several teapots. At that moment, when she paused near one sample, he slowly approached her. And he asked: “Does she like this model?”

The woman looked up at him. Holding the kettle in her hands, she answered: “I don’t like the kettle, its body is made of too thin plastic.” Gregory looked at her sympathetically and said: “As I understand it, you want to buy a kettle whose body will last a long time?”

"Yes!" - she answered affirmatively.

Grigory lightly took the customer by the elbow and, directing the movement, led her to other models. He said: “Pay attention to these teapots with a metal body. I have the exact same kettle at home for four years now. Works great".

He noticed a certain wariness in her gaze and her elbow, lying in his hand, tensed. Grigory realized that this model was too expensive for the client.

He calmly removed his hand, stepped a little forward and said loudly so that his voice could be clearly heard: “I can offer you this model.”

The buyer, hearing the seller’s voice, approached the new sample. And Grigory, without wasting time, said: “It’s true that its body is plastic, but the price is lower, and most importantly, the manufacturer gives a warranty of not 1 year, but 3 years. Within three years, the product must be replaced free of charge.”

After waiting a few more minutes, he asked: “Which kettle will you buy - with a metal body or the one you looked at last.”

Result: the woman bought a kettle with a three-year warranty in a plastic case and was very pleased!

To change the buyer's opinion in his favor, the seller used NLP techniques.

What is NLP? Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a model of communicative interaction between people based on modeling their experiences.

The “neuro” particle is associated with the processing of information that enters the brain from the senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch).

The term “Linguistic” defines the connection with language systems (verbal and non-verbal), their use for understanding ideas about the world and communication.

“Programming” is information processing. Psychological software, as a result of a reboot (uninstallation, installation, update), changes thinking and actions.

NLP is a young science. Appeared in the second half of the twentieth century thanks to psychologists Richard Bandler and John Glinder. Observing the ways of thinking, perception, motivation of actions, they identified common features in the processes of thinking and perception. We developed a model based on the relationship between information perception and behavior. They proved that the degree of information perception can change human behavior.

The standard model formed the basis for the creation of effective, positive forms of thought control, change and adjustment. Newly formed thought-forms create new beliefs and force you to take the necessary actions to move towards your goals.

The essence of the persuasion technique

When choosing an action, a person is helped by his views and beliefs. For example: an important belief is to improve one’s own qualifications. Therefore, a person reads special articles and monographs, goes to the library, and attends seminars. The conviction of the need to communicate with children forces parents to devote more time to them.

Changing beliefs also changes the behavioral foundations of an individual. Sweet and harmless in childhood, a person changing his beliefs towards radicalism can kill another person. Sacredly believing that his actions are beneficial.

Thus, in order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his beliefs.

Changing beliefs is a delicate process. You can't just convince someone to give up one action in favor of doing another. You can force it from a position of strength. From a mental standpoint, no.

When beliefs change, the brain corrects its reaction to the familiar situation, and behavior changes. The following factors contribute to changing beliefs:

  • interactions between people;
  • communication process;
  • time (age periods);
  • acquired life experience;
  • worldview.

For example, in childhood everyone believes that Santa Claus exists. In my youth, that this love of my life. Today these beliefs seem ridiculous. This process is inevitable. In the course of life, beliefs are subject to revision. People have beliefs in all areas of life, some of which they would like to change. Changing beliefs with the help of NLP is one of the ways to independently know yourself and change for the better.

Areas of application of NLP

The NLP technique is used in various areas of professional activity:

  • educational;
  • advertising;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • psychological;
  • in the field of sales;
  • in the activities of intelligence services.

The following should know NLP techniques: psychiatrists, psychologists, managers, teachers, PR department specialists, marketers and special services employees.

NLP techniques are widely used in psychotherapy to solve the following problems:

  • various phobias;
  • suffered psychological trauma;
  • conflict situations;
  • psychosomatic syndrome.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Ten ways of neurolinguistic programming - language tricks

Beliefs are the rules of human life. They determine a person’s behavior, his life position, prohibitions and permissions. Along with useful, necessary rules, there are meaningless ones that hinder the development and advancement of the individual. The speech method – language tricks – will help you get rid of or change them. Changing beliefs with the help of NLP occurs quite quickly and productively. The scope of application of language tricks is wide:

  • negotiation;
  • therapy;
  • “elimination” of an unnecessary client;
  • “breaking” a limiting belief;
  • consolidation of an expanding belief.

Let's look at 10 ways to change beliefs.

  1. Intention. Method of switching attention. The focus of attention is not the belief, but the task or intention.
  1. Override. Incorporating a word containing another connotation into a belief.
  1. Consequences. Attention focuses on the consequences of beliefs.
  1. Analogy. An analogy is sought that gives a different meaning.
  1. Changing the Frame size. We change the meaning of beliefs or bring them to the point of absurdity.
  1. Different result. The focus is on other results or criteria.
  1. Model of the world. Revaluation of beliefs through correlation with another model of the world.
  1. Reality strategy. The basis for the revaluation of beliefs are the events that led to their appearance or internal representations.
  1. The opposite example. Generalizations are questioned about beliefs.
  1. Application to yourself. A person communicates rules (beliefs) addressed to other people; they must be applied to the author.

The introduction of new beliefs will be effective if there is complete confidence that they will bring benefit to the person.

Is NLP necessary in everyday life?

For some, NLP is a tool with which you can: stop arguing with your girlfriend, move up your career ladder, improve your relationship with loved ones. In this case we are talking about the development of abilities.

Changing life principles forms the foundation of the NLP technique. Working with a person’s beliefs and values ​​within the framework of technology involves the formation of a highly integrated personality. The person becomes effective. His forms of embodiment, forms of behavior, principles and beliefs are of a creative nature, expanding and developing experience.

NLP promotes a better understanding of other people and a comfortable delivery of information to opponents. Teaches you to hear, see and feel your interlocutor, to speak with him in his language. Helps to protect ourselves from aggressors and manipulators who force us to do what we don’t want.

By changing beliefs, NLP helps accelerate human development and builds the ability to sort perceptions, which allows you to learn the accuracy of decision making.

Thus, using NLP techniques, it is possible to:

  • normalize relationships in the team;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • activate motivation;
  • concentrate the body's resources;
  • learn to understand people's behavior;
  • change the thoughts and behavior of others.

Should I study neurolinguistic programming or not? The answer to this question lies within the person himself, it is tied to his values ​​and beliefs.

If a person is not satisfied with his current image. If he is ready for change, then NLP is one of the proven working tools.

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